Merge branch 'master' into fs_emboss
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 703 additions and 5 deletions
@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
#ifndef slic3r_BridgeDetector_hpp_
#define slic3r_BridgeDetector_hpp_
#include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "Line.hpp"
#include "Point.hpp"
#include "Polygon.hpp"
#include "Polyline.hpp"
#include "PrincipalComponents2D.hpp"
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include "ExPolygon.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace Slic3r {
@ -64,6 +73,60 @@ private:
ExPolygons _anchor_regions;
//return ideal bridge direction and unsupported bridge endpoints distance.
inline std::tuple<Vec2d, double> detect_bridging_direction(const Polygons &to_cover, const Polygons &anchors_area)
Polygons overhang_area = diff(to_cover, anchors_area);
Polylines floating_polylines = diff_pl(to_polylines(overhang_area), expand(anchors_area, float(SCALED_EPSILON)));
if (floating_polylines.empty()) {
// consider this area anchored from all sides, pick bridging direction that will likely yield shortest bridges
//use 3mm resolution (should be quite fast, and rough estimation should not cause any problems here)
auto [pc1, pc2] = compute_principal_components(overhang_area, 3.0);
if (pc2 == Vec2d::Zero()) { // overhang may be smaller than resolution. In this case, any direction is ok
return {Vec2d{1.0,0.0}, 0.0};
} else {
return {pc2.normalized(), 0.0};
// Overhang is not fully surrounded by anchors, in that case, find such direction that will minimize the number of bridge ends/180turns in the air
Lines floating_edges = to_lines(floating_polylines);
std::unordered_map<double, Vec2d> directions{};
for (const Line &l : floating_edges) {
Vec2d normal = l.normal().cast<double>().normalized();
double quantized_angle = std::ceil(std::atan2(normal.y(),normal.x()) * 1000.0);
directions.emplace(quantized_angle, normal);
std::vector<std::pair<Vec2d, double>> direction_costs{};
// it is acutally cost of a perpendicular bridge direction - we find the minimal cost and then return the perpendicular dir
for (const auto& d : directions) {
direction_costs.emplace_back(d.second, 0.0);
for (const Line &l : floating_edges) {
Vec2d line = (l.b - l.a).cast<double>();
for (auto &dir_cost : direction_costs) {
// the dot product already contains the length of the line. dir_cost.first is normalized.
dir_cost.second += std::abs(;
Vec2d result_dir = Vec2d::Ones();
double min_cost = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (const auto &cost : direction_costs) {
if (cost.second < min_cost) {
// now flip the orientation back and return the direction of the bridge extrusions
result_dir = Vec2d{cost.first.y(), -cost.first.x()};
min_cost = cost.second;
return {result_dir, min_cost};
@ -222,6 +222,8 @@ set(SLIC3R_SOURCES
@ -116,6 +116,18 @@ Polygon convex_hull(const ExPolygons &expolygons)
return convex_hull(pp);
Polygon convex_hulll(const Polylines &polylines)
Points pp;
size_t sz = 0;
for (const auto &polyline : polylines)
sz += polyline.points.size();
for (const auto &polyline : polylines)
pp.insert(pp.end(), polyline.points.begin(), polyline.points.end());
return convex_hull(pp);
namespace rotcalip {
using int256_t = boost::multiprecision::int256_t;
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Pointf3s convex_hull(Pointf3s points);
Polygon convex_hull(Points points);
Polygon convex_hull(const Polygons &polygons);
Polygon convex_hull(const ExPolygons &expolygons);
Polygon convex_hulll(const Polylines &polylines);
// Returns true if the intersection of the two convex polygons A and B
// is not an empty set.
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
#include "ExPolygon.hpp"
#include "Layer.hpp"
#include "BridgeDetector.hpp"
#include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
@ -283,6 +284,27 @@ void LayerRegion::process_external_surfaces(const Layer *lower_layer, const Poly
// would get merged into a single one while they need different directions
// also, supply the original expolygon instead of the grown one, because in case
// of very thin (but still working) anchors, the grown expolygon would go beyond them
double custom_angle = Geometry::deg2rad(this->region().config().bridge_angle.value);
if (custom_angle > 0.0) {
bridges[idx_last].bridge_angle = custom_angle;
} else {
auto [bridging_dir, unsupported_dist] = detect_bridging_direction(to_polygons(initial), to_polygons(lower_layer->lslices));
bridges[idx_last].bridge_angle = PI + std::atan2(bridging_dir.y(), bridging_dir.x());
// #if 1
// coordf_t stroke_width = scale_(0.06);
// BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(initial);
// bbox.offset(scale_(1.));
// ::Slic3r::SVG
// svg(debug_out_path(("bridge"+std::to_string(bridges[idx_last].bridge_angle)+"_"+std::to_string(this->layer()->bottom_z())).c_str()),
// bbox);
// svg.draw(initial, "cyan");
// svg.draw(to_lines(lower_layer->lslices), "green", stroke_width);
// #endif
BridgeDetector bd(initial, lower_layer->lslices, this->bridging_flow(frInfill).scaled_width());
printf("Processing bridge at layer %zu:\n", this->layer()->id());
@ -299,6 +321,7 @@ void LayerRegion::process_external_surfaces(const Layer *lower_layer, const Poly
// using a bridging flow, therefore it makes sense to respect the custom bridging direction.
bridges[idx_last].bridge_angle = custom_angle;
// without safety offset, artifacts are generated (GH #2494)
surfaces_append(bottom, union_safety_offset_ex(grown), bridges[idx_last]);
@ -1,16 +1,46 @@
#include "PerimeterGenerator.hpp"
#include "AABBTreeIndirect.hpp"
#include "AABBTreeLines.hpp"
#include "BoundingBox.hpp"
#include "BridgeDetector.hpp"
#include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "ExPolygon.hpp"
#include "ExtrusionEntity.hpp"
#include "ExtrusionEntityCollection.hpp"
#include "Geometry/MedialAxis.hpp"
#include "KDTreeIndirect.hpp"
#include "MultiPoint.hpp"
#include "Point.hpp"
#include "Polygon.hpp"
#include "Polyline.hpp"
#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "ShortestPath.hpp"
#include "Surface.hpp"
#include "Geometry/ConvexHull.hpp"
#include "SurfaceCollection.hpp"
#include "clipper/clipper_z.hpp"
#include "Arachne/WallToolPaths.hpp"
#include "Arachne/utils/ExtrusionLine.hpp"
#include "Arachne/utils/ExtrusionJunction.hpp"
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <math.h>
#include <ostream>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// #define ARACHNE_DEBUG
@ -19,6 +49,8 @@
#include "Utils.hpp"
#include "SVG.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
ExtrusionMultiPath thick_polyline_to_multi_path(const ThickPolyline &thick_polyline, ExtrusionRole role, const Flow &flow, const float tolerance, const float merge_tolerance)
@ -588,6 +620,386 @@ static void export_perimeters_to_svg(const std::string &path, const Polygons &co
// find out if paths touch - at least one point of one path is within limit distance of second path
bool paths_touch(const ExtrusionPath &path_one, const ExtrusionPath &path_two, double limit_distance)
AABBTreeLines::LinesDistancer<Line> lines_one{path_one.as_polyline().lines()};
AABBTreeLines::LinesDistancer<Line> lines_two{path_two.as_polyline().lines()};
for (size_t pt_idx = 0; pt_idx < path_one.polyline.size(); pt_idx++) {
if (std::abs(lines_two.signed_distance_from_lines(path_one.polyline.points[pt_idx])) < limit_distance) { return true; }
for (size_t pt_idx = 0; pt_idx < path_two.polyline.size(); pt_idx++) {
if (std::abs(lines_one.signed_distance_from_lines(path_two.polyline.points[pt_idx])) < limit_distance) { return true; }
return false;
ExtrusionPaths reconnect_extrusion_paths(const ExtrusionPaths& paths, double limit_distance) {
if (paths.empty()) return paths;
ExtrusionPaths result;
for (size_t pidx = 1; pidx < paths.size(); pidx++) {
if ((result.back().last_point() - paths[pidx].first_point()).cast<double>().squaredNorm() < limit_distance * limit_distance) {
result.back().polyline.points.insert(result.back().polyline.points.end(), paths[pidx].polyline.points.begin(),
} else {
return result;
ExtrusionPaths sort_and_connect_extra_perimeters(const std::vector<ExtrusionPaths> &extra_perims, double touch_distance)
std::vector<ExtrusionPaths> connected_shells;
for (const ExtrusionPaths& ps : extra_perims) {
connected_shells.push_back(reconnect_extrusion_paths(ps, touch_distance));
struct Pidx
size_t shell;
size_t path;
bool operator==(const Pidx &rhs) const { return shell == && path == rhs.path; }
struct PidxHash
size_t operator()(const Pidx &i) const { return std::hash<size_t>{}( ^ std::hash<size_t>{}(i.path); }
auto get_path = [&](Pidx i) { return connected_shells[][i.path]; };
Point current_point{};
bool any_point_found = false;
std::vector<std::unordered_map<Pidx, std::unordered_set<Pidx, PidxHash>, PidxHash>> dependencies;
for (size_t shell = 0; shell < connected_shells.size(); shell++) {
auto ¤t_shell = dependencies[shell];
for (size_t path = 0; path < connected_shells[shell].size(); path++) {
Pidx current_path{shell, path};
std::unordered_set<Pidx, PidxHash> current_dependencies{};
if (shell > 0) {
for (const auto &prev_path : dependencies[shell - 1]) {
if (paths_touch(get_path(current_path), get_path(prev_path.first), touch_distance)) {
current_shell[current_path] = current_dependencies;
if (!any_point_found) {
current_point = get_path(current_path).first_point();
any_point_found = true;
ExtrusionPaths sorted_paths{};
Pidx npidx = Pidx{size_t(-1), 0};
Pidx next_pidx = npidx;
bool reverse = false;
while (true) {
if (next_pidx == npidx) { // find next pidx to print
double dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (size_t shell = 0; shell < dependencies.size(); shell++) {
for (const auto &p : dependencies[shell]) {
if (!p.second.empty()) continue;
const auto &path = get_path(p.first);
double dist_a = (path.first_point() - current_point).cast<double>().squaredNorm();
if (dist_a < dist) {
dist = dist_a;
next_pidx = p.first;
reverse = false;
double dist_b = (path.last_point() - current_point).cast<double>().squaredNorm();
if (dist_b < dist) {
dist = dist_b;
next_pidx = p.first;
reverse = true;
if (next_pidx == npidx) { break; }
} else { // we have valid next_pidx, add it to the sorted paths, update dependencies, update current point and potentialy set new next_pidx
ExtrusionPath path = get_path(next_pidx);
if (reverse) { path.reverse(); }
current_point = sorted_paths.back().last_point();
if ( < dependencies.size() - 1) {
for (auto &p : dependencies[ + 1]) { p.second.erase(next_pidx); }
// check current and next shell for next pidx
double dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
size_t current_shell =;
next_pidx = npidx;
for (size_t shell = current_shell; shell < std::min(current_shell + 2, dependencies.size()); shell++) {
for (const auto &p : dependencies[shell]) {
if (!p.second.empty()) continue;
const ExtrusionPath &next_path = get_path(p.first);
double dist_a = (next_path.first_point() - current_point).cast<double>().squaredNorm();
if (dist_a < dist) {
dist = dist_a;
next_pidx = p.first;
reverse = false;
double dist_b = (next_path.last_point() - current_point).cast<double>().squaredNorm();
if (dist_b < dist) {
dist = dist_b;
next_pidx = p.first;
reverse = true;
if (dist > scaled(5.0)){
next_pidx = npidx;
ExtrusionPaths reconnected = reconnect_extrusion_paths(sorted_paths, touch_distance);
ExtrusionPaths filtered;
for (ExtrusionPath &p : reconnected) {
if (p.length() > touch_distance) { filtered.push_back(p); }
return filtered;
#define EXTRA_PERIMETER_OFFSET_PARAMETERS ClipperLib::jtSquare, 0.
// Function will generate extra perimeters clipped over nonbridgeable areas of the provided surface and returns both the new perimeters and
// Polygons filled by those clipped perimeters
std::tuple<std::vector<ExtrusionPaths>, Polygons> generate_extra_perimeters_over_overhangs(const Surface &surface,
ExPolygons infill_area,
const Polygons &lower_slices_polygons,
const Flow &overhang_flow,
size_t standard_perimeters_count,
double scaled_resolution,
const PrintObjectConfig &object_config,
const PrintConfig &print_config)
coord_t anchors_size = scale_(EXTERNAL_INFILL_MARGIN);
ExPolygons local_area = intersection_ex({surface.expolygon}, infill_area);
ExPolygons anchors = intersection_ex(local_area, lower_slices_polygons);
ExPolygons overhangs = diff_ex(local_area, lower_slices_polygons);
if (overhangs.empty()) {
return {};
ExPolygons inset_anchors; // anchored area inset by the anchor length
std::vector<double> deltas{anchors_size * 0.15 + 0.5 * overhang_flow.scaled_spacing(),
anchors_size * 0.33 + 0.5 * overhang_flow.scaled_spacing(),
anchors_size * 0.66 + 0.5 * overhang_flow.scaled_spacing(), anchors_size * 1.00};
std::vector<ExPolygons> anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size{};
for (double delta : deltas) {
anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size.push_back(diff_ex(anchors, offset_ex(overhangs, delta, EXTRA_PERIMETER_OFFSET_PARAMETERS)));
for (size_t i = 0; i < anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size.size() - 1; i++) {
ExPolygons clipped = diff_ex(anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size[i], offset_ex(anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size[i + 1],
anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size[i] = intersection_ex(anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size[i],
offset_ex(clipped, deltas[i] + deltas[i + 1],
for (size_t i = 0; i < anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size.size(); i++) {
inset_anchors.insert(inset_anchors.end(), anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size[i].begin(),
inset_anchors = union_ex(inset_anchors);
inset_anchors = closing_ex(to_polygons(inset_anchors), 1.0 * overhang_flow.scaled_spacing(), 1.0 * overhang_flow.scaled_spacing(),
std::vector<std::string> colors = {"blue", "purple", "orange", "red"};
BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(anchors);
::Slic3r::SVG svg(debug_out_path("anchored").c_str(), bbox);
for (const Line &line : to_lines(inset_anchors)) svg.draw(line, "green", scale_(0.2));
for (size_t i = 0; i < anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size.size(); i++) {
for (const Line &line : to_lines(anchor_areas_w_delta_anchor_size[i])) svg.draw(line, colors[i], scale_(0.1));
ExPolygons inset_overhang_area = diff_ex(local_area, inset_anchors);
ExPolygons repeated_area = offset_ex(intersection_ex(offset_ex(inset_overhang_area, 1.10 * overhang_flow.scaled_spacing(),
0.1 * overhang_flow.scaled_spacing(), EXTRA_PERIMETER_OFFSET_PARAMETERS);
BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(inset_overhangs_w_anchors);
::Slic3r::SVG svg(debug_out_path("inset_overhangs_w_anchors").c_str(), bbox);
for (const Line &line : to_lines(inset_overhangs_w_anchors)) svg.draw(line, "purple", scale_(0.25));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(inset_overhang_area)) svg.draw(line, "red", scale_(0.20));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(repeated_area)) svg.draw(line, "green", scale_(0.15));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(inset_anchors)) svg.draw(line, "yellow", scale_(0.10));
Polygons area_left_unfilled;
std::vector<std::vector<ExtrusionPaths>> extra_perims; // overhang region -> shell -> shell parts
for (const ExPolygon &overhang : inset_overhang_area) {
ExPolygons overhang_to_cover = {overhang};
overhang_to_cover.insert(overhang_to_cover.end(), repeated_area.begin(), repeated_area.end());
overhang_to_cover = union_ex(overhang_to_cover);
ExPolygons real_overhang = intersection_ex({overhang_to_cover}, overhangs);
if (real_overhang.empty()) {
area_left_unfilled = union_(area_left_unfilled, to_polygons(overhang_to_cover));
std::vector<ExtrusionPaths> &overhang_region = extra_perims.back();
ExPolygons anchoring = intersection_ex({overhang_to_cover}, inset_anchors);
ExPolygons perimeter_polygon = offset_ex(overhang_to_cover, -overhang_flow.scaled_spacing() * 0.6);
double perimeter_polygon_area = area(perimeter_polygon);
Polygon anchoring_convex_hull = Geometry::convex_hull(anchoring);
double unbridgeable_area = area(diff_ex(perimeter_polygon, {anchoring_convex_hull}));
for (const ExPolygon &exp : perimeter_polygon) {
for (const Polygon &hole : exp.holes) { unbridgeable_area += std::abs(area(hole)); }
auto [dir, unsupp_dist] = detect_bridging_direction(to_polygons(real_overhang), to_polygons(anchors));
BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(inset_overhang_area);
::Slic3r::SVG svg(debug_out_path(("bridge_check").c_str()).c_str(), bbox);
for (const Line &line : to_lines(perimeter_polygon)) svg.draw(line, "purple", scale_(0.25));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(real_overhang)) svg.draw(line, "red", scale_(0.20));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(anchoring_convex_hull)) svg.draw(line, "green", scale_(0.15));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(anchoring)) svg.draw(line, "yellow", scale_(0.10));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(diff_ex(perimeter_polygon, {anchoring_convex_hull}))) svg.draw(line, "black", scale_(0.10));
auto total_length_of_real_overhang = total_length(to_polygons(real_overhang));
if (unbridgeable_area < 0.2 * perimeter_polygon_area && unsupp_dist < total_length_of_real_overhang * 0.5) {
area_left_unfilled = union_(area_left_unfilled, to_polygons(overhang_to_cover));
} else {
// fill the overhang with perimeters
int continuation_loops = 2;
while (continuation_loops > 0) {
auto prev = perimeter_polygon;
// prepare next perimeter lines
Polylines perimeter = intersection_pl(to_polylines(perimeter_polygon), inset_overhang_area);
// do not add the perimeter to result yet, first check if perimeter_polygon is not empty after shrinking - this would mean
// that the polygon was possibly too small for full perimeter loop and in that case try gap fill first
perimeter_polygon.insert(perimeter_polygon.end(), anchoring.begin(), anchoring.end());
perimeter_polygon = union_ex(perimeter_polygon);
perimeter_polygon = intersection_ex({overhang_to_cover}, offset_ex(perimeter_polygon, -overhang_flow.scaled_spacing()));
if (perimeter_polygon.empty()) { // fill possible gaps of single extrusion width
ExPolygons shrinked = offset_ex(prev, -0.4 * overhang_flow.scaled_spacing());
if (!shrinked.empty()) {
extrusion_paths_append(overhang_region.back(), perimeter, erOverhangPerimeter, overhang_flow.mm3_per_mm(),
overhang_flow.width(), overhang_flow.height());
Polylines fills;
ExPolygons gap = shrinked.empty() ? offset_ex(prev, overhang_flow.scaled_spacing() * 0.5) :
offset_ex(prev, -overhang_flow.scaled_spacing() * 0.5);
for (const ExPolygon &ep : gap) {
ep.medial_axis(overhang_flow.scaled_spacing() * 2.0, 0.35 * overhang_flow.scaled_width(), &fills);
if (!fills.empty()) {
fills = intersection_pl(fills, inset_overhang_area);
extrusion_paths_append(overhang_region.back(), fills, erOverhangPerimeter, overhang_flow.mm3_per_mm(),
overhang_flow.width(), overhang_flow.height());
} else {
extrusion_paths_append(overhang_region.back(), perimeter, erOverhangPerimeter, overhang_flow.mm3_per_mm(),
overhang_flow.width(), overhang_flow.height());
if (intersection(perimeter_polygon, real_overhang).empty()) {
if (prev == perimeter_polygon) {
BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(perimeter_polygon);
::Slic3r::SVG svg(debug_out_path("perimeter_polygon").c_str(), bbox);
for (const Line &line : to_lines(perimeter_polygon)) svg.draw(line, "blue", scale_(0.25));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(overhang_to_cover)) svg.draw(line, "red", scale_(0.20));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(real_overhang)) svg.draw(line, "green", scale_(0.15));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(anchoring)) svg.draw(line, "yellow", scale_(0.10));
Polylines perimeter = intersection_pl(to_polylines(perimeter_polygon), inset_overhang_area);
extrusion_paths_append(overhang_region.back(), perimeter, erOverhangPerimeter, overhang_flow.mm3_per_mm(),
overhang_flow.width(), overhang_flow.height());
perimeter_polygon = offset_ex(perimeter_polygon, 0.5 * overhang_flow.scaled_spacing());
perimeter_polygon.insert(perimeter_polygon.end(), anchoring.begin(), anchoring.end());
perimeter_polygon = union_ex(perimeter_polygon);
area_left_unfilled = union_(area_left_unfilled, to_polygons(perimeter_polygon));
BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(inset_overhang_area);
::Slic3r::SVG svg(debug_out_path("pre_final").c_str(), bbox);
for (const Line &line : to_lines(perimeter_polygon)) svg.draw(line, "blue", scale_(0.05));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(anchoring)) svg.draw(line, "green", scale_(0.05));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(overhang_to_cover)) svg.draw(line, "yellow", scale_(0.05));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(area_left_unfilled)) svg.draw(line, "red", scale_(0.05));
std::reverse(overhang_region.begin(), overhang_region.end()); //reverse the order, It shall be printed from inside out
std::vector<ExtrusionPaths> result{};
for (const std::vector<ExtrusionPaths> &paths : extra_perims) {
result.push_back(sort_and_connect_extra_perimeters(paths, 1.5 * overhang_flow.scaled_spacing()));
BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(inset_overhang_area);
::Slic3r::SVG svg(debug_out_path(("final" + std::to_string(rand())).c_str()).c_str(), bbox);
for (const Line &line : to_lines(area_left_unfilled)) svg.draw(line, "blue", scale_(0.05));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(inset_overhangs_w_anchors)) svg.draw(line, "green", scale_(0.05));
for (const Line &line : to_lines(diff(inset_overhangs_w_anchors, area_left_unfilled))) svg.draw(line, "yellow", scale_(0.05));
return {result, diff(inset_overhang_area, area_left_unfilled)};
// Thanks, Cura developers, for implementing an algorithm for generating perimeters with variable width (Arachne) that is based on the paper
// "A framework for adaptive width control of dense contour-parallel toolpaths in fused deposition modeling"
void PerimeterGenerator::process_arachne()
@ -809,6 +1221,36 @@ void PerimeterGenerator::process_arachne()
float(- min_perimeter_infill_spacing / 2.),
float(inset + min_perimeter_infill_spacing / 2.)),
if (this->lower_slices != nullptr && this->config->overhangs && this->config->extra_perimeters_on_overhangs &&
this->config->perimeters > 0 && this->layer_id > this->object_config->raft_layers) {
// Generate extra perimeters on overhang areas, and cut them to these parts only, to save print time and material
ExPolygons infill_area;
for (const auto &internal_surface : this->fill_surfaces->surfaces) { infill_area.push_back(internal_surface.expolygon); }
auto [extra_perimeters,
filled_area] = generate_extra_perimeters_over_overhangs(surface, infill_area,
this->overhang_flow, this->config->perimeters,
*this->object_config, *this->print_config);
if (!extra_perimeters.empty()) {
ExtrusionEntityCollection *this_islands_perimeters = static_cast<ExtrusionEntityCollection *>(this->loops->entities.back());
ExtrusionEntityCollection new_perimeters{};
new_perimeters.no_sort = this_islands_perimeters->no_sort;
for (const ExtrusionPaths& paths : extra_perimeters) {
SurfaceCollection orig_surfaces = *this->fill_surfaces;
for (const auto &surface : orig_surfaces.surfaces) {
auto new_surfaces = diff_ex({surface.expolygon}, filled_area);
this->fill_surfaces->append(new_surfaces, surface);
@ -1080,6 +1522,37 @@ void PerimeterGenerator::process_classic()
float(- inset - min_perimeter_infill_spacing / 2.),
float(min_perimeter_infill_spacing / 2.)),
if (this->lower_slices != nullptr && this->config->overhangs && this->config->extra_perimeters_on_overhangs &&
this->config->perimeters > 0 && this->layer_id > this->object_config->raft_layers) {
// Generate extra perimeters on overhang areas, and cut them to these parts only, to save print time and material
ExPolygons infill_area;
for (const auto &internal_surface : this->fill_surfaces->surfaces) { infill_area.push_back(internal_surface.expolygon); }
auto [extra_perimeters, filled_area] = generate_extra_perimeters_over_overhangs(surface, infill_area,
this->overhang_flow, this->config->perimeters,
*this->object_config, *this->print_config);
if (!extra_perimeters.empty()) {
ExtrusionEntityCollection *this_islands_perimeters = static_cast<ExtrusionEntityCollection *>(this->loops->entities.back());
ExtrusionEntityCollection new_perimeters{};
new_perimeters.no_sort = this_islands_perimeters->no_sort;
for (const ExtrusionPaths& paths : extra_perimeters) {
SurfaceCollection orig_surfaces = *this->fill_surfaces;
for (const auto &surface : orig_surfaces.surfaces) {
auto new_surfaces = diff_ex({surface.expolygon}, filled_area);
this->fill_surfaces->append(new_surfaces, surface);
} // for each island
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ void Preset::set_visible_from_appconfig(const AppConfig &app_config)
static std::vector<std::string> s_Preset_print_options {
"layer_height", "first_layer_height", "perimeters", "spiral_vase", "slice_closing_radius", "slicing_mode",
"top_solid_layers", "top_solid_min_thickness", "bottom_solid_layers", "bottom_solid_min_thickness",
"extra_perimeters", "ensure_vertical_shell_thickness", "avoid_crossing_perimeters", "thin_walls", "overhangs",
"extra_perimeters","extra_perimeters_on_overhangs", "ensure_vertical_shell_thickness", "avoid_crossing_perimeters", "thin_walls", "overhangs",
"seam_position","staggered_inner_seams", "external_perimeters_first", "fill_density", "fill_pattern", "top_fill_pattern", "bottom_fill_pattern",
"infill_every_layers", "infill_only_where_needed", "solid_infill_every_layers", "fill_angle", "bridge_angle",
"solid_infill_below_area", "only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters", "infill_first",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
#include "PrincipalComponents2D.hpp"
#include "Point.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
// returns two eigenvectors of the area covered by given polygons. The vectors are sorted by their corresponding eigenvalue, largest first
std::tuple<Vec2d, Vec2d> compute_principal_components(const Polygons &polys, const double unscaled_resolution)
const Vec2d pixel_size = Vec2d(unscaled_resolution, unscaled_resolution);
const auto bb = get_extents(polys);
const Vec2i pixel_count = unscaled(bb.size()).cwiseQuotient(pixel_size).cast<int>() + Vec2i::Ones();
std::vector<Linef> lines{};
for (Line l : to_lines(polys)) { lines.emplace_back(unscaled(l.a), unscaled(l.b)); }
AABBTreeIndirect::Tree<2, double> tree = AABBTreeLines::build_aabb_tree_over_indexed_lines(lines);
auto is_inside = [&](const Vec2d &point) {
size_t nearest_line_index_out = 0;
Vec2d nearest_point_out = Vec2d::Zero();
auto distance = AABBTreeLines::squared_distance_to_indexed_lines(lines, tree, point, nearest_line_index_out, nearest_point_out);
if (distance < 0) return false;
const Linef &line = lines[nearest_line_index_out];
Vec2d v1 = line.b - line.a;
Vec2d v2 = point - line.a;
if ((v1.x() * v2.y()) - (v1.y() * v2.x()) > 0.0) { return true; }
return false;
double pixel_area = pixel_size.x() * pixel_size.y();
Vec2d centroid_accumulator = Vec2d::Zero();
Vec2d second_moment_of_area_accumulator = Vec2d::Zero();
double second_moment_of_area_covariance_accumulator = 0.0;
double area = 0.0;
for (int x = 0; x < pixel_count.x(); x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < pixel_count.y(); y++) {
Vec2d position = unscaled(bb.min) + pixel_size.cwiseProduct(Vec2d{x, y});
if (is_inside(position)) {
area += pixel_area;
centroid_accumulator += pixel_area * position;
second_moment_of_area_accumulator += pixel_area * position.cwiseProduct(position);
second_moment_of_area_covariance_accumulator += pixel_area * position.x() * position.y();
if (area <= 0.0) {
return {Vec2d::Zero(), Vec2d::Zero()};
Vec2d centroid = centroid_accumulator / area;
Vec2d variance = second_moment_of_area_accumulator / area - centroid.cwiseProduct(centroid);
double covariance = second_moment_of_area_covariance_accumulator / area - centroid.x() * centroid.y();
#if 0
std::cout << "area : " << area << std::endl;
std::cout << "variancex : " << variance.x() << std::endl;
std::cout << "variancey : " << variance.y() << std::endl;
std::cout << "covariance : " << covariance << std::endl;
if (abs(covariance) < EPSILON) {
std::tuple<Vec2d, Vec2d> result{Vec2d{variance.x(), 0.0}, Vec2d{0.0, variance.y()}};
if (variance.y() > variance.x()) {
return {std::get<1>(result), std::get<0>(result)};
} else
return result;
// now we find the first principal component of the covered area by computing max eigenvalue and the correspoding eigenvector of
// covariance matrix
// covaraince matrix C is : | VarX Cov |
// | Cov VarY |
// Eigenvalues are solutions to det(C - lI) = 0, where l is the eigenvalue and I unit matrix
// Eigenvector for eigenvalue l is any vector v such that Cv = lv
double eigenvalue_a = 0.5 * (variance.x() + variance.y() +
sqrt((variance.x() - variance.y()) * (variance.x() - variance.y()) + 4 * covariance * covariance));
double eigenvalue_b = 0.5 * (variance.x() + variance.y() -
sqrt((variance.x() - variance.y()) * (variance.x() - variance.y()) + 4 * covariance * covariance));
Vec2d eigenvector_a{(eigenvalue_a - variance.y()) / covariance, 1.0};
Vec2d eigenvector_b{(eigenvalue_b - variance.y()) / covariance, 1.0};
#if 0
std::cout << "eigenvalue_a: " << eigenvalue_a << std::endl;
std::cout << "eigenvalue_b: " << eigenvalue_b << std::endl;
std::cout << "eigenvectorA: " << eigenvector_a.x() << " " << eigenvector_a.y() << std::endl;
std::cout << "eigenvectorB: " << eigenvector_b.x() << " " << eigenvector_b.y() << std::endl;
if (eigenvalue_a > eigenvalue_b) {
return {eigenvector_a, eigenvector_b};
} else {
return {eigenvector_b, eigenvector_a};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#ifndef slic3r_PrincipalComponents2D_hpp_
#define slic3r_PrincipalComponents2D_hpp_
#include "AABBTreeLines.hpp"
#include "BoundingBox.hpp"
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include <vector>
#include "Polygon.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
// returns two eigenvectors of the area covered by given polygons. The vectors are sorted by their corresponding eigenvalue, largest first
std::tuple<Vec2d, Vec2d> compute_principal_components(const Polygons &polys, const double unscaled_resolution);
@ -796,6 +796,13 @@ void PrintConfigDef::init_fff_params()
def->mode = comExpert;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(true));
def = this->add("extra_perimeters_on_overhangs", coBool);
def->label = L("Extra perimeters on overhangs");
def->category = L("Layers and Perimeters");
def->tooltip = L("Create additional perimeter paths over steep overhangs and areas where bridges cannot be anchored. ");
def->mode = comExpert;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionBool(false));
def = this->add("extruder", coInt);
def->gui_type = ConfigOptionDef::GUIType::i_enum_open;
def->label = L("Extruder");
@ -566,6 +566,7 @@ PRINT_CONFIG_CLASS_DEFINE(
((ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent, external_perimeter_speed))
((ConfigOptionBool, external_perimeters_first))
((ConfigOptionBool, extra_perimeters))
((ConfigOptionBool, extra_perimeters_on_overhangs))
((ConfigOptionFloat, fill_angle))
((ConfigOptionPercent, fill_density))
((ConfigOptionEnum<InfillPattern>, fill_pattern))
@ -584,6 +584,7 @@ bool PrintObject::invalidate_state_by_config_options(
} else if (
opt_key == "perimeters"
|| opt_key == "extra_perimeters"
|| opt_key == "extra_perimeters_on_overhangs"
|| opt_key == "first_layer_extrusion_width"
|| opt_key == "perimeter_extrusion_width"
|| opt_key == "infill_overlap"
@ -1322,7 +1322,7 @@ namespace SupportMaterialInternal {
// remove the entire bridges and only support the unsupported edges
//FIXME the brided regions are already collected as layerm.bridged. Use it?
for (const Surface &surface : layerm.fill_surfaces.surfaces)
if (surface.surface_type == stBottomBridge && surface.bridge_angle != -1)
if (surface.surface_type == stBottomBridge && surface.bridge_angle < 0.0)
polygons_append(bridges, surface.expolygon);
//FIXME add the gap filled areas. Extrude the gaps with a bridge flow?
// Remove the unsupported ends of the bridges from the bridged areas.
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ void ConfigManipulation::update_print_fff_config(DynamicPrintConfig* config, con
void ConfigManipulation::toggle_print_fff_options(DynamicPrintConfig* config)
bool have_perimeters = config->opt_int("perimeters") > 0;
for (auto el : { "extra_perimeters", "ensure_vertical_shell_thickness", "thin_walls", "overhangs",
for (auto el : { "extra_perimeters","extra_perimeters_on_overhangs", "ensure_vertical_shell_thickness", "thin_walls", "overhangs",
"seam_position","staggered_inner_seams", "external_perimeters_first", "external_perimeter_extrusion_width",
"perimeter_speed", "small_perimeter_speed", "external_perimeter_speed" })
toggle_field(el, have_perimeters);
@ -1284,7 +1284,8 @@ void GLGizmoSlaSupports::reslice_SLA_supports(bool postpone_error_messages) cons
bool GLGizmoSlaSupports::on_mouse(const wxMouseEvent &mouse_event){
if (mouse_event.Moving()) return false;
if (use_grabbers(mouse_event)) return true;
if (!mouse_event.ShiftDown() && !mouse_event.AltDown()
&& use_grabbers(mouse_event)) return true;
// wxCoord == int --> wx/types.h
Vec2i mouse_coord(mouse_event.GetX(), mouse_event.GetY());
@ -1436,6 +1436,7 @@ void TabPrint::build()
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(L("Quality (slower slicing)"));
optgroup->append_single_option_line("extra_perimeters", category_path + "extra-perimeters-if-needed");
optgroup->append_single_option_line("extra_perimeters_on_overhangs", category_path + "extra-perimeters-on-overhangs");
optgroup->append_single_option_line("ensure_vertical_shell_thickness", category_path + "ensure-vertical-shell-thickness");
optgroup->append_single_option_line("avoid_crossing_perimeters", category_path + "avoid-crossing-perimeters");
optgroup->append_single_option_line("avoid_crossing_perimeters_max_detour", category_path + "avoid_crossing_perimeters_max_detour");
Add table
Reference in a new issue