2013-12-21 15:15:41 +00:00
# ifndef slic3r_PrintConfig_hpp_
# define slic3r_PrintConfig_hpp_
# include "Config.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
enum GCodeFlavor {
gcfRepRap , gcfTeacup , gcfMakerWare , gcfSailfish , gcfMach3 , gcfNoExtrusion ,
} ;
template < > inline t_config_enum_values ConfigOptionEnum < GCodeFlavor > : : get_enum_values ( ) {
t_config_enum_values keys_map ;
keys_map [ " reprap " ] = gcfRepRap ;
keys_map [ " teacup " ] = gcfTeacup ;
keys_map [ " makerware " ] = gcfMakerWare ;
keys_map [ " sailfish " ] = gcfSailfish ;
keys_map [ " mach3 " ] = gcfMach3 ;
keys_map [ " no-extrusion " ] = gcfNoExtrusion ;
return keys_map ;
class PrintConfig : public StaticConfig
public :
static t_optiondef_map PrintConfigDef ;
ConfigOptionFloat layer_height ;
ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent first_layer_height ;
ConfigOptionInt perimeters ;
ConfigOptionString extrusion_axis ;
ConfigOptionPoint print_center ;
ConfigOptionPoints extruder_offset ;
ConfigOptionString notes ;
ConfigOptionBool use_relative_e_distances ;
ConfigOptionEnum < GCodeFlavor > gcode_flavor ;
ConfigOptionFloats nozzle_diameter ;
ConfigOptionInts temperature ;
ConfigOptionBools wipe ;
PrintConfig ( ) {
this - > def = & PrintConfig : : PrintConfigDef ;
this - > layer_height . value = 0.4 ;
this - > first_layer_height . value = 0.35 ;
this - > first_layer_height . percent = false ;
this - > perimeters . value = 3 ;
this - > extrusion_axis . value = " E " ;
this - > print_center . point = Pointf ( 100 , 100 ) ;
this - > extruder_offset . points . push_back ( Pointf ( 0 , 0 ) ) ;
this - > notes . value = " " ;
this - > use_relative_e_distances . value = false ;
this - > gcode_flavor . value = gcfRepRap ;
this - > nozzle_diameter . values . push_back ( 0.5 ) ;
this - > temperature . values . push_back ( 200 ) ;
this - > wipe . values . push_back ( true ) ;
} ;
ConfigOption * option ( const t_config_option_key opt_key , bool create = false ) {
if ( opt_key = = " layer_height " ) return & this - > layer_height ;
if ( opt_key = = " first_layer_height " ) return & this - > first_layer_height ;
if ( opt_key = = " perimeters " ) return & this - > perimeters ;
if ( opt_key = = " extrusion_axis " ) return & this - > extrusion_axis ;
if ( opt_key = = " print_center " ) return & this - > print_center ;
if ( opt_key = = " extruder_offset " ) return & this - > extruder_offset ;
if ( opt_key = = " notes " ) return & this - > notes ;
if ( opt_key = = " use_relative_e_distances " ) return & this - > use_relative_e_distances ;
if ( opt_key = = " gcode_flavor " ) return & this - > gcode_flavor ;
if ( opt_key = = " nozzle_diameter " ) return & this - > nozzle_diameter ;
if ( opt_key = = " temperature " ) return & this - > temperature ;
if ( opt_key = = " wipe " ) return & this - > wipe ;
2013-12-21 20:06:45 +00:00
if ( create ) throw " Attempt to create non-existing option in StaticConfig object " ;
2013-12-21 15:15:41 +00:00
return NULL ;
} ;
static t_optiondef_map build_def ( ) {
t_optiondef_map Options ;
Options [ " layer_height " ] . type = coFloat ;
Options [ " layer_height " ] . label = " Layer height " ;
Options [ " layer_height " ] . tooltip = " This setting controls the height (and thus the total number) of the slices/layers. Thinner layers give better accuracy but take more time to print. " ;
Options [ " first_layer_height " ] . type = coFloatOrPercent ;
Options [ " first_layer_height " ] . ratio_over = " layer_height " ;
Options [ " perimeters " ] . type = coInt ;
Options [ " perimeters " ] . label = " Perimeters (minimum) " ;
Options [ " perimeters " ] . tooltip = " This option sets the number of perimeters to generate for each layer. Note that Slic3r may increase this number automatically when it detects sloping surfaces which benefit from a higher number of perimeters if the Extra Perimeters option is enabled. " ;
Options [ " extrusion_axis " ] . type = coString ;
Options [ " print_center " ] . type = coPoint ;
Options [ " extruder_offset " ] . type = coPoints ;
Options [ " notes " ] . type = coString ;
Options [ " use_relative_e_distances " ] . type = coBool ;
Options [ " gcode_flavor " ] . type = coEnum ;
Options [ " gcode_flavor " ] . enum_keys_map = ConfigOptionEnum < GCodeFlavor > : : get_enum_values ( ) ;
Options [ " nozzle_diameter " ] . type = coFloats ;
Options [ " temperature " ] . type = coInts ;
Options [ " wipe " ] . type = coBools ;
return Options ;
} ;
} ;
class DynamicPrintConfig : public DynamicConfig
public :
DynamicPrintConfig ( ) {
this - > def = & PrintConfig : : PrintConfigDef ;
} ;
} ;
# endif