2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
package Slic3r::GUI::PreviewCanvas;
use strict;
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
use warnings;
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
2013-06-29 15:12:57 +02:00
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
# must load OpenGL *before* Wx::GLCanvas
2013-06-29 14:16:56 +02:00
use OpenGL qw(:glconstants :glfunctions :glufunctions);
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
use base qw(Wx::GLCanvas Class::Accessor);
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
use Math::Trig qw(asin);
use List::Util qw(reduce min max);
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(X Y Z MIN MAX triangle_normal normalize deg2rad tan);
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
use Wx::GLCanvas qw(:all);
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( qw(quat dirty init mview_init
mesh_center mesh_size
verts norms initpos) );
2013-07-01 12:23:44 +02:00
use constant TRACKBALLSIZE => 0.8;
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
sub new {
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
my ($class, $parent, $mesh) = @_;
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent);
2013-06-29 18:31:06 +02:00
$self->quat((0, 0, 0, 1));
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
# prepare mesh
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
2013-06-29 14:16:56 +02:00
my @verts = map @{ $mesh->vertices->[$_] }, map @$_, @{$mesh->facets};
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
$self->verts(OpenGL::Array->new_list(GL_FLOAT, @verts));
my @norms = map { @$_, @$_, @$_ } map normalize(triangle_normal(map $mesh->vertices->[$_], @$_)), @{$mesh->facets};
$self->norms(OpenGL::Array->new_list(GL_FLOAT, @norms));
EVT_PAINT($self, sub {
my $dc = Wx::PaintDC->new($self);
EVT_SIZE($self, sub { $self->dirty(1) });
EVT_IDLE($self, sub {
return unless $self->dirty;
return if !$self->IsShownOnScreen;
$self->Resize( $self->GetSizeWH );
EVT_MOUSEWHEEL($self, sub {
my ($self, $e) = @_;
2013-06-29 14:16:56 +02:00
my $zoom = ($e->GetWheelRotation() / $e->GetWheelDelta() / 10);
$zoom = $zoom > 0 ? (1.0 + $zoom) : 1 / (1.0 - $zoom);
my @pos3d = $self->mouse_to_3d($e->GetX(), $e->GetY());
$self->ZoomTo($zoom, $pos3d[0], $pos3d[1]);
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
2013-06-29 15:12:57 +02:00
EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS($self, sub {
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
my ($self, $e) = @_;
if ($e->Dragging() && $e->LeftIsDown()) {
} elsif ($e->Dragging() && $e->RightIsDown()) {
} elsif ($e->LeftUp() || $e->RightUp()) {
} else {
2013-06-29 15:12:57 +02:00
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
return $self;
2013-06-29 14:16:56 +02:00
2013-07-01 12:23:44 +02:00
# Given an axis and angle, compute quaternion.
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
sub axis_to_quat {
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
my ($ax, $phi) = @_;
my $lena = sqrt(reduce { $a + $b } (map { $_ * $_ } @$ax));
my @q = map { $_ * (1 / $lena) } @$ax;
@q = map { $_ * sin($phi / 2.0) } @q;
$q[$#q + 1] = cos($phi / 2.0);
return @q;
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
2013-07-01 12:23:44 +02:00
# Project a point on the virtual trackball.
# If it is inside the sphere, map it to the sphere, if it outside map it
# to a hyperbola.
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
sub project_to_sphere {
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
my ($r, $x, $y) = @_;
my $d = sqrt($x * $x + $y * $y);
2013-07-01 12:23:44 +02:00
if ($d < $r * 0.70710678118654752440) { # Inside sphere
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
return sqrt($r * $r - $d * $d);
2013-07-01 12:23:44 +02:00
} else { # On hyperbola
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
my $t = $r / 1.41421356237309504880;
return $t * $t / $d;
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
sub cross {
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
my ($v1, $v2) = @_;
return (@$v1[1] * @$v2[2] - @$v1[2] * @$v2[1],
@$v1[2] * @$v2[0] - @$v1[0] * @$v2[2],
@$v1[0] * @$v2[1] - @$v1[1] * @$v2[0]);
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
2013-07-01 12:23:44 +02:00
# Simulate a track-ball. Project the points onto the virtual trackball,
# then figure out the axis of rotation, which is the cross product of
# P1 P2 and O P1 (O is the center of the ball, 0,0,0) Note: This is a
# deformed trackball-- is a trackball in the center, but is deformed
# into a hyperbolic sheet of rotation away from the center.
# It is assumed that the arguments to this routine are in the range
# (-1.0 ... 1.0).
2013-06-29 18:31:06 +02:00
sub trackball {
2013-07-01 12:23:44 +02:00
my ($p1x, $p1y, $p2x, $p2y) = @_;
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
if ($p1x == $p2x && $p1y == $p2y) {
2013-07-01 12:23:44 +02:00
# zero rotation
return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
2013-07-01 12:23:44 +02:00
# First, figure out z-coordinates for projection of P1 and P2 to
# deformed sphere
my @p1 = ($p1x, $p1y, project_to_sphere(TRACKBALLSIZE, $p1x, $p1y));
my @p2 = ($p2x, $p2y, project_to_sphere(TRACKBALLSIZE, $p2x, $p2y));
# axis of rotation (cross product of P1 and P2)
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
my @a = cross(\@p2, \@p1);
2013-07-01 12:23:44 +02:00
# Figure out how much to rotate around that axis.
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
my @d = map { $_ * $_ } (map { $p1[$_] - $p2[$_] } 0 .. $#p1);
2013-07-01 12:23:44 +02:00
my $t = sqrt(reduce { $a + $b } @d) / (2.0 * TRACKBALLSIZE);
# Avoid problems with out-of-control values...
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
$t = 1.0 if ($t > 1.0);
$t = -1.0 if ($t < -1.0);
my $phi = 2.0 * asin($t);
return axis_to_quat(\@a, $phi);
2013-07-01 12:23:44 +02:00
# Build a rotation matrix, given a quaternion rotation.
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
sub quat_to_rotmatrix {
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
my ($q) = @_;
my @m = ();
$m[0] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (@$q[1] * @$q[1] + @$q[2] * @$q[2]);
$m[1] = 2.0 * (@$q[0] * @$q[1] - @$q[2] * @$q[3]);
$m[2] = 2.0 * (@$q[2] * @$q[0] + @$q[1] * @$q[3]);
$m[3] = 0.0;
$m[4] = 2.0 * (@$q[0] * @$q[1] + @$q[2] * @$q[3]);
$m[5] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (@$q[2] * @$q[2] + @$q[0] * @$q[0]);
$m[6] = 2.0 * (@$q[1] * @$q[2] - @$q[0] * @$q[3]);
$m[7] = 0.0;
$m[8] = 2.0 * (@$q[2] * @$q[0] - @$q[1] * @$q[3]);
$m[9] = 2.0 * (@$q[1] * @$q[2] + @$q[0] * @$q[3]);
$m[10] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (@$q[1] * @$q[1] + @$q[0] * @$q[0]);
$m[11] = 0.0;
$m[12] = 0.0;
$m[13] = 0.0;
$m[14] = 0.0;
$m[15] = 1.0;
return @m;
2013-06-29 18:31:06 +02:00
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
sub mulquats {
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
my ($q1, $rq) = @_;
return (@$q1[3] * @$rq[0] + @$q1[0] * @$rq[3] + @$q1[1] * @$rq[2] - @$q1[2] * @$rq[1],
@$q1[3] * @$rq[1] + @$q1[1] * @$rq[3] + @$q1[2] * @$rq[0] - @$q1[0] * @$rq[2],
@$q1[3] * @$rq[2] + @$q1[2] * @$rq[3] + @$q1[0] * @$rq[1] - @$q1[1] * @$rq[0],
@$q1[3] * @$rq[3] - @$q1[0] * @$rq[0] - @$q1[1] * @$rq[1] - @$q1[2] * @$rq[2])
2013-06-29 18:31:06 +02:00
sub handle_rotation {
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
my ($self, $e) = @_;
if (not defined $self->initpos) {
} else {
my $orig = $self->initpos;
my $new = $e->GetPosition();
my $size = $self->GetClientSize();
my @quat = trackball($orig->x / ($size->width / 2) - 1,
1 - $orig->y / ($size->height / 2), #/
$new->x / ($size->width / 2) - 1,
1 - $new->y / ($size->height / 2), #/
2013-07-01 12:23:44 +02:00
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
$self->quat(mulquats($self->quat, \@quat));
2013-06-29 18:31:06 +02:00
2013-06-29 15:12:57 +02:00
sub handle_translation {
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
my ($self, $e) = @_;
if (not defined $self->initpos) {
} else {
my $new = $e->GetPosition();
my $orig = $self->initpos;
my @orig3d = $self->mouse_to_3d($orig->x, $orig->y); #)()
my @new3d = $self->mouse_to_3d($new->x, $new->y); #)()
glTranslatef($new3d[0] - $orig3d[0], $new3d[1] - $orig3d[1], 0);
2013-06-29 15:12:57 +02:00
2013-06-29 14:16:56 +02:00
sub mouse_to_3d {
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
my @viewport = glGetIntegerv_p(GL_VIEWPORT); # 4 items
my @mview = glGetDoublev_p(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX); # 16 items
my @proj = glGetDoublev_p(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX); # 16 items
my @projected = gluUnProject_p($x, $viewport[3] - $y, 1.0, @mview, @proj, @viewport);
return @projected;
2013-06-29 14:16:56 +02:00
sub ZoomTo {
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
my ($self, $factor, $tox, $toy) = @_;
glTranslatef($tox, $toy, 0);
glTranslatef(-$tox, -$toy, 0);
2013-06-29 14:16:56 +02:00
sub Zoom {
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
my ($self, $factor) = @_;
glScalef($factor, $factor, 1);
2013-06-29 14:16:56 +02:00
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
sub GetContext {
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
my ($self) = @_;
if (Wx::wxVERSION >= 2.009) {
return $self->{context} ||= Wx::GLContext->new($self);
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
} else {
return $self->SUPER::GetContext;
sub SetCurrent {
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
my ($self, $context) = @_;
if (Wx::wxVERSION >= 2.009) {
return $self->SUPER::SetCurrent($context);
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
} else {
return $self->SUPER::SetCurrent;
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
sub ResetModelView {
my ($self, $factor) = @_;
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
my $win_size = $self->GetClientSize();
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
my $ratio = $factor * min($win_size->width, $win_size->height) / max(@{ $self->mesh_size });
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
glScalef($ratio, $ratio, 1);
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
sub Resize {
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
my ($self, $x, $y) = @_;
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
return unless $self->GetContext;
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
glViewport(0, 0, $x, $y);
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
my $mesh_size = $self->mesh_size;
2013-07-01 00:08:02 +02:00
glOrtho(-$x/2, $x/2, -$y/2, $y/2, 0.5, 2 * max(@$mesh_size));
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
unless ($self->mview_init) {
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
my $self = shift;
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
sub InitGL {
my $self = shift;
return if $self->init;
return unless $self->GetContext;
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
2013-05-16 13:42:19 +02:00
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
2013-05-16 13:42:19 +02:00
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
# Settings for our light.
my @LightPos = (0, 0, 2, 1.0);
my @LightAmbient = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0);
my @LightDiffuse = (0.7, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);
my @LightSpecular = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
# Enables Smooth Color Shading; try GL_FLAT for (lack of) fun.
# Set up a light, turn it on.
glLightfv_p(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, @LightPos);
glLightfv_p(GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, @LightAmbient);
glLightfv_p(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, @LightDiffuse);
glLightfv_p(GL_LIGHT1, GL_SPECULAR, @LightSpecular);
# A handy trick -- have surface material mirror the color.
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
sub Render {
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
my ($self, $dc) = @_;
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
return unless $self->GetContext;
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
my $mesh_size = $self->mesh_size;
glTranslatef(0, 0, -max(@$mesh_size[0..1]));
my @rotmat = quat_to_rotmatrix($self->quat);
2013-07-01 10:58:30 +02:00
2013-06-29 14:16:56 +02:00
glTranslatef(map -$_, @{ $self->mesh_center });
2013-06-30 23:51:06 +02:00
2013-05-16 12:01:38 +02:00
2013-05-17 14:14:33 +02:00
sub draw_mesh {
my $self = shift;
glVertexPointer_p(3, $self->verts);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, $self->verts->elements / 3);