This commit is contained in:
bubnikv 2019-01-08 10:52:53 +01:00
commit 094e3cb565
17 changed files with 315 additions and 103 deletions

View file

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ project(Slic3r)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2)
@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ endif()
option(SLIC3R_STATIC "Compile Slic3r with static libraries (Boost, TBB, glew)" ${SLIC3R_STATIC_INITIAL})
option(SLIC3R_GUI "Compile Slic3r with GUI components (OpenGL, wxWidgets)" 1)
option(SLIC3R_FHS "Assume Slic3r is to be installed in a FHS directory structure" 0)
option(SLIC3R_PROFILE "Compile Slic3r with an invasive Shiny profiler" 0)
option(SLIC3R_MSVC_COMPILE_PARALLEL "Compile on Visual Studio in parallel" 1)
option(SLIC3R_MSVC_PDB "Generate PDB files on MSVC in Release mode" 1)
@ -61,6 +64,8 @@ foreach (DIR ${PREFIX_PATH_CHECK})
endif ()
endforeach ()
# Add our own cmake module path.
# Where all the bundled libraries reside?
# For the bundled boost libraries (boost::nowide)
# For generated header files
# For libslic3r.h
include_directories(${LIBDIR}/clipper ${LIBDIR}/polypartition)
# BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB: Avoid the automatic linking of Boost libraries on Windows. Rather rely on explicit linking.
@ -215,7 +222,6 @@ endif()
# The Intel TBB library will use the std::exception_ptr feature of C++11.
#set(CURL_DEBUG 1)
find_package(CURL REQUIRED)
@ -280,7 +286,6 @@ include_directories(${GLEW_INCLUDE_DIRS})
# l10n
set(L10N_DIR "${SLIC3R_RESOURCES_DIR}/localization")
# FIXME: file list stale
COMMAND xgettext --keyword=L --from-code=UTF-8 --debug
-f "${L10N_DIR}/list.txt"
-o "${L10N_DIR}/Slic3rPE.pot"
@ -307,5 +312,12 @@ if(SLIC3R_BUILD_TESTS)
file(GLOB MyVar var/*.png)
install(FILES ${MyVar} DESTINATION share/slic3r-prusa3d)
# Resources install target, configure fhs.hpp on UNIX
if (WIN32)
else ()
endif ()
configure_file(${LIBDIR}/platform/unix/ ${LIBDIR_BIN}/platform/unix/fhs.hpp)

deps/CMakeLists.txt vendored
View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# All the dependencies are installed in a `destdir` directory in the root of the build directory,
# in a traditional Unix-style prefix structure. The destdir can be used directly by CMake
# when building Slic3r - to do this, set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to ${destdir}/usr/local.
# Warning: On UNIX/Linux, you also need to set -DSLIC3R_STATIC=1 when building Slic3r.
# For better clarity of console output, it's recommended to _not_ use a parallelized build
# for the top-level command, ie. use `make -j 1` or `ninja -j 1` to force single-threaded top-level

View file

@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ ExternalProject_Add(dep_zlib
URL_HASH SHA256=4ff941449631ace0d4d203e3483be9dbc9da454084111f97ea0a2114e19bf066
"-DINSTALL_BIN_DIR=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}\\fallout" # I found no better way of preventing zlib creating & installing DLLs :-/
-DSKIP_INSTALL_FILES=ON # Prevent installation of man pages et al.
"-DINSTALL_BIN_DIR=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}\\fallout" # I found no better way of preventing zlib from creating & installing DLLs :-/
BUILD_COMMAND msbuild /P:Configuration=Release INSTALL.vcxproj
@ -136,6 +137,19 @@ if (${DEP_DEBUG})
endif ()
# The following steps are unfortunately needed to remove the _static suffix on libraries
ExternalProject_Add_Step(dep_zlib fix_static
COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E rename zlibstatic.lib zlib.lib
WORKING_DIRECTORY "${DESTDIR}\\usr\\local\\lib\\"
if (${DEP_DEBUG})
ExternalProject_Add_Step(dep_zlib fix_static_debug
COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E rename zlibstaticd.lib zlibd.lib
WORKING_DIRECTORY "${DESTDIR}\\usr\\local\\lib\\"
endif ()
@ -147,6 +161,7 @@ ExternalProject_Add(dep_libpng
-DSKIP_INSTALL_FILES=ON # Prevent installation of man pages et al.
BUILD_COMMAND msbuild /P:Configuration=Release INSTALL.vcxproj
@ -161,6 +176,20 @@ if (${DEP_DEBUG})
endif ()
# The following steps are unfortunately needed to remove the _static suffix on libraries
# (And also overwrite the dynamic .lib)
ExternalProject_Add_Step(dep_libpng fix_static
COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E rename libpng16_static.lib libpng16.lib
WORKING_DIRECTORY "${DESTDIR}\\usr\\local\\lib\\"
if (${DEP_DEBUG})
ExternalProject_Add_Step(dep_libpng fix_static_debug
COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E rename libpng16_staticd.lib libpng16d.lib
WORKING_DIRECTORY "${DESTDIR}\\usr\\local\\lib\\"
endif ()
if (${DEPS_BITS} EQUAL 32)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# Building Slic3r PE on UNIX/Linux
Slic3r PE uses the CMake build system and requires several dependencies.
The dependencies can be listed in `deps/deps-linux.cmake`, although they don't necessarily need to be as recent
as the versions listed - generally versions available on conservative Linux distros such as Debian stable or CentOS should suffice.
Perl is not required any more.
In a typical situaction, one would open a command line, go to the Slic3r sources, create a directory called `build` or similar,
`cd` into it and call:
cmake ..
make -jN
where `N` is the number of CPU cores available.
Additional CMake flags may be applicable as explained below.
### Dependenciy resolution
By default Slic3r looks for dependencies the default way CMake looks for them, ie. in default system locations.
On Linux this will typically make Slic3r depend on dynamically loaded libraries from the system, however, Slic3r can be told
to specifically look for static libraries with the `SLIC3R_STATIC` flag passed to cmake:
cmake .. -DSLIC3R_STATIC=1
Additionally, Slic3r can be built in a static manner mostly independent of the system libraries with a dependencies bundle
created using CMake script in the `deps` directory (these are not interconnected with the rest of the CMake scripts).
Note: We say _mostly independent_ because it's still expected the system will provide some transitive dependencies, such as GTK for wxWidgets.
To do this, go to the `deps` directory, create a `build` subdirectory (or the like) and use:
cmake .. -DDESTDIR=<target destdir>
where the target destdir is a directory of your choosing where the dependencies will be installed.
You can also omit the `DESTDIR` option to use the default, in that case the `destdir` will be created inside the `build` directory where `cmake` is run.
To pass the destdir path to the top-level Slic3r CMake script, use the `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` option along with turning on `SLIC3R_STATIC`:
cmake .. -DSLIC3R_STATIC=1 -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path to destdir>/usr/local
Note that `/usr/local` needs to be appended to the destdir path and also the prefix path should be absolute.
**Warning**: Once the dependency bundle is installed in a destdir, the destdir cannot be moved elsewhere.
This is because wxWidgets hardcode the installation path.
### Build variant
By default Scli3r builds the release variant.
To create a debug build, use the following CMake flag:
### Installation
In runtime, Slic3r needs a way to access its resource files. By default, it looks for a `resources` directory relative to its binary.
If you instead wnat Slic3r installed in a structure according to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, use the `SLIC3R_FHS` flag
cmake .. -DSLIC3R_FHS=1
This will make Slic3r look for a fixed-location `share/slic3r-prusa3d` directory instead (note that the location becomes hardcoded).
You can then use the `make install` target to install Slic3r.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# Building Slic3r PE on Mac OS
To build Slic3r PE on Mac OS, you will need to install XCode and an appropriate SDK.
You will also need [CMake]( installed (available on Brew) and possibly git.
Currently Slic3r PE is built against the Mac OS X SDK version 10.9.
Building against older SDKs is unsupported. Building against newer SDKs might work,
but there may be subtle issues, such as dark mode not working very well on Mojave or other GUI problems.
You can obtain the SDK 10.9 for example [in this repository](
If you don't already have the 10.9 version as part of your Mac OS installation, please download it
and place it into a reachable location.
The default location for Mac OS SDKs is:
Wherever the 10.9 SDK is, please note down its location, it will be required to build Slic3r.
On my system, for example, the path to the SDK is
### Dependencies
Slic3r comes with a set of CMake scripts to build its dependencies, it lives in the `deps` directory.
Open a terminal window and navigate to Slic3r sources directory and then to `deps`.
Use the following commands to build the dependencies:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DDEPS_OSX_SYSROOT=<path to the 10.9 SDK>
This will create a dependencies bundle inside the `build/destdir` directory.
You can also customize the bundle output path using the `-DDESTDIR=<some path>` option passed to `cmake`.
### Building Slic3r
If dependencies built without an error, you can proceed to build Slic3r itself.
Go back to top level Slic3r sources directory and use these commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$PWD/../deps/build/destdir/usr/local" -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=<path to the 10.9 SDK>
The `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` is the path to the dependencies bundle but with `/usr/local` appended - if you set a custom path
using the `DESTDIR` option, you will need to change this accordingly. **Warning:** the `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` needs to be an absolute path.
The CMake command above prepares Slic3r for building from the command line.
To start the build, use
make -jN
where `N` is the number of CPU cores, so, for example `make -j4` for a 4-core machine.
Alternatively, if you would like to use XCode GUI, modify the `cmake` command to include the `-GXcode` option:
cmake .. -GXcode -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$PWD/../deps/build/destdir/usr/local" -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=<path to the 10.9 SDK>
and then open the `Slic3r.xcodeproj` file.
This should open up XCode where you can perform build using the GUI or perform other tasks.

View file

@ -1,99 +1,98 @@
### NOTE: This document is currently outdated wrt. the new post-Perl Slic3rPE. A new build process and the description thereof is a work in progress and is comming soon. Please stay tuned.
# Building Slic3r PE on Microsoft Windows
The currently supported way of building Slic3r PE on Windows is with CMake and MS Visual Studio 2013
using our Perl binary distribution (compiled from official Perl sources).
The currently supported way of building Slic3r PE on Windows is with CMake and MS Visual Studio 2013.
You can use the free [Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition](
CMake installer can be downloaded from [the official website](
Other setups (such as mingw + Strawberry Perl) _may_ work, but we cannot guarantee this will work
and cannot provide guidance.
Building with newer versions of MSVS (2015, 2017) may work too as reported by some of our users.
_Note:_ Thanks to **@supermerill** for testing and inspiration on this guide.
### Geting the dependencies
### Dependencies
First, download and upnack our Perl + wxWidgets binary distribution:
On Windows Slic3r is built against statically built libraries.
We provide a prebuilt package of all the needed dependencies.
The package comes in a several variants:
- 32 bit, release mode: [wperl32-5.24.0-2018-03-02.7z](
- 64 bit, release mode: [wperl64-5.24.0-2018-03-02.7z](
- 64 bit, release mode + debug symbols: [wperl64d-5.24.0-2018-03-02.7z](
- [64 bit, Release mode only]( (41 MB, 578 MB unpacked)
- [64 bit, Release and Debug mode]( (88 MB, 1.3 GB unpacked)
- [32 bit, Release mode only]( (38 MB, 520 MB unpacked)
- [32 bit, Release and Debug mode]( (74 MB, 1.1 GB unpacked)
It is recommended to unpack this package into `C:\`.
When unsure, use the _Release mode only_ variant, the _Release and Debug_ variant is only needed for debugging & developement.
Apart from wxWidgets and Perl, you will also need additional dependencies:
If you're unsure where to unpack the package, unpack it into `C:\local\` (but it can really be anywhere).
- Boost
- Intel TBB
- libcurl
Alternatively you can also compile the dependencies yourself, see below.
We have prepared a binary package of the listed libraries:
### Building Slic3r PE with Visual Studio
- 32 bit: [slic3r-destdir-32.7z](
- 64 bit: [slic3r-destdir-64.7z](
First obtain the Slic3 PE sources via either git or by extracting the source archive.
It is recommended you unpack this package into `C:\local\` as the environment
setup script expects it there.
Then you will need to note down the so-called 'prefix path' to the dependencies, this is the location of the dependencies packages + `\usr\local` appended.
For example on 64 bits this would be `C:\local\destdir-64\usr\local`. The prefix path will need to be passed to CMake.
Alternatively you can also compile the additional dependencies yourself.
There is a [powershell script](./deps-build/windows/slic3r-makedeps.ps1) which automates this process.
When ready, open the relevant Visual Studio command line and `cd` into the directory with Slic3r sources.
Use these commands to prepare Visual Studio solution file:
### Building Slic3r PE
Once the dependencies are set up in their respective locations,
go to the `wperl*` directory extracted earlier and launch the `cmdline.lnk` file
which opens a command line prompt with appropriate environment variables set up.
In this command line, `cd` into the directory with Slic3r sources
and use these commands to build the Slic3r from the command line:
perl Build.PL
perl Build.PL --gui
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cd ..
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="<insert prefix path here>"
The above commands use `nmake` Makefiles.
You may also build Slic3r PE with other build tools:
Note that if you're building a 32-bit variant, you will need to change the `"Visual Studio 12 Win64"` to just `"Visual Studio 12"`.
Conversely, if you're using Visual Studio version other than 2013, the version number will need to be changed accordingly.
### Building with Visual Studio
If `cmake` has finished without errors, go to the build directory and open the `Slic3r.sln` solution file in Visual Studio.
Before building, make sure you're building the right project (use one of those starting with `slic3r_app_...`) and that you're building
with the right configuration, ie. _Release_ vs. _Debug_. When unsure, choose _Release_.
Note that you won't be able to build a _Debug_ variant against a _Release_-only dependencies package.
To build and debug Slic3r PE with Visual Studio (64 bits), replace the `cmake` command with:
#### Installing using the `INSTALL` project
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=RelWithDebInfo
Slic3r PE can be run from the Visual Studio or from Visual Studio's build directory (`src\Release` or `src\Debug`),
but for longer-term usage you migth want to install somewhere using the `INSTALL` project.
By default, this installs into `C:\Program Files\Slic3r`.
To customize the install path, use the `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path of your choice>` when invoking `cmake`.
For the 32-bit variant, use:
### Building from the command line
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 12" -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=RelWithDebInfo
There are several options for building from the command line:
After `cmake` has finished, go to the build directory and open the `Slic3r.sln` solution file.
This should open Visual Studio and load the Slic3r solution containing all the projects.
Make sure you use Visual Studio 2013 to open the solution.
- [msbuild](
- [Ninja](
- [nmake](
You can then use the usual Visual Studio controls to build Slic3r (Hit `F5` to build and run with debugger).
If you want to run or debug Slic3r from within Visual Studio, make sure the `XS` project is activated.
It should be set as the Startup project by CMake by default, but you might want to check anyway.
There are multiple projects in the Slic3r solution, but only the `XS` project is configured with the right
commands to run and debug Slic3r.
To build with msbuild, use the same CMake command as in previous paragraph and then build using
The above cmake commands generate Visual Studio project files with the `RelWithDebInfo` configuration only.
If you also want to use the `Release` configuration, you can generate Visual Studio projects with:
msbuild /P:Configuration=Release ALL_BUILD.vcxproj
To build with Ninja or nmake, replace the `-G` option in the CMake call with `-G Ninja` or `-G "NMake Makefiles"` , respectively.
Then use either `ninja` or `nmake` to start the build.
(The `Debug` configuration is not supported as of now.)
To install, use `msbuild /P:Configuration=Release INSTALL.vcxproj` , `ninja install` , or `nmake install` .
### Building with ninja
### Building the dependencies package yourself
To use [Ninja](, replace the `cmake` and `nmake` commands with:
The dependencies package is built using CMake scripts inside the `deps` subdirectory of Slic3r PE sources.
(This is intentionally not interconnected with the CMake scripts in the rest of the sources.)
cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Open the preferred Visual Studio command line (64 or 32 bit variant) and `cd` into the directory with Slic3r sources.
Then `cd` into the `deps` directory and use these commands to build:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" -DDESTDIR="C:\local\destdir-custom"
msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj
You can also use the Visual Studio GUI or other generators as mentioned above.
The `DESTDIR` option is the location where the bundle will be installed.
This may be customized. If you leave it empty, the `DESTDIR` will be places inside the same `build` directory.
Note that the build variant that you may choose using Visual Studio (ie. _Release_ or _Debug_ etc.) when building the dependency package is **not relevant**.
The dependency build will by default build _both_ the _Release_ and _Debug_ variants regardless of what you choose in Visual Studio.
You can disable building of the debug variant by passing the `-DDEP_DEBUG=OFF` option to CMake, this will only produce a _Release_ build.
Refer to the CMake scripts inside the `deps` directory to see which dependencies are built in what versions and how this is done.

View file

message(WARNING "Using builtin libpng. This can cause crashes on some platforms.")
set(SKIP_INSTALL_ALL 1) # Prevent png+zlib from creating install targets
@ -188,3 +189,15 @@ else ()
# Slic3r binary install target
if (WIN32)
if (MSVC)
endif ()
else ()
endif ()

View file

@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ public:
const T& get_at(size_t i) const { return const_cast<ConfigOptionVector<T>*>(this)->get_at(i); }
// Resize this vector by duplicating the last value.
// Resize this vector by duplicating the /*last*/first value.
// If the current vector is empty, the default value is used instead.
void resize(size_t n, const ConfigOption *opt_default = nullptr) override
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ public:
this->values.resize(n, static_cast<const ConfigOptionVector<T>*>(opt_default)->values.front());
} else {
// Resize by duplicating the last value.
this->values.resize(n, this->values.back());
this->values.resize(n, this->values./*back*/front());

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#cmakedefine SLIC3R_FHS @SLIC3R_FHS@

View file

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
#include <boost/nowide/cenv.hpp>
#include <boost/nowide/iostream.hpp>
#include "unix/fhs.hpp" // Generated by CMake from ../platform/unix/
#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h"
#include "libslic3r/Config.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Geometry.hpp"
@ -77,6 +79,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
// The resources are packed to 'resources'
// Path from Slic3r binary to resources:
boost::filesystem::path path_resources = path_to_binary.parent_path() / "resources";
#elif defined SLIC3R_FHS
// The application is packaged according to the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
// Resources are set to the 'Architecture-independent (shared) data', typically /usr/share or /usr/local/share
boost::filesystem::path path_resources = SLIC3R_FHS_RESOURCES;
// The application is packed in the archive (or in AppImage) as 'bin/slic3r',
// The resources are packed to 'resources'

View file

@ -474,6 +474,7 @@ void Choice::BUILD() {
if (temp->GetWindowStyle() != wxCB_READONLY) {
temp->Bind(wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, ([this](wxEvent& e) {
if (m_opt.type == coStrings) return;
double old_val = !m_value.empty() ? boost::any_cast<double>(m_value) : -99999;
if (is_defined_input_value<wxComboBox>(window, m_opt.type)) {
if (fabs(old_val - boost::any_cast<double>(get_value())) <= 0.0001)
@ -692,7 +693,7 @@ boost::any& Choice::get_value()
else if (m_opt.gui_type == "f_enum_open") {
const int ret_enum = static_cast<wxComboBox*>(window)->GetSelection();
if (ret_enum < 0 || m_opt.enum_values.empty())
if (ret_enum < 0 || m_opt.enum_values.empty() || m_opt.type == coStrings)
m_value = atof(m_opt.enum_values[ret_enum].c_str());

View file

@ -3979,6 +3979,12 @@ BoundingBoxf3 GLCanvas3D::scene_bounding_box() const
BoundingBoxf3 bb = volumes_bounding_box();
if (m_config != nullptr)
double h = m_config->opt_float("max_print_height");
bb.min(2) = std::min(bb.min(2), -h);
bb.max(2) = std::max(bb.max(2), h);
return bb;
@ -4939,8 +4945,9 @@ void GLCanvas3D::on_mouse(wxMouseEvent& evt)
if (evt.Entering())
#if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__linux__)
// On Windows and Linux needs focus in order to catch key events
//#if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__linux__)
// // On Windows and Linux needs focus in order to catch key events
// Set focus in order to remove it from sidebar fields
if (m_canvas != nullptr) {
// Only set focus, if the top level window of this canvas is active.
auto p = dynamic_cast<wxWindow*>(evt.GetEventObject());
@ -4952,7 +4959,7 @@ void GLCanvas3D::on_mouse(wxMouseEvent& evt)
else if (evt.Leaving())

View file

@ -154,13 +154,15 @@ void change_opt_value(DynamicPrintConfig& config, const t_config_option_key& opt
else if (config.def()->get(opt_key)->"serialized") == 0) {
std::string str = boost::any_cast<std::string>(value);
if (str.back() == ';') str.pop_back();
// Split a string to multiple strings by a semi - colon.This is the old way of storing multi - string values.
// Currently used for the post_process config value only.
std::vector<std::string> values;
boost::split(values, str, boost::is_any_of(";"));
if (values.size() == 1 && values[0] == "")
std::vector<std::string> values {};
if (!str.empty()) {
if (str.back() == ';') str.pop_back();
// Split a string to multiple strings by a semi - colon.This is the old way of storing multi - string values.
// Currently used for the post_process config value only.
boost::split(values, str, boost::is_any_of(";"));
if (values.size() == 1 && values[0] == "")
config.option<ConfigOptionStrings>(opt_key)->values = values;

View file

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <wx/stdpaths.h>
#include <wx/imagpng.h>
@ -15,6 +14,7 @@
#include <wx/filedlg.h>
#include <wx/dir.h>
#include <wx/wupdlock.h>
#include <wx/filefn.h>
#include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Model.hpp"
@ -83,6 +83,11 @@ GUI_App::GUI_App()
bool GUI_App::OnInit()
// Verify resources path
const wxString resources_dir = from_u8(Slic3r::resources_dir());
wxCHECK_MSG(wxDirExists(resources_dir), false,
wxString::Format("Resources path does not exist or is not a directory: %s", resources_dir));
wxCHECK_MSG(m_imgui->init(), false, "Failed to initialize ImGui");
#endif // ENABLE_IMGUI

View file

@ -244,15 +244,13 @@ void ObjectManipulation::update_settings_value(const GLCanvas3D::Selection& sele
if ((0 <= obj_idx) && (obj_idx < (int)wxGetApp().model_objects()->size()))
bool changed_box = false;
if ((m_cache.object_idx != obj_idx) || (m_cache.instance_idx != instance_idx))
if (!m_cache.instance.matches_object(obj_idx))
m_cache.object_idx = obj_idx;
m_cache.instance_idx = instance_idx;
m_cache.instance_box_size = (*wxGetApp().model_objects())[obj_idx]->raw_mesh().bounding_box().size();
m_cache.instance.set(obj_idx, instance_idx, (*wxGetApp().model_objects())[obj_idx]->raw_mesh().bounding_box().size());
changed_box = true;
if (changed_box || !m_cache.scale.isApprox(100.0 * m_new_scale) || !m_cache.rotation.isApprox(m_new_rotation))
m_new_size = volume->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(true, true) * m_cache.instance_box_size;
if (changed_box || !m_cache.instance.matches_instance(instance_idx) || !m_cache.scale.isApprox(100.0 * m_new_scale))
m_new_size = volume->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(true, true) * m_cache.instance.box_size;
// this should never happen
@ -270,8 +268,7 @@ void ObjectManipulation::update_settings_value(const GLCanvas3D::Selection& sele
else if (selection.is_single_full_object())
m_cache.object_idx = -1;
m_cache.instance_idx = -1;
const BoundingBoxf3& box = selection.get_bounding_box();
@ -286,8 +283,7 @@ void ObjectManipulation::update_settings_value(const GLCanvas3D::Selection& sele
else if (selection.is_single_modifier() || selection.is_single_volume())
m_cache.object_idx = -1;
m_cache.instance_idx = -1;
// the selection contains a single volume
@ -433,8 +429,7 @@ void ObjectManipulation::reset_settings_value()
m_new_size = Vec3d::Zero();
m_new_enabled = false;
m_cache.object_idx = -1;
m_cache.instance_idx = -1;
m_dirty = true;
@ -514,6 +509,9 @@ void ObjectManipulation::change_scale_value(const Vec3d& scale)
if (!m_cache.scale.isApprox(scale))
m_cache.instance.instance_idx = -1;
m_cache.scale = scale;

View file

@ -26,16 +26,25 @@ class ObjectManipulation : public OG_Settings
std::string rotate_label_string;
std::string scale_label_string;
int object_idx;
int instance_idx;
struct Instance
int object_idx;
int instance_idx;
Vec3d box_size;
Vec3d instance_box_size;
Instance() { reset(); }
void reset() { this->object_idx = -1; this->instance_idx = -1; this->box_size = Vec3d::Zero(); }
void set(int object_idx, int instance_idx, const Vec3d& box_size) { this->object_idx = object_idx; this->instance_idx = instance_idx; this->box_size = box_size; }
bool matches(int object_idx, int instance_idx) const { return (this->object_idx == object_idx) && (this->instance_idx == instance_idx); }
bool matches_object(int object_idx) const { return (this->object_idx == object_idx); }
bool matches_instance(int instance_idx) const { return (this->instance_idx == instance_idx); }
Instance instance;
Cache() : position(Vec3d(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX)) , rotation(Vec3d(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX))
, scale(Vec3d(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX)) , size(Vec3d(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX))
, move_label_string("") , rotate_label_string("") , scale_label_string("")
, object_idx(-1)
, instance_idx(-1)

View file

@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ std::vector<std::string> PresetCollection::dirty_options(const Preset *edited, c
std::vector<std::string> changed;
if (edited != nullptr && reference != nullptr) {
changed = deep_compare ?
deep_diff(reference->config, edited->config) :
deep_diff(edited->config, reference->config) :
// The "compatible_printers" option key is handled differently from the others:
// It is not mandatory. If the key is missing, it means it is compatible with any printer.