Working proof-of-concept for manual triangulation of pad walls.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 493 additions and 40 deletions
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
add_executable(slabasebed EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL slabasebed.cpp)
target_link_libraries(slabasebed libslic3r)
add_executable(slabasebed #EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL
target_link_libraries(slabasebed libslic3r ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${TBB_LIBRARIES} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS})
@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <libslic3r/libslic3r.h>
#include <libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/SLABasePool.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/SLABoilerPlate.hpp>
#include <libnest2d/tools/benchmark.h>
const std::string USAGE_STR = {
"Usage: slabasebed stlfilename.stl"
namespace Slic3r { namespace sla {
Contour3D convert(const Polygons& triangles, coord_t z, bool dir);
Contour3D walls(const ExPolygon& floor_plate, const ExPolygon& ceiling,
double floor_z_mm, double ceiling_z_mm,
ThrowOnCancel thr, double offset_difference_mm = 0.0);
void offset(ExPolygon& sh, coord_t distance);
int main(const int argc, const char *argv[]) {
using namespace Slic3r;
using std::cout; using std::endl;
@ -26,18 +40,43 @@ int main(const int argc, const char *argv[]) {
ExPolygons ground_slice;
TriangleMesh basepool;
sla::Contour3D mesh;
// TriangleMesh basepool;
sla::base_plate(model, ground_slice, 0.1f);
if(ground_slice.empty()) return EXIT_FAILURE;
ExPolygon bottom_plate = ground_slice.front();
ExPolygon top_plate = bottom_plate;
sla::offset(top_plate, coord_t(3.0/SCALING_FACTOR));
sla::offset(bottom_plate, coord_t(1.0/SCALING_FACTOR));
sla::create_base_pool(ground_slice, basepool);
Polygons top_plate_triangles, bottom_plate_triangles;
auto top_plate_mesh = sla::convert(top_plate_triangles, coord_t(3.0/SCALING_FACTOR), false);
auto bottom_plate_mesh = sla::convert(bottom_plate_triangles, 0, true);
sla::Contour3D w = sla::walls(bottom_plate, top_plate, 0, 3, [](){}, 2.0);
// sla::create_base_pool(ground_slice, basepool);
cout << "Base pool creation time: " << std::setprecision(10)
<< bench.getElapsedSec() << " seconds." << endl;
// basepool.write_ascii("out.stl");
std::fstream outstream("out.obj", std::fstream::out);
@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
#include "SLABoostAdapter.hpp"
#include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
//#include "SVG.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include "SVG.hpp"
//#include "benchmark.h"
namespace Slic3r { namespace sla {
@ -30,56 +33,466 @@ Contour3D convert(const Polygons& triangles, coord_t z, bool dir) {
return {points, indices};
// // step 1: find the leftmost bottom vertex of each plate.
//// auto vcmp = [](const Point& v1, const Point& v2) {
//// if(v1.y() == v2.y()) return v1.x() < v2.x();
//// return v1.y() < v2.y();
//// };
// // lb stands for Leftmost Bottom
// //auto iit = inner.points.begin(); //std::min_element(inner.points.begin(), inner.points.end(), vcmp);
// //auto oit = outer.points.begin();//std::min_element(outer.points.begin(), outer.points.end(), vcmp);
// // step 2: find the centroid of the inner polygon
// auto bb = inner.bounding_box();
// Point center =;
// const double Pi_2 = 2*PI;
// // This will return the angle of a segment (p1, p2) to the X axis
// // from 0 to 2*PI
// auto anglefn = [Pi_2, center](const Point& p) {
// coord_t dx = p.x() - center.x(), dy = p.y() - center.y();
// double a = std::atan2(dy, dx);
// auto s = std::signbit(a);
// if(s) a += Pi_2;
// return a;
// };
// ret.points.reserve(inner.points.size() + outer.points.size());
// for(auto& p : inner.points)
// ret.points.emplace_back(unscale(p.x(), p.y(), mm(ceiling_z_mm)));
// for(auto& p : outer.points)
// ret.points.emplace_back(unscale(p.x(), p.y(), mm(floor_z_mm)));
// std::vector<std::pair<long, double>> anglediagram;
// anglediagram.reserve(inner.size() + outer.size());
// for(size_t i = 0; i < inner.size(); ++i)
// anglediagram.emplace_back(
// std::make_pair(long(i), anglefn(inner.points[i]) )
// );
// const auto offs = long(inner.points.size());
// for(size_t i = 0; i < outer.size(); ++i)
// anglediagram.emplace_back(
// std::make_pair(offs + long(i), anglefn(outer.points[i]) )
// );
// std::sort(anglediagram.begin(), anglediagram.end(),
// [](const std::pair<long, double>& v1,
// const std::pair<long, double>& v2)
// {
// return v1.second < v2.second;
// });
// for(size_t i = 0; i < anglediagram.size() - 3; ++i) {
// long t1 = anglediagram[i].first;
// long t2 = anglediagram[i + 1].first;
// if(t1 >= offs && t2 >= offs) {
// // search for an inner vertex
// size_t jd = i;
// size_t ju = i + 1;
// while(anglediagram[jd].first >= offs) {
// if(jd == 0) jd = anglediagram.size() - 1;
// else --jd;
// }
// while(anglediagram[ju].first >= offs) {
// if(ju >= anglediagram.size() - 1) ju = 0;
// else ++ju;
// if(ju > anglediagram.size()) {
// std::cout << "mi eeez????" << std::endl;
// }
// }
// assert(jd != i || ju != i + 1);
// long t3 = -1;
// if(ju > anglediagram.size() || jd > anglediagram.size()) {
// std::cout << "baj van" << std::endl;
// }
// if(jd == i) t3 = anglediagram[ju].first;
// else if(ju == i + 1) t3 = anglediagram[jd].first;
// else {
// double ad = anglediagram[jd].second;
// double au = anglediagram[ju].second;
// double dd = std::abs(ad - anglediagram[i].second);
// if(dd > PI) dd = Pi_2 - dd;
// double du = std::abs(au - anglediagram[i + 1].second);
// if(du > PI) du = Pi_2 - du;
// t3 = dd < du ? anglediagram[jd].first: anglediagram[ju].first;
// }
// ret.indices.emplace_back(t1, t3, t2);
// }
// }
// This function will return a triangulation of a sheet connecting an upper
// and a lower plate given as input polygons. It will not triangulate the plates
// themselves only the robe.
Contour3D walls(const ExPolygon& floor_plate, const ExPolygon& ceiling,
double floor_z_mm, double ceiling_z_mm,
ThrowOnCancel thr)
ThrowOnCancel thr, double offset_difference_mm = 0)
using std::transform; using std::back_inserter;
ExPolygon poly;
poly.contour.points = floor_plate.contour.points;
auto& h = poly.holes.front();
std::reverse(h.points.begin(), h.points.end());
Polygons tri = triangulate(poly);
Contour3D ret;
ret.points.reserve(tri.size() * 3);
double fz = floor_z_mm;
double cz = ceiling_z_mm;
auto& rp = ret.points;
auto& rpi = ret.indices;
ret.indices.reserve(tri.size() * 3);
const Polygon& inner = ceiling.contour;
const Polygon& outer = floor_plate.contour;
coord_t idx = 0;
if(inner.points.size() < 3 || outer.size() < 3) return ret;
auto hlines = h.lines();
auto is_upper = [&hlines](const Point& p) {
return std::any_of(hlines.begin(), hlines.end(),
[&p](const Line& l) {
return l.distance_to(p) < mm(1e-6);
const auto offs = long(inner.points.size());
ret.points.reserve(inner.points.size() + outer.points.size());
for(auto& p : inner.points)
ret.points.emplace_back(unscale(p.x(), p.y(), mm(ceiling_z_mm)));
for(auto& p : outer.points)
ret.points.emplace_back(unscale(p.x(), p.y(), mm(floor_z_mm)));
auto iit = inner.points.begin();
auto oit = outer.points.begin();
// We need to find the closest point on outer polygon to the first point on
// the inner polygon. These will be our starting points.
double distmin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for(auto ot = outer.points.begin(); ot != outer.points.end(); ++ot) {
Vec2d p = (*ot - *iit).cast<double>();
double d = p.transpose() * p;
if(d < distmin) { oit = ot; distmin = d; }
auto inext = std::next(iit);
auto onext = std::next(oit);
if(onext == outer.points.end()) onext = outer.points.begin();
auto iidx = iit - inner.points.begin();
auto inextidx = inext - inner.points.begin();
auto oidx = offs + oit - outer.points.begin();
auto onextidx = offs + onext - outer.points.begin();
auto nextinp = [&iit, &inext, &inner, &iidx, &inextidx] () {
++iit; ++inext;
if(inext == inner.points.end()) inext = inner.points.begin();
if(iit == inner.points.end()) iit = inner.points.begin();
inextidx = inext - inner.points.begin();
iidx = iit - inner.points.begin();
std::for_each(tri.begin(), tri.end(),
[&rp, &rpi, thr, &idx, is_upper, fz, cz](const Polygon& pp)
auto nextoutp = [&oit, &onext, &outer, &onextidx, &oidx, offs] () {
++oit; ++onext;
if(onext == outer.points.end()) onext = outer.points.begin();
if(oit == outer.points.end()) oit = outer.points.begin();
onextidx = offs + onext - outer.points.begin();
oidx = offs + oit - outer.points.begin();
bool isinsider = true;
bool idirty = false, odirty = false;
double obtusity = 0;
double prev_obtusity = 0;
auto distfn = [](const Vec2d& p1, const Vec2d& p2) {
auto p = p1 - p2;
return p.transpose() * p;
double cd = ceiling_z_mm - floor_z_mm;
double slope = offset_difference_mm / std::sqrt(std::pow(offset_difference_mm, 2) + std::pow(cd, 2));
auto obtusityfn = [distfn](const Vec2d& p1, const Vec2d& p2, const Vec2d& p3)
thr(); // may throw if cancellation was requested
double a = distfn(p1, p2);
double b = distfn(p2, p3);
double c = distfn(p1, p3);
double aa = std::sqrt(a);
double bb = std::sqrt(b);
double cc = std::sqrt(c);
for(auto& p : pp.points)
rp.emplace_back(unscale(x(p), y(p), mm(cz)));
else rp.emplace_back(unscale(x(p), y(p), mm(fz)));
// std::array<double, 3> sides = {aa, bb, cc};
// std::sort(sides.begin(), sides.end());
// double thinness = -1 + 2 * std::pow(sides.front() / sides.back(), 2);
coord_t a = idx++, b = idx++, c = idx++;
if(fz > cz) rpi.emplace_back(c, b, a);
else rpi.emplace_back(a, b, c);
// assert(thinness <= 1.0 && thinness >= -1.0);
std::array<double, 3> coses;
coses[0] = (a + b - c) / (2*aa*bb);
coses[1] = (a + c - b) / (2*aa*cc);
coses[2] = (c + b - a) / (2*cc*bb);
bool isobt = a + b < c || b + c < a || c + a < b;
double minval = *std::min_element(coses.begin(), coses.end());
assert(isobt && minval <= 0 || !isobt && minval >= 0);
return minval;
// return 0.5 * (minval + thinness);
#ifndef NDEBUG
Polygons top_plate_triangles, bottom_plate_triangles;
auto top_plate_mesh = sla::convert(top_plate_triangles, coord_t(3.0/SCALING_FACTOR), false);
auto bottom_plate_mesh = sla::convert(bottom_plate_triangles, 0, true);
Contour3D dmesh;
double idist = 0, odist = 0;
double ilen = inner.length(), olen = outer.length();
double doffs = offset_difference_mm;
auto iend = iit; auto oend = oit;
do {
#ifndef NDEBUG
std::fstream fout("dout.obj", std::fstream::out);
Contour3D dmeshout = dmesh;
prev_obtusity = obtusity;
double distfactor = idist/ilen - odist/olen;
if(isinsider) {
Vec3d p1(iit->x()*SCALING_FACTOR, iit->y()*SCALING_FACTOR, ceiling_z_mm);
Vec3d p2(oit->x()*SCALING_FACTOR, oit->y()*SCALING_FACTOR, floor_z_mm);
Vec3d p3(inext->x()*SCALING_FACTOR, inext->y()*SCALING_FACTOR, ceiling_z_mm);
if(idirty && iit == iend) { isinsider = false; continue; }
double t1 = doffs / std::sqrt((p1 - p2).transpose() * (p1 - p2));
t1 = slope - t1;
double t2 = doffs / std::sqrt((p3 - p2).transpose() * (p3 - p2));
t2 = slope - t2;
double t = std::max(std::abs(t1), std::abs(t2));
obtusity = t;
// obtusity = obtusityfn(p1, p2, p3);
// obtusity = 0.9 * obtusity - 0.1 * distfactor;
if(obtusity > prev_obtusity) {
isinsider = false;
} else {
ret.indices.emplace_back(iidx, oidx, inextidx);
Vec2d tmp = (*iit - *inext).cast<double>();
idist += std::sqrt(tmp.transpose() * tmp);
idirty = true;
} else {
Vec3d p1(oit->x()*SCALING_FACTOR, oit->y()*SCALING_FACTOR, floor_z_mm);
Vec3d p2(onext->x()*SCALING_FACTOR, onext->y()*SCALING_FACTOR, floor_z_mm);
Vec3d p3(iit->x()*SCALING_FACTOR, iit->y()*SCALING_FACTOR, ceiling_z_mm);
if(odirty && oit == oend) { isinsider = true; continue; }
double t1 = slope - doffs / std::sqrt((p3 - p1).transpose() * (p3 - p1));
double t2 = slope - doffs / std::sqrt((p3 - p2).transpose() * (p3 - p2));
double t = std::max(std::abs(t1), std::abs(t2));
obtusity = t;
// obtusity = obtusityfn(p1, p2, p3);
// obtusity = 0.9 * obtusity + 0.1 * distfactor;
if(obtusity > prev_obtusity) {
isinsider = true;
} else {
ret.indices.emplace_back(oidx, onextidx, iidx);
Vec2d tmp = (*oit - *onext).cast<double>();
odist += std::sqrt(tmp.transpose() * tmp);
odirty = true;
#ifndef NDEBUG
std::cout << "triangle written" << std::endl;
} while(!idirty || !odirty || iit != iend || oit != oend);
return ret;
// using std::transform; using std::back_inserter;
// ExPolygon poly;
// poly.contour.points = floor_plate.contour.points;
// poly.holes.emplace_back(ceiling.contour);
// auto& h = poly.holes.front();
// std::reverse(h.points.begin(), h.points.end());
// Polygons tri = triangulate(poly);
// Contour3D ret;
// ret.points.reserve(tri.size() * 3);
// double fz = floor_z_mm;
// double cz = ceiling_z_mm;
// auto& rp = ret.points;
// auto& rpi = ret.indices;
// ret.indices.reserve(tri.size() * 3);
// coord_t idx = 0;
// auto hlines = h.lines();
// auto is_upper = [&hlines](const Point& p) {
// return std::any_of(hlines.begin(), hlines.end(),
// [&p](const Line& l) {
// return l.distance_to(p) < mm(1e-6);
// });
// };
// for(const Polygon& pp : tri) {
// thr(); // may throw if cancellation was requested
// for(auto& p : pp.points)
// if(is_upper(p))
// rp.emplace_back(unscale(x(p), y(p), mm(cz)));
// else rp.emplace_back(unscale(x(p), y(p), mm(fz)));
// coord_t a = idx++, b = idx++, c = idx++;
// if(fz > cz) rpi.emplace_back(c, b, a);
// else rpi.emplace_back(a, b, c);
// }
// return ret;
// const auto offs = long(inner.points.size());
// auto inext = std::next(iit);
// auto onext = std::next(oit);
// auto nextinp = [&iit, &inext, &inner] () {
// ++iit; ++inext;
// if(inext == inner.points.end()) inext = inner.points.begin();
// if(iit == inner.points.end()) iit = inner.points.begin();
// };
// auto nextoutp = [&oit, &onext, &outer] () {
// ++oit; ++onext;
// if(onext == outer.points.end()) onext = outer.points.begin();
// if(oit == outer.points.end()) oit = outer.points.begin();
// };
// double aonext = anglefn(*onext);
// size_t n = 0;
// while(n < inner.size()) {
// double a1 = anglefn(*iit);
// double a2 = anglefn(*inext);
// if(inext < iit) a2 += Pi_2;
// double amin = std::min(a1, a2);
// double amax = std::max(a1, a2);
// // We have to dial the outer vertex pair to the range of the inner
// // pair
// size_t i = 0;
// while((aonext <= amin || aonext > amax) && i < outer.size())
// { // search for the first outer vertex that is suitable
// nextoutp();
// aonext = anglefn(*onext);
// if(inext < iit) aonext += Pi_2;
// ++i;
// }
// // If we arrived at the end of the outer ring, and the inner is not
// // completed, we will rotate the outer.
// if(i == outer.size()) {
// nextinp(); ++n;
// continue;
// }
// auto iidx = iit - inner.points.begin();
// auto inextidx = inext - inner.points.begin();
// auto oidx = offs + oit - outer.points.begin();
// auto onextidx = offs + onext - outer.points.begin();
// ret.indices.emplace_back(onextidx, iidx, oidx);
// ret.indices.emplace_back(onextidx, inextidx, iidx);
// while(true)
// {
// nextoutp();
// onextidx = offs + onext - outer.points.begin();
// oidx = offs + oit - outer.points.begin();
// aonext = anglefn(*onext);
// if(aonext > amin && aonext <= amax) {
// ret.indices.emplace_back(onextidx, inextidx, oidx);
// } else break;
// }
// nextinp(); ++n;
// }
// using std::transform; using std::back_inserter;
// ExPolygon poly;
// poly.contour.points = floor_plate.contour.points;
// poly.holes.emplace_back(ceiling.contour);
// auto& h = poly.holes.front();
// std::reverse(h.points.begin(), h.points.end());
// Polygons tri = triangulate(poly);
// Contour3D ret;
// ret.points.reserve(tri.size() * 3);
// double fz = floor_z_mm;
// double cz = ceiling_z_mm;
// auto& rp = ret.points;
// auto& rpi = ret.indices;
// ret.indices.reserve(tri.size() * 3);
// coord_t idx = 0;
// auto hlines = h.lines();
// auto is_upper = [&hlines](const Point& p) {
// return std::any_of(hlines.begin(), hlines.end(),
// [&p](const Line& l) {
// return l.distance_to(p) < mm(1e-6);
// });
// };
// for(const Polygon& pp : tri) {
// thr(); // may throw if cancellation was requested
// for(auto& p : pp.points)
// if(is_upper(p))
// rp.emplace_back(unscale(x(p), y(p), mm(cz)));
// else rp.emplace_back(unscale(x(p), y(p), mm(fz)));
// coord_t a = idx++, b = idx++, c = idx++;
// if(fz > cz) rpi.emplace_back(c, b, a);
// else rpi.emplace_back(a, b, c);
// }
// return ret;
/// Offsetting with clipper and smoothing the edges into a curvature.
void offset(ExPolygon& sh, coord_t distance) {
using ClipperLib::ClipperOffset;
Add table
Reference in a new issue