postbuild.sh, make_lang.sh - fixed (id and offset calculation) language.c, language.h - fixed (==||==) config.h - reserved space for _SEC_LANG changed Marlin_main.cpp - debug output + hardcoded lang_select(1) //means cz
106 lines
3.1 KiB
106 lines
3.1 KiB
# postbuild.sh - multi-language support high-level script
# for generating binary with secondary language
# Input files:
# $OUTDIR/Firmware.ino.elf
# $OUTDIR/sketch/*.o (all object files)
# Output files:
# text.sym
# $PROGMEM.sym (progmem1.sym)
# $PROGMEM.lss (...)
# $PROGMEM.hex
# $PROGMEM.chr
# $PROGMEM.var
# $PROGMEM.txt
# textaddr.txt
# Output folder and elf file:
# AVR gcc tools used:
# Selected language:
#if [ -z "$LANG" ]; then LANG='cz'; fi
function finish
if [ "$1" == "0" ]; then
echo "postbuild.sh finished with success" >&2
echo "postbuild.sh finished with errors!" >&2
case "$-" in
*i*) echo "press enter key"; read ;;
exit $1
echo "postbuild.sh started" >&2
#check input files
echo " checking files:" >&2
if [ ! -e $OUTDIR ]; then echo " folder '$OUTDIR' not found!" >&2; finish 1; fi
echo " folder OK" >&2
if [ ! -e $OUTELF ]; then echo " elf file '$OUTELF' not found!" >&2; finish 1; fi
echo " elf OK" >&2
if ! ls $OUTDIR/sketch/*.o >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " no object files in '$OUTDIR/sketch/'!" >&2; finish 1; fi
echo " objects OK" >&2
#run progmem.sh - examine content of progmem1
echo -n " running progmem.sh..." >&2
./progmem.sh 1 2>progmem.out
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "NG! - check progmem.out file" >&2; finish 1; fi
echo "OK" >&2
#run textaddr.sh - map progmem addreses to text identifiers
echo -n " running textaddr.sh..." >&2
./textaddr.sh 2>textaddr.out
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "NG! - check progmem.out file" >&2; finish 1; fi
echo "OK" >&2
#check for messages declared in progmem1, but not found in lang_en.txt
echo -n " checking textaddr.txt..." >&2
if cat textaddr.txt | grep "^ADDR NF"; then echo "NG! - some strings not found in lang_en.txt!"; finish 1; fi
echo "OK" >&2
#update progmem1 id entries in binary file
echo -n " extracting binary..." >&2
$OBJCOPY -I ihex -O binary $OUTDIR/Firmware.ino.hex ./firmware.bin
echo "OK" >&2
#update binary file
echo " updating binary:" >&2
#update progmem1 id entries in binary file
echo -n " primary language ids..." >&2
cat textaddr.txt | grep "^ADDR OK" | cut -f3- -d' ' | sed "s/^0000/0x/" |\
awk '{ id = $2 - 1; hi = int(id / 256); lo = int(id - 256 * hi); printf("%d \\\\x%02x\\\\x%02x\n", strtonum($1), lo, hi); }' |\
while read addr data; do
echo -n -e $data | dd of=./firmware.bin bs=1 count=2 seek=$addr conv=notrunc oflag=nonblock 2>/dev/null
echo "OK" >&2
#update _SEC_LANG in binary file if language is selected
echo -n " secondary language data..." >&2
if [ ! -z "$LANG" ]; then
./update_lang.sh $LANG 2>./update_lang.out
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "NG! - check update_lang.out file" >&2; finish 1; fi
echo "OK" >&2
finish 0
echo "skipped" >&2
#convert bin to hex
echo -n " converting to hex..." >&2
$OBJCOPY -I binary -O ihex ./firmware.bin ./firmware.hex
echo "OK" >&2
finish 0