81 lines
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81 lines
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#ifndef slic3r_enum_bitmask_hpp_
#define slic3r_enum_bitmask_hpp_
// enum_bitmask for passing a set of attributes to a function in a type safe way.
// Adapted from https://gpfault.net/posts/typesafe-bitmasks.txt.html
// with hints from https://www.strikerx3.dev/cpp/2019/02/27/typesafe-enum-class-bitmasks-in-cpp.html
#include <type_traits>
namespace Slic3r {
// enum_bitmasks can only be used with enums.
template<class option_type, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<option_type>::value>::type>
class enum_bitmask {
// The type we'll use for storing the value of our bitmask should be the same as the enum's underlying type.
using underlying_type = typename std::underlying_type<option_type>::type;
// This method helps us avoid having to explicitly set enum values to powers of two.
static constexpr underlying_type mask_value(option_type o) { return 1 << static_cast<underlying_type>(o); }
// Private ctor to be used internally.
explicit constexpr enum_bitmask(underlying_type o) : m_bits(o) {}
// Default ctor creates a bitmask with no options selected.
constexpr enum_bitmask() : m_bits(0) {}
// Creates a enum_bitmask with just one bit set.
// This ctor is intentionally non-explicit, to allow passing an options to a function:
// FunctionExpectingBitmask(Options::Opt1)
constexpr enum_bitmask(option_type o) : m_bits(mask_value(o)) {}
// Set the bit corresponding to the given option.
constexpr enum_bitmask operator|(option_type t) { return enum_bitmask(m_bits | mask_value(t)); }
// Combine with another enum_bitmask of the same type.
constexpr enum_bitmask operator|(enum_bitmask<option_type> t) { return enum_bitmask(m_bits | t.m_bits); }
// Get the value of the bit corresponding to the given option.
constexpr bool operator&(option_type t) { return m_bits & mask_value(t); }
constexpr bool has(option_type t) { return m_bits & mask_value(t); }
underlying_type m_bits = 0;
// For enabling free functions producing enum_bitmask<> type from bit operations on enums.
template<typename Enum> struct is_enum_bitmask_type { static const bool enable = false; };
#define ENABLE_ENUM_BITMASK_OPERATORS(x) template<> struct is_enum_bitmask_type<x> { static const bool enable = true; };
template<class Enum> inline constexpr bool is_enum_bitmask_type_v = is_enum_bitmask_type<Enum>::enable;
// Creates an enum_bitmask from two options, convenient for passing of options to a function:
// FunctionExpectingBitmask(Options::Opt1 | Options::Opt2 | Options::Opt3)
template <class option_type>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<is_enum_bitmask_type_v<option_type>, enum_bitmask<option_type>> operator|(option_type lhs, option_type rhs) {
return enum_bitmask<option_type>{lhs} | rhs;
template <class option_type>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<is_enum_bitmask_type_v<option_type>, enum_bitmask<option_type>> operator|(option_type lhs, enum_bitmask<option_type> rhs) {
return enum_bitmask<option_type>{lhs} | rhs;
template <class option_type>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<is_enum_bitmask_type_v<option_type>, enum_bitmask<option_type>> only_if(bool condition, option_type opt) {
return condition ? enum_bitmask<option_type>{opt} : enum_bitmask<option_type>{};
template <class option_type>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<is_enum_bitmask_type_v<option_type>, enum_bitmask<option_type>> only_if(bool condition, enum_bitmask<option_type> opt) {
return condition ? opt : enum_bitmask<option_type>{};
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif // slic3r_enum_bitmask_hpp_