2015-12-08 00:39:54 +01:00
#ifndef _xsinit_h_
#define _xsinit_h_
// undef some macros set by Perl which cause compilation errors on Win32
#undef read
#undef seekdir
#undef bind
#undef send
#undef connect
#undef wait
#undef accept
#undef close
#undef open
#undef write
#undef socket
#undef listen
#undef shutdown
#undef ioctl
#undef getpeername
#undef rect
#undef setsockopt
#undef getsockopt
#undef getsockname
#undef gethostname
#undef select
#undef socketpair
#undef recvfrom
#undef sendto
// these need to be included early for Win32 (listing it in Build.PL is not enough)
#include <ostream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
2016-11-29 20:46:44 -06:00
#include <libslic3r.h>
2015-12-08 00:39:54 +01:00
#ifdef SLIC3RXS
extern "C" {
#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#include "XSUB.h"
#include "ppport.h"
#undef do_open
#undef do_close
2016-11-16 13:06:51 +01:00
#undef bind
2016-11-16 13:19:48 +01:00
#undef seed
2016-12-12 18:55:04 +01:00
#undef push
#undef pop
2016-08-21 21:46:17 +02:00
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Undef some of the macros set by Perl <xsinit.h>, which cause compilation errors on Win32
#undef connect
2016-12-12 18:55:04 +01:00
#undef seek
#undef send
#undef write
2016-08-21 21:46:17 +02:00
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
2015-12-08 00:39:54 +01:00
#include <ClipperUtils.hpp>
#include <Config.hpp>
#include <ExPolygon.hpp>
#include <MultiPoint.hpp>
#include <Point.hpp>
#include <Polygon.hpp>
#include <Polyline.hpp>
#include <TriangleMesh.hpp>
namespace Slic3r {
template<class T>
struct ClassTraits {
static const char* name;
static const char* name_ref;
// use this for typedefs for which the forward prototype
// in REGISTER_CLASS won't work
#define __REGISTER_CLASS(cname, perlname) \
template <>const char* ClassTraits<cname>::name = "Slic3r::" perlname; \
template <>const char* ClassTraits<cname>::name_ref = "Slic3r::" perlname "::Ref";
#define REGISTER_CLASS(cname,perlname) \
class cname; \
__REGISTER_CLASS(cname, perlname);
template<class T>
const char* perl_class_name(const T*) { return ClassTraits<T>::name; }
template<class T>
const char* perl_class_name_ref(const T*) { return ClassTraits<T>::name_ref; }
template<class T>
SV* perl_to_SV_ref(T &t) {
SV* sv = newSV(0);
sv_setref_pv( sv, perl_class_name_ref(&t), &t );
return sv;
template<class T>
SV* perl_to_SV_clone_ref(const T &t) {
SV* sv = newSV(0);
sv_setref_pv( sv, perl_class_name(&t), new T(t) );
return sv;
template <class T>
class Ref {
T* val;
Ref() : val(NULL) {}
Ref(T* t) : val(t) {}
Ref(const T* t) : val(const_cast<T*>(t)) {}
operator T*() const { return val; }
static const char* CLASS() { return ClassTraits<T>::name_ref; }
template <class T>
class Clone {
T* val;
Clone() : val(NULL) {}
Clone(T* t) : val(new T(*t)) {}
Clone(const T& t) : val(new T(t)) {}
operator T*() const { return val; }
static const char* CLASS() { return ClassTraits<T>::name; }
SV* ConfigBase__as_hash(ConfigBase* THIS);
2015-12-16 12:58:06 +01:00
SV* ConfigOption_to_SV(const ConfigOption &opt, const ConfigOptionDef &def);
2015-12-08 00:39:54 +01:00
SV* ConfigBase__get(ConfigBase* THIS, const t_config_option_key &opt_key);
SV* ConfigBase__get_at(ConfigBase* THIS, const t_config_option_key &opt_key, size_t i);
bool ConfigBase__set(ConfigBase* THIS, const t_config_option_key &opt_key, SV* value);
bool ConfigBase__set_deserialize(ConfigBase* THIS, const t_config_option_key &opt_key, SV* str);
void ConfigBase__set_ifndef(ConfigBase* THIS, const t_config_option_key &opt_key, SV* value, bool deserialize = false);
bool StaticConfig__set(StaticConfig* THIS, const t_config_option_key &opt_key, SV* value);
SV* to_AV(ExPolygon* expolygon);
SV* to_SV_pureperl(const ExPolygon* expolygon);
void from_SV(SV* expoly_sv, ExPolygon* expolygon);
void from_SV_check(SV* expoly_sv, ExPolygon* expolygon);
void from_SV(SV* line_sv, Line* THIS);
void from_SV_check(SV* line_sv, Line* THIS);
SV* to_AV(Line* THIS);
SV* to_SV_pureperl(const Line* THIS);
void from_SV(SV* poly_sv, MultiPoint* THIS);
void from_SV_check(SV* poly_sv, MultiPoint* THIS);
SV* to_AV(MultiPoint* THIS);
SV* to_SV_pureperl(const MultiPoint* THIS);
void from_SV_check(SV* poly_sv, Polygon* THIS);
void from_SV_check(SV* poly_sv, Polyline* THIS);
SV* to_SV_pureperl(const Point* THIS);
void from_SV(SV* point_sv, Point* point);
void from_SV_check(SV* point_sv, Point* point);
SV* to_SV_pureperl(const Pointf* point);
bool from_SV(SV* point_sv, Pointf* point);
bool from_SV_check(SV* point_sv, Pointf* point);
void from_SV_check(SV* surface_sv, Surface* THIS);
SV* to_SV(TriangleMesh* THIS);
SV* polynode_children_2_perl(const ClipperLib::PolyNode& node);
SV* polynode2perl(const ClipperLib::PolyNode& node);
2016-11-08 10:49:32 +01:00
#undef croak
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define croak(...) confess_at(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define croak(...) confess_at(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, __VA_ARGS__)
2016-12-08 19:02:16 +01:00
using namespace Slic3r;
2015-12-08 00:39:54 +01:00