Merge branch 'new-bridges'
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 139 additions and 110 deletions
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ our $flow_width;
# print options
# print options
our $perimeters = 3;
our $perimeters = 3;
our $solid_layers = 3;
our $solid_layers = 3;
our $bridge_overlap = 3; # mm
our $perimeter_infill_overlap_ratio = 0.15; # factor for flow width
our $perimeter_infill_overlap_ratio = 0.15; # factor for flow width
our $fill_pattern = 'rectilinear';
our $fill_pattern = 'rectilinear';
our $solid_fill_pattern = 'rectilinear';
our $solid_fill_pattern = 'rectilinear';
@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ use warnings;
# an ExPolygon is a polygon with holes
# an ExPolygon is a polygon with holes
use Math::Clipper qw(CT_UNION PFT_NONZERO JT_MITER);
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(point_in_polygon X Y A B);
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(point_in_polygon X Y A B);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(union_ex);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(union_ex JT_MITER);
# the constructor accepts an array of polygons
# the constructor accepts an array of polygons
# or a Math::Clipper ExPolygon (hashref)
# or a Math::Clipper ExPolygon (hashref)
@ -54,6 +53,13 @@ sub offset {
return @$offsets;
return @$offsets;
sub safety_offset {
my $self = shift;
return (ref $self)->new(
@{ Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::safety_offset([@$self]) },
sub offset_ex {
sub offset_ex {
my $self = shift;
my $self = shift;
my @offsets = $self->offset(@_);
my @offsets = $self->offset(@_);
@ -58,15 +58,14 @@ sub make_fill {
SURFACE: foreach my $surface (@$surfaces) {
SURFACE: foreach my $surface (@$surfaces) {
Slic3r::debugf " Processing surface %s:\n", $surface->id;
my $filler = $Slic3r::fill_pattern;
my $filler = $Slic3r::fill_pattern;
my $density = $Slic3r::fill_density;
my $density = $Slic3r::fill_density;
my $flow_width = $Slic3r::flow_width;
my $flow_width = $Slic3r::flow_width;
# force 100% density and rectilinear fill for external surfaces
# force 100% density and rectilinear fill for external surfaces
if ($surface->surface_type ne 'internal') {
if ($surface->surface_type ne 'internal') {
my $is_bridge = $surface->isa('Slic3r::Surface::Bridge');
my $is_bridge = $surface->isa('Slic3r::Surface::Bridge')
&& $surface->surface_type eq 'bottom';
$density = 1;
$density = 1;
$filler = $is_bridge ? 'rectilinear' : $Slic3r::solid_fill_pattern;
$filler = $is_bridge ? 'rectilinear' : $Slic3r::solid_fill_pattern;
$flow_width = $Slic3r::nozzle_diameter if $is_bridge;
$flow_width = $Slic3r::nozzle_diameter if $is_bridge;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ sub infill_direction {
# use bridge angle
# use bridge angle
if ($surface->isa('Slic3r::Surface::Bridge')) {
if ($surface->isa('Slic3r::Surface::Bridge') && defined $surface->bridge_angle) {
Slic3r::debugf "Filling bridge with angle %d\n", $surface->bridge_angle;
Slic3r::debugf "Filling bridge with angle %d\n", $surface->bridge_angle;
$rotate[0] = Slic3r::Geometry::deg2rad($surface->bridge_angle);
$rotate[0] = Slic3r::Geometry::deg2rad($surface->bridge_angle);
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use Moo;
use Math::Clipper ':all';
use Math::Clipper ':all';
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(polygon_lines points_coincide angle3points polyline_lines nearest_point
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(polygon_lines points_coincide angle3points polyline_lines nearest_point
line_length collinear X Y A B PI);
line_length collinear X Y A B PI);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(safety_offset union_ex PFT_EVENODD);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(union_ex diff_ex intersection_ex PFT_EVENODD);
use XXX;
use XXX;
# a sequential number of layer, starting at 0
# a sequential number of layer, starting at 0
@ -347,107 +347,93 @@ sub remove_small_perimeters {
# make bridges printable
# make bridges printable
sub process_bridges {
sub process_bridges {
my $self = shift;
my $self = shift;
return if $self->id == 0;
# a bottom surface on a layer > 0 is either a bridge or a overhang
# a bottom surface on a layer > 0 is either a bridge or a overhang
# or a combination of both
# or a combination of both; any top surface is a candidate for
# reverse bridge processing
my @bottom_surfaces = grep $_->surface_type eq 'bottom', @{$self->surfaces} or return;
my @solid_surfaces = grep {
my @supporting_surfaces = grep $_->surface_type =~ /internal/, @{$self->surfaces};
($_->surface_type eq 'bottom' && $self->id > 0) || $_->surface_type eq 'top'
} @{$self->surfaces} or return;
SURFACE: foreach my $surface (@bottom_surfaces) {
my @internal_surfaces = grep $_->surface_type =~ /internal/, @{$self->surfaces};
# since we can't print concave bridges, we transform the surface
# in a convex polygon; this will print thin membranes eventually
my $surface_p = $surface->contour->p;
# offset the surface a bit to avoid approximation issues when doing the
SURFACE: foreach my $surface (@solid_surfaces) {
# intersection below (this is to make sure we overlap with supporting
my $expolygon = $surface->expolygon->safety_offset;
# surfaces, otherwise a little gap will result from intersection)
my $description = $surface->surface_type eq 'bottom' ? 'bridge/overhang' : 'reverse bridge';
$surface_p = safety_offset([$surface_p])->[0];
# offset the contour and intersect it with the internal surfaces to discover
# which of them has contact with our bridge
my @supporting_surfaces = ();
my ($contour_offset) = $expolygon->contour->offset($Slic3r::flow_width / $Slic3r::resolution);
foreach my $internal_surface (@internal_surfaces) {
my $intersection = intersection_ex([$contour_offset], [$internal_surface->contour->p]);
if (@$intersection) {
push @supporting_surfaces, $internal_surface;
#use Slic3r::SVG;
#use Slic3r::SVG;
#Slic3r::SVG::output(undef, "bridge.svg",
#Slic3r::SVG::output(undef, "bridge.svg",
# green_polygons => [ map $_->p, @supporting_surfaces ],
# green_polygons => [ map $_->p, @supporting_surfaces ],
# red_polygons => [ $surface_p ],
# red_polygons => [ @$expolygon ],
# find all supported edges (as polylines, thus keeping notion of
next SURFACE unless @supporting_surfaces;
# consecutive supported edges)
Slic3r::debugf " Found $description on layer %d with %d support(s)\n",
my @supported_polylines = ();
$self->id, scalar(@supporting_surfaces);
my @current_polyline = ();
EDGE: foreach my $edge (Slic3r::Geometry::polygon_lines($surface_p)) {
for my $supporting_surface (@supporting_surfaces) {
local $Slic3r::Geometry::epsilon = 1E+7;
if (Slic3r::Geometry::polygon_has_subsegment($supporting_surface->contour->p, $edge)) {
push @current_polyline, $edge;
next EDGE;
if (@current_polyline) {
push @supported_polylines, [@current_polyline];
@current_polyline = ();
push @supported_polylines, [@current_polyline] if @current_polyline;
# defensive programming, this shouldn't happen
my $bridge_angle = undef;
if (@supported_polylines == 0) {
if ($surface->surface_type eq 'bottom') {
Slic3r::debugf "Found bridge/overhang with no supports on layer %d; ignoring\n", $self->id;
# detect optimal bridge angle
if (@supported_polylines == 1) {
my $bridge_over_hole = 0;
Slic3r::debugf "Found bridge/overhang with only one support on layer %d; ignoring\n", $self->id;
my @edges = (); # edges are POLYLINES
# now connect the first point to the last of each polyline
@supported_polylines = map [ $_->[0]->[0], $_->[-1]->[-1] ], @supported_polylines;
# @supported_polylines becomes actually an array of lines
# if we got more than two supports, get the longest two
if (@supported_polylines > 2) {
my %lengths = map { $_ => Slic3r::Geometry::line_length($_) } @supported_polylines;
@supported_polylines = sort { $lengths{"$a"} <=> $lengths{"$b"} } @supported_polylines;
@supported_polylines = @supported_polylines[-2,-1];
# connect the midpoints, that will give the the optimal infill direction
my @midpoints = map Slic3r::Geometry::midpoint($_), @supported_polylines;
my $bridge_angle = -Slic3r::Geometry::rad2deg(Slic3r::Geometry::line_atan(\@midpoints) + PI/2);
Slic3r::debugf "Optimal infill angle of bridge on layer %d is %d degrees\n", $self->id, $bridge_angle;
# detect which neighbor surfaces are now supporting our bridge
my @supporting_neighbor_surfaces = ();
foreach my $supporting_surface (@supporting_surfaces) {
foreach my $supporting_surface (@supporting_surfaces) {
local $Slic3r::Geometry::epsilon = 1E+7;
my @surface_edges = $supporting_surface->contour->clip_with_polygon($contour_offset);
push @supporting_neighbor_surfaces, $supporting_surface
if (@surface_edges == 1 && @{$supporting_surface->contour->p} == @{$surface_edges[0]->p}) {
if grep Slic3r::Geometry::polygon_has_vertex($supporting_surface->contour->p, $_),
$bridge_over_hole = 1;
map $_->[0], @supported_polylines;
} else {
foreach my $edge (@surface_edges) {
shift @{$edge->points};
pop @{$edge->points};
@surface_edges = grep { @{$_->points} } @surface_edges;
push @edges, @surface_edges;
Slic3r::debugf " Bridge is supported on %d edge(s)\n", scalar(@edges);
Slic3r::debugf " and covers a hole\n" if $bridge_over_hole;
if (0) {
require "Slic3r/";
Slic3r::SVG::output(undef, "bridge.svg",
polylines => [ map $_->p, @edges ],
# defensive programming, this shouldn't happen
if (@edges == 2) {
if (@supporting_neighbor_surfaces == 0) {
my @chords = map Slic3r::Line->new($_->points->[0], $_->points->[-1]), @edges;
Slic3r::debugf "Couldn't find supporting surfaces on layer %d; ignoring\n", $self->id;
my @midpoints = map $_->midpoint, @chords;
$bridge_angle = -Slic3r::Geometry::rad2deg(Slic3r::Geometry::line_atan(\@midpoints) + PI/2);
Slic3r::debugf "Optimal infill angle of bridge on layer %d is %d degrees\n", $self->id, $bridge_angle;
# now, extend our bridge by taking a portion of supporting surfaces
# now, extend our bridge by taking a portion of supporting surfaces
# offset the bridge by the specified amount of mm
# offset the bridge by the specified amount of mm
my $bridge_offset = ${ offset([$surface_p], $Slic3r::bridge_overlap / $Slic3r::resolution, $Slic3r::resolution * 100, JT_MITER, 2) }[0];
my $bridge_overlap = 2 * $Slic3r::perimeters * $Slic3r::flow_width / $Slic3r::resolution;
my ($bridge_offset) = $expolygon->contour->offset($bridge_overlap, $Slic3r::resolution * 100, JT_MITER, 2);
# calculate the new bridge
# calculate the new bridge
my $clipper = Math::Clipper->new;
my $intersection = intersection_ex(
[ @$expolygon, map $_->p, @supporting_surfaces ],
$clipper->add_subject_polygons([ map $_->p, @supporting_neighbor_surfaces ]);
[ $bridge_offset ],
my $intersection = $clipper->execute(CT_INTERSECTION, PFT_NONZERO, PFT_NONZERO);
push @{$self->bridges}, map Slic3r::Surface::Bridge->cast_from_polygon($_,
push @{$self->bridges}, map Slic3r::Surface::Bridge->cast_from_expolygon($_,
surface_type => 'bottom',
surface_type => $surface->surface_type,
bridge_angle => $bridge_angle,
bridge_angle => $bridge_angle,
), @$intersection;
), @$intersection;
@ -463,18 +449,26 @@ sub detect_perimeter_surfaces {
if (!@{$self->bridges}) {
if (!@{$self->bridges}) {
push @{$self->perimeter_surfaces}, @{$self->surfaces};
push @{$self->perimeter_surfaces}, @{$self->surfaces};
} else {
} else {
my $clipper = Math::Clipper->new;
my $union = union_ex([
$clipper->add_subject_polygons([ map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type =~ /internal/, @{$self->surfaces} ]);
(map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type =~ /internal/, @{$self->surfaces}),
$clipper->add_clip_polygons([ map $_->p, @{$self->bridges} ]);
(map $_->p, @{$self->bridges}),
my $union = $clipper->ex_execute(CT_UNION, PFT_NONZERO, PFT_NONZERO);
# schedule perimeters for internal surfaces merged with bridges
push @{$self->perimeter_surfaces},
push @{$self->perimeter_surfaces},
map Slic3r::Surface->cast_from_expolygon($_, surface_type => 'internal'),
map Slic3r::Surface->cast_from_expolygon($_, surface_type => 'internal'),
# schedule perimeters for the remaining surfaces
foreach my $type (qw(top bottom)) {
my $diff = diff_ex(
[ map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type eq $type, @{$self->surfaces} ],
[ map @$_, @$union ],
push @{$self->perimeter_surfaces},
push @{$self->perimeter_surfaces},
grep $_->surface_type !~ /internal/ && ($_->surface_type ne 'bottom' || $self->id == 0),
map Slic3r::Surface->cast_from_expolygon($_, surface_type => $type),
@ -482,29 +476,26 @@ sub detect_perimeter_surfaces {
sub split_bridges_fills {
sub split_bridges_fills {
my $self = shift;
my $self = shift;
my $clipper = Math::Clipper->new;
foreach my $surfaces (@{$self->fill_surfaces}) {
foreach my $surfaces (@{$self->fill_surfaces}) {
my @surfaces = @$surfaces;
my @surfaces = @$surfaces;
@$surfaces = ();
@$surfaces = ();
# intersect fill_surfaces with bridges to get actual bridges
# intersect fill_surfaces with bridges to get actual bridges
foreach my $bridge (@{$self->bridges}) {
foreach my $bridge (@{$self->bridges}) {
my $intersection = intersection_ex(
$clipper->add_subject_polygons([ map $_->p, @surfaces ]);
[ map $_->p, @surfaces ],
[ $bridge->p ],
my $intersection = $clipper->ex_execute(CT_INTERSECTION, PFT_NONZERO, PFT_NONZERO);
push @$surfaces, map Slic3r::Surface::Bridge->cast_from_expolygon($_,
push @$surfaces, map Slic3r::Surface::Bridge->cast_from_expolygon($_,
surface_type => 'bottom',
surface_type => $bridge->surface_type,
bridge_angle => $bridge->bridge_angle,
bridge_angle => $bridge->bridge_angle,
), @$intersection;
), @$intersection;
# difference between fill_surfaces and bridges are the other surfaces
# difference between fill_surfaces and bridges are the other surfaces
foreach my $surface (@surfaces) {
foreach my $surface (@surfaces) {
my $difference = diff_ex([ $surface->p ], [ map $_->p, @{$self->bridges} ]);
$clipper->add_subject_polygons([ $surface->p ]);
$clipper->add_clip_polygons([ map $_->contour->p, @{$self->bridges} ]);
my $difference = $clipper->ex_execute(CT_DIFFERENCE, PFT_NONZERO, PFT_NONZERO);
push @$surfaces, map Slic3r::Surface->cast_from_expolygon($_,
push @$surfaces, map Slic3r::Surface->cast_from_expolygon($_,
surface_type => $surface->surface_type), @$difference;
surface_type => $surface->surface_type), @$difference;
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use XXX;
sub make_perimeter {
sub make_perimeter {
my $self = shift;
my $self = shift;
my ($layer) = @_;
my ($layer) = @_;
printf "Making perimeter for layer %d:\n", $layer->id;
printf "Making perimeter for layer %d\n", $layer->id;
# at least one perimeter is required
# at least one perimeter is required
die "Can't slice object with no perimeters!\n"
die "Can't slice object with no perimeters!\n"
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ use warnings;
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(polygon_lines polygon_remove_parallel_continuous_edges
use Slic3r::Geometry qw(polygon_lines polygon_remove_parallel_continuous_edges
polygon_segment_having_point point_in_polygon move_points rotate_points);
polygon_segment_having_point point_in_polygon move_points rotate_points);
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(JT_MITER);
# the constructor accepts an array(ref) of points
# the constructor accepts an array(ref) of points
sub new {
sub new {
@ -70,4 +71,20 @@ sub area {
return Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::area($self);
return Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::area($self);
sub safety_offset {
my $self = shift;
return (ref $self)->new(Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::safety_offset([$self])->[0]);
sub offset {
my $self = shift;
my ($distance, $scale, $joinType, $miterLimit) = @_;
$scale ||= $Slic3r::resolution * 1000000;
$joinType = JT_MITER if !defined $joinType;
$miterLimit ||= 2;
my $offsets = Math::Clipper::offset([$self], $distance, $scale, $joinType, $miterLimit);
return @$offsets;
@ -156,6 +156,11 @@ sub clip_with_expolygon {
push @polylines, $current_polyline;
push @polylines, $current_polyline;
if (@polylines > 1 && scalar(@{$polylines[-1]}) == 2 && $polylines[-1][-1] eq $polylines[0][0]) {
unshift @{$polylines[0]}, $polylines[-1][0];
pop @polylines;
return map Slic3r::Polyline->cast($_), @polylines;
return map Slic3r::Polyline->cast($_), @polylines;
@ -109,6 +109,23 @@ sub detect_surfaces_type {
my $upper_surfaces = [ grep { $_->expolygon->contour->area > $min_area } @{$upper_layer->surfaces} ];
my $upper_surfaces = [ grep { $_->expolygon->contour->area > $min_area } @{$upper_layer->surfaces} ];
@top = $surface_difference->($layer->surfaces, $upper_surfaces, 'top');
@top = $surface_difference->($layer->surfaces, $upper_surfaces, 'top');
# now check whether each resulting top surfaces is large enough to have its
# own perimeters or whether it may be sufficient to use the lower layer's
# perimeters
# offset upper layer's surfaces
my $upper_surfaces_offsetted;
my $distance = $Slic3r::flow_width * ($Slic3r::perimeters) / $Slic3r::resolution;
$upper_surfaces_offsetted = offset([ map $_->p, @{$upper_layer->surfaces} ], $distance, 100, JT_MITER, 2);
@top = grep {
my $surface = $_;
my $diff = diff_ex([ map $_->p, $surface ], $upper_surfaces_offsetted);
} @top;
} else {
} else {
# if no upper layer, all surfaces of this one are solid
# if no upper layer, all surfaces of this one are solid
@top = @{$layer->surfaces};
@top = @{$layer->surfaces};
@ -276,8 +293,6 @@ sub extrude_perimeters {
foreach my $layer (@{ $self->layers }) {
foreach my $layer (@{ $self->layers }) {
Slic3r::debugf " generated paths: %s\n",
join ' ', map $_->id, @{ $layer->perimeters } if $Slic3r::debug;
@ -374,9 +389,6 @@ sub extrude_fills {
foreach my $layer (@{ $self->layers }) {
foreach my $layer (@{ $self->layers }) {
Slic3r::debugf " generated %d paths: %s\n",
scalar @{ $layer->fills },
join ' ', map $_->id, map @{$_->paths}, @{ $layer->fills } if $Slic3r::debug;
Add table
Reference in a new issue