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2018-02-23 15:10:36 +01:00
From the begining you need to have GNUgettext and PoEdit.
GNUgettext package contains a set of tools to extract strings from the source code and
to create the Catalog to translation.
PoEdit provide good interface for the translators.
Those are possible to download here:
GNUgettext -
PoEdit -
When GNUgettext and poEdit are downloaded and installationed, next step is
to add path to gettext/bin directory to your PATH variable.
You can use gettext from cmdline now.
In Slic3rPE we have one macro (L) used to markup strings to localizations.
So, to create Catalog to translation there are next steps:
1. create list of files with this macro (list.txt)
2. create template file(*.POT) with command:
xgettext --keyword=L --from-code=UTF-8 --debug -o Slic3rPE.pot -f list.txt
Use flag --from-code=UTF-8 to specify that the source strings are in UTF-8 encoding
Use flag --debug to correctly extract formated strings(used %d, %s etc.)
3.1 if you start to create PO-file for your projest just open this POT-file in PoEdit.
When you select translation language after first opening of POT-files,
PO-file will be created immediatly.
3.2 if you already have PO-file created before, you have to merge old PO-file with
strings from creaded POT-file. You can do that with command:
msgmerge -N -o new.po old.po new.pot
Use option -N to not using fuzzy matching when an exact match is not found.
3.3 if you already have PO-file created before and new PO-file created from new sourse files
which is not related with first one, you have to concatenate old PO-file with
strings from new PO-file. You can do that with command:
msgcat -o new.po old.po
4. create an English translation catalog with command:
msgen -o new.po old.po
Notice, in this Catalog it will be totally same strings for initial text and translated.
When you have Catalog to translation open POT or PO file in PoEdit and start to translation.
It's very important to keep attention to every gaps and punctuation. Especially with
formated strings. (used %d, %s etc.)