2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
2019-12-19 11:27:01 +01:00
#include <numeric>
2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "libslic3r/ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/ExPolygon.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SVG.hpp"
using namespace Slic3r;
SCENARIO("Various Clipper operations - xs/t/11_clipper.t", "[ClipperUtils]") {
// CCW oriented contour
Slic3r::Polygon square{ { 200, 100 }, {200, 200}, {100, 200}, {100, 100} };
// CW oriented contour
Slic3r::Polygon hole_in_square{ { 160, 140 }, { 140, 140 }, { 140, 160 }, { 160, 160 } };
Slic3r::ExPolygon square_with_hole(square, hole_in_square);
GIVEN("square_with_hole") {
WHEN("offset") {
Polygons result = Slic3r::offset(square_with_hole, 5.f);
THEN("offset matches") {
REQUIRE(result == Polygons {
{ { 205, 205 }, { 95, 205 }, { 95, 95 }, { 205, 95 }, },
2021-05-03 11:39:53 +02:00
{ { 155, 145 }, { 145, 145 }, { 145, 155 }, { 155, 155 } } });
2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
WHEN("offset_ex") {
ExPolygons result = Slic3r::offset_ex(square_with_hole, 5.f);
THEN("offset matches") {
REQUIRE(result == ExPolygons { {
{ { 205, 205 }, { 95, 205 }, { 95, 95 }, { 205, 95 }, },
{ { 145, 145 }, { 145, 155 }, { 155, 155 }, { 155, 145 } } } } );
WHEN("offset2_ex") {
New ClipperUtils functions: opening(), closing() as an alternative
for offset2() with clear meaning.
New ClipperUtils functions: expand(), shrink() as an alternative
for offset() with clear meaning.
All offset values for the new functions are positive.
Various offsetting ClipperUtils (offset, offset2, offset2_ex) working
over Polygons were marked as unsafe, sometimes producing invalid output
if called for more than one polygon. These functions were reworked
to offset polygons one by one. The new functions working over Polygons
shall work the same way as the old safe ones working over ExPolygons,
but working with Polygons shall be computationally more efficient.
Improvements in FDM support generator:
1) For both grid and snug supports: Don't filter out supports for which
the contacts are completely reduced by support / object XY separation.
2) Rounding / merging of supports using the closing radius parameter is
now smoother, it does not produce sharp corners.
3) Snug supports: When calculating support interfaces, expand the projected
support contact areas to produce wider, printable and more stable interfaces.
4) Don't reduce support interfaces for snug supports for steep overhangs,
that would normally not need them. Snug supports often produce very
narrow support interface regions and turning them off makes the support
interfaces disappear.
2021-10-14 09:11:19 +02:00
ExPolygons result = Slic3r::offset2_ex({ square_with_hole }, 5.f, -2.f);
2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
THEN("offset matches") {
REQUIRE(result == ExPolygons { {
{ { 203, 203 }, { 97, 203 }, { 97, 97 }, { 203, 97 } },
{ { 143, 143 }, { 143, 157 }, { 157, 157 }, { 157, 143 } } } } );
GIVEN("square_with_hole 2") {
Slic3r::ExPolygon square_with_hole(
{ { 20000000, 20000000 }, { 0, 20000000 }, { 0, 0 }, { 20000000, 0 } },
{ { 5000000, 15000000 }, { 15000000, 15000000 }, { 15000000, 5000000 }, { 5000000, 5000000 } });
WHEN("offset2_ex") {
Slic3r::ExPolygons result = Slic3r::offset2_ex(ExPolygons { square_with_hole }, -1.f, 1.f);
THEN("offset matches") {
REQUIRE(result.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(square_with_hole.area() == result.front().area());
GIVEN("square and hole") {
WHEN("diff_ex") {
2021-05-03 11:39:53 +02:00
ExPolygons result = Slic3r::diff_ex(Polygons{ square }, Polygons{ hole_in_square });
2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
THEN("hole is created") {
REQUIRE(result.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(square_with_hole.area() == result.front().area());
GIVEN("polyline") {
Polyline polyline { { 50, 150 }, { 300, 150 } };
WHEN("intersection_pl") {
2022-09-29 14:19:32 +02:00
Polylines result = Slic3r::intersection_pl(polyline, ExPolygon{ square, hole_in_square });
2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
THEN("correct number of result lines") {
REQUIRE(result.size() == 2);
THEN("result lines have correct length") {
// results are in no particular order
REQUIRE(result[0].length() == 40);
REQUIRE(result[1].length() == 40);
WHEN("diff_pl") {
2021-05-03 11:39:53 +02:00
Polylines result = Slic3r::diff_pl({ polyline }, Polygons{ square, hole_in_square });
2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
THEN("correct number of result lines") {
REQUIRE(result.size() == 3);
// results are in no particular order
THEN("the left result line has correct length") {
REQUIRE(std::count_if(result.begin(), result.end(), [](const Polyline &pl) { return pl.length() == 50; }) == 1);
THEN("the right result line has correct length") {
REQUIRE(std::count_if(result.begin(), result.end(), [](const Polyline &pl) { return pl.length() == 100; }) == 1);
THEN("the central result line has correct length") {
REQUIRE(std::count_if(result.begin(), result.end(), [](const Polyline &pl) { return pl.length() == 20; }) == 1);
GIVEN("Clipper bug #96 / Slic3r issue #2028") {
Slic3r::Polyline subject{
{ 44735000, 31936670 }, { 55270000, 31936670 }, { 55270000, 25270000 }, { 74730000, 25270000 }, { 74730000, 44730000 }, { 68063296, 44730000 }, { 68063296, 55270000 }, { 74730000, 55270000 },
{ 74730000, 74730000 }, { 55270000, 74730000 }, { 55270000, 68063296 }, { 44730000, 68063296 }, { 44730000, 74730000 }, { 25270000, 74730000 }, { 25270000, 55270000 }, { 31936670, 55270000 },
{ 31936670, 44730000 }, { 25270000, 44730000 }, { 25270000, 25270000 }, { 44730000, 25270000 }, { 44730000, 31936670 } };
Slic3r::Polygon clip { {75200000, 45200000}, {54800000, 45200000}, {54800000, 24800000}, {75200000, 24800000} };
2022-09-29 14:19:32 +02:00
Slic3r::Polylines result = Slic3r::intersection_pl(subject, ExPolygon{ clip });
2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
THEN("intersection_pl - result is not empty") {
REQUIRE(result.size() == 1);
GIVEN("Clipper bug #122") {
Slic3r::Polyline subject { { 1975, 1975 }, { 25, 1975 }, { 25, 25 }, { 1975, 25 }, { 1975, 1975 } };
Slic3r::Polygons clip { { { 2025, 2025 }, { -25, 2025 } , { -25, -25 }, { 2025, -25 } },
{ { 525, 525 }, { 525, 1475 }, { 1475, 1475 }, { 1475, 525 } } };
Slic3r::Polylines result = Slic3r::intersection_pl({ subject }, clip);
THEN("intersection_pl - result is not empty") {
REQUIRE(result.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(result.front().points.size() == 5);
GIVEN("Clipper bug #126") {
Slic3r::Polyline subject { { 200000, 19799999 }, { 200000, 200000 }, { 24304692, 200000 }, { 15102879, 17506106 }, { 13883200, 19799999 }, { 200000, 19799999 } };
Slic3r::Polygon clip { { 15257205, 18493894 }, { 14350057, 20200000 }, { -200000, 20200000 }, { -200000, -200000 }, { 25196917, -200000 } };
2022-09-29 14:19:32 +02:00
Slic3r::Polylines result = Slic3r::intersection_pl(subject, ExPolygon{ clip });
2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
THEN("intersection_pl - result is not empty") {
REQUIRE(result.size() == 1);
THEN("intersection_pl - result has same length as subject polyline") {
REQUIRE(result.front().length() == Approx(subject.length()));
#if 0
# Clipper does not preserve polyline orientation
my $polyline = Slic3r::Polyline->new([50, 150], [300, 150]);
my $result = Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::intersection_pl([$polyline], [$square]);
is scalar(@$result), 1, 'intersection_pl - correct number of result lines';
is_deeply $result->[0]->pp, [[100, 150], [200, 150]], 'clipped line orientation is preserved';
# Clipper does not preserve polyline orientation
my $polyline = Slic3r::Polyline->new([300, 150], [50, 150]);
my $result = Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::intersection_pl([$polyline], [$square]);
is scalar(@$result), 1, 'intersection_pl - correct number of result lines';
is_deeply $result->[0]->pp, [[200, 150], [100, 150]], 'clipped line orientation is preserved';
# Disabled until Clipper bug #127 is fixed
my $subject = [
Slic3r::Polyline->new([-90000000, -100000000], [-90000000, 100000000]), # vertical
Slic3r::Polyline->new([-100000000, -10000000], [100000000, -10000000]), # horizontal
Slic3r::Polyline->new([-100000000, 0], [100000000, 0]), # horizontal
Slic3r::Polyline->new([-100000000, 10000000], [100000000, 10000000]), # horizontal
my $clip = Slic3r::Polygon->new(# a circular, convex, polygon
[99452190, 10452846], [97814760, 20791169], [95105652, 30901699], [91354546, 40673664], [86602540, 50000000],
[80901699, 58778525], [74314483, 66913061], [66913061, 74314483], [58778525, 80901699], [50000000, 86602540],
[40673664, 91354546], [30901699, 95105652], [20791169, 97814760], [10452846, 99452190], [0, 100000000],
[-10452846, 99452190], [-20791169, 97814760], [-30901699, 95105652], [-40673664, 91354546],
[-50000000, 86602540], [-58778525, 80901699], [-66913061, 74314483], [-74314483, 66913061],
[-80901699, 58778525], [-86602540, 50000000], [-91354546, 40673664], [-95105652, 30901699],
[-97814760, 20791169], [-99452190, 10452846], [-100000000, 0], [-99452190, -10452846],
[-97814760, -20791169], [-95105652, -30901699], [-91354546, -40673664], [-86602540, -50000000],
[-80901699, -58778525], [-74314483, -66913061], [-66913061, -74314483], [-58778525, -80901699],
[-50000000, -86602540], [-40673664, -91354546], [-30901699, -95105652], [-20791169, -97814760],
[-10452846, -99452190], [0, -100000000], [10452846, -99452190], [20791169, -97814760],
[30901699, -95105652], [40673664, -91354546], [50000000, -86602540], [58778525, -80901699],
[66913061, -74314483], [74314483, -66913061], [80901699, -58778525], [86602540, -50000000],
[91354546, -40673664], [95105652, -30901699], [97814760, -20791169], [99452190, -10452846], [100000000, 0]
my $result = Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::intersection_pl($subject, [$clip]);
is scalar(@$result), scalar(@$subject), 'intersection_pl - expected number of polylines';
is sum(map scalar(@$_), @$result), scalar(@$subject) * 2, 'intersection_pl - expected number of points in polylines';
SCENARIO("Various Clipper operations - t/clipper.t", "[ClipperUtils]") {
GIVEN("square with hole") {
// CCW oriented contour
Slic3r::Polygon square { { 10, 10 }, { 20, 10 }, { 20, 20 }, { 10, 20 } };
Slic3r::Polygon square2 { { 5, 12 }, { 25, 12 }, { 25, 18 }, { 5, 18 } };
// CW oriented contour
Slic3r::Polygon hole_in_square { { 14, 14 }, { 14, 16 }, { 16, 16 }, { 16, 14 } };
WHEN("intersection_ex with another square") {
2021-05-03 11:39:53 +02:00
ExPolygons intersection = Slic3r::intersection_ex(Polygons{ square, hole_in_square }, Polygons{ square2 });
2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
THEN("intersection area matches (hole is preserved)") {
ExPolygon match({ { 20, 18 }, { 10, 18 }, { 10, 12 }, { 20, 12 } },
{ { 14, 16 }, { 16, 16 }, { 16, 14 }, { 14, 14 } });
REQUIRE(intersection.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(intersection.front().area() == Approx(match.area()));
2022-04-28 15:59:13 +02:00
ExPolygons expolygons { ExPolygon { square, hole_in_square } };
WHEN("Clipping line 1") {
Polylines intersection = intersection_pl({ Polyline { { 15, 18 }, { 15, 15 } } }, expolygons);
THEN("line is clipped to square with hole") {
REQUIRE((Vec2f(15, 18) - Vec2f(15, 16)).norm() == Approx(intersection.front().length()));
WHEN("Clipping line 2") {
Polylines intersection = intersection_pl({ Polyline { { 15, 15 }, { 15, 12 } } }, expolygons);
THEN("line is clipped to square with hole") {
REQUIRE((Vec2f(15, 14) - Vec2f(15, 12)).norm() == Approx(intersection.front().length()));
WHEN("Clipping line 3") {
Polylines intersection = intersection_pl({ Polyline { { 12, 18 }, { 18, 18 } } }, expolygons);
THEN("line is clipped to square with hole") {
REQUIRE((Vec2f(18, 18) - Vec2f(12, 18)).norm() == Approx(intersection.front().length()));
WHEN("Clipping line 4") {
Polylines intersection = intersection_pl({ Polyline { { 5, 15 }, { 30, 15 } } }, expolygons);
THEN("line is clipped to square with hole") {
REQUIRE((Vec2f(14, 15) - Vec2f(10, 15)).norm() == Approx(intersection.front().length()));
REQUIRE((Vec2f(20, 15) - Vec2f(16, 15)).norm() == Approx(intersection[1].length()));
WHEN("Clipping line 5") {
Polylines intersection = intersection_pl({ Polyline { { 30, 15 }, { 5, 15 } } }, expolygons);
THEN("reverse line is clipped to square with hole") {
REQUIRE((Vec2f(20, 15) - Vec2f(16, 15)).norm() == Approx(intersection.front().length()));
REQUIRE((Vec2f(14, 15) - Vec2f(10, 15)).norm() == Approx(intersection[1].length()));
WHEN("Clipping line 6") {
Polylines intersection = intersection_pl({ Polyline { { 10, 18 }, { 20, 18 } } }, expolygons);
THEN("tangent line is clipped to square with hole") {
REQUIRE((Vec2f(20, 18) - Vec2f(10, 18)).norm() == Approx(intersection.front().length()));
2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
GIVEN("square with hole 2") {
// CCW oriented contour
Slic3r::Polygon square { { 0, 0 }, { 40, 0 }, { 40, 40 }, { 0, 40 } };
Slic3r::Polygon square2 { { 10, 10 }, { 30, 10 }, { 30, 30 }, { 10, 30 } };
// CW oriented contour
Slic3r::Polygon hole { { 15, 15 }, { 15, 25 }, { 25, 25 }, {25, 15 } };
WHEN("union_ex with another square") {
ExPolygons union_ = Slic3r::union_ex({ square, square2, hole });
THEN("union of two ccw and one cw is a contour with no holes") {
REQUIRE(union_.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(union_.front() == ExPolygon { { 40, 40 }, { 0, 40 }, { 0, 0 }, { 40, 0 } } );
WHEN("diff_ex with another square") {
2021-05-03 11:39:53 +02:00
ExPolygons diff = Slic3r::diff_ex(Polygons{ square, square2 }, Polygons{ hole });
2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
THEN("difference of a cw from two ccw is a contour with one hole") {
REQUIRE(diff.size() == 1);
REQUIRE(diff.front().area() == Approx(ExPolygon({ {40, 40}, {0, 40}, {0, 0}, {40, 0} }, { {15, 25}, {25, 25}, {25, 15}, {15, 15} }).area()));
GIVEN("yet another square") {
Slic3r::Polygon square { { 10, 10 }, { 20, 10 }, { 20, 20 }, { 10, 20 } };
Slic3r::Polyline square_pl = square.split_at_first_point();
WHEN("no-op diff_pl") {
2021-05-03 11:39:53 +02:00
Slic3r::Polylines res = Slic3r::diff_pl({ square_pl }, Polygons{});
2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
THEN("returns the right number of polylines") {
REQUIRE(res.size() == 1);
THEN("returns the unmodified input polyline") {
REQUIRE(res.front().points.size() == square_pl.points.size());
2022-04-28 15:59:13 +02:00
GIVEN("circle") {
Slic3r::ExPolygon circle_with_hole { Polygon::new_scale({
{ 151.8639,288.1192 }, {133.2778,284.6011}, { 115.0091,279.6997 }, { 98.2859,270.8606 }, { 82.2734,260.7933 },
{ 68.8974,247.4181 }, { 56.5622,233.0777 }, { 47.7228,216.3558 }, { 40.1617,199.0172 }, { 36.6431,180.4328 },
{ 34.932,165.2312 }, { 37.5567,165.1101 }, { 41.0547,142.9903 }, { 36.9056,141.4295 }, { 40.199,124.1277 },
{ 47.7776,106.7972 }, { 56.6335,90.084 }, { 68.9831,75.7557 }, { 82.3712,62.3948 }, { 98.395,52.3429 },
{ 115.1281,43.5199 }, { 133.4004,38.6374 }, { 151.9884,35.1378 }, { 170.8905,35.8571 }, { 189.6847,37.991 },
{ 207.5349,44.2488 }, { 224.8662,51.8273 }, { 240.0786,63.067 }, { 254.407,75.4169 }, { 265.6311,90.6406 },
{ 275.6832,106.6636 }, { 281.9225,124.52 }, { 286.8064,142.795 }, { 287.5061,161.696 }, { 286.7874,180.5972 },
{ 281.8856,198.8664 }, { 275.6283,216.7169 }, { 265.5604,232.7294 }, { 254.3211,247.942 }, { 239.9802,260.2776 },
{ 224.757,271.5022 }, { 207.4179,279.0635 }, { 189.5605,285.3035 }, { 170.7649,287.4188 }
}) };
circle_with_hole.holes = { Polygon::new_scale({
{ 158.227,215.9007 }, { 164.5136,215.9007 }, { 175.15,214.5007 }, { 184.5576,210.6044 }, { 190.2268,207.8743 },
{ 199.1462,201.0306 }, { 209.0146,188.346 }, { 213.5135,177.4829 }, { 214.6979,168.4866 }, { 216.1025,162.3325 },
{ 214.6463,151.2703 }, { 213.2471,145.1399 }, { 209.0146,134.9203 }, { 199.1462,122.2357 }, { 189.8944,115.1366 },
{ 181.2504,111.5567 }, { 175.5684,108.8205 }, { 164.5136,107.3655 }, { 158.2269,107.3655 }, { 147.5907,108.7656 },
{ 138.183,112.6616 }, { 132.5135,115.3919 }, { 123.5943,122.2357 }, { 113.7259,134.92 }, { 109.2269,145.7834 },
{ 108.0426,154.7799 }, { 106.638,160.9339 }, { 108.0941,171.9957 }, { 109.4933,178.1264 }, { 113.7259,188.3463 },
{ 123.5943,201.0306 }, { 132.8461,208.1296 }, { 141.4901,211.7094 }, { 147.172,214.4458 }
}) };
THEN("contour is counter-clockwise") {
THEN("hole is counter-clockwise") {
REQUIRE(circle_with_hole.holes.size() == 1);
WHEN("clipping a line") {
auto line = Polyline::new_scale({ { 152.742,288.086671142818 }, { 152.742,34.166466971035 } });
2022-08-22 15:14:54 +02:00
Polylines intersection = intersection_pl(line, to_polygons(circle_with_hole));
2022-04-28 15:59:13 +02:00
THEN("clipped to two pieces") {
REQUIRE(intersection.front().length() == Approx((Vec2d(152742000, 215178843) - Vec2d(152742000, 288086661)).norm()));
REQUIRE(intersection[1].length() == Approx((Vec2d(152742000, 35166477) - Vec2d(152742000, 108087507)).norm()));
2022-05-04 15:05:56 +02:00
GIVEN("line") {
THEN("expand by 5") {
REQUIRE(offset(Polyline({10,10}, {20,10}), 5).front().area() == Polygon({ {10,5}, {20,5}, {20,15}, {10,15} }).area());
2019-10-25 17:07:55 +02:00
2019-12-19 11:27:01 +01:00
template<e_ordering o = e_ordering::OFF, class P, class Tree>
double polytree_area(const Tree &tree, std::vector<P> *out)
traverse_pt<o>(tree, out);
return std::accumulate(out->begin(), out->end(), 0.0,
[](double a, const P &p) { return a + p.area(); });
size_t count_polys(const ExPolygons& expolys)
size_t c = 0;
for (auto &ep : expolys) c += ep.holes.size() + 1;
return c;
TEST_CASE("Traversing Clipper PolyTree", "[ClipperUtils]") {
// Create a polygon representing unit box
Polygon unitbox;
const auto UNIT = coord_t(1. / SCALING_FACTOR);
2020-03-25 11:07:26 +01:00
unitbox.points = { Vec2crd{0, 0}, Vec2crd{UNIT, 0}, Vec2crd{UNIT, UNIT}, Vec2crd{0, UNIT}};
2019-12-19 11:27:01 +01:00
Polygon box_frame = unitbox;
box_frame.scale(20, 10);
Polygon hole_left = unitbox;
hole_left.translate(UNIT, UNIT);
Polygon hole_right = hole_left;
hole_right.translate(UNIT * 10, 0);
Polygon inner_left = unitbox;
inner_left.translate(UNIT * 3, UNIT * 3);
Polygon inner_right = inner_left;
inner_right.translate(UNIT * 10, 0);
Polygons reference = union_({box_frame, hole_left, hole_right, inner_left, inner_right});
ClipperLib::PolyTree tree = union_pt(reference);
double area_sum = box_frame.area() + hole_left.area() +
hole_right.area() + inner_left.area() +
REQUIRE(area_sum > 0);
SECTION("Traverse into Polygons WITHOUT spatial ordering") {
Polygons output;
REQUIRE(area_sum == Approx(polytree_area(tree.GetFirst(), &output)));
REQUIRE(output.size() == reference.size());
SECTION("Traverse into ExPolygons WITHOUT spatial ordering") {
ExPolygons output;
REQUIRE(area_sum == Approx(polytree_area(tree.GetFirst(), &output)));
REQUIRE(count_polys(output) == reference.size());
SECTION("Traverse into Polygons WITH spatial ordering") {
Polygons output;
REQUIRE(area_sum == Approx(polytree_area<e_ordering::ON>(tree.GetFirst(), &output)));
REQUIRE(output.size() == reference.size());
SECTION("Traverse into ExPolygons WITH spatial ordering") {
ExPolygons output;
REQUIRE(area_sum == Approx(polytree_area<e_ordering::ON>(tree.GetFirst(), &output)));
REQUIRE(count_polys(output) == reference.size());