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#include <type_traits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
namespace marchsq {
// Marks a square in the grid
struct Coord {
size_t r = 0, c = 0;
Coord() = default;
explicit Coord(size_t s) : r(s), c(s) {}
Coord(size_t _r, size_t _c): r(_r), c(_c) {}
size_t seq(const Coord &res) const { return r * res.c + c; }
Coord& operator+=(const Coord& b) { r += b.r; c += b.c; return *this; }
Coord operator+(const Coord& b) const { Coord a = *this; a += b; return a; }
// Closed ring of cell coordinates
using Ring = std::vector<Coord>;
// Specialize this struct to register a raster type for the Marching squares alg
template<class T, class Enable = void> struct _RasterTraits {
// The type of pixel cell in the raster
using ValueType = typename T::ValueType;
// Value at a given position
static ValueType get(const T &raster, size_t row, size_t col);
// Number of rows and cols of the raster
static size_t rows(const T &raster);
static size_t cols(const T &raster);
// Specialize this to use parellel loops within the algorithm
template<class ExecutionPolicy, class Enable = void> struct _Loop {
template<class It, class Fn> static void for_each(It from, It to, Fn &&fn)
for (auto it = from; it < to; ++it) fn(*it, size_t(it - from));
namespace __impl {
template<class T> using RasterTraits = _RasterTraits<std::decay_t<T>>;
template<class T> using TRasterValue = typename RasterTraits<T>::ValueType;
template<class T> TRasterValue<T> isoval(const T &raster, const Coord &crd)
return RasterTraits<T>::get(raster, crd.r, crd.c);
template<class T> size_t rows(const T &raster)
return RasterTraits<T>::rows(raster);
template<class T> size_t cols(const T &raster)
return RasterTraits<T>::cols(raster);
template<class ExecutionPolicy, class It, class Fn>
void for_each(ExecutionPolicy&& policy, It from, It to, Fn &&fn)
_Loop<ExecutionPolicy>::for_each(from, to, fn);
// Type of squares (tiles) depending on which vertices are inside an ROI
// The vertices would be marked a, b, c, d in counter clockwise order from the
// bottom left vertex of a square.
// d --- c
// | |
// | |
// a --- b
enum class SquareTag : uint8_t {
// 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
none, a, b, ab, c, ac, bc, abc, d, ad, bd, abd, cd, acd, bcd, full
template<class E> constexpr std::underlying_type_t<E> _t(E e) noexcept
return static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<E>>(e);
enum class Dir: uint8_t { left, down, right, up, none};
static const constexpr Dir NEXT_CCW[] = {
/* 00 */ Dir::none, // SquareTag::none (empty square, nowhere to go)
/* 01 */ Dir::left, // SquareTag::a
/* 02 */ Dir::down, // SquareTag::b
/* 03 */ Dir::left, // SquareTag::ab
/* 04 */ Dir::right, // SquareTag::c
/* 05 */ Dir::none, // SquareTag::ac (ambiguous case)
/* 06 */ Dir::down, // SquareTag::bc
/* 07 */ Dir::left, // SquareTag::abc
/* 08 */ Dir::up, // SquareTag::d
/* 09 */ Dir::up, // SquareTag::ad
/* 10 */ Dir::none, // SquareTag::bd (ambiguous case)
/* 11 */ Dir::up, // SquareTag::abd
/* 12 */ Dir::right, // SquareTag::cd
/* 13 */ Dir::right, // SquareTag::acd
/* 14 */ Dir::down, // SquareTag::bcd
/* 15 */ Dir::none // SquareTag::full (full covered, nowhere to go)
static const constexpr uint8_t PREV_CCW[] = {
/* 00 */ 1 << _t(Dir::none),
/* 01 */ 1 << _t(Dir::up),
/* 02 */ 1 << _t(Dir::left),
/* 03 */ 1 << _t(Dir::left),
/* 04 */ 1 << _t(Dir::down),
/* 05 */ 1 << _t(Dir::up) | 1 << _t(Dir::down),
/* 06 */ 1 << _t(Dir::down),
/* 07 */ 1 << _t(Dir::down),
/* 08 */ 1 << _t(Dir::right),
/* 09 */ 1 << _t(Dir::up),
/* 10 */ 1 << _t(Dir::left) | 1 << _t(Dir::right),
/* 11 */ 1 << _t(Dir::left),
/* 12 */ 1 << _t(Dir::right),
/* 13 */ 1 << _t(Dir::up),
/* 14 */ 1 << _t(Dir::right),
/* 15 */ 1 << _t(Dir::none)
const constexpr uint8_t DIRMASKS[] = {
/*left: */ 0x01, /*down*/ 0x12, /*right */0x21, /*up*/ 0x10, /*none*/ 0x00
inline Coord step(const Coord &crd, Dir d)
uint8_t dd = DIRMASKS[uint8_t(d)];
return {crd.r - 1 + (dd & 0x0f), crd.c - 1 + (dd >> 4)};
template<class Rst> class Grid {
const Rst * m_rst = nullptr;
Coord m_cellsize, m_res_1, m_window, m_gridsize;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_tags; // Assign tags to each square
Coord rastercoord(const Coord &crd) const
return {crd.r * m_window.r, crd.c * m_window.c};
Coord bl(const Coord &crd) const { return tl(crd) + Coord{m_res_1.r, 0}; }
Coord br(const Coord &crd) const { return tl(crd) + Coord{m_res_1.r, m_res_1.c}; }
Coord tr(const Coord &crd) const { return tl(crd) + Coord{0, m_res_1.c}; }
Coord tl(const Coord &crd) const { return rastercoord(crd); }
TRasterValue<Rst> bottomleft(const Coord &cell) const
return isoval(*m_rst, bl(cell));
TRasterValue<Rst> bottomright(const Coord &cell) const
return isoval(*m_rst, br(cell));
TRasterValue<Rst> topright(const Coord &cell) const
return isoval(*m_rst, tr(cell));
TRasterValue<Rst> topleft(const Coord &cell) const
return isoval(*m_rst, tl(cell));
// Calculate the tag for a cell (or square). The cell coordinates mark the
// top left vertex of a square in the raster. v is the isovalue
uint8_t get_tag_for_cell(const Coord &cell, TRasterValue<Rst> v)
uint8_t t = (bottomleft(cell) >= v) +
((bottomright(cell) >= v) << 1) +
((topright(cell) >= v) << 2) +
((topleft(cell) >= v) << 3);
assert(t < 16);
return t;
// Get a cell coordinate from a sequential index
Coord coord(size_t i) const { return {i / m_gridsize.c, i % m_gridsize.c}; }
size_t seq(const Coord &crd) const { return crd.seq(m_gridsize); }
bool is_visited(size_t idx, Dir d = Dir::none) const
SquareTag t = get_tag(idx);
uint8_t ref = d == Dir::none ? PREV_CCW[_t(t)] : uint8_t(1 << _t(d));
return t == SquareTag::full || t == SquareTag::none ||
((m_tags[idx] & 0xf0) >> 4) == ref;
void set_visited(size_t idx, Dir d = Dir::none)
m_tags[idx] |= (1 << (_t(d)) << 4);
bool is_ambiguous(size_t idx) const
SquareTag t = get_tag(idx);
return t == SquareTag::ac || t == SquareTag::bd;
// Search for a new starting square
size_t search_start_cell(size_t i = 0) const
// Skip ambiguous tags as starting tags due to unknown previous
// direction.
while ((i < m_tags.size() && is_visited(i)) || is_ambiguous(i)) ++i;
return i;
SquareTag get_tag(size_t idx) const { return SquareTag(m_tags[idx] & 0x0f); }
Dir next_dir(Dir prev, SquareTag tag) const
// Treat ambiguous cases as two separate regions in one square.
switch (tag) {
case SquareTag::ac:
switch (prev) {
case Dir::down: return Dir::right;
case Dir::up: return Dir::left;
default: assert(false); return Dir::none;
case SquareTag::bd:
switch (prev) {
case Dir::right: return Dir::up;
case Dir::left: return Dir::down;
default: assert(false); return Dir::none;
return NEXT_CCW[uint8_t(tag)];
return Dir::none;
struct CellIt {
Coord crd; Dir dir= Dir::none; const Rst *rst = nullptr;
TRasterValue<Rst> operator*() const { return isoval(*rst, crd); }
CellIt& operator++() { crd = step(crd, dir); return *this; }
CellIt operator++(int) { CellIt it = *this; ++(*this); return it; }
bool operator!=(const CellIt &it) { return crd.r != it.crd.r || crd.c != it.crd.c; }
using value_type = TRasterValue<Rst>;
using pointer = TRasterValue<Rst> *;
using reference = TRasterValue<Rst> &;
using difference_type = long;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
// Two cell iterators representing an edge of a square. This is then
// used for binary search for the first active pixel on the edge.
struct Edge { CellIt from, to; };
Edge edge(const Coord &ringvertex)
size_t idx = ringvertex.r;
Coord cell = coord(idx);
uint8_t tg = m_tags[ringvertex.r];
SquareTag t = SquareTag(tg & 0x0f);
switch (t) {
case SquareTag::a:
case SquareTag::ab:
case SquareTag::abc:
return {{tl(cell), Dir::down, m_rst}, {bl(cell)}};
case SquareTag::b:
case SquareTag::bc:
case SquareTag::bcd:
return {{bl(cell), Dir::right, m_rst}, {br(cell)}};
case SquareTag::c:
return {{br(cell), Dir::up, m_rst}, {tr(cell)}};
case SquareTag::ac:
switch (Dir(ringvertex.c)) {
case Dir::left: return {{tl(cell), Dir::down, m_rst}, {bl(cell)}};
case Dir::right: return {{br(cell), Dir::up, m_rst}, {tr(cell)}};
default: assert(false);
case SquareTag::d:
case SquareTag::ad:
case SquareTag::abd:
return {{tr(cell), Dir::left, m_rst}, {tl(cell)}};
case SquareTag::bd:
switch (Dir(ringvertex.c)) {
case Dir::down: return {{bl(cell), Dir::right, m_rst}, {br(cell)}};
case Dir::up: return {{tr(cell), Dir::left, m_rst}, {tl(cell)}};
default: assert(false);
case SquareTag::cd:
case SquareTag::acd:
return {{br(cell), Dir::up, m_rst}, {tr(cell)}};
case SquareTag::full:
case SquareTag::none: {
Coord crd{tl(cell) + Coord{m_cellsize.r / 2, m_cellsize.c / 2}};
return {{crd, Dir::none, m_rst}, crd};
return {};
explicit Grid(const Rst &rst, const Coord &cellsz, const Coord &overlap)
: m_rst{&rst}
, m_cellsize{cellsz}
, m_res_1{m_cellsize.r - 1, m_cellsize.c - 1}
, m_window{overlap.r < cellsz.r ? cellsz.r - overlap.r : cellsz.r,
overlap.c < cellsz.c ? cellsz.c - overlap.c : cellsz.c}
, m_gridsize{(rows(rst) - overlap.r) / m_window.r,
(cols(rst) - overlap.c) / m_window.c}
, m_tags(m_gridsize.r * m_gridsize.c, 0)
// Go through the cells and mark them with the appropriate tag.
template<class ExecutionPolicy>
void tag_grid(ExecutionPolicy &&policy, TRasterValue<Rst> isoval)
// parallel for r
for_each (std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(policy),
m_tags.begin(), m_tags.end(),
[this, isoval](uint8_t& tag, size_t idx) {
tag = get_tag_for_cell(coord(idx), isoval);
// Scan for the rings on the tagged grid. Each ring vertex stores the
// sequential index of the cell and the next direction (Dir).
// This info can be used later to calculate the exact raster coordinate.
std::vector<Ring> scan_rings()
std::vector<Ring> rings;
size_t startidx = 0;
while ((startidx = search_start_cell(startidx)) < m_tags.size()) {
Ring ring;
size_t idx = startidx;
Dir prev = Dir::none, next = next_dir(prev, get_tag(idx));
while (next != Dir::none && !is_visited(idx, prev)) {
Coord ringvertex{idx, size_t(next)};
set_visited(idx, prev);
idx = seq(step(coord(idx), next));
prev = next;
next = next_dir(next, get_tag(idx));
// To prevent infinite loops in case of degenerate input
if (next == Dir::none) m_tags[startidx] = _t(SquareTag::none);
if (ring.size() > 1) {
return rings;
// Calculate the exact raster position from the cells which store the
// sequantial index of the square and the next direction
template<class ExecutionPolicy>
void interpolate_rings(ExecutionPolicy && policy,
std::vector<Ring> &rings,
TRasterValue<Rst> isov)
rings.begin(), rings.end(), [this, isov] (Ring &ring, size_t) {
for (Coord &ringvertex : ring) {
Edge e = edge(ringvertex);
CellIt found = std::lower_bound(e.from, e.to, isov);
ringvertex = found.crd;
template<class Raster, class ExecutionPolicy>
std::vector<marchsq::Ring> execute_with_policy(ExecutionPolicy && policy,
const Raster & raster,
TRasterValue<Raster> isoval,
Coord windowsize = {})
if (!rows(raster) || !cols(raster)) return {};
size_t ratio = cols(raster) / rows(raster);
if (!windowsize.r) windowsize.r = 2;
if (!windowsize.c)
windowsize.c = std::max(size_t(2), windowsize.r * ratio);
Coord overlap{1};
Grid<Raster> grid{raster, windowsize, overlap};
grid.tag_grid(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(policy), isoval);
std::vector<marchsq::Ring> rings = grid.scan_rings();
grid.interpolate_rings(std::forward<ExecutionPolicy>(policy), rings, isoval);
return rings;
template<class Raster>
std::vector<marchsq::Ring> execute(const Raster &raster,
TRasterValue<Raster> isoval,
Coord windowsize = {})
return execute_with_policy(nullptr, raster, isoval, windowsize);
} // namespace __impl
using __impl::execute_with_policy;
using __impl::execute;
} // namespace marchsq