2019-03-15 11:53:15 +00:00
// Include GLGizmoBase.hpp before I18N.hpp as it includes some libigl code, which overrides our localization "L" macro.
#include "GLGizmoSlaSupports.hpp"
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_App.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectSettings.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectList.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/PresetBundle.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
namespace GUI {
GLGizmoSlaSupports::GLGizmoSlaSupports(GLCanvas3D& parent, const std::string& icon_filename, unsigned int sprite_id)
: GLGizmoBase(parent, icon_filename, sprite_id)
GLGizmoSlaSupports::GLGizmoSlaSupports(GLCanvas3D& parent, unsigned int sprite_id)
: GLGizmoBase(parent, sprite_id)
, m_starting_center(Vec3d::Zero()), m_quadric(nullptr)
m_quadric = ::gluNewQuadric();
if (m_quadric != nullptr)
// using GLU_FILL does not work when the instance's transformation
// contains mirroring (normals are reverted)
::gluQuadricDrawStyle(m_quadric, GLU_FILL);
if (m_quadric != nullptr)
bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_init()
m_shortcut_key = WXK_CONTROL_L;
return true;
2019-03-19 12:30:21 +00:00
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::set_sla_support_data(ModelObject* model_object, const Selection& selection)
2019-03-15 11:53:15 +00:00
m_starting_center = Vec3d::Zero();
m_old_model_object = m_model_object;
m_model_object = model_object;
if (selection.is_empty())
m_old_instance_id = -1;
m_active_instance = selection.get_instance_idx();
if (model_object && selection.is_from_single_instance())
if (is_mesh_update_necessary()) {
if (m_model_object != m_old_model_object)
m_editing_mode = false;
if (m_editing_mode_cache.empty() && m_model_object->sla_points_status != sla::PointsStatus::UserModified)
if (m_state == On) {
m_parent.toggle_model_objects_visibility(true, m_model_object, m_active_instance);
2019-03-19 12:30:21 +00:00
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_render(const Selection& selection) const
2019-03-15 11:53:15 +00:00
render_points(selection, false);
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::render_selection_rectangle() const
if (!m_selection_rectangle_active)
float render_color[3] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f};
::glPushAttrib(GL_TRANSFORM_BIT); // remember current MatrixMode
::glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // cache modelview matrix and set to identity
::glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // cache projection matrix and set to identity
::glOrtho(0.f, m_canvas_width, m_canvas_height, 0.f, -1.f, 1.f); // set projection matrix so that world coords = window coords
// render the selection rectangle (window coordinates):
::glLineStipple(4, 0xAAAA);
::glVertex3f((GLfloat)m_selection_rectangle_start_corner(0), (GLfloat)m_selection_rectangle_start_corner(1), (GLfloat)0.5f);
::glVertex3f((GLfloat)m_selection_rectangle_end_corner(0), (GLfloat)m_selection_rectangle_start_corner(1), (GLfloat)0.5f);
::glVertex3f((GLfloat)m_selection_rectangle_end_corner(0), (GLfloat)m_selection_rectangle_end_corner(1), (GLfloat)0.5f);
::glVertex3f((GLfloat)m_selection_rectangle_start_corner(0), (GLfloat)m_selection_rectangle_end_corner(1), (GLfloat)0.5f);
::glPopMatrix(); // restore former projection matrix
::glPopMatrix(); // restore former modelview matrix
::glPopAttrib(); // restore former MatrixMode
2019-03-19 12:30:21 +00:00
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_render_for_picking(const Selection& selection) const
2019-03-15 11:53:15 +00:00
render_points(selection, true);
2019-03-19 12:30:21 +00:00
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::render_points(const Selection& selection, bool picking) const
2019-03-15 11:53:15 +00:00
if (m_quadric == nullptr || !selection.is_from_single_instance())
if (!picking)
const GLVolume* vol = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin());
double z_shift = vol->get_sla_shift_z();
const Transform3d& instance_scaling_matrix_inverse = vol->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(true, true, false, true).inverse();
const Transform3d& instance_matrix = vol->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix();
::glTranslated(0.0, 0.0, z_shift);
float render_color[3];
for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_editing_mode_cache.size(); ++i)
const sla::SupportPoint& support_point = m_editing_mode_cache[i].support_point;
const bool& point_selected = m_editing_mode_cache[i].selected;
// First decide about the color of the point.
if (picking) {
std::array<float, 3> color = picking_color_component(i);
render_color[0] = color[0];
render_color[1] = color[1];
render_color[2] = color[2];
else {
if ((m_hover_id == i && m_editing_mode)) { // ignore hover state unless editing mode is active
render_color[0] = 0.f;
render_color[1] = 1.0f;
render_color[2] = 1.0f;
else { // neigher hover nor picking
bool supports_new_island = m_lock_unique_islands && m_editing_mode_cache[i].support_point.is_new_island;
if (m_editing_mode) {
render_color[0] = point_selected ? 1.0f : (supports_new_island ? 0.3f : 0.7f);
render_color[1] = point_selected ? 0.3f : (supports_new_island ? 0.3f : 0.7f);
render_color[2] = point_selected ? 0.3f : (supports_new_island ? 1.0f : 0.7f);
for (unsigned char i=0; i<3; ++i) render_color[i] = 0.5f;
float render_color_emissive[4] = { 0.5f * render_color[0], 0.5f * render_color[1], 0.5f * render_color[2], 1.f};
::glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, render_color_emissive);
// Inverse matrix of the instance scaling is applied so that the mark does not scale with the object.
::glTranslated(support_point.pos(0), support_point.pos(1), support_point.pos(2));
// Matrices set, we can render the point mark now.
// If in editing mode, we'll also render a cone pointing to the sphere.
if (m_editing_mode) {
if (m_editing_mode_cache[i].normal == Vec3f::Zero())
update_cache_entry_normal(i); // in case the normal is not yet cached, find and cache it
Eigen::Quaterniond q;
q.setFromTwoVectors(Vec3d{0., 0., 1.}, instance_scaling_matrix_inverse * m_editing_mode_cache[i].normal.cast<double>());
Eigen::AngleAxisd aa(q);
::glRotated(aa.angle() * (180./M_PI), aa.axis()(0), aa.axis()(1), aa.axis()(2));
const float cone_radius = 0.25f; // mm
const float cone_height = 0.75f;
::glTranslatef(0.f, 0.f, m_editing_mode_cache[i].support_point.head_front_radius * RenderPointScale);
::gluCylinder(m_quadric, 0.f, cone_radius, cone_height, 36, 1);
::glTranslatef(0.f, 0.f, cone_height);
::gluDisk(m_quadric, 0.0, cone_radius, 36, 1);
::gluSphere(m_quadric, m_editing_mode_cache[i].support_point.head_front_radius * RenderPointScale, 64, 36);
// Reset emissive component to zero (the default value)
float render_color_emissive[4] = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f };
::glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, render_color_emissive);
if (!picking)
bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::is_mesh_update_necessary() const
return ((m_state == On) && (m_model_object != nullptr) && !m_model_object->instances.empty())
&& ((m_model_object != m_old_model_object) || m_V.size()==0);
//if (m_state != On || !m_model_object || m_model_object->instances.empty() || ! m_instance_matrix.isApprox(m_source_data.matrix))
// return false;
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::update_mesh()
wxBusyCursor wait;
Eigen::MatrixXf& V = m_V;
Eigen::MatrixXi& F = m_F;
// Composite mesh of all instances in the world coordinate system.
// This mesh does not account for the possible Z up SLA offset.
TriangleMesh mesh = m_model_object->raw_mesh();
const stl_file& stl = mesh.stl;
V.resize(3 * stl.stats.number_of_facets, 3);
F.resize(stl.stats.number_of_facets, 3);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<stl.stats.number_of_facets; ++i) {
const stl_facet* facet = stl.facet_start+i;
V(3*i+0, 0) = facet->vertex[0](0); V(3*i+0, 1) = facet->vertex[0](1); V(3*i+0, 2) = facet->vertex[0](2);
V(3*i+1, 0) = facet->vertex[1](0); V(3*i+1, 1) = facet->vertex[1](1); V(3*i+1, 2) = facet->vertex[1](2);
V(3*i+2, 0) = facet->vertex[2](0); V(3*i+2, 1) = facet->vertex[2](1); V(3*i+2, 2) = facet->vertex[2](2);
F(i, 0) = 3*i+0;
F(i, 1) = 3*i+1;
F(i, 2) = 3*i+2;
m_AABB = igl::AABB<Eigen::MatrixXf,3>();
m_AABB.init(m_V, m_F);
std::pair<Vec3f, Vec3f> GLGizmoSlaSupports::unproject_on_mesh(const Vec2d& mouse_pos)
// if the gizmo doesn't have the V, F structures for igl, calculate them first:
if (m_V.size() == 0)
Eigen::Matrix<GLint, 4, 1, Eigen::DontAlign> viewport;
::glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport.data());
Eigen::Matrix<GLdouble, 4, 4, Eigen::DontAlign> modelview_matrix;
::glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview_matrix.data());
Eigen::Matrix<GLdouble, 4, 4, Eigen::DontAlign> projection_matrix;
::glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection_matrix.data());
Vec3d point1;
Vec3d point2;
::gluUnProject(mouse_pos(0), viewport(3)-mouse_pos(1), 0.f, modelview_matrix.data(), projection_matrix.data(), viewport.data(), &point1(0), &point1(1), &point1(2));
::gluUnProject(mouse_pos(0), viewport(3)-mouse_pos(1), 1.f, modelview_matrix.data(), projection_matrix.data(), viewport.data(), &point2(0), &point2(1), &point2(2));
igl::Hit hit;
2019-03-19 12:30:21 +00:00
const Selection& selection = m_parent.get_selection();
2019-03-15 11:53:15 +00:00
const GLVolume* volume = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin());
double z_offset = volume->get_sla_shift_z();
point1(2) -= z_offset;
point2(2) -= z_offset;
Transform3d inv = volume->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix().inverse();
point1 = inv * point1;
point2 = inv * point2;
if (!m_AABB.intersect_ray(m_V, m_F, point1.cast<float>(), (point2-point1).cast<float>(), hit))
throw std::invalid_argument("unproject_on_mesh(): No intersection found.");
int fid = hit.id; // facet id
Vec3f bc(1-hit.u-hit.v, hit.u, hit.v); // barycentric coordinates of the hit
Vec3f a = (m_V.row(m_F(fid, 1)) - m_V.row(m_F(fid, 0)));
Vec3f b = (m_V.row(m_F(fid, 2)) - m_V.row(m_F(fid, 0)));
// Calculate and return both the point and the facet normal.
return std::make_pair(
bc(0) * m_V.row(m_F(fid, 0)) + bc(1) * m_V.row(m_F(fid, 1)) + bc(2)*m_V.row(m_F(fid, 2)),
// Following function is called from GLCanvas3D to inform the gizmo about a mouse/keyboard event.
// The gizmo has an opportunity to react - if it does, it should return true so that the Canvas3D is
// aware that the event was reacted to and stops trying to make different sense of it. If the gizmo
// concludes that the event was not intended for it, it should return false.
bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::mouse_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mouse_position, bool shift_down)
if (m_editing_mode) {
// left down - show the selection rectangle:
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::LeftDown && shift_down) {
if (m_hover_id == -1) {
m_selection_rectangle_active = true;
m_selection_rectangle_start_corner = mouse_position;
m_selection_rectangle_end_corner = mouse_position;
m_canvas_width = m_parent.get_canvas_size().get_width();
m_canvas_height = m_parent.get_canvas_size().get_height();
return true;
// dragging the selection rectangle:
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::Dragging && m_selection_rectangle_active) {
m_selection_rectangle_end_corner = mouse_position;
return true;
// mouse up without selection rectangle - place point on the mesh:
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::LeftUp && !m_selection_rectangle_active && !shift_down) {
if (m_ignore_up_event) {
m_ignore_up_event = false;
return false;
int instance_id = m_parent.get_selection().get_instance_idx();
if (m_old_instance_id != instance_id)
bool something_selected = (m_old_instance_id != -1);
m_old_instance_id = instance_id;
if (something_selected)
return false;
if (instance_id == -1)
return false;
// If there is some selection, don't add new point and deselect everything instead.
if (m_selection_empty) {
try {
std::pair<Vec3f, Vec3f> pos_and_normal = unproject_on_mesh(mouse_position); // don't create anything if this throws
m_editing_mode_cache.emplace_back(sla::SupportPoint(pos_and_normal.first, m_new_point_head_diameter/2.f, false), false, pos_and_normal.second);
m_unsaved_changes = true;
catch (...) { // not clicked on object
return true; // prevents deselection of the gizmo by GLCanvas3D
return true;
// left up with selection rectangle - select points inside the rectangle:
if ((action == SLAGizmoEventType::LeftUp || action == SLAGizmoEventType::ShiftUp)
&& m_selection_rectangle_active) {
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::ShiftUp)
m_ignore_up_event = true;
const Transform3d& instance_matrix = m_model_object->instances[m_active_instance]->get_transformation().get_matrix();
GLint viewport[4];
::glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
GLdouble modelview_matrix[16];
::glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview_matrix);
GLdouble projection_matrix[16];
::glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection_matrix);
2019-03-19 12:30:21 +00:00
const Selection& selection = m_parent.get_selection();
2019-03-15 11:53:15 +00:00
const GLVolume* volume = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin());
double z_offset = volume->get_sla_shift_z();
// bounding box created from the rectangle corners - will take care of order of the corners
BoundingBox rectangle(Points{Point(m_selection_rectangle_start_corner.cast<int>()), Point(m_selection_rectangle_end_corner.cast<int>())});
const Transform3d& instance_matrix_no_translation = volume->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(true);
// we'll recover current look direction from the modelview matrix (in world coords)...
Vec3f direction_to_camera(modelview_matrix[2], modelview_matrix[6], modelview_matrix[10]);
// ...and transform it to model coords.
direction_to_camera = (instance_matrix_no_translation.inverse().cast<float>() * direction_to_camera).normalized().eval();
// Iterate over all points, check if they're in the rectangle and if so, check that they are not obscured by the mesh:
for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_editing_mode_cache.size(); ++i) {
const sla::SupportPoint &support_point = m_editing_mode_cache[i].support_point;
Vec3f pos = instance_matrix.cast<float>() * support_point.pos;
pos(2) += z_offset;
GLdouble out_x, out_y, out_z;
::gluProject((GLdouble)pos(0), (GLdouble)pos(1), (GLdouble)pos(2), modelview_matrix, projection_matrix, viewport, &out_x, &out_y, &out_z);
out_y = m_canvas_height - out_y;
if (rectangle.contains(Point(out_x, out_y))) {
bool is_obscured = false;
// Cast a ray in the direction of the camera and look for intersection with the mesh:
std::vector<igl::Hit> hits;
// Offset the start of the ray to the front of the ball + EPSILON to account for numerical inaccuracies.
if (m_AABB.intersect_ray(m_V, m_F, support_point.pos + direction_to_camera * (support_point.head_front_radius + EPSILON), direction_to_camera, hits))
// FIXME: the intersection could in theory be behind the camera, but as of now we only have camera direction.
// Also, the threshold is in mesh coordinates, not in actual dimensions.
if (hits.size() > 1 || hits.front().t > 0.001f)
is_obscured = true;
if (!is_obscured)
m_selection_rectangle_active = false;
return true;
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::Delete) {
// delete key pressed
return true;
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::ApplyChanges) {
return true;
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::DiscardChanges) {
return true;
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::RightDown) {
if (m_hover_id != -1) {
return true;
return false;
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::SelectAll) {
return true;
if (!m_editing_mode) {
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::AutomaticGeneration) {
return true;
if (action == SLAGizmoEventType::ManualEditing) {
return true;
return false;
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::delete_selected_points(bool force)
for (unsigned int idx=0; idx<m_editing_mode_cache.size(); ++idx) {
if (m_editing_mode_cache[idx].selected && (!m_editing_mode_cache[idx].support_point.is_new_island || !m_lock_unique_islands || force)) {
m_editing_mode_cache.erase(m_editing_mode_cache.begin() + (idx--));
m_unsaved_changes = true;
// This should trigger the support generation
// wxGetApp().plater()->reslice_SLA_supports(*m_model_object);
2019-03-19 12:30:21 +00:00
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_update(const UpdateData& data, const Selection& selection)
2019-03-15 11:53:15 +00:00
if (m_editing_mode && m_hover_id != -1 && data.mouse_pos && (!m_editing_mode_cache[m_hover_id].support_point.is_new_island || !m_lock_unique_islands)) {
std::pair<Vec3f, Vec3f> pos_and_normal;
try {
pos_and_normal = unproject_on_mesh(Vec2d((*data.mouse_pos)(0), (*data.mouse_pos)(1)));
catch (...) { return; }
m_editing_mode_cache[m_hover_id].support_point.pos = pos_and_normal.first;
m_editing_mode_cache[m_hover_id].support_point.is_new_island = false;
m_editing_mode_cache[m_hover_id].normal = pos_and_normal.second;
m_unsaved_changes = true;
// Do not update immediately, wait until the mouse is released.
// m_parent.post_event(SimpleEvent(EVT_GLCANVAS_SCHEDULE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS));
std::vector<const ConfigOption*> GLGizmoSlaSupports::get_config_options(const std::vector<std::string>& keys) const
std::vector<const ConfigOption*> out;
if (!m_model_object)
return out;
const DynamicPrintConfig& object_cfg = m_model_object->config;
const DynamicPrintConfig& print_cfg = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->sla_prints.get_edited_preset().config;
std::unique_ptr<DynamicPrintConfig> default_cfg = nullptr;
for (const std::string& key : keys) {
if (object_cfg.has(key))
if (print_cfg.has(key))
else { // we must get it from defaults
if (default_cfg == nullptr)
return out;
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::update_cache_entry_normal(unsigned int i) const
int idx = 0;
Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 3> pp = m_editing_mode_cache[i].support_point.pos;
Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 3> cc;
m_AABB.squared_distance(m_V, m_F, pp, idx, cc);
Vec3f a = (m_V.row(m_F(idx, 1)) - m_V.row(m_F(idx, 0)));
Vec3f b = (m_V.row(m_F(idx, 2)) - m_V.row(m_F(idx, 0)));
m_editing_mode_cache[i].normal = a.cross(b);
2019-03-19 12:30:21 +00:00
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_render_input_window(float x, float y, float bottom_limit, const Selection& selection)
2019-03-15 11:53:15 +00:00
if (!m_model_object)
bool first_run = true; // This is a hack to redraw the button when all points are removed,
// so it is not delayed until the background process finishes.
m_imgui->set_next_window_pos(x, y, ImGuiCond_Always);
const float scaling = m_imgui->get_style_scaling();
const ImVec2 window_size(285.f * scaling, 300.f * scaling);
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(x, y - std::max(0.f, y+window_size.y-bottom_limit) ));
m_imgui->begin(on_get_name(), ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse);
bool force_refresh = false;
bool remove_selected = false;
bool remove_all = false;
if (m_editing_mode) {
m_imgui->text(_(L("Left mouse click - add point")));
m_imgui->text(_(L("Right mouse click - remove point")));
m_imgui->text(_(L("Shift + Left (+ drag) - select point(s)")));
m_imgui->text(" "); // vertical gap
float diameter_upper_cap = static_cast<ConfigOptionFloat*>(wxGetApp().preset_bundle->sla_prints.get_edited_preset().config.option("support_pillar_diameter"))->value;
if (m_new_point_head_diameter > diameter_upper_cap)
m_new_point_head_diameter = diameter_upper_cap;
m_imgui->text(_(L("Head diameter: ")));
if (ImGui::SliderFloat("", &m_new_point_head_diameter, 0.1f, diameter_upper_cap, "%.1f")) {
// value was changed
for (auto& cache_entry : m_editing_mode_cache)
if (cache_entry.selected) {
cache_entry.support_point.head_front_radius = m_new_point_head_diameter / 2.f;
m_unsaved_changes = true;
bool changed = m_lock_unique_islands;
m_imgui->checkbox(_(L("Lock supports under new islands")), m_lock_unique_islands);
force_refresh |= changed != m_lock_unique_islands;
remove_selected = m_imgui->button(_(L("Remove selected points")));
remove_all = m_imgui->button(_(L("Remove all points")));
m_imgui->text(" "); // vertical gap
if (m_imgui->button(_(L("Apply changes")))) {
force_refresh = true;
bool discard_changes = m_imgui->button(_(L("Discard changes")));
if (discard_changes) {
force_refresh = true;
else { // not in editing mode:
m_imgui->text(_(L("Minimal points distance: ")));
std::vector<const ConfigOption*> opts = get_config_options({"support_points_density_relative", "support_points_minimal_distance"});
float density = static_cast<const ConfigOptionInt*>(opts[0])->value;
float minimal_point_distance = static_cast<const ConfigOptionFloat*>(opts[1])->value;
bool value_changed = ImGui::SliderFloat("", &minimal_point_distance, 0.f, 20.f, "%.f mm");
if (value_changed)
m_model_object->config.opt<ConfigOptionFloat>("support_points_minimal_distance", true)->value = minimal_point_distance;
m_imgui->text(_(L("Support points density: ")));
if (ImGui::SliderFloat(" ", &density, 0.f, 200.f, "%.f %%")) {
value_changed = true;
m_model_object->config.opt<ConfigOptionInt>("support_points_density_relative", true)->value = (int)density;
if (value_changed) { // Update side panel
wxTheApp->CallAfter([]() {
bool generate = m_imgui->button(_(L("Auto-generate points [A]")));
if (generate)
if (m_imgui->button(_(L("Manual editing [M]"))))
remove_all = m_imgui->button(_(L("Remove all points")));
m_imgui->text(m_model_object->sla_points_status == sla::PointsStatus::None ? "No points (will be autogenerated)" :
(m_model_object->sla_points_status == sla::PointsStatus::AutoGenerated ? "Autogenerated points (no modifications)" :
(m_model_object->sla_points_status == sla::PointsStatus::UserModified ? "User-modified points" :
(m_model_object->sla_points_status == sla::PointsStatus::Generating ? "Generation in progress..." : "UNKNOWN STATUS"))));
if (m_editing_mode != m_old_editing_state) { // user toggled between editing/non-editing mode
force_refresh = true;
m_old_editing_state = m_editing_mode;
if (remove_selected || remove_all) {
force_refresh = false;
if (remove_all)
if (remove_all && !m_editing_mode)
if (first_run) {
first_run = false;
if (force_refresh)
2019-03-19 12:30:21 +00:00
bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_is_activable(const Selection& selection) const
2019-03-15 11:53:15 +00:00
if (wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() != ptSLA
|| !selection.is_from_single_instance())
return false;
// Check that none of the selected volumes is outside.
2019-03-19 12:30:21 +00:00
const Selection::IndicesList& list = selection.get_volume_idxs();
2019-03-15 11:53:15 +00:00
for (const auto& idx : list)
if (selection.get_volume(idx)->is_outside)
return false;
return true;
bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_is_selectable() const
return (wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA);
std::string GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_get_name() const
return L("SLA Support Points [L]");
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_set_state()
if (m_state == On && m_old_state != On) { // the gizmo was just turned on
if (is_mesh_update_necessary())
// we'll now reload support points:
if (m_model_object)
if (m_model_object)
m_parent.toggle_model_objects_visibility(true, m_model_object, m_active_instance);
// Set default head diameter from config.
const DynamicPrintConfig& cfg = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->sla_prints.get_edited_preset().config;
m_new_point_head_diameter = static_cast<const ConfigOptionFloat*>(cfg.option("support_head_front_diameter"))->value;
if (m_state == Off && m_old_state != Off) { // the gizmo was just turned Off
if (m_model_object) {
if (m_unsaved_changes) {
wxMessageDialog dlg(GUI::wxGetApp().plater(), _(L("Do you want to save your manually edited support points ?\n")),
_(L("Save changes?")), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES | wxNO);
if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES)
m_editing_mode = false; // so it is not active next time the gizmo opens
m_old_state = m_state;
2019-03-19 12:30:21 +00:00
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_start_dragging(const Selection& selection)
2019-03-15 11:53:15 +00:00
if (m_hover_id != -1) {
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::select_point(int i)
if (i == AllPoints || i == NoPoints) {
for (auto& point_and_selection : m_editing_mode_cache)
point_and_selection.selected = ( i == AllPoints );
m_selection_empty = (i == NoPoints);
if (i == AllPoints)
m_new_point_head_diameter = m_editing_mode_cache[0].support_point.head_front_radius * 2.f;
else {
m_editing_mode_cache[i].selected = true;
m_selection_empty = false;
m_new_point_head_diameter = m_editing_mode_cache[i].support_point.head_front_radius * 2.f;
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::editing_mode_discard_changes()
for (const sla::SupportPoint& point : m_model_object->sla_support_points)
m_editing_mode_cache.emplace_back(point, false);
m_editing_mode = false;
m_unsaved_changes = false;
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::editing_mode_apply_changes()
// If there are no changes, don't touch the front-end. The data in the cache could have been
// taken from the backend and copying them to ModelObject would needlessly invalidate them.
if (m_unsaved_changes) {
m_model_object->sla_points_status = sla::PointsStatus::UserModified;
for (const CacheEntry& cache_entry : m_editing_mode_cache)
// Recalculate support structures once the editing mode is left.
// m_parent.post_event(SimpleEvent(EVT_GLCANVAS_SCHEDULE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS));
// m_parent.post_event(SimpleEvent(EVT_GLCANVAS_SCHEDULE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS));
m_editing_mode = false;
m_unsaved_changes = false;
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::editing_mode_reload_cache()
for (const sla::SupportPoint& point : m_model_object->sla_support_points)
m_editing_mode_cache.emplace_back(point, false);
m_unsaved_changes = false;
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::get_data_from_backend()
for (const SLAPrintObject* po : m_parent.sla_print()->objects()) {
if (po->model_object()->id() == m_model_object->id() && po->is_step_done(slaposSupportPoints)) {
const std::vector<sla::SupportPoint>& points = po->get_support_points();
auto mat = po->trafo().inverse().cast<float>();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<points.size();++i)
m_editing_mode_cache.emplace_back(sla::SupportPoint(mat * points[i].pos, points[i].head_front_radius, points[i].is_new_island), false);
if (m_model_object->sla_points_status != sla::PointsStatus::UserModified)
m_model_object->sla_points_status = sla::PointsStatus::AutoGenerated;
m_unsaved_changes = false;
// We don't copy the data into ModelObject, as this would stop the background processing.
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::auto_generate()
wxMessageDialog dlg(GUI::wxGetApp().plater(), _(L(
"Autogeneration will erase all manually edited points.\n\n"
"Are you sure you want to do it?\n"
)), _(L("Warning")), wxICON_WARNING | wxYES | wxNO);
if (m_model_object->sla_points_status != sla::PointsStatus::UserModified || m_editing_mode_cache.empty() || dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES) {
m_model_object->sla_points_status = sla::PointsStatus::Generating;
void GLGizmoSlaSupports::switch_to_editing_mode()
if (m_model_object->sla_points_status != sla::PointsStatus::AutoGenerated)
m_unsaved_changes = false;
m_editing_mode = true;
} // namespace GUI
} // namespace Slic3r