
2042 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
#include <set>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <float.h>
namespace Slic3r {
t_optiondef_map &Options = this->options;
ConfigOptionDef* def;
def = this->add("avoid_crossing_perimeters", coBool);
def->label = "Avoid crossing perimeters";
def->tooltip = "Optimize travel moves in order to minimize the crossing of perimeters. "
"This is mostly useful with Bowden extruders which suffer from oozing. "
"This feature slows down both the print and the G-code generation.";
def->cli = "avoid-crossing-perimeters!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("bed_shape", coPoints);
def->label = "Bed shape";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionPoints { Pointf(0,0), Pointf(200,0), Pointf(200,200), Pointf(0,200) };
def = this->add("bed_temperature", coInts);
def->label = "Other layers";
def->tooltip = "Bed temperature for layers after the first one. "
"Set this to zero to disable bed temperature control commands in the output.";
def->cli = "bed-temperature=i@";
def->full_label = "Bed temperature";
def->min = 0;
def->max = 300;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInts { 0 };
def = this->add("before_layer_gcode", coString);
def->label = "Before layer change G-code";
def->tooltip = "This custom code is inserted at every layer change, right before the Z move. "
"Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings as well "
"as [layer_num] and [layer_z].";
def->cli = "before-layer-gcode=s";
def->multiline = true;
def->full_width = true;
def->height = 50;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
def = this->add("bottom_solid_layers", coInt);
def->label = "Bottom";
def->category = "Layers and Perimeters";
def->tooltip = "Number of solid layers to generate on bottom surfaces.";
def->cli = "bottom-solid-layers=i";
def->full_label = "Bottom solid layers";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(3);
def = this->add("bridge_acceleration", coFloat);
def->label = "Bridge";
def->tooltip = "This is the acceleration your printer will use for bridges. "
"Set zero to disable acceleration control for bridges.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s²";
def->cli = "bridge-acceleration=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("bridge_angle", coFloat);
def->label = "Bridging angle";
def->category = "Infill";
def->tooltip = "Bridging angle override. If left to zero, the bridging angle will be calculated "
"automatically. Otherwise the provided angle will be used for all bridges. "
"Use 180° for zero angle.";
def->sidetext = "°";
def->cli = "bridge-angle=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0.);
def = this->add("bridge_fan_speed", coInts);
def->label = "Bridges fan speed";
def->tooltip = "This fan speed is enforced during all bridges and overhangs.";
def->sidetext = "%";
def->cli = "bridge-fan-speed=i@";
def->min = 0;
def->max = 100;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInts { 100 };
def = this->add("bridge_flow_ratio", coFloat);
def->label = "Bridge flow ratio";
def->category = "Advanced";
def->tooltip = "This factor affects the amount of plastic for bridging. "
"You can decrease it slightly to pull the extrudates and prevent sagging, "
"although default settings are usually good and you should experiment "
"with cooling (use a fan) before tweaking this.";
def->cli = "bridge-flow-ratio=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(1);
def = this->add("bridge_speed", coFloat);
def->label = "Bridges";
def->category = "Speed";
def->tooltip = "Speed for printing bridges.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s";
def->cli = "bridge-speed=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(60);
def = this->add("brim_width", coFloat);
def->label = "Brim width";
def->tooltip = "Horizontal width of the brim that will be printed around each object on the first layer.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "brim-width=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("clip_multipart_objects", coBool);
def->label = "Clip multi-part objects";
def->tooltip = "When printing multi-material objects, this settings will make slic3r "
"to clip the overlapping object parts one by the other "
"(2nd part will be clipped by the 1st, 3rd part will be clipped by the 1st and 2nd etc).";
def->cli = "clip-multipart-objects!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("compatible_printers", coStrings);
def->label = "Compatible printers";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionStrings();
def = this->add("complete_objects", coBool);
def->label = "Complete individual objects";
def->tooltip = "When printing multiple objects or copies, this feature will complete "
"each object before moving onto next one (and starting it from its bottom layer). "
"This feature is useful to avoid the risk of ruined prints. "
"Slic3r should warn and prevent you from extruder collisions, but beware.";
def->cli = "complete-objects!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("cooling", coBools);
def->label = "Enable auto cooling";
def->tooltip = "This flag enables the automatic cooling logic that adjusts print speed "
"and fan speed according to layer printing time.";
def->cli = "cooling!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBools { true };
def = this->add("default_acceleration", coFloat);
def->label = "Default";
def->tooltip = "This is the acceleration your printer will be reset to after "
"the role-specific acceleration values are used (perimeter/infill). "
"Set zero to prevent resetting acceleration at all.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s²";
def->cli = "default-acceleration=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("disable_fan_first_layers", coInts);
def->label = "Disable fan for the first";
def->tooltip = "You can set this to a positive value to disable fan at all "
"during the first layers, so that it does not make adhesion worse.";
def->sidetext = "layers";
def->cli = "disable-fan-first-layers=i@";
def->min = 0;
def->max = 1000;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInts { 3 };
def = this->add("dont_support_bridges", coBool);
def->label = "Don't support bridges";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Experimental option for preventing support material from being generated "
"under bridged areas.";
def->cli = "dont-support-bridges!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(true);
def = this->add("duplicate_distance", coFloat);
def->label = "Distance between copies";
def->tooltip = "Distance used for the auto-arrange feature of the plater.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "duplicate-distance=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(6);
def = this->add("elefant_foot_compensation", coFloat);
def->label = "Elefant foot compensation";
def->category = "Advanced";
def->tooltip = "The first layer will be shrunk in the XY plane by the configured value "
"to compensate for the 1st layer squish aka an Elefant Foot effect.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "elefant-foot-compensation=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("end_gcode", coString);
def->label = "End G-code";
def->tooltip = "This end procedure is inserted at the end of the output file. "
"Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings.";
def->cli = "end-gcode=s";
def->multiline = true;
def->full_width = true;
def->height = 120;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("M104 S0 ; turn off temperature\nG28 X0 ; home X axis\nM84 ; disable motors\n");
def = this->add("end_filament_gcode", coStrings);
def->label = "End G-code";
def->tooltip = "This end procedure is inserted at the end of the output file, before the printer end gcode. "
"Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings. "
"If you have multiple extruders, the gcode is processed in extruder order.";
def->cli = "end-filament-gcode=s@";
def->multiline = true;
def->full_width = true;
def->height = 120;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionStrings { "; Filament-specific end gcode \n;END gcode for filament\n" };
def = this->add("ensure_vertical_shell_thickness", coBool);
def->label = "Ensure vertical shell thickness";
def->category = "Layers and Perimeters";
def->tooltip = "Add solid infill near sloping surfaces to guarantee the vertical shell thickness "
"(top+bottom solid layers).";
def->cli = "ensure-vertical-shell-thickness!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("external_fill_pattern", coEnum);
def->label = "Top/bottom fill pattern";
def->category = "Infill";
def->tooltip = "Fill pattern for top/bottom infill. This only affects the external visible layer, "
"and not its adjacent solid shells.";
def->cli = "external-fill-pattern|solid-fill-pattern=s";
def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum<InfillPattern>::get_enum_values();
def->enum_labels.push_back("Hilbert Curve");
def->enum_labels.push_back("Archimedean Chords");
def->enum_labels.push_back("Octagram Spiral");
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionEnum<InfillPattern>(ipRectilinear);
def = this->add("external_perimeter_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "External perimeters";
def->category = "Extrusion Width";
def->tooltip = "Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for external perimeters. "
"If left zero, default extrusion width will be used if set, otherwise 1.125 x nozzle diameter will be used. "
"If expressed as percentage (for example 200%), it will be computed over layer height.";
def->sidetext = "mm or % (leave 0 for default)";
def->cli = "external-perimeter-extrusion-width=s";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false);
def = this->add("external_perimeter_speed", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "External perimeters";
def->category = "Speed";
def->tooltip = "This separate setting will affect the speed of external perimeters (the visible ones). "
"If expressed as percentage (for example: 80%) it will be calculated "
"on the perimeters speed setting above. Set to zero for auto.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s or %";
def->cli = "external-perimeter-speed=s";
def->ratio_over = "perimeter_speed";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(50, true);
def = this->add("external_perimeters_first", coBool);
def->label = "External perimeters first";
def->category = "Layers and Perimeters";
def->tooltip = "Print contour perimeters from the outermost one to the innermost one "
"instead of the default inverse order.";
def->cli = "external-perimeters-first!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("extra_perimeters", coBool);
def->label = "Extra perimeters if needed";
def->category = "Layers and Perimeters";
def->tooltip = "Add more perimeters when needed for avoiding gaps in sloping walls. "
"Slic3r keeps adding perimeters, until more than 70% of the loop immediately above "
"is supported.";
def->cli = "extra-perimeters!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(true);
def = this->add("extruder", coInt);
def->gui_type = "i_enum_open";
def->label = "Extruder";
def->category = "Extruders";
def->tooltip = "The extruder to use (unless more specific extruder settings are specified). "
"This value overrides perimeter and infill extruders, but not the support extruders.";
def->cli = "extruder=i";
def->min = 0; // 0 = inherit defaults
def->enum_labels.push_back("default"); // override label for item 0
def = this->add("extruder_clearance_height", coFloat);
def->label = "Height";
def->tooltip = "Set this to the vertical distance between your nozzle tip and (usually) the X carriage rods. "
"In other words, this is the height of the clearance cylinder around your extruder, "
"and it represents the maximum depth the extruder can peek before colliding with "
"other printed objects.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "extruder-clearance-height=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(20);
def = this->add("extruder_clearance_radius", coFloat);
def->label = "Radius";
def->tooltip = "Set this to the clearance radius around your extruder. "
"If the extruder is not centered, choose the largest value for safety. "
"This setting is used to check for collisions and to display the graphical preview "
"in the plater.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "extruder-clearance-radius=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(20);
def = this->add("extruder_colour", coStrings);
def->label = "Extruder Color";
def->tooltip = "This is only used in the Slic3r interface as a visual help.";
def->cli = "extruder-color=s@";
def->gui_type = "color";
// Empty string means no color assigned yet.
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionStrings { "" };
def = this->add("extruder_offset", coPoints);
def->label = "Extruder offset";
def->tooltip = "If your firmware doesn't handle the extruder displacement you need the G-code "
"to take it into account. This option lets you specify the displacement of each extruder "
"with respect to the first one. It expects positive coordinates (they will be subtracted "
"from the XY coordinate).";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "extruder-offset=s@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionPoints { Pointf(0,0) };
def = this->add("extrusion_axis", coString);
def->label = "Extrusion axis";
def->tooltip = "Use this option to set the axis letter associated to your printer's extruder "
"(usually E but some printers use A).";
def->cli = "extrusion-axis=s";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("E");
def = this->add("extrusion_multiplier", coFloats);
def->label = "Extrusion multiplier";
def->tooltip = "This factor changes the amount of flow proportionally. You may need to tweak "
"this setting to get nice surface finish and correct single wall widths. "
"Usual values are between 0.9 and 1.1. If you think you need to change this more, "
"check filament diameter and your firmware E steps.";
def->cli = "extrusion-multiplier=f@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 1. };
def = this->add("extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "Default extrusion width";
def->category = "Extrusion Width";
def->tooltip = "Set this to a non-zero value to allow a manual extrusion width. "
"If left to zero, Slic3r derives extrusion widths from the nozzle diameter "
"(see the tooltips for perimeter extrusion width, infill extrusion width etc). "
"If expressed as percentage (for example: 230%), it will be computed over layer height.";
def->sidetext = "mm or % (leave 0 for auto)";
def->cli = "extrusion-width=s";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false);
def = this->add("fan_always_on", coBools);
def->label = "Keep fan always on";
def->tooltip = "If this is enabled, fan will never be disabled and will be kept running at least "
"at its minimum speed. Useful for PLA, harmful for ABS.";
def->cli = "fan-always-on!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBools { false };
def = this->add("fan_below_layer_time", coInts);
def->label = "Enable fan if layer print time is below";
def->tooltip = "If layer print time is estimated below this number of seconds, fan will be enabled "
"and its speed will be calculated by interpolating the minimum and maximum speeds.";
def->sidetext = "approximate seconds";
def->cli = "fan-below-layer-time=i@";
def->width = 60;
def->min = 0;
def->max = 1000;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInts { 60 };
def = this->add("filament_colour", coStrings);
def->label = "Color";
def->tooltip = "This is only used in the Slic3r interface as a visual help.";
def->cli = "filament-color=s@";
def->gui_type = "color";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionStrings { "#29b2b2" };
2015-05-26 00:01:43 +00:00
def = this->add("filament_notes", coStrings);
def->label = "Filament notes";
def->tooltip = "You can put your notes regarding the filament here.";
def->cli = "filament-notes=s@";
def->multiline = true;
def->full_width = true;
def->height = 130;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionStrings { "" };
def = this->add("filament_max_volumetric_speed", coFloats);
def->label = "Max volumetric speed";
def->tooltip = "Maximum volumetric speed allowed for this filament. Limits the maximum volumetric "
"speed of a print to the minimum of print and filament volumetric speed. "
"Set to zero for no limit.";
def->sidetext = "mm³/s";
def->cli = "filament-max-volumetric-speed=f@";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. };
def = this->add("filament_diameter", coFloats);
def->label = "Diameter";
def->tooltip = "Enter your filament diameter here. Good precision is required, so use a caliper "
"and do multiple measurements along the filament, then compute the average.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "filament-diameter=f@";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 3. };
def = this->add("filament_density", coFloats);
def->label = "Density";
def->tooltip = "Enter your filament density here. This is only for statistical information. "
"A decent way is to weigh a known length of filament and compute the ratio "
"of the length to volume. Better is to calculate the volume directly through displacement.";
def->sidetext = "g/cm^3";
def->cli = "filament-density=f@";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. };
def = this->add("filament_type", coStrings);
def->label = "Filament type";
def->tooltip = "If you want to process the output G-code through custom scripts, just list their "
"absolute paths here. Separate multiple scripts with a semicolon. Scripts will be passed "
"the absolute path to the G-code file as the first argument, and they can access "
"the Slic3r config settings by reading environment variables.";
def->cli = "filament_type=s@";
def->gui_type = "f_enum_open";
def->gui_flags = "show_value";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionStrings { "PLA" };
def = this->add("filament_soluble", coBools);
def->label = "Soluble material";
def->tooltip = "Soluble material is most likely used for a soluble support.";
def->cli = "filament-soluble!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBools { false };
def = this->add("filament_cost", coFloats);
def->label = "Cost";
def->tooltip = "Enter your filament cost per kg here. This is only for statistical information.";
def->sidetext = "money/kg";
def->cli = "filament-cost=f@";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. };
def = this->add("filament_settings_id", coStrings);
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionStrings { "" };
def = this->add("fill_angle", coFloat);
def->label = "Fill angle";
def->category = "Infill";
def->tooltip = "Default base angle for infill orientation. Cross-hatching will be applied to this. "
"Bridges will be infilled using the best direction Slic3r can detect, so this setting "
"does not affect them.";
def->sidetext = "°";
def->cli = "fill-angle=f";
def->min = 0;
def->max = 360;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(45);
def = this->add("fill_density", coPercent);
def->gui_type = "f_enum_open";
def->gui_flags = "show_value";
def->label = "Fill density";
def->category = "Infill";
def->tooltip = "Density of internal infill, expressed in the range 0% - 100%.";
def->sidetext = "%";
def->cli = "fill-density=s";
def->min = 0;
def->max = 100;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionPercent(20);
def = this->add("fill_pattern", coEnum);
def->label = "Fill pattern";
def->category = "Infill";
def->tooltip = "Fill pattern for general low-density infill.";
def->cli = "fill-pattern=s";
def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum<InfillPattern>::get_enum_values();
2016-10-21 16:56:55 +00:00
2016-10-21 16:56:55 +00:00
def->enum_labels.push_back("3D Honeycomb");
def->enum_labels.push_back("Hilbert Curve");
def->enum_labels.push_back("Archimedean Chords");
def->enum_labels.push_back("Octagram Spiral");
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionEnum<InfillPattern>(ipStars);
def = this->add("first_layer_acceleration", coFloat);
def->label = "First layer";
def->tooltip = "This is the acceleration your printer will use for first layer. Set zero "
"to disable acceleration control for first layer.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s²";
def->cli = "first-layer-acceleration=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("first_layer_bed_temperature", coInts);
def->label = "First layer";
def->tooltip = "Heated build plate temperature for the first layer. Set this to zero to disable "
"bed temperature control commands in the output.";
def->cli = "first-layer-bed-temperature=i@";
def->max = 0;
def->max = 300;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInts { 0 };
def = this->add("first_layer_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "First layer";
def->category = "Extrusion Width";
def->tooltip = "Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for first layer. "
"You can use this to force fatter extrudates for better adhesion. If expressed "
"as percentage (for example 120%) it will be computed over first layer height. "
"If set to zero, it will use the default extrusion width.";
def->sidetext = "mm or % (leave 0 for default)";
def->cli = "first-layer-extrusion-width=s";
def->ratio_over = "first_layer_height";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(200, true);
def = this->add("first_layer_height", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "First layer height";
def->category = "Layers and Perimeters";
def->tooltip = "When printing with very low layer heights, you might still want to print a thicker "
"bottom layer to improve adhesion and tolerance for non perfect build plates. "
"This can be expressed as an absolute value or as a percentage (for example: 150%) "
"over the default layer height.";
def->sidetext = "mm or %";
def->cli = "first-layer-height=s";
def->ratio_over = "layer_height";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0.35, false);
def = this->add("first_layer_speed", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "First layer speed";
def->tooltip = "If expressed as absolute value in mm/s, this speed will be applied to all the print moves "
"of the first layer, regardless of their type. If expressed as a percentage "
"(for example: 40%) it will scale the default speeds.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s or %";
def->cli = "first-layer-speed=s";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(30, false);
def = this->add("first_layer_temperature", coInts);
def->label = "First layer";
def->tooltip = "Extruder temperature for first layer. If you want to control temperature manually "
"during print, set this to zero to disable temperature control commands in the output file.";
def->cli = "first-layer-temperature=i@";
def->min = 0;
def->max = 500;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInts { 200 };
def = this->add("gap_fill_speed", coFloat);
def->label = "Gap fill";
def->category = "Speed";
def->tooltip = "Speed for filling small gaps using short zigzag moves. Keep this reasonably low "
"to avoid too much shaking and resonance issues. Set zero to disable gaps filling.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s";
def->cli = "gap-fill-speed=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(20);
def = this->add("gcode_comments", coBool);
def->label = "Verbose G-code";
def->tooltip = "Enable this to get a commented G-code file, with each line explained by a descriptive text. "
"If you print from SD card, the additional weight of the file could make your firmware "
"slow down.";
def->cli = "gcode-comments!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(0);
def = this->add("gcode_flavor", coEnum);
def->label = "G-code flavor";
def->tooltip = "Some G/M-code commands, including temperature control and others, are not universal. "
"Set this option to your printer's firmware to get a compatible output. "
"The \"No extrusion\" flavor prevents Slic3r from exporting any extrusion value at all.";
def->cli = "gcode-flavor=s";
def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum<GCodeFlavor>::get_enum_values();
def->enum_labels.push_back("RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)");
def->enum_labels.push_back("MakerWare (MakerBot)");
def->enum_labels.push_back("Sailfish (MakerBot)");
def->enum_labels.push_back("No extrusion");
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionEnum<GCodeFlavor>(gcfRepRap);
def = this->add("infill_acceleration", coFloat);
def->label = "Infill";
def->tooltip = "This is the acceleration your printer will use for infill. Set zero to disable "
"acceleration control for infill.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s²";
def->cli = "infill-acceleration=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("infill_every_layers", coInt);
def->label = "Combine infill every";
def->category = "Infill";
def->tooltip = "This feature allows to combine infill and speed up your print by extruding thicker "
"infill layers while preserving thin perimeters, thus accuracy.";
def->sidetext = "layers";
def->cli = "infill-every-layers=i";
def->full_label = "Combine infill every n layers";
def->min = 1;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(1);
def = this->add("infill_extruder", coInt);
def->label = "Infill extruder";
def->category = "Extruders";
def->tooltip = "The extruder to use when printing infill.";
def->cli = "infill-extruder=i";
def->min = 1;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(1);
def = this->add("infill_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "Infill";
def->category = "Extrusion Width";
def->tooltip = "Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for infill. "
"If left zero, default extrusion width will be used if set, otherwise 1.125 x nozzle diameter will be used. "
"You may want to use fatter extrudates to speed up the infill and make your parts stronger. "
"If expressed as percentage (for example 90%) it will be computed over layer height.";
def->sidetext = "mm or % (leave 0 for default)";
def->cli = "infill-extrusion-width=s";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false);
def = this->add("infill_first", coBool);
def->label = "Infill before perimeters";
def->tooltip = "This option will switch the print order of perimeters and infill, making the latter first.";
def->cli = "infill-first!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("infill_only_where_needed", coBool);
def->label = "Only infill where needed";
def->category = "Infill";
def->tooltip = "This option will limit infill to the areas actually needed for supporting ceilings "
"(it will act as internal support material). If enabled, slows down the G-code generation "
"due to the multiple checks involved.";
def->cli = "infill-only-where-needed!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("infill_overlap", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "Infill/perimeters overlap";
def->category = "Advanced";
def->tooltip = "This setting applies an additional overlap between infill and perimeters for better bonding. "
"Theoretically this shouldn't be needed, but backlash might cause gaps. If expressed "
"as percentage (example: 15%) it is calculated over perimeter extrusion width.";
def->sidetext = "mm or %";
def->cli = "infill-overlap=s";
def->ratio_over = "perimeter_extrusion_width";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(25, true);
def = this->add("infill_speed", coFloat);
def->label = "Infill";
def->category = "Speed";
def->tooltip = "Speed for printing the internal fill. Set to zero for auto.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s";
def->cli = "infill-speed=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(80);
def = this->add("interface_shells", coBool);
def->label = "Interface shells";
def->tooltip = "Force the generation of solid shells between adjacent materials/volumes. "
"Useful for multi-extruder prints with translucent materials or manual soluble "
"support material.";
def->cli = "interface-shells!";
def->category = "Layers and Perimeters";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("layer_gcode", coString);
def->label = "After layer change G-code";
def->tooltip = "This custom code is inserted at every layer change, right after the Z move "
"and before the extruder moves to the first layer point. Note that you can use "
"placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings as well as [layer_num] and [layer_z].";
def->cli = "after-layer-gcode|layer-gcode=s";
def->multiline = true;
def->full_width = true;
def->height = 50;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
def = this->add("layer_height", coFloat);
def->label = "Layer height";
def->category = "Layers and Perimeters";
def->tooltip = "This setting controls the height (and thus the total number) of the slices/layers. "
"Thinner layers give better accuracy but take more time to print.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "layer-height=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0.3);
def = this->add("max_fan_speed", coInts);
def->label = "Max";
def->tooltip = "This setting represents the maximum speed of your fan.";
def->sidetext = "%";
def->cli = "max-fan-speed=i@";
def->min = 0;
def->max = 100;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInts { 100 };
def = this->add("max_layer_height", coFloats);
def->label = "Max";
def->tooltip = "This is the highest printable layer height for this extruder, used to cap "
"the variable layer height and support layer height. Maximum recommended layer height "
"is 75% of the extrusion width to achieve reasonable inter-layer adhesion. "
"If set to 0, layer height is limited to 75% of the nozzle diameter.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "max-layer-height=f@";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. };
def = this->add("max_print_speed", coFloat);
def->label = "Max print speed";
def->tooltip = "When setting other speed settings to 0 Slic3r will autocalculate the optimal speed "
"in order to keep constant extruder pressure. This experimental setting is used "
"to set the highest print speed you want to allow.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s";
def->cli = "max-print-speed=f";
def->min = 1;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(80);
def = this->add("max_volumetric_speed", coFloat);
def->label = "Max volumetric speed";
def->tooltip = "This experimental setting is used to set the maximum volumetric speed your "
"extruder supports.";
def->sidetext = "mm³/s";
def->cli = "max-volumetric-speed=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_positive", coFloat);
def->label = "Max volumetric slope positive";
def->tooltip = "This experimental setting is used to limit the speed of change in extrusion rate. "
"A value of 1.8 mm³/s² ensures, that a change from the extrusion rate "
"of 1.8 mm³/s (0.45mm extrusion width, 0.2mm extrusion height, feedrate 20 mm/s) "
"to 5.4 mm³/s (feedrate 60 mm/s) will take at least 2 seconds.";
def->sidetext = "mm³/s²";
def->cli = "max-volumetric-extrusion-rate-slope-positive=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_negative", coFloat);
def->label = "Max volumetric slope negative";
def->tooltip = "This experimental setting is used to limit the speed of change in extrusion rate. "
"A value of 1.8 mm³/s² ensures, that a change from the extrusion rate "
"of 1.8 mm³/s (0.45mm extrusion width, 0.2mm extrusion height, feedrate 20 mm/s) "
"to 5.4 mm³/s (feedrate 60 mm/s) will take at least 2 seconds.";
def->sidetext = "mm³/s²";
def->cli = "max-volumetric-extrusion-rate-slope-negative=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("min_fan_speed", coInts);
def->label = "Min";
def->tooltip = "This setting represents the minimum PWM your fan needs to work.";
def->sidetext = "%";
def->cli = "min-fan-speed=i@";
def->min = 0;
def->max = 100;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInts { 35 };
def = this->add("min_layer_height", coFloats);
def->label = "Min";
def->tooltip = "This is the lowest printable layer height for this extruder and limits "
"the resolution for variable layer height. Typical values are between 0.05 mm and 0.1 mm.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "min-layer-height=f@";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 0.07 };
def = this->add("min_print_speed", coFloats);
def->label = "Min print speed";
def->tooltip = "Slic3r will not scale speed down below this speed.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s";
def->cli = "min-print-speed=f@";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 10. };
def = this->add("min_skirt_length", coFloat);
def->label = "Minimum extrusion length";
def->tooltip = "Generate no less than the number of skirt loops required to consume "
"the specified amount of filament on the bottom layer. For multi-extruder machines, "
"this minimum applies to each extruder.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "min-skirt-length=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("notes", coString);
def->label = "Configuration notes";
def->tooltip = "You can put here your personal notes. This text will be added to the G-code "
"header comments.";
def->cli = "notes=s";
def->multiline = true;
def->full_width = true;
def->height = 130;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
def = this->add("nozzle_diameter", coFloats);
def->label = "Nozzle diameter";
def->tooltip = "This is the diameter of your extruder nozzle (for example: 0.5, 0.35 etc.)";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "nozzle-diameter=f@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 0.5 };
def = this->add("octoprint_apikey", coString);
def->label = "API Key";
def->tooltip = "Slic3r can upload G-code files to OctoPrint. This field should contain "
"the API Key required for authentication.";
def->cli = "octoprint-apikey=s";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
def = this->add("octoprint_host", coString);
def->label = "Host or IP";
def->tooltip = "Slic3r can upload G-code files to OctoPrint. This field should contain "
"the hostname or IP address of the OctoPrint instance.";
def->cli = "octoprint-host=s";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
def = this->add("only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters", coBool);
def->label = "Only retract when crossing perimeters";
def->tooltip = "Disables retraction when the travel path does not exceed the upper layer's perimeters "
"(and thus any ooze will be probably invisible).";
def->cli = "only-retract-when-crossing-perimeters!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(true);
def = this->add("ooze_prevention", coBool);
def->label = "Enable";
def->tooltip = "This option will drop the temperature of the inactive extruders to prevent oozing. "
"It will enable a tall skirt automatically and move extruders outside such "
"skirt when changing temperatures.";
def->cli = "ooze-prevention!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("output_filename_format", coString);
def->label = "Output filename format";
def->tooltip = "You can use all configuration options as variables inside this template. "
"For example: [layer_height], [fill_density] etc. You can also use [timestamp], "
"[year], [month], [day], [hour], [minute], [second], [version], [input_filename], "
def->cli = "output-filename-format=s";
def->full_width = true;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("[input_filename_base].gcode");
def = this->add("overhangs", coBool);
def->label = "Detect bridging perimeters";
def->category = "Layers and Perimeters";
def->tooltip = "Experimental option to adjust flow for overhangs (bridge flow will be used), "
"to apply bridge speed to them and enable fan.";
def->cli = "overhangs!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(true);
def = this->add("perimeter_acceleration", coFloat);
def->label = "Perimeters";
def->tooltip = "This is the acceleration your printer will use for perimeters. "
"A high value like 9000 usually gives good results if your hardware is up to the job. "
"Set zero to disable acceleration control for perimeters.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s²";
def->cli = "perimeter-acceleration=f";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("perimeter_extruder", coInt);
def->label = "Perimeter extruder";
def->category = "Extruders";
def->tooltip = "The extruder to use when printing perimeters and brim. First extruder is 1.";
def->cli = "perimeter-extruder=i";
def->min = 1;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(1);
def = this->add("perimeter_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "Perimeters";
def->category = "Extrusion Width";
def->tooltip = "Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for perimeters. "
"You may want to use thinner extrudates to get more accurate surfaces. "
"If left zero, default extrusion width will be used if set, otherwise 1.125 x nozzle diameter will be used. "
"If expressed as percentage (for example 200%) it will be computed over layer height.";
def->sidetext = "mm or % (leave 0 for default)";
def->cli = "perimeter-extrusion-width=s";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false);
def = this->add("perimeter_speed", coFloat);
def->label = "Perimeters";
def->category = "Speed";
def->tooltip = "Speed for perimeters (contours, aka vertical shells). Set to zero for auto.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s";
def->cli = "perimeter-speed=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(60);
def = this->add("perimeters", coInt);
def->label = "Perimeters";
def->category = "Layers and Perimeters";
def->tooltip = "This option sets the number of perimeters to generate for each layer. "
"Note that Slic3r may increase this number automatically when it detects "
"sloping surfaces which benefit from a higher number of perimeters "
"if the Extra Perimeters option is enabled.";
def->sidetext = "(minimum)";
def->cli = "perimeters=i";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(3);
def = this->add("post_process", coStrings);
def->label = "Post-processing scripts";
def->tooltip = "If you want to process the output G-code through custom scripts, "
"just list their absolute paths here. Separate multiple scripts with a semicolon. "
"Scripts will be passed the absolute path to the G-code file as the first argument, "
"and they can access the Slic3r config settings by reading environment variables.";
def->cli = "post-process=s@";
def->gui_flags = "serialized";
def->multiline = true;
def->full_width = true;
def->height = 60;
def = this->add("printer_notes", coString);
def->label = "Printer notes";
def->tooltip = "You can put your notes regarding the printer here.";
def->cli = "printer-notes=s";
def->multiline = true;
def->full_width = true;
def->height = 130;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
def = this->add("print_settings_id", coString);
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
def = this->add("printer_settings_id", coString);
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
def = this->add("raft_layers", coInt);
def->label = "Raft layers";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "The object will be raised by this number of layers, and support material "
"will be generated under it.";
def->sidetext = "layers";
def->cli = "raft-layers=i";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(0);
def = this->add("resolution", coFloat);
def->label = "Resolution";
def->tooltip = "Minimum detail resolution, used to simplify the input file for speeding up "
"the slicing job and reducing memory usage. High-resolution models often carry "
"more detail than printers can render. Set to zero to disable any simplification "
"and use full resolution from input.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "resolution=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("retract_before_travel", coFloats);
def->label = "Minimum travel after retraction";
def->tooltip = "Retraction is not triggered when travel moves are shorter than this length.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "retract-before-travel=f@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 2. };
def = this->add("retract_before_wipe", coPercents);
def->label = "Retract amount before wipe";
def->tooltip = "With bowden extruders, it may be wise to do some amount of quick retract "
"before doing the wipe movement.";
def->sidetext = "%";
def->cli = "retract-before-wipe=s@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionPercents { 0. };
def = this->add("retract_layer_change", coBools);
def->label = "Retract on layer change";
def->tooltip = "This flag enforces a retraction whenever a Z move is done.";
def->cli = "retract-layer-change!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBools { false };
def = this->add("retract_length", coFloats);
def->label = "Length";
def->full_label = "Retraction Length";
def->tooltip = "When retraction is triggered, filament is pulled back by the specified amount "
"(the length is measured on raw filament, before it enters the extruder).";
def->sidetext = "mm (zero to disable)";
def->cli = "retract-length=f@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 2. };
def = this->add("retract_length_toolchange", coFloats);
def->label = "Length";
def->full_label = "Retraction Length (Toolchange)";
def->tooltip = "When retraction is triggered before changing tool, filament is pulled back "
"by the specified amount (the length is measured on raw filament, before it enters "
"the extruder).";
def->sidetext = "mm (zero to disable)";
def->cli = "retract-length-toolchange=f@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 10. };
def = this->add("retract_lift", coFloats);
def->label = "Lift Z";
def->tooltip = "If you set this to a positive value, Z is quickly raised every time a retraction "
"is triggered. When using multiple extruders, only the setting for the first extruder "
"will be considered.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "retract-lift=f@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. };
def = this->add("retract_lift_above", coFloats);
def->label = "Above Z";
def->full_label = "Only lift Z above";
def->tooltip = "If you set this to a positive value, Z lift will only take place above the specified "
"absolute Z. You can tune this setting for skipping lift on the first layers.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "retract-lift-above=f@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. };
def = this->add("retract_lift_below", coFloats);
def->label = "Below Z";
def->full_label = "Only lift Z below";
def->tooltip = "If you set this to a positive value, Z lift will only take place below "
"the specified absolute Z. You can tune this setting for limiting lift "
"to the first layers.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "retract-lift-below=f@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. };
def = this->add("retract_restart_extra", coFloats);
def->label = "Extra length on restart";
def->tooltip = "When the retraction is compensated after the travel move, the extruder will push "
"this additional amount of filament. This setting is rarely needed.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "retract-restart-extra=f@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. };
def = this->add("retract_restart_extra_toolchange", coFloats);
def->label = "Extra length on restart";
def->tooltip = "When the retraction is compensated after changing tool, the extruder will push "
"this additional amount of filament.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "retract-restart-extra-toolchange=f@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. };
def = this->add("retract_speed", coFloats);
def->label = "Retraction Speed";
def->full_label = "Retraction Speed";
def->tooltip = "The speed for retractions (it only applies to the extruder motor).";
def->sidetext = "mm/s";
def->cli = "retract-speed=f@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 40. };
def = this->add("deretract_speed", coFloats);
def->label = "Deretraction Speed";
def->full_label = "Deretraction Speed";
def->tooltip = "The speed for loading of a filament into extruder after retraction "
"(it only applies to the extruder motor). If left to zero, the retraction speed is used.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s";
def->cli = "retract-speed=f@";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats { 0. };
def = this->add("seam_position", coEnum);
def->label = "Seam position";
def->category = "Layers and Perimeters";
def->tooltip = "Position of perimeters starting points.";
def->cli = "seam-position=s";
def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum<SeamPosition>::get_enum_values();
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionEnum<SeamPosition>(spAligned);
#if 0
def = this->add("seam_preferred_direction", coFloat);
// def->gui_type = "slider";
def->label = "Direction";
def->sidetext = "°";
def->full_label = "Preferred direction of the seam";
def->tooltip = "Seam preferred direction";
def->cli = "seam-preferred-direction=f";
def->min = 0;
def->max = 360;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("seam_preferred_direction_jitter", coFloat);
// def->gui_type = "slider";
def->label = "Jitter";
def->sidetext = "°";
def->full_label = "Seam preferred direction jitter";
def->tooltip = "Preferred direction of the seam - jitter";
def->cli = "seam-preferred-direction-jitter=f";
def->min = 0;
def->max = 360;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(30);
def = this->add("serial_port", coString);
def->gui_type = "select_open";
def->label = "";
def->full_label = "Serial port";
def->tooltip = "USB/serial port for printer connection.";
def->cli = "serial-port=s";
def->width = 200;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
def = this->add("serial_speed", coInt);
def->gui_type = "i_enum_open";
def->label = "Speed";
def->full_label = "Serial port speed";
def->tooltip = "Speed (baud) of USB/serial port for printer connection.";
def->cli = "serial-speed=i";
def->min = 1;
def->max = 300000;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(250000);
def = this->add("skirt_distance", coFloat);
def->label = "Distance from object";
def->tooltip = "Distance between skirt and object(s). Set this to zero to attach the skirt "
"to the object(s) and get a brim for better adhesion.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "skirt-distance=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(6);
def = this->add("skirt_height", coInt);
def->label = "Skirt height";
def->tooltip = "Height of skirt expressed in layers. Set this to a tall value to use skirt "
"as a shield against drafts.";
def->sidetext = "layers";
def->cli = "skirt-height=i";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(1);
def = this->add("skirts", coInt);
def->label = "Loops (minimum)";
def->full_label = "Skirt Loops";
def->tooltip = "Number of loops for the skirt. If the Minimum Extrusion Length option is set, "
"the number of loops might be greater than the one configured here. Set this to zero "
"to disable skirt completely.";
def->cli = "skirts=i";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(1);
def = this->add("slowdown_below_layer_time", coInts);
def->label = "Slow down if layer print time is below";
def->tooltip = "If layer print time is estimated below this number of seconds, print moves "
"speed will be scaled down to extend duration to this value.";
def->sidetext = "approximate seconds";
def->cli = "slowdown-below-layer-time=i@";
def->width = 60;
def->min = 0;
def->max = 1000;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInts { 5 };
def = this->add("small_perimeter_speed", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "Small perimeters";
def->category = "Speed";
def->tooltip = "This separate setting will affect the speed of perimeters having radius <= 6.5mm "
"(usually holes). If expressed as percentage (for example: 80%) it will be calculated "
"on the perimeters speed setting above. Set to zero for auto.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s or %";
def->cli = "small-perimeter-speed=s";
def->ratio_over = "perimeter_speed";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(15, false);
def = this->add("solid_infill_below_area", coFloat);
def->label = "Solid infill threshold area";
def->category = "Infill";
def->tooltip = "Force solid infill for regions having a smaller area than the specified threshold.";
def->sidetext = "mm²";
def->cli = "solid-infill-below-area=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(70);
def = this->add("solid_infill_extruder", coInt);
def->label = "Solid infill extruder";
def->category = "Extruders";
def->tooltip = "The extruder to use when printing solid infill.";
def->cli = "solid-infill-extruder=i";
def->min = 1;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(1);
def = this->add("solid_infill_every_layers", coInt);
def->label = "Solid infill every";
def->category = "Infill";
def->tooltip = "This feature allows to force a solid layer every given number of layers. "
"Zero to disable. You can set this to any value (for example 9999); "
"Slic3r will automatically choose the maximum possible number of layers "
"to combine according to nozzle diameter and layer height.";
def->sidetext = "layers";
def->cli = "solid-infill-every-layers=i";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(0);
def = this->add("solid_infill_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "Solid infill";
def->category = "Extrusion Width";
def->tooltip = "Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for infill for solid surfaces. "
"If left zero, default extrusion width will be used if set, otherwise 1.125 x nozzle diameter will be used. "
"If expressed as percentage (for example 90%) it will be computed over layer height.";
def->sidetext = "mm or % (leave 0 for default)";
def->cli = "solid-infill-extrusion-width=s";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false);
def = this->add("solid_infill_speed", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "Solid infill";
def->category = "Speed";
def->tooltip = "Speed for printing solid regions (top/bottom/internal horizontal shells). "
"This can be expressed as a percentage (for example: 80%) over the default "
"infill speed above. Set to zero for auto.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s or %";
def->cli = "solid-infill-speed=s";
def->ratio_over = "infill_speed";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(20, false);
def = this->add("solid_layers", coInt);
def->label = "Solid layers";
def->tooltip = "Number of solid layers to generate on top and bottom surfaces.";
def->cli = "solid-layers=i";
def->min = 0;
def = this->add("spiral_vase", coBool);
def->label = "Spiral vase";
def->tooltip = "This feature will raise Z gradually while printing a single-walled object "
"in order to remove any visible seam. This option requires a single perimeter, "
"no infill, no top solid layers and no support material. You can still set "
"any number of bottom solid layers as well as skirt/brim loops. "
"It won't work when printing more than an object.";
def->cli = "spiral-vase!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("standby_temperature_delta", coInt);
def->label = "Temperature variation";
def->tooltip = "Temperature difference to be applied when an extruder is not active. "
"Enables a full-height \"sacrificial\" skirt on which the nozzles are periodically wiped.";
def->sidetext = "∆°C";
def->cli = "standby-temperature-delta=i";
def->min = -500;
def->max = 500;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(-5);
def = this->add("start_gcode", coString);
def->label = "Start G-code";
def->tooltip = "This start procedure is inserted at the beginning, after bed has reached "
"the target temperature and extruder just started heating, and before extruder "
"has finished heating. If Slic3r detects M104 or M190 in your custom codes, "
"such commands will not be prepended automatically so you're free to customize "
"the order of heating commands and other custom actions. Note that you can use "
"placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings, so you can put "
"a \"M109 S[first_layer_temperature]\" command wherever you want.";
def->cli = "start-gcode=s";
def->multiline = true;
def->full_width = true;
def->height = 120;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("G28 ; home all axes\nG1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle\n");
def = this->add("start_filament_gcode", coStrings);
def->label = "Start G-code";
def->tooltip = "This start procedure is inserted at the beginning, after any printer start gcode. "
"This is used to override settings for a specific filament. If Slic3r detects "
"M104, M109, M140 or M190 in your custom codes, such commands will "
"not be prepended automatically so you're free to customize the order "
"of heating commands and other custom actions. Note that you can use placeholder variables "
"for all Slic3r settings, so you can put a \"M109 S[first_layer_temperature]\" command "
"wherever you want. If you have multiple extruders, the gcode is processed "
"in extruder order.";
def->cli = "start-filament-gcode=s@";
def->multiline = true;
def->full_width = true;
def->height = 120;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionStrings { "; Filament gcode\n" };
def = this->add("single_extruder_multi_material", coBool);
def->label = "Single Extruder Multi Material";
def->tooltip = "The printer multiplexes filaments into a single hot end.";
def->cli = "single-extruder-multi-material!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("support_material", coBool);
def->label = "Generate support material";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Enable support material generation.";
def->cli = "support-material!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("support_material_xy_spacing", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "XY separation between an object and its support";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "XY separation between an object and its support. If expressed as percentage "
"(for example 50%), it will be calculated over external perimeter width.";
def->sidetext = "mm or %";
def->cli = "support-material-xy-spacing=s";
def->ratio_over = "external_perimeter_extrusion_width";
def->min = 0;
// Default is half the external perimeter width.
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(50, true);
def = this->add("support_material_angle", coFloat);
def->label = "Pattern angle";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Use this setting to rotate the support material pattern on the horizontal plane.";
def->sidetext = "°";
def->cli = "support-material-angle=f";
def->min = 0;
def->max = 359;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("support_material_buildplate_only", coBool);
def->label = "Support on build plate only";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Only create support if it lies on a build plate. Don't create support on a print.";
def->cli = "support-material-buildplate-only!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("support_material_contact_distance", coFloat);
def->gui_type = "f_enum_open";
def->label = "Contact Z distance";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "The vertical distance between object and support material interface. "
"Setting this to 0 will also prevent Slic3r from using bridge flow and speed "
"for the first object layer.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "support-material-contact-distance=f";
def->min = 0;
def->enum_labels.push_back("0 (soluble)");
def->enum_labels.push_back("0.2 (detachable)");
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0.2);
def = this->add("support_material_enforce_layers", coInt);
def->label = "Enforce support for the first";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Generate support material for the specified number of layers counting from bottom, "
"regardless of whether normal support material is enabled or not and regardless "
"of any angle threshold. This is useful for getting more adhesion of objects "
"having a very thin or poor footprint on the build plate.";
def->sidetext = "layers";
def->cli = "support-material-enforce-layers=f";
def->full_label = "Enforce support for the first n layers";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(0);
def = this->add("support_material_extruder", coInt);
def->label = "Support material/raft/skirt extruder";
def->category = "Extruders";
def->tooltip = "The extruder to use when printing support material, raft and skirt "
"(1+, 0 to use the current extruder to minimize tool changes).";
def->cli = "support-material-extruder=i";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(1);
def = this->add("support_material_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "Support material";
def->category = "Extrusion Width";
def->tooltip = "Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for support material. "
"If left zero, default extrusion width will be used if set, otherwise nozzle diameter will be used. "
"If expressed as percentage (for example 90%) it will be computed over layer height.";
def->sidetext = "mm or % (leave 0 for default)";
def->cli = "support-material-extrusion-width=s";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false);
def = this->add("support_material_interface_contact_loops", coBool);
def->label = "Interface loops";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Cover the top contact layer of the supports with loops. Disabled by default.";
def->cli = "support-material-interface-contact-loops!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("support_material_interface_extruder", coInt);
def->label = "Support material/raft interface extruder";
def->category = "Extruders";
def->tooltip = "The extruder to use when printing support material interface "
"(1+, 0 to use the current extruder to minimize tool changes). This affects raft too.";
def->cli = "support-material-interface-extruder=i";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(1);
def = this->add("support_material_interface_layers", coInt);
def->label = "Interface layers";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Number of interface layers to insert between the object(s) and support material.";
def->sidetext = "layers";
def->cli = "support-material-interface-layers=i";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(3);
def = this->add("support_material_interface_spacing", coFloat);
def->label = "Interface pattern spacing";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Spacing between interface lines. Set zero to get a solid interface.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "support-material-interface-spacing=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("support_material_interface_speed", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "Support material interface";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Speed for printing support material interface layers. If expressed as percentage "
"(for example 50%) it will be calculated over support material speed.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s or %";
def->cli = "support-material-interface-speed=s";
def->ratio_over = "support_material_speed";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(100, true);
def = this->add("support_material_pattern", coEnum);
def->label = "Pattern";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Pattern used to generate support material.";
def->cli = "support-material-pattern=s";
def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum<SupportMaterialPattern>::get_enum_values();
def->enum_labels.push_back("rectilinear grid");
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionEnum<SupportMaterialPattern>(smpPillars);
def = this->add("support_material_spacing", coFloat);
def->label = "Pattern spacing";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Spacing between support material lines.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "support-material-spacing=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(2.5);
def = this->add("support_material_speed", coFloat);
def->label = "Support material";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Speed for printing support material.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s";
def->cli = "support-material-speed=f";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(60);
def = this->add("support_material_synchronize_layers", coBool);
def->label = "Synchronize with object layers";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Synchronize support layers with the object print layers. This is useful "
"with multi-material printers, where the extruder switch is expensive.";
def->cli = "support-material-synchronize-layers!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("support_material_threshold", coInt);
def->label = "Overhang threshold";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Support material will not be generated for overhangs whose slope angle "
"(90° = vertical) is above the given threshold. In other words, this value "
"represent the most horizontal slope (measured from the horizontal plane) "
"that you can print without support material. Set to zero for automatic detection "
def->sidetext = "°";
def->cli = "support-material-threshold=i";
def->min = 0;
def->max = 90;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(0);
def = this->add("support_material_with_sheath", coBool);
def->label = "With sheath around the support";
def->category = "Support material";
def->tooltip = "Add a sheath (a single perimeter line) around the base support. This makes "
"the support more reliable, but also more difficult to remove.";
def->cli = "support-material-with-sheath!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(true);
def = this->add("temperature", coInts);
def->label = "Other layers";
def->tooltip = "Extruder temperature for layers after the first one. Set this to zero to disable "
"temperature control commands in the output.";
def->cli = "temperature=i@";
def->full_label = "Temperature";
def->max = 0;
def->max = 500;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInts { 200 };
def = this->add("thin_walls", coBool);
def->label = "Detect thin walls";
def->category = "Layers and Perimeters";
def->tooltip = "Detect single-width walls (parts where two extrusions don't fit and we need "
"to collapse them into a single trace).";
def->cli = "thin-walls!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(true);
def = this->add("threads", coInt);
def->label = "Threads";
def->tooltip = "Threads are used to parallelize long-running tasks. Optimal threads number "
"is slightly above the number of available cores/processors.";
def->cli = "threads|j=i";
def->readonly = true;
def->min = 1;
int threads = (unsigned int)boost::thread::hardware_concurrency();
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(threads > 0 ? threads : 2);
def = this->add("toolchange_gcode", coString);
def->label = "Tool change G-code";
def->tooltip = "This custom code is inserted right before every extruder change. "
"Note that you can use placeholder variables for all Slic3r settings as well "
"as [previous_extruder] and [next_extruder].";
def->cli = "toolchange-gcode=s";
def->multiline = true;
def->full_width = true;
def->height = 50;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionString("");
def = this->add("top_infill_extrusion_width", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "Top solid infill";
def->category = "Extrusion Width";
def->tooltip = "Set this to a non-zero value to set a manual extrusion width for infill for top surfaces. "
"You may want to use thinner extrudates to fill all narrow regions and get a smoother finish. "
"If left zero, default extrusion width will be used if set, otherwise nozzle diameter will be used. "
"If expressed as percentage (for example 90%) it will be computed over layer height.";
def->sidetext = "mm or % (leave 0 for default)";
def->cli = "top-infill-extrusion-width=s";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0, false);
def = this->add("top_solid_infill_speed", coFloatOrPercent);
def->label = "Top solid infill";
def->category = "Speed";
def->tooltip = "Speed for printing top solid layers (it only applies to the uppermost "
"external layers and not to their internal solid layers). You may want "
"to slow down this to get a nicer surface finish. This can be expressed "
"as a percentage (for example: 80%) over the solid infill speed above. "
"Set to zero for auto.";
def->sidetext = "mm/s or %";
def->cli = "top-solid-infill-speed=s";
def->ratio_over = "solid_infill_speed";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(15, false);
def = this->add("top_solid_layers", coInt);
def->label = "Top";
def->category = "Layers and Perimeters";
def->tooltip = "Number of solid layers to generate on top surfaces.";
def->cli = "top-solid-layers=i";
def->full_label = "Top solid layers";
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionInt(3);
def = this->add("travel_speed", coFloat);
def->label = "Travel";
def->tooltip = "Speed for travel moves (jumps between distant extrusion points).";
def->sidetext = "mm/s";
def->cli = "travel-speed=f";
def->min = 1;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(130);
def = this->add("use_firmware_retraction", coBool);
def->label = "Use firmware retraction";
def->tooltip = "This experimental setting uses G10 and G11 commands to have the firmware "
"handle the retraction. This is only supported in recent Marlin.";
def->cli = "use-firmware-retraction!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("use_relative_e_distances", coBool);
def->label = "Use relative E distances";
def->tooltip = "If your firmware requires relative E values, check this, "
"otherwise leave it unchecked. Most firmwares use absolute values.";
def->cli = "use-relative-e-distances!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("use_volumetric_e", coBool);
def->label = "Use volumetric E";
def->tooltip = "This experimental setting uses outputs the E values in cubic millimeters "
"instead of linear millimeters. If your firmware doesn't already know "
"filament diameter(s), you can put commands like 'M200 D[filament_diameter_0] T0' "
"in your start G-code in order to turn volumetric mode on and use the filament "
"diameter associated to the filament selected in Slic3r. This is only supported "
"in recent Marlin.";
def->cli = "use-volumetric-e!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("variable_layer_height", coBool);
def->label = "Enable variable layer height feature";
def->tooltip = "Some printers or printer setups may have difficulties printing "
"with a variable layer height. Enabled by default.";
def->cli = "variable-layer-height!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(true);
def = this->add("wipe", coBools);
def->label = "Wipe while retracting";
def->tooltip = "This flag will move the nozzle while retracting to minimize the possible blob "
"on leaky extruders.";
def->cli = "wipe!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBools { false };
def = this->add("wipe_tower", coBool);
def->label = "Enable";
def->tooltip = "Multi material printers may need to prime or purge extruders on tool changes. "
"Extrude the excess material into the wipe tower.";
def->cli = "wipe-tower!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
def = this->add("wipe_tower_x", coFloat);
def->label = "Position X";
def->tooltip = "X coordinate of the left front corner of a wipe tower";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "wipe-tower-x=f";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(180.);
def = this->add("wipe_tower_y", coFloat);
def->label = "Position Y";
def->tooltip = "Y coordinate of the left front corner of a wipe tower";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "wipe-tower-y=f";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(140.);
def = this->add("wipe_tower_width", coFloat);
def->label = "Width";
def->tooltip = "Width of a wipe tower";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "wipe-tower-width=f";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(60.);
def = this->add("wipe_tower_per_color_wipe", coFloat);
def->label = "Per color change depth";
def->tooltip = "Depth of a wipe color per color change. For N colors, there will be "
"maximum (N-1) tool switches performed, therefore the total depth "
"of the wipe tower will be (N-1) times this value.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "wipe-tower-per-color-wipe=f";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(15.);
def = this->add("xy_size_compensation", coFloat);
def->label = "XY Size Compensation";
def->category = "Advanced";
def->tooltip = "The object will be grown/shrunk in the XY plane by the configured value "
"(negative = inwards, positive = outwards). This might be useful "
"for fine-tuning hole sizes.";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "xy-size-compensation=f";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
def = this->add("z_offset", coFloat);
def->label = "Z offset";
def->tooltip = "This value will be added (or subtracted) from all the Z coordinates "
"in the output G-code. It is used to compensate for bad Z endstop position: "
"for example, if your endstop zero actually leaves the nozzle 0.3mm far "
"from the print bed, set this to -0.3 (or fix your endstop).";
def->sidetext = "mm";
def->cli = "z-offset=f";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0);
void PrintConfigDef::handle_legacy(t_config_option_key &opt_key, std::string &value)
// handle legacy options
if (opt_key == "extrusion_width_ratio" || opt_key == "bottom_layer_speed_ratio"
|| opt_key == "first_layer_height_ratio") {
boost::replace_first(opt_key, "_ratio", "");
if (opt_key == "bottom_layer_speed") opt_key = "first_layer_speed";
try {
float v = boost::lexical_cast<float>(value);
if (v != 0)
value = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(v*100) + "%";
} catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {
value = "0";
} else if (opt_key == "gcode_flavor" && value == "makerbot") {
value = "makerware";
} else if (opt_key == "fill_density" && value.find("%") == std::string::npos) {
try {
// fill_density was turned into a percent value
float v = boost::lexical_cast<float>(value);
value = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(v*100) + "%";
} catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {}
} else if (opt_key == "randomize_start" && value == "1") {
opt_key = "seam_position";
value = "random";
} else if (opt_key == "bed_size" && !value.empty()) {
opt_key = "bed_shape";
ConfigOptionPoint p;
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "0x0," << p.value.x << "x0," << p.value.x << "x" << p.value.y << ",0x" << p.value.y;
value = oss.str();
} else if (opt_key == "octoprint_host" && !value.empty()) {
opt_key = "print_host";
} else if ((opt_key == "perimeter_acceleration" && value == "25")
|| (opt_key == "infill_acceleration" && value == "50")) {
/* For historical reasons, the world's full of configs having these very low values;
to avoid unexpected behavior we need to ignore them. Banning these two hard-coded
values is a dirty hack and will need to be removed sometime in the future, but it
will avoid lots of complaints for now. */
value = "0";
} else if (opt_key == "support_material_threshold" && value == "0") {
// 0 used to be automatic threshold, but we introduced percent values so let's
// transform it into the default value
value = "60%";
// Ignore the following obsolete configuration keys:
static std::set<std::string> ignore = {
"duplicate_x", "duplicate_y", "gcode_arcs", "multiply_x", "multiply_y",
"support_material_tool", "acceleration", "adjust_overhang_flow",
"standby_temperature", "scale", "rotate", "duplicate", "duplicate_grid",
"start_perimeters_at_concave_points", "start_perimeters_at_non_overhang", "randomize_start",
"seal_position", "vibration_limit", "bed_size", "octoprint_host",
"print_center", "g0", "threads", "pressure_advance"
if (ignore.find(opt_key) != ignore.end()) {
opt_key = "";
if (! print_config_def.has(opt_key)) {
//printf("Unknown option %s\n", opt_key.c_str());
opt_key = "";
PrintConfigDef print_config_def;
DynamicPrintConfig* DynamicPrintConfig::new_from_defaults()
return new_from_defaults_keys(FullPrintConfig::defaults().keys());
DynamicPrintConfig* DynamicPrintConfig::new_from_defaults_keys(const std::vector<std::string> &keys)
auto *out = new DynamicPrintConfig();
out->apply_only(FullPrintConfig::defaults(), keys);
return out;
void DynamicPrintConfig::normalize()
if (this->has("extruder")) {
int extruder = this->option("extruder")->getInt();
if (extruder != 0) {
if (!this->has("infill_extruder"))
this->option("infill_extruder", true)->setInt(extruder);
if (!this->has("perimeter_extruder"))
this->option("perimeter_extruder", true)->setInt(extruder);
// Don't propagate the current extruder to support.
// For non-soluble supports, the default "0" extruder means to use the active extruder,
// for soluble supports one certainly does not want to set the extruder to non-soluble.
// if (!this->has("support_material_extruder"))
// this->option("support_material_extruder", true)->setInt(extruder);
// if (!this->has("support_material_interface_extruder"))
// this->option("support_material_interface_extruder", true)->setInt(extruder);
if (!this->has("solid_infill_extruder") && this->has("infill_extruder"))
this->option("solid_infill_extruder", true)->setInt(this->option("infill_extruder")->getInt());
if (this->has("spiral_vase") && this->opt<ConfigOptionBool>("spiral_vase", true)->value) {
// this should be actually done only on the spiral layers instead of all
ConfigOptionBools* opt = this->opt<ConfigOptionBools>("retract_layer_change", true);
opt->values.assign(opt->values.size(), false); // set all values to false
this->opt<ConfigOptionInt>("perimeters", true)->value = 1;
this->opt<ConfigOptionInt>("top_solid_layers", true)->value = 0;
this->opt<ConfigOptionPercent>("fill_density", true)->value = 0;
std::string DynamicPrintConfig::validate()
2015-12-02 17:29:33 +00:00
// Full print config is initialized from the defaults.
FullPrintConfig fpc;
fpc.apply(*this, true);
// Verify this print options through the FullPrintConfig.
return fpc.validate();
double PrintConfig::min_object_distance() const
return PrintConfig::min_object_distance(static_cast<const ConfigBase*>(this));
double PrintConfig::min_object_distance(const ConfigBase *config)
double extruder_clearance_radius = config->option("extruder_clearance_radius")->getFloat();
double duplicate_distance = config->option("duplicate_distance")->getFloat();
2015-12-02 17:29:33 +00:00
// min object distance is max(duplicate_distance, clearance_radius)
return (config->option("complete_objects")->getBool() && extruder_clearance_radius > duplicate_distance)
? extruder_clearance_radius
: duplicate_distance;
2015-12-02 17:29:33 +00:00
std::string FullPrintConfig::validate()
// --layer-height
if (this->get_abs_value("layer_height") <= 0)
return "Invalid value for --layer-height";
if (fabs(fmod(this->get_abs_value("layer_height"), SCALING_FACTOR)) > 1e-4)
return "--layer-height must be a multiple of print resolution";
// --first-layer-height
if (this->get_abs_value("first_layer_height") <= 0)
return "Invalid value for --first-layer-height";
// --filament-diameter
for (double fd : this->filament_diameter.values)
if (fd < 1)
return "Invalid value for --filament-diameter";
// --nozzle-diameter
for (double nd : this->nozzle_diameter.values)
if (nd < 0.005)
return "Invalid value for --nozzle-diameter";
// --perimeters
if (this->perimeters.value < 0)
return "Invalid value for --perimeters";
// --solid-layers
if (this->top_solid_layers < 0)
return "Invalid value for --top-solid-layers";
if (this->bottom_solid_layers < 0)
return "Invalid value for --bottom-solid-layers";
if (this->use_firmware_retraction.value &&
this->gcode_flavor.value != gcfSmoothie &&
this->gcode_flavor.value != gcfRepRap &&
this->gcode_flavor.value != gcfMachinekit &&
this->gcode_flavor.value != gcfRepetier)
return "--use-firmware-retraction is only supported by Marlin, Smoothie, Repetier and Machinekit firmware";
if (this->use_firmware_retraction.value)
for (bool wipe : this->wipe.values)
if (wipe)
return "--use-firmware-retraction is not compatible with --wipe";
// --gcode-flavor
if (! print_config_def.get("gcode_flavor")->has_enum_value(this->gcode_flavor.serialize()))
return "Invalid value for --gcode-flavor";
// --fill-pattern
if (! print_config_def.get("fill_pattern")->has_enum_value(this->fill_pattern.serialize()))
return "Invalid value for --fill-pattern";
// --external-fill-pattern
if (! print_config_def.get("external_fill_pattern")->has_enum_value(this->external_fill_pattern.serialize()))
return "Invalid value for --external-fill-pattern";
// --fill-density
if (fabs(this->fill_density.value - 100.) < EPSILON &&
! print_config_def.get("external_fill_pattern")->has_enum_value(this->fill_pattern.serialize()))
return "The selected fill pattern is not supposed to work at 100% density";
// --infill-every-layers
if (this->infill_every_layers < 1)
return "Invalid value for --infill-every-layers";
// --skirt-height
if (this->skirt_height < -1) // -1 means as tall as the object
return "Invalid value for --skirt-height";
// --bridge-flow-ratio
if (this->bridge_flow_ratio <= 0)
return "Invalid value for --bridge-flow-ratio";
// extruder clearance
if (this->extruder_clearance_radius <= 0)
return "Invalid value for --extruder-clearance-radius";
if (this->extruder_clearance_height <= 0)
return "Invalid value for --extruder-clearance-height";
// --extrusion-multiplier
for (float em : this->extrusion_multiplier.values)
if (em <= 0)
return "Invalid value for --extrusion-multiplier";
// --default-acceleration
if ((this->perimeter_acceleration != 0. || this->infill_acceleration != 0. || this->bridge_acceleration != 0. || this->first_layer_acceleration != 0.) &&
this->default_acceleration == 0.)
return "Invalid zero value for --default-acceleration when using other acceleration settings";
// --spiral-vase
if (this->spiral_vase) {
// Note that we might want to have more than one perimeter on the bottom
// solid layers.
if (this->perimeters > 1)
return "Can't make more than one perimeter when spiral vase mode is enabled";
else if (this->perimeters < 1)
return "Can't make less than one perimeter when spiral vase mode is enabled";
if (this->fill_density > 0)
return "Spiral vase mode can only print hollow objects, so you need to set Fill density to 0";
if (this->top_solid_layers > 0)
return "Spiral vase mode is not compatible with top solid layers";
if (this->support_material || this->support_material_enforce_layers > 0)
return "Spiral vase mode is not compatible with support material";
// extrusion widths
double max_nozzle_diameter = 0.;
for (double dmr : this->nozzle_diameter.values)
max_nozzle_diameter = std::max(max_nozzle_diameter, dmr);
const char *widths[] = { "external_perimeter", "perimeter", "infill", "solid_infill", "top_infill", "support_material", "first_layer" };
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(widths) / sizeof(widths[i]); ++ i) {
std::string key(widths[i]);
key += "_extrusion_width";
if (this->get_abs_value(key, max_nozzle_diameter) > 10. * max_nozzle_diameter)
return std::string("Invalid extrusion width (too large): ") + key;
// Out of range validation of numeric values.
for (const std::string &opt_key : this->keys()) {
const ConfigOption *opt = this->optptr(opt_key);
assert(opt != nullptr);
const ConfigOptionDef *optdef = print_config_def.get(opt_key);
assert(optdef != nullptr);
bool out_of_range = false;
switch (opt->type()) {
case coFloat:
case coPercent:
case coFloatOrPercent:
auto *fopt = static_cast<const ConfigOptionFloat*>(opt);
out_of_range = fopt->value < optdef->min || fopt->value > optdef->max;
case coFloats:
case coPercents:
for (double v : static_cast<const ConfigOptionFloats*>(opt)->values)
if (v < optdef->min || v > optdef->max) {
out_of_range = true;
case coInt:
auto *iopt = static_cast<const ConfigOptionInt*>(opt);
out_of_range = iopt->value < optdef->min || iopt->value > optdef->max;
case coInts:
for (int v : static_cast<const ConfigOptionInts*>(opt)->values)
if (v < optdef->min || v > optdef->max) {
out_of_range = true;
if (out_of_range)
return std::string("Value out of range: " + opt_key);
// The configuration is valid.
return "";
// Declare the static caches for each StaticPrintConfig derived class.
StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache<class Slic3r::PrintObjectConfig> PrintObjectConfig::s_cache_PrintObjectConfig;
StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache<class Slic3r::PrintRegionConfig> PrintRegionConfig::s_cache_PrintRegionConfig;
StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache<class Slic3r::GCodeConfig> GCodeConfig::s_cache_GCodeConfig;
StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache<class Slic3r::PrintConfig> PrintConfig::s_cache_PrintConfig;
StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache<class Slic3r::HostConfig> HostConfig::s_cache_HostConfig;
StaticPrintConfig::StaticCache<class Slic3r::FullPrintConfig> FullPrintConfig::s_cache_FullPrintConfig;