Print/PrintObject/PrintRegion refactoring:
Newly the PrintObjects own PrintRegions and Print contains references to PrintRegions owned by PrintObjects, so that a PrintRegion of the same content is referenced by Print only once. The refactoring is a WIP to support multi-material painting.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 122 additions and 149 deletions
@ -2110,7 +2110,9 @@ void GCode::process_layer(
const LayerRegion *layerm = layer.regions()[region_id];
if (layerm == nullptr)
const PrintRegion ®ion = layerm->region();
// PrintObjects own the PrintRegions, thus the pointer to PrintRegion would be unique to a PrintObject, they would not
// identify the content of PrintRegion accross the whole print uniquely. Translate to a Print specific PrintRegion.
const PrintRegion ®ion = print.get_print_region(layerm->region().print_region_id());
// Now we must process perimeters and infills and create islands of extrusions in by_region std::map.
// It is also necessary to save which extrusions are part of MM wiping and which are not.
@ -2169,7 +2171,7 @@ void GCode::process_layer(
point_inside_surface(island_idx, extrusions->first_point())) {
if (islands[island_idx].by_region.empty())
islands[island_idx].by_region.assign(print.num_print_regions(), ObjectByExtruder::Island::Region());
islands[island_idx].by_region[region_id].append(entity_type, extrusions, entity_overrides);
islands[island_idx].by_region[region.print_region_id()].append(entity_type, extrusions, entity_overrides);
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ namespace Slic3r {
template class PrintState<PrintStep, psCount>;
template class PrintState<PrintObjectStep, posCount>;
PrintRegion::PrintRegion(const PrintRegionConfig &config) : PrintRegion(config, config.hash()) {}
PrintRegion::PrintRegion(PrintRegionConfig &&config) : PrintRegion(std::move(config), config.hash()) {}
void Print::clear()
tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(this->state_mutex());
@ -39,24 +42,10 @@ void Print::clear()
for (PrintObject *object : m_objects)
delete object;
for (PrintRegion *region : m_print_regions)
delete region;
PrintRegion* Print::add_print_region()
m_print_regions.emplace_back(new PrintRegion());
return m_print_regions.back();
PrintRegion* Print::add_print_region(const PrintRegionConfig &config)
m_print_regions.emplace_back(new PrintRegion(config));
return m_print_regions.back();
// Called by Print::apply().
// This method only accepts PrintConfig option keys.
bool Print::invalidate_state_by_config_options(const ConfigOptionResolver & /* new_config */, const std::vector<t_config_option_key> &opt_keys)
@ -61,14 +61,19 @@ enum PrintObjectStep {
class PrintRegion
PrintRegion() : m_refcnt(0) {}
PrintRegion(const PrintRegionConfig &config) : m_refcnt(0), m_config(config), m_config_hash(config.hash()) {}
PrintRegion() = default;
PrintRegion(const PrintRegionConfig &config);
PrintRegion(const PrintRegionConfig &config, const size_t config_hash) : m_config(config), m_config_hash(config_hash) {}
PrintRegion(PrintRegionConfig &&config);
PrintRegion(PrintRegionConfig &&config, const size_t config_hash) : m_config(std::move(config)), m_config_hash(config_hash) {}
~PrintRegion() = default;
// Methods NOT modifying the PrintRegion's state:
const PrintRegionConfig& config() const throw() { return m_config; }
size_t config_hash() const throw() { return m_config_hash; }
// Identifier of this PrintRegion in the list of Print::m_print_regions.
int print_region_id() const throw() { return m_print_region_id; }
// 1-based extruder identifier for this region and role.
unsigned int extruder(FlowRole role) const;
Flow flow(const PrintObject &object, FlowRole role, double layer_height, bool first_layer = false) const;
@ -87,14 +92,11 @@ public:
void set_config(PrintRegionConfig &&config) { m_config = std::move(config); m_config_hash = m_config.hash(); }
void config_apply_only(const ConfigBase &other, const t_config_option_keys &keys, bool ignore_nonexistent = false)
{ m_config.apply_only(other, keys, ignore_nonexistent); m_config_hash = m_config.hash(); }
friend Print;
size_t m_refcnt;
friend Print;
PrintRegionConfig m_config;
size_t m_config_hash;
int m_print_region_id = -1;
inline bool operator==(const PrintRegion &lhs, const PrintRegion &rhs) { return lhs.config_hash() == rhs.config_hash() && lhs.config() == rhs.config(); }
@ -224,8 +226,8 @@ public:
const SlicingParameters& slicing_parameters() const { return m_slicing_params; }
static SlicingParameters slicing_parameters(const DynamicPrintConfig &full_config, const ModelObject &model_object, float object_max_z);
size_t num_printing_regions() const throw() { return m_region_volumes.size(); }
const PrintRegion& printing_region(size_t idx) const throw();
size_t num_printing_regions() const throw() { return m_all_regions.size(); }
const PrintRegion& printing_region(size_t idx) const throw() { return *m_all_regions[idx]; }
//FIXME returing all possible regions before slicing, thus some of the regions may not be slicing at the end.
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const PrintRegion>> all_regions() const;
@ -303,7 +305,7 @@ private:
// This is the adjustment of the the Object's coordinate system towards PrintObject's coordinate system.
Point m_center_offset;
std::set<PrintRegion> m_map_regions;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PrintRegion>> m_all_regions;
// vector of (layer height ranges and vectors of volume ids), indexed by region_id
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<t_layer_height_range, int>>> m_region_volumes;
@ -519,8 +521,6 @@ public:
// methods for handling regions
PrintRegion& get_print_region(size_t idx) { return *m_print_regions[idx]; }
PrintRegion* add_print_region();
PrintRegion* add_print_region(const PrintRegionConfig &config);
// Invalidates the step, and its depending steps in Print.
bool invalidate_step(PrintStep step);
@ -383,9 +383,6 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, DynamicPrintConfig new_full_
delete object;
for (PrintRegion *region : m_print_regions)
delete region;
for (const ModelObject *model_object : m_model.objects)
model_object_status.emplace(model_object->id(), ModelObjectStatus::New);
@ -598,6 +595,7 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, DynamicPrintConfig new_full_
// 4) Generate PrintObjects from ModelObjects and their instances.
bool print_regions_reshuffled = false;
PrintObjectPtrs print_objects_new;
print_objects_new.reserve(std::max(m_objects.size(), m_model.objects.size()));
@ -675,87 +673,72 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, DynamicPrintConfig new_full_
update_apply_status(this->invalidate_steps({ psSkirt, psBrim, psWipeTower, psGCodeExport }));
if (new_objects)
print_regions_reshuffled = true;
// 5) Synchronize configs of ModelVolumes, synchronize AMF / 3MF materials (and their configs), refresh PrintRegions.
// Update reference counts of regions from the remaining PrintObjects and their volumes.
// Regions with zero references could and should be reused.
for (PrintRegion *region : m_print_regions)
region->m_refcnt = 0;
for (PrintObject *print_object : m_objects) {
int idx_region = 0;
for (const auto &volumes : print_object->m_region_volumes) {
if (! volumes.empty())
++ m_print_regions[idx_region]->m_refcnt;
++ idx_region;
// All regions now have distinct settings.
// Check whether applying the new region config defaults we'd get different regions.
for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < m_print_regions.size(); ++ region_id) {
PrintRegion ®ion = *m_print_regions[region_id];
PrintRegionConfig this_region_config;
bool this_region_config_set = false;
for (PrintObject *print_object : m_objects) {
const LayerRanges *layer_ranges;
auto it_status = model_object_status.find(ModelObjectStatus(print_object->model_object()->id()));
assert(it_status != model_object_status.end());
assert(it_status->status != ModelObjectStatus::Deleted);
layer_ranges = &it_status->layer_ranges;
if (region_id < print_object->m_region_volumes.size()) {
for (const std::pair<t_layer_height_range, int> &volume_and_range : print_object->m_region_volumes[region_id]) {
const ModelVolume &volume = *print_object->model_object()->volumes[volume_and_range.second];
const DynamicPrintConfig *layer_range_config = layer_ranges->config(volume_and_range.first);
if (this_region_config_set) {
// If the new config for this volume differs from the other
// volume configs currently associated to this region, it means
// the region subdivision does not make sense anymore.
if (! this_region_config.equals(PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, layer_range_config, volume, num_extruders)))
// Regions were split. Reset this print_object.
goto print_object_end;
} else {
this_region_config = PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, layer_range_config, volume, num_extruders);
for (size_t i = 0; i < region_id; ++ i) {
const PrintRegion ®ion_other = *m_print_regions[i];
if (region_other.m_refcnt != 0 && region_other.config().equals(this_region_config))
// Regions were merged. Reset this print_object.
goto print_object_end;
this_region_config_set = true;
for (PrintObject *print_object : m_objects) {
const LayerRanges *layer_ranges;
auto it_status = model_object_status.find(ModelObjectStatus(print_object->model_object()->id()));
assert(it_status != model_object_status.end());
assert(it_status->status != ModelObjectStatus::Deleted);
layer_ranges = &it_status->layer_ranges;
bool some_object_region_modified = false;
bool regions_merged = false;
for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < print_object->m_region_volumes.size(); ++ region_id) {
PrintRegion ®ion = *print_object->m_all_regions[region_id];
PrintRegionConfig region_config;
bool region_config_set = false;
for (const std::pair<t_layer_height_range, int> &volume_and_range : print_object->m_region_volumes[region_id]) {
const ModelVolume &volume = *print_object->model_object()->volumes[volume_and_range.second];
const DynamicPrintConfig *layer_range_config = layer_ranges->config(volume_and_range.first);
PrintRegionConfig this_region_config = PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, layer_range_config, volume, num_extruders);
if (region_config_set) {
if (this_region_config != region_config) {
regions_merged = true;
} else {
region_config = std::move(this_region_config);
region_config_set = true;
// Decrease the references to regions from this volume.
int ireg = 0;
for (const std::vector<std::pair<t_layer_height_range, int>> &volumes : print_object->m_region_volumes) {
if (! volumes.empty())
-- m_print_regions[ireg]->m_refcnt;
++ ireg;
if (this_region_config_set) {
t_config_option_keys diff = region.config().diff(this_region_config);
if (! diff.empty()) {
if (regions_merged)
size_t region_config_hash = region_config.hash();
bool modified = region.config_hash() != region_config_hash || region.config() != region_config;
some_object_region_modified |= modified;
if (some_object_region_modified)
// Verify whether this region was not merged with some other region.
for (size_t i = 0; i < region_id; ++ i) {
const PrintRegion ®ion_other = *print_object->m_all_regions[i];
if (region_other.config_hash() == region_config_hash && region_other.config() == region_config) {
// Regions were merged. Reset this print_object.
regions_merged = true;
if (modified) {
// Stop the background process before assigning new configuration to the regions.
for (PrintObject *print_object : m_objects)
if (region_id < print_object->m_region_volumes.size() && ! print_object->m_region_volumes[region_id].empty())
update_apply_status(print_object->invalidate_state_by_config_options(region.config(), this_region_config, diff));
region.config_apply_only(this_region_config, diff, false);
t_config_option_keys diff = region.config().diff(region_config);
update_apply_status(print_object->invalidate_state_by_config_options(region.config(), region_config, diff));
region.config_apply_only(region_config, diff, false);
if (regions_merged) {
// Two regions of a single object were either split or merged. This invalidates the whole slicing.
// Possibly add new regions for the newly added or resetted PrintObjects.
for (size_t idx_print_object = 0; idx_print_object < m_objects.size(); ++ idx_print_object) {
for (size_t idx_print_object = 0; idx_print_object < m_objects.size();) {
PrintObject &print_object0 = *m_objects[idx_print_object];
const ModelObject &model_object = *print_object0.model_object();
const LayerRanges *layer_ranges;
@ -765,59 +748,64 @@ Print::ApplyStatus Print::apply(const Model &model, DynamicPrintConfig new_full_
assert(it_status->status != ModelObjectStatus::Deleted);
layer_ranges = &it_status->layer_ranges;
std::vector<int> regions_in_object;
for (size_t i = idx_print_object; i < m_objects.size() && m_objects[i]->model_object() == &model_object; ++ i) {
PrintObject &print_object = *m_objects[i];
bool fresh = print_object.m_region_volumes.empty();
if (print_object0.m_region_volumes.empty()) {
// Fresh or completely invalidated print_object. Assign regions.
unsigned int volume_id = 0;
unsigned int idx_region_in_object = 0;
for (const ModelVolume *volume : model_object.volumes) {
if (! volume->is_model_part() && ! volume->is_modifier()) {
++ volume_id;
++ volume_id;
// Filter the layer ranges, so they do not overlap and they contain at least a single layer.
// Now insert a volume with a layer range to its own region.
for (auto it_range = layer_ranges->begin(); it_range != layer_ranges->end(); ++ it_range) {
int region_id = -1;
if (&print_object == &print_object0) {
// Get the config applied to this volume.
PrintRegionConfig config = PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, it_range->second, *volume, num_extruders);
// Find an existing print region with the same config.
int idx_empty_slot = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < int(m_print_regions.size()); ++ i) {
if (m_print_regions[i]->m_refcnt == 0) {
if (idx_empty_slot == -1)
idx_empty_slot = i;
} else if (config.equals(m_print_regions[i]->config())) {
region_id = i;
// If no region exists with the same config, create a new one.
if (region_id == -1) {
if (idx_empty_slot == -1) {
region_id = int(m_print_regions.size());
} else {
region_id = idx_empty_slot;
// Get the config applied to this volume.
PrintRegionConfig config = PrintObject::region_config_from_model_volume(m_default_region_config, it_range->second, *volume, num_extruders);
size_t hash = config.hash();
for (size_t i = 0; i < print_object0.m_all_regions.size(); ++ i)
if (hash == print_object0.m_all_regions[i]->config_hash() && config == *print_object0.m_all_regions[i]) {
region_id = int(i);
} else
region_id = regions_in_object[idx_region_in_object ++];
// Assign volume to a region.
if (fresh) {
if ((size_t)region_id >= print_object.m_region_volumes.size() || print_object.m_region_volumes[region_id].empty())
++ m_print_regions[region_id]->m_refcnt;
print_object.add_region_volume(region_id, volume_id, it_range->first);
// If no region exists with the same config, create a new one.
if (region_id == -1) {
region_id = int(print_object0.m_all_regions.size());
print_object0.m_all_regions.emplace_back(std::make_unique<PrintRegion>(std::move(config), hash));
print_object0.add_region_volume(region_id, volume_id, it_range->first);
++ volume_id;
++ volume_id;
print_regions_reshuffled = true;
for (++ idx_print_object; idx_print_object < m_objects.size() && m_objects[idx_print_object]->model_object() == &model_object; ++ idx_print_object) {
PrintObject &print_object = *m_objects[idx_print_object];
if (print_object.m_region_volumes.empty()) {
// Copy region volumes and regions from print_object0.
print_object.m_region_volumes = print_object0.m_region_volumes;
for (const std::unique_ptr<Slic3r::PrintRegion> ®ion : print_object0.m_all_regions)
print_regions_reshuffled = true;
if (print_regions_reshuffled) {
// Update Print::m_print_regions from objects.
struct cmp { bool operator() (const PrintRegion *l, const PrintRegion *r) const { return l->config_hash() == r->config_hash() && l->config() == r->config(); } };
std::set<const PrintRegion*, cmp> region_set;
for (PrintObject *print_object : m_objects)
for (std::unique_ptr<Slic3r::PrintRegion> &print_region : print_object->m_all_regions)
if (auto it = region_set.find(print_region.get()); it == region_set.end()) {
int print_region_id = int(m_print_regions.size());
print_region->m_print_region_id = print_region_id;
} else {
print_region->m_print_region_id = (*it)->print_region_id();
// Update SlicingParameters for each object where the SlicingParameters is not valid.
@ -97,18 +97,12 @@ PrintBase::ApplyStatus PrintObject::set_instances(PrintInstances &&instances)
return status;
const PrintRegion& PrintObject::printing_region(size_t idx) const throw()
return m_print->get_print_region(idx);
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const PrintRegion>> PrintObject::all_regions() const
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const PrintRegion>> out;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_region_volumes.size(); ++ i)
if (! m_region_volumes[i].empty())
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_all_regions.size(); ++ i)
return out;
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