Everywhere MINTEMP is checked, use the configurable value set by M302, not an hardcoded value. EXTRUDE_MINTEMP is now used only as the initial default value. Reduce the precision of extrude_min_temp to an integer to reduce the generated code size (constant folding did in fact do the same previously anyway). Having tenths of degrees is not necessary for this feature.
286 lines
11 KiB
286 lines
11 KiB
planner.h - buffers movement commands and manages the acceleration profile plan
Part of Grbl
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Simen Svale Skogsrud
Grbl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Grbl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Grbl. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// This module is to be considered a sub-module of stepper.c. Please don't include
// this file from any other module.
#ifndef planner_h
#define planner_h
#include "Marlin.h"
#include "vector_3.h"
enum BlockFlag {
// Planner flag to recalculate trapezoids on entry junction.
// This flag has an optimization purpose only.
// Planner flag for nominal speed always reached. That means, the segment is long enough, that the nominal speed
// may be reached if accelerating from a safe speed (in the regard of jerking from zero speed).
// If set, the machine will start from a halt at the start of this block,
// respecting the maximum allowed jerk.
// If set, the stepper interrupt expects, that the number of steps to tick will be lower
// than 32767, therefore the DDA algorithm may run with 16bit resolution only.
// In addition, the stepper routine will not do any end stop checking for higher performance.
// Block starts with Zeroed E counter
union dda_isteps_t
int32_t wide;
struct {
int16_t lo;
int16_t hi;
union dda_usteps_t
uint32_t wide;
struct {
uint16_t lo;
uint16_t hi;
// This struct is used when buffering the setup for each linear movement "nominal" values are as specified in
// the source g-code and may never actually be reached if acceleration management is active.
typedef struct {
// Fields used by the bresenham algorithm for tracing the line
// steps_x.y,z, step_event_count, acceleration_rate, direction_bits and active_extruder are set by plan_buffer_line().
dda_isteps_t steps_x, steps_y, steps_z, steps_e; // Step count along each axis
dda_usteps_t step_event_count; // The number of step events required to complete this block
uint32_t acceleration_rate; // The acceleration rate used for acceleration calculation
unsigned char direction_bits; // The direction bit set for this block (refers to *_DIRECTION_BIT in config.h)
unsigned char active_extruder; // Selects the active extruder
// accelerate_until and decelerate_after are set by calculate_trapezoid_for_block() and they need to be synchronized with the stepper interrupt controller.
uint32_t accelerate_until; // The index of the step event on which to stop acceleration
uint32_t decelerate_after; // The index of the step event on which to start decelerating
// Fields used by the motion planner to manage acceleration
// float speed_x, speed_y, speed_z, speed_e; // Nominal mm/sec for each axis
// The nominal speed for this block in mm/sec.
// This speed may or may not be reached due to the jerk and acceleration limits.
float nominal_speed;
// Entry speed at previous-current junction in mm/sec, respecting the acceleration and jerk limits.
// The entry speed limit of the current block equals the exit speed of the preceding block.
float entry_speed;
// Maximum allowable junction entry speed in mm/sec. This value is also a maximum exit speed of the previous block.
float max_entry_speed;
// The total travel of this block in mm
float millimeters;
// acceleration mm/sec^2
float acceleration;
// Bit flags defined by the BlockFlag enum.
uint8_t flag;
// Settings for the trapezoid generator (runs inside an interrupt handler).
// Changing the following values in the planner needs to be synchronized with the interrupt handler by disabling the interrupts.
unsigned long nominal_rate; // The nominal step rate for this block in step_events/sec
unsigned long initial_rate; // The jerk-adjusted step rate at start of block
unsigned long final_rate; // The minimal rate at exit
unsigned long acceleration_st; // acceleration steps/sec^2
//FIXME does it have to be int? Probably uint8_t would be just fine. Need to change in other places as well
int fan_speed;
volatile char busy;
// Pre-calculated division for the calculate_trapezoid_for_block() routine to run faster.
float speed_factor;
bool use_advance_lead; // Whether the current block uses LA
uint16_t advance_rate, // Step-rate for extruder speed
max_adv_steps, // max. advance steps to get cruising speed pressure (not always nominal_speed!)
final_adv_steps; // advance steps due to exit speed
uint8_t advance_step_loops; // Number of stepper ticks for each advance isr
float adv_comp; // Precomputed E compression factor
// Save/recovery state data
float gcode_target[NUM_AXIS]; // Target (abs mm) of the original Gcode instruction
uint16_t gcode_feedrate; // Default and/or move feedrate
uint16_t sdlen; // Length of the Gcode instruction
} block_t;
extern float extruder_advance_K; // Linear-advance K factor
// this holds the required transform to compensate for bed level
extern matrix_3x3 plan_bed_level_matrix;
// Initialize the motion plan subsystem
void plan_init();
// Add a new linear movement to the buffer. x, y and z is the signed, absolute target position in
// millimaters. Feed rate specifies the speed of the motion.
void plan_buffer_line(float x, float y, float z, const float &e, float feed_rate, const uint8_t &extruder);
// Get the position applying the bed level matrix if enabled
vector_3 plan_get_position();
/// Extracting common call of
/// plan_buffer_line(current_position[X_AXIS], current_position[Y_AXIS], current_position[Z_AXIS], current_position[3], ...
/// saves almost 5KB.
/// The performance penalty is negligible, since these planned lines are usually maintenance moves with the extruder.
void plan_buffer_line_curposXYZE(float feed_rate);
void plan_buffer_line_destinationXYZE(float feed_rate);
void plan_set_position_curposXYZE();
void plan_buffer_line(float x, float y, float z, const float &e, float feed_rate, uint8_t extruder, const float* gcode_target = NULL);
//void plan_buffer_line(const float &x, const float &y, const float &z, const float &e, float feed_rate, const uint8_t &extruder);
// Set position. Used for G92 instructions.
void plan_set_position(float x, float y, float z, const float &e);
//void plan_set_position(const float &x, const float &y, const float &z, const float &e);
void plan_set_z_position(const float &z);
void plan_set_e_position(const float &e);
// Reset the E position to zero at the start of the next segment
void plan_reset_next_e();
inline void set_current_to_destination() { memcpy(current_position, destination, sizeof(current_position)); }
inline void set_destination_to_current() { memcpy(destination, current_position, sizeof(destination)); }
extern bool e_active();
void check_axes_activity();
// Use M203 to override by software
extern float* max_feedrate;
// Use M201 to override by software
extern unsigned long* max_acceleration_units_per_sq_second;
extern unsigned long axis_steps_per_sqr_second[NUM_AXIS];
extern long position[NUM_AXIS];
extern bool autotemp_enabled;
extern float autotemp_max;
extern float autotemp_min;
extern float autotemp_factor;
// Check for BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE requirements
static_assert(!(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE & (BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)),
"BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE must be a power of two");
static_assert(BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE <= (UINT8_MAX>>1),
"BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE too large for uint8_t");
extern block_t block_buffer[BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE]; // A ring buffer for motion instfructions
// Index of the next block to be pushed into the planner queue.
extern volatile uint8_t block_buffer_head;
// Index of the first block in the planner queue.
// This is the block, which is being currently processed by the stepper routine,
// or which is first to be processed by the stepper routine.
extern volatile uint8_t block_buffer_tail;
// Called when the current block is no longer needed. Discards the block and makes the memory
// available for new blocks.
FORCE_INLINE void plan_discard_current_block()
if (block_buffer_head != block_buffer_tail) {
block_buffer_tail = (block_buffer_tail + 1) & (BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE - 1);
// Gets the current block. This is the block to be exectuted by the stepper routine.
// Mark this block as busy, so its velocities and acceperations will be no more recalculated
// by the planner routine.
// Returns NULL if buffer empty
FORCE_INLINE block_t *plan_get_current_block()
if (block_buffer_head == block_buffer_tail) {
block_t *block = &block_buffer[block_buffer_tail];
block->busy = true;
// Returns true if the buffer has a queued block, false otherwise
FORCE_INLINE bool blocks_queued() {
return (block_buffer_head != block_buffer_tail);
//return the nr of buffered moves
FORCE_INLINE uint8_t moves_planned() {
return (block_buffer_head + BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE - block_buffer_tail) & (BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE - 1);
FORCE_INLINE bool planner_queue_full() {
uint8_t next_block_index = block_buffer_head;
if (++ next_block_index == BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE)
next_block_index = 0;
return block_buffer_tail == next_block_index;
// Abort the stepper routine, clean up the block queue,
// wait for the steppers to stop,
// update planner's current position and the current_position of the front end.
extern void planner_abort_hard();
extern bool waiting_inside_plan_buffer_line_print_aborted;
extern int extrude_min_temp;
void set_extrude_min_temp(int temp);
void reset_acceleration_rates();
void update_mode_profile();
uint8_t number_of_blocks();
// Diagnostic functions to display planner buffer underflow on the display.
extern uint8_t planner_queue_min();
// Diagnostic function: Reset the minimum planner segments.
extern void planner_queue_min_reset();
extern void planner_add_sd_length(uint16_t sdlen);
extern uint16_t planner_calc_sd_length();