Mostly working, inefficiencies remain, status indication partly broken

This commit is contained in:
tamasmeszaros 2020-09-04 17:51:22 +02:00
parent 9f3e7617d8
commit 0d4c67b9a3
5 changed files with 264 additions and 124 deletions

View file

@ -5,27 +5,23 @@
#include <libslic3r/Optimize/BruteforceOptimizer.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Rotfinder.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/Concurrency.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/SLA/SupportTree.hpp>
#include "libslic3r/SLAPrint.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp"
#include <libslic3r/Geometry.hpp>
#include "Model.hpp"
#include <thread>
namespace Slic3r { namespace sla {
using VertexFaceMap = std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>;
inline bool is_on_floor(const SLAPrintObject &mo)
auto opt_elevation = mo.config().support_object_elevation.getFloat();
auto opt_padaround = mo.config().pad_around_object.getBool();
VertexFaceMap create_vertex_face_map(const TriangleMesh &mesh) {
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> vmap(mesh.its.vertices.size());
size_t fi = 0;
for (const Vec3i &tri : mesh.its.indices) {
for (int vi = 0; vi < tri.size(); ++vi) {
auto from = vmap[tri(vi)].begin(), to = vmap[tri(vi)].end();
vmap[tri(vi)].insert(std::lower_bound(from, to, fi), fi);
return vmap;
return opt_elevation < EPSILON || opt_padaround;
// Find transformed mesh ground level without copy and with parallel reduce.
@ -41,62 +37,163 @@ double find_ground_level(const TriangleMesh &mesh,
return (tr * mesh.its.vertices[vi].template cast<double>()).z();
double zmin = mesh.its.vertices.front().z();
double zmin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
size_t granularity = vsize / threads;
return ccr_par::reduce(size_t(0), vsize, zmin, minfn, accessfn, granularity);
// Try to guess the number of support points needed to support a mesh
double calculate_model_supportedness(const TriangleMesh & mesh,
const Transform3d & tr)
// Get the vertices of a triangle directly in an array of 3 points
std::array<Vec3d, 3> get_triangle_vertices(const TriangleMesh &mesh,
size_t faceidx)
static constexpr double POINTS_PER_UNIT_AREA = 1.;
if (mesh.its.vertices.empty()) return std::nan("");
size_t Nthr = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
size_t facesize = mesh.its.indices.size();
double zmin = find_ground_level(mesh, tr, Nthr);
auto accessfn = [&mesh, &tr, zmin](size_t fi) {
static const Vec3d DOWN = {0., 0., -1.};
const auto &face = mesh.its.indices[fi];
Vec3d p1 = tr * mesh.its.vertices[face(0)].template cast<double>();
Vec3d p2 = tr * mesh.its.vertices[face(1)].template cast<double>();
Vec3d p3 = tr * mesh.its.vertices[face(2)].template cast<double>();
Vec3d U = p2 - p1;
Vec3d V = p3 - p1;
Vec3d C = U.cross(V);
Vec3d N = C.normalized();
double area = 0.5 * C.norm();
double zlvl = zmin + 0.1;
if (p1.z() <= zlvl && p2.z() <= zlvl && p3.z() <= zlvl) {
// score += area * POINTS_PER_UNIT_AREA;
return 0.;
double phi = 1. - std::acos( / PI;
// phi = phi * (phi > 0.5);
// std::cout << "area: " << area << std::endl;
return area * POINTS_PER_UNIT_AREA * phi;
double score = ccr_par::reduce(size_t(0), facesize, 0., std::plus<double>{}, accessfn, facesize / Nthr);
return score / mesh.its.indices.size();
const auto &face = mesh.its.indices[faceidx];
return {Vec3d{mesh.its.vertices[face(0)].cast<double>()},
std::array<double, 2> find_best_rotation(const ModelObject& modelobj,
float accuracy,
std::function<void(unsigned)> statuscb,
std::function<bool()> stopcond)
std::array<Vec3d, 3> get_transformed_triangle(const TriangleMesh &mesh,
const Transform3d & tr,
size_t faceidx)
const auto &tri = get_triangle_vertices(mesh, faceidx);
return {tr * tri[0], tr * tri[1], tr * tri[2]};
// Get area and normal of a triangle
struct Face { Vec3d normal; double area; };
inline Face facestats(const std::array<Vec3d, 3> &triangle)
Vec3d U = triangle[1] - triangle[0];
Vec3d V = triangle[2] - triangle[0];
Vec3d C = U.cross(V);
Vec3d N = C.normalized();
double area = 0.5 * C.norm();
return {N, area};
inline const Vec3d DOWN = {0., 0., -1.};
constexpr double POINTS_PER_UNIT_AREA = 1.;
inline double get_score(const Face &fc)
double phi = 1. - std::acos( / PI;
phi = phi * (phi > 0.5);
phi = phi * phi * phi;
return fc.area * POINTS_PER_UNIT_AREA * phi;
template<class AccessFn>
double sum_score(AccessFn &&accessfn, size_t facecount, size_t Nthreads)
double initv = 0.;
auto mergefn = std::plus<double>{};
size_t grainsize = facecount / Nthreads;
size_t from = 0, to = facecount;
return ccr_par::reduce(from, to, initv, mergefn, accessfn, grainsize);
// Try to guess the number of support points needed to support a mesh
double get_model_supportedness(const TriangleMesh &mesh, const Transform3d &tr)
if (mesh.its.vertices.empty()) return std::nan("");
auto accessfn = [&mesh, &tr](size_t fi) {
Face fc = facestats(get_transformed_triangle(mesh, tr, fi));
return get_score(fc);
size_t facecount = mesh.its.indices.size();
size_t Nthreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
return sum_score(accessfn, facecount, Nthreads) / facecount;
double get_model_supportedness_onfloor(const TriangleMesh &mesh,
const Transform3d & tr)
if (mesh.its.vertices.empty()) return std::nan("");
size_t Nthreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
double zmin = find_ground_level(mesh, tr, Nthreads);
double zlvl = zmin + 0.1; // Set up a slight tolerance from z level
auto accessfn = [&mesh, &tr, zlvl](size_t fi) {
std::array<Vec3d, 3> tri = get_transformed_triangle(mesh, tr, fi);
Face fc = facestats(tri);
if (tri[0].z() <= zlvl && tri[1].z() <= zlvl && tri[2].z() <= zlvl)
return -fc.area * POINTS_PER_UNIT_AREA;
return get_score(fc);
size_t facecount = mesh.its.indices.size();
return sum_score(accessfn, facecount, Nthreads) / facecount;
using XYRotation = std::array<double, 2>;
// prepare the rotation transformation
Transform3d to_transform3d(const XYRotation &rot)
Transform3d rt = Transform3d::Identity();
rt.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(rot[1], Vec3d::UnitY()));
rt.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(rot[0], Vec3d::UnitX()));
return rt;
XYRotation from_transform3d(const Transform3d &tr)
Vec3d rot3d = Geometry::Transformation {tr}.get_rotation();
return {rot3d.x(), rot3d.y()};
// Find the best score from a set of function inputs. Evaluate for every point.
template<size_t N, class Fn, class Cmp, class It>
std::array<double, N> find_min_score(Fn &&fn, Cmp &&cmp, It from, It to)
std::array<double, N> ret;
double score = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (auto it = from; it != to; ++it) {
double sc = fn(*it);
if (cmp(sc, score)) {
score = sc;
ret = *it;
return ret;
// collect the rotations for each face of the convex hull
std::vector<XYRotation> get_chull_rotations(const TriangleMesh &mesh)
TriangleMesh chull = mesh.convex_hull_3d();
size_t facecount = chull.its.indices.size();
auto inputs = reserve_vector<XYRotation>(facecount);
for (size_t fi = 0; fi < facecount; ++fi) {
Face fc = facestats(get_triangle_vertices(chull, fi));
auto q = Eigen::Quaterniond{}.FromTwoVectors(fc.normal, DOWN);
inputs.emplace_back(from_transform3d(Transform3d::Identity() * q));
return inputs;
XYRotation find_best_rotation(const SLAPrintObject & po,
float accuracy,
std::function<void(unsigned)> statuscb,
std::function<bool()> stopcond)
static const unsigned MAX_TRIES = 10000;
@ -105,10 +202,10 @@ std::array<double, 2> find_best_rotation(const ModelObject& modelobj,
// We will use only one instance of this converted mesh to examine different
// rotations
TriangleMesh mesh = modelobj.raw_mesh();
TriangleMesh mesh = po.model_object()->raw_mesh();
// For current iteration number
// To keep track of the number of iterations
unsigned status = 0;
// The maximum number of iterations
@ -117,51 +214,66 @@ std::array<double, 2> find_best_rotation(const ModelObject& modelobj,
// call status callback with zero, because we are at the start
// So this is the object function which is called by the solver many times
// It has to yield a single value representing the current score. We will
// call the status callback in each iteration but the actual value may be
// the same for subsequent iterations (status goes from 0 to 100 but
// iterations can be many more)
auto objfunc = [&mesh, &status, &statuscb, &stopcond, max_tries]
(const opt::Input<2> &in)
std::cout << "in: " << in[0] << " " << in[1] << std::endl;
// prepare the rotation transformation
Transform3d rt = Transform3d::Identity();
rt.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(in[1], Vec3d::UnitY()));
rt.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(in[0], Vec3d::UnitX()));
double score = sla::calculate_model_supportedness(mesh, rt);
std::cout << score << std::endl;
auto statusfn = [&statuscb, &status, max_tries] {
// report status
if(!stopcond()) statuscb( unsigned(++status * 100.0/max_tries) );
return score;
statuscb(unsigned(++status * 100.0/max_tries) );
// Firing up the optimizer.
opt::Optimizer<opt::AlgBruteForce> solver(opt::StopCriteria{}
std::sqrt(max_tries)/*grid size*/);
// Different search methods have to be used depending on the model elevation
if (is_on_floor(po)) {
// We are searching rotations around only two axes x, y. Thus the
// problem becomes a 2 dimensional optimization task.
// We can specify the bounds for a dimension in the following way:
auto b = opt::Bound{-PI, PI};
// If the model can be placed on the bed directly, we only need to
// check the 3D convex hull face rotations.
// Now we start the optimization process with initial angles (0, 0)
auto result = solver.to_min().optimize(objfunc, opt::initvals({0., 0.}),
opt::bounds({b, b}));
auto inputs = get_chull_rotations(mesh);
// Save the result and fck off
rot[0] = std::get<0>(result.optimum);
rot[1] = std::get<1>(result.optimum);
auto cmpfn = [](double a, double b) { return a < b; };
auto objfn = [&mesh, &statusfn](const XYRotation &rot) {
// We actually need the reverserotation to make the object lie on
// this face
Transform3d tr = to_transform3d(rot);
return get_model_supportedness_onfloor(mesh, tr);
rot = find_min_score<2>(objfn, cmpfn, inputs.begin(), inputs.end());
} else {
// Preparing the optimizer.
size_t grid_size = std::sqrt(max_tries);
opt::Optimizer<opt::AlgBruteForce> solver(opt::StopCriteria{}
// We are searching rotations around only two axes x, y. Thus the
// problem becomes a 2 dimensional optimization task.
// We can specify the bounds for a dimension in the following way:
auto bounds = opt::bounds({ {-PI, PI}, {-PI, PI} });
auto result = solver.to_min().optimize(
[&mesh, &statusfn] (const XYRotation &rot)
return get_model_supportedness(mesh, to_transform3d(rot));
}, opt::initvals({0., 0.}), bounds);
// Save the result and fck off
rot = result.optimum;
std::cout << "best score: " << result.score << std::endl;
return rot;
double get_model_supportedness(const SLAPrintObject &po, const Transform3d &tr)
TriangleMesh mesh = po.model_object()->raw_mesh();
return is_on_floor(po) ? get_model_supportedness_onfloor(mesh, tr) :
get_model_supportedness(mesh, tr);
}} // namespace Slic3r::sla

View file

@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
#include <functional>
#include <array>
#include <libslic3r/Point.hpp>
namespace Slic3r {
class ModelObject;
class SLAPrintObject;
namespace sla {
@ -26,13 +28,16 @@ namespace sla {
* @return Returns the rotations around each axis (x, y, z)
std::array<double, 2> find_best_rotation(
const ModelObject& modelobj,
const SLAPrintObject& modelobj,
float accuracy = 1.0f,
std::function<void(unsigned)> statuscb = [] (unsigned) {},
std::function<bool()> stopcond = [] () { return false; }
double get_model_supportedness(const SLAPrintObject &mesh,
const Transform3d & tr);
} // namespace sla
} // namespace Slic3r

View file

@ -200,6 +200,8 @@ void GLGizmoRotate::on_render_for_picking() const
GLGizmoRotate3D::RotoptimzeWindow::RotoptimzeWindow(ImGuiWrapper * imgui,
State & state,
const Alignment &alignment)
@ -215,20 +217,26 @@ GLGizmoRotate3D::RotoptimzeWindow::RotoptimzeWindow(ImGuiWrapper * imgui,
y = std::min(y, alignment.bottom_limit - win_h);
ImGui::SetWindowPos(ImVec2(x, y), ImGuiCond_Always);
ImGui::SliderFloat(_L("Accuracy").c_str(), &state.accuracy, 0.01f, 1.f, "%.1f");
static constexpr const char * button_txt = L("Optimize orientation");
static constexpr const char * slider_txt = L("Accuracy");
if (imgui->button(_L("Optimize orientation"))) {
float button_width = imgui->calc_text_size(_(button_txt)).x;
//if (imgui->button(_(button_txt))) {
if (ImGui::ArrowButton(_(button_txt).c_str(), ImGuiDir_Down)){
std::cout << "Blip" << std::endl;
ImGui::SliderFloat(_(slider_txt).c_str(), &state.accuracy, 0.01f, 1.f, "%.1f");
static const std::vector<std::string> options = {
_L("Least supports").ToStdString(),
_L("Suface quality").ToStdString()
if (imgui->combo(_L("Choose method"), options, state.method) ) {
std::cout << "method: " << state.method << std::endl;
// if (imgui->combo(_L("Choose method"), options, state.method) ) {
// std::cout << "method: " << state.method << std::endl;
// }
@ -243,18 +251,10 @@ void GLGizmoRotate3D::on_render_input_window(float x, float y, float bottom_limi
if (wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() != ptSLA)
// m_rotoptimizewin_state.mobj = ;
RotoptimzeWindow popup{m_imgui, m_rotoptimizewin_state, {x, y, bottom_limit}};
// TODO:
// if ((last_h != win_h) || (last_y != y))
// {
// // ask canvas for another frame to render the window in the correct position
// m_parent.request_extra_frame();
// if (last_h != win_h)
// last_h = win_h;
// if (last_y != y)
// last_y = y;
// }
// m_rotoptimizewin_state.mobj = ?;
// RotoptimzeWindow popup{m_imgui, m_rotoptimizewin_state, {x, y, bottom_limit}};

View file

@ -136,12 +136,14 @@ protected:
void on_render_input_window(float x, float y, float bottom_limit) override;
class RotoptimzeWindow {
ImGuiWrapper *m_imgui = nullptr;
struct State {
enum Metods { mMinSupportPoints, mLegacy };
@ -152,7 +154,10 @@ private:
struct Alignment { float x, y, bottom_limit; };
RotoptimzeWindow(ImGuiWrapper *imgui, State &settings, const Alignment &bottom_limit);
RotoptimzeWindow(ImGuiWrapper * imgui,
State & state,
const Alignment &bottom_limit);
RotoptimzeWindow(const RotoptimzeWindow&) = delete;

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "libslic3r/SLA/Rotfinder.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/MinAreaBoundingBox.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Model.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLAPrint.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/Plater.hpp"
@ -15,9 +16,26 @@ void RotoptimizeJob::process()
if (obj_idx < 0) { return; }
ModelObject *o = m_plater->model().objects[size_t(obj_idx)];
const SLAPrintObject *po = m_plater->sla_print().objects()[size_t(obj_idx)];
if (!o || !po) return;
TriangleMesh mesh = o->raw_mesh();
// for (auto inst : o->instances) {
// Transform3d tr = Transform3d::Identity();
// tr.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(inst->get_rotation(Z), Vec3d::UnitZ()));
// tr.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(inst->get_rotation(Y), Vec3d::UnitY()));
// tr.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(inst->get_rotation(X), Vec3d::UnitX()));
// double score = sla::get_model_supportedness(*po, tr);
// std::cout << "Model supportedness before: " << score << std::endl;
// }
auto r = sla::find_best_rotation(
[this](unsigned s) {
if (s < 100)