Merge branch 'fs_QuadricEdgeCollapse'
This commit is contained in:
23 changed files with 1472 additions and 55 deletions
@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ add_library(libslic3r STATIC
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ inline void MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue<T, LessPredicate, IndexSetter, blocking
#endif /* NDEBUG */
// Mark as removed from the queue.
m_index_setter(m_heap.front(), std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
m_index_setter(m_heap[1], std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
// Zero'th element is padding, thus non-empty queue must have at least two elements.
if (m_heap.size() > 2) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
#include "QuadricEdgeCollapse.hpp"
#include <tuple>
#include "MutablePriorityQueue.hpp"
#include "SimplifyMeshImpl.hpp"
#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
using namespace Slic3r;
// only private namespace not neccessary be in hpp
namespace QuadricEdgeCollapse {
using Vertices = std::vector<stl_vertex>;
using Triangle = stl_triangle_vertex_indices;
using Indices = std::vector<stl_triangle_vertex_indices>;
using SymMat = SimplifyMesh::implementation::SymetricMatrix<double>;
// smallest error caused by edges, identify smallest edge in triangle
struct Error
float value = -1.; // identifying of smallest edge is stored inside of TriangleInfo
uint32_t triangle_index = 0;
Error(float value, uint32_t triangle_index)
: value(value)
, triangle_index(triangle_index)
Error() = default;
using Errors = std::vector<Error>;
// merge information together - faster access during processing
struct TriangleInfo {
Vec3f n; // normalized normal - used for check when fliped
// range(0 .. 2),
unsigned char min_index = 0; // identify edge for minimal Error -> lightweight Error structure
TriangleInfo() = default;
bool is_deleted() const { return n.x() > 2.f; }
void set_deleted() { n.x() = 3.f; }
using TriangleInfos = std::vector<TriangleInfo>;
struct VertexInfo {
SymMat q; // sum quadric of surround triangles
uint32_t start = 0, count = 0; // vertex neighbor triangles
VertexInfo() = default;
bool is_deleted() const { return count == 0; }
using VertexInfos = std::vector<VertexInfo>;
struct EdgeInfo {
uint32_t t_index=0; // triangle index
unsigned char edge = 0; // 0 or 1 or 2
EdgeInfo() = default;
using EdgeInfos = std::vector<EdgeInfo>;
// DTO for change neighbors
struct CopyEdgeInfo {
uint32_t start;
uint32_t count;
uint32_t move;
CopyEdgeInfo(uint32_t start, uint32_t count, uint32_t move)
: start(start), count(count), move(move)
using CopyEdgeInfos = std::vector<CopyEdgeInfo>;
Vec3d create_normal(const Triangle &triangle, const Vertices &vertices);
std::array<Vec3d,3> create_vertices(uint32_t id_v1, uint32_t id_v2, const Vertices &vertices);
std::array<double, 3> vertices_error(const SymMat &q, const std::array<Vec3d, 3> &vertices);
double calculate_determinant(const SymMat &q);
double calculate_error(uint32_t id_v1, uint32_t id_v2, const SymMat & q, const Vertices &vertices);
Vec3f calculate_vertex(uint32_t id_v1, uint32_t id_v2, const SymMat & q, const Vertices &vertices);
Vec3d calculate_vertex(double det, const SymMat &q);
// calculate error for vertex and quadrics, triangle quadrics and triangle vertex give zero, only pozitive number
double vertex_error(const SymMat &q, const Vec3d &vertex);
SymMat create_quadric(const Triangle &t, const Vec3d& n, const Vertices &vertices);
std::tuple<TriangleInfos, VertexInfos, EdgeInfos, Errors> init(const indexed_triangle_set &its);
std::optional<uint32_t> find_triangle_index1(uint32_t vi, const VertexInfo& v_info,
uint32_t ti, const EdgeInfos& e_infos, const Indices& indices);
bool is_flipped(const Vec3f &new_vertex, uint32_t ti0, uint32_t ti1, const VertexInfo& v_info,
const TriangleInfos &t_infos, const EdgeInfos &e_infos, const indexed_triangle_set &its);
// find edge with smallest error in triangle
Vec3d calculate_3errors(const Triangle &t, const Vertices &vertices, const VertexInfos &v_infos);
Error calculate_error(uint32_t ti, const Triangle& t,const Vertices &vertices, const VertexInfos& v_infos, unsigned char& min_index);
void remove_triangle(EdgeInfos &e_infos, VertexInfo &v_info, uint32_t ti);
void change_neighbors(EdgeInfos &e_infos, VertexInfos &v_infos, uint32_t ti0, uint32_t ti1,
uint32_t vi0, uint32_t vi1, uint32_t vi_top0,
const Triangle &t1, CopyEdgeInfos& infos, EdgeInfos &e_infos1);
void compact(const VertexInfos &v_infos, const TriangleInfos &t_infos, const EdgeInfos &e_infos, indexed_triangle_set &its);
} // namespace QuadricEdgeCollapse
using namespace QuadricEdgeCollapse;
void Slic3r::its_quadric_edge_collapse(
indexed_triangle_set & its,
uint32_t triangle_count,
float * max_error,
std::function<void(void)> throw_on_cancel,
std::function<void(int)> statusfn)
// constants --> may be move to config
const int status_init_size = 10; // in percents
const int check_cancel_period = 16; // how many edge to reduce before call throw_on_cancel
// check input
if (triangle_count >= its.indices.size()) return;
float maximal_error = (max_error == nullptr)? std::numeric_limits<float>::max() : *max_error;
if (maximal_error <= 0.f) return;
if (throw_on_cancel == nullptr) throw_on_cancel = []() {};
if (statusfn == nullptr) statusfn = [](int) {};
TriangleInfos t_infos; // only normals with information about deleted triangle
VertexInfos v_infos;
EdgeInfos e_infos;
Errors errors;
std::tie(t_infos, v_infos, e_infos, errors) = init(its);
// convert from triangle index to mutable priority queue index
std::vector<size_t> ti_2_mpqi(its.indices.size(), {0});
auto setter = [&ti_2_mpqi](const Error &e, size_t index) { ti_2_mpqi[e.triangle_index] = index; };
auto less = [](const Error &e1, const Error &e2) -> bool { return e1.value < e2.value; };
auto mpq = make_miniheap_mutable_priority_queue<Error, 32, false>(std::move(setter), std::move(less));
//MutablePriorityQueue<Error, decltype(setter), decltype(less)> mpq(std::move(setter), std::move(less));
for (Error &error :errors) mpq.push(error);
const size_t max_triangle_count_for_one_vertex = 50;
CopyEdgeInfos ceis;
EdgeInfos e_infos_swap;
std::vector<uint32_t> changed_triangle_indices;
changed_triangle_indices.reserve(2 * max_triangle_count_for_one_vertex);
uint32_t actual_triangle_count = its.indices.size();
uint32_t count_triangle_to_reduce = actual_triangle_count - triangle_count;
auto increase_status = [&]() {
double reduced = (actual_triangle_count - triangle_count) /
(double) count_triangle_to_reduce;
double status = status_init_size + (100 - status_init_size) *
(1. - reduced);
// modulo for update status
uint32_t status_mod = std::max(uint32_t(16), count_triangle_to_reduce / 100);
uint32_t iteration_number = 0;
float last_collapsed_error = 0.f;
while (actual_triangle_count > triangle_count && !mpq.empty()) {
if (iteration_number % status_mod == 0) increase_status();
if (iteration_number % check_cancel_period == 0) throw_on_cancel();
// triangle index 0
Error e =; // copy
if (e.value >= maximal_error) break; // Too big error
uint32_t ti0 = e.triangle_index;
TriangleInfo &t_info0 = t_infos[ti0];
if (t_info0.is_deleted()) continue;
assert(t_info0.min_index < 3);
const Triangle &t0 = its.indices[ti0];
uint32_t vi0 = t0[t_info0.min_index];
uint32_t vi1 = t0[(t_info0.min_index+1) %3];
// Need by move of neighbor edge infos in function: change_neighbors
if (vi0 > vi1) std::swap(vi0, vi1);
VertexInfo &v_info0 = v_infos[vi0];
VertexInfo &v_info1 = v_infos[vi1];
assert(!v_info0.is_deleted() && !v_info1.is_deleted());
// new vertex position
SymMat q(v_info0.q);
q += v_info1.q;
Vec3f new_vertex0 = calculate_vertex(vi0, vi1, q, its.vertices);
// set of triangle indices that change quadric
auto ti1_opt = (v_info0.count < v_info1.count)?
find_triangle_index1(vi1, v_info0, ti0, e_infos, its.indices) :
find_triangle_index1(vi0, v_info1, ti0, e_infos, its.indices) ;
if (!ti1_opt.has_value() || // edge has only one triangle
is_flipped(new_vertex0, ti0, *ti1_opt, v_info0, t_infos, e_infos, its) ||
is_flipped(new_vertex0, ti0, *ti1_opt, v_info1, t_infos, e_infos, its)) {
// try other triangle's edge
Vec3d errors = calculate_3errors(t0, its.vertices, v_infos);
Vec3i ord = (errors[0] < errors[1]) ?
((errors[0] < errors[2])?
((errors[1] < errors[2]) ? Vec3i(0, 1, 2) : Vec3i(0, 2, 1)) :
Vec3i(2, 0, 1)):
((errors[1] < errors[2])?
((errors[0] < errors[2]) ? Vec3i(1, 0, 2) : Vec3i(1, 2, 0)) :
Vec3i(2, 1, 0));
if (t_info0.min_index == ord[0]) {
t_info0.min_index = ord[1];
e.value = errors[t_info0.min_index];
} else if (t_info0.min_index == ord[1]) {
t_info0.min_index = ord[2];
e.value = errors[t_info0.min_index];
} else {
// error is changed when surround edge is reduced
t_info0.min_index = 3; // bad index -> invalidate
e.value = maximal_error;
// IMPROVE: check mpq top if it is ti1 with same edge
uint32_t ti1 = *ti1_opt;
last_collapsed_error = e.value;
changed_triangle_indices.reserve(v_info0.count + v_info1.count - 4);
// for each vertex0 triangles
uint32_t v_info0_end = v_info0.start + v_info0.count;
for (uint32_t di = v_info0.start; di < v_info0_end; ++di) {
assert(di < e_infos.size());
uint32_t ti = e_infos[di].t_index;
if (ti == ti0) continue; // ti0 will be deleted
if (ti == ti1) continue; // ti1 will be deleted
// for each vertex1 triangles
uint32_t v_info1_end = v_info1.start + v_info1.count;
for (uint32_t di = v_info1.start; di < v_info1_end; ++di) {
assert(di < e_infos.size());
EdgeInfo &e_info = e_infos[di];
uint32_t ti = e_info.t_index;
if (ti == ti0) continue; // ti0 will be deleted
if (ti == ti1) continue; // ti1 will be deleted
Triangle &t = its.indices[ti];
t[e_info.edge] = vi0; // change index
v_info0.q = q;
// fix neighbors
// vertex index of triangle 0 which is not vi0 nor vi1
uint32_t vi_top0 = t0[(t_info0.min_index + 2) % 3];
const Triangle &t1 = its.indices[ti1];
change_neighbors(e_infos, v_infos, ti0, ti1, vi0, vi1,
vi_top0, t1, ceis, e_infos_swap);
// Change vertex
its.vertices[vi0] = new_vertex0;
// fix errors - must be after set neighbors - v_infos
for (uint32_t ti : changed_triangle_indices) {
size_t priority_queue_index = ti_2_mpqi[ti];
TriangleInfo& t_info = t_infos[ti];
t_info.n = create_normal(its.indices[ti], its.vertices).cast<float>(); // recalc normals
mpq[priority_queue_index] = calculate_error(ti, its.indices[ti], its.vertices, v_infos, t_info.min_index);
// set triangle(0 + 1) indices as deleted
TriangleInfo &t_info1 = t_infos[ti1];
// triangle counter decrementation
// compact triangle
compact(v_infos, t_infos, e_infos, its);
if (max_error != nullptr) *max_error = last_collapsed_error;
Vec3d QuadricEdgeCollapse::create_normal(const Triangle &triangle,
const Vertices &vertices)
Vec3d v0 = vertices[triangle[0]].cast<double>();
Vec3d v1 = vertices[triangle[1]].cast<double>();
Vec3d v2 = vertices[triangle[2]].cast<double>();
// n = triangle normal
Vec3d n = (v1 - v0).cross(v2 - v0);
return n;
double QuadricEdgeCollapse::calculate_determinant(const SymMat &q)
return q.det(0, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 2, 5, 7);
Vec3d QuadricEdgeCollapse::calculate_vertex(double det, const SymMat &q) {
double det_1 = -1 / det;
double det_x = q.det(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7, 8); // vx = A41/det(q_delta)
double det_y = q.det(0, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 2, 7, 8); // vy = A42/det(q_delta)
double det_z = q.det(0, 1, 3, 1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 8); // vz = A43/det(q_delta)
return Vec3d(det_1 * det_x, -det_1 * det_y, det_1 * det_z);
std::array<Vec3d,3> QuadricEdgeCollapse::create_vertices(uint32_t id_v1, uint32_t id_v2, const Vertices &vertices)
Vec3d v0 = vertices[id_v1].cast<double>();
Vec3d v1 = vertices[id_v2].cast<double>();
Vec3d vm = (v0 + v1) / 2.;
return {v0, v1, vm};
std::array<double, 3> QuadricEdgeCollapse::vertices_error(
const SymMat &q, const std::array<Vec3d, 3> &vertices)
return {
vertex_error(q, vertices[0]),
vertex_error(q, vertices[1]),
vertex_error(q, vertices[2])};
double QuadricEdgeCollapse::calculate_error(uint32_t id_v1,
uint32_t id_v2,
const SymMat & q,
const Vertices &vertices)
double det = calculate_determinant(q);
if (std::abs(det) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
// can't divide by zero
auto verts = create_vertices(id_v1, id_v2, vertices);
auto errors = vertices_error(q, verts);
return *std::min_element(std::begin(errors), std::end(errors));
Vec3d vertex = calculate_vertex(det, q);
return vertex_error(q, vertex);
// similar as calculate error but focus on new vertex without calculation of error
Vec3f QuadricEdgeCollapse::calculate_vertex(uint32_t id_v1,
uint32_t id_v2,
const SymMat & q,
const Vertices &vertices)
double det = calculate_determinant(q);
if (std::abs(det) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
// can't divide by zero
auto verts = create_vertices(id_v1, id_v2, vertices);
auto errors = vertices_error(q, verts);
auto mit = std::min_element(std::begin(errors), std::end(errors));
return verts[mit - std::begin(errors)].cast<float>();
return calculate_vertex(det, q).cast<float>();
double QuadricEdgeCollapse::vertex_error(const SymMat &q, const Vec3d &vertex)
const double &x = vertex.x(), &y = vertex.y(), &z = vertex.z();
return q[0] * x * x + 2 * q[1] * x * y + 2 * q[2] * x * z +
2 * q[3] * x + q[4] * y * y + 2 * q[5] * y * z +
2 * q[6] * y + q[7] * z * z + 2 * q[8] * z + q[9];
SymMat QuadricEdgeCollapse::create_quadric(const Triangle &t,
const Vec3d & n,
const Vertices &vertices)
Vec3d v0 = vertices[t[0]].cast<double>();
return SymMat(n.x(), n.y(), n.z(),;
std::tuple<TriangleInfos, VertexInfos, EdgeInfos, Errors>
QuadricEdgeCollapse::init(const indexed_triangle_set &its)
TriangleInfos t_infos(its.indices.size());
VertexInfos v_infos(its.vertices.size());
std::vector<SymMat> triangle_quadrics(its.indices.size());
// calculate normals
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, its.indices.size()),
[&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (size_t i = range.begin(); i < range.end(); ++i) {
const Triangle &t = its.indices[i];
TriangleInfo & t_info = t_infos[i];
Vec3d normal = create_normal(t, its.vertices);
t_info.n = normal.cast<float>();
triangle_quadrics[i] = create_quadric(t, normal, its.vertices);
}); // END parallel for
// sum quadrics
for (size_t i = 0; i < its.indices.size(); i++) {
const Triangle &t = its.indices[i];
const SymMat & q = triangle_quadrics[i];
for (size_t e = 0; e < 3; e++) {
VertexInfo &v_info = v_infos[t[e]];
v_info.q += q;
++v_info.count; // triangle count
} // remove triangle quadrics
// set offseted starts
uint32_t triangle_start = 0;
for (VertexInfo &v_info : v_infos) {
v_info.start = triangle_start;
triangle_start += v_info.count;
// set filled vertex to zero
v_info.count = 0;
assert(its.indices.size() * 3 == triangle_start);
// calc error
Errors errors(its.indices.size());
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, its.indices.size()),
[&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (size_t i = range.begin(); i < range.end(); ++i) {
const Triangle &t = its.indices[i];
TriangleInfo & t_info = t_infos[i];
errors[i] = calculate_error(i, t, its.vertices, v_infos, t_info.min_index);
}); // END parallel for
// create reference
EdgeInfos e_infos(its.indices.size() * 3);
for (size_t i = 0; i < its.indices.size(); i++) {
const Triangle &t = its.indices[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
VertexInfo &v_info = v_infos[t[j]];
size_t ei = v_info.start + v_info.count;
assert(ei < e_infos.size());
EdgeInfo &e_info = e_infos[ei];
e_info.t_index = i;
e_info.edge = j;
return {t_infos, v_infos, e_infos, errors};
std::optional<uint32_t> QuadricEdgeCollapse::find_triangle_index1(uint32_t vi,
const VertexInfo &v_info,
uint32_t ti0,
const EdgeInfos & e_infos,
const Indices & indices)
coord_t vi_coord = static_cast<coord_t>(vi);
uint32_t end = v_info.start + v_info.count;
for (uint32_t ei = v_info.start; ei < end; ++ei) {
const EdgeInfo &e_info = e_infos[ei];
if (e_info.t_index == ti0) continue;
const Triangle& t = indices[e_info.t_index];
if (t[(e_info.edge + 1) % 3] == vi_coord ||
t[(e_info.edge + 2) % 3] == vi_coord)
return e_info.t_index;
// triangle0 is on border and do NOT have twin edge
return {};
bool QuadricEdgeCollapse::is_flipped(const Vec3f & new_vertex,
uint32_t ti0,
uint32_t ti1,
const VertexInfo & v_info,
const TriangleInfos & t_infos,
const EdgeInfos & e_infos,
const indexed_triangle_set &its)
static const float thr_pos = 1.0f - std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
static const float thr_neg = -thr_pos;
static const float dot_thr = 0.2f; // Value from simplify mesh cca 80 DEG
// for each vertex triangles
size_t v_info_end = v_info.start + v_info.count;
for (size_t ei = v_info.start; ei < v_info_end; ++ei) {
assert(ei < e_infos.size());
const EdgeInfo &e_info = e_infos[ei];
if (e_info.t_index == ti0) continue; // ti0 will be deleted
if (e_info.t_index == ti1) continue; // ti1 will be deleted
const Triangle &t = its.indices[e_info.t_index];
const Vec3f &normal = t_infos[e_info.t_index].n;
const Vec3f &vf = its.vertices[t[(e_info.edge + 1) % 3]];
const Vec3f &vs = its.vertices[t[(e_info.edge + 2) % 3]];
Vec3f d1 = vf - new_vertex;
Vec3f d2 = vs - new_vertex;
float dot =;
if (dot > thr_pos || dot < thr_neg) return true;
// IMPROVE: propagate new normal
Vec3f n = d1.cross(d2);
if( < dot_thr) return true;
return false;
Vec3d QuadricEdgeCollapse::calculate_3errors(const Triangle & t,
const Vertices & vertices,
const VertexInfos &v_infos)
Vec3d error;
for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
size_t j2 = (j == 2) ? 0 : (j + 1);
uint32_t vi0 = t[j];
uint32_t vi1 = t[j2];
SymMat q(v_infos[vi0].q); // copy
q += v_infos[vi1].q;
error[j] = calculate_error(vi0, vi1, q, vertices);
return error;
Error QuadricEdgeCollapse::calculate_error(uint32_t ti,
const Triangle & t,
const Vertices & vertices,
const VertexInfos &v_infos,
unsigned char & min_index)
Vec3d error = calculate_3errors(t, vertices, v_infos);
// select min error
min_index = (error[0] < error[1]) ? ((error[0] < error[2]) ? 0 : 2) :
((error[1] < error[2]) ? 1 : 2);
return Error(static_cast<float>(error[min_index]), ti);
void QuadricEdgeCollapse::remove_triangle(EdgeInfos & e_infos,
VertexInfo &v_info,
uint32_t ti)
auto e_info = e_infos.begin() + v_info.start;
auto e_info_end = e_info + v_info.count - 1;
for (; e_info != e_info_end; ++e_info) {
if (e_info->t_index == ti) {
*e_info = *e_info_end;
assert(e_info_end->t_index == ti);
// last triangle is ti
void QuadricEdgeCollapse::change_neighbors(EdgeInfos & e_infos,
VertexInfos & v_infos,
uint32_t ti0,
uint32_t ti1,
uint32_t vi0,
uint32_t vi1,
uint32_t vi_top0,
const Triangle &t1,
CopyEdgeInfos& infos,
EdgeInfos & e_infos1)
// have to copy Edge info from higher vertex index into smaller
assert(vi0 < vi1);
// vertex index of triangle 1 which is not vi0 nor vi1
uint32_t vi_top1 = t1[0];
if (vi_top1 == vi0 || vi_top1 == vi1) {
vi_top1 = t1[1];
if (vi_top1 == vi0 || vi_top1 == vi1) vi_top1 = t1[2];
remove_triangle(e_infos, v_infos[vi_top0], ti0);
remove_triangle(e_infos, v_infos[vi_top1], ti1);
VertexInfo &v_info0 = v_infos[vi0];
VertexInfo &v_info1 = v_infos[vi1];
uint32_t new_triangle_count = v_info0.count + v_info1.count - 4;
remove_triangle(e_infos, v_info0, ti0);
remove_triangle(e_infos, v_info0, ti1);
// copy second's edge infos out of e_infos, to free size
e_infos1.reserve(v_info1.count - 2);
uint32_t v_info_s_end = v_info1.start + v_info1.count;
for (uint32_t ei = v_info1.start; ei < v_info_s_end; ++ei) {
const EdgeInfo &e_info = e_infos[ei];
if (e_info.t_index == ti0) continue;
if (e_info.t_index == ti1) continue;
v_info1.count = 0;
uint32_t need = (new_triangle_count < v_info0.count)? 0:
(new_triangle_count - v_info0.count);
uint32_t act_vi = vi0 + 1;
VertexInfo *act_v_info = &v_infos[act_vi];
uint32_t act_start = act_v_info->start;
uint32_t last_end = v_info0.start + v_info0.count;
while (true) {
uint32_t save = act_start - last_end;
if (save > 0) {
if (save >= need) break;
need -= save;
infos.emplace_back(act_v_info->start, act_v_info->count, need);
} else {
infos.back().count += act_v_info->count;
last_end = act_v_info->start + act_v_info->count;
act_v_info->start += need;
if (act_vi < v_infos.size()) {
act_v_info = &v_infos[act_vi];
act_start = act_v_info->start;
} else
act_start = e_infos.size(); // fix for edge between last two triangles
// copy by c_infos
for (uint32_t i = infos.size(); i > 0; --i) {
const CopyEdgeInfo &c_info = infos[i - 1];
for (uint32_t ei = c_info.start + c_info.count - 1; ei >= c_info.start; --ei)
e_infos[ei + c_info.move] = e_infos[ei]; // copy
// copy triangle from first info into second
for (uint32_t ei_s = 0; ei_s < e_infos1.size(); ++ei_s) {
uint32_t ei_f = v_info0.start + v_info0.count;
e_infos[ei_f] = e_infos1[ei_s]; // copy
void QuadricEdgeCollapse::compact(const VertexInfos & v_infos,
const TriangleInfos & t_infos,
const EdgeInfos & e_infos,
indexed_triangle_set &its)
uint32_t vi_new = 0;
for (uint32_t vi = 0; vi < v_infos.size(); ++vi) {
const VertexInfo &v_info = v_infos[vi];
if (v_info.is_deleted()) continue; // deleted
uint32_t e_info_end = v_info.start + v_info.count;
for (uint32_t ei = v_info.start; ei < e_info_end; ++ei) {
const EdgeInfo &e_info = e_infos[ei];
// change vertex index
its.indices[e_info.t_index][e_info.edge] = vi_new;
// compact vertices
its.vertices[vi_new++] = its.vertices[vi];
// remove vertices tail
its.vertices.erase(its.vertices.begin() + vi_new, its.vertices.end());
uint32_t ti_new = 0;
for (uint32_t ti = 0; ti < t_infos.size(); ti++) {
const TriangleInfo &t_info = t_infos[ti];
if (t_info.is_deleted()) continue;
its.indices[ti_new++] = its.indices[ti];
its.indices.erase(its.indices.begin() + ti_new, its.indices.end());
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// paper:
// sum up:
// inspiration:
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include "TriangleMesh.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
/// <summary>
/// Simplify mesh by Quadric metric
/// </summary>
/// <param name="its">IN/OUT triangle mesh to be simplified.</param>
/// <param name="triangle_count">Wanted triangle count.</param>
/// <param name="max_error">Maximal Quadric for reduce.
/// When nullptr then max float is used
/// Output: Last used ErrorValue to collapse edge</param>
/// <param name="throw_on_cancel">Could stop process of calculation.</param>
/// <param name="statusfn">Give a feed back to user about progress. Values 1 - 100</param>
void its_quadric_edge_collapse(
indexed_triangle_set & its,
uint32_t triangle_count = 0,
float * max_error = nullptr,
std::function<void(void)> throw_on_cancel = nullptr,
std::function<void(int)> statusfn = nullptr);
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public:
// Determinant
T det(int a11, int a12, int a13,
int a21, int a22, int a23,
int a31, int a32, int a33)
int a31, int a32, int a33) const
T det = m[a11] * m[a22] * m[a33] + m[a13] * m[a21] * m[a32] +
m[a12] * m[a23] * m[a31] - m[a13] * m[a22] * m[a31] -
@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ set(SLIC3R_GUI_SOURCES
@ -657,6 +657,15 @@ wxMenuItem* MenuFactory::append_menu_item_fix_through_netfabb(wxMenu* menu)
wxMenuItem* menu_item = append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Fix through the Netfabb"), "",
[](wxCommandEvent&) { obj_list()->fix_through_netfabb(); }, "", menu,
[]() {return plater()->can_fix_through_netfabb(); }, plater());
return menu_item;
wxMenuItem* MenuFactory::append_menu_item_simplify(wxMenu* menu)
wxMenuItem* menu_item = append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Simplify model"), "",
[](wxCommandEvent&) { obj_list()->simplify(); }, "", menu,
[]() {return plater()->can_simplify(); }, plater());
return menu_item;
@ -874,6 +883,7 @@ void MenuFactory::create_common_object_menu(wxMenu* menu)
@ -923,6 +933,7 @@ void MenuFactory::create_part_menu()
append_menu_item(menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Split"), _L("Split the selected object into individual parts"),
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ private:
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item_printable(wxMenu* menu);
void append_menu_items_osx(wxMenu* menu);
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item_fix_through_netfabb(wxMenu* menu);
wxMenuItem* append_menu_item_simplify(wxMenu* menu);
void append_menu_item_export_stl(wxMenu* menu);
void append_menu_item_reload_from_disk(wxMenu* menu);
void append_menu_item_replace_with_stl(wxMenu* menu);
@ -3955,6 +3955,12 @@ void ObjectList::fix_through_netfabb()
update_item_error_icon(obj_idx, vol_idx);
void ObjectList::simplify()
GLGizmosManager& gizmos_mgr = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_gizmos_manager();
void ObjectList::update_item_error_icon(const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx) const
const wxDataViewItem item = vol_idx <0 ? m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx) :
@ -3972,6 +3978,8 @@ void ObjectList::update_item_error_icon(const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx) co
// unmark fixed item only
void ObjectList::msw_rescale()
@ -357,6 +357,7 @@ public:
void split_instances();
void rename_item();
void fix_through_netfabb();
void simplify();
void update_item_error_icon(const int obj_idx, int vol_idx) const ;
void copy_layers_to_clipboard();
@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ bool GLGizmoMmuSegmentation::on_is_selectable() const
&& wxGetApp().get_mode() != comSimple && wxGetApp().extruders_edited_cnt() > 1);
bool GLGizmoMmuSegmentation::on_is_activable() const
return GLGizmoPainterBase::on_is_activable() && wxGetApp().extruders_edited_cnt() > 1;
static std::vector<std::array<float, 4>> get_extruders_colors()
unsigned char rgb_color[3] = {};
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ protected:
std::string on_get_name() const override;
bool on_is_selectable() const override;
bool on_is_activable() const override;
wxString handle_snapshot_action_name(bool shift_down, Button button_down) const override;
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ bool GLGizmoPainterBase::on_is_activable() const
const Selection& selection = m_parent.get_selection();
if (wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() != ptFFF
|| !selection.is_single_full_instance())
|| !selection.is_single_full_instance() || wxGetApp().get_mode() == comSimple)
return false;
// Check that none of the selected volumes is outside. Only SLA auxiliaries (supports) are allowed outside.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
// Include GLGizmoBase.hpp before I18N.hpp as it includes some libigl code, which overrides our localization "L" macro.
#include "GLGizmoSimplify.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/GLCanvas3D.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_App.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/Plater.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectManipulation.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectList.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/AppConfig.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Model.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/QuadricEdgeCollapse.hpp"
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
namespace Slic3r::GUI {
GLGizmoSimplify::GLGizmoSimplify(GLCanvas3D & parent,
const std::string &icon_filename,
unsigned int sprite_id)
: GLGizmoBase(parent, icon_filename, -1)
, state(State::settings)
, is_valid_result(false)
, progress(0)
, volume(nullptr)
, obj_index(0)
, need_reload(false)
GLGizmoSimplify::~GLGizmoSimplify() {
state = State::canceling;
if (worker.joinable()) worker.join();
bool GLGizmoSimplify::on_init()
//m_shortcut_key = WXK_CONTROL_C;
return true;
std::string GLGizmoSimplify::on_get_name() const
return (_L("Simplify")).ToUTF8().data();
void GLGizmoSimplify::on_render() {}
void GLGizmoSimplify::on_render_for_picking() {}
void GLGizmoSimplify::on_render_input_window(float x, float y, float bottom_limit)
const int min_triangle_count = 4; // tetrahedron
const int max_char_in_name = 25;
int flag = ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize |
m_imgui->begin(on_get_name(), flag);
const Selection &selection = m_parent.get_selection();
int object_idx = selection.get_object_idx();
ModelObject *obj = wxGetApp().plater()->model().objects[object_idx];
ModelVolume *act_volume = obj->volumes.front();
// Check selection of new volume
// Do not reselect object when processing
if (act_volume != volume && state == State::settings) {
obj_index = object_idx; // to remember correct object
volume = act_volume;
original_its = {};
const TriangleMesh &tm = volume->mesh();
c.wanted_percent = 50.; // default value
is_valid_result = false;
// set window position
ImVec2 pos = ImGui::GetMousePos();
pos.x -= gui_cfg->window_offset;
pos.y -= gui_cfg->window_offset;
ImGui::SetWindowPos(pos, ImGuiCond_Always);
size_t triangle_count = volume->mesh().its.indices.size();
// already reduced mesh
if (original_its.has_value())
triangle_count = original_its->indices.size();
m_imgui->text_colored(ImGuiWrapper::COL_ORANGE_LIGHT, _L("Mesh name") + ":");
std::string name = volume->name;
if (name.length() > max_char_in_name)
name = name.substr(0, max_char_in_name-3) + "...";
m_imgui->text_colored(ImGuiWrapper::COL_ORANGE_LIGHT, _L("Triangles") + ":");
ImGui::Text(_L("Limit by triangles").c_str());
// First initialization + fix triangle count
if (m_imgui->checkbox("##UseCount", c.use_count)) {
if (!c.use_count) c.use_error = true;
is_valid_result = false;
ImGui::Text(_L("Triangle count").c_str());
int wanted_count = c.wanted_count;
if (ImGui::SliderInt("##triangle_count", &wanted_count, min_triangle_count, triangle_count, "%d")) {
c.wanted_count = static_cast<uint32_t>(wanted_count);
if (c.wanted_count < min_triangle_count)
c.wanted_count = min_triangle_count;
if (c.wanted_count > triangle_count)
c.wanted_count = triangle_count;
is_valid_result = false;
const char * precision = (c.wanted_percent > 10)? "%.0f": ((c.wanted_percent > 1)? "%.1f":"%.2f");
float step = (c.wanted_percent > 10)? 1.f: ((c.wanted_percent > 1)? 0.1f : 0.01f);
if (ImGui::InputFloat("%", &c.wanted_percent, step, 10*step, precision)) {
if (c.wanted_percent > 100.f) c.wanted_percent = 100.f;
if (c.wanted_count < min_triangle_count) {
c.wanted_count = min_triangle_count;
is_valid_result = false;
m_imgui->disabled_end(); // use_count
ImGui::Text(_L("Limit by error").c_str());
if (m_imgui->checkbox("##UseError", c.use_error)) {
if (!c.use_error) c.use_count = true;
is_valid_result = false;
ImGui::Text(_L("Max. error").c_str());
if (ImGui::InputFloat("##maxError", &c.max_error, 0.01f, .1f, "%.2f")) {
if (c.max_error < 0.f) c.max_error = 0.f;
is_valid_result = false;
m_imgui->disabled_end(); // use_error
if (state == State::settings) {
if (m_imgui->button(_L("Cancel"))) {
if (original_its.has_value()) {
state = State::close_on_end;
} else {
if (m_imgui->button(_L("Preview"))) {
state = State::simplifying;
// simplify but not aply on mesh
if (m_imgui->button(_L("Apply"))) {
if (!is_valid_result) {
state = State::close_on_end;
} else {
// use preview and close
} else {
m_imgui->disabled_begin(state == State::canceling);
if (m_imgui->button(_L("Cancel"))) state = State::canceling;
// draw progress bar
char buf[32];
sprintf(buf, L("Process %d / 100"), progress);
ImGui::ProgressBar(progress / 100., ImVec2(gui_cfg->input_width, 0.f), buf);
if (need_reload) {
need_reload = false;
// Reload visualization of mesh - change VBO, FBO on GPU
m_parent.reload_scene(true); // deactivate gizmo??
GLGizmosManager &gizmos_mgr = m_parent.get_gizmos_manager();
if (state == State::close_on_end) {
// fix hollowing, sla support points, modifiers, ...
auto plater = wxGetApp().plater();
plater->changed_mesh(obj_index); // deactivate gizmo??
// changed_mesh cause close();
// change from simplifying | aply
state = State::settings;
// Fix warning icon in object list
wxGetApp().obj_list()->update_item_error_icon(obj_index, -1);
void GLGizmoSimplify::close() {
volume = nullptr;
// close gizmo == open it again
GLGizmosManager &gizmos_mgr = m_parent.get_gizmos_manager();
void GLGizmoSimplify::process()
class SimplifyCanceledException : public std::exception {
const char* what() const throw() { return L("Model simplification has been canceled"); }
if (!original_its.has_value())
original_its = volume->mesh().its; // copy
auto plater = wxGetApp().plater();
plater->take_snapshot(_L("Simplify ") + volume->name);
progress = 0;
if (worker.joinable()) worker.join();
worker = std::thread([&]() {
// store original triangles
uint32_t triangle_count = (c.use_count) ? c.wanted_count : 0;
float max_error = (c.use_error) ? c.max_error : std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
std::function<void(void)> throw_on_cancel = [&]() {
if (state == State::canceling) {
throw SimplifyCanceledException();
std::function<void(int)> statusfn = [&](int percent) {
progress = percent;
indexed_triangle_set collapsed;
if (last_error.has_value()) {
// is chance to continue with last reduction
const indexed_triangle_set &its = volume->mesh().its;
uint32_t last_triangle_count = static_cast<uint32_t>(its.indices.size());
if ((!c.use_count || triangle_count <= last_triangle_count) &&
(!c.use_error || c.max_error <= *last_error)) {
collapsed = its; // small copy
} else {
collapsed = *original_its; // copy
} else {
collapsed = *original_its; // copy
try {
its_quadric_edge_collapse(collapsed, triangle_count, &max_error, throw_on_cancel, statusfn);
is_valid_result = true;
last_error = max_error;
} catch (SimplifyCanceledException &) {
state = State::settings;
// need to render last status fn
// without sleep it freezes until mouse move
void GLGizmoSimplify::set_its(indexed_triangle_set &its) {
auto tm = std::make_unique<TriangleMesh>(its);
need_reload = true;
bool GLGizmoSimplify::on_is_activable() const
return !m_parent.get_selection().is_empty();
void GLGizmoSimplify::create_gui_cfg() {
if (gui_cfg.has_value()) return;
int space_size = m_imgui->calc_text_size(":MM").x;
GuiCfg cfg;
cfg.top_left_width = std::max(m_imgui->calc_text_size(_L("Mesh name")).x,
+ space_size;
cfg.bottom_left_width =
std::max(m_imgui->calc_text_size(_L("Limit by triangles")).x,
std::max(m_imgui->calc_text_size(_L("Triangle count")).x,
std::max(m_imgui->calc_text_size(_L("Limit by error")).x,
m_imgui->calc_text_size(_L("Max. error")).x)) + space_size;
cfg.input_width = cfg.bottom_left_width;
cfg.input_small_width = cfg.input_width * 0.8;
cfg.window_offset = cfg.input_width;
gui_cfg = cfg;
} // namespace Slic3r::GUI
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#ifndef slic3r_GLGizmoSimplify_hpp_
#define slic3r_GLGizmoSimplify_hpp_
#include "GLGizmoBase.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Model.hpp"
#include <thread>
#include <optional>
namespace Slic3r {
namespace GUI {
class GLGizmoSimplify : public GLGizmoBase
enum class State {
simplifying, // start processing
canceling, // canceled
successfull, // successful simplified
} state;
bool is_valid_result; // differ what to do in apply
int progress;
ModelVolume *volume;
size_t obj_index;
std::optional<indexed_triangle_set> original_its;
std::optional<float> last_error; // for use previous reduction
bool need_reload; // after simplify, glReload must be on main thread
std::thread worker;
GLGizmoSimplify(GLCanvas3D& parent, const std::string& icon_filename, unsigned int sprite_id);
virtual ~GLGizmoSimplify();
virtual bool on_init() override;
virtual std::string on_get_name() const override;
virtual void on_render() override;
virtual void on_render_for_picking() override;
virtual void on_render_input_window(float x, float y, float bottom_limit) override;
virtual bool on_is_activable() const override;
virtual bool on_is_selectable() const override { return false; }
void close();
void process();
void set_its(indexed_triangle_set &its);
struct Configuration
bool use_count = true;
// minimal triangle count
float wanted_percent = 50.f;
uint32_t wanted_count = 0; // initialize by percents
bool use_error = false;
// maximal quadric error
float max_error = 1.;
void update_count(size_t triangle_count)
wanted_percent = (float) wanted_count / triangle_count * 100.f;
void update_percent(size_t triangle_count)
wanted_count = static_cast<uint32_t>(
std::round(triangle_count * wanted_percent / 100.f));
} c;
// This configs holds GUI layout size given by translated texts.
// etc. When language changes, GUI is recreated and this class constructed again,
// so the change takes effect. (info by GLGizmoFdmSupports.hpp)
struct GuiCfg
int top_left_width = 100;
int bottom_left_width = 100;
int input_width = 100;
int input_small_width = 80;
int window_offset = 100;
std::optional<GuiCfg> gui_cfg;
void create_gui_cfg();
} // namespace GUI
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif // slic3r_GLGizmoSimplify_hpp_
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoHollow.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoSeam.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoMmuSegmentation.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoSimplify.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Model.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp"
@ -50,14 +51,7 @@ std::vector<size_t> GLGizmosManager::get_selectable_idxs() const
return out;
std::vector<size_t> GLGizmosManager::get_activable_idxs() const
std::vector<size_t> out;
for (size_t i=0; i<m_gizmos.size(); ++i)
if (m_gizmos[i]->is_activable())
return out;
size_t GLGizmosManager::get_gizmo_idx_from_mouse(const Vec2d& mouse_pos) const
@ -110,6 +104,7 @@ bool GLGizmosManager::init()
m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoFdmSupports(m_parent, "fdm_supports.svg", 7));
m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoSeam(m_parent, "seam.svg", 8));
m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoMmuSegmentation(m_parent, "fdm_supports.svg", 9));
m_gizmos.emplace_back(new GLGizmoSimplify(m_parent, "cut.svg", 10));
m_common_gizmos_data.reset(new CommonGizmosDataPool(&m_parent));
@ -169,7 +164,7 @@ void GLGizmosManager::refresh_on_off_state()
if (m_current != Undefined
&& (! m_gizmos[m_current]->is_activable() || ! m_gizmos[m_current]->is_selectable())) {
&& ! m_gizmos[m_current]->is_activable()) {
@ -187,7 +182,7 @@ void GLGizmosManager::reset_all_states()
bool GLGizmosManager::open_gizmo(EType type)
int idx = int(type);
if (m_gizmos[idx]->is_selectable() && m_gizmos[idx]->is_activable()) {
if (m_gizmos[idx]->is_activable()) {
activate_gizmo(m_current == idx ? Undefined : (EType)idx);
return true;
@ -304,7 +299,7 @@ bool GLGizmosManager::handle_shortcut(int key)
auto it = std::find_if(m_gizmos.begin(), m_gizmos.end(),
[key](const std::unique_ptr<GLGizmoBase>& gizmo) {
int gizmo_key = gizmo->get_shortcut_key();
return gizmo->is_selectable()
return gizmo->is_activable()
&& ((gizmo_key == key - 64) || (gizmo_key == key - 96));
@ -1077,6 +1072,7 @@ void GLGizmosManager::do_render_overlay() const
float u_offset = 1.0f / (float)tex_width;
float v_offset = 1.0f / (float)tex_height;
float current_y = FLT_MAX;
for (size_t idx : selectable_idxs)
GLGizmoBase* gizmo = m_gizmos[idx].get();
@ -1090,12 +1086,18 @@ void GLGizmosManager::do_render_overlay() const
float u_right = u_left + du - u_offset;
GLTexture::render_sub_texture(icons_texture_id, zoomed_top_x, zoomed_top_x + zoomed_icons_size, zoomed_top_y - zoomed_icons_size, zoomed_top_y, { { u_left, v_bottom }, { u_right, v_bottom }, { u_right, v_top }, { u_left, v_top } });
if (idx == m_current) {
float toolbar_top = cnv_h - wxGetApp().plater()->get_view_toolbar().get_height();
gizmo->render_input_window(width, 0.5f * cnv_h - zoomed_top_y * zoom, toolbar_top);
if (idx == m_current || current_y == FLT_MAX) {
// The FLT_MAX trick is here so that even non-selectable but activable
// gizmos are passed some meaningful value.
current_y = 0.5f * cnv_h - zoomed_top_y * zoom;
zoomed_top_y -= zoomed_stride_y;
if (m_current != Undefined) {
float toolbar_top = cnv_h - wxGetApp().plater()->get_view_toolbar().get_height();
m_gizmos[m_current]->render_input_window(width, current_y, toolbar_top);
float GLGizmosManager::get_scaled_total_height() const
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ public:
@ -101,7 +102,6 @@ private:
std::pair<EType, bool> m_highlight; // bool true = higlightedShown, false = highlightedHidden
std::vector<size_t> get_selectable_idxs() const;
std::vector<size_t> get_activable_idxs() const;
size_t get_gizmo_idx_from_mouse(const Vec2d& mouse_pos) const;
void activate_gizmo(EType type);
@ -1697,6 +1697,24 @@ wxBitmap ObjectDataViewModel::GetVolumeIcon(const Slic3r::ModelVolumeType vol_ty
return *bmp;
void ObjectDataViewModel::AddWarningIcon(const wxDataViewItem& item)
if (!item.IsOk())
ObjectDataViewModelNode *node = static_cast<ObjectDataViewModelNode*>(item.GetID());
if (node->GetType() & itObject) {
if (node->GetType() & itVolume) {
node->SetBitmap(GetVolumeIcon(node->GetVolumeType(), true));
void ObjectDataViewModel::DeleteWarningIcon(const wxDataViewItem& item, const bool unmark_object/* = false*/)
if (!item.IsOk())
@ -376,6 +376,7 @@ public:
wxBitmap GetVolumeIcon(const Slic3r::ModelVolumeType vol_type,
const bool is_marked = false);
void AddWarningIcon(const wxDataViewItem& item);
void DeleteWarningIcon(const wxDataViewItem& item, const bool unmark_object = false);
t_layer_height_range GetLayerRangeByItem(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
@ -1771,6 +1771,7 @@ struct Plater::priv
bool can_arrange() const;
bool can_layers_editing() const;
bool can_fix_through_netfabb() const;
bool can_simplify() const;
bool can_set_instance_to_object() const;
bool can_mirror() const;
bool can_reload_from_disk() const;
@ -3495,44 +3496,10 @@ void Plater::priv::fix_through_netfabb(const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx/* =
// size_t snapshot_time = undo_redo_stack().active_snapshot_time();
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(q, _L("Fix through NetFabb"));
ModelObject* mo = model.objects[obj_idx];
// If there are custom supports/seams/mmu segmentation, remove them. Fixed mesh
// may be different and they would make no sense.
bool paint_removed = false;
for (ModelVolume* mv : mo->volumes) {
paint_removed |= ! mv->supported_facets.empty() || ! mv->seam_facets.empty() || ! mv->mmu_segmentation_facets.empty();
if (paint_removed) {
// snapshot_time is captured by copy so the lambda knows where to undo/redo to.
_u8L("Custom supports and seams were removed after repairing the mesh."));
// _u8L("Undo the repair"),
// [this, snapshot_time](wxEvtHandler*){
// // Make sure the snapshot is still available and that
// // we are in the main stack and not in a gizmo-stack.
// if (undo_redo_stack().has_undo_snapshot(snapshot_time)
// && q->canvas3D()->get_gizmos_manager().get_current() == nullptr)
// undo_redo_to(snapshot_time);
// else
// notification_manager->push_notification(
// NotificationType::CustomSupportsAndSeamRemovedAfterRepair,
// NotificationManager::NotificationLevel::RegularNotification,
// _u8L("Cannot undo to before the mesh repair!"));
// return true;
// });
fix_model_by_win10_sdk_gui(*mo, vol_idx);
void Plater::priv::set_current_panel(wxPanel* panel)
@ -4304,6 +4271,12 @@ bool Plater::priv::can_fix_through_netfabb() const
return model.objects[obj_idx]->get_mesh_errors_count() > 0;
bool Plater::priv::can_simplify() const
return true;
bool Plater::priv::can_increase_instances() const
if (m_ui_jobs.is_any_running()
@ -6135,6 +6108,51 @@ bool Plater::set_printer_technology(PrinterTechnology printer_technology)
return ret;
void Plater::clear_before_change_mesh(int obj_idx)
ModelObject* mo = model().objects[obj_idx];
// If there are custom supports/seams/mmu segmentation, remove them. Fixed mesh
// may be different and they would make no sense.
bool paint_removed = false;
for (ModelVolume* mv : mo->volumes) {
paint_removed |= ! mv->supported_facets.empty() || ! mv->seam_facets.empty() || ! mv->mmu_segmentation_facets.empty();
if (paint_removed) {
// snapshot_time is captured by copy so the lambda knows where to undo/redo to.
_u8L("Custom supports and seams were removed after repairing the mesh."));
// _u8L("Undo the repair"),
// [this, snapshot_time](wxEvtHandler*){
// // Make sure the snapshot is still available and that
// // we are in the main stack and not in a gizmo-stack.
// if (undo_redo_stack().has_undo_snapshot(snapshot_time)
// && q->canvas3D()->get_gizmos_manager().get_current() == nullptr)
// undo_redo_to(snapshot_time);
// else
// notification_manager->push_notification(
// NotificationType::CustomSupportsAndSeamRemovedAfterRepair,
// NotificationManager::NotificationLevel::RegularNotification,
// _u8L("Cannot undo to before the mesh repair!"));
// return true;
// });
void Plater::changed_mesh(int obj_idx)
ModelObject* mo = model().objects[obj_idx];
void Plater::changed_object(int obj_idx)
if (obj_idx < 0)
@ -6402,6 +6420,7 @@ bool Plater::can_increase_instances() const { return p->can_increase_instances()
bool Plater::can_decrease_instances() const { return p->can_decrease_instances(); }
bool Plater::can_set_instance_to_object() const { return p->can_set_instance_to_object(); }
bool Plater::can_fix_through_netfabb() const { return p->can_fix_through_netfabb(); }
bool Plater::can_simplify() const { return p->can_simplify(); }
bool Plater::can_split_to_objects() const { return p->can_split_to_objects(); }
bool Plater::can_split_to_volumes() const { return p->can_split_to_volumes(); }
bool Plater::can_arrange() const { return p->can_arrange(); }
@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ public:
void reslice_SLA_supports(const ModelObject &object, bool postpone_error_messages = false);
void reslice_SLA_hollowing(const ModelObject &object, bool postpone_error_messages = false);
void reslice_SLA_until_step(SLAPrintObjectStep step, const ModelObject &object, bool postpone_error_messages = false);
void clear_before_change_mesh(int obj_idx);
void changed_mesh(int obj_idx);
void changed_object(int obj_idx);
void changed_objects(const std::vector<size_t>& object_idxs);
void schedule_background_process(bool schedule = true);
@ -306,6 +310,7 @@ public:
bool can_decrease_instances() const;
bool can_set_instance_to_object() const;
bool can_fix_through_netfabb() const;
bool can_simplify() const;
bool can_split_to_objects() const;
bool can_split_to_volumes() const;
bool can_arrange() const;
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#include "libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp"
using namespace Slic3r;
TEST_CASE("Split empty mesh", "[its_split][its]") {
using namespace Slic3r;
@ -100,3 +102,148 @@ TEST_CASE("Split two watertight meshes", "[its_split][its]") {
debug_write_obj(res, "parts_watertight");
#include <libslic3r/QuadricEdgeCollapse.hpp>
static float triangle_area(const Vec3f &v0, const Vec3f &v1, const Vec3f &v2)
Vec3f ab = v1 - v0;
Vec3f ac = v2 - v0;
return ab.cross(ac).norm() / 2.f;
static float triangle_area(const Vec3crd &triangle_inices, const std::vector<Vec3f> &vertices)
return triangle_area(vertices[triangle_inices[0]],
static std::mt19937 create_random_generator() {
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
return gen;
std::vector<Vec3f> its_sample_surface(const indexed_triangle_set &its,
double sample_per_mm2,
std::mt19937 random_generator = create_random_generator())
std::vector<Vec3f> samples;
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> rand01(0.f, 1.f);
for (const auto &triangle_indices : its.indices) {
float area = triangle_area(triangle_indices, its.vertices);
float countf;
float fractional = std::modf(area * sample_per_mm2, &countf);
int count = static_cast<int>(countf);
float generate = rand01(random_generator);
if (generate < fractional) ++count;
if (count == 0) continue;
const Vec3f &v0 = its.vertices[triangle_indices[0]];
const Vec3f &v1 = its.vertices[triangle_indices[1]];
const Vec3f &v2 = its.vertices[triangle_indices[2]];
for (int c = 0; c < count; c++) {
// barycentric coordinate
Vec3f b;
b[0] = rand01(random_generator);
b[1] = rand01(random_generator);
if ((b[0] + b[1]) > 1.f) {
b[0] = 1.f - b[0];
b[1] = 1.f - b[1];
b[2] = 1.f - b[0] - b[1];
Vec3f pos;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
pos[i] = b[0] * v0[i] + b[1] * v1[i] + b[2] * v2[i];
return samples;
#include "libslic3r/AABBTreeIndirect.hpp"
// return Average abs distance to original
float compare(const indexed_triangle_set &original,
const indexed_triangle_set &simplified,
double sample_per_mm2)
// create ABBTree
auto tree = AABBTreeIndirect::build_aabb_tree_over_indexed_triangle_set(
original.vertices, original.indices);
unsigned int init = 0;
std::mt19937 rnd(init);
auto samples = its_sample_surface(simplified, sample_per_mm2, rnd);
float sumDistance = 0;
for (const Vec3f &sample : samples) {
size_t hit_idx;
Vec3f hit_point;
float distance2 = AABBTreeIndirect::squared_distance_to_indexed_triangle_set(
original.vertices, original.indices, tree, sample, hit_idx,
sumDistance += sqrt(distance2);
return sumDistance / samples.size();
TEST_CASE("Reduce one edge by Quadric Edge Collapse", "[its]")
indexed_triangle_set its;
its.vertices = {Vec3f(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f), Vec3f(0.f, 1.f, 0.f),
Vec3f(1.f, 0.f, 0.f), Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f),
// vertex to be removed
Vec3f(0.9f, .1f, -.1f)};
its.indices = {Vec3i(1, 0, 3), Vec3i(2, 1, 3), Vec3i(0, 2, 3),
Vec3i(0, 1, 4), Vec3i(1, 2, 4), Vec3i(2, 0, 4)};
// edge to remove is between vertices 2 and 4 on trinagles 4 and 5
indexed_triangle_set its_ = its; // copy
// its_write_obj(its, "tetrhedron_in.obj");
uint32_t wanted_count = its.indices.size() - 1;
its_quadric_edge_collapse(its, wanted_count);
// its_write_obj(its, "tetrhedron_out.obj");
CHECK(its.indices.size() == 4);
CHECK(its.vertices.size() == 4);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
CHECK(its.indices[i] == its_.indices[i]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (i == 2) continue;
CHECK(its.vertices[i] == its_.vertices[i]);
const Vec3f &v = its.vertices[2]; // new vertex
const Vec3f &v2 = its_.vertices[2]; // moved vertex
const Vec3f &v4 = its_.vertices[4]; // removed vertex
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
bool is_between = (v[i] < v4[i] && v[i] > v2[i]) ||
(v[i] > v4[i] && v[i] < v2[i]);
float avg_distance = compare(its_, its, 10);
CHECK(avg_distance < 8e-3f);
#include "test_utils.hpp"
TEST_CASE("Simplify mesh by Quadric edge collapse to 5%", "[its]")
TriangleMesh mesh = load_model("frog_legs.obj");
double original_volume = its_volume(mesh.its);
uint32_t wanted_count = mesh.its.indices.size() * 0.05;
indexed_triangle_set its = mesh.its; // copy
float max_error = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
its_quadric_edge_collapse(its, wanted_count, &max_error);
//its_write_obj(its, "frog_legs_qec.obj");
CHECK(its.indices.size() <= wanted_count);
double volume = its_volume(its);
CHECK(fabs(original_volume - volume) < 33.);
float avg_distance = compare(mesh.its, its, 10);
CHECK(avg_distance < 0.022f); // 0.02022 | 0.0199614074
@ -339,3 +339,104 @@ TEST_CASE("Mutable priority queue - reshedule first", "[MutableSkipHeapPriorityQ
TEST_CASE("Mutable priority queue - first pop", "[MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue]")
struct MyValue{
int id;
float val;
size_t count = 50000;
std::vector<size_t> idxs(count, {0});
std::vector<bool> dels(count, false);
auto q = make_miniheap_mutable_priority_queue<MyValue, 16, true>(
[&](MyValue &v, size_t idx) {
idxs[] = idx;
[](MyValue &l, MyValue &r) { return l.val < r.val; });
for (size_t id = 0; id < count; id++) {
MyValue mv;
|||| = id;
mv.val = rand();
MyValue it =; // copy
bool valid = ( != 0) && (idxs[0] < 3 * count);
TEST_CASE("Mutable priority queue complex", "[MutableSkipHeapPriorityQueue]")
struct MyValue {
size_t id;
float val;
size_t count = 5000;
std::vector<size_t> idxs(count, {0});
std::vector<bool> dels(count, false);
auto q = make_miniheap_mutable_priority_queue<MyValue, 16, true>(
[&](MyValue &v, size_t idx) { idxs[] = idx; },
[](MyValue &l, MyValue &r) { return l.val < r.val; });
auto rand_val = [&]()->float { return (rand() % 53) / 10.f; };
size_t ord = 0;
for (size_t id = 0; id < count; id++) {
MyValue mv;
|||| = ord++;
mv.val = rand_val();
auto check = [&]()->bool{
for (size_t i = 0; i < idxs.size(); ++i) {
if (dels[i]) continue;
size_t qid = idxs[i];
if (qid > 3*count) {
return false;
MyValue &mv = q[qid];
if ( != i) {
return false; // ERROR
return true;
CHECK(check()); // initial check
auto get_valid_id = [&]()->int {
int id = 0;
do {
id = rand() % count;
} while (dels[id]);
return id;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
MyValue it =; // copy
dels[] = true;
if (i % 20 == 0) {
it.val = rand_val();
dels[] = false;
int id = get_valid_id();
dels[id] = true;
for (size_t j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
int id = get_valid_id();
size_t qid = idxs[id];
MyValue &mv = q[qid];
mv.val = rand_val();
Reference in a new issue