Prepare for merge intersected cuts
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 66 additions and 223 deletions
@ -455,42 +455,6 @@ ProjectionDistances choose_best_distance(
const BoundingBox &shapes_bb,
const ShapePoint2index &shape_point_2_index);
/// <summary>
/// Merge 2 cuts together, cut off inner part
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cut1">[In/Out] surface cut</param>
/// <param name="cut2">Cut to intersect with</param>
/// <param name="mesh">Source of surface</param>
/// <returns>True when merge otherwise False</returns>
bool merge_cut(CutAOI &cut1, const CutAOI &cut2, const CutMesh &mesh);
/// <summary>
/// Merge cuts together
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cuts">[In/Out] cutted surface of model</param>
/// <param name="mesh">Source of surface</param>
/// <param name="use_cut_indices">Filtered indicies of Cut from best projection distances</param>
void merge_cuts(CutAOIs &cuts,
const CutMesh &mesh,
const std::vector<size_t> &use_cut_indices);
/// <summary>
/// Filter out cuts which are behind another.
/// Prevent overlapping embossed shape in space.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cuts">AOIs</param>
/// <param name="mesh">triangle model</param>
/// <param name="shapes">2d cutted shapes</param>
/// <param name="shape_point_2_index">2d cutted shapes</param>
/// <param name="projection">Projection from 2d to 3d</param>
/// <param name="vert_shape_map">Identify source of intersection</param>
void filter_cuts(CutAOIs &cuts,
const CutMesh &mesh,
const ExPolygons &shapes,
const ShapePoint2index &shape_point_2_index,
const Project &projection,
const VertexShapeMap &vert_shape_map);
using ConvertMap = CutMesh::Property_map<VI, SurfaceCut::Index>;
/// <summary>
/// Create surface cuts from mesh model
@ -509,7 +473,6 @@ SurfaceCuts create_surface_cuts(const CutAOIs &cutAOIs,
const ReductionMap &reduction_map,
ConvertMap &convert_map);
/// <summary>
/// Collect connected inside faces
/// Collect outline half edges
@ -602,6 +565,23 @@ SurfaceCut::CutContour create_cut(const std::vector<HI> &outlines,
const ReductionMap &reduction_map,
const ConvertMap &v2v);
/// <summary>
/// Self Intersection of surface cuts are made by
/// damaged models OR multi volumes emboss
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cuts">Surface cuts to merge
/// NOTE: Merge process move data from cuts to result</param>
/// <returns>Merged all surface cuts into one</returns>
SurfaceCut merge_intersections(SurfaceCuts &cuts);
/// <summary>
/// Merge 2 Cuts when has intersection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cut1">In/Out cut to merge into</param>
/// <param name="cut2">Cut to merge from</param>
/// <returns>Has intersection</returns>
bool merge_intersection(SurfaceCut &cut1, const SurfaceCut &cut2);
indexed_triangle_set create_indexed_triangle_set(const std::vector<FI> &faces,
const CutMesh &mesh);
@ -757,31 +737,31 @@ SurfaceCut Slic3r::cut_surface(const indexed_triangle_set &model,
cutAOIs.erase(cutAOIs.begin() + index);
// std::vector<size_t> best_cut_indices;
// for (size_t i = 0; i < cutAOIs.size(); ++i)
// if (is_best_cut[i]) best_cut_indices.push_back(i);
// // cut off part + filtrate cutAOIs
// priv::merge_cuts(cutAOIs, cgal_model, best_cut_indices);
// priv::store(cutAOIs, cgal_model, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "merged-aois/");
// // only debug
//#endif // DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR
//// Filter out NO top one cuts
//priv::filter_cuts(cutAOIs, cgal_model, shapes,
// shape_point_2_index, projection, vert_shape_map);
// conversion map between vertex index in cgal_model and indices in result
// used instead of std::map
std::string vertec_convert_map_name = "v:convert";
priv::ConvertMap vertex_convert_map = cgal_model.add_property_map<priv::VI, SurfaceCut::Index>(vertec_convert_map_name).first;
SurfaceCuts result = priv::create_surface_cuts(cutAOIs, cgal_model, vertex_reduction_map, vertex_convert_map);
SurfaceCuts result = priv::create_surface_cuts(cutAOIs, cgal_model, vertex_reduction_map, vertex_convert_map);
priv::store(result, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "cuts/"); // only debug
// Self Intersection of surface cuts
// It is made by damaged models and multi volumes
// std::vector<size_t> best_cut_indices;
// for (size_t i = 0; i < cutAOIs.size(); ++i)
// if (is_best_cut[i]) best_cut_indices.push_back(i);
// // cut off part + filtrate cutAOIs
// priv::merge_cuts(cutAOIs, cgal_model, best_cut_indices);
// priv::store(cutAOIs, cgal_model, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "merged-aois/");
// // only debug
//#endif // DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR
// TODO: fill skipped source triangles to surface of cut
return merge(std::move(result));
@ -2327,66 +2307,43 @@ void priv::store(const Vec3f &vertex,
its_write_obj(its, file.c_str());
bool priv::merge_cut(CutAOI &cut1, const CutAOI &cut2, const CutMesh &mesh)
// create cgal model and merge it together
bool priv::merge_intersection(SurfaceCut &cut1, const SurfaceCut &cut2) {
return false;
void priv::merge_cuts(CutAOIs &cuts,
const CutMesh &mesh,
const std::vector<size_t> &use_cut_indices)
SurfaceCut priv::merge_intersections(SurfaceCuts &cuts)
auto create_bb = [&mesh](const CutAOI &cut) -> BoundingBoxf3 {
Vec3f min(std::numeric_limits<float>::min(),
Vec3f max(std::numeric_limits<float>::max(),
for (const FI &fi : cut.first) {
HI hi = mesh.halfedge(fi);
for (VI vi : {mesh.source(hi),,
||||}) {
const P3 &p = mesh.point(vi);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (min[i] > p[i]) min[i] = p[i];
if (max[i] < p[i]) max[i] = p[i];
return BoundingBoxf3(min.cast<double>(), max.cast<double>());
// create bounding boxes for cuts
std::vector<BoundingBoxf3> bbs;
for (const CutAOI &cut : cuts)
// extend used bb by intersecting bb
// NOTE: after merge 2 cuts could appear new intersection on surface of merged in
for (const SurfaceCut &cut : cuts) bbs.push_back(bounding_box(cut));
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> merge_order;
std::vector<bool> del_cuts(cuts.size(), {true});
for (size_t cut_index : use_cut_indices) del_cuts[cut_index] = false;
// extend used bb by intersecting bb
// NOTE: after merge 2 cuts could appears
// new intersection on surface of merged in
std::vector<bool> finished(cuts.size(), {true});
// find intersection of cuts by Bounding boxes intersection
for (size_t cut_index : use_cut_indices) {
// check if cut is merged into another one
if (del_cuts[cut_index]) continue;
BoundingBoxf3& result_bb = bbs[cut_index];
CutAOI &cut = cuts[cut_index];
for (size_t cut_index = 0; cut_index < cuts.size(); ++cut_index)
if (finished[cut_index]) continue;
BoundingBoxf3 &result_bb = bbs[cut_index];
SurfaceCut &cut = cuts[cut_index];
// all merged cuts into cut_index
std::vector<bool> merged(cuts.size(), {false});
// merged in last iteration
std::vector<bool> new_merged;
bool exist_new_extension;
bool is_first = true;
// while exist bb intersection
do {
exist_new_extension = false;
new_merged = std::vector<bool>(cuts.size(), {false});
// check when exist intersection with result_bb
for (const BoundingBoxf3 &bb : bbs) {
size_t bb_index = &bb - &bbs.front();
// do not merge itself
@ -2398,147 +2355,33 @@ void priv::merge_cuts(CutAOIs &cuts,
for (size_t i = 0; i < cuts.size(); i++) {
if (!new_merged[i]) continue;
if (!bbs[i].intersects(bb)) continue;
// TODO: check that really intersect by merging
has_new_intersection = true;
if (!has_new_intersection) continue;
if(!merge_cut(cut, cuts[bb_index], mesh)) continue;
result_bb = create_bb(cut);
if (!merge_intersection(cut, cuts[bb_index])) continue;
result_bb = bounding_box(cut);
merged[bb_index] = true;
del_cuts[bb_index] = true;
finished[bb_index] = true;
new_merged[bb_index] = true;
// extend result_bb
exist_new_extension = true;
exist_new_extension = true;
is_first = false;
} while (exist_new_extension);
} while (exist_new_extension);
// remove flagged cuts
for (size_t i = del_cuts.size(); i > 0; --i) {
size_t index = i - 1;
if (del_cuts[index]) cuts.erase(cuts.begin() + index);
// Cuts merged in are signed in finished vector as TRUE
// All rest cuts must be merged simple way
SurfaceCut result;
for (size_t cut_index = 0; cut_index < cuts.size(); ++cut_index) {
if (finished[cut_index]) continue;
append(result, std::move(cuts[cut_index]));
return result;
void priv::filter_cuts(CutAOIs &cuts,
const CutMesh &mesh,
const ExPolygons &shapes,
const ShapePoint2index &shape_point_2_index,
const Project &projection,
const VertexShapeMap &vert_shape_map)
auto get_point = [&shapes, &shape_point_2_index]
(const IntersectingElement &intersection) -> Point {
assert(intersection.shape_point_index != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
ShapePointId point_id = shape_point_2_index.calc_id(intersection.shape_point_index);
const ExPolygon& shape = shapes[point_id.expolygons_index];
const Polygon &p = (point_id.polygon_index == 0) ?
shape.contour :
shape.holes[point_id.polygon_index - 1];
return p[point_id.point_index];
struct CutIndex
// index in vector into cuts
size_t cut_index = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
// vertex index inside of mesh
VI vi;
size_t count = count_points(shapes);
// each source point from shapes could has only one nearest projection
std::vector<CutIndex> indices(count);
// flags which cut is not first
std::vector<bool> del_cuts(cuts.size(), false);
// check whether vertex is behind another cut
auto is_behind = [&vert_shape_map, &indices, &del_cuts, &get_point,
&projection, &mesh]
(VI vi, size_t cut_index) -> bool {
const IntersectingElement *i = vert_shape_map[vi];
// Is vertex made by corefine?
if (i == nullptr) return false;
assert(i->shape_point_index != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
assert(i->attr != (unsigned char)IntersectingElement::Type::undefined);
// Use only straigh edge
if (i->get_type() != IntersectingElement::Type::edge_1)
return false;
CutIndex &ci = indices[i->shape_point_index];
// is first cut for vertex OR
// is remembred cut is deleted?
if (ci.cut_index == std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() ||
del_cuts[ci.cut_index] ) {
ci.cut_index = cut_index;
|||| = vi;
return false;
if (ci.cut_index == cut_index) {
// In one connected triangles area are more points
// with same source point from text contour
//assert( == vi);
return false;
// compare distances of vertices
Point p = get_point(*i);
Vec3f source_point = projection.create_front_back(p).first;
const auto &prev = mesh.point(;
Vec3f prev_point(prev.x(), prev.y(), prev.z());
float prev_sq_norm = (source_point - prev_point).squaredNorm();
const auto &act = mesh.point(vi);
Vec3f act_point(act.x(), act.y(), act.z());
float act_sq_norm = (source_point - act_point).squaredNorm();
if (act_sq_norm < prev_sq_norm) {
del_cuts[cut_index] = true;
return true;
// previous cut is behind actual one
del_cuts[ci.cut_index] = true;
ci.cut_index = cut_index;
|||| = vi;
return false;
// filter small pieces
for (const CutAOI &cut : cuts) {
if (!has_minimal_contour_points(cut.second, vert_shape_map, mesh)) {
size_t index = &cut - &cuts.front();
del_cuts[index] = true;
// filter top one cuts
for (const CutAOI &cut : cuts) {
size_t cut_index = &cut - &cuts.front();
if (del_cuts[cut_index]) continue;
const std::vector<HI> &outlines = cut.second;
for (HI hi : outlines) {
if (is_behind(mesh.source(hi), cut_index) ||
is_behind(, cut_index))
// remove flagged cuts
for (size_t i = del_cuts.size(); i > 0; --i) {
size_t index = i - 1;
if (del_cuts[index])
cuts.erase(cuts.begin() + index);
SurfaceCuts priv::create_surface_cuts(const CutAOIs &cuts,
const CutMesh &mesh,
const ReductionMap &reduction_map,
Add table
Reference in a new issue