2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
#include <exception>
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
#include <numeric>
#include <sstream>
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
#include "libslic3r/Config.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Print.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h"
#include "test_data.hpp"
using namespace Slic3r;
SCENARIO("Output file format", "[CustomGCode]")
WHEN("output_file_format set") {
auto config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config_with({
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
{ "travel_speed", "130"},
{ "layer_height", "0.4"},
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
{ "output_filename_format", "ts_[travel_speed]_lh_[layer_height].gcode" },
{ "start_gcode", "TRAVEL:[travel_speed] HEIGHT:[layer_height]\n" }
Print print;
Model model;
Test::init_print({ Test::TestMesh::cube_2x20x10 }, print, model, config);
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
std::string output_file = print.output_filepath({}, {});
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
THEN("print config options are replaced in output filename") {
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
REQUIRE(output_file == "ts_130_lh_0.4.gcode");
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
SCENARIO("Custom G-code", "[CustomGCode]")
WHEN("start_gcode and layer_gcode set") {
auto config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config_with({
{ "start_gcode", "_MY_CUSTOM_START_GCODE_" }, // to avoid dealing with the nozzle lift in start G-code
{ "layer_gcode", "_MY_CUSTOM_LAYER_GCODE_" }
GCodeReader parser;
bool last_move_was_z_change = false;
int num_layer_changes_not_applied = 0;
parser.parse_buffer(Slic3r::Test::slice({ Test::TestMesh::cube_2x20x10 }, config),
[&last_move_was_z_change, &num_layer_changes_not_applied](Slic3r::GCodeReader &self, const Slic3r::GCodeReader::GCodeLine &line)
if (last_move_was_z_change != line.cmd_is("_MY_CUSTOM_LAYER_GCODE_"))
++ num_layer_changes_not_applied;
last_move_was_z_change = line.dist_Z(self) > 0;
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
THEN("custom layer G-code is applied after Z move and before other moves") {
REQUIRE(num_layer_changes_not_applied == 0);
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
auto config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::new_with({
{ "nozzle_diameter", { 0.6,0.6,0.6,0.6 } },
{ "extruder", 2 },
{ "first_layer_temperature", { 200, 205 } }
WHEN("Printing with single but non-zero extruder") {
std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice({ Slic3r::Test::TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 }, config);
THEN("temperature set correctly for non-zero yet single extruder") {
REQUIRE(Slic3r::Test::contains(gcode, "\nM104 S205 T1 ;"));
THEN("unused extruder correctly ignored") {
REQUIRE(! Slic3r::Test::contains_regex(gcode, "M104 S\\d+ T0"));
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
WHEN("Printing with two extruders") {
config.opt_int("infill_extruder") = 1;
std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice({ Slic3r::Test::TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 }, config);
THEN("temperature set correctly for first extruder") {
REQUIRE(Slic3r::Test::contains(gcode, "\nM104 S200 T0 ;"));
THEN("temperature set correctly for second extruder") {
REQUIRE(Slic3r::Test::contains(gcode, "\nM104 S205 T1 ;"));
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
auto test = [](DynamicPrintConfig &config) {
// we use the [infill_extruder] placeholder to make sure this test doesn't
// catch a false positive caused by the unparsed start G-code option itself
// being embedded in the G-code
config.opt_int("infill_extruder") = 1;
std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice({ Slic3r::Test::TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 }, config);
THEN("temperature placeholder for first extruder correctly populated") {
REQUIRE(Slic3r::Test::contains(gcode, "temp0:200"));
THEN("temperature placeholder for second extruder correctly populated") {
REQUIRE(Slic3r::Test::contains(gcode, "temp1:205"));
THEN("temperature placeholder for unused extruder populated with first value") {
REQUIRE(Slic3r::Test::contains(gcode, "temp2:200"));
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
WHEN("legacy syntax") {
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2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
WHEN("new syntax") {
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
WHEN("Vojtech's syntax") {
{ "infill_extruder", 1 },
{ "start_gcode",
";substitution:{if infill_extruder==1}extruder1"
"{elsif infill_extruder==2}extruder2"
std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice({ Slic3r::Test::TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 }, config);
THEN("if / else / endif - first block returned") {
REQUIRE(Test::contains(gcode, "\n;substitution:extruder1\n"));
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
GIVEN("Layer change G-codes")
auto config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config_with({
{ "before_layer_gcode", ";BEFORE [layer_num]" },
{ "layer_gcode", ";CHANGE [layer_num]" },
{ "support_material", 1 },
{ "layer_height", 0.2 }
WHEN("before and after layer change G-codes set") {
std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice({ Slic3r::Test::TestMesh::overhang }, config);
GCodeReader parser;
std::vector<int> before;
std::vector<int> change;
parser.parse_buffer(gcode, [&before, &change](Slic3r::GCodeReader &self, const Slic3r::GCodeReader::GCodeLine &line){
int d;
if (sscanf(line.raw().c_str(), ";BEFORE %d", &d) == 1)
else if (sscanf(line.raw().c_str(), ";CHANGE %d", &d) == 1) {
if (d != before.back())
throw std::runtime_error("inconsistent layer_num before and after layer change");
THEN("layer_num is consistent before and after layer changes") {
REQUIRE(before == change);
THEN("layer_num grows continously") {
// i.e. no duplicates or regressions
bool successive = true;
for (size_t i = 1; i < change.size(); ++ i)
if (change[i - 1] + 1 != change[i])
successive = false;
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
GIVEN("if / elsif / elsif / elsif / else / endif")
auto config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::new_with({
{ "nozzle_diameter", { 0.6,0.6,0.6,0.6,0.6 } },
{ "start_gcode",
";substitution:{if infill_extruder==1}if block"
"{elsif infill_extruder==2}elsif block 1"
"{elsif infill_extruder==3}elsif block 2"
"{elsif infill_extruder==4}elsif block 3"
"{else}endif block{endif}"
std::string returned[] = { "" /* indexed by one based extruder ID */, "if block", "elsif block 1", "elsif block 2", "elsif block 3", "endif block" };
auto test = [&config, &returned](int i) {
config.set_deserialize_strict({ { "infill_extruder", i } });
std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice({ Slic3r::Test::TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 }, config);
int found_error = 0;
for (int j = 1; j <= 5; ++ j)
if (i != j && Slic3r::Test::contains(gcode, std::string("substitution:") + returned[j] + ":end"))
// failure
++ found_error;
THEN(std::string("if / else / endif returned ") + returned[i]) {
REQUIRE(Slic3r::Test::contains(gcode, std::string("substitution:") + returned[i] + ":end"));
THEN(std::string("if / else / endif - only ") + returned[i] + "returned") {
REQUIRE(found_error == 0);
WHEN("infill_extruder == 1") { test(1); }
WHEN("infill_extruder == 2") { test(2); }
WHEN("infill_extruder == 3") { test(3); }
WHEN("infill_extruder == 4") { test(4); }
WHEN("infill_extruder == 5") { test(5); }
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
2022-05-06 18:30:10 +02:00
GIVEN("nested if / if / else / endif") {
auto config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config_with({
{ "nozzle_diameter", { 0.6,0.6,0.6,0.6,0.6 } },
{ "start_gcode",
";substitution:{if infill_extruder==1}{if perimeter_extruder==1}block11{else}block12{endif}"
"{elsif infill_extruder==2}{if perimeter_extruder==1}block21{else}block22{endif}"
"{else}{if perimeter_extruder==1}block31{else}block32{endif}{endif}:end"
auto test = [&config](int i) {
config.opt_int("infill_extruder") = i;
int failed = 0;
for (int j = 1; j <= 2; ++ j) {
config.opt_int("perimeter_extruder") = j;
std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice({ Slic3r::Test::TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 }, config);
if (! Slic3r::Test::contains(gcode, std::string("substitution:block") + std::to_string(i) + std::to_string(j) + ":end"))
++ failed;
THEN(std::string("two level if / else / endif - block for infill_extruder ") + std::to_string(i) + "succeeded") {
REQUIRE(failed == 0);
WHEN("infill_extruder == 1") { test(1); }
WHEN("infill_extruder == 2") { test(2); }
WHEN("infill_extruder == 3") { test(3); }
GIVEN("printer type in notes") {
auto config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::new_with({
{ "start_gcode",
";substitution:{if notes==\"MK2\"}MK2{elsif notes==\"MK3\"}MK3{else}MK1{endif}:end"
auto test = [&config](const std::string &printer_name) {
config.set_deserialize_strict("notes", printer_name);
std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice({ Slic3r::Test::TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 }, config);
THEN(std::string("printer name ") + printer_name + " matched") {
REQUIRE(Slic3r::Test::contains(gcode, std::string("substitution:") + printer_name + ":end"));
WHEN("printer MK2") { test("MK2"); }
WHEN("printer MK3") { test("MK3"); }
WHEN("printer MK1") { test("MK1"); }
GIVEN("sequential print with between_objects_gcode") {
auto config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config_with({
{ "complete_objects", 1 },
{ "between_objects_gcode", "_MY_CUSTOM_GCODE_" }
std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice(
// 3x 20mm box
{ Slic3r::Test::TestMesh::cube_20x20x20, Slic3r::Test::TestMesh::cube_20x20x20, Slic3r::Test::TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 },
THEN("between_objects_gcode is applied correctly") {
const boost::regex expression("^_MY_CUSTOM_GCODE_");
const std::ptrdiff_t match_count =
std::distance(boost::sregex_iterator(gcode.begin(), gcode.end(), expression), boost::sregex_iterator());
REQUIRE(match_count == 2);
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00
2023-03-23 09:23:20 +01:00
GIVEN("before_layer_gcode increments global variable") {
auto config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::new_with({
{ "start_gcode", "{global counter=0}" },
{ "before_layer_gcode", ";Counter{counter=counter+1;counter}\n" }
std::string gcode = Slic3r::Test::slice({ Slic3r::Test::TestMesh::cube_20x20x20 }, config);
THEN("The counter is emitted multiple times before layer change.") {
REQUIRE(Slic3r::Test::contains(gcode, ";Counter1\n"));
REQUIRE(Slic3r::Test::contains(gcode, ";Counter2\n"));
REQUIRE(Slic3r::Test::contains(gcode, ";Counter3\n"));
2022-05-05 17:57:48 +02:00