2023-01-19 09:26:47 +01:00
# In PrusaSlicer 2.6.0 we switched from https://github.com/memononen/nanosvg to its fork https://github.com/fltk/nanosvg
# because this last implements the new function nsvgRasterizeXY() which we now use in GLTexture::load_from_svg()
# for rasterizing svg files from their original size to a squared power of two texture on Windows systems using
# AMD Radeon graphics cards
2022-06-08 12:25:01 +02:00
2023-01-19 09:26:47 +01:00
URL https://github.com/fltk/nanosvg/archive/abcd277ea45e9098bed752cf9c6875b533c0892f.zip
URL_HASH SHA256=e859938fbaee4b351bd8a8b3d3c7a75b40c36885ce00b73faa1ce0b98aa0ad34
2022-06-08 12:25:01 +02:00