Split the planner sync code out of planner_abort_hard() so that we can independently resync the planner position from the counters. This is needed in xyzcal as we directly modify the stepper counters (bypassing both planner and stepper). Call this new function instead of planner_abort_hard() when leaving, so that motion can resume in the middle of the gcode_M45 instruction.
1012 lines
30 KiB
1012 lines
30 KiB
//xyzcal.cpp - xyz calibration with image processing
#include "Configuration_prusa.h"
#include "xyzcal.h"
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include "stepper.h"
#include "temperature.h"
#include "sm4.h"
#define XYZCAL_PINDA_HYST_MIN 20 //50um
#define XYZCAL_PINDA_HYST_MAX 100 //250um
#define XYZCAL_PINDA_HYST_DIF 5 //12.5um
static const char endl[2] PROGMEM = "\n";
#define DBG(args...) printf_P(args)
//#define DBG(args...)
#ifndef _n
#define _n PSTR
#endif //_n
#define _X ((int16_t)count_position[X_AXIS])
#define _Y ((int16_t)count_position[Y_AXIS])
#define _Z ((int16_t)count_position[Z_AXIS])
#define _E ((int16_t)count_position[E_AXIS])
#define _X_ (count_position[X_AXIS])
#define _Y_ (count_position[Y_AXIS])
#define _Z_ (count_position[Z_AXIS])
#define _E_ (count_position[E_AXIS])
#ifndef M_PI
const constexpr float M_PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795f;
const constexpr uint8_t X_PLUS = 0;
const constexpr uint8_t X_MINUS = 1;
const constexpr uint8_t Y_PLUS = 0;
const constexpr uint8_t Y_MINUS = 1;
const constexpr uint8_t Z_PLUS = 0;
const constexpr uint8_t Z_MINUS = 1;
const constexpr uint8_t X_PLUS_MASK = 0;
const constexpr uint8_t X_MINUS_MASK = X_AXIS_MASK;
const constexpr uint8_t Y_PLUS_MASK = 0;
const constexpr uint8_t Y_MINUS_MASK = Y_AXIS_MASK;
const constexpr uint8_t Z_PLUS_MASK = 0;
const constexpr uint8_t Z_MINUS_MASK = Z_AXIS_MASK;
/// Max. jerk in PrusaSlicer, 10000 = 1 mm/s
const constexpr uint16_t MAX_DELAY = 10000;
const constexpr float MIN_SPEED = 0.01f / (MAX_DELAY * 0.000001f);
/// 200 = 50 mm/s
const constexpr uint16_t Z_MIN_DELAY = 200;
const constexpr uint16_t Z_ACCEL = 1000;
/// \returns positive value always
#define ABS(a) \
({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
_a >= 0 ? _a : (-_a); })
/// \returns maximum of the two
#define MAX(a, b) \
({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
__typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
_a >= _b ? _a : _b; })
/// \returns minimum of the two
#define MIN(a, b) \
({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
__typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
_a <= _b ? _a : _b; })
/// swap values
#define SWAP(a, b) \
({ __typeof__ (a) c = (a); \
a = (b); \
b = c; })
/// Saturates value
/// \returns min if value is less than min
/// \returns max if value is more than min
/// \returns value otherwise
#define CLAMP(value, min, max) \
({ __typeof__ (value) a_ = (value); \
__typeof__ (min) min_ = (min); \
__typeof__ (max) max_ = (max); \
( a_ < min_ ? min_ : (a_ <= max_ ? a_ : max_)); })
/// \returns square of the value
#define SQR(a) \
({ __typeof__ (a) a_ = (a); \
(a_ * a_); })
/// position types
typedef int16_t pos_i16_t;
typedef long pos_i32_t;
typedef float pos_mm_t;
typedef int16_t usteps_t;
uint8_t check_pinda_0();
uint8_t check_pinda_1();
void xyzcal_update_pos(uint16_t dx, uint16_t dy, uint16_t dz, uint16_t de);
uint16_t xyzcal_calc_delay(uint16_t nd, uint16_t dd);
uint8_t round_to_u8(float f){
return (uint8_t)(f + .5f);
uint16_t round_to_u16(float f){
return (uint16_t)(f + .5f);
int16_t round_to_i16(float f){
return (int16_t)(f + .5f);
/// converts millimeters to integer position
pos_i16_t mm_2_pos(pos_mm_t mm){
return (pos_i16_t)(0.5f + mm * 100);
/// converts integer position to millimeters
pos_mm_t pos_2_mm(pos_i16_t pos){
return pos * 0.01f;
pos_mm_t pos_2_mm(float pos){
return pos * 0.01f;
void xyzcal_meassure_enter(void)
// disable heaters and stop motion before we initialize sm4
// disable incompatible interrupts
#endif //WATCHDOG
// setup internal callbacks
sm4_stop_cb = 0;
sm4_update_pos_cb = xyzcal_update_pos;
sm4_calc_delay_cb = xyzcal_calc_delay;
void xyzcal_meassure_leave(void)
// resync planner position from counters (changed by xyzcal_update_pos)
// re-enable interrupts
WDTCSR |= (1 << WDIE);
#endif //WATCHDOG
uint8_t check_pinda_0()
return _PINDA?0:1;
uint8_t check_pinda_1()
return _PINDA?1:0;
uint8_t xyzcal_dm = 0;
void xyzcal_update_pos(uint16_t dx, uint16_t dy, uint16_t dz, uint16_t)
// DBG(_n("xyzcal_update_pos dx=%d dy=%d dz=%d dir=%02x\n"), dx, dy, dz, xyzcal_dm);
if (xyzcal_dm&1) count_position[0] -= dx; else count_position[0] += dx;
if (xyzcal_dm&2) count_position[1] -= dy; else count_position[1] += dy;
if (xyzcal_dm&4) count_position[2] -= dz; else count_position[2] += dz;
// DBG(_n(" after xyzcal_update_pos x=%ld y=%ld z=%ld\n"), count_position[0], count_position[1], count_position[2]);
uint16_t xyzcal_sm4_delay = 0;
//#define SM4_ACCEL_TEST
uint16_t xyzcal_sm4_v0 = 2000;
uint16_t xyzcal_sm4_vm = 45000;
uint16_t xyzcal_sm4_v = xyzcal_sm4_v0;
uint16_t xyzcal_sm4_ac = 2000;
uint16_t xyzcal_sm4_ac2 = (uint32_t)xyzcal_sm4_ac * 1024 / 10000;
//float xyzcal_sm4_vm = 10000;
#endif //SM4_ACCEL_TEST
uint16_t xyzcal_calc_delay(uint16_t nd, uint16_t dd)
uint16_t del_us = 0;
if (xyzcal_sm4_v & 0xf000) //>=4096
del_us = (uint16_t)62500 / (uint16_t)(xyzcal_sm4_v >> 4);
xyzcal_sm4_v += (xyzcal_sm4_ac2 * del_us + 512) >> 10;
if (xyzcal_sm4_v > xyzcal_sm4_vm) xyzcal_sm4_v = xyzcal_sm4_vm;
if (del_us > 25) return del_us - 25;
del_us = (uint32_t)1000000 / xyzcal_sm4_v;
xyzcal_sm4_v += ((uint32_t)xyzcal_sm4_ac2 * del_us + 512) >> 10;
if (xyzcal_sm4_v > xyzcal_sm4_vm) xyzcal_sm4_v = xyzcal_sm4_vm;
if (del_us > 50) return del_us - 50;
// uint16_t del_us = (uint16_t)(((float)1000000 / xyzcal_sm4_v) + 0.5);
// uint16_t del_us = (uint32_t)1000000 / xyzcal_sm4_v;
// uint16_t del_us = 100;
// uint16_t del_us = (uint16_t)10000 / xyzcal_sm4_v;
// v += (ac * del_us + 500) / 1000;
// xyzcal_sm4_v += (xyzcal_sm4_ac * del_us) / 1000;
// return xyzcal_sm4_delay;
// DBG(_n("xyzcal_calc_delay nd=%d dd=%d v=%d del_us=%d\n"), nd, dd, xyzcal_sm4_v, del_us);
return 0;
#else //SM4_ACCEL_TEST
uint16_t xyzcal_calc_delay(uint16_t, uint16_t)
return xyzcal_sm4_delay;
#endif //SM4_ACCEL_TEST
/// Moves printer to absolute position [x,y,z] defined in integer position system
/// check_pinda == 0: ordinary move
/// check_pinda == 1: stop when PINDA triggered
/// check_pinda == -1: stop when PINDA untriggered
bool xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z, uint16_t delay_us, int8_t check_pinda)
// DBG(_n("xyzcal_lineXYZ_to x=%d y=%d z=%d check=%d\n"), x, y, z, check_pinda);
x -= (int16_t)count_position[0];
y -= (int16_t)count_position[1];
z -= (int16_t)count_position[2];
xyzcal_dm = ((x<0)?1:0) | ((y<0)?2:0) | ((z<0)?4:0);
sm4_stop_cb = check_pinda?((check_pinda<0)?check_pinda_0:check_pinda_1):0;
xyzcal_sm4_delay = delay_us;
// uint32_t u = _micros();
bool ret = sm4_line_xyz_ui(abs(x), abs(y), abs(z)) ? true : false;
// u = _micros() - u;
return ret;
/// Moves printer to absolute position [x,y,z] defined in millimeters
bool xyzcal_lineXYZ_to_float(pos_mm_t x, pos_mm_t y, pos_mm_t z, uint16_t delay_us, int8_t check_pinda){
return xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(mm_2_pos(x), mm_2_pos(y), mm_2_pos(z), delay_us, check_pinda);
bool xyzcal_spiral2(int16_t cx, int16_t cy, int16_t z0, int16_t dz, int16_t radius, int16_t rotation, uint16_t delay_us, int8_t check_pinda, uint16_t* pad)
bool ret = false;
float r = 0; //radius
uint16_t ad = 0; //angle [deg]
float ar; //angle [rad]
uint8_t dad = 0; //delta angle [deg]
uint8_t dad_min = 4; //delta angle min [deg]
uint8_t dad_max = 16; //delta angle max [deg]
uint8_t k = 720 / (dad_max - dad_min); //delta calculation constant
ad = 0;
if (pad) ad = *pad % 720;
DBG(_n("xyzcal_spiral2 cx=%d cy=%d z0=%d dz=%d radius=%d ad=%d\n"), cx, cy, z0, dz, radius, ad);
// lcd_set_cursor(0, 4);
// char text[10];
// snprintf(text, 10, "%4d", z0);
// lcd_print(text);
for (; ad < 720; ad++)
if (radius > 0)
dad = dad_max - (ad / k);
r = (float)(((uint32_t)ad) * radius) / 720;
dad = dad_max - ((719 - ad) / k);
r = (float)(((uint32_t)(719 - ad)) * (-radius)) / 720;
ar = radians(ad + rotation);
int x = (int)(cx + (cos(ar) * r));
int y = (int)(cy + (sin(ar) * r));
int z = (int)(z0 - ((float)((int32_t)dz * ad) / 720));
if (xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(x, y, z, delay_us, check_pinda))
ad += dad + 1;
ret = true;
ad += dad;
if (pad) *pad = ad;
// if(ret){
// lcd_set_cursor(0, 4);
// lcd_print(" ");
// }
return ret;
bool xyzcal_spiral8(int16_t cx, int16_t cy, int16_t z0, int16_t dz, int16_t radius, uint16_t delay_us, int8_t check_pinda, uint16_t* pad)
bool ret = false;
uint16_t ad = 0;
if (pad) ad = *pad;
DBG(_n("xyzcal_spiral8 cx=%d cy=%d z0=%d dz=%d radius=%d ad=%d\n"), cx, cy, z0, dz, radius, ad);
if (!ret && (ad < 720))
if ((ret = xyzcal_spiral2(cx, cy, z0 - 0*dz, dz, radius, 0, delay_us, check_pinda, &ad)) != 0)
ad += 0;
if (!ret && (ad < 1440))
if ((ret = xyzcal_spiral2(cx, cy, z0 - 1*dz, dz, -radius, 0, delay_us, check_pinda, &ad)) != 0)
ad += 720;
if (!ret && (ad < 2160))
if ((ret = xyzcal_spiral2(cx, cy, z0 - 2*dz, dz, radius, 180, delay_us, check_pinda, &ad)) != 0)
ad += 1440;
if (!ret && (ad < 2880))
if ((ret = xyzcal_spiral2(cx, cy, z0 - 3*dz, dz, -radius, 180, delay_us, check_pinda, &ad)) != 0)
ad += 2160;
if (pad) *pad = ad;
return ret;
int8_t xyzcal_meassure_pinda_hysterezis(int16_t min_z, int16_t max_z, uint16_t delay_us, uint8_t samples)
int8_t ret = -1; // PINDA signal error
int16_t z = _Z;
int16_t sum_up = 0;
int16_t sum_dn = 0;
int16_t up;
int16_t dn;
uint8_t sample;
xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(_X, _Y, min_z, delay_us, 1);
xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(_X, _Y, max_z, delay_us, -1);
if (!_PINDA)
for (sample = 0; sample < samples; sample++)
dn = _Z;
if (!xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(_X, _Y, min_z, delay_us, 1)) break;
dn = dn - _Z;
up = _Z;
if (!xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(_X, _Y, max_z, delay_us, -1)) break;
up = _Z - up;
DBG(_n("%d. up=%d dn=%d\n"), sample, up, dn);
sum_up += up;
sum_dn += dn;
if (abs(up - dn) > XYZCAL_PINDA_HYST_DIF)
ret = -2; // difference between up-dn to high
if (sample == samples)
up = sum_up / samples;
dn = sum_dn / samples;
uint16_t hyst = (up + dn) / 2;
if (abs(up - dn) > XYZCAL_PINDA_HYST_DIF)
ret = -2; // difference between up-dn to high
else if ((hyst < XYZCAL_PINDA_HYST_MIN) || (hyst > XYZCAL_PINDA_HYST_MAX))
ret = -3; // hysterezis out of range
ret = hyst;
xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(_X, _Y, z, delay_us, 0);
return ret;
void print_hysteresis(int16_t min_z, int16_t max_z, int16_t step){
int16_t delay_us = 600;
int16_t trigger = 0;
int16_t untrigger = 0;
xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(_X, _Y, min_z, delay_us, 0);
for (int16_t z = min_z; z <= max_z; z += step){
xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(_X, _Y, z, delay_us, -1);
untrigger = _Z;
xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(_X, _Y, z, delay_us, 0);
xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(_X, _Y, min_z, delay_us, 1);
trigger = _Z;
//xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(_X, _Y, min_z, delay_us, 0);
DBG(_n("min, trigger, untrigger, max: [%d %d %d %d]\n"), _Z, trigger, untrigger, z);
void update_position_1_step(uint8_t axis, uint8_t dir){
if (axis & X_AXIS_MASK)
_X_ += dir & X_AXIS_MASK ? -1 : 1;
if (axis & Y_AXIS_MASK)
_Y_ += dir & Y_AXIS_MASK ? -1 : 1;
if (axis & Z_AXIS_MASK)
_Z_ += dir & Z_AXIS_MASK ? -1 : 1;
void set_axes_dir(uint8_t axes, uint8_t dir){
if (axes & X_AXIS_MASK)
sm4_set_dir(X_AXIS, dir & X_AXIS_MASK);
if (axes & Y_AXIS_MASK)
sm4_set_dir(Y_AXIS, dir & Y_AXIS_MASK);
if (axes & Z_AXIS_MASK)
sm4_set_dir(Z_AXIS, dir & Z_AXIS_MASK);
/// Accelerate up to max.speed (defined by @min_delay_us)
/// does not update global positions
void accelerate_1_step(uint8_t axes, int16_t acc, uint16_t &delay_us, uint16_t min_delay_us){
/// keep max speed (avoid extra computation)
if (acc > 0 && delay_us == min_delay_us){
// v1 = v0 + a * t
// 0.01 = length of a step
const float t0 = delay_us * 0.000001f;
const float v1 = (0.01f / t0 + acc * t0);
uint16_t t1;
if (v1 <= 0.16f){ ///< slowest speed convertible to uint16_t delay
t1 = MAX_DELAY; ///< already too slow so it wants to move back
} else {
/// don't exceed max.speed
t1 = MAX(min_delay_us, round_to_u16(0.01f / v1 * 1000000.f));
/// make sure delay has changed a bit at least
if (t1 == delay_us && acc != 0){
if (acc > 0)
//DBG(_n("%d "), t1);
delay_us = t1;
/// Goes defined number of steps while accelerating
/// updates global positions
void accelerate(uint8_t axes, uint8_t dir, int16_t acc, uint16_t &delay_us, uint16_t min_delay_us, uint16_t steps){
set_axes_dir(axes, dir);
while (steps--){
accelerate_1_step(axes, acc, delay_us, min_delay_us);
update_position_1_step(axes, dir);
/// keeps speed and then it decelerates to a complete stop (if possible)
/// it goes defined number of steps
/// returns after each step
/// \returns true if step was done
/// does not update global positions
bool go_and_stop_1_step(uint8_t axes, int16_t dec, uint16_t &delay_us, uint16_t &steps){
if (steps <= 0 || dec <= 0)
return false;
/// deceleration distance in steps, s = 1/2 v^2 / a
uint16_t s = round_to_u16(100 * 0.5f * SQR(0.01f) / (SQR((float)delay_us) * dec));
if (steps > s){
/// go steady
} else {
/// decelerate
accelerate_1_step(axes, -dec, delay_us, delay_us);
return true;
/// \param dir sets direction of movement
/// updates global positions
void go_and_stop(uint8_t axes, uint8_t dir, int16_t dec, uint16_t &delay_us, uint16_t steps){
set_axes_dir(axes, dir);
while (go_and_stop_1_step(axes, dec, delay_us, steps)){
update_position_1_step(axes, dir);
/// goes all the way to stop
/// \returns steps done
/// updates global positions
void stop_smoothly(uint8_t axes, uint8_t dir, int16_t dec, uint16_t &delay_us){
if (dec <= 0)
set_axes_dir(axes, dir);
while (delay_us < MAX_DELAY){
accelerate_1_step(axes, -dec, delay_us, delay_us);
update_position_1_step(axes, dir);
void go_start_stop(uint8_t axes, uint8_t dir, int16_t acc, uint16_t min_delay_us, uint16_t steps){
if (steps == 0)
uint16_t current_delay_us = MAX_DELAY;
const uint16_t half = steps / 2;
accelerate(axes, dir, acc, current_delay_us, min_delay_us, half);
go_and_stop(axes, dir, -acc, current_delay_us, steps - half);
/// moves X, Y, Z one after each other
/// starts and ends at 0 speed
void go_manhattan(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z, int16_t acc, uint16_t min_delay_us){
int32_t length;
// DBG(_n("x %d -> %d, "), x, _X);
length = x - _X;
go_start_stop(X_AXIS_MASK, length < 0 ? X_MINUS_MASK : X_PLUS_MASK, acc, min_delay_us, ABS(length));
// DBG(_n("y %d -> %d, "), y, _Y);
length = y - _Y;
go_start_stop(Y_AXIS_MASK, length < 0 ? Y_MINUS_MASK : Y_PLUS_MASK, acc, min_delay_us, ABS(length));
// DBG(_n("z %d -> %d\n"), z, _Z);
length = z - _Z;
go_start_stop(Z_AXIS_MASK, length < 0 ? Z_MINUS_MASK : Z_PLUS_MASK, acc, min_delay_us, ABS(length));
// DBG(_n("\n"));
void xyzcal_scan_pixels_32x32_Zhop(int16_t cx, int16_t cy, int16_t min_z, int16_t max_z, uint16_t delay_us, uint8_t *pixels){
if (!pixels)
int16_t z_trig;
uint16_t line_buffer[32];
uint16_t current_delay_us = MAX_DELAY; ///< defines current speed
int16_t start_z;
uint16_t steps_to_go;
DBG(_n("Scan countdown: "));
for (uint8_t r = 0; r < 32; r++){ ///< Y axis
for (uint8_t d = 0; d < 2; ++d){
go_manhattan((d & 1) ? (cx + 992) : (cx - 992), cy - 992 + r * 64, _Z, Z_ACCEL, Z_MIN_DELAY);
xyzcal_lineXYZ_to((d & 1) ? (cx + 992) : (cx - 992), cy - 992 + r * 64, _Z, delay_us, 0);
sm4_set_dir(X_AXIS, d);
DBG(_n("%d\n"), 64 - (r * 2 + d)); ///< to keep OctoPrint connection alive
for (uint8_t c = 0; c < 32; c++){ ///< X axis
/// move to the next point and move Z up diagonally (if needed)
current_delay_us = MAX_DELAY;
const int16_t end_x = ((d & 1) ? 1 : -1) * (64 * (16 - c) - 32) + cx;
const int16_t length_x = ABS(end_x - _X);
const int16_t half_x = length_x / 2;
/// don't go up if PINDA not triggered (optimization)
const bool up = _PINDA;
const uint8_t axes = up ? X_AXIS_MASK | Z_AXIS_MASK : X_AXIS_MASK;
const uint8_t dir = Z_PLUS_MASK | (d & 1 ? X_MINUS_MASK : X_PLUS_MASK);
accelerate(axes, dir, Z_ACCEL, current_delay_us, Z_MIN_DELAY, half_x);
go_and_stop(axes, dir, Z_ACCEL, current_delay_us, length_x - half_x);
z_trig = min_z;
/// move up to un-trigger (surpress hysteresis)
sm4_set_dir(Z_AXIS, Z_PLUS);
/// speed up from stop, go half the way
current_delay_us = MAX_DELAY;
for (start_z = _Z; _Z < (max_z + start_z) / 2; ++_Z_){
if (!_PINDA){
accelerate_1_step(Z_AXIS_MASK, Z_ACCEL, current_delay_us, Z_MIN_DELAY);
if (_PINDA){
steps_to_go = MAX(0, max_z - _Z);
while (_PINDA && _Z < max_z){
go_and_stop_1_step(Z_AXIS_MASK, Z_ACCEL, current_delay_us, steps_to_go);
stop_smoothly(Z_AXIS_MASK, Z_PLUS_MASK, Z_ACCEL, current_delay_us);
/// move down to trigger
sm4_set_dir(Z_AXIS, Z_MINUS);
/// speed up
current_delay_us = MAX_DELAY;
for (start_z = _Z; _Z > (min_z + start_z) / 2; --_Z_){
if (_PINDA){
z_trig = _Z;
accelerate_1_step(Z_AXIS_MASK, Z_ACCEL, current_delay_us, Z_MIN_DELAY);
/// slow down
if (!_PINDA){
steps_to_go = MAX(0, _Z - min_z);
while (!_PINDA && _Z > min_z){
go_and_stop_1_step(Z_AXIS_MASK, Z_ACCEL, current_delay_us, steps_to_go);
z_trig = _Z;
/// slow down to stop but not lower than min_z
while (_Z > min_z && current_delay_us < MAX_DELAY){
accelerate_1_step(Z_AXIS_MASK, -Z_ACCEL, current_delay_us, Z_MIN_DELAY);
if (d == 0){
line_buffer[c] = (uint16_t)(z_trig - min_z);
} else {
/// !!! data reversed in X
// DBG(_n("%04x"), ((uint32_t)line_buffer[31 - c] + (z_trig - min_z)) / 2);
/// save average of both directions (filters effect of hysteresis)
pixels[(uint16_t)r * 32 + (31 - c)] = (uint8_t)MIN((uint32_t)255, ((uint32_t)line_buffer[31 - c] + (z_trig - min_z)) / 2);
/// Returns rate of match
/// max match = 132, min match = 0
uint8_t xyzcal_match_pattern_12x12_in_32x32(uint16_t* pattern, uint8_t* pixels, uint8_t c, uint8_t r){
uint8_t thr = 16;
uint8_t match = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 12; ++i){
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 12; ++j){
/// skip corners (3 pixels in each)
if (((i == 0) || (i == 11)) && ((j < 2) || (j >= 10))) continue;
if (((j == 0) || (j == 11)) && ((i < 2) || (i >= 10))) continue;
const uint16_t idx = (c + j) + 32 * ((uint16_t)r + i);
const bool high_pix = pixels[idx] > thr;
const bool high_pat = pattern[i] & (1 << j);
if (high_pix == high_pat)
return match;
/// Searches for best match of pattern by shifting it
/// Returns rate of match and the best location
/// max match = 132, min match = 0
uint8_t xyzcal_find_pattern_12x12_in_32x32(uint8_t* pixels, uint16_t* pattern, uint8_t* pc, uint8_t* pr){
if (!pixels || !pattern || !pc || !pr)
return -1;
uint8_t max_c = 0;
uint8_t max_r = 0;
uint8_t max_match = 0;
// DBG(_n("Matching:\n"));
/// pixel precision
for (uint8_t r = 0; r < (32 - 12); ++r){
for (uint8_t c = 0; c < (32 - 12); ++c){
const uint8_t match = xyzcal_match_pattern_12x12_in_32x32(pattern, pixels, c, r);
if (max_match < match){
max_c = c;
max_r = r;
max_match = match;
// DBG(_n("%d "), match);
// DBG(_n("\n"));
DBG(_n("Pattern center [%f %f], match %f%%\n"), max_c + 5.5f, max_r + 5.5f, max_match / 1.32f);
*pc = max_c;
*pr = max_r;
return max_match;
const uint16_t xyzcal_point_pattern_10[12] PROGMEM = {0x000, 0x0f0, 0x1f8, 0x3fc, 0x7fe, 0x7fe, 0x7fe, 0x7fe, 0x3fc, 0x1f8, 0x0f0, 0x000};
const uint16_t xyzcal_point_pattern_08[12] PROGMEM = {0x000, 0x000, 0x0f0, 0x1f8, 0x3fc, 0x3fc, 0x3fc, 0x3fc, 0x1f8, 0x0f0, 0x000, 0x000};
bool xyzcal_searchZ(void) {
DBG(_n("xyzcal_searchZ x=%ld y=%ld z=%ld\n"), count_position[X_AXIS], count_position[Y_AXIS], count_position[Z_AXIS]);
int16_t x0 = _X;
int16_t y0 = _Y;
int16_t z = _Z;
// int16_t min_z = -6000;
// int16_t dz = 100;
while (z > -2300) { //-6mm + 0.25mm
uint16_t ad = 0;
if (xyzcal_spiral8(x0, y0, z, 100, 900, 320, 1, &ad)) { //dz=100 radius=900 delay=400
DBG(_n(" ON-SIGNAL at x=%d y=%d z=%d ad=%d\n"), _X, _Y, _Z, ad);
/// return to starting XY position
/// magic constant, lowers min_z after searchZ to obtain more dense data in scan
const pos_i16_t lower_z = 72;
xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(x0, y0, _Z - lower_z, 200, 0);
return true;
z -= 400;
DBG(_n("xyzcal_searchZ no signal\n x=%ld y=%ld z=%ld\n"), count_position[X_AXIS], count_position[Y_AXIS], count_position[Z_AXIS]);
return false;
/// returns value of any location within data
/// uses bilinear interpolation
float get_value(uint8_t * matrix_32x32, float c, float r){
if (c <= 0 || r <= 0 || c >= 31 || r >= 31)
return 0;
/// calculate weights of nearby points
const float wc1 = c - floor(c);
const float wr1 = r - floor(r);
const float wc0 = 1 - wc1;
const float wr0 = 1 - wr1;
const float w00 = wc0 * wr0;
const float w01 = wc0 * wr1;
const float w10 = wc1 * wr0;
const float w11 = wc1 * wr1;
const uint16_t c0 = c;
const uint16_t c1 = c0 + 1;
const uint16_t r0 = r;
const uint16_t r1 = r0 + 1;
const uint16_t idx00 = c0 + 32 * r0;
const uint16_t idx01 = c0 + 32 * r1;
const uint16_t idx10 = c1 + 32 * r0;
const uint16_t idx11 = c1 + 32 * r1;
/// bilinear resampling
return w00 * matrix_32x32[idx00] + w01 * matrix_32x32[idx01] + w10 * matrix_32x32[idx10] + w11 * matrix_32x32[idx11];
const constexpr float m_infinity = -1000.f;
/// replaces the highest number by m_infinity
void remove_highest(float *points, const uint8_t num_points){
if (num_points <= 0)
float max = points[0];
uint8_t max_i = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_points; ++i){
if (max < points[i]){
max = points[i];
max_i = i;
points[max_i] = m_infinity;
/// return the highest number in the list
float highest(float *points, const uint8_t num_points){
if (num_points <= 0)
return 0;
float max = points[0];
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_points; ++i){
if (max < points[i]){
max = points[i];
return max;
/// slow bubble sort but short
void sort(float *points, const uint8_t num_points){
/// one direction bubble sort
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_points; ++i){
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < num_points - i - 1; ++j){
if (points[j] > points[j + 1])
SWAP(points[j], points[j + 1]);
// DBG(_n("Sorted: "));
// for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_points; ++i)
// DBG(_n("%f "), points[i]);
// DBG(_n("\n"));
/// sort array and returns median value
/// don't send empty array or nullptr
float median(float *points, const uint8_t num_points){
sort(points, num_points);
return points[num_points / 2];
float __attribute__ ((noinline)) CLAMP_median(float *shifts, uint8_t blocks, float norm){
const constexpr float max_change = 0.5f; ///< avoids too fast changes (avoid oscillation)
return CLAMP( median(shifts, blocks) * norm, -max_change, max_change);
/// Searches for circle iteratively
/// Uses points on the perimeter. If point is high it pushes circle out of the center (shift or change of radius),
/// otherwise to the center.
/// Algorithm is stopped after fixed number of iterations. Move is limited to 0.5 px per iteration.
void dynamic_circle(uint8_t *matrix_32x32, float &x, float &y, float &r, uint8_t iterations){
/// circle of 10.5 diameter has 33 in circumference, don't go much above
const constexpr uint8_t num_points = 33;
const float pi_2_div_num_points = 2 * M_PI / num_points;
const constexpr uint8_t target_z = 32; ///< target z height of the circle
const uint8_t blocks = num_points;
float shifts_x[blocks];
float shifts_y[blocks];
float shifts_r[blocks];
// DBG(_n(" [%f, %f][%f] start circle\n"), x, y, r);
for (int8_t i = iterations; i > 0; --i){
// DBG(_n(" [%f, %f][%f] circle\n"), x, y, r);
/// read points on the circle
for (uint8_t p = 0; p < num_points; ++p){
const float angle = p * pi_2_div_num_points;
const float height = get_value(matrix_32x32, r * cos(angle) + x, r * sin(angle) + y) - target_z;
// DBG(_n("%f "), point);
shifts_x[p] = cos(angle) * height;
shifts_y[p] = sin(angle) * height;
shifts_r[p] = height;
// DBG(_n(" points\n"));
const float reducer = 32.f; ///< reduces speed of convergency to avoid oscillation
const float norm = 1.f / reducer;
// x += CLAMP(median(shifts_x, blocks) * norm, -max_change, max_change);
// y += CLAMP(median(shifts_y, blocks) * norm, -max_change, max_change);
// r += CLAMP(median(shifts_r, blocks) * norm * .5f, -max_change, max_change);
//104B down
x += CLAMP_median(shifts_x, blocks, norm);
y += CLAMP_median(shifts_y, blocks, norm);
r += CLAMP_median(shifts_r, blocks, norm * .5f);
r = MAX(2, r);
DBG(_n(" [%f, %f][%f] final circle\n"), x, y, r);
/// Prints matrix in hex to debug output (serial line)
void print_image(const uint8_t *matrix_32x32){
for (uint8_t y = 0; y < 32; ++y){
const uint16_t idx_y = y * 32;
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 32; ++x){
DBG(_n("%02x"), matrix_32x32[idx_y + x]);
/// Takes two patterns and searches them in matrix32
/// \returns best match
uint8_t find_patterns(uint8_t *matrix32, uint16_t *pattern08, uint16_t *pattern10, uint8_t &col, uint8_t &row){
uint8_t c08 = 0;
uint8_t r08 = 0;
uint8_t match08 = 0;
uint8_t c10 = 0;
uint8_t r10 = 0;
uint8_t match10 = 0;
match08 = xyzcal_find_pattern_12x12_in_32x32(matrix32, pattern08, &c08, &r08);
match10 = xyzcal_find_pattern_12x12_in_32x32(matrix32, pattern10, &c10, &r10);
if (match08 > match10){
col = c08;
row = r08;
return match08;
col = c10;
row = r10;
return match10;
/// Scan should include normal data.
/// If it's too extreme (00, FF) it could be caused by biased sensor.
/// \return true if data looks normal
bool check_scan(uint8_t *matrix32){
/// magic constants that define normality
const int16_t threshold_total = 900;
const int threshold_extreme = 50;
int16_t mins = 0;
int16_t maxs = 0;
for (int16_t i = 0; i < 32*32;++i){
if (matrix32[i] == 0) {
} else if (matrix32[i] == 0xFF){
const int16_t rest = 1024 - mins - maxs;
if (mins + maxs > threshold_total
&& mins > threshold_extreme
&& maxs > threshold_extreme
&& mins > rest
&& maxs > rest)
return false;
return true;
/// scans area around the current head location and
/// searches for the center of the calibration pin
BedSkewOffsetDetectionResultType xyzcal_scan_and_process(){
// DBG(_n("sizeof(block_buffer)=%d\n"), sizeof(block_t)*BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE);
int16_t x = _X;
int16_t y = _Y;
const int16_t z = _Z;
uint8_t *matrix32 = (uint8_t *)block_buffer;
uint16_t *pattern08 = (uint16_t *)(matrix32 + 32 * 32);
uint16_t *pattern10 = (uint16_t *)(pattern08 + 12);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 12; i++){
pattern08[i] = pgm_read_word((uint16_t*)(xyzcal_point_pattern_08 + i));
pattern10[i] = pgm_read_word((uint16_t*)(xyzcal_point_pattern_10 + i));
xyzcal_scan_pixels_32x32_Zhop(x, y, z, 2400, 200, matrix32);
if (!check_scan(matrix32))
uint8_t uc = 0;
uint8_t ur = 0;
/// max match = 132, 1/2 good = 66, 2/3 good = 88
if (find_patterns(matrix32, pattern08, pattern10, uc, ur) >= 88){
/// find precise circle
/// move to the center of the pattern (+5.5)
float xf = uc + 5.5f;
float yf = ur + 5.5f;
float radius = 4.5f; ///< default radius
constexpr const uint8_t iterations = 20;
dynamic_circle(matrix32, xf, yf, radius, iterations);
if (fabs(xf - (uc + 5.5f)) > 3 || fabs(yf - (ur + 5.5f)) > 3 || fabs(radius - 5) > 3){
DBG(_n(" [%f %f][%f] mm divergence\n"), xf - (uc + 5.5f), yf - (ur + 5.5f), radius - 5);
/// dynamic algorithm diverged, use original position instead
xf = uc + 5.5f;
yf = ur + 5.5f;
/// move to the center of area and convert to position
xf = (float)x + (xf - 15.5f) * 64;
yf = (float)y + (yf - 15.5f) * 64;
DBG(_n(" [%f %f] mm pattern center\n"), pos_2_mm(xf), pos_2_mm(yf));
x = round_to_i16(xf);
y = round_to_i16(yf);
xyzcal_lineXYZ_to(x, y, z, 200, 0);
/// wipe buffer
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < sizeof(block_t)*BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE; i++)
matrix32[i] = 0;
return ret;
BedSkewOffsetDetectionResultType xyzcal_find_bed_induction_sensor_point_xy(void) {
// DBG(_n("xyzcal_find_bed_induction_sensor_point_xy x=%ld y=%ld z=%ld\n"), count_position[X_AXIS], count_position[Y_AXIS], count_position[Z_AXIS]);
if (xyzcal_searchZ())
ret = xyzcal_scan_and_process();
return ret;
#endif //NEW_XYZCAL