compute overhang distance using SDF
detect embedded (inner) perimeter points and prefer them for seam placement
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 102 additions and 69 deletions
@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ std::vector<FaceVisibilityInfo> raycast_visibility(const AABBTreeIndirect::Tree<
<< "SeamPlacer: raycast visibility for " << triangles.indices.size() << " triangles: start";
//prepare uniform samples of a hemisphere
float step_size = 1.0f / SeamPlacer::sqr_rays_per_triangle;
std::vector<Vec3f> precomputed_sample_directions(
SeamPlacer::sqr_rays_per_triangle * SeamPlacer::sqr_rays_per_triangle);
@ -344,7 +345,8 @@ struct GlobalModelInfo {
//Extract perimeter polygons of the given layer
Polygons extract_perimeter_polygons(const Layer *layer, const SeamPosition configured_seam_preference) {
Polygons extract_perimeter_polygons(const Layer *layer, const SeamPosition configured_seam_preference,
std::vector<const LayerRegion*> &corresponding_regions_out) {
Polygons polygons;
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer->regions()) {
for (const ExtrusionEntity *ex_entity : layer_region->perimeters.entities) {
@ -352,21 +354,24 @@ Polygons extract_perimeter_polygons(const Layer *layer, const SeamPosition confi
for (const ExtrusionEntity *perimeter : static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ex_entity)->entities) {
if (perimeter->role() == ExtrusionRole::erExternalPerimeter
|| (perimeter->role() == ExtrusionRole::erPerimeter
&& configured_seam_preference == spRandom)) {
&& configured_seam_preference == spRandom)) { //for random seam alignment, extract all perimeters
Points p;
if (polygons.empty()) {
Points p;
} else {
Points p;
@ -374,6 +379,7 @@ Polygons extract_perimeter_polygons(const Layer *layer, const SeamPosition confi
if (polygons.empty()) { // If there are no perimeter polygons for whatever reason (disabled perimeters .. ) insert dummy point
// it is easier than checking everywhere if the layer is not emtpy, no seam will be placed to this layer anyway
polygons.emplace_back(std::vector { Point { 0, 0 } });
return polygons;
@ -383,8 +389,8 @@ Polygons extract_perimeter_polygons(const Layer *layer, const SeamPosition confi
// Compute its type (Enfrocer,Blocker), angle, and position
//each SeamCandidate also contains pointer to shared Perimeter structure representing the polygon
// if Custom Seam modifiers are present, oversamples the polygon if necessary to better fit user intentions
void process_perimeter_polygon(const Polygon &orig_polygon, float z_coord, std::vector<SeamCandidate> &result_vec,
const GlobalModelInfo &global_model_info) {
void process_perimeter_polygon(const Polygon &orig_polygon, float z_coord, const LayerRegion *region,
const GlobalModelInfo &global_model_info, std::vector<SeamCandidate> &result_vec) {
if (orig_polygon.size() == 0) {
@ -411,6 +417,7 @@ void process_perimeter_polygon(const Polygon &orig_polygon, float z_coord, std::
std::queue<Vec3f> oversampled_points { };
size_t orig_angle_index = 0;
perimeter->start_index = result_vec.size();
perimeter->flow_width = region != nullptr ? region->flow(FlowRole::frExternalPerimeter).width() : 0.0f;
bool some_point_enforced = false;
while (!orig_polygon_points.empty() || !oversampled_points.empty()) {
EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint type = EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint::Neutral;
@ -501,36 +508,6 @@ std::pair<size_t, size_t> find_previous_and_next_perimeter_point(const std::vect
return {size_t(prev),size_t(next)};
//NOTE: only rough esitmation of overhang distance
// value represents distance from edge, positive is overhang, negative is inside shape
float calculate_overhang(const SeamCandidate &point, const SeamCandidate &under_a, const SeamCandidate &under_b,
const SeamCandidate &under_c) {
auto p = Vec2d { point.position.x(), point.position.y() };
auto a = Vec2d { under_a.position.x(), under_a.position.y() };
auto b = Vec2d { under_b.position.x(), under_b.position.y() };
auto c = Vec2d { under_c.position.x(), under_c.position.y() };
auto oriented_line_dist = [](const Vec2d a, const Vec2d b, const Vec2d p) { //signed distance from line
return -((b.x() - a.x()) * (a.y() - p.y()) - (a.x() - p.x()) * (b.y() - a.y())) / (a - b).norm();
auto dist_ab = oriented_line_dist(a, b, p);
auto dist_bc = oriented_line_dist(b, c, p);
// from angle and signed distances from the arms of the points on the previous layer, we
// can deduce if it is overhang and give estimation of the size.
// However, the size of the overhang is rough estimation, the sign is more reliable
if (under_b.local_ccw_angle > 0 && dist_ab > 0 && dist_bc > 0) { //convex shape, p is inside
return -((p - b).norm() + dist_ab + dist_bc) / 3.0;
if (under_b.local_ccw_angle < 0 && (dist_ab < 0 || dist_bc < 0)) { //concave shape, p is inside
return -((p - b).norm() + dist_ab + dist_bc) / 3.0;
return ((p - b).norm() + dist_ab + dist_bc) / 3.0;
// Computes all global model info - transforms object, performs raycasting,
// stores enforces and blockers
void compute_global_occlusion(GlobalModelInfo &result, const PrintObject *po) {
@ -664,7 +641,15 @@ struct SeamComparator {
//avoid overhangs
if (a.overhang > 0.1f && b.overhang < a.overhang) {
if (a.overhang > 0.0f && b.overhang < a.overhang) {
return false;
// prefer hidden points (more than 1 mm inside)
if (a.embedded_distance < -1.0f && b.embedded_distance > -1.0f) {
return true;
if (b.embedded_distance < -1.0f && a.embedded_distance > -1.0f) {
return false;
@ -719,7 +704,15 @@ struct SeamComparator {
//avoid overhangs
if (a.overhang > 0.1f && b.overhang < a.overhang) {
if (a.overhang > 0.0f && b.overhang < a.overhang) {
return false;
// prefer hidden points (more than 1 mm inside)
if (a.embedded_distance < -1.0f && b.embedded_distance > -1.0f) {
return true;
if (b.embedded_distance < -1.0f && a.embedded_distance > -1.0f) {
return false;
@ -783,6 +776,10 @@ void debug_export_points(const std::vector<std::vector<SeamPlacerImpl::SeamCandi
std::string weights_file_name = debug_out_path(
(object_name + "_weight_" + std::to_string(layer_idx) + ".svg").c_str());
SVG weight_svg { weights_file_name, bounding_box };
std::string overhangs_file_name = debug_out_path(
(object_name + "_overhang_" + std::to_string(layer_idx) + ".svg").c_str());
SVG overhangs_svg { overhangs_file_name, bounding_box };
for (const SeamCandidate &point : object_perimter_points[layer_idx]) {
Vec3i color = value_rgbi(min_vis, max_vis, point.visibility);
std::string visibility_fill = "rgb(" + std::to_string(color.x()) + "," + std::to_string(color.y()) + ","
@ -794,6 +791,13 @@ void debug_export_points(const std::vector<std::vector<SeamPlacerImpl::SeamCandi
+ ","
+ std::to_string(weight_color.z()) + ")";
weight_svg.draw(scaled(Vec2f(point.position.head<2>())), weight_fill);
Vec3i overhang_color = value_rgbi(-0.5, 0.5, std::clamp(point.overhang, -0.5f, 0.5f));
std::string overhang_fill = "rgb(" + std::to_string(overhang_color.x()) + ","
+ std::to_string(overhang_color.y())
+ ","
+ std::to_string(overhang_color.z()) + ")";
overhangs_svg.draw(scaled(Vec2f(point.position.head<2>())), overhang_fill);
@ -899,6 +903,20 @@ void pick_random_seam_point(std::vector<SeamCandidate> &perimeter_points, size_t
EdgeGrid::Grid compute_layer_merged_edge_grid(const Layer *layer) {
static const float eps = float(scale_(layer->object()->config().slice_closing_radius.value));
// merge with offset
ExPolygons merged = layer->merged(eps);
// ofsset back
ExPolygons layer_outline = offset_ex(merged, -eps);
const coord_t distance_field_resolution = coord_t(scale_(1.) + 0.5);
EdgeGrid::Grid result { };
result.create(layer_outline, distance_field_resolution);
return result;
} // namespace SeamPlacerImpl
// Parallel process and extract each perimeter polygon of the given print object.
@ -918,15 +936,16 @@ void SeamPlacer::gather_seam_candidates(const PrintObject *po,
const Layer *layer = po->get_layer(layer_idx);
auto unscaled_z = layer->slice_z;
Polygons polygons = extract_perimeter_polygons(layer, configured_seam_preference);
for (const auto &poly : polygons) {
process_perimeter_polygon(poly, unscaled_z, layer_candidates,
std::vector<const LayerRegion*> regions;
//NOTE corresponding region ptr may be null, if the layer has zero perimeters
Polygons polygons = extract_perimeter_polygons(layer, configured_seam_preference, regions);
for (size_t poly_index = 0; poly_index < polygons.size(); ++poly_index) {
process_perimeter_polygon(polygons[poly_index], unscaled_z,
regions[poly_index], global_model_info, layer_candidates);
auto functor = SeamCandidateCoordinateFunctor { &layer_candidates };
m_perimeter_points_trees_per_object[po][layer_idx] = std::make_unique<SeamCandidatesTree
functor, layer_candidates.size());
m_perimeter_points_trees_per_object[po][layer_idx] =
std::make_unique<SeamCandidatesTree>(functor, layer_candidates.size());
@ -947,36 +966,45 @@ void SeamPlacer::calculate_candidates_visibility(const PrintObject *po,
void SeamPlacer::calculate_overhangs(const PrintObject *po) {
void SeamPlacer::calculate_overhangs_and_layer_embedding(const PrintObject *po) {
using namespace SeamPlacerImpl;
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, m_perimeter_points_per_object[po].size()),
[&](tbb::blocked_range<size_t> r) {
std::unique_ptr<EdgeGrid::Grid> prev_layer_grid;
if (r.begin() > 0) { // previous layer exists
prev_layer_grid = std::make_unique<EdgeGrid::Grid>(
compute_layer_merged_edge_grid(po->layers()[r.begin() - 1]));
for (size_t layer_idx = r.begin(); layer_idx < r.end(); ++layer_idx) {
bool layer_has_multiple_loops =
< m_perimeter_points_per_object[po][layer_idx].size() - 1;
std::unique_ptr<EdgeGrid::Grid> current_layer_grid = std::make_unique<EdgeGrid::Grid>(
for (SeamCandidate &perimeter_point : m_perimeter_points_per_object[po][layer_idx]) {
const auto calculate_layer_overhang = [&](size_t other_layer_idx) {
size_t closest_supporter = find_closest_point(
const SeamCandidate &supporter_point =
Point point = Point::new_scale(Vec2f { perimeter_point.position.head<2>() });
if (prev_layer_grid.get() != nullptr) {
coordf_t overhang_dist;
prev_layer_grid->signed_distance(point, scaled(perimeter_point.perimeter->flow_width), overhang_dist);
perimeter_point.overhang =
unscale<float>(overhang_dist) - perimeter_point.perimeter->flow_width;
auto prev_next = find_previous_and_next_perimeter_point(m_perimeter_points_per_object[po][other_layer_idx], closest_supporter);
const SeamCandidate &prev_point =
const SeamCandidate &next_point =
return calculate_overhang(perimeter_point, prev_point,
supporter_point, next_point);
if (layer_idx > 0) { //calculate overhang
perimeter_point.overhang = calculate_layer_overhang(layer_idx-1);
if (layer_has_multiple_loops) { // search for embedded perimeter points (points hidden inside the print ,e.g. multimaterial join, best position for seam)
coordf_t layer_embedded_distance;
current_layer_grid->signed_distance(point, scaled(1.0f),
perimeter_point.embedded_distance = unscale<float>(layer_embedded_distance);
// Estimates, if there is good seam point in the layer_idx which is close to last_point_pos
@ -1243,10 +1271,10 @@ void SeamPlacer::init(const Print &print) {
<< "SeamPlacer: calculate_overhangs : start";
<< "SeamPlacer: calculate_overhangs and layer embdedding : start";
<< "SeamPlacer: calculate_overhangs : end";
<< "SeamPlacer: calculate_overhangs and layer embdedding: end";
<< "SeamPlacer: pick_seam_point : start";
@ -1285,7 +1313,8 @@ void SeamPlacer::init(const Print &print) {
void SeamPlacer::place_seam(const Layer *layer, ExtrusionLoop &loop, bool external_first, const Point &last_pos) const {
void SeamPlacer::place_seam(const Layer *layer, ExtrusionLoop &loop, bool external_first,
const Point &last_pos) const {
using namespace SeamPlacerImpl;
const PrintObject *po = layer->object();
//NOTE this is necessary, since layer->id() is quite unreliable
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ struct Perimeter {
size_t start_index;
size_t end_index; //inclusive!
size_t seam_index;
float flow_width;
// During alignment, a final position may be stored here. In that case, finalized is set to true.
// Note that final seam position is not limited to points of the perimeter loop. In theory it can be any position
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ struct SeamCandidate {
SeamCandidate(const Vec3f &pos, std::shared_ptr<Perimeter> perimeter,
float local_ccw_angle,
EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint type) :
position(pos), perimeter(perimeter), visibility(0.0f), overhang(0.0f), local_ccw_angle(
position(pos), perimeter(perimeter), visibility(0.0f), overhang(0.0f), embedded_distance(0.0f), local_ccw_angle(
local_ccw_angle), type(type), central_enforcer(false) {
const Vec3f position;
@ -63,6 +64,9 @@ struct SeamCandidate {
const std::shared_ptr<Perimeter> perimeter;
float visibility;
float overhang;
// distance inside the merged layer regions, for detecting perimter points which are hidden indside the print (e.g. multimaterial join)
// Negative sign means inside the print, comes from EdgeGrid structure
float embedded_distance;
float local_ccw_angle;
EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint type;
bool central_enforcer; //marks this candidate as central point of enforced segment on the perimeter - important for alignment
@ -131,7 +135,7 @@ private:
const SeamPosition configured_seam_preference);
void calculate_candidates_visibility(const PrintObject *po,
const SeamPlacerImpl::GlobalModelInfo &global_model_info);
void calculate_overhangs(const PrintObject *po);
void calculate_overhangs_and_layer_embedding(const PrintObject *po);
void align_seam_points(const PrintObject *po, const SeamPlacerImpl::SeamComparator &comparator);
bool find_next_seam_in_layer(const PrintObject *po,
std::pair<size_t, size_t> &last_point_indexes,
Add table
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