915 lines
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915 lines
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#include "Print.hpp"
#include "I18N.hpp"
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
//! macro used to mark string used at localization, return same string
#define L(s) Slic3r::I18N::translate(s)
namespace Slic3r {
static inline LayerPtrs new_layers(
PrintObject *print_object,
// Object layers (pairs of bottom/top Z coordinate), without the raft.
const std::vector<coordf_t> &object_layers,
// Reserve object layers for the raft. Last layer of the raft is the contact layer.
size_t first_layer_id)
LayerPtrs out;
auto id = int(first_layer_id);
Layer *prev = nullptr;
for (size_t i_layer = 0; i_layer < object_layers.size(); i_layer += 2) {
coordf_t lo = object_layers[i_layer];
coordf_t hi = object_layers[i_layer + 1];
coordf_t slice_z = 0.5 * (lo + hi);
Layer *layer = new Layer(id ++, print_object, hi - lo, hi + m_slicing_params.object_print_z_min, slice_z);
if (prev != nullptr) {
prev->upper_layer = layer;
layer->lower_layer = prev;
prev = layer;
return out;
static inline std::vector<float> zs_from_layers(const LayerContainer &layers)
std::vector<float> zs;
for (const Layer *l : layers)
return zs;
//FIXME The admesh repair function may break the face connectivity, rather refresh it here as the slicing code relies on it.
static void fix_mesh_connectivity(TriangleMesh &mesh)
auto nr_degenerated = mesh.stl.stats.degenerate_facets;
if (nr_degenerated != mesh.stl.stats.degenerate_facets)
// stl_check_facets_exact() removed some newly degenerated faces. Some faces could become degenerate after some mesh transformation.
stl_generate_shared_vertices(&mesh.stl, mesh.its);
struct SliceVolumeParams
const SlicingMode mode { SlicingMode::Regular };
// For vase mode: below this layer a different slicing mode will be used to produce a single contour.
// 0 = ignore.
const size_t slicing_mode_normal_below_layer { 0 };
// Mode to apply below slicing_mode_normal_below_layer. Ignored if slicing_mode_nromal_below_layer == 0.
const SlicingMode mode_below { SlicingMode::Regular };
// Morphological closing operation when creating output expolygons.
const float closing_radius { 0 };
// Positive offset applied when creating output expolygons.
const float extra_offset { 0 };
// Resolution for contour simplification.
// 0 = don't simplify.
const double resolution { 0 };
// Transformation of the object owning the ModelVolume.
Transform3d object_trafo;
// Slice single triangle mesh.
static std::vector<ExPolygons> slice_volume(
const ModelVolume &volume,
const std::vector<float> &z,
const SliceVolumeParams ¶ms,
const TriangleMeshSlicer::throw_on_cancel_callback_type &throw_on_cancel_callback)
std::vector<ExPolygons> layers;
if (! z.empty()) {
TriangleMesh mesh(volume.mesh());
mesh.transform(params.object_trafo * volume.get_matrix(), true);
if (mesh.repaired)
if (mesh.stl.stats.number_of_facets > 0) {
// perform actual slicing
TriangleMeshSlicer mesh_slicer;
// TriangleMeshSlicer needs the shared vertices.
mesh_slicer.init(&mesh, throw_on_cancel_callback);
//FIXME simplify contours
mesh_slicer.slice(z, mode, params.slicing_mode_normal_below_layer, params.mode_below, params.closing_radius, params.extra_offset, &layers, throw_on_cancel_callback);
return layers;
// Slice single triangle mesh.
// Filter the zs not inside the ranges. The ranges are closed at the bottom and open at the top, they are sorted lexicographically and non overlapping.
static std::vector<ExPolygons> slice_volume(
const ModelVolume &volume,
const std::vector<float> &z,
const std::vector<t_layer_height_range> &ranges,
const SliceVolumeParams ¶ms,
const TriangleMeshSlicer::throw_on_cancel_callback_type &throw_on_cancel_callback)
std::vector<ExPolygons> out;
if (! z.empty() && ! ranges.empty()) {
if (ranges.size() == 1 && z.front() >= ranges.front().first && z.back() < ranges.front().second) {
// All layers fit into a single range.
out = slice_volume(volume, z, params, throw_on_cancel_callback);
} else {
std::vector<float> z_filtered;
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> n_filtered;
n_filtered.reserve(2 * ranges.size());
size_t i = 0;
for (const t_layer_height_range &range : ranges) {
for (; i < z.size() && z[i] < range.first; ++ i) ;
size_t first = i;
for (; i < z.size() && z[i] < range.second; ++ i)
if (i > first)
n_filtered.emplace_back(std::make_pair(first, i));
if (! n_filtered.empty()) {
std::vector<ExPolygons> layers = slice_volume(volume, z_filtered, params, throw_on_cancel_callback);
out.assign(z.size(), ExPolygons());
i = 0;
for (const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &span : n_filtered)
for (size_t j = span.first; j < span.second; ++ j)
out[j] = std::move(layers[i ++]);
return out;
struct VolumeSlices
ObjectID volume_id;
std::vector<ExPolygons> slices;
static inline bool model_volume_needs_slicing(const ModelVolume &mv)
ModelVolumeType type = mv.type();
return type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART || type == ModelVolumeType::NEGATIVE_VOLUME || type == ModelVolumeType::PARAMETER_MODIFIER;
// Slice printable volumes, negative volumes and modifier volumes, sorted by ModelVolume::id().
// Apply closing radius.
// Apply positive XY compensation to ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART and ModelVolumeType::PARAMETER_MODIFIER, not to ModelVolumeType::NEGATIVE_VOLUME.
// Apply contour simplification.
static std::vector<VolumeSlices> slice_volumes(
const PrintConfig &print_config,
const PrintObjectConfig &print_object_config,
const Transform3d &object_trafo,
ModelVolumePtrs model_volumes,
const std::vector<PrintObjectRegions::LayerRangeRegions> &layer_ranges;
const std::vector<float> &zs,
const TriangleMeshSlicer::throw_on_cancel_callback_type &throw_on_cancel_callback)
std::vector<VolumeSlices> out;
std::vector<t_layer_height_range> slicing_ranges;
if (layer_ranges.size() > 1)
SliceVolumeParams params_base;
params_base.closing_radius = float(print_object_config.slice_closing_radius.value);
params_base.extra_offset = 0;
params_base.object_trafo = object_trafo;
params_base.resolution = print_config.resolution;
const float extra_offset = print_object_config.xy_size_compensation > 0 ? float(print_object_config.xy_size_compensation.value) : 0.f;
for (const ModelVolume *model_volume : model_volumes)
if (model_volume_needs_slicing(*model_volume)) {
SliceVolumeParams params { params_base };
if (! model_volume->is_negative_volume())
params.extra_offset = extra_ofset;
if (layer_ranges.size() == 1) {
if (const PrintObjectRegions::LayerRangeRegions &layer_range : layer_ranges.front(); layer_range.has_volume(model_volume->id())) {
if (model_volume->is_model_part() && print_config.spiral_vase) {
auto it = std::find_first(layer_range.volume_regions.begin(), layer_range.volume_regions.end(),
[model_volume](const auto &slice){ return model_volume == slice.model_volume; });
params.mode = SlicingMode::PositiveLargestContour;
// Slice the bottom layers with SlicingMode::Regular.
// This needs to be in sync with LayerRegion::make_perimeters() spiral_vase!
params.mode_below = SlicingMode::Regular;
const PrintRegionConfig ®ion_config = it->region->config();
slicing_mode_normal_below_layer = size_t(region_config.bottom_solid_layers.value);
for (; slicing_mode_normal_below_layer < zs.size() && zs[slicing_mode_normal_below_layer] < region_config.bottom_solid_min_thickness - EPSILON;
++ slicing_mode_normal_below_layer);
slice_volume(*model_volume, zs, params, throw_on_cancel_callback)
} else {
assert(! spiral_vase);
for (const PrintObjectRegions::LayerRangeRegions &layer_range : layer_ranges)
if (layer_range.has_volume(model_volume->id()))
if (! slicing_ranges.empty())
slice_volume(*model_volume, zs, slicing_ranges, params, throw_on_cancel_callback)
if (! out.empty() && out.back().slices.empty())
static inline VolumeSlices& volume_slices_find_by_id(std::vector<VolumeSlices> &volume_slices, const ObjectID id)
auto it = lower_bound_by_predicate(volume_slices.begin(), volume_slices.end(), [id](const VolumeSlices &vs) { return vs.volume_id < id; });
assert(it != volume_slices.end() && it->volume_id == id);
return *it;
static inline bool overlap_in_xy(const BoundingBoxf3 &l, const BoundingBoxf3 &r)
return ! (l.max.x() < r.min.x() || l.min.x() > r.max.x() ||
l.max.y() < r.min.y() || l.min.y() > r.max.y());
static std::vector<std::vector<ExPolygons>> slices_to_regions(
ModelVolumePtrs model_volumes,
const PrintObjectRegions &print_object_regions,
const std::vector<float> &zs,
std::vector<VolumeSlices> &&volume_slices,
// If clipping is disabled, then ExPolygons produced by different volumes will never be merged, thus they will be allowed to overlap.
// It is up to the model designer to handle these overlaps.
const bool clip_multipart_objects,
const TriangleMeshSlicer::throw_on_cancel_callback_type &throw_on_cancel_callback)
std::vector<std::vector<ExPolygons>> slices_by_region(print_object_regions.all_regions.size(), std::vector<ExPolygons>(zs.size(), ExPolygons()));
// First shuffle slices into regions if there is no overlap with another region possible, collect zs of the complex cases.
std::vector<float> zs_complex;
size_t z_idx = 0;
for (const PrintObjectRegions::LayerRangeRegions &layer_range : print_object_regions.layer_ranges) {
for (; z_idx < zs.size() && zs[z_idx] < layer_range.layer_height_range.first; ++ z_idx) ;
if (layer_range.volume_regions.empty()) {
} else if (layer_range.volume_regions.size() == 1) {
const ModelVolume *model_volume = layer_range.volume_regions.model_volume;
assert(model_volume != nullptr);
if (model_volume->is_model_part()) {
VolumeSlices &slices_src = volume_slices_find_by_id(volume_slices, model_volume->id());
auto &slices_dst = slices_by_region[layer_range.volume_regions.front().region->print_object_region_id()];
for (; z_idx < zs.size() && zs[z_idx] < layer_range.layer_height_range.second; ++ z_idx)
slices_dst[z_idx] = std::move(slices_src[z_idx]);
} else {
for (; z_idx < zs.size() && zs[z_idx] < layer_range.layer_height_range.second; ++ z_idx) {
float z = zs[z_idx];
int idx_first_printable_region = -1;
bool complex = false;
for (int idx_region = 0; idx_region < int(layer_range.volume_regions.size()); ++ idx_region) {
const PrintObjectRegions::VolumeRegion ®ion = layer_range.volume_regions[idx_region];
if (region.bbox.min().z() >= z && region.bbox.max().z() <= z) {
if (idx_first_printable_region == -1 && region.model_volume->is_model_part())
idx_first_printable_region = idx_region;
else if (idx_first_printable_region != -1) {
// Test for overlap with some other region.
for (int idx_region2 = idx_first_printable_region; idx_region2 < idx_region; ++ idx_region2) {
const PrintObjectRegions::VolumeRegion ®ion2 = layer_range.volume_regions[idx_region2];
if (region2.bbox.min().z() >= z && region2.bbox.max().z() <= z && overlap_in_xy(*region.bbox, *region2.bbox)) {
complex = true;
if (complex)
else if (idx_first_printable_region) {
const PrintObjectRegions::VolumeRegion ®ion = layer_range.volume_regions[idx_first_printable_region];
slices_by_region[region.region->print_object_region_id()][z_idx] = std::move(volume_slices_find_by_id(volume_slices, region.model_volume->id()).slices[z_idx]);
// Second perform region clipping and assignment in parallel.
if (! zs_complex.empty()) {
struct SliceEntry {
VolumeSlices* volume_slices;
int prev_same_region { -1 };
std::vector<std::vector<SliceEntry>> layer_ranges_regions_to_slices(print_object_regions.layer_ranges.size(), std::vector<VolumeSlices*>());
std::vector<int> last_volume_idx_of_region;
for (PrintObjectRegions::LayerRangeRegions &layer_range : print_object_regions.layer_ranges) {
std::vector<SliceEntry> &layer_range_regions_to_slices = layer_ranges_regions_to_slices[&layer_range - print_object_regions.layer_ranges.data()];
last_volume_idx_of_region.assign(print_object_regions.layer_ranges.all_regions.size(), -1);
for (PrintObjectRegions::VolumeRegion ®ion : layer_range.volume_regions) {
int region_id = region.region->print_object_region_id();
layer_range_regions_to_slices.emplace_back({ &volume_slices_find_by_id(volume_slices, region.model_volume->id()), last_volume_idx_of_region[region_id] });
last_volume_idx_of_region[region_id] = ®ion - layer_range.volume_regions.data();
tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, zs_complex.size()),
[&slices_by_region, &model_volumes, &print_object_regions, &zs_complex, &layer_ranges_regions_to_slices, clip_multipart_objects, &throw_on_cancel_callback]
(const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
float z = zs_complex[*range.begin()];
it_layer_range = lower_bound_by_predicate(print_object_regions.layer_ranges.begin(), print_object_regions.layer_ranges.end(),
[z](const PrintObjectRegions::LayerRangeRegions &lr){ lr.layer_height_range.first < z; });
assert(it_layer_range != print_object_regions.layer_ranges.end() && it_layer_range->layer_height_range.first >= z && z < it_layer_range->layer_height_range.second);
// Per volume_regions slices at this Z height.
struct RegionSlice {
ExPolygons expolygons;
// Identifier of this region in PrintObjectRegions::all_regions
int region_id;
ObjectID volume_id;
bool empty() const { return region_id < 0 || expolygons.empty(); }
bool operator<(const RegionSlice &rhs) {
bool this_empty = this->empty();
return ! this->empty() && (rhs.empty() || ((this->region_id < rhs.region_id) || (this->region_id == rhs.region_id && volume_id < volume_id)));
std::vector<RegionSlice> temp_slices;
for (size_t idx_z = range.begin(); idx_z < range.end(); ++ idx_z) {
for (; it_layer_range->layer_height_range.first < z; ++ it_layer_range)
assert(it_layer_range != print_object_regions.layer_ranges.end());
assert(it_layer_range != print_object_regions.layer_ranges.end() && it_layer_range->layer_height_range.first >= z && z < it_layer_range->layer_height_range.second);
const PrintObjectRegions::LayerRangeRegions &layer_range = *it_layer_range;
SliceEntry &layer_range_regions_to_slices = layer_ranges_regions_to_slices[it_layer_range - print_object_regions.layer_ranges.begin()];
// Per volume_regions slices at thiz Z height.
for (VolumeSlices *slices : layer_range_regions_to_slices.volume_slices) {
const PrintRegion *region = layer_range.volume_regions[i].region;
temp_slices.push_back({ std::move(slices->slices[idx_z]), region ? region->print_object_region_id() : -1, slices->volume_id });
for (int idx_region = 0; idx_region < int(layer_range.volume_regions.size()); ++ idx_region)
if (! temp_slices[idx_region].empty()) {
const PrintObjectRegions::VolumeRegion ®ion = layer_range.volume_regions[idx_region];
if (region.model_volume->is_modifier()) {
assert(region.parent > -1);
bool next_region_same_modifier = idx_region + 1 < temp_slices.size() && layer_range.volume_regions[idx_region + 1]->model_volume == region.model_volume;
if (next_region_same_modifier)
temp_slices[idx_region + 1] = std::move(temp_slices[idx_region]);
ExPolygons &parent_slice = temp_slices[region.parent];
ExPolygons &this_slice = temp_slices[idx_region];
if (parent_slice.empty())
else {
ExPolygons &source_slice = temp_slices[idx_region + int(next_region_same_modifier)];
this_slice = intersection_ex(parent_slice, source_slice);
} else if ((region.model_volume->is_model_part() && clip_multipart_objects) || region.model_volume->is_negative_volume()) {
// Clip every non-zero region preceding it.
for (int idx_region2 = 0; idx_region2 < idx_region; ++ idx_region2)
if (! temp_slices[idx_region2].empty()) {
if (const PrintObjectRegions::VolumeRegion ®ion2 = layer_range.volume_regions[idx_region];
! region2.model_volume->is_negative_volume() && overlap_in_xy(*region.bbox, *region2.bbox))
temp_slices[idx_region] = diff_ex(temp_slices[idx_region], temp_slices[idx_region2]);
// Sort by region_id, push empty slices to the end.
std::sort(temp_slices.begin(), temp_slices.end());
// Remove the empty slices.
temp_slices.erase(temp_slices.begin(), std::find_first(temp_slices.begin(), temp_slices.end(), [](const auto &slice){ return slice.empty(); }));
// Merge slices and store them to the output.
for (int i = 0; i < temp_slices.size();) {
// Find a range of temp_slices with the same region_id.
int j = i;
bool merged = false;
ExPolygons &expolygons = temp_slices[i].expolygons;
for (++ j;
j < temp_slices.size() &&
temp_slices[i].region_id == temp_slices[j].region_id &&
(clip_multipart_objects || temp_slices[i].volume_id == temp_slices[j].volume_id);
++ j)
if (ExPolygons &expolygons2 = temp_slices[j].expolygons; ! expolygons2.empty())
if (expolygons.empty())
expolygons = std::move(expolygons2);
else {
append(expolygons, expolygons2);
merged = true;
if (merged)
expolygons = offset_ex(offset_ex(expolygons, float(scale_(EPSILON))), -float(scale_(EPSILON)));
slices_by_region[temp_slices[i].region_id][z_idx] = std::move(expolygons);
i = j;
// Z ranges are not applicable to modifier meshes, therefore a single volume will be found in volume_w_zrange at most once.
std::vector<ExPolygons> PrintObject::slice_modifiers(size_t region_id, const std::vector<float> &slice_zs) const
std::vector<ExPolygons> out;
if (region_id < m_region_volumes.size())
std::vector<std::vector<t_layer_height_range>> volume_ranges;
const PrintRegionVolumes &volumes_and_ranges = m_region_volumes[region_id];
for (size_t i = 0; i < volumes_and_ranges.volumes.size(); ) {
int volume_id = volumes_and_ranges.volumes[i].volume_idx;
const ModelVolume *model_volume = this->model_object()->volumes[volume_id];
if (model_volume->is_modifier()) {
std::vector<t_layer_height_range> ranges;
size_t j = i + 1;
for (; j < volumes_and_ranges.volumes.size() && volume_id == volumes_and_ranges.volumes[j].volume_idx; ++ j) {
if (! ranges.empty() && std::abs(ranges.back().second - volumes_and_ranges.volumes[j].layer_height_range.first) < EPSILON)
ranges.back().second = volumes_and_ranges.volumes[j].layer_height_range.second;
i = j;
} else
++ i;
if (! volume_ranges.empty())
bool equal_ranges = true;
for (size_t i = 1; i < volume_ranges.size(); ++ i) {
assert(! volume_ranges[i].empty());
if (volume_ranges.front() != volume_ranges[i]) {
equal_ranges = false;
if (equal_ranges && volume_ranges.front().size() == 1 && volume_ranges.front().front() == t_layer_height_range(0, DBL_MAX)) {
// No modifier in this region was split to layer spans.
std::vector<const ModelVolume*> volumes;
for (const PrintRegionVolumes::VolumeWithZRange &volume_w_zrange : m_region_volumes[region_id].volumes) {
const ModelVolume *volume = this->model_object()->volumes[volume_w_zrange.volume_idx];
if (volume->is_modifier())
out = this->slice_volumes(slice_zs, SlicingMode::Regular, volumes);
} else {
// Some modifier in this region was split to layer spans.
std::vector<char> merge;
for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < m_region_volumes.size(); ++ region_id) {
const PrintRegionVolumes &volumes_and_ranges = m_region_volumes[region_id];
for (size_t i = 0; i < volumes_and_ranges.volumes.size(); ) {
int volume_id = volumes_and_ranges.volumes[i].volume_idx;
const ModelVolume *model_volume = this->model_object()->volumes[volume_id];
if (model_volume->is_modifier()) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Slicing modifiers - volume " << volume_id;
// Find the ranges of this volume. Ranges in volumes_and_ranges must not overlap for a single volume.
std::vector<t_layer_height_range> ranges;
size_t j = i + 1;
for (; j < volumes_and_ranges.volumes.size() && volume_id == volumes_and_ranges.volumes[j].volume_idx; ++ j)
// slicing in parallel
std::vector<ExPolygons> this_slices = this->slice_volume(slice_zs, ranges, SlicingMode::Regular, *model_volume);
// Variable this_slices could be empty if no value of slice_zs is within any of the ranges of this volume.
if (out.empty()) {
out = std::move(this_slices);
merge.assign(out.size(), false);
} else if (!this_slices.empty()) {
assert(out.size() == this_slices.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < out.size(); ++ i)
if (! this_slices[i].empty()) {
if (! out[i].empty()) {
append(out[i], this_slices[i]);
merge[i] = true;
} else
out[i] = std::move(this_slices[i]);
i = j;
} else
++ i;
for (size_t i = 0; i < merge.size(); ++ i)
if (merge[i])
out[i] = union_ex(out[i]);
return out;
std::string PrintObject::_fix_slicing_errors()
// Collect layers with slicing errors.
// These layers will be fixed in parallel.
std::vector<size_t> buggy_layers;
for (size_t idx_layer = 0; idx_layer < m_layers.size(); ++ idx_layer)
if (m_layers[idx_layer]->slicing_errors)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Slicing objects - fixing slicing errors in parallel - begin";
tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, buggy_layers.size()),
[this, &buggy_layers](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) {
for (size_t buggy_layer_idx = range.begin(); buggy_layer_idx < range.end(); ++ buggy_layer_idx) {
size_t idx_layer = buggy_layers[buggy_layer_idx];
Layer *layer = m_layers[idx_layer];
// Try to repair the layer surfaces by merging all contours and all holes from neighbor layers.
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Attempting to repair layer" << idx_layer;
for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < layer->m_regions.size(); ++ region_id) {
LayerRegion *layerm = layer->m_regions[region_id];
// Find the first valid layer below / above the current layer.
const Surfaces *upper_surfaces = nullptr;
const Surfaces *lower_surfaces = nullptr;
for (size_t j = idx_layer + 1; j < m_layers.size(); ++ j)
if (! m_layers[j]->slicing_errors) {
upper_surfaces = &m_layers[j]->regions()[region_id]->slices.surfaces;
for (int j = int(idx_layer) - 1; j >= 0; -- j)
if (! m_layers[j]->slicing_errors) {
lower_surfaces = &m_layers[j]->regions()[region_id]->slices.surfaces;
// Collect outer contours and holes from the valid layers above & below.
Polygons outer;
((upper_surfaces == nullptr) ? 0 : upper_surfaces->size()) +
((lower_surfaces == nullptr) ? 0 : lower_surfaces->size()));
size_t num_holes = 0;
if (upper_surfaces)
for (const auto &surface : *upper_surfaces) {
num_holes += surface.expolygon.holes.size();
if (lower_surfaces)
for (const auto &surface : *lower_surfaces) {
num_holes += surface.expolygon.holes.size();
Polygons holes;
if (upper_surfaces)
for (const auto &surface : *upper_surfaces)
polygons_append(holes, surface.expolygon.holes);
if (lower_surfaces)
for (const auto &surface : *lower_surfaces)
polygons_append(holes, surface.expolygon.holes);
layerm->slices.set(diff_ex(union_(outer), holes), stInternal);
// Update layer slices after repairing the single regions.
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Slicing objects - fixing slicing errors in parallel - end";
// remove empty layers from bottom
while (! m_layers.empty() && (m_layers.front()->lslices.empty() || m_layers.front()->empty())) {
delete m_layers.front();
m_layers.front()->lower_layer = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_layers.size(); ++ i)
m_layers[i]->set_id(m_layers[i]->id() - 1);
return buggy_layers.empty() ? "" :
"The model has overlapping or self-intersecting facets. I tried to repair it, "
"however you might want to check the results or repair the input file and retry.\n";
// Simplify the sliced model, if "resolution" configuration parameter > 0.
// The simplification is problematic, because it simplifies the slices independent from each other,
// which makes the simplified discretization visible on the object surface.
void PrintObject::simplify_slices(double distance)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Slicing objects - siplifying slices in parallel - begin";
tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, m_layers.size()),
[this, distance](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) {
for (size_t layer_idx = range.begin(); layer_idx < range.end(); ++ layer_idx) {
Layer *layer = m_layers[layer_idx];
for (size_t region_idx = 0; region_idx < layer->m_regions.size(); ++ region_idx)
ExPolygons simplified;
for (const ExPolygon &expoly : layer->lslices)
expoly.simplify(distance, &simplified);
layer->lslices = std::move(simplified);
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Slicing objects - siplifying slices in parallel - end";
// Called by make_perimeters()
// 1) Decides Z positions of the layers,
// 2) Initializes layers and their regions
// 3) Slices the object meshes
// 4) Slices the modifier meshes and reclassifies the slices of the object meshes by the slices of the modifier meshes
// 5) Applies size compensation (offsets the slices in XY plane)
// 6) Replaces bad slices by the slices reconstructed from the upper/lower layer
// Resulting expolygons of layer regions are marked as Internal.
void PrintObject::slice()
if (! this->set_started(posSlice))
m_print->set_status(10, L("Processing triangulated mesh"));
std::vector<coordf_t> layer_height_profile;
this->update_layer_height_profile(*this->model_object(), m_slicing_params, layer_height_profile);
m_typed_slices = false;
m_layers = new_layers(this, generate_object_layers(m_slicing_params, layer_height_profile), m_slicing_params.raft_layers());
// Fix the model.
//FIXME is this the right place to do? It is done repeateadly at the UI and now here at the backend.
std::string warning = this->_fix_slicing_errors();
if (! warning.empty())
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << warning;
// Update bounding boxes, back up raw slices of complex models.
tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, m_layers.size()),
[this](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) {
for (size_t layer_idx = range.begin(); layer_idx < range.end(); ++ layer_idx) {
Layer &layer = *m_layers[layer_idx];
for (const ExPolygon &expoly : layer.lslices)
if (m_layers.empty())
throw Slic3r::SlicingError("No layers were detected. You might want to repair your STL file(s) or check their size or thickness and retry.\n");
// 1) Decides Z positions of the layers,
// 2) Initializes layers and their regions
// 3) Slices the object meshes
// 4) Slices the modifier meshes and reclassifies the slices of the object meshes by the slices of the modifier meshes
// 5) Applies size compensation (offsets the slices in XY plane)
// 6) Replaces bad slices by the slices reconstructed from the upper/lower layer
// Resulting expolygons of layer regions are marked as Internal.
// this should be idempotent
void PrintObject::slice_volumes()
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Slicing volumes..." << log_memory_info();
bool spiral_vase = this->print()->config().spiral_vase;
auto throw_on_cancel_callback = TriangleMeshSlicer::throw_on_cancel_callback_type([print](){print->throw_if_canceled();});
std::vector<float> slice_zs = zs_from_layers(m_layers);
std::vector<std::vector<ExPolygons>> region_slices = slices_to_regions(this->model_object()->volumes, m_shared_regions->layer_ranges, slice_zs,
this->print()->config(), this->config(),
this->model_object()->volumes, m_shared_regions->layer_ranges, m_center_offset, slice_zs, SlicingMode::Regular, spiral_vase, throw_on_cancel_callback),
for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < region_slices.size(); ++ region_id) {
std::vector<ExPolygons> &by_layer = region_slices[region_id];
for (size_t layer_id = 0; layer_id < by_layer.size(); ++ layer_id)
m_layers[layer_id]->regions()[region_id]->slices.append(std::move(by_layer[layer_id]), stInternal);
// Second clip the volumes in the order they are presented at the user interface.
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Slicing volumes - parallel clipping - start";
tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, slice_zs.size()),
[this, &sliced_volumes, num_modifiers](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) {
float delta = float(scale_(m_config.xy_size_compensation.value));
// Only upscale together with clipping if there are no modifiers, as the modifiers shall be applied before upscaling
// (upscaling may grow the object outside of the modifier mesh).
bool upscale = delta > 0 && num_modifiers == 0;
for (size_t layer_id = range.begin(); layer_id < range.end(); ++ layer_id) {
// Trim volumes in a single layer, one by the other, possibly apply upscaling.
Polygons processed;
for (SlicedVolume &sliced_volume : sliced_volumes)
if (! sliced_volume.expolygons_by_layer.empty()) {
ExPolygons slices = std::move(sliced_volume.expolygons_by_layer[layer_id]);
if (upscale)
slices = offset_ex(std::move(slices), delta);
if (! processed.empty())
// Trim by the slices of already processed regions.
slices = diff_ex(slices, processed);
if (size_t(&sliced_volume - &sliced_volumes.front()) + 1 < sliced_volumes.size())
// Collect the already processed regions to trim the to be processed regions.
polygons_append(processed, slices);
sliced_volume.expolygons_by_layer[layer_id] = std::move(slices);
// Collect and union volumes of a single region.
for (int region_id = 0; region_id < int(m_region_volumes.size()); ++ region_id) {
ExPolygons expolygons;
size_t num_volumes = 0;
for (SlicedVolume &sliced_volume : sliced_volumes)
if (sliced_volume.region_id == region_id && ! sliced_volume.expolygons_by_layer.empty() && ! sliced_volume.expolygons_by_layer[layer_id].empty()) {
++ num_volumes;
append(expolygons, std::move(sliced_volume.expolygons_by_layer[layer_id]));
if (num_volumes > 1)
// Merge the islands using a positive / negative offset.
expolygons = offset_ex(offset_ex(expolygons, float(scale_(EPSILON))), -float(scale_(EPSILON)));
m_layers[layer_id]->regions()[region_id]->slices.append(std::move(expolygons), stInternal);
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Slicing volumes - parallel clipping - end";
clipped = true;
upscaled = m_config.xy_size_compensation.value > 0 && num_modifiers == 0;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Slicing volumes - removing top empty layers";
while (! m_layers.empty()) {
const Layer *layer = m_layers.back();
if (! layer->empty())
delete layer;
if (! m_layers.empty())
m_layers.back()->upper_layer = nullptr;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Slicing volumes - make_slices in parallel - begin";
// Compensation value, scaled.
const float xy_compensation_scaled = float(scale_(m_config.xy_size_compensation.value));
const float elephant_foot_compensation_scaled = (m_config.raft_layers == 0) ?
// Only enable Elephant foot compensation if printing directly on the print bed.
float(scale_(m_config.elefant_foot_compensation.value)) :
// Uncompensated slices for the first layer in case the Elephant foot compensation is applied.
ExPolygons lslices_1st_layer;
tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, m_layers.size()),
[this, upscaled, clipped, xy_compensation_scaled, elephant_foot_compensation_scaled, &lslices_1st_layer]
(const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) {
for (size_t layer_id = range.begin(); layer_id < range.end(); ++ layer_id) {
Layer *layer = m_layers[layer_id];
// Apply size compensation and perform clipping of multi-part objects.
float elfoot = (layer_id == 0) ? elephant_foot_compensation_scaled : 0.f;
if (layer->m_regions.size() == 1) {
assert(! upscaled);
assert(! clipped);
// Optimized version for a single region layer.
// Single region, growing or shrinking.
LayerRegion *layerm = layer->m_regions.front();
if (elfoot > 0) {
// Apply the elephant foot compensation and store the 1st layer slices without the Elephant foot compensation applied.
lslices_1st_layer = to_expolygons(std::move(layerm->slices.surfaces));
float delta = xy_compensation_scaled;
if (delta > elfoot) {
delta -= elfoot;
elfoot = 0.f;
} else if (delta > 0)
elfoot -= delta;
(delta == 0.f) ? lslices_1st_layer : offset_ex(lslices_1st_layer, delta),
layerm->flow(frExternalPerimeter), unscale<double>(elfoot))),
if (xy_compensation_scaled != 0.f)
lslices_1st_layer = offset_ex(std::move(lslices_1st_layer), xy_compensation_scaled);
} else if (xy_compensation_scaled != 0.f) {
// Apply the XY compensation.
offset_ex(to_expolygons(std::move(layerm->slices.surfaces)), xy_compensation_scaled),
} else {
bool upscale = ! upscaled && xy_compensation_scaled > 0.f;
bool clip = ! clipped && m_config.clip_multipart_objects.value;
if (upscale || clip) {
// Multiple regions, growing or just clipping one region by the other.
// When clipping the regions, priority is given to the first regions.
Polygons processed;
for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < layer->m_regions.size(); ++ region_id) {
LayerRegion *layerm = layer->m_regions[region_id];
ExPolygons slices = to_expolygons(std::move(layerm->slices.surfaces));
if (upscale)
slices = offset_ex(std::move(slices), xy_compensation_scaled);
if (region_id > 0 && clip)
// Trim by the slices of already processed regions.
slices = diff_ex(slices, processed);
if (clip && (region_id + 1 < layer->m_regions.size()))
// Collect the already processed regions to trim the to be processed regions.
polygons_append(processed, slices);
layerm->slices.set(std::move(slices), stInternal);
if (xy_compensation_scaled < 0.f || elfoot > 0.f) {
// Apply the negative XY compensation.
Polygons trimming;
static const float eps = float(scale_(m_config.slice_closing_radius.value) * 1.5);
if (elfoot > 0.f) {
lslices_1st_layer = offset_ex(layer->merged(eps), std::min(xy_compensation_scaled, 0.f) - eps);
trimming = to_polygons(Slic3r::elephant_foot_compensation(lslices_1st_layer,
layer->m_regions.front()->flow(frExternalPerimeter), unscale<double>(elfoot)));
} else
trimming = offset(layer->merged(float(SCALED_EPSILON)), xy_compensation_scaled - float(SCALED_EPSILON));
for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < layer->m_regions.size(); ++ region_id)
// Merge all regions' slices to get islands, chain them by a shortest path.
if (elephant_foot_compensation_scaled > 0.f && ! m_layers.empty()) {
// The Elephant foot has been compensated, therefore the 1st layer's lslices are shrank with the Elephant foot compensation value.
// Store the uncompensated value there.
assert(m_layers.front()->id() == 0);
m_layers.front()->lslices = std::move(lslices_1st_layer);
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Slicing volumes - make_slices in parallel - end";
std::vector<ExPolygons> PrintObject::slice_support_volumes(const ModelVolumeType model_volume_type) const
size_t it_volume = this->model_object()->volumes.begin();
size_t it_volume_end = this->model_object()->volumes.end();
for (; it_volume->type() != model_volume_type && it_volume != it_volume_end; ++ it_volume) ;
std::vector<ExPolygons> slices;
if (it_volume != it_volume_end) {
// Found at least a single support volume of model_volume_type.
std::vector<float> zs = zs_from_layers(this->layers());
std::vector<char> merge_layers;
bool merge = false;
const Print *print = this->print();
auto throw_on_cancel_callback = TriangleMeshSlicer::throw_on_cancel_callback_type([print](){print->throw_if_canceled();});
for (; it_volume != it_volume_end; ++ it_volume; it_volume != it_volume_end)
if (it_volume->type() == model_volume_type) {
std::vector<ExPolygons> slices2 = slice_volume(*(*it_volume), zs, SlicingMode::Regular, throw_on_cancel_callback);
if (slices.empty())
slices = std::move(slices2);
else if (! slices2.empty()) {
if (merge_layers.empty())
merge_layers.assign(zs.size(), false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < zs.size(); ++ i) {
if (slices[i].empty())
slices[i] = std::move(slices2[i]);
else if (! slices2[i].empty()) {
append(slices[i], std::move(slices2[i]));
merge_layers[i] = true;
merge = true;
if (merge) {
std::vector<ExPolygons*> to_merge;
for (size_t i = 0; i < zs.size(); ++ i)
if (merge_layers[i])
tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, to_merge.size()),
[&to_merge](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (size_t i = range.begin(); i < range.end(); ++ i)
to_merge[i] = union_ex(to_merge[i]);
return slices;
} // namespace Slic3r