diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 39d9298e5..be07b5216 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/)
 enable_testing ()
 # Enable C++11 language standard.
 if(NOT WIN32)
diff --git a/deps/CGAL/CGAL.cmake b/deps/CGAL/CGAL.cmake
index 96a629258..285d819ab 100644
--- a/deps/CGAL/CGAL.cmake
+++ b/deps/CGAL/CGAL.cmake
@@ -8,8 +8,13 @@ prusaslicer_add_cmake_project(
     DEPENDS dep_boost dep_GMP dep_MPFR
+# CGAL, for whatever reason, makes itself non-relocatable by writing the build directory into
+# CGALConfig-installation-dirs.cmake and including it in configure time.
+# If this file is not present, it will not consider the stored absolute path
 ExternalProject_Add_Step(dep_CGAL dep_CGAL_relocation_fix
     DEPENDEES install
     COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove CGALConfig-installation-dirs.cmake
-    WORKING_DIRECTORY "${DESTDIR}/usr/local/lib/cmake/CGAL"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/deps/MPFR/MPFR.cmake b/deps/MPFR/MPFR.cmake
index 7873bc0d6..17ac283ea 100644
--- a/deps/MPFR/MPFR.cmake
+++ b/deps/MPFR/MPFR.cmake
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ if (MSVC)
 else ()
-        URL https://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.6/mpfr-3.1.6.tar.bz2
+        URL http://ftp.vim.org/ftp/gnu/mpfr/mpfr-3.1.6.tar.bz2 https://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.6/mpfr-3.1.6.tar.bz2  # mirrors are allowed
         CONFIGURE_COMMAND ./configure --prefix=${DESTDIR}/usr/local --with-gmp=${DESTDIR}/usr/local --with-pic
         BUILD_COMMAND make -j
diff --git a/resources/profiles/PrusaResearch.ini b/resources/profiles/PrusaResearch.ini
index aefff5c85..74bc529ae 100644
--- a/resources/profiles/PrusaResearch.ini
+++ b/resources/profiles/PrusaResearch.ini
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ compatible_printers =
 complete_objects = 0
 default_acceleration = 1000
 dont_support_bridges = 1
-elefant_foot_compensation = 0
+elefant_foot_compensation = 0.2
 ensure_vertical_shell_thickness = 1
 external_fill_pattern = rectilinear
 external_perimeters_first = 0
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ extruder_clearance_radius = 35
 # Print parameters common to a 0.25mm diameter nozzle.
+elefant_foot_compensation = 0
 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.25
 extrusion_width = 0.25
 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.3
@@ -238,6 +239,7 @@ support_material_xy_spacing = 150%
 output_filename_format = {input_filename_base}_{nozzle_diameter[0]}n_{layer_height}mm_{filament_type[0]}_{printer_model}_{print_time}.gcode
+elefant_foot_compensation = 0
 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.25
 extrusion_width = 0.25
 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.3
@@ -271,6 +273,7 @@ fill_density = 20%
 output_filename_format = {input_filename_base}_{nozzle_diameter[0]}n_{layer_height}mm_{filament_type[0]}_{printer_model}_{print_time}.gcode
+elefant_foot_compensation = 0
 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.25
 extrusion_width = 0.25
 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.3
@@ -2993,21 +2996,21 @@ inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 6
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Grey Tough @0.025]
 inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 7
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Azure Blue Tough @0.025]
 inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 7
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Maroon Tough @0.025]
@@ -3015,56 +3018,56 @@ inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 6
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Beige Tough @0.025]
 inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 6
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Pink Tough @0.025]
 inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 7
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa White Tough @0.025]
 inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 6.5
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Transparent Tough @0.025]
 inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 6
 initial_exposure_time = 15
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Green Dental Casting @0.025]
 inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 12
 initial_exposure_time = 40
 material_type = Casting
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Transparent Green Tough @0.025]
 inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 5
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Clear ABS like @0.025]
 inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 6
 initial_exposure_time = 30
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 ## [sla_material:Prusa ABS like White @0.025]
 ## inherits = *common 0.025*
@@ -3076,35 +3079,35 @@ inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 5
 initial_exposure_time = 30
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Super Low Odor Cyan Tough @0.025]
 inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 5
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Super Low Odor Magenta Tough @0.025]
 inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 5
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Super Low Odor Yellow Tough @0.025]
 inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 5
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Orange-Yellow Teeth Model @0.025]
 inherits = *common 0.025*
 exposure_time = 5
 initial_exposure_time = 30
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 ########### Materials 0.05
@@ -3333,91 +3336,91 @@ inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 7
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Orange Tough @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 7.5
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Grey Tough @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 8.5
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Black Tough @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 6
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 ## [sla_material:Prusa Super Low Odor Beige Tough @0.05]
 ## inherits = *common 0.05*
 ## exposure_time = 7.5
 ## initial_exposure_time = 35
 ## material_type = Tough
-## material_vendor = Prusa
+## material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 ## [sla_material:Prusa Super Low Odor White Tough @0.05]
 ## inherits = *common 0.05*
 ## exposure_time = 6.5
 ## initial_exposure_time = 35
 ## material_type = Tough
-## material_vendor = Prusa
+## material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 ## [sla_material:Prusa Super Low Odor Grey Tough @0.05]
 ## inherits = *common 0.05*
 ## exposure_time = 6.5
 ## initial_exposure_time = 35
 ## material_type = Tough
-## material_vendor = Prusa
+## material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Super Low Odor Cyan Tough @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 6
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Super Low Odor Magenta Tough @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 6
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Super Low Odor Yellow Tough @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 6
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 ## [sla_material:Prusa Black High Tenacity @0.05]
 ## inherits = *common 0.05*
 ## exposure_time = 7
 ## initial_exposure_time = 35
 ## material_type = Tough
-## material_vendor = Prusa
+## material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Orange-Yellow Teeth Model @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 7
 initial_exposure_time = 30
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Green Dental Casting @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 13
 initial_exposure_time = 50
 material_type = Casting
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 ## [sla_material:Prusa Yellow Solid @0.05]
 ## inherits = *common 0.05*
@@ -3429,49 +3432,49 @@ inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 7.5
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Transparent Green Tough @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 6
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Transparent Red Tough @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 6
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Maroon Tough @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 7.5
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Pink Tough @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 8
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Azure Blue Tough @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 8
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Transparent Tough @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 7
 initial_exposure_time = 15
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 ## [sla_material:Prusa Yellow Flexible @0.05]
 ## inherits = *common 0.05*
@@ -3483,7 +3486,7 @@ inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 5
 initial_exposure_time = 15
 material_type = Flexible
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 ## [sla_material:Prusa White Flexible @0.05]
 ## inherits = *common 0.05*
@@ -3495,7 +3498,7 @@ inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 5
 initial_exposure_time = 15
 material_type = Flexible
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 ## [sla_material:Prusa Black Flexible @0.05]
 ## inherits = *common 0.05*
@@ -3512,7 +3515,7 @@ inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 8
 initial_exposure_time = 30
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 ## [sla_material:Prusa ABS like White @0.05]
 ## inherits = *common 0.05*
@@ -3524,14 +3527,14 @@ inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 13
 initial_exposure_time = 45
 material_type = Casting
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Grey High Tenacity @0.05]
 inherits = *common 0.05*
 exposure_time = 7
 initial_exposure_time = 30
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 ########### Materials 0.035
@@ -3540,7 +3543,7 @@ inherits = *common 0.035*
 exposure_time = 6
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 ########### Materials 0.1
@@ -3565,70 +3568,70 @@ inherits = *common 0.1*
 exposure_time = 13
 initial_exposure_time = 45
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Beige Tough @0.1]
 inherits = *common 0.1*
 exposure_time = 13
 initial_exposure_time = 45
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Pink Tough @0.1]
 inherits = *common 0.1*
 exposure_time = 13
 initial_exposure_time = 45
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Azure Blue Tough @0.1]
 inherits = *common 0.1*
 exposure_time = 13
 initial_exposure_time = 45
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Maroon Tough @0.1]
 inherits = *common 0.1*
 exposure_time = 13
 initial_exposure_time = 45
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa White Tough @0.1]
 inherits = *common 0.1*
 exposure_time = 13
 initial_exposure_time = 45
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Black Tough @0.1]
 inherits = *common 0.1*
 exposure_time = 13
 initial_exposure_time = 55
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Transparent Tough @0.1]
 inherits = *common 0.1*
 exposure_time = 8
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Green Dental Casting @0.1]
 inherits = *common 0.1*
 exposure_time = 15
 initial_exposure_time = 50
 material_type = Casting
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 [sla_material:Prusa Transparent Green Tough @0.1]
 inherits = *common 0.1*
 exposure_time = 7
 initial_exposure_time = 35
 material_type = Tough
-material_vendor = Prusa
+material_vendor = Made for Prusa
 printer_technology = FFF
diff --git a/src/avrdude/CMakeLists.txt b/src/avrdude/CMakeLists.txt
index 889720021..fc01b7d8d 100644
--- a/src/avrdude/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/avrdude/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
 add_definitions(-D_BSD_SOURCE -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE)   # To enable various useful macros and functions on Unices
 remove_definitions(-D_UNICODE -DUNICODE)
diff --git a/src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp b/src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp
index 107d55de0..a24b1a66d 100644
--- a/src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp
+++ b/src/slic3r/GUI/Plater.cpp
@@ -3234,7 +3234,13 @@ void Plater::priv::reload_from_disk()
         // ask user to select the missing file
         std::string search = missing_input_paths.back().string();
-        wxFileDialog dialog(q, _(L("Please select the file to reload:")), "", from_u8(fs::path(search).filename().string()), file_wildcards(FT_MODEL), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST);
+        wxString title = _(L("Please select the file to reload"));
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+        title += " (" + from_u8(fs::path(search).filename().string()) + "):";
+        title += ":";
+#endif // __APPLE__
+        wxFileDialog dialog(q, title, "", from_u8(fs::path(search).filename().string()), file_wildcards(FT_MODEL), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST);
         if (dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK)
diff --git a/src/slic3r/GUI/wxExtensions.hpp b/src/slic3r/GUI/wxExtensions.hpp
index 9b7de93cd..0c43be3a0 100644
--- a/src/slic3r/GUI/wxExtensions.hpp
+++ b/src/slic3r/GUI/wxExtensions.hpp
@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ private:
         bool operator<(const TICK_CODE& other) const { return other.tick > this->tick; }
         bool operator>(const TICK_CODE& other) const { return other.tick < this->tick; }
-        int         tick;
+        int         tick = 0;
         std::string gcode = Slic3r::ColorChangeCode;
         int         extruder = 0;
         std::string color;