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// This file is part of libigl, a simple c++ geometry processing library.
// Copyright (C) 2013 Alec Jacobson <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License
// v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
// obtain one at
#include "igl_inline.h"
#include <Eigen/Dense>
namespace igl
// DOUBLEAREA computes twice the area for each input triangle[quad]
// Templates:
// DerivedV derived type of eigen matrix for V (e.g. derived from
// MatrixXd)
// DerivedF derived type of eigen matrix for F (e.g. derived from
// MatrixXi)
// DeriveddblA derived type of eigen matrix for dblA (e.g. derived from
// MatrixXd)
// Inputs:
// V #V by dim list of mesh vertex positions
// F #F by simplex_size list of mesh faces (must be triangles or quads)
// Outputs:
// dblA #F list of triangle[quad] double areas (SIGNED only for 2D input)
// Known bug: For dim==3 complexity is O(#V + #F)!! Not just O(#F). This is a big deal
// if you have 1million unreferenced vertices and 1 face
template <typename DerivedV, typename DerivedF, typename DeriveddblA>
IGL_INLINE void doublearea(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedV> & V,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedF> & F,
Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DeriveddblA> & dblA);
// Stream of triangles, computes signed area...
template <
typename DerivedA,
typename DerivedB,
typename DerivedC,
typename DerivedD>
IGL_INLINE void doublearea(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedA> & A,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedB> & B,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedC> & C,
Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedD> & D);
// Single triangle in 2D!
// This should handle streams of corners not just single corners
template <
typename DerivedA,
typename DerivedB,
typename DerivedC>
IGL_INLINE typename DerivedA::Scalar doublearea_single(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedA> & A,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedB> & B,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedC> & C);
// Same as above but use instrinsic edge lengths rather than (V,F) mesh. This
// Inputs:
// l #F by dim list of edge lengths using
// for triangles, columns correspond to edges 23,31,12
// nan_replacement what value should be used for triangles whose given
// edge lengths do not obey the triangle inequality. These may be very
// wrong (e.g., [100 1 1]) or may be nearly degenerate triangles whose
// floating point side length computation leads to breach of the triangle
// inequality. One may wish to set this parameter to 0 if side lengths l
// are _known_ to come from a valid embedding (e.g., some mesh (V,F)). In
// that case, the only circumstance the triangle inequality is broken is
// when the triangle is nearly degenerate and floating point error
// dominates: hence replacing with zero is reasonable.
// Outputs:
// dblA #F list of triangle double areas
template <typename Derivedl, typename DeriveddblA>
IGL_INLINE void doublearea(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derivedl> & l,
const typename Derivedl::Scalar nan_replacement,
Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DeriveddblA> & dblA);
// default behavior is to assert on NaNs and leave them in place
template <typename Derivedl, typename DeriveddblA>
IGL_INLINE void doublearea(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derivedl> & l,
Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DeriveddblA> & dblA);
// DOUBLEAREA_QUAD computes twice the area for each input quadrilateral
// Inputs:
// V #V by dim list of mesh vertex positions
// F #F by simplex_size list of mesh faces (must be quadrilaterals)
// Outputs:
// dblA #F list of quadrilateral double areas
template <typename DerivedV, typename DerivedF, typename DeriveddblA>
IGL_INLINE void doublearea_quad(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedV> & V,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedF> & F,
Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DeriveddblA> & dblA);
# include "doublearea.cpp"