Refactored tree / organic supports into multiple compilation modules.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 1918 additions and 1780 deletions
@ -288,8 +288,12 @@ set(SLIC3R_SOURCES
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,992 @@
#include "OrganicSupport.hpp"
#include "AABBTreeLines.hpp"
#include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "Polygon.hpp"
#include "Polyline.hpp"
#include "MutablePolygon.hpp"
#include "TriangleMeshSlicer.hpp"
#include "Support/SupportCommon.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
// Old version using OpenVDB, works but it is extremely slow for complex meshes.
#include "OpenVDBUtilsLegacy.hpp"
#include <openvdb/tools/VolumeToSpheres.h>
namespace Slic3r
namespace FFFTreeSupport
// Test whether two circles, each on its own plane in 3D intersect.
// Circles are considered intersecting, if the lowest point on one circle is below the other circle's plane.
// Assumption: The two planes are oriented the same way.
static bool circles_intersect(
const Vec3d &p1, const Vec3d &n1, const double r1,
const Vec3d &p2, const Vec3d &n2, const double r2)
assert( >= 0);
const Vec3d z = n1.cross(n2);
const Vec3d dir1 = z.cross(n1);
const Vec3d lowest_point1 = p1 + dir1 * (r1 / dir1.norm());
assert( >=;
if ( <= 0)
return true;
const Vec3d dir2 = z.cross(n2);
const Vec3d lowest_point2 = p2 + dir2 * (r2 / dir2.norm());
assert( >=;
return <= 0;
template<bool flip_normals>
void triangulate_fan(indexed_triangle_set &its, int ifan, int ibegin, int iend)
// at least 3 vertices, increasing order.
assert(ibegin + 3 <= iend);
assert(ibegin >= 0 && iend <= its.vertices.size());
assert(ifan >= 0 && ifan < its.vertices.size());
int num_faces = iend - ibegin;
its.indices.reserve(its.indices.size() + num_faces * 3);
for (int v = ibegin, u = iend - 1; v < iend; u = v ++) {
if (flip_normals)
its.indices.push_back({ ifan, u, v });
its.indices.push_back({ ifan, v, u });
static void triangulate_strip(indexed_triangle_set &its, int ibegin1, int iend1, int ibegin2, int iend2)
// at least 3 vertices, increasing order.
assert(ibegin1 + 3 <= iend1);
assert(ibegin1 >= 0 && iend1 <= its.vertices.size());
assert(ibegin2 + 3 <= iend2);
assert(ibegin2 >= 0 && iend2 <= its.vertices.size());
int n1 = iend1 - ibegin1;
int n2 = iend2 - ibegin2;
its.indices.reserve(its.indices.size() + (n1 + n2) * 3);
// For the first vertex of 1st strip, find the closest vertex on the 2nd strip.
int istart2 = ibegin2;
const Vec3f &p1 = its.vertices[ibegin1];
auto d2min = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
for (int i = ibegin2; i < iend2; ++ i) {
const Vec3f &p2 = its.vertices[i];
const float d2 = (p2 - p1).squaredNorm();
if (d2 < d2min) {
d2min = d2;
istart2 = i;
// Now triangulate the strip zig-zag fashion taking always the shortest connection if possible.
for (int u = ibegin1, v = istart2; n1 > 0 || n2 > 0;) {
bool take_first;
int u2, v2;
auto update_u2 = [&u2, u, ibegin1, iend1]() {
u2 = u;
if (++ u2 == iend1)
u2 = ibegin1;
auto update_v2 = [&v2, v, ibegin2, iend2]() {
v2 = v;
if (++ v2 == iend2)
v2 = ibegin2;
if (n1 == 0) {
take_first = false;
} else if (n2 == 0) {
take_first = true;
} else {
float l1 = (its.vertices[u2] - its.vertices[v]).squaredNorm();
float l2 = (its.vertices[v2] - its.vertices[u]).squaredNorm();
take_first = l1 < l2;
if (take_first) {
its.indices.push_back({ u, u2, v });
-- n1;
u = u2;
} else {
its.indices.push_back({ u, v2, v });
-- n2;
v = v2;
// Discretize 3D circle, append to output vector, return ranges of indices of the points added.
static std::pair<int, int> discretize_circle(const Vec3f ¢er, const Vec3f &normal, const float radius, const float eps, std::vector<Vec3f> &pts)
// Calculate discretization step and number of steps.
float angle_step = 2. * acos(1. - eps / radius);
auto nsteps = int(ceil(2 * M_PI / angle_step));
angle_step = 2 * M_PI / nsteps;
// Prepare coordinate system for the circle plane.
Vec3f x = normal.cross(Vec3f(0.f, -1.f, 0.f)).normalized();
Vec3f y = normal.cross(x).normalized();
assert(std::abs(x.cross(y).dot(normal) - 1.f) < EPSILON);
// Discretize the circle.
int begin = int(pts.size());
pts.reserve(pts.size() + nsteps);
float angle = 0;
x *= radius;
y *= radius;
for (int i = 0; i < nsteps; ++ i) {
pts.emplace_back(center + x * cos(angle) + y * sin(angle));
angle += angle_step;
return { begin, int(pts.size()) };
// Returns Z span of the generated mesh.
static std::pair<float, float> extrude_branch(
const std::vector<const SupportElement*> &path,
const TreeSupportSettings &config,
const SlicingParameters &slicing_params,
const std::vector<SupportElements> &move_bounds,
indexed_triangle_set &result)
Vec3d p1, p2, p3;
Vec3d v1, v2;
Vec3d nprev;
Vec3d ncurrent;
assert(path.size() >= 2);
static constexpr const float eps = 0.015f;
std::pair<int, int> prev_strip;
// char fname[2048];
// static int irun = 0;
float zmin, zmax;
for (size_t ipath = 1; ipath < path.size(); ++ ipath) {
const SupportElement &prev = *path[ipath - 1];
const SupportElement ¤t = *path[ipath];
assert(prev.state.layer_idx + 1 == current.state.layer_idx);
p1 = to_3d(unscaled<double>(prev .state.result_on_layer), layer_z(slicing_params, config, prev .state.layer_idx));
p2 = to_3d(unscaled<double>(current.state.result_on_layer), layer_z(slicing_params, config, current.state.layer_idx));
v1 = (p2 - p1).normalized();
if (ipath == 1) {
nprev = v1;
// Extrude the bottom half sphere.
float radius = unscaled<float>(getRadius(config, prev.state));
float angle_step = 2. * acos(1. - eps / radius);
auto nsteps = int(ceil(M_PI / (2. * angle_step)));
angle_step = M_PI / (2. * nsteps);
int ifan = int(result.vertices.size());
result.vertices.emplace_back((p1 - nprev * radius).cast<float>());
zmin = result.vertices.back().z();
float angle = angle_step;
for (int i = 1; i < nsteps; ++ i, angle += angle_step) {
std::pair<int, int> strip = discretize_circle((p1 - nprev * radius * cos(angle)).cast<float>(), nprev.cast<float>(), radius * sin(angle), eps, result.vertices);
if (i == 1)
triangulate_fan<false>(result, ifan, strip.first, strip.second);
triangulate_strip(result, prev_strip.first, prev_strip.second, strip.first, strip.second);
// sprintf(fname, "d:\\temp\\meshes\\tree-partial-%d.obj", ++ irun);
// its_write_obj(result, fname);
prev_strip = strip;
if (ipath + 1 == path.size()) {
// End of the tube.
ncurrent = v1;
// Extrude the top half sphere.
float radius = unscaled<float>(getRadius(config, current.state));
float angle_step = 2. * acos(1. - eps / radius);
auto nsteps = int(ceil(M_PI / (2. * angle_step)));
angle_step = M_PI / (2. * nsteps);
auto angle = float(M_PI / 2.);
for (int i = 0; i < nsteps; ++ i, angle -= angle_step) {
std::pair<int, int> strip = discretize_circle((p2 + ncurrent * radius * cos(angle)).cast<float>(), ncurrent.cast<float>(), radius * sin(angle), eps, result.vertices);
triangulate_strip(result, prev_strip.first, prev_strip.second, strip.first, strip.second);
// sprintf(fname, "d:\\temp\\meshes\\tree-partial-%d.obj", ++ irun);
// its_write_obj(result, fname);
prev_strip = strip;
int ifan = int(result.vertices.size());
result.vertices.emplace_back((p2 + ncurrent * radius).cast<float>());
zmax = result.vertices.back().z();
triangulate_fan<true>(result, ifan, prev_strip.first, prev_strip.second);
// sprintf(fname, "d:\\temp\\meshes\\tree-partial-%d.obj", ++ irun);
// its_write_obj(result, fname);
} else {
const SupportElement &next = *path[ipath + 1];
assert(current.state.layer_idx + 1 == next.state.layer_idx);
p3 = to_3d(unscaled<double>(next.state.result_on_layer), layer_z(slicing_params, config, next.state.layer_idx));
v2 = (p3 - p2).normalized();
ncurrent = (v1 + v2).normalized();
float radius = unscaled<float>(getRadius(config, current.state));
std::pair<int, int> strip = discretize_circle(p2.cast<float>(), ncurrent.cast<float>(), radius, eps, result.vertices);
triangulate_strip(result, prev_strip.first, prev_strip.second, strip.first, strip.second);
prev_strip = strip;
// sprintf(fname, "d:\\temp\\meshes\\tree-partial-%d.obj", ++irun);
// its_write_obj(result, fname);
#if 0
if (circles_intersect(p1, nprev, settings.getRadius(prev), p2, ncurrent, settings.getRadius(current))) {
// Cannot connect previous and current slice using a simple zig-zag triangulation,
// because the two circles intersect.
} else {
// Continue with chaining.
return std::make_pair(zmin, zmax);
// New version using per layer AABB trees of lines for nudging spheres away from an object.
static void organic_smooth_branches_avoid_collisions(
const PrintObject &print_object,
const TreeModelVolumes &volumes,
const TreeSupportSettings &config,
std::vector<SupportElements> &move_bounds,
const std::vector<std::pair<SupportElement*, int>> &elements_with_link_down,
const std::vector<size_t> &linear_data_layers,
std::function<void()> throw_on_cancel)
struct LayerCollisionCache {
coord_t min_element_radius{ std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max() };
bool min_element_radius_known() const { return this->min_element_radius != std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max(); }
coord_t collision_radius{ 0 };
std::vector<Linef> lines;
AABBTreeIndirect::Tree<2, double> aabbtree_lines;
bool empty() const { return this->lines.empty(); }
std::vector<LayerCollisionCache> layer_collision_cache;
const SlicingParameters &slicing_params = print_object.slicing_parameters();
for (const std::pair<SupportElement*, int>& element : elements_with_link_down) {
LayerIndex layer_idx = element.first->state.layer_idx;
if (size_t num_layers = layer_idx + 1; num_layers > layer_collision_cache.size()) {
if (num_layers > layer_collision_cache.capacity())
reserve_power_of_2(layer_collision_cache, num_layers);
layer_collision_cache.resize(num_layers, {});
auto& l = layer_collision_cache[layer_idx];
l.min_element_radius = std::min(l.min_element_radius, getRadius(config, element.first->state));
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = 0; layer_idx < LayerIndex(layer_collision_cache.size()); ++layer_idx)
if (LayerCollisionCache& l = layer_collision_cache[layer_idx]; !l.min_element_radius_known())
l.min_element_radius = 0;
else {
l.min_element_radius = 0;
std::optional<std::pair<coord_t, std::reference_wrapper<const Polygons>>> res = volumes.get_collision_lower_bound_area(layer_idx, l.min_element_radius);
l.collision_radius = res->first;
Lines alines = to_lines(res->second.get());
for (const Line &line : alines)
l.lines.push_back({ unscaled<double>(line.a), unscaled<double>(line.b) });
l.aabbtree_lines = AABBTreeLines::build_aabb_tree_over_indexed_lines(l.lines);
struct CollisionSphere {
const SupportElement& element;
int element_below_id;
const bool locked;
float radius;
// Current position, when nudged away from the collision.
Vec3f position;
// Previous position, for Laplacian smoothing.
Vec3f prev_position;
Vec3f last_collision;
double last_collision_depth;
// Minimum Z for which the sphere collision will be evaluated.
// Limited by the minimum sloping angle and by the bottom of the tree.
float min_z{ -std::numeric_limits<float>::max() };
// Maximum Z for which the sphere collision will be evaluated.
// Limited by the minimum sloping angle and by the tip of the current branch.
float max_z{ std::numeric_limits<float>::max() };
uint32_t layer_begin;
uint32_t layer_end;
std::vector<CollisionSphere> collision_spheres;
for (const std::pair<SupportElement*, int> &element_with_link : elements_with_link_down) {
const SupportElement &element = *element_with_link.first;
const int link_down = element_with_link.second;
// locked
element.parents.empty() || (link_down == -1 && element.state.layer_idx > 0),
unscaled<float>(getRadius(config, element.state)),
// 3D position
to_3d(unscaled<float>(element.state.result_on_layer), float(layer_z(slicing_params, config, element.state.layer_idx)))
// Update min_z coordinate to min_z of the tree below.
CollisionSphere &collision_sphere = collision_spheres.back();
if (link_down != -1) {
const size_t offset_below = linear_data_layers[element.state.layer_idx - 1];
collision_sphere.min_z = collision_spheres[offset_below + link_down].min_z;
} else
collision_sphere.min_z = collision_sphere.position.z();
// Update max_z by propagating max_z from the tips of the branches.
for (int collision_sphere_id = int(collision_spheres.size()) - 1; collision_sphere_id >= 0; -- collision_sphere_id) {
CollisionSphere &collision_sphere = collision_spheres[collision_sphere_id];
if (collision_sphere.element.parents.empty())
// Tip
collision_sphere.max_z = collision_sphere.position.z();
else {
// Below tip
const size_t offset_above = linear_data_layers[collision_sphere.element.state.layer_idx + 1];
for (auto iparent : collision_sphere.element.parents) {
float parent_z = collision_spheres[offset_above + iparent].max_z;
// collision_sphere.max_z = collision_sphere.max_z == std::numeric_limits<float>::max() ? parent_z : std::max(collision_sphere.max_z, parent_z);
collision_sphere.max_z = std::min(collision_sphere.max_z, parent_z);
// Update min_z / max_z to limit the search Z span of a given sphere for collision detection.
for (CollisionSphere &collision_sphere : collision_spheres) {
//FIXME limit the collision span by the tree slope.
collision_sphere.min_z = std::max(collision_sphere.min_z, collision_sphere.position.z() - collision_sphere.radius);
collision_sphere.max_z = std::min(collision_sphere.max_z, collision_sphere.position.z() + collision_sphere.radius);
collision_sphere.layer_begin = std::min(collision_sphere.element.state.layer_idx, layer_idx_ceil(slicing_params, config, collision_sphere.min_z));
assert(collision_sphere.layer_begin < layer_collision_cache.size());
collision_sphere.layer_end = std::min(LayerIndex(layer_collision_cache.size()), std::max(collision_sphere.element.state.layer_idx, layer_idx_floor(slicing_params, config, collision_sphere.max_z)) + 1);
static constexpr const double collision_extra_gap = 0.1;
static constexpr const double max_nudge_collision_avoidance = 0.5;
static constexpr const double max_nudge_smoothing = 0.2;
static constexpr const size_t num_iter = 100; // 1000;
for (size_t iter = 0; iter < num_iter; ++ iter) {
// Back up prev position before Laplacian smoothing.
for (CollisionSphere &collision_sphere : collision_spheres)
collision_sphere.prev_position = collision_sphere.position;
std::atomic<size_t> num_moved{ 0 };
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, collision_spheres.size()),
[&collision_spheres, &layer_collision_cache, &slicing_params, &config, &move_bounds, &linear_data_layers, &num_moved, &throw_on_cancel](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> range) {
for (size_t collision_sphere_id = range.begin(); collision_sphere_id < range.end(); ++ collision_sphere_id)
if (CollisionSphere &collision_sphere = collision_spheres[collision_sphere_id]; ! collision_sphere.locked) {
// Calculate collision of multiple 2D layers against a collision sphere.
collision_sphere.last_collision_depth = - std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (uint32_t layer_id = collision_sphere.layer_begin; layer_id != collision_sphere.layer_end; ++ layer_id) {
double dz = (layer_id - collision_sphere.element.state.layer_idx) * slicing_params.layer_height;
if (double r2 = sqr(collision_sphere.radius) - sqr(dz); r2 > 0) {
if (const LayerCollisionCache &layer_collision_cache_item = layer_collision_cache[layer_id]; ! layer_collision_cache_item.empty()) {
size_t hit_idx_out;
Vec2d hit_point_out;
if (double dist = sqrt(AABBTreeLines::squared_distance_to_indexed_lines(
layer_collision_cache_item.lines, layer_collision_cache_item.aabbtree_lines, Vec2d(to_2d(collision_sphere.position).cast<double>()),
hit_idx_out, hit_point_out, r2)); dist >= 0.) {
double collision_depth = sqrt(r2) - dist;
if (collision_depth > collision_sphere.last_collision_depth) {
collision_sphere.last_collision_depth = collision_depth;
collision_sphere.last_collision = to_3d(hit_point_out.cast<float>(), float(layer_z(slicing_params, config, layer_id)));
if (collision_sphere.last_collision_depth > 0) {
// Collision detected to be removed.
// Nudge the circle center away from the collision.
if (collision_sphere.last_collision_depth > EPSILON)
// a little bit of hysteresis to detect end of
++ num_moved;
// Shift by maximum 2mm.
double nudge_dist = std::min(std::max(0., collision_sphere.last_collision_depth + collision_extra_gap), max_nudge_collision_avoidance);
Vec2d nudge_vector = (to_2d(collision_sphere.position) - to_2d(collision_sphere.last_collision)).cast<double>().normalized() * nudge_dist;
collision_sphere.position.head<2>() += (nudge_vector * nudge_dist).cast<float>();
// Laplacian smoothing
Vec2d avg{ 0, 0 };
const SupportElements &above = move_bounds[collision_sphere.element.state.layer_idx + 1];
const size_t offset_above = linear_data_layers[collision_sphere.element.state.layer_idx + 1];
double weight = 0.;
for (auto iparent : collision_sphere.element.parents) {
double w = collision_sphere.radius;
avg += w * to_2d(collision_spheres[offset_above + iparent].prev_position.cast<double>());
weight += w;
if (collision_sphere.element_below_id != -1) {
const size_t offset_below = linear_data_layers[collision_sphere.element.state.layer_idx - 1];
const double w = weight; // config.getRadius(move_bounds[element.state.layer_idx - 1][below].state);
avg += w * to_2d(collision_spheres[offset_below + collision_sphere.element_below_id].prev_position.cast<double>());
weight += w;
avg /= weight;
static constexpr const double smoothing_factor = 0.5;
Vec2d old_pos = to_2d(collision_sphere.position).cast<double>();
Vec2d new_pos = (1. - smoothing_factor) * old_pos + smoothing_factor * avg;
Vec2d shift = new_pos - old_pos;
double nudge_dist_max = shift.norm();
// Shift by maximum 1mm, less than the collision avoidance factor.
double nudge_dist = std::min(std::max(0., nudge_dist_max), max_nudge_smoothing);
collision_sphere.position.head<2>() += (shift.normalized() * nudge_dist).cast<float>();
#if 0
std::vector<double> stat;
for (CollisionSphere& collision_sphere : collision_spheres)
if (!collision_sphere.locked)
std::sort(stat.begin(), stat.end());
printf("iteration: %d, moved: %d, collision depth: min %lf, max %lf, median %lf\n", int(iter), int(num_moved), stat.front(), stat.back(), stat[stat.size() / 2]);
if (num_moved == 0)
for (size_t i = 0; i < collision_spheres.size(); ++ i)
elements_with_link_down[i].first->state.result_on_layer = scaled<coord_t>(to_2d(collision_spheres[i].position));
// Old version using OpenVDB, works but it is extremely slow for complex meshes.
static void organic_smooth_branches_avoid_collisions(
const PrintObject &print_object,
const TreeModelVolumes &volumes,
const TreeSupportSettings &config,
std::vector<SupportElements> &move_bounds,
const std::vector<std::pair<SupportElement*, int>> &elements_with_link_down,
const std::vector<size_t> &linear_data_layers,
std::function<void()> throw_on_cancel)
TriangleMesh mesh = print_object.model_object()->raw_mesh();
double scale = 10.;
openvdb::FloatGrid::Ptr grid = mesh_to_grid(mesh.its, openvdb::math::Transform{}, scale, 0., 0.);
std::unique_ptr<openvdb::tools::ClosestSurfacePoint<openvdb::FloatGrid>> closest_surface_point = openvdb::tools::ClosestSurfacePoint<openvdb::FloatGrid>::create(*grid);
std::vector<openvdb::Vec3R> pts, prev, projections;
std::vector<float> distances;
for (const std::pair<SupportElement*, int>& element : elements_with_link_down) {
Vec3d pt = to_3d(unscaled<double>(element.first->state.result_on_layer), layer_z(print_object.slicing_parameters(), config, element.first->state.layer_idx)) * scale;
pts.push_back({ pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.z() });
const double collision_extra_gap = 1. * scale;
const double max_nudge_collision_avoidance = 2. * scale;
const double max_nudge_smoothing = 1. * scale;
static constexpr const size_t num_iter = 100; // 1000;
for (size_t iter = 0; iter < num_iter; ++ iter) {
prev = pts;
projections = pts;
distances.assign(pts.size(), std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
closest_surface_point->searchAndReplace(projections, distances);
size_t num_moved = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < projections.size(); ++ i) {
const SupportElement &element = *elements_with_link_down[i].first;
const int below = elements_with_link_down[i].second;
const bool locked = (below == -1 && element.state.layer_idx > 0) || element.state.locked();
if (! locked && pts[i] != projections[i]) {
// Nudge the circle center away from the collision.
Vec3d v{ projections[i].x() - pts[i].x(), projections[i].y() - pts[i].y(), projections[i].z() - pts[i].z() };
double depth = v.norm();
assert(std::abs(distances[i] - depth) < EPSILON);
double radius = unscaled<double>(config.getRadius(element.state)) * scale;
if (depth < radius) {
// Collision detected to be removed.
++ num_moved;
double dxy = sqrt(sqr(radius) - sqr(v.z()));
double nudge_dist_max = dxy - std::hypot(v.x(), v.y())
//FIXME 1mm gap
+ collision_extra_gap;
// Shift by maximum 2mm.
double nudge_dist = std::min(std::max(0., nudge_dist_max), max_nudge_collision_avoidance);
Vec2d nudge_v = to_2d(v).normalized() * (- nudge_dist);
pts[i].x() += nudge_v.x();
pts[i].y() += nudge_v.y();
// Laplacian smoothing
if (! locked && ! element.parents.empty()) {
Vec2d avg{ 0, 0 };
const SupportElements &above = move_bounds[element.state.layer_idx + 1];
const size_t offset_above = linear_data_layers[element.state.layer_idx + 1];
double weight = 0.;
for (auto iparent : element.parents) {
double w = config.getRadius(above[iparent].state);
avg.x() += w * prev[offset_above + iparent].x();
avg.y() += w * prev[offset_above + iparent].y();
weight += w;
size_t cnt = element.parents.size();
if (below != -1) {
const size_t offset_below = linear_data_layers[element.state.layer_idx - 1];
const double w = weight; // config.getRadius(move_bounds[element.state.layer_idx - 1][below].state);
avg.x() += w * prev[offset_below + below].x();
avg.y() += w * prev[offset_below + below].y();
++ cnt;
weight += w;
//avg /= double(cnt);
avg /= weight;
static constexpr const double smoothing_factor = 0.5;
Vec2d old_pos{ pts[i].x(), pts[i].y() };
Vec2d new_pos = (1. - smoothing_factor) * old_pos + smoothing_factor * avg;
Vec2d shift = new_pos - old_pos;
double nudge_dist_max = shift.norm();
// Shift by maximum 1mm, less than the collision avoidance factor.
double nudge_dist = std::min(std::max(0., nudge_dist_max), max_nudge_smoothing);
Vec2d nudge_v = shift.normalized() * nudge_dist;
pts[i].x() += nudge_v.x();
pts[i].y() += nudge_v.y();
// printf("iteration: %d, moved: %d\n", int(iter), int(num_moved));
if (num_moved == 0)
for (size_t i = 0; i < projections.size(); ++ i) {
elements_with_link_down[i].first->state.result_on_layer.x() = scaled<coord_t>(pts[i].x()) / scale;
elements_with_link_down[i].first->state.result_on_layer.y() = scaled<coord_t>(pts[i].y()) / scale;
// Organic specific: Smooth branches and produce one cummulative mesh to be sliced.
void organic_draw_branches(
PrintObject &print_object,
TreeModelVolumes &volumes,
const TreeSupportSettings &config,
std::vector<SupportElements> &move_bounds,
// I/O:
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr &bottom_contacts,
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr &top_contacts,
InterfacePlacer &interface_placer,
// Output:
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr &intermediate_layers,
SupportGeneratorLayerStorage &layer_storage,
std::function<void()> throw_on_cancel)
// All SupportElements are put into a layer independent storage to improve parallelization.
std::vector<std::pair<SupportElement*, int>> elements_with_link_down;
std::vector<size_t> linear_data_layers;
std::vector<std::pair<SupportElement*, int>> map_downwards_old;
std::vector<std::pair<SupportElement*, int>> map_downwards_new;
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = 0; layer_idx < LayerIndex(move_bounds.size()); ++ layer_idx) {
SupportElements *layer_above = layer_idx + 1 < move_bounds.size() ? &move_bounds[layer_idx + 1] : nullptr;
std::sort(map_downwards_old.begin(), map_downwards_old.end(), [](auto& l, auto& r) { return l.first < r.first; });
SupportElements &layer = move_bounds[layer_idx];
for (size_t elem_idx = 0; elem_idx < layer.size(); ++ elem_idx) {
SupportElement &elem = layer[elem_idx];
int child = -1;
if (layer_idx > 0) {
auto it = std::lower_bound(map_downwards_old.begin(), map_downwards_old.end(), &elem, [](auto& l, const SupportElement* r) { return l.first < r; });
if (it != map_downwards_old.end() && it->first == &elem) {
child = it->second;
// Only one link points to a node above from below.
assert(!(++it != map_downwards_old.end() && it->first == &elem));
#ifndef NDEBUG
const SupportElement *pchild = child == -1 ? nullptr : &move_bounds[layer_idx - 1][child];
assert(pchild ? pchild->state.result_on_layer_is_set() : elem.state.target_height > layer_idx);
#endif // NDEBUG
for (int32_t parent_idx : elem.parents) {
SupportElement &parent = (*layer_above)[parent_idx];
if (parent.state.result_on_layer_is_set())
map_downwards_new.emplace_back(&parent, elem_idx);
elements_with_link_down.push_back({ &elem, int(child) });
std::swap(map_downwards_old, map_downwards_new);
organic_smooth_branches_avoid_collisions(print_object, volumes, config, move_bounds, elements_with_link_down, linear_data_layers, throw_on_cancel);
// Reduce memory footprint. After this point only finalize_interface_and_support_areas() will use volumes and from that only collisions with zero radius will be used.
// Unmark all nodes.
for (SupportElements &elements : move_bounds)
for (SupportElement &element : elements)
element.state.marked = false;
// Traverse all nodes, generate tubes.
// Traversal stack with nodes and their current parent
struct Branch {
std::vector<const SupportElement*> path;
bool has_root{ false };
bool has_tip { false };
struct Slice {
Polygons polygons;
Polygons bottom_contacts;
size_t num_branches{ 0 };
struct Tree {
std::vector<Branch> branches;
std::vector<Slice> slices;
LayerIndex first_layer_id{ -1 };
std::vector<Tree> trees;
struct TreeVisitor {
static void visit_recursive(std::vector<SupportElements> &move_bounds, SupportElement &start_element, Tree &out) {
assert(! start_element.state.marked && ! start_element.parents.empty());
// Collect elements up to a bifurcation above.
start_element.state.marked = true;
// For each branch bifurcating from this point:
SupportElements &layer = move_bounds[start_element.state.layer_idx];
SupportElements &layer_above = move_bounds[start_element.state.layer_idx + 1];
bool root = out.branches.empty();
for (size_t parent_idx = 0; parent_idx < start_element.parents.size(); ++ parent_idx) {
Branch branch;
// Traverse each branch until it branches again.
SupportElement &first_parent = layer_above[start_element.parents[parent_idx]];
assert(! first_parent.state.marked);
assert(branch.path.back()->state.layer_idx + 1 == first_parent.state.layer_idx);
if (first_parent.parents.size() < 2)
first_parent.state.marked = true;
SupportElement *next_branch = nullptr;
if (first_parent.parents.size() == 1) {
for (SupportElement *parent = &first_parent;;) {
SupportElement &next_parent = move_bounds[parent->state.layer_idx + 1][parent->parents.front()];
assert(! next_parent.state.marked);
assert(branch.path.back()->state.layer_idx + 1 == next_parent.state.layer_idx);
if (next_parent.parents.size() > 1) {
// Branching point was reached.
next_branch = &next_parent;
next_parent.state.marked = true;
if (next_parent.parents.size() == 0)
// Tip is reached.
parent = &next_parent;
} else if (first_parent.parents.size() > 1)
// Branching point was reached.
next_branch = &first_parent;
assert(branch.path.size() >= 2);
assert(next_branch == nullptr || ! next_branch->state.marked);
branch.has_root = root;
branch.has_tip = ! next_branch;
if (next_branch)
visit_recursive(move_bounds, *next_branch, out);
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = 0; layer_idx + 1 < LayerIndex(move_bounds.size()); ++ layer_idx) {
// int ielement;
for (SupportElement& start_element : move_bounds[layer_idx]) {
if (!start_element.state.marked && !start_element.parents.empty()) {
#if 0
int found = 0;
if (layer_idx > 0) {
for (auto& el : move_bounds[layer_idx - 1]) {
for (auto iparent : el.parents)
if (iparent == ielement)
if (found != 0)
printf("Found: %d\n", found);
TreeVisitor::visit_recursive(move_bounds, start_element, trees.back());
//FIXME debugging
#if 1
if (start_element.state.lost) {
else if (start_element.state.verylost) {
} else
// ++ ielement;
const SlicingParameters &slicing_params = print_object.slicing_parameters();
MeshSlicingParams mesh_slicing_params;
mesh_slicing_params.mode = MeshSlicingParams::SlicingMode::Positive;
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, trees.size(), 1),
[&trees, &volumes, &config, &slicing_params, &move_bounds, &interface_placer, &mesh_slicing_params, &throw_on_cancel](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
indexed_triangle_set partial_mesh;
std::vector<float> slice_z;
std::vector<Polygons> bottom_contacts;
for (size_t tree_id = range.begin(); tree_id < range.end(); ++ tree_id) {
Tree &tree = trees[tree_id];
for (const Branch &branch : tree.branches) {
// Triangulate the tube.
std::pair<float, float> zspan = extrude_branch(branch.path, config, slicing_params, move_bounds, partial_mesh);
LayerIndex layer_begin = branch.has_root ?
branch.path.front()->state.layer_idx :
std::min(branch.path.front()->state.layer_idx, layer_idx_ceil(slicing_params, config, zspan.first));
LayerIndex layer_end = (branch.has_tip ?
branch.path.back()->state.layer_idx :
std::max(branch.path.back()->state.layer_idx, layer_idx_floor(slicing_params, config, zspan.second))) + 1;
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = layer_begin; layer_idx < layer_end; ++ layer_idx) {
const double print_z = layer_z(slicing_params, config, layer_idx);
const double bottom_z = layer_idx > 0 ? layer_z(slicing_params, config, layer_idx - 1) : 0.;
slice_z.emplace_back(float(0.5 * (bottom_z + print_z)));
std::vector<Polygons> slices = slice_mesh(partial_mesh, slice_z, mesh_slicing_params, throw_on_cancel);
//FIXME parallelize?
for (LayerIndex i = 0; i < LayerIndex(slices.size()); ++ i)
slices[i] = diff_clipped(slices[i], volumes.getCollision(0, layer_begin + i, true)); //FIXME parent_uses_min || draw_area.element->state.use_min_xy_dist);
size_t num_empty = 0;
if (slices.front().empty()) {
// Some of the initial layers are empty.
num_empty = std::find_if(slices.begin(), slices.end(), [](auto &s) { return !s.empty(); }) - slices.begin();
} else {
if (branch.has_root) {
if (branch.path.front()->state.to_model_gracious) {
if (config.settings.support_floor_layers > 0)
//FIXME one may just take the whole tree slice as bottom interface.
bottom_contacts.emplace_back(intersection_clipped(slices.front(), volumes.getPlaceableAreas(0, layer_begin, [] {})));
} else if (layer_begin > 0) {
// Drop down areas that do rest non - gracefully on the model to ensure the branch actually rests on something.
struct BottomExtraSlice {
Polygons polygons;
double area;
std::vector<BottomExtraSlice> bottom_extra_slices;
Polygons rest_support;
coord_t bottom_radius = getRadius(config, branch.path.front()->state);
// Don't propagate further than 1.5 * bottom radius.
//LayerIndex layers_propagate_max = 2 * bottom_radius / config.layer_height;
LayerIndex layers_propagate_max = 5 * bottom_radius / config.layer_height;
LayerIndex layer_bottommost = branch.path.front()->state.verylost ?
// If the tree bottom is hanging in the air, bring it down to some surface.
0 :
//FIXME the "verylost" branches should stop when crossing another support.
std::max(0, layer_begin - layers_propagate_max);
double support_area_min_radius = M_PI * sqr(double(config.branch_radius));
double support_area_stop = std::max(0.2 * M_PI * sqr(double(bottom_radius)), 0.5 * support_area_min_radius);
// Only propagate until the rest area is smaller than this threshold.
double support_area_min = 0.1 * support_area_min_radius;
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = layer_begin - 1; layer_idx >= layer_bottommost; -- layer_idx) {
rest_support = diff_clipped(rest_support.empty() ? slices.front() : rest_support, volumes.getCollision(0, layer_idx, false));
double rest_support_area = area(rest_support);
if (rest_support_area < support_area_stop)
// Don't propagate a fraction of the tree contact surface.
bottom_extra_slices.push_back({ rest_support, rest_support_area });
// Now remove those bottom slices that are not supported at all.
#if 0
while (! bottom_extra_slices.empty()) {
Polygons this_bottom_contacts = intersection_clipped(
bottom_extra_slices.back().polygons, volumes.getPlaceableAreas(0, layer_begin - LayerIndex(bottom_extra_slices.size()), [] {}));
if (area(this_bottom_contacts) < support_area_min)
else {
// At least a fraction of the tree bottom is considered to be supported.
if (config.settings.support_floor_layers > 0)
// Turn this fraction of the tree bottom into a contact layer.
if (config.settings.support_floor_layers > 0)
for (int i = int(bottom_extra_slices.size()) - 2; i >= 0; -- i)
intersection_clipped(bottom_extra_slices[i].polygons, volumes.getPlaceableAreas(0, layer_begin - i - 1, [] {})));
layer_begin -= LayerIndex(bottom_extra_slices.size());
slices.insert(slices.begin(), bottom_extra_slices.size(), {});
auto it_dst = slices.begin();
for (auto it_src = bottom_extra_slices.rbegin(); it_src != bottom_extra_slices.rend(); ++ it_src)
*it_dst ++ = std::move(it_src->polygons);
#if 0
//FIXME branch.has_tip seems to not be reliable.
if (branch.has_tip && interface_placer.support_parameters.has_top_contacts)
// Add top slices to top contacts / interfaces / base interfaces.
for (int i = int(branch.path.size()) - 1; i >= 0; -- i) {
const SupportElement &el = *branch.path[i];
if (el.state.missing_roof_layers == 0)
//FIXME Move or not?
interface_placer.add_roof(std::move(slices[int(slices.size()) - i - 1]), el.state.layer_idx,
interface_placer.support_parameters.num_top_interface_layers + 1 - el.state.missing_roof_layers);
layer_begin += LayerIndex(num_empty);
while (! slices.empty() && slices.back().empty()) {
-- layer_end;
if (layer_begin < layer_end) {
LayerIndex new_begin = tree.first_layer_id == -1 ? layer_begin : std::min(tree.first_layer_id, layer_begin);
LayerIndex new_end = tree.first_layer_id == -1 ? layer_end : std::max(tree.first_layer_id + LayerIndex(tree.slices.size()), layer_end);
size_t new_size = size_t(new_end - new_begin);
if (tree.first_layer_id == -1) {
} else if (tree.slices.capacity() < new_size) {
std::vector<Slice> new_slices;
if (LayerIndex dif = tree.first_layer_id - new_begin; dif > 0)
new_slices.insert(new_slices.end(), dif, {});
append(new_slices, std::move(tree.slices));
} else if (LayerIndex dif = tree.first_layer_id - new_begin; dif > 0)
tree.slices.insert(tree.slices.begin(), tree.first_layer_id - new_begin, {});
tree.slices.insert(tree.slices.end(), new_size - tree.slices.size(), {});
layer_begin -= LayerIndex(num_empty);
for (LayerIndex i = layer_begin; i != layer_end; ++ i) {
int j = i - layer_begin;
if (Polygons &src = slices[j]; ! src.empty()) {
Slice &dst = tree.slices[i - new_begin];
if (++ dst.num_branches > 1) {
append(dst.polygons, std::move(src));
if (j < bottom_contacts.size())
append(dst.bottom_contacts, std::move(bottom_contacts[j]));
} else {
dst.polygons = std::move(std::move(src));
if (j < bottom_contacts.size())
dst.bottom_contacts = std::move(bottom_contacts[j]);
tree.first_layer_id = new_begin;
}, tbb::simple_partitioner());
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, trees.size(), 1),
[&trees, &throw_on_cancel](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (size_t tree_id = range.begin(); tree_id < range.end(); ++ tree_id) {
Tree &tree = trees[tree_id];
for (Slice &slice : tree.slices)
if (slice.num_branches > 1) {
slice.polygons = union_(slice.polygons);
slice.bottom_contacts = union_(slice.bottom_contacts);
slice.num_branches = 1;
}, tbb::simple_partitioner());
size_t num_layers = 0;
for (Tree &tree : trees)
if (tree.first_layer_id >= 0)
num_layers = std::max(num_layers, size_t(tree.first_layer_id + tree.slices.size()));
std::vector<Slice> slices(num_layers, Slice{});
for (Tree &tree : trees)
if (tree.first_layer_id >= 0) {
for (LayerIndex i = tree.first_layer_id; i != tree.first_layer_id + LayerIndex(tree.slices.size()); ++ i)
if (Slice &src = tree.slices[i - tree.first_layer_id]; ! src.polygons.empty()) {
Slice &dst = slices[i];
if (++ dst.num_branches > 1) {
append(dst.polygons, std::move(src.polygons));
append(dst.bottom_contacts, std::move(src.bottom_contacts));
} else {
dst.polygons = std::move(src.polygons);
dst.bottom_contacts = std::move(src.bottom_contacts);
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, std::min(move_bounds.size(), slices.size()), 1),
[&print_object, &config, &slices, &bottom_contacts, &top_contacts, &intermediate_layers, &layer_storage, &throw_on_cancel](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (size_t layer_idx = range.begin(); layer_idx < range.end(); ++layer_idx) {
Slice &slice = slices[layer_idx];
assert(intermediate_layers[layer_idx] == nullptr);
Polygons base_layer_polygons = slice.num_branches > 1 ? union_(slice.polygons) : std::move(slice.polygons);
Polygons bottom_contact_polygons = slice.num_branches > 1 ? union_(slice.bottom_contacts) : std::move(slice.bottom_contacts);
if (! base_layer_polygons.empty()) {
// Most of the time in this function is this union call. Can take 300+ ms when a lot of areas are to be unioned.
base_layer_polygons = smooth_outward(union_(base_layer_polygons), config.support_line_width); //FIXME was .smooth(50);
//smooth_outward(closing(std::move(bottom), closing_distance + minimum_island_radius, closing_distance, SUPPORT_SURFACES_OFFSET_PARAMETERS), smoothing_distance) :
// simplify a bit, to ensure the output does not contain outrageous amounts of vertices. Should not be necessary, just a precaution.
base_layer_polygons = polygons_simplify(base_layer_polygons, std::min(scaled<double>(0.03), double(config.resolution)), polygons_strictly_simple);
// Subtract top contact layer polygons from support base.
SupportGeneratorLayer *top_contact_layer = top_contacts.empty() ? nullptr : top_contacts[layer_idx];
if (top_contact_layer && ! top_contact_layer->polygons.empty() && ! base_layer_polygons.empty()) {
base_layer_polygons = diff(base_layer_polygons, top_contact_layer->polygons);
if (! bottom_contact_polygons.empty())
//FIXME it may be better to clip bottom contacts with top contacts first after they are propagated to produce interface layers.
bottom_contact_polygons = diff(bottom_contact_polygons, top_contact_layer->polygons);
if (! bottom_contact_polygons.empty()) {
base_layer_polygons = diff(base_layer_polygons, bottom_contact_polygons);
SupportGeneratorLayer *bottom_contact_layer = bottom_contacts[layer_idx] = &layer_allocate(
layer_storage, SupporLayerType::BottomContact, print_object.slicing_parameters(), config, layer_idx);
bottom_contact_layer->polygons = std::move(bottom_contact_polygons);
if (! base_layer_polygons.empty()) {
SupportGeneratorLayer *base_layer = intermediate_layers[layer_idx] = &layer_allocate(
layer_storage, SupporLayerType::Base, print_object.slicing_parameters(), config, layer_idx);
base_layer->polygons = union_(base_layer_polygons);
}, tbb::simple_partitioner());
} // namespace FFFTreeSupport
} // namespace Slic3r
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#ifndef slic3r_OrganicSupport_hpp
#define slic3r_OrganicSupport_hpp
#include "SupportCommon.hpp"
#include "TreeSupport.hpp"
namespace Slic3r
class PrintObject;
namespace FFFTreeSupport
class TreeModelVolumes;
// Organic specific: Smooth branches and produce one cummulative mesh to be sliced.
void organic_draw_branches(
PrintObject &print_object,
TreeModelVolumes &volumes,
const TreeSupportSettings &config,
std::vector<SupportElements> &move_bounds,
// I/O:
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr &bottom_contacts,
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr &top_contacts,
InterfacePlacer &interface_placer,
// Output:
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr &intermediate_layers,
SupportGeneratorLayerStorage &layer_storage,
std::function<void()> throw_on_cancel);
} // namespace FFFTreeSupport
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif // slic3r_OrganicSupport_hpp
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
#ifndef slic3r_SupportCommon_hpp_
#define slic3r_SupportCommon_hpp_
#include "../Layer.hpp"
#include "../Polygon.hpp"
#include "../Print.hpp"
#include "SupportLayer.hpp"
#include "SupportParameters.hpp"
@ -35,75 +35,6 @@ using namespace std::literals;
// had to use a define beacuse the macro processing inside macro BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL()
#define error_level_not_in_cache error
static constexpr const bool polygons_strictly_simple = false;
TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings::TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings(const PrintObject &print_object)
const PrintConfig &print_config = print_object.print()->config();
const PrintObjectConfig &config = print_object.config();
const SlicingParameters &slicing_params = print_object.slicing_parameters();
// const std::vector<unsigned int> printing_extruders = print_object.object_extruders();
// Support must be enabled and set to Tree style.
assert(config.support_material || config.support_material_enforce_layers > 0);
assert(config.support_material_style == smsTree || config.support_material_style == smsOrganic);
// Calculate maximum external perimeter width over all printing regions, taking into account the default layer height.
coordf_t external_perimeter_width = 0.;
for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < print_object.num_printing_regions(); ++ region_id) {
const PrintRegion ®ion = print_object.printing_region(region_id);
external_perimeter_width = std::max<coordf_t>(external_perimeter_width, region.flow(print_object, frExternalPerimeter, config.layer_height).width());
this->layer_height = scaled<coord_t>(config.layer_height.value);
this->resolution = scaled<coord_t>(print_config.gcode_resolution.value);
// Arache feature
this->min_feature_size = scaled<coord_t>(config.min_feature_size.value);
// +1 makes the threshold inclusive
this->support_angle = 0.5 * M_PI - std::clamp<double>((config.support_material_threshold + 1) * M_PI / 180., 0., 0.5 * M_PI);
this->support_line_width = support_material_flow(&print_object, config.layer_height).scaled_width();
this->support_roof_line_width = support_material_interface_flow(&print_object, config.layer_height).scaled_width();
//FIXME add it to SlicingParameters and reuse in both tree and normal supports?
this->support_bottom_enable = config.support_material_interface_layers.value > 0 && config.support_material_bottom_interface_layers.value != 0;
this->support_bottom_height = this->support_bottom_enable ?
(config.support_material_bottom_interface_layers.value > 0 ?
config.support_material_bottom_interface_layers.value :
config.support_material_interface_layers.value) * this->layer_height :
this->support_material_buildplate_only = config.support_material_buildplate_only;
this->support_xy_distance = scaled<coord_t>(config.support_material_xy_spacing.get_abs_value(external_perimeter_width));
// Separation of interfaces, it is likely smaller than support_xy_distance.
this->support_xy_distance_overhang = std::min(this->support_xy_distance, scaled<coord_t>(0.5 * external_perimeter_width));
this->support_top_distance = scaled<coord_t>(slicing_params.gap_support_object);
this->support_bottom_distance = scaled<coord_t>(slicing_params.gap_object_support);
// this->support_interface_skip_height =
// this->support_infill_angles =
this->support_roof_enable = config.support_material_interface_layers.value > 0;
this->support_roof_layers = this->support_roof_enable ? config.support_material_interface_layers.value : 0;
this->support_floor_enable = config.support_material_interface_layers.value > 0 && config.support_material_bottom_interface_layers.value > 0;
this->support_floor_layers = this->support_floor_enable ? config.support_material_bottom_interface_layers.value : 0;
// this->minimum_roof_area =
// this->support_roof_angles =
this->support_roof_pattern = config.support_material_interface_pattern;
this->support_pattern = config.support_material_pattern;
this->support_line_spacing = scaled<coord_t>(config.support_material_spacing.value);
// this->support_bottom_offset =
// this->support_wall_count = config.support_material_with_sheath ? 1 : 0;
this->support_wall_count = 1;
this->support_roof_line_distance = scaled<coord_t>(config.support_material_interface_spacing.value) + this->support_roof_line_width;
// this->minimum_support_area =
// this->minimum_bottom_area =
// this->support_offset =
this->support_tree_branch_distance = scaled<coord_t>(config.support_tree_branch_distance.value);
this->support_tree_angle = std::clamp<double>(config.support_tree_angle * M_PI / 180., 0., 0.5 * M_PI - EPSILON);
this->support_tree_angle_slow = std::clamp<double>(config.support_tree_angle_slow * M_PI / 180., 0., this->support_tree_angle - EPSILON);
this->support_tree_branch_diameter = scaled<coord_t>(config.support_tree_branch_diameter.value);
this->support_tree_branch_diameter_angle = std::clamp<double>(config.support_tree_branch_diameter_angle * M_PI / 180., 0., 0.5 * M_PI - EPSILON);
this->support_tree_top_rate = config.support_tree_top_rate.value; // percent
// this->support_tree_tip_diameter = this->support_line_width;
this->support_tree_tip_diameter = std::clamp(scaled<coord_t>(config.support_tree_tip_diameter.value), 0, this->support_tree_branch_diameter);
//FIXME Machine border is currently ignored.
static Polygons calculateMachineBorderCollision(Polygon machine_border)
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
#include "TreeSupportCommon.hpp"
#include "../Point.hpp"
#include "../Polygon.hpp"
#include "../PrintConfig.hpp"
@ -27,176 +29,6 @@ class PrintObject;
namespace FFFTreeSupport
using LayerIndex = int;
struct TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings {
TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings() = default;
explicit TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings(const PrintObject &print_object);
/* Print parameters, not support specific: */
coord_t layer_height { scaled<coord_t>(0.15) };
// Maximum Deviation (meshfix_maximum_deviation)
// The maximum deviation allowed when reducing the resolution for the Maximum Resolution setting. If you increase this,
// the print will be less accurate, but the g-code will be smaller. Maximum Deviation is a limit for Maximum Resolution,
// so if the two conflict the Maximum Deviation will always be held true.
coord_t resolution { scaled<coord_t>(0.025) };
// Minimum Feature Size (aka minimum line width) - Arachne specific
// Minimum thickness of thin features. Model features that are thinner than this value will not be printed, while features thicker
// than the Minimum Feature Size will be widened to the Minimum Wall Line Width.
coord_t min_feature_size { scaled<coord_t>(0.1) };
/* General support parameters: */
// Support Overhang Angle
// The minimum angle of overhangs for which support is added. At a value of 0° all overhangs are supported, 90° will not provide any support.
double support_angle { 50. * M_PI / 180. };
// Support Line Width
// Width of a single support structure line.
coord_t support_line_width { scaled<coord_t>(0.4) };
// Support Roof Line Width: Width of a single support roof line.
coord_t support_roof_line_width { scaled<coord_t>(0.4) };
// Enable Support Floor (aka bottom interfaces)
// Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support.
bool support_bottom_enable { false };
// Support Floor Thickness
// The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests.
coord_t support_bottom_height { scaled<coord_t>(1.) };
bool support_material_buildplate_only { false };
// Support X/Y Distance
// Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions.
// minimum: 0, maximum warning: 1.5 * machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter
coord_t support_xy_distance { scaled<coord_t>(0.7) };
// Minimum Support X/Y Distance
// Distance of the support structure from the overhang in the X/Y directions.
// minimum_value: 0, minimum warning": support_xy_distance - support_line_width * 2, maximum warning: support_xy_distance
coord_t support_xy_distance_overhang { scaled<coord_t>(0.2) };
// Support Top Distance
// Distance from the top of the support to the print.
coord_t support_top_distance { scaled<coord_t>(0.1) };
// Support Bottom Distance
// Distance from the print to the bottom of the support.
coord_t support_bottom_distance { scaled<coord_t>(0.1) };
//FIXME likely not needed, optimization for clipping of interface layers
// When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values
// may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface.
coord_t support_interface_skip_height { scaled<coord_t>(0.3) };
// Support Infill Line Directions
// A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end
// of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained
// in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the default angle 0 degrees.
// std::vector<double> support_infill_angles {};
// Enable Support Roof
// Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support.
bool support_roof_enable { false };
// Support Roof Thickness
// The thickness of the support roofs. This controls the amount of dense layers at the top of the support on which the model rests.
coord_t support_roof_layers { 2 };
bool support_floor_enable { false };
coord_t support_floor_layers { 2 };
// Minimum Support Roof Area
// Minimum area size for the roofs of the support. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will be printed as normal support.
double minimum_roof_area { scaled<double>(scaled<double>(1.)) };
// A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress
// and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated
// by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means
// use the default angles (alternates between 45 and 135 degrees if interfaces are quite thick or 90 degrees).
std::vector<double> support_roof_angles {};
// Support Roof Pattern (aka top interface)
// The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed.
SupportMaterialInterfacePattern support_roof_pattern { smipAuto };
// Support Pattern
// The pattern of the support structures of the print. The different options available result in sturdy or easy to remove support.
SupportMaterialPattern support_pattern { smpRectilinear };
// Support Line Distance
// Distance between the printed support structure lines. This setting is calculated by the support density.
coord_t support_line_spacing { scaled<coord_t>(2.66 - 0.4) };
// Support Floor Horizontal Expansion
// Amount of offset applied to the floors of the support.
coord_t support_bottom_offset { scaled<coord_t>(0.) };
// Support Wall Line Count
// The number of walls with which to surround support infill. Adding a wall can make support print more reliably
// and can support overhangs better, but increases print time and material used.
// tree: 1, zig-zag: 0, concentric: 1
int support_wall_count { 1 };
// Support Roof Line Distance
// Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately.
coord_t support_roof_line_distance { scaled<coord_t>(0.4) };
// Minimum Support Area
// Minimum area size for support polygons. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will not be generated.
coord_t minimum_support_area { scaled<coord_t>(0.) };
// Minimum Support Floor Area
// Minimum area size for the floors of the support. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will be printed as normal support.
coord_t minimum_bottom_area { scaled<coord_t>(1.0) };
// Support Horizontal Expansion
// Amount of offset applied to all support polygons in each layer. Positive values can smooth out the support areas and result in more sturdy support.
coord_t support_offset { scaled<coord_t>(0.) };
/* Parameters for the Cura tree supports implementation: */
// Tree Support Maximum Branch Angle
// The maximum angle of the branches, when the branches have to avoid the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach.
// minimum: 0, minimum warning: 20, maximum: 89, maximum warning": 85
double support_tree_angle { 60. * M_PI / 180. };
// Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle
// The angle of the branches' diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length.
// A bit of an angle can increase stability of the tree support.
// minimum: 0, maximum: 89.9999, maximum warning: 15
double support_tree_branch_diameter_angle { 5. * M_PI / 180. };
// Tree Support Branch Distance
// How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause
// the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove.
coord_t support_tree_branch_distance { scaled<coord_t>(1.) };
// Tree Support Branch Diameter
// The diameter of the thinnest branches of tree support. Thicker branches are more sturdy. Branches towards the base will be thicker than this.
// minimum: 0.001, minimum warning: support_line_width * 2
coord_t support_tree_branch_diameter { scaled<coord_t>(2.) };
/* Parameters new to the Thomas Rahm's tree supports implementation: */
// Tree Support Preferred Branch Angle
// The preferred angle of the branches, when they do not have to avoid the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle for branches to merge faster.
// minimum: 0, minimum warning: 10, maximum: support_tree_angle, maximum warning: support_tree_angle-1
double support_tree_angle_slow { 50. * M_PI / 180. };
// Tree Support Diameter Increase To Model
// The most the diameter of a branch that has to connect to the model may increase by merging with branches that could reach the buildplate.
// Increasing this reduces print time, but increases the area of support that rests on model
// minimum: 0
coord_t support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model { scaled<coord_t>(1.0) };
// Tree Support Minimum Height To Model
// How tall a branch has to be if it is placed on the model. Prevents small blobs of support. This setting is ignored when a branch is supporting a support roof.
// minimum: 0, maximum warning: 5
coord_t support_tree_min_height_to_model { scaled<coord_t>(1.0) };
// Tree Support Inital Layer Diameter
// Diameter every branch tries to achieve when reaching the buildplate. Improves bed adhesion.
// minimum: 0, maximum warning: 20
coord_t support_tree_bp_diameter { scaled<coord_t>(7.5) };
// Tree Support Branch Density
// Adjusts the density of the support structure used to generate the tips of the branches. A higher value results in better overhangs,
// but the supports are harder to remove. Use Support Roof for very high values or ensure support density is similarly high at the top.
// ->
// Adjusts the density of the support structure used to generate the tips of the branches.
// A higher value results in better overhangs but the supports are harder to remove, thus it is recommended to enable top support interfaces
// instead of a high branch density value if dense interfaces are needed.
// 5%-35%
double support_tree_top_rate { 15. };
// Tree Support Tip Diameter
// The diameter of the top of the tip of the branches of tree support.
// minimum: min_wall_line_width, minimum warning: min_wall_line_width+0.05, maximum_value: support_tree_branch_diameter, value: support_line_width
coord_t support_tree_tip_diameter { scaled<coord_t>(0.4) };
// Support Interface Priority
// How support interface and support will interact when they overlap. Currently only implemented for support roof.
//enum support_interface_priority { support_lines_overwrite_interface_area };
class TreeModelVolumes
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -9,14 +9,16 @@
#ifndef slic3r_TreeSupport_hpp
#define slic3r_TreeSupport_hpp
#include "SupportLayer.hpp"
#include "TreeModelVolumes.hpp"
#include "Point.hpp"
#include "Support/SupportLayer.hpp"
#include "TreeSupportCommon.hpp"
#include "../BoundingBox.hpp"
#include "../Point.hpp"
#include "../Utils.hpp"
#include <boost/container/small_vector.hpp>
#include "BoundingBox.hpp"
#include "Utils.hpp"
@ -45,8 +47,6 @@ struct SlicingParameters;
namespace FFFTreeSupport
using LayerIndex = int;
static constexpr const double SUPPORT_TREE_EXPONENTIAL_FACTOR = 1.5;
static constexpr const coord_t SUPPORT_TREE_EXPONENTIAL_THRESHOLD = scaled<coord_t>(1. * SUPPORT_TREE_EXPONENTIAL_FACTOR);
static constexpr const coord_t SUPPORT_TREE_COLLISION_RESOLUTION = scaled<coord_t>(0.5);
@ -55,15 +55,6 @@ static constexpr const coord_t SUPPORT_TREE_COLLISION_RESOLUTION = scaled<coord_
static constexpr const size_t SUPPORT_TREE_CIRCLE_RESOLUTION = 25;
static constexpr const bool SUPPORT_TREE_AVOID_SUPPORT_BLOCKER = true;
enum class InterfacePreference
struct AreaIncreaseSettings
@ -89,8 +80,6 @@ struct AreaIncreaseSettings
struct TreeSupportSettings;
// C++17 does not support in place initializers of bit values, thus a constructor zeroing the bits is provided.
@ -232,6 +221,38 @@ struct SupportElementState : public SupportElementStateBits
[[nodiscard]] bool locked() const { return this->distance_to_top < this->dont_move_until; }
* \brief Get the Distance to top regarding the real radius this part will have. This is different from distance_to_top, which is can be used to calculate the top most layer of the branch.
* \param elem[in] The SupportElement one wants to know the effectiveDTT
* \return The Effective DTT.
[[nodiscard]] inline size_t getEffectiveDTT(const TreeSupportSettings &settings, const SupportElementState &elem)
return elem.effective_radius_height < settings.increase_radius_until_layer ?
(elem.distance_to_top < settings.increase_radius_until_layer ? elem.distance_to_top : settings.increase_radius_until_layer) :
* \brief Get the Radius, that this element will have.
* \param elem[in] The Element.
* \return The radius the element has.
[[nodiscard]] inline coord_t getRadius(const TreeSupportSettings &settings, const SupportElementState &elem)
return settings.getRadius(getEffectiveDTT(settings, elem), elem.elephant_foot_increases);
* \brief Get the collision Radius of this Element. This can be smaller then the actual radius, as the drawAreas will cut off areas that may collide with the model.
* \param elem[in] The Element.
* \return The collision radius the element has.
[[nodiscard]] inline coord_t getCollisionRadius(const TreeSupportSettings &settings, const SupportElementState &elem)
return settings.getRadius(elem.effective_radius_height, elem.elephant_foot_increases);
struct SupportElement
using ParentIndices =
@ -262,281 +283,12 @@ struct SupportElement
Polygons influence_area;
* \brief This struct contains settings used in the tree support. Thanks to this most functions do not need to know of meshes etc. Also makes the code shorter.
struct TreeSupportSettings
using SupportElements = std::deque<SupportElement>;
[[nodiscard]] inline coord_t getRadius(const TreeSupportSettings &settings, const SupportElement &elem)
TreeSupportSettings() = default; // required for the definition of the config variable in the TreeSupportGenerator class.
explicit TreeSupportSettings(const TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings &mesh_group_settings, const SlicingParameters &slicing_params);
double angle;
double angle_slow;
std::vector<coord_t> known_z;
// some static variables dependent on other meshes that are not currently processed.
// Has to be static because TreeSupportConfig will be used in TreeModelVolumes as this reduces redundancy.
inline static bool soluble = false;
* \brief Width of a single line of support.
coord_t support_line_width;
* \brief Height of a single layer
coord_t layer_height;
* \brief Radius of a branch when it has left the tip.
coord_t branch_radius;
* \brief smallest allowed radius, required to ensure that even at DTT 0 every circle will still be printed
coord_t min_radius;
* \brief How far an influence area may move outward every layer at most.
coord_t maximum_move_distance;
* \brief How far every influence area will move outward every layer if possible.
coord_t maximum_move_distance_slow;
* \brief Amount of bottom layers. 0 if disabled.
size_t support_bottom_layers;
* \brief Amount of effectiveDTT increases are required to reach branch radius.
size_t tip_layers;
* \brief How much a branch radius increases with each layer to guarantee the prescribed tree widening.
double branch_radius_increase_per_layer;
* \brief How much a branch resting on the model may grow in radius by merging with branches that can reach the buildplate.
coord_t max_to_model_radius_increase;
* \brief If smaller (in layers) than that, all branches to model will be deleted
size_t min_dtt_to_model;
* \brief Increase radius in the resulting drawn branches, even if the avoidance does not allow it. Will be cut later to still fit.
coord_t increase_radius_until_radius;
* \brief Same as increase_radius_until_radius, but contains the DTT at which the radius will be reached.
size_t increase_radius_until_layer;
* \brief True if the branches may connect to the model.
bool support_rests_on_model;
* \brief How far should support be from the model.
coord_t xy_distance;
* \brief A minimum radius a tree trunk should expand to at the buildplate if possible.
coord_t bp_radius;
* \brief The layer index at which an increase in radius may be required to reach the bp_radius.
LayerIndex layer_start_bp_radius;
* \brief How much one is allowed to increase the tree branch radius close to print bed to reach the required bp_radius at layer 0.
* Note that this radius increase will not happen in the tip, to ensure the tip is structurally sound.
double bp_radius_increase_per_layer;
* \brief minimum xy_distance. Only relevant when Z overrides XY, otherwise equal to xy_distance-
coord_t xy_min_distance;
* \brief Amount of layers distance required the top of the support to the model
size_t z_distance_top_layers;
* \brief Amount of layers distance required from the top of the model to the bottom of a support structure.
size_t z_distance_bottom_layers;
* \brief User specified angles for the support infill.
// std::vector<double> support_infill_angles;
* \brief User specified angles for the support roof infill.
std::vector<double> support_roof_angles;
* \brief Pattern used in the support roof. May contain non relevant data if support roof is disabled.
SupportMaterialInterfacePattern roof_pattern;
* \brief Pattern used in the support infill.
SupportMaterialPattern support_pattern;
* \brief Line width of the support roof.
coord_t support_roof_line_width;
* \brief Distance between support infill lines.
coord_t support_line_spacing;
* \brief Offset applied to the support floor area.
coord_t support_bottom_offset;
* \brief Amount of walls the support area will have.
int support_wall_count;
* \brief Maximum allowed deviation when simplifying.
coord_t resolution;
* \brief Distance between the lines of the roof.
coord_t support_roof_line_distance;
* \brief How overlaps of an interface area with a support area should be handled.
InterfacePreference interface_preference;
* \brief The infill class wants a settings object. This one will be the correct one for all settings it uses.
TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings settings;
* \brief Minimum thickness of any model features.
coord_t min_feature_size;
// Extra raft layers below the object.
std::vector<coordf_t> raft_layers;
bool operator==(const TreeSupportSettings& other) const
return branch_radius == other.branch_radius && tip_layers == other.tip_layers && branch_radius_increase_per_layer == other.branch_radius_increase_per_layer && layer_start_bp_radius == other.layer_start_bp_radius && bp_radius == other.bp_radius &&
// as a recalculation of the collision areas is required to set a new min_radius.
bp_radius_increase_per_layer == other.bp_radius_increase_per_layer && min_radius == other.min_radius && xy_min_distance == other.xy_min_distance &&
xy_distance - xy_min_distance == other.xy_distance - other.xy_min_distance && // if the delta of xy_min_distance and xy_distance is different the collision areas have to be recalculated.
support_rests_on_model == other.support_rests_on_model && increase_radius_until_layer == other.increase_radius_until_layer && min_dtt_to_model == other.min_dtt_to_model && max_to_model_radius_increase == other.max_to_model_radius_increase && maximum_move_distance == other.maximum_move_distance && maximum_move_distance_slow == other.maximum_move_distance_slow && z_distance_bottom_layers == other.z_distance_bottom_layers && support_line_width == other.support_line_width &&
support_line_spacing == other.support_line_spacing && support_roof_line_width == other.support_roof_line_width && // can not be set on a per-mesh basis currently, so code to enable processing different roof line width in the same iteration seems useless.
support_bottom_offset == other.support_bottom_offset && support_wall_count == other.support_wall_count && support_pattern == other.support_pattern && roof_pattern == other.roof_pattern && // can not be set on a per-mesh basis currently, so code to enable processing different roof patterns in the same iteration seems useless.
support_roof_angles == other.support_roof_angles &&
//support_infill_angles == other.support_infill_angles &&
increase_radius_until_radius == other.increase_radius_until_radius && support_bottom_layers == other.support_bottom_layers && layer_height == other.layer_height && z_distance_top_layers == other.z_distance_top_layers && resolution == other.resolution && // Infill generation depends on deviation and resolution.
support_roof_line_distance == other.support_roof_line_distance && interface_preference == other.interface_preference
&& min_feature_size == other.min_feature_size // interface_preference should be identical to ensure the tree will correctly interact with the roof.
// The infill class now wants the settings object and reads a lot of settings, and as the infill class is used to calculate support roof lines for interface-preference. Not all of these may be required to be identical, but as I am not sure, better safe than sorry
#if 0
&& (interface_preference == InterfacePreference::InterfaceAreaOverwritesSupport || interface_preference == InterfacePreference::SupportAreaOverwritesInterface
// Perimeter generator parameters
(settings.get<bool>("fill_outline_gaps") == other.settings.get<bool>("fill_outline_gaps") &&
settings.get<coord_t>("min_bead_width") == other.settings.get<coord_t>("min_bead_width") &&
settings.get<double>("wall_transition_angle") == other.settings.get<double>("wall_transition_angle") &&
settings.get<coord_t>("wall_transition_length") == other.settings.get<coord_t>("wall_transition_length") &&
settings.get<Ratio>("wall_split_middle_threshold") == other.settings.get<Ratio>("wall_split_middle_threshold") &&
settings.get<Ratio>("wall_add_middle_threshold") == other.settings.get<Ratio>("wall_add_middle_threshold") &&
settings.get<int>("wall_distribution_count") == other.settings.get<int>("wall_distribution_count") &&
settings.get<coord_t>("wall_transition_filter_distance") == other.settings.get<coord_t>("wall_transition_filter_distance") &&
settings.get<coord_t>("wall_transition_filter_deviation") == other.settings.get<coord_t>("wall_transition_filter_deviation") &&
settings.get<coord_t>("wall_line_width_x") == other.settings.get<coord_t>("wall_line_width_x") &&
settings.get<int>("meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation") == other.settings.get<int>("meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation"))
&& raft_layers == other.raft_layers
* \brief Get the Distance to top regarding the real radius this part will have. This is different from distance_to_top, which is can be used to calculate the top most layer of the branch.
* \param elem[in] The SupportElement one wants to know the effectiveDTT
* \return The Effective DTT.
[[nodiscard]] inline size_t getEffectiveDTT(const SupportElementState &elem) const
return elem.effective_radius_height < increase_radius_until_layer ? (elem.distance_to_top < increase_radius_until_layer ? elem.distance_to_top : increase_radius_until_layer) : elem.effective_radius_height;
* \brief Get the Radius part will have based on numeric values.
* \param distance_to_top[in] The effective distance_to_top of the element
* \param elephant_foot_increases[in] The elephant_foot_increases of the element.
* \return The radius an element with these attributes would have.
[[nodiscard]] inline coord_t getRadius(size_t distance_to_top, const double elephant_foot_increases = 0) const
return (distance_to_top <= tip_layers ? min_radius + (branch_radius - min_radius) * distance_to_top / tip_layers : // tip
branch_radius + // base
(distance_to_top - tip_layers) * branch_radius_increase_per_layer)
+ // gradual increase
elephant_foot_increases * (std::max(bp_radius_increase_per_layer - branch_radius_increase_per_layer, 0.0));
* \brief Get the Radius, that this element will have.
* \param elem[in] The Element.
* \return The radius the element has.
[[nodiscard]] inline coord_t getRadius(const SupportElementState &elem) const
{ return getRadius(getEffectiveDTT(elem), elem.elephant_foot_increases); }
[[nodiscard]] inline coord_t getRadius(const SupportElement &elem) const
{ return this->getRadius(elem.state); }
* \brief Get the collision Radius of this Element. This can be smaller then the actual radius, as the drawAreas will cut off areas that may collide with the model.
* \param elem[in] The Element.
* \return The collision radius the element has.
[[nodiscard]] inline coord_t getCollisionRadius(const SupportElementState &elem) const
return getRadius(elem.effective_radius_height, elem.elephant_foot_increases);
* \brief Get the Radius an element should at least have at a given layer.
* \param layer_idx[in] The layer.
* \return The radius every element should aim to achieve.
[[nodiscard]] inline coord_t recommendedMinRadius(LayerIndex layer_idx) const
double num_layers_widened = layer_start_bp_radius - layer_idx;
return num_layers_widened > 0 ? branch_radius + num_layers_widened * bp_radius_increase_per_layer : 0;
* \brief Return on which z in microns the layer will be printed. Used only for support infill line generation.
* \param layer_idx[in] The layer.
* \return The radius every element should aim to achieve.
[[nodiscard]] inline coord_t getActualZ(LayerIndex layer_idx)
return layer_idx < coord_t(known_z.size()) ? known_z[layer_idx] : (layer_idx - known_z.size()) * layer_height + known_z.size() ? known_z.back() : 0;
* \brief Set the z every Layer is printed at. Required for getActualZ to work
* \param z[in] The z every LayerIndex is printed. Vector is used as a map<LayerIndex,coord_t> with the index of each element being the corresponding LayerIndex
* \return The radius every element should aim to achieve.
void setActualZ(std::vector<coord_t>& z)
known_z = z;
void tree_supports_show_error(std::string_view message, bool critical);
return getRadius(settings, elem.state);
} // namespace FFFTreeSupport
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
// Tree supports by Thomas Rahm, losely based on Tree Supports by CuraEngine.
// Original source of Thomas Rahm's tree supports:
// Original CuraEngine copyright:
// Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
// CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "TreeSupportCommon.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::FFFTreeSupport {
TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings::TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings(const PrintObject &print_object)
const PrintConfig &print_config = print_object.print()->config();
const PrintObjectConfig &config = print_object.config();
const SlicingParameters &slicing_params = print_object.slicing_parameters();
// const std::vector<unsigned int> printing_extruders = print_object.object_extruders();
// Support must be enabled and set to Tree style.
assert(config.support_material || config.support_material_enforce_layers > 0);
assert(config.support_material_style == smsTree || config.support_material_style == smsOrganic);
// Calculate maximum external perimeter width over all printing regions, taking into account the default layer height.
coordf_t external_perimeter_width = 0.;
for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < print_object.num_printing_regions(); ++ region_id) {
const PrintRegion ®ion = print_object.printing_region(region_id);
external_perimeter_width = std::max<coordf_t>(external_perimeter_width, region.flow(print_object, frExternalPerimeter, config.layer_height).width());
this->layer_height = scaled<coord_t>(config.layer_height.value);
this->resolution = scaled<coord_t>(print_config.gcode_resolution.value);
// Arache feature
this->min_feature_size = scaled<coord_t>(config.min_feature_size.value);
// +1 makes the threshold inclusive
this->support_angle = 0.5 * M_PI - std::clamp<double>((config.support_material_threshold + 1) * M_PI / 180., 0., 0.5 * M_PI);
this->support_line_width = support_material_flow(&print_object, config.layer_height).scaled_width();
this->support_roof_line_width = support_material_interface_flow(&print_object, config.layer_height).scaled_width();
//FIXME add it to SlicingParameters and reuse in both tree and normal supports?
this->support_bottom_enable = config.support_material_interface_layers.value > 0 && config.support_material_bottom_interface_layers.value != 0;
this->support_bottom_height = this->support_bottom_enable ?
(config.support_material_bottom_interface_layers.value > 0 ?
config.support_material_bottom_interface_layers.value :
config.support_material_interface_layers.value) * this->layer_height :
this->support_material_buildplate_only = config.support_material_buildplate_only;
this->support_xy_distance = scaled<coord_t>(config.support_material_xy_spacing.get_abs_value(external_perimeter_width));
// Separation of interfaces, it is likely smaller than support_xy_distance.
this->support_xy_distance_overhang = std::min(this->support_xy_distance, scaled<coord_t>(0.5 * external_perimeter_width));
this->support_top_distance = scaled<coord_t>(slicing_params.gap_support_object);
this->support_bottom_distance = scaled<coord_t>(slicing_params.gap_object_support);
// this->support_interface_skip_height =
// this->support_infill_angles =
this->support_roof_enable = config.support_material_interface_layers.value > 0;
this->support_roof_layers = this->support_roof_enable ? config.support_material_interface_layers.value : 0;
this->support_floor_enable = config.support_material_interface_layers.value > 0 && config.support_material_bottom_interface_layers.value > 0;
this->support_floor_layers = this->support_floor_enable ? config.support_material_bottom_interface_layers.value : 0;
// this->minimum_roof_area =
// this->support_roof_angles =
this->support_roof_pattern = config.support_material_interface_pattern;
this->support_pattern = config.support_material_pattern;
this->support_line_spacing = scaled<coord_t>(config.support_material_spacing.value);
// this->support_bottom_offset =
// this->support_wall_count = config.support_material_with_sheath ? 1 : 0;
this->support_wall_count = 1;
this->support_roof_line_distance = scaled<coord_t>(config.support_material_interface_spacing.value) + this->support_roof_line_width;
// this->minimum_support_area =
// this->minimum_bottom_area =
// this->support_offset =
this->support_tree_branch_distance = scaled<coord_t>(config.support_tree_branch_distance.value);
this->support_tree_angle = std::clamp<double>(config.support_tree_angle * M_PI / 180., 0., 0.5 * M_PI - EPSILON);
this->support_tree_angle_slow = std::clamp<double>(config.support_tree_angle_slow * M_PI / 180., 0., this->support_tree_angle - EPSILON);
this->support_tree_branch_diameter = scaled<coord_t>(config.support_tree_branch_diameter.value);
this->support_tree_branch_diameter_angle = std::clamp<double>(config.support_tree_branch_diameter_angle * M_PI / 180., 0., 0.5 * M_PI - EPSILON);
this->support_tree_top_rate = config.support_tree_top_rate.value; // percent
// this->support_tree_tip_diameter = this->support_line_width;
this->support_tree_tip_diameter = std::clamp(scaled<coord_t>(config.support_tree_tip_diameter.value), 0, this->support_tree_branch_diameter);
TreeSupportSettings::TreeSupportSettings(const TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings &mesh_group_settings, const SlicingParameters &slicing_params)
: angle(mesh_group_settings.support_tree_angle),
branch_radius(mesh_group_settings.support_tree_branch_diameter / 2),
min_radius(mesh_group_settings.support_tree_tip_diameter / 2), // The actual radius is 50 microns larger as the resulting branches will be increased by 50 microns to avoid rounding errors effectively increasing the xydistance
maximum_move_distance((angle < M_PI / 2.) ? (coord_t)(tan(angle) * layer_height) : std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max()),
maximum_move_distance_slow((angle_slow < M_PI / 2.) ? (coord_t)(tan(angle_slow) * layer_height) : std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max()),
support_bottom_layers(mesh_group_settings.support_bottom_enable ? (mesh_group_settings.support_bottom_height + layer_height / 2) / layer_height : 0),
tip_layers(std::max((branch_radius - min_radius) / (support_line_width / 3), branch_radius / layer_height)), // Ensure lines always stack nicely even if layer height is large
branch_radius_increase_per_layer(tan(mesh_group_settings.support_tree_branch_diameter_angle) * layer_height),
max_to_model_radius_increase(mesh_group_settings.support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model / 2),
min_dtt_to_model(round_up_divide(mesh_group_settings.support_tree_min_height_to_model, layer_height)),
increase_radius_until_radius(mesh_group_settings.support_tree_branch_diameter / 2),
increase_radius_until_layer(increase_radius_until_radius <= branch_radius ? tip_layers * (increase_radius_until_radius / branch_radius) : (increase_radius_until_radius - branch_radius) / branch_radius_increase_per_layer),
support_rests_on_model(! mesh_group_settings.support_material_buildplate_only),
xy_min_distance(std::min(mesh_group_settings.support_xy_distance, mesh_group_settings.support_xy_distance_overhang)),
bp_radius(mesh_group_settings.support_tree_bp_diameter / 2),
// Increase by half a line overlap, but not faster than 40 degrees angle (0 degrees means zero increase in radius).
bp_radius_increase_per_layer(std::min(tan(0.7) * layer_height, 0.5 * support_line_width)),
z_distance_bottom_layers(size_t(round(double(mesh_group_settings.support_bottom_distance) / double(layer_height)))),
z_distance_top_layers(size_t(round(double(mesh_group_settings.support_top_distance) / double(layer_height)))),
// support_infill_angles(mesh_group_settings.support_infill_angles),
support_roof_line_distance(mesh_group_settings.support_roof_line_distance), // in the end the actual infill has to be calculated to subtract interface from support areas according to interface_preference.
layer_start_bp_radius = (bp_radius - branch_radius) / bp_radius_increase_per_layer;
if (TreeSupportSettings::soluble) {
// safeOffsetInc can only work in steps of the size xy_min_distance in the worst case => xy_min_distance has to be a bit larger than 0 in this worst case and should be large enough for performance to not suffer extremely
// When for all meshes the z bottom and top distance is more than one layer though the worst case is xy_min_distance + min_feature_size
// This is not the best solution, but the only one to ensure areas can not lag though walls at high maximum_move_distance.
xy_min_distance = std::max(xy_min_distance, scaled<coord_t>(0.1));
xy_distance = std::max(xy_distance, xy_min_distance);
// const std::unordered_map<std::string, InterfacePreference> interface_map = { { "support_area_overwrite_interface_area", InterfacePreference::SupportAreaOverwritesInterface }, { "interface_area_overwrite_support_area", InterfacePreference::InterfaceAreaOverwritesSupport }, { "support_lines_overwrite_interface_area", InterfacePreference::SupportLinesOverwriteInterface }, { "interface_lines_overwrite_support_area", InterfacePreference::InterfaceLinesOverwriteSupport }, { "nothing", InterfacePreference::Nothing } };
// interface_preference =<std::string>("support_interface_priority"));
//FIXME this was the default
// interface_preference = InterfacePreference::SupportLinesOverwriteInterface;
//interface_preference = InterfacePreference::SupportAreaOverwritesInterface;
interface_preference = InterfacePreference::InterfaceAreaOverwritesSupport;
if (slicing_params.raft_layers() > 0) {
// Fill in raft_layers with the heights of the layers below the first object layer.
// First layer
double z = slicing_params.first_print_layer_height;
// Raft base layers
for (size_t i = 1; i < slicing_params.base_raft_layers; ++ i) {
z += slicing_params.base_raft_layer_height;
// Raft interface layers
for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < slicing_params.interface_raft_layers; ++ i) {
z += slicing_params.interface_raft_layer_height;
// Raft contact layer
if (slicing_params.raft_layers() > 1) {
z = slicing_params.raft_contact_top_z;
if (double dist_to_go = slicing_params.object_print_z_min - z; dist_to_go > EPSILON) {
// Layers between the raft contacts and bottom of the object.
auto nsteps = int(ceil(dist_to_go / slicing_params.max_suport_layer_height));
double step = dist_to_go / nsteps;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nsteps; ++ i) {
z += step;
#if defined(TREE_SUPPORT_SHOW_ERRORS) && defined(_WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
// Shared with generate_support_areas()
bool g_showed_critical_error = false;
bool g_showed_performance_warning = false;
void tree_supports_show_error(std::string_view message, bool critical)
{ // todo Remove! ONLY FOR PUBLIC BETA!!
printf("Error: %s, critical: %d\n",, int(critical));
static bool showed_critical = false;
static bool showed_performance = false;
auto bugtype = std::string(critical ? " This is a critical bug. It may cause missing or malformed branches.\n" : "This bug should only decrease performance.\n");
bool show = (critical && !g_showed_critical_error) || (!critical && !g_showed_performance_warning);
(critical ? g_showed_critical_error : g_showed_performance_warning) = true;
if (show)
MessageBoxA(nullptr, std::string("TreeSupport_2 MOD detected an error while generating the tree support.\nPlease report this back to me with profile and model.\nRevision 5.0\n" + std::string(message) + "\n" + bugtype).c_str(),
} // namespace Slic3r::FFFTreeSupport
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
// Tree supports by Thomas Rahm, losely based on Tree Supports by CuraEngine.
// Original source of Thomas Rahm's tree supports:
// Original CuraEngine copyright:
// Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
// CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#ifndef slic3r_TreeSupportCommon_hpp
#define slic3r_TreeSupportCommon_hpp
#include "../libslic3r.h"
#include "../Polygon.hpp"
#include "SupportCommon.hpp"
#include <string_view>
using namespace Slic3r::FFFSupport;
namespace Slic3r
namespace FFFTreeSupport
using LayerIndex = int;
enum class InterfacePreference
struct TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings {
TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings() = default;
explicit TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings(const PrintObject &print_object);
/* Print parameters, not support specific: */
coord_t layer_height { scaled<coord_t>(0.15) };
// Maximum Deviation (meshfix_maximum_deviation)
// The maximum deviation allowed when reducing the resolution for the Maximum Resolution setting. If you increase this,
// the print will be less accurate, but the g-code will be smaller. Maximum Deviation is a limit for Maximum Resolution,
// so if the two conflict the Maximum Deviation will always be held true.
coord_t resolution { scaled<coord_t>(0.025) };
// Minimum Feature Size (aka minimum line width) - Arachne specific
// Minimum thickness of thin features. Model features that are thinner than this value will not be printed, while features thicker
// than the Minimum Feature Size will be widened to the Minimum Wall Line Width.
coord_t min_feature_size { scaled<coord_t>(0.1) };
/* General support parameters: */
// Support Overhang Angle
// The minimum angle of overhangs for which support is added. At a value of 0° all overhangs are supported, 90° will not provide any support.
double support_angle { 50. * M_PI / 180. };
// Support Line Width
// Width of a single support structure line.
coord_t support_line_width { scaled<coord_t>(0.4) };
// Support Roof Line Width: Width of a single support roof line.
coord_t support_roof_line_width { scaled<coord_t>(0.4) };
// Enable Support Floor (aka bottom interfaces)
// Generate a dense slab of material between the bottom of the support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support.
bool support_bottom_enable { false };
// Support Floor Thickness
// The thickness of the support floors. This controls the number of dense layers that are printed on top of places of a model on which support rests.
coord_t support_bottom_height { scaled<coord_t>(1.) };
bool support_material_buildplate_only { false };
// Support X/Y Distance
// Distance of the support structure from the print in the X/Y directions.
// minimum: 0, maximum warning: 1.5 * machine_nozzle_tip_outer_diameter
coord_t support_xy_distance { scaled<coord_t>(0.7) };
// Minimum Support X/Y Distance
// Distance of the support structure from the overhang in the X/Y directions.
// minimum_value: 0, minimum warning": support_xy_distance - support_line_width * 2, maximum warning: support_xy_distance
coord_t support_xy_distance_overhang { scaled<coord_t>(0.2) };
// Support Top Distance
// Distance from the top of the support to the print.
coord_t support_top_distance { scaled<coord_t>(0.1) };
// Support Bottom Distance
// Distance from the print to the bottom of the support.
coord_t support_bottom_distance { scaled<coord_t>(0.1) };
//FIXME likely not needed, optimization for clipping of interface layers
// When checking where there's model above and below the support, take steps of the given height. Lower values will slice slower, while higher values
// may cause normal support to be printed in some places where there should have been support interface.
coord_t support_interface_skip_height { scaled<coord_t>(0.3) };
// Support Infill Line Directions
// A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress and when the end
// of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated by commas and the whole list is contained
// in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means use the default angle 0 degrees.
// std::vector<double> support_infill_angles {};
// Enable Support Roof
// Generate a dense slab of material between the top of support and the model. This will create a skin between the model and support.
bool support_roof_enable { false };
// Support Roof Thickness
// The thickness of the support roofs. This controls the amount of dense layers at the top of the support on which the model rests.
coord_t support_roof_layers { 2 };
bool support_floor_enable { false };
coord_t support_floor_layers { 2 };
// Minimum Support Roof Area
// Minimum area size for the roofs of the support. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will be printed as normal support.
double minimum_roof_area { scaled<double>(scaled<double>(1.)) };
// A list of integer line directions to use. Elements from the list are used sequentially as the layers progress
// and when the end of the list is reached, it starts at the beginning again. The list items are separated
// by commas and the whole list is contained in square brackets. Default is an empty list which means
// use the default angles (alternates between 45 and 135 degrees if interfaces are quite thick or 90 degrees).
std::vector<double> support_roof_angles {};
// Support Roof Pattern (aka top interface)
// The pattern with which the roofs of the support are printed.
SupportMaterialInterfacePattern support_roof_pattern { smipAuto };
// Support Pattern
// The pattern of the support structures of the print. The different options available result in sturdy or easy to remove support.
SupportMaterialPattern support_pattern { smpRectilinear };
// Support Line Distance
// Distance between the printed support structure lines. This setting is calculated by the support density.
coord_t support_line_spacing { scaled<coord_t>(2.66 - 0.4) };
// Support Floor Horizontal Expansion
// Amount of offset applied to the floors of the support.
coord_t support_bottom_offset { scaled<coord_t>(0.) };
// Support Wall Line Count
// The number of walls with which to surround support infill. Adding a wall can make support print more reliably
// and can support overhangs better, but increases print time and material used.
// tree: 1, zig-zag: 0, concentric: 1
int support_wall_count { 1 };
// Support Roof Line Distance
// Distance between the printed support roof lines. This setting is calculated by the Support Roof Density, but can be adjusted separately.
coord_t support_roof_line_distance { scaled<coord_t>(0.4) };
// Minimum Support Area
// Minimum area size for support polygons. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will not be generated.
coord_t minimum_support_area { scaled<coord_t>(0.) };
// Minimum Support Floor Area
// Minimum area size for the floors of the support. Polygons which have an area smaller than this value will be printed as normal support.
coord_t minimum_bottom_area { scaled<coord_t>(1.0) };
// Support Horizontal Expansion
// Amount of offset applied to all support polygons in each layer. Positive values can smooth out the support areas and result in more sturdy support.
coord_t support_offset { scaled<coord_t>(0.) };
/* Parameters for the Cura tree supports implementation: */
// Tree Support Maximum Branch Angle
// The maximum angle of the branches, when the branches have to avoid the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle to be able to have more reach.
// minimum: 0, minimum warning: 20, maximum: 89, maximum warning": 85
double support_tree_angle { 60. * M_PI / 180. };
// Tree Support Branch Diameter Angle
// The angle of the branches' diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length.
// A bit of an angle can increase stability of the tree support.
// minimum: 0, maximum: 89.9999, maximum warning: 15
double support_tree_branch_diameter_angle { 5. * M_PI / 180. };
// Tree Support Branch Distance
// How far apart the branches need to be when they touch the model. Making this distance small will cause
// the tree support to touch the model at more points, causing better overhang but making support harder to remove.
coord_t support_tree_branch_distance { scaled<coord_t>(1.) };
// Tree Support Branch Diameter
// The diameter of the thinnest branches of tree support. Thicker branches are more sturdy. Branches towards the base will be thicker than this.
// minimum: 0.001, minimum warning: support_line_width * 2
coord_t support_tree_branch_diameter { scaled<coord_t>(2.) };
/* Parameters new to the Thomas Rahm's tree supports implementation: */
// Tree Support Preferred Branch Angle
// The preferred angle of the branches, when they do not have to avoid the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle for branches to merge faster.
// minimum: 0, minimum warning: 10, maximum: support_tree_angle, maximum warning: support_tree_angle-1
double support_tree_angle_slow { 50. * M_PI / 180. };
// Tree Support Diameter Increase To Model
// The most the diameter of a branch that has to connect to the model may increase by merging with branches that could reach the buildplate.
// Increasing this reduces print time, but increases the area of support that rests on model
// minimum: 0
coord_t support_tree_max_diameter_increase_by_merges_when_support_to_model { scaled<coord_t>(1.0) };
// Tree Support Minimum Height To Model
// How tall a branch has to be if it is placed on the model. Prevents small blobs of support. This setting is ignored when a branch is supporting a support roof.
// minimum: 0, maximum warning: 5
coord_t support_tree_min_height_to_model { scaled<coord_t>(1.0) };
// Tree Support Inital Layer Diameter
// Diameter every branch tries to achieve when reaching the buildplate. Improves bed adhesion.
// minimum: 0, maximum warning: 20
coord_t support_tree_bp_diameter { scaled<coord_t>(7.5) };
// Tree Support Branch Density
// Adjusts the density of the support structure used to generate the tips of the branches. A higher value results in better overhangs,
// but the supports are harder to remove. Use Support Roof for very high values or ensure support density is similarly high at the top.
// ->
// Adjusts the density of the support structure used to generate the tips of the branches.
// A higher value results in better overhangs but the supports are harder to remove, thus it is recommended to enable top support interfaces
// instead of a high branch density value if dense interfaces are needed.
// 5%-35%
double support_tree_top_rate { 15. };
// Tree Support Tip Diameter
// The diameter of the top of the tip of the branches of tree support.
// minimum: min_wall_line_width, minimum warning: min_wall_line_width+0.05, maximum_value: support_tree_branch_diameter, value: support_line_width
coord_t support_tree_tip_diameter { scaled<coord_t>(0.4) };
// Support Interface Priority
// How support interface and support will interact when they overlap. Currently only implemented for support roof.
//enum support_interface_priority { support_lines_overwrite_interface_area };
* \brief This struct contains settings used in the tree support. Thanks to this most functions do not need to know of meshes etc. Also makes the code shorter.
struct TreeSupportSettings
TreeSupportSettings() = default; // required for the definition of the config variable in the TreeSupportGenerator class.
explicit TreeSupportSettings(const TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings &mesh_group_settings, const SlicingParameters &slicing_params);
// some static variables dependent on other meshes that are not currently processed.
// Has to be static because TreeSupportConfig will be used in TreeModelVolumes as this reduces redundancy.
inline static bool soluble = false;
* \brief Width of a single line of support.
coord_t support_line_width;
* \brief Height of a single layer
coord_t layer_height;
* \brief Radius of a branch when it has left the tip.
coord_t branch_radius;
* \brief smallest allowed radius, required to ensure that even at DTT 0 every circle will still be printed
coord_t min_radius;
* \brief How far an influence area may move outward every layer at most.
coord_t maximum_move_distance;
* \brief How far every influence area will move outward every layer if possible.
coord_t maximum_move_distance_slow;
* \brief Amount of bottom layers. 0 if disabled.
size_t support_bottom_layers;
* \brief Amount of effectiveDTT increases are required to reach branch radius.
size_t tip_layers;
* \brief How much a branch radius increases with each layer to guarantee the prescribed tree widening.
double branch_radius_increase_per_layer;
* \brief How much a branch resting on the model may grow in radius by merging with branches that can reach the buildplate.
coord_t max_to_model_radius_increase;
* \brief If smaller (in layers) than that, all branches to model will be deleted
size_t min_dtt_to_model;
* \brief Increase radius in the resulting drawn branches, even if the avoidance does not allow it. Will be cut later to still fit.
coord_t increase_radius_until_radius;
* \brief Same as increase_radius_until_radius, but contains the DTT at which the radius will be reached.
size_t increase_radius_until_layer;
* \brief True if the branches may connect to the model.
bool support_rests_on_model;
* \brief How far should support be from the model.
coord_t xy_distance;
* \brief A minimum radius a tree trunk should expand to at the buildplate if possible.
coord_t bp_radius;
* \brief The layer index at which an increase in radius may be required to reach the bp_radius.
LayerIndex layer_start_bp_radius;
* \brief How much one is allowed to increase the tree branch radius close to print bed to reach the required bp_radius at layer 0.
* Note that this radius increase will not happen in the tip, to ensure the tip is structurally sound.
double bp_radius_increase_per_layer;
* \brief minimum xy_distance. Only relevant when Z overrides XY, otherwise equal to xy_distance-
coord_t xy_min_distance;
* \brief Amount of layers distance required the top of the support to the model
size_t z_distance_top_layers;
* \brief Amount of layers distance required from the top of the model to the bottom of a support structure.
size_t z_distance_bottom_layers;
* \brief User specified angles for the support infill.
// std::vector<double> support_infill_angles;
* \brief User specified angles for the support roof infill.
std::vector<double> support_roof_angles;
* \brief Pattern used in the support roof. May contain non relevant data if support roof is disabled.
SupportMaterialInterfacePattern roof_pattern;
* \brief Pattern used in the support infill.
SupportMaterialPattern support_pattern;
* \brief Line width of the support roof.
coord_t support_roof_line_width;
* \brief Distance between support infill lines.
coord_t support_line_spacing;
* \brief Offset applied to the support floor area.
coord_t support_bottom_offset;
* \brief Amount of walls the support area will have.
int support_wall_count;
* \brief Maximum allowed deviation when simplifying.
coord_t resolution;
* \brief Distance between the lines of the roof.
coord_t support_roof_line_distance;
* \brief How overlaps of an interface area with a support area should be handled.
InterfacePreference interface_preference;
* \brief The infill class wants a settings object. This one will be the correct one for all settings it uses.
TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings settings;
* \brief Minimum thickness of any model features.
coord_t min_feature_size;
// Extra raft layers below the object.
std::vector<coordf_t> raft_layers;
bool operator==(const TreeSupportSettings& other) const
return branch_radius == other.branch_radius && tip_layers == other.tip_layers && branch_radius_increase_per_layer == other.branch_radius_increase_per_layer && layer_start_bp_radius == other.layer_start_bp_radius && bp_radius == other.bp_radius &&
// as a recalculation of the collision areas is required to set a new min_radius.
bp_radius_increase_per_layer == other.bp_radius_increase_per_layer && min_radius == other.min_radius && xy_min_distance == other.xy_min_distance &&
xy_distance - xy_min_distance == other.xy_distance - other.xy_min_distance && // if the delta of xy_min_distance and xy_distance is different the collision areas have to be recalculated.
support_rests_on_model == other.support_rests_on_model && increase_radius_until_layer == other.increase_radius_until_layer && min_dtt_to_model == other.min_dtt_to_model && max_to_model_radius_increase == other.max_to_model_radius_increase && maximum_move_distance == other.maximum_move_distance && maximum_move_distance_slow == other.maximum_move_distance_slow && z_distance_bottom_layers == other.z_distance_bottom_layers && support_line_width == other.support_line_width &&
support_line_spacing == other.support_line_spacing && support_roof_line_width == other.support_roof_line_width && // can not be set on a per-mesh basis currently, so code to enable processing different roof line width in the same iteration seems useless.
support_bottom_offset == other.support_bottom_offset && support_wall_count == other.support_wall_count && support_pattern == other.support_pattern && roof_pattern == other.roof_pattern && // can not be set on a per-mesh basis currently, so code to enable processing different roof patterns in the same iteration seems useless.
support_roof_angles == other.support_roof_angles &&
//support_infill_angles == other.support_infill_angles &&
increase_radius_until_radius == other.increase_radius_until_radius && support_bottom_layers == other.support_bottom_layers && layer_height == other.layer_height && z_distance_top_layers == other.z_distance_top_layers && resolution == other.resolution && // Infill generation depends on deviation and resolution.
support_roof_line_distance == other.support_roof_line_distance && interface_preference == other.interface_preference
&& min_feature_size == other.min_feature_size // interface_preference should be identical to ensure the tree will correctly interact with the roof.
// The infill class now wants the settings object and reads a lot of settings, and as the infill class is used to calculate support roof lines for interface-preference. Not all of these may be required to be identical, but as I am not sure, better safe than sorry
#if 0
&& (interface_preference == InterfacePreference::InterfaceAreaOverwritesSupport || interface_preference == InterfacePreference::SupportAreaOverwritesInterface
// Perimeter generator parameters
(settings.get<bool>("fill_outline_gaps") == other.settings.get<bool>("fill_outline_gaps") &&
settings.get<coord_t>("min_bead_width") == other.settings.get<coord_t>("min_bead_width") &&
settings.get<double>("wall_transition_angle") == other.settings.get<double>("wall_transition_angle") &&
settings.get<coord_t>("wall_transition_length") == other.settings.get<coord_t>("wall_transition_length") &&
settings.get<Ratio>("wall_split_middle_threshold") == other.settings.get<Ratio>("wall_split_middle_threshold") &&
settings.get<Ratio>("wall_add_middle_threshold") == other.settings.get<Ratio>("wall_add_middle_threshold") &&
settings.get<int>("wall_distribution_count") == other.settings.get<int>("wall_distribution_count") &&
settings.get<coord_t>("wall_transition_filter_distance") == other.settings.get<coord_t>("wall_transition_filter_distance") &&
settings.get<coord_t>("wall_transition_filter_deviation") == other.settings.get<coord_t>("wall_transition_filter_deviation") &&
settings.get<coord_t>("wall_line_width_x") == other.settings.get<coord_t>("wall_line_width_x") &&
settings.get<int>("meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation") == other.settings.get<int>("meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation"))
&& raft_layers == other.raft_layers
* \brief Get the Radius part will have based on numeric values.
* \param distance_to_top[in] The effective distance_to_top of the element
* \param elephant_foot_increases[in] The elephant_foot_increases of the element.
* \return The radius an element with these attributes would have.
[[nodiscard]] inline coord_t getRadius(size_t distance_to_top, const double elephant_foot_increases = 0) const
return (distance_to_top <= tip_layers ? min_radius + (branch_radius - min_radius) * distance_to_top / tip_layers : // tip
branch_radius + // base
(distance_to_top - tip_layers) * branch_radius_increase_per_layer)
+ // gradual increase
elephant_foot_increases * (std::max(bp_radius_increase_per_layer - branch_radius_increase_per_layer, 0.0));
* \brief Get the Radius an element should at least have at a given layer.
* \param layer_idx[in] The layer.
* \return The radius every element should aim to achieve.
[[nodiscard]] inline coord_t recommendedMinRadius(LayerIndex layer_idx) const
double num_layers_widened = layer_start_bp_radius - layer_idx;
return num_layers_widened > 0 ? branch_radius + num_layers_widened * bp_radius_increase_per_layer : 0;
#if 0
* \brief Return on which z in microns the layer will be printed. Used only for support infill line generation.
* \param layer_idx[in] The layer.
* \return The radius every element should aim to achieve.
[[nodiscard]] inline coord_t getActualZ(LayerIndex layer_idx)
return layer_idx < coord_t(known_z.size()) ? known_z[layer_idx] : (layer_idx - known_z.size()) * layer_height + known_z.size() ? known_z.back() : 0;
* \brief Set the z every Layer is printed at. Required for getActualZ to work
* \param z[in] The z every LayerIndex is printed. Vector is used as a map<LayerIndex,coord_t> with the index of each element being the corresponding LayerIndex
* \return The radius every element should aim to achieve.
void setActualZ(std::vector<coord_t>& z)
known_z = z;
double angle;
double angle_slow;
// std::vector<coord_t> known_z;
static constexpr const bool polygons_strictly_simple = false;
static constexpr const auto tiny_area_threshold = sqr(scaled<double>(0.001));
void tree_supports_show_error(std::string_view message, bool critical);
inline double layer_z(const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, const TreeSupportSettings &config, const size_t layer_idx)
return layer_idx >= config.raft_layers.size() ?
slicing_params.object_print_z_min + slicing_params.first_object_layer_height + (layer_idx - config.raft_layers.size()) * slicing_params.layer_height :
// Lowest collision layer
inline LayerIndex layer_idx_ceil(const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, const TreeSupportSettings &config, const double z)
LayerIndex(config.raft_layers.size()) +
std::max<LayerIndex>(0, ceil((z - slicing_params.object_print_z_min - slicing_params.first_object_layer_height) / slicing_params.layer_height));
// Highest collision layer
inline LayerIndex layer_idx_floor(const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, const TreeSupportSettings &config, const double z)
LayerIndex(config.raft_layers.size()) +
std::max<LayerIndex>(0, floor((z - slicing_params.object_print_z_min - slicing_params.first_object_layer_height) / slicing_params.layer_height));
inline SupportGeneratorLayer& layer_initialize(
SupportGeneratorLayer &layer_new,
const SlicingParameters &slicing_params,
const TreeSupportSettings &config,
const size_t layer_idx)
layer_new.print_z = layer_z(slicing_params, config, layer_idx);
layer_new.bottom_z = layer_idx > 0 ? layer_z(slicing_params, config, layer_idx - 1) : 0;
layer_new.height = layer_new.print_z - layer_new.bottom_z;
return layer_new;
// Using the std::deque as an allocator.
inline SupportGeneratorLayer& layer_allocate_unguarded(
SupportGeneratorLayerStorage &layer_storage,
SupporLayerType layer_type,
const SlicingParameters &slicing_params,
const TreeSupportSettings &config,
size_t layer_idx)
SupportGeneratorLayer &layer = layer_storage.allocate_unguarded(layer_type);
return layer_initialize(layer, slicing_params, config, layer_idx);
inline SupportGeneratorLayer& layer_allocate(
SupportGeneratorLayerStorage &layer_storage,
SupporLayerType layer_type,
const SlicingParameters &slicing_params,
const TreeSupportSettings &config,
size_t layer_idx)
SupportGeneratorLayer &layer = layer_storage.allocate(layer_type);
return layer_initialize(layer, slicing_params, config, layer_idx);
// Used by generate_initial_areas() in parallel by multiple layers.
class InterfacePlacer {
const SlicingParameters &slicing_parameters,
const SupportParameters &support_parameters,
const TreeSupportSettings &config,
SupportGeneratorLayerStorage &layer_storage,
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr &top_contacts,
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr &top_interfaces,
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr &top_base_interfaces)
slicing_parameters(slicing_parameters), support_parameters(support_parameters), config(config),
layer_storage(layer_storage), top_contacts(top_contacts), top_interfaces(top_interfaces), top_base_interfaces(top_base_interfaces)
InterfacePlacer(const InterfacePlacer& rhs) :
slicing_parameters(rhs.slicing_parameters), support_parameters(rhs.support_parameters), config(rhs.config),
layer_storage(rhs.layer_storage), top_contacts(rhs.top_contacts), top_interfaces(rhs.top_interfaces), top_base_interfaces(rhs.top_base_interfaces)
const SlicingParameters &slicing_parameters;
const SupportParameters &support_parameters;
const TreeSupportSettings &config;
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr& top_contacts_mutable() { return this->top_contacts; }
// Insert the contact layer and some of the inteface and base interface layers below.
void add_roofs(std::vector<Polygons> &&new_roofs, const size_t insert_layer_idx)
if (! new_roofs.empty()) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex_layer_storage);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < new_roofs.size(); ++ idx)
if (! new_roofs[idx].empty())
add_roof_unguarded(std::move(new_roofs[idx]), insert_layer_idx - idx, idx);
void add_roof(Polygons &&new_roof, const size_t insert_layer_idx, const size_t dtt_tip)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex_layer_storage);
add_roof_unguarded(std::move(new_roof), insert_layer_idx, dtt_tip);
// called by sample_overhang_area()
void add_roof_build_plate(Polygons &&overhang_areas, size_t dtt_roof)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex_layer_storage);
this->add_roof_unguarded(std::move(overhang_areas), 0, std::min(dtt_roof, this->support_parameters.num_top_interface_layers));
void add_roof_unguarded(Polygons &&new_roofs, const size_t insert_layer_idx, const size_t dtt_roof)
assert(dtt_roof <= support_parameters.num_top_interface_layers);
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr &layers =
dtt_roof == 0 ? this->top_contacts :
dtt_roof <= support_parameters.num_top_interface_layers_only() ? this->top_interfaces : this->top_base_interfaces;
SupportGeneratorLayer*& l = layers[insert_layer_idx];
if (l == nullptr)
l = &layer_allocate_unguarded(layer_storage, dtt_roof == 0 ? SupporLayerType::TopContact : SupporLayerType::TopInterface,
slicing_parameters, config, insert_layer_idx);
// will be unioned in finalize_interface_and_support_areas()
append(l->polygons, std::move(new_roofs));
// Outputs
SupportGeneratorLayerStorage &layer_storage;
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr &top_contacts;
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr &top_interfaces;
SupportGeneratorLayersPtr &top_base_interfaces;
// Mutexes, guards
std::mutex m_mutex_layer_storage;
} // namespace FFFTreeSupport
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif // slic3r_TreeSupportCommon_hpp
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