229 lines
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229 lines
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// KD tree built upon external data set, referencing the external data by integer indices.
#ifndef slic3r_KDTreeIndirect_hpp_
#define slic3r_KDTreeIndirect_hpp_
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "Utils.hpp" // for next_highest_power_of_2()
namespace Slic3r {
// KD tree for N-dimensional closest point search.
template<size_t ANumDimensions, typename ACoordType, typename ACoordinateFn>
class KDTreeIndirect
static constexpr size_t NumDimensions = ANumDimensions;
using CoordinateFn = ACoordinateFn;
using CoordType = ACoordType;
static constexpr size_t npos = size_t(-1);
KDTreeIndirect(CoordinateFn coordinate) : coordinate(coordinate) {}
KDTreeIndirect(CoordinateFn coordinate, std::vector<size_t> indices) : coordinate(coordinate) { this->build(std::move(indices)); }
KDTreeIndirect(CoordinateFn coordinate, std::vector<size_t> &&indices) : coordinate(coordinate) { this->build(std::move(indices)); }
KDTreeIndirect(CoordinateFn coordinate, size_t num_indices) : coordinate(coordinate) { this->build(num_indices); }
KDTreeIndirect(KDTreeIndirect &&rhs) : m_nodes(std::move(rhs.m_nodes)), coordinate(std::move(rhs.coordinate)) {}
KDTreeIndirect& operator=(KDTreeIndirect &&rhs) { m_nodes = std::move(rhs.m_nodes); coordinate = std::move(rhs.coordinate); return *this; }
void clear() { m_nodes.clear(); }
void build(size_t num_indices)
std::vector<size_t> indices;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_indices; ++ i)
void build(std::vector<size_t> &&indices)
if (indices.empty())
else {
// Allocate a next highest power of 2 nodes, because the incomplete binary tree will not have the leaves filled strictly from the left.
m_nodes.assign(next_highest_power_of_2(indices.size() + 1), npos);
build_recursive(indices, 0, 0, 0, (int)(indices.size() - 1));
enum class VisitorReturnMask : unsigned int
STOP = 4,
template<typename CoordType>
unsigned int descent_mask(const CoordType &point_coord, const CoordType &search_radius, size_t idx, size_t dimension) const
CoordType dist = point_coord - this->coordinate(idx, dimension);
return (dist * dist < search_radius + CoordType(EPSILON)) ?
((unsigned int)(VisitorReturnMask::CONTINUE_LEFT) | (unsigned int)(VisitorReturnMask::CONTINUE_RIGHT)) :
(dist < CoordType(0)) ? (unsigned int)(VisitorReturnMask::CONTINUE_RIGHT) : (unsigned int)(VisitorReturnMask::CONTINUE_LEFT);
// Visitor is supposed to return a bit mask of VisitorReturnMask.
template<typename Visitor>
void visit(Visitor &visitor) const
return m_nodes.empty() ? npos : visit_recursive(0, 0, visitor);
CoordinateFn coordinate;
// Build a balanced tree by splitting the input sequence by an axis aligned plane at a dimension.
void build_recursive(std::vector<size_t> &input, size_t node, int dimension, int left, int right)
if (left > right)
assert(node < m_nodes.size());
if (left == right) {
// Insert a node into the balanced tree.
m_nodes[node] = input[left];
// Partition the input sequence to two equal halves.
int center = (left + right) >> 1;
partition_input(input, dimension, left, right, center);
// Insert a node into the tree.
m_nodes[node] = input[center];
// Partition the left and right subtrees.
size_t next_dimension = (++ dimension == NumDimensions) ? 0 : dimension;
build_recursive(input, (node << 1) + 1, next_dimension, left, center - 1);
build_recursive(input, (node << 1) + 2, next_dimension, center + 1, right);
// Partition the input m_nodes <left, right> at k using QuickSelect method.
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quickselect
void partition_input(std::vector<size_t> &input, int dimension, int left, int right, int k) const
while (left < right) {
// Guess the k'th element.
// Pick the pivot as a median of first, center and last value.
// Sort first, center and last values.
int center = (left + right) >> 1;
auto left_value = this->coordinate(input[left], dimension);
auto center_value = this->coordinate(input[center], dimension);
auto right_value = this->coordinate(input[right], dimension);
if (center_value < left_value) {
std::swap(input[left], input[center]);
std::swap(left_value, center_value);
if (right_value < left_value) {
std::swap(input[left], input[right]);
std::swap(left_value, right_value);
if (right_value < center_value) {
std::swap(input[center], input[right]);
// No need to do that, result is not used.
// std::swap(center_value, right_value);
// Only two or three values are left and those are sorted already.
if (left + 3 > right)
// left and right items are already at their correct positions.
// input[left].point[dimension] <= input[center].point[dimension] <= input[right].point[dimension]
// Move the pivot to the (right - 1) position.
std::swap(input[center], input[right - 1]);
// Pivot value.
double pivot = this->coordinate(input[right - 1], dimension);
// Partition the set based on the pivot.
int i = left;
int j = right - 1;
for (;;) {
// Skip left points that are already at correct positions.
// Search will certainly stop at position (right - 1), which stores the pivot.
while (this->coordinate(input[++ i], dimension) < pivot) ;
// Skip right points that are already at correct positions.
while (this->coordinate(input[-- j], dimension) > pivot && i < j) ;
if (i >= j)
std::swap(input[i], input[j]);
// Restore pivot to the center of the sequence.
std::swap(input[i], input[right]);
// Which side the kth element is in?
if (k < i)
right = i - 1;
else if (k == i)
// Sequence is partitioned, kth element is at its place.
left = i + 1;
template<typename Visitor>
void visit_recursive(size_t node, size_t dimension, Visitor &visitor) const
assert(! m_nodes.empty());
if (node >= m_nodes.size() || m_nodes[node] == npos)
// Left / right child node index.
size_t left = (node << 1) + 1;
size_t right = left + 1;
unsigned int mask = visitor(m_nodes[node], dimension);
if ((mask & (unsigned int)VisitorReturnMask::STOP) == 0) {
size_t next_dimension = (++ dimension == NumDimensions) ? 0 : dimension;
if (mask & (unsigned int)VisitorReturnMask::CONTINUE_LEFT)
visit_recursive(left, next_dimension, visitor);
if (mask & (unsigned int)VisitorReturnMask::CONTINUE_RIGHT)
visit_recursive(right, next_dimension, visitor);
std::vector<size_t> m_nodes;
// Find a closest point using Euclidian metrics.
// Returns npos if not found.
template<typename KDTreeIndirectType, typename PointType, typename FilterFn>
size_t find_closest_point(const KDTreeIndirectType &kdtree, const PointType &point, FilterFn filter)
struct Visitor {
using CoordType = typename KDTreeIndirectType::CoordType;
const KDTreeIndirectType &kdtree;
const PointType &point;
const FilterFn filter;
size_t min_idx = KDTreeIndirectType::npos;
CoordType min_dist = std::numeric_limits<CoordType>::max();
Visitor(const KDTreeIndirectType &kdtree, const PointType &point, FilterFn filter) : kdtree(kdtree), point(point), filter(filter) {}
unsigned int operator()(size_t idx, size_t dimension) {
if (this->filter(idx)) {
auto dist = CoordType(0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < KDTreeIndirectType::NumDimensions; ++ i) {
CoordType d = point[i] - kdtree.coordinate(idx, i);
dist += d * d;
if (dist < min_dist) {
min_dist = dist;
min_idx = idx;
return kdtree.descent_mask(point[dimension], min_dist, idx, dimension);
} visitor(kdtree, point, filter);
return visitor.min_idx;
template<typename KDTreeIndirectType, typename PointType>
size_t find_closest_point(const KDTreeIndirectType& kdtree, const PointType& point)
return find_closest_point(kdtree, point, [](size_t) { return true; });
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif /* slic3r_KDTreeIndirect_hpp_ */