TriangleSelector optimizations:
1) When splitting a triangle, vertices are now properly shared with the neighbor triangles, if these are already split. Please note that the splitting may not be regular if the splitting thershold is changed between splitting calls. Still the new code shares the vertices accross shared edges properly. 2) Triangles resp. vertices are newly reused after deleted using linked lists of released triangles resp. vertices. This mechanism replaces the old mechanism of reusing already split triangles.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 450 additions and 157 deletions
@ -3,32 +3,60 @@
#include <boost/container/small_vector.hpp>
#include <boost/container/small_vector.hpp>
#ifdef DEBUG
#endif // DEBUG
namespace Slic3r {
namespace Slic3r {
#ifndef _NDEBUG
bool TriangleSelector::verify_triangle_midpoints(const Triangle &tr) const
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) {
int v1 = tr.verts_idxs[i];
int v2 = tr.verts_idxs[next_idx_modulo(i, 3)];
int vmid = this->triangle_midpoint(tr, v1, v2);
assert(vmid >= -1);
if (vmid != -1) {
Vec3f c1 = 0.5f * (m_vertices[v1].v + m_vertices[v2].v);
Vec3f c2 = m_vertices[vmid].v;
float d = (c2 - c1).norm();
assert(std::abs(d) < EPSILON);
return true;
bool TriangleSelector::verify_triangle_neighbors(const Triangle &tr, const Vec3i &neighbors) const
assert(neighbors(0) >= -1);
assert(neighbors(1) >= -1);
assert(neighbors(2) >= -1);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (neighbors(i) != -1) {
const Triangle &tr2 = m_triangles[neighbors(i)];
int v1 = tr.verts_idxs[i];
int v2 = tr.verts_idxs[next_idx_modulo(i, 3)];
assert(tr2.verts_idxs[0] == v1 || tr2.verts_idxs[1] == v1 || tr2.verts_idxs[2] == v1);
int j = tr2.verts_idxs[0] == v1 ? 0 : tr2.verts_idxs[1] == v1 ? 1 : 2;
assert(tr2.verts_idxs[j] == v1);
assert(tr2.verts_idxs[prev_idx_modulo(j, 3)] == v2);
return true;
#endif // _NDEBUG
// sides_to_split==-1 : just restore previous split
// sides_to_split==-1 : just restore previous split
void TriangleSelector::Triangle::set_division(int sides_to_split, int special_side_idx)
void TriangleSelector::Triangle::set_division(int sides_to_split, int special_side_idx)
assert(sides_to_split >=-1 && sides_to_split <= 3);
assert(sides_to_split >= 0 && sides_to_split <= 3);
assert(special_side_idx >=-1 && special_side_idx < 3);
assert(special_side_idx >= 0 && special_side_idx < 3);
assert(sides_to_split == 1 || sides_to_split == 2 || special_side_idx == 0);
// If splitting one or two sides, second argument must be provided.
this->number_of_splits = sides_to_split;
assert(sides_to_split != 1 || special_side_idx != -1);
this->special_side_idx = special_side_idx;
assert(sides_to_split != 2 || special_side_idx != -1);
if (sides_to_split == -1) {
assert(old_number_of_splits != 0);
this->number_of_splits = old_number_of_splits;
// indices of children should still be there.
} else {
this->number_of_splits = sides_to_split;
if (sides_to_split != 0) {
assert(old_number_of_splits == 0);
this->special_side_idx = special_side_idx;
this->old_number_of_splits = sides_to_split;
@ -64,7 +92,7 @@ void TriangleSelector::select_patch(const Vec3f& hit, int facet_start,
while (facet_idx < int(facets_to_check.size())) {
while (facet_idx < int(facets_to_check.size())) {
int facet = facets_to_check[facet_idx];
int facet = facets_to_check[facet_idx];
if (! visited[facet]) {
if (! visited[facet]) {
if (select_triangle(facet, new_state, false, triangle_splitting)) {
if (select_triangle(facet, new_state, triangle_splitting)) {
// add neighboring facets to list to be proccessed later
// add neighboring facets to list to be proccessed later
for (int n=0; n<3; ++n) {
for (int n=0; n<3; ++n) {
int neighbor_idx = m_mesh->stl.neighbors_start[facet].neighbor[n];
int neighbor_idx = m_mesh->stl.neighbors_start[facet].neighbor[n];
@ -128,7 +156,256 @@ void TriangleSelector::seed_fill_select_triangles(const Vec3f& hit, int facet_st
// This is done by an actual recursive call. Returns false if the triangle is
// This is done by an actual recursive call. Returns false if the triangle is
// outside the cursor.
// outside the cursor.
// Called by select_patch() and by itself.
// Called by select_patch() and by itself.
bool TriangleSelector::select_triangle(int facet_idx, EnforcerBlockerType type, bool recursive_call, bool triangle_splitting)
bool TriangleSelector::select_triangle(int facet_idx, EnforcerBlockerType type, bool triangle_splitting)
assert(facet_idx < int(m_triangles.size()));
if (! m_triangles[facet_idx].valid())
return false;
Vec3i neighbors;
const stl_neighbors &neighbors_src = m_mesh->stl.neighbors_start[facet_idx];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i)
neighbors(i) = neighbors_src.neighbor[i];
assert(this->verify_triangle_neighbors(m_triangles[facet_idx], neighbors));
if (! select_triangle_recursive(facet_idx, neighbors, type, triangle_splitting))
return false;
// In case that all children are leafs and have the same state now,
// they may be removed and substituted by the parent triangle.
// Make sure that we did not lose track of invalid triangles.
assert(m_invalid_triangles == std::count_if(m_triangles.begin(), m_triangles.end(),
[](const Triangle& tr) { return ! tr.valid(); }));
// Do garbage collection maybe?
if (2*m_invalid_triangles > int(m_triangles.size()))
return true;
// Return child of itriangle at a CCW oriented side (vertexi, vertexj), either first or 2nd part.
// If the side sharing (vertexi, vertexj) is not split, return -1.
int TriangleSelector::neighbor_child(const Triangle &tr, int vertexi, int vertexj, Partition partition) const
if (tr.number_of_split_sides() == 0)
// If this triangle is not split, then there is no upper / lower subtriangle sharing the edge.
return -1;
// Find the triangle edge.
int edge = tr.verts_idxs[0] == vertexi ? 0 : tr.verts_idxs[1] == vertexi ? 1 : 2;
assert(tr.verts_idxs[edge] == vertexi);
assert(tr.verts_idxs[next_idx_modulo(edge, 3)] == vertexj);
int child_idx;
if (tr.number_of_split_sides() == 1) {
if (edge != next_idx_modulo(tr.special_side(), 3))
// A child may or may not be split at this side.
return this->neighbor_child(m_triangles[tr.children[edge == tr.special_side() ? 0 : 1]], vertexi, vertexj, partition);
child_idx = partition == Partition::First ? 0 : 1;
} else if (tr.number_of_split_sides() == 2) {
if (edge == next_idx_modulo(tr.special_side(), 3))
// A child may or may not be split at this side.
return this->neighbor_child(m_triangles[tr.children[2]], vertexi, vertexj, partition);
child_idx = edge == tr.special_side() ?
(partition == Partition::First ? 0 : 1) :
(partition == Partition::First ? 2 : 0);
} else {
assert(tr.number_of_split_sides() == 3);
assert(tr.special_side() == 0);
switch(edge) {
case 0: child_idx = partition == Partition::First ? 0 : 1; break;
case 1: child_idx = partition == Partition::First ? 1 : 2; break;
default: assert(edge == 2);
child_idx = partition == Partition::First ? 2 : 0; break;
return tr.children[child_idx];
// Return child of itriangle at a CCW oriented side (vertexi, vertexj), either first or 2nd part.
// If itriangle == -1 or if the side sharing (vertexi, vertexj) is not split, return -1.
int TriangleSelector::neighbor_child(int itriangle, int vertexi, int vertexj, Partition partition) const
return itriangle == -1 ? -1 : this->neighbor_child(m_triangles[itriangle], vertexi, vertexj, partition);
// Return existing midpoint of CCW oriented side (vertexi, vertexj).
// If itriangle == -1 or if the side sharing (vertexi, vertexj) is not split, return -1.
int TriangleSelector::triangle_midpoint(const Triangle &tr, int vertexi, int vertexj) const
if (tr.number_of_split_sides() == 0)
// If this triangle is not split, then there is no upper / lower subtriangle sharing the edge.
return -1;
// Find the triangle edge.
int edge = tr.verts_idxs[0] == vertexi ? 0 : tr.verts_idxs[1] == vertexi ? 1 : 2;
assert(tr.verts_idxs[edge] == vertexi);
assert(tr.verts_idxs[next_idx_modulo(edge, 3)] == vertexj);
if (tr.number_of_split_sides() == 1) {
return edge == next_idx_modulo(tr.special_side(), 3) ?
m_triangles[tr.children[0]].verts_idxs[2] :
this->triangle_midpoint(m_triangles[tr.children[edge == tr.special_side() ? 0 : 1]], vertexi, vertexj);
} else if (tr.number_of_split_sides() == 2) {
return edge == next_idx_modulo(tr.special_side(), 3) ?
this->triangle_midpoint(m_triangles[tr.children[2]], vertexi, vertexj) :
edge == tr.special_side() ?
m_triangles[tr.children[0]].verts_idxs[1] :
} else {
assert(tr.number_of_split_sides() == 3);
assert(tr.special_side() == 0);
(edge == 0) ? m_triangles[tr.children[0]].verts_idxs[1] :
(edge == 1) ? m_triangles[tr.children[1]].verts_idxs[2] :
// Return existing midpoint of CCW oriented side (vertexi, vertexj).
// If itriangle == -1 or if the side sharing (vertexi, vertexj) is not split, return -1.
int TriangleSelector::triangle_midpoint(int itriangle, int vertexi, int vertexj) const
return itriangle == -1 ? -1 : this->triangle_midpoint(m_triangles[itriangle], vertexi, vertexj);
int TriangleSelector::triangle_midpoint_or_allocate(int itriangle, int vertexi, int vertexj)
int midpoint = this->triangle_midpoint(itriangle, vertexi, vertexj);
if (midpoint == -1) {
Vec3f c = 0.5f * (m_vertices[vertexi].v + m_vertices[vertexj].v);
// Verify that the vertex is really a new one.
auto it = std::find_if(m_vertices.begin(), m_vertices.end(), [this, c](const Vertex &v) {
return v.ref_cnt > 0 && (v.v - c).norm() < EPSILON; });
assert(it == m_vertices.end());
// Allocate a new vertex, possibly reusing the free list.
if (m_free_vertices_head == -1) {
// Allocate a new vertex.
midpoint = int(m_vertices.size());
} else {
// Reuse a vertex from the free list.
assert(m_free_vertices_head >= -1 && m_free_vertices_head < int(m_vertices.size()));
midpoint = m_free_vertices_head;
memcpy(&m_free_vertices_head, &m_vertices[midpoint].v[0], sizeof(m_free_vertices_head));
assert(m_free_vertices_head >= -1 && m_free_vertices_head < int(m_vertices.size()));
m_vertices[midpoint].v = c;
assert(m_vertices[midpoint].ref_cnt == 0);
} else {
#ifndef _NDEBUG
Vec3f c1 = 0.5f * (m_vertices[vertexi].v + m_vertices[vertexj].v);
Vec3f c2 = m_vertices[midpoint].v;
float d = (c2 - c1).norm();
assert(std::abs(d) < EPSILON);
#endif // _NDEBUG
assert(m_vertices[midpoint].ref_cnt > 0);
return midpoint;
// Return neighbors of ith child of a triangle given neighbors of the triangle.
// Returns -1 if such a neighbor does not exist at all, or it does not exist
// at the same depth as the ith child.
// Using the same splitting strategy as TriangleSelector::split_triangle()
Vec3i TriangleSelector::child_neighbors(const Triangle &tr, const Vec3i &neighbors, int child_idx) const
assert(this->verify_triangle_neighbors(tr, neighbors));
assert(child_idx >= 0 && child_idx <= tr.number_of_split_sides());
int i = tr.special_side();
int j = i + 1;
if (j >= 3)
j = 0;
int k = j + 1;
if (k >= 3)
k = 0;
Vec3i out;
switch (tr.number_of_split_sides()) {
case 1:
switch (child_idx) {
case 0:
out(0) = neighbors(i);
out(1) = this->neighbor_child(neighbors(j), tr.verts_idxs[k], tr.verts_idxs[j], Partition::Second);
out(2) = tr.children[1];
assert(child_idx == 1);
out(0) = this->neighbor_child(neighbors(j), tr.verts_idxs[k], tr.verts_idxs[j], Partition::First);
out(1) = neighbors(k);
out(2) = tr.children[0];
case 2:
switch (child_idx) {
case 0:
out(0) = this->neighbor_child(neighbors(i), tr.verts_idxs[j], tr.verts_idxs[i], Partition::Second);
out(1) = tr.children[1];
out(2) = this->neighbor_child(neighbors(k), tr.verts_idxs[i], tr.verts_idxs[k], Partition::First);
case 1:
assert(child_idx == 1);
out(0) = this->neighbor_child(neighbors(i), tr.verts_idxs[j], tr.verts_idxs[i], Partition::First);
out(1) = tr.children[2];
out(2) = tr.children[0];
assert(child_idx == 2);
out(0) = neighbors(j);
out(1) = this->neighbor_child(neighbors(k), tr.verts_idxs[i], tr.verts_idxs[k], Partition::Second);
out(2) = tr.children[1];
case 3:
assert(tr.special_side() == 0);
switch (child_idx) {
case 0:
out(0) = this->neighbor_child(neighbors(0), tr.verts_idxs[1], tr.verts_idxs[0], Partition::Second);
out(1) = tr.children[3];
out(2) = this->neighbor_child(neighbors(2), tr.verts_idxs[0], tr.verts_idxs[2], Partition::First);
case 1:
out(0) = this->neighbor_child(neighbors(0), tr.verts_idxs[1], tr.verts_idxs[0], Partition::First);
out(1) = this->neighbor_child(neighbors(1), tr.verts_idxs[2], tr.verts_idxs[1], Partition::Second);
out(2) = tr.children[3];
case 2:
out(0) = this->neighbor_child(neighbors(1), tr.verts_idxs[2], tr.verts_idxs[1], Partition::First);
out(1) = this->neighbor_child(neighbors(2), tr.verts_idxs[0], tr.verts_idxs[2], Partition::Second);
out(2) = tr.children[3];
assert(child_idx == 3);
out(0) = tr.children[1];
out(1) = tr.children[2];
out(2) = tr.children[0];
assert(this->verify_triangle_neighbors(tr, neighbors));
assert(this->verify_triangle_neighbors(m_triangles[tr.children[child_idx]], out));
return out;
bool TriangleSelector::select_triangle_recursive(int facet_idx, const Vec3i &neighbors, EnforcerBlockerType type, bool triangle_splitting)
assert(facet_idx < int(m_triangles.size()));
assert(facet_idx < int(m_triangles.size()));
@ -136,6 +413,8 @@ bool TriangleSelector::select_triangle(int facet_idx, EnforcerBlockerType type,
if (! tr->valid())
if (! tr->valid())
return false;
return false;
assert(this->verify_triangle_neighbors(*tr, neighbors));
int num_of_inside_vertices = vertices_inside(facet_idx);
int num_of_inside_vertices = vertices_inside(facet_idx);
if (num_of_inside_vertices == 0
if (num_of_inside_vertices == 0
@ -158,42 +437,27 @@ bool TriangleSelector::select_triangle(int facet_idx, EnforcerBlockerType type,
if (triangle_splitting)
if (triangle_splitting)
split_triangle(facet_idx, neighbors);
else if (!m_triangles[facet_idx].is_split())
else if (!m_triangles[facet_idx].is_split())
tr = &m_triangles[facet_idx]; // might have been invalidated by split_triangle().
tr = &m_triangles[facet_idx]; // might have been invalidated by split_triangle().
int num_of_children = tr->number_of_split_sides() + 1;
int num_of_children = tr->number_of_split_sides() + 1;
if (num_of_children != 1) {
if (num_of_children != 1) {
for (int i=0; i<num_of_children; ++i) {
for (int i=0; i<num_of_children; ++i) {
assert(i < int(tr->children.size()));
assert(i < int(tr->children.size()));
assert(tr->children[i] < int(m_triangles.size()));
assert(tr->children[i] < int(m_triangles.size()));
// Recursion, deep first search over the children of this triangle.
select_triangle(tr->children[i], type, true, triangle_splitting);
// All children of this triangle were created by splitting a single source triangle of the original mesh.
select_triangle_recursive(tr->children[i], this->child_neighbors(*tr, neighbors, i), type, triangle_splitting);
tr = &m_triangles[facet_idx]; // might have been invalidated
tr = &m_triangles[facet_idx]; // might have been invalidated
if (! recursive_call) {
// In case that all children are leafs and have the same state now,
// they may be removed and substituted by the parent triangle.
// Make sure that we did not lose track of invalid triangles.
assert(m_invalid_triangles == std::count_if(m_triangles.begin(), m_triangles.end(),
[](const Triangle& tr) { return ! tr.valid(); }));
// Do garbage collection maybe?
if (2*m_invalid_triangles > int(m_triangles.size()))
return true;
return true;
void TriangleSelector::set_facet(int facet_idx, EnforcerBlockerType state)
void TriangleSelector::set_facet(int facet_idx, EnforcerBlockerType state)
assert(facet_idx < m_orig_size_indices);
assert(facet_idx < m_orig_size_indices);
@ -202,9 +466,9 @@ void TriangleSelector::set_facet(int facet_idx, EnforcerBlockerType state)
// called by select_patch()->select_triangle()
// called by select_patch()->select_triangle()...select_triangle()
// to decide which sides of the traingle to split and to actually split it calling set_division() and perform_split().
// to decide which sides of the traingle to split and to actually split it calling set_division() and perform_split().
void TriangleSelector::split_triangle(int facet_idx)
void TriangleSelector::split_triangle(int facet_idx, const Vec3i &neighbors)
if (m_triangles[facet_idx].is_split()) {
if (m_triangles[facet_idx].is_split()) {
// The triangle is divided already.
// The triangle is divided already.
@ -212,21 +476,10 @@ void TriangleSelector::split_triangle(int facet_idx)
Triangle* tr = &m_triangles[facet_idx];
Triangle* tr = &m_triangles[facet_idx];
assert(this->verify_triangle_neighbors(*tr, neighbors));
EnforcerBlockerType old_type = tr->get_state();
EnforcerBlockerType old_type = tr->get_state();
if (tr->was_split_before() != 0) {
// This triangle is not split at the moment, but was at one point
// in history. We can just restore it and resurrect its children.
for (int i=0; i<=tr->number_of_split_sides(); ++i) {
m_triangles[tr->children[i]].m_valid = true;
// If we got here, we are about to actually split the triangle.
// If we got here, we are about to actually split the triangle.
const double limit_squared = m_edge_limit_sqr;
const double limit_squared = m_edge_limit_sqr;
@ -260,7 +513,7 @@ void TriangleSelector::split_triangle(int facet_idx)
if (sides_to_split.empty()) {
if (sides_to_split.empty()) {
// This shall be unselected.
// This shall be unselected.
tr->set_division(0, 0);
@ -269,7 +522,7 @@ void TriangleSelector::split_triangle(int facet_idx)
sides_to_split.size() == 2 ? side_to_keep : sides_to_split[0]);
sides_to_split.size() == 2 ? side_to_keep : sides_to_split[0]);
perform_split(facet_idx, old_type);
perform_split(facet_idx, neighbors, old_type);
@ -350,11 +603,34 @@ void TriangleSelector::undivide_triangle(int facet_idx)
if (tr.is_split()) {
if (tr.is_split()) {
for (int i=0; i<=tr.number_of_split_sides(); ++i) {
for (int i=0; i<=tr.number_of_split_sides(); ++i) {
int child = tr.children[i];
m_triangles[tr.children[i]].m_valid = false;
Triangle &child_tr = m_triangles[child];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) {
int iv = child_tr.verts_idxs[i];
Vertex &v = m_vertices[iv];
assert(v.ref_cnt > 0);
if (-- v.ref_cnt == 0) {
// Release this vertex.
// Chain released vertices into a linked list through ref_cnt.
assert(m_free_vertices_head >= -1 && m_free_vertices_head < int(m_vertices.size()));
memcpy(&m_vertices[iv].v[0], &m_free_vertices_head, sizeof(m_free_vertices_head));
m_free_vertices_head = iv;
assert(m_free_vertices_head >= -1 && m_free_vertices_head < int(m_vertices.size()));
// Chain released triangles into a linked list through children[0].
child_tr.m_valid = false;
assert(m_free_triangles_head >= -1 && m_free_triangles_head < int(m_triangles.size()));
assert(m_free_triangles_head == -1 || ! m_triangles[m_free_triangles_head].valid());
child_tr.children[0] = m_free_triangles_head;
m_free_triangles_head = child;
assert(m_free_triangles_head >= -1 && m_free_triangles_head < int(m_triangles.size()));
tr.set_division(0); // not split
tr.set_division(0, 0); // not split
@ -404,15 +680,9 @@ void TriangleSelector::garbage_collect()
// First make a map from old to new triangle indices.
// First make a map from old to new triangle indices.
int new_idx = m_orig_size_indices;
int new_idx = m_orig_size_indices;
std::vector<int> new_triangle_indices(m_triangles.size(), -1);
std::vector<int> new_triangle_indices(m_triangles.size(), -1);
for (int i = m_orig_size_indices; i<int(m_triangles.size()); ++i) {
for (int i = m_orig_size_indices; i<int(m_triangles.size()); ++i)
if (m_triangles[i].valid()) {
if (m_triangles[i].valid())
new_triangle_indices[i] = new_idx ++;
new_triangle_indices[i] = new_idx ++;
} else {
// Decrement reference counter for the vertices.
for (int j=0; j<3; ++j)
// Now we know which vertices are not referenced anymore. Make a map
// Now we know which vertices are not referenced anymore. Make a map
// from old idxs to new ones, like we did for triangles.
// from old idxs to new ones, like we did for triangles.
@ -452,13 +722,11 @@ void TriangleSelector::garbage_collect()
idx = new_vertices_indices[idx];
idx = new_vertices_indices[idx];
// If this triangle was split before, forget it.
// Children referenced in the cache are dead by now.
m_invalid_triangles = 0;
m_invalid_triangles = 0;
m_free_triangles_head = -1;
m_free_vertices_head = -1;
TriangleSelector::TriangleSelector(const TriangleMesh& mesh)
TriangleSelector::TriangleSelector(const TriangleMesh& mesh)
@ -472,6 +740,9 @@ void TriangleSelector::reset(const EnforcerBlockerType reset_state)
m_invalid_triangles = 0;
m_free_triangles_head = -1;
m_free_vertices_head = -1;
for (const stl_vertex& vert : m_mesh->its.vertices)
for (const stl_vertex& vert : m_mesh->its.vertices)
@ -482,7 +753,6 @@ void TriangleSelector::reset(const EnforcerBlockerType reset_state)
m_orig_size_vertices = m_vertices.size();
m_orig_size_vertices = m_vertices.size();
m_orig_size_indices = m_triangles.size();
m_orig_size_indices = m_triangles.size();
m_invalid_triangles = 0;
@ -491,101 +761,108 @@ void TriangleSelector::reset(const EnforcerBlockerType reset_state)
void TriangleSelector::set_edge_limit(float edge_limit)
void TriangleSelector::set_edge_limit(float edge_limit)
float new_limit_sqr = std::pow(edge_limit, 2.f);
m_edge_limit_sqr = std::pow(edge_limit, 2.f);
if (new_limit_sqr != m_edge_limit_sqr) {
m_edge_limit_sqr = new_limit_sqr;
// The way how triangles split may be different now, forget
// all cached splits.
for (Triangle& tr : m_triangles)
void TriangleSelector::push_triangle(int a, int b, int c, int source_triangle, const EnforcerBlockerType state)
int TriangleSelector::push_triangle(int a, int b, int c, int source_triangle, const EnforcerBlockerType state)
for (int i : {a, b, c}) {
for (int i : {a, b, c}) {
assert(i >= 0 && i < int(m_vertices.size()));
assert(i >= 0 && i < int(m_vertices.size()));
m_triangles.emplace_back(a, b, c, source_triangle, state);
int idx;
if (m_free_triangles_head == -1) {
// Allocate a new triangle.
assert(m_invalid_triangles == 0);
idx = int(m_triangles.size());
m_triangles.emplace_back(a, b, c, source_triangle, state);
} else {
// Reuse triangle from the free list.
assert(m_free_triangles_head >= -1 && m_free_triangles_head < int(m_triangles.size()));
assert(! m_triangles[m_free_triangles_head].valid());
assert(m_invalid_triangles > 0);
idx = m_free_triangles_head;
m_free_triangles_head = m_triangles[idx].children[0];
-- m_invalid_triangles;
assert(m_free_triangles_head >= -1 && m_free_triangles_head < int(m_triangles.size()));
assert(m_free_triangles_head == -1 || ! m_triangles[m_free_triangles_head].valid());
assert(m_invalid_triangles >= 0);
assert((m_invalid_triangles == 0) == (m_free_triangles_head == -1));
m_triangles[idx] = {a, b, c, source_triangle, state};
return idx;
// called by deserialize() and select_patch()->select_triangle()->split_triangle()
// called by deserialize() and select_patch()->select_triangle()->...select_triangle()->split_triangle()
void TriangleSelector::perform_split(int facet_idx, EnforcerBlockerType old_state)
// Split a triangle based on Triangle::number_of_split_sides() and Triangle::special_side()
// by allocating child triangles and midpoint vertices.
// Midpoint vertices are possibly reused by traversing children of neighbor triangles.
void TriangleSelector::perform_split(int facet_idx, const Vec3i &neighbors, EnforcerBlockerType old_state)
Triangle* tr = &m_triangles[facet_idx];
// Reserve space for the new triangles upfront, so that the reference to this triangle will not change.
int source_triangle = tr->source_triangle;
m_triangles.reserve(m_triangles.size() + m_triangles[facet_idx].number_of_split_sides() + 1);
Triangle &tr = m_triangles[facet_idx];
// Read info about how to split this triangle.
int sides_to_split = tr->number_of_split_sides();
// indices of triangle vertices
// indices of triangle vertices
#ifdef _NDEBUG
boost::container::small_vector<int, 6> verts_idxs;
boost::container::small_vector<int, 6> verts_idxs;
int idx = tr->special_side();
#else // _NDEBUG
for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
// For easier debugging.
std::vector<int> verts_idxs;
if (idx == 3)
idx = 0;
#endif // _NDEBUG
for (int j=0, idx = tr.special_side(); j<3; ++j, idx = next_idx_modulo(idx, 3))
switch (sides_to_split) {
auto get_alloc_vertex = [this, &neighbors, &verts_idxs](int edge, int i1, int i2) -> int {
return this->triangle_midpoint_or_allocate(neighbors(edge), verts_idxs[i1], verts_idxs[i2]);
int ichild = 0;
switch (tr.number_of_split_sides()) {
case 1:
case 1:
m_vertices.emplace_back((m_vertices[verts_idxs[1]].v + m_vertices[verts_idxs[2]].v)/2.);
verts_idxs.insert(verts_idxs.begin()+2, get_alloc_vertex(next_idx_modulo(tr.special_side(), 3), 2, 1));
verts_idxs.insert(verts_idxs.begin()+2, m_vertices.size() - 1);
tr.children[ichild ++] = push_triangle(verts_idxs[0], verts_idxs[1], verts_idxs[2], tr.source_triangle, old_state);
tr.children[ichild ] = push_triangle(verts_idxs[2], verts_idxs[3], verts_idxs[0], tr.source_triangle, old_state);
push_triangle(verts_idxs[0], verts_idxs[1], verts_idxs[2], source_triangle);
push_triangle(verts_idxs[2], verts_idxs[3], verts_idxs[0], source_triangle);
case 2:
case 2:
m_vertices.emplace_back((m_vertices[verts_idxs[0]].v + m_vertices[verts_idxs[1]].v)/2.);
verts_idxs.insert(verts_idxs.begin()+1, get_alloc_vertex(tr.special_side(), 1, 0));
verts_idxs.insert(verts_idxs.begin()+1, m_vertices.size() - 1);
verts_idxs.insert(verts_idxs.begin()+4, get_alloc_vertex(prev_idx_modulo(tr.special_side(), 3), 0, 3));
tr.children[ichild ++] = push_triangle(verts_idxs[0], verts_idxs[1], verts_idxs[4], tr.source_triangle, old_state);
m_vertices.emplace_back((m_vertices[verts_idxs[0]].v + m_vertices[verts_idxs[3]].v)/2.);
tr.children[ichild ++] = push_triangle(verts_idxs[1], verts_idxs[2], verts_idxs[4], tr.source_triangle, old_state);
verts_idxs.insert(verts_idxs.begin()+4, m_vertices.size() - 1);
tr.children[ichild ] = push_triangle(verts_idxs[2], verts_idxs[3], verts_idxs[4], tr.source_triangle, old_state);
push_triangle(verts_idxs[0], verts_idxs[1], verts_idxs[4], source_triangle);
push_triangle(verts_idxs[1], verts_idxs[2], verts_idxs[4], source_triangle);
push_triangle(verts_idxs[2], verts_idxs[3], verts_idxs[4], source_triangle);
case 3:
case 3:
m_vertices.emplace_back((m_vertices[verts_idxs[0]].v + m_vertices[verts_idxs[1]].v)/2.);
assert(tr.special_side() == 0);
verts_idxs.insert(verts_idxs.begin()+1, m_vertices.size() - 1);
verts_idxs.insert(verts_idxs.begin()+1, get_alloc_vertex(0, 1, 0));
m_vertices.emplace_back((m_vertices[verts_idxs[2]].v + m_vertices[verts_idxs[3]].v)/2.);
verts_idxs.insert(verts_idxs.begin()+3, get_alloc_vertex(1, 3, 2));
verts_idxs.insert(verts_idxs.begin()+3, m_vertices.size() - 1);
verts_idxs.insert(verts_idxs.begin()+5, get_alloc_vertex(2, 0, 4));
m_vertices.emplace_back((m_vertices[verts_idxs[4]].v + m_vertices[verts_idxs[0]].v)/2.);
tr.children[ichild ++] = push_triangle(verts_idxs[0], verts_idxs[1], verts_idxs[5], tr.source_triangle, old_state);
verts_idxs.insert(verts_idxs.begin()+5, m_vertices.size() - 1);
tr.children[ichild ++] = push_triangle(verts_idxs[1], verts_idxs[2], verts_idxs[3], tr.source_triangle, old_state);
tr.children[ichild ++] = push_triangle(verts_idxs[3], verts_idxs[4], verts_idxs[5], tr.source_triangle, old_state);
push_triangle(verts_idxs[0], verts_idxs[1], verts_idxs[5], source_triangle);
tr.children[ichild ] = push_triangle(verts_idxs[1], verts_idxs[3], verts_idxs[5], tr.source_triangle, old_state);
push_triangle(verts_idxs[1], verts_idxs[2], verts_idxs[3], source_triangle);
push_triangle(verts_idxs[3], verts_idxs[4], verts_idxs[5], source_triangle);
push_triangle(verts_idxs[1], verts_idxs[3], verts_idxs[5], source_triangle);
// tr may have been invalidated due to reallocation of m_triangles.
#ifndef _NDEBUG
tr = &m_triangles[facet_idx];
assert(this->verify_triangle_neighbors(tr, neighbors));
for (int i = 0; i <= tr.number_of_split_sides(); ++i) {
// And save the children. All children should start with the same state as the triangle we just split.
Vec3i n = this->child_neighbors(tr, neighbors, i);
assert(sides_to_split <= 3);
assert(this->verify_triangle_neighbors(m_triangles[tr.children[i]], n));
for (int i=0; i<=sides_to_split; ++i) {
tr->children[i] = m_triangles.size()-1-i;
#endif // _NDEBUG
indexed_triangle_set TriangleSelector::get_facets(EnforcerBlockerType state) const
indexed_triangle_set TriangleSelector::get_facets(EnforcerBlockerType state) const
indexed_triangle_set out;
indexed_triangle_set out;
@ -693,6 +970,7 @@ void TriangleSelector::deserialize(const std::pair<std::vector<std::pair<int, in
// Vector to store all parents that have offsprings.
// Vector to store all parents that have offsprings.
struct ProcessingInfo {
struct ProcessingInfo {
int facet_id = 0;
int facet_id = 0;
Vec3i neighbors { -1, -1, -1 };
int processed_children = 0;
int processed_children = 0;
int total_children = 0;
int total_children = 0;
@ -727,9 +1005,13 @@ void TriangleSelector::deserialize(const std::pair<std::vector<std::pair<int, in
if (is_split) {
if (is_split) {
// root is split, add it into list of parents and split it.
// root is split, add it into list of parents and split it.
// then go to the next.
// then go to the next.
parents.push_back({triangle_id, 0, num_of_children});
Vec3i neighbors;
const stl_neighbors& neighbors_src = m_mesh->stl.neighbors_start[triangle_id];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
neighbors(i) = neighbors_src.neighbor[i];
parents.push_back({triangle_id, neighbors, 0, num_of_children});
m_triangles[triangle_id].set_division(num_of_split_sides, special_side);
m_triangles[triangle_id].set_division(num_of_split_sides, special_side);
perform_split(triangle_id, EnforcerBlockerType::NONE);
perform_split(triangle_id, neighbors, EnforcerBlockerType::NONE);
} else {
} else {
// root is not split. just set the state and that's it.
// root is not split. just set the state and that's it.
@ -744,10 +1026,13 @@ void TriangleSelector::deserialize(const std::pair<std::vector<std::pair<int, in
if (ProcessingInfo& last = parents.back(); is_split) {
if (ProcessingInfo& last = parents.back(); is_split) {
// split the triangle and save it as parent of the next ones.
// split the triangle and save it as parent of the next ones.
int this_idx = m_triangles[last.facet_id].children[last.processed_children];
const Triangle &tr = m_triangles[last.facet_id];
//FIXME calculate neighbor triangles from last.neighbors and last.processed_children.
Vec3i neighbors = this->child_neighbors(tr, last.neighbors, last.processed_children);
int this_idx = tr.children[last.processed_children];
m_triangles[this_idx].set_division(num_of_split_sides, special_side);
m_triangles[this_idx].set_division(num_of_split_sides, special_side);
perform_split(this_idx, EnforcerBlockerType::NONE);
perform_split(this_idx, neighbors, EnforcerBlockerType::NONE);
parents.push_back({this_idx, 0, num_of_children});
parents.push_back({this_idx, neighbors, 0, num_of_children});
} else {
} else {
// this triangle belongs to last split one
// this triangle belongs to last split one
@ -863,7 +1148,4 @@ bool TriangleSelector::Cursor::is_pointer_in_triangle(const Vec3f& p1_,
return signed_volume_sign(q1,q2,p2,p3) == pos && signed_volume_sign(q1,q2,p3,p1) == pos;
return signed_volume_sign(q1,q2,p2,p3) == pos && signed_volume_sign(q1,q2,p3,p1) == pos;
} // namespace Slic3r
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ namespace Slic3r {
enum class EnforcerBlockerType : int8_t;
enum class EnforcerBlockerType : int8_t;
// Following class holds information about selected triangles. It also has power
// Following class holds information about selected triangles. It also has power
// to recursively subdivide the triangles and make the selection finer.
// to recursively subdivide the triangles and make the selection finer.
class TriangleSelector {
class TriangleSelector {
@ -84,7 +83,6 @@ protected:
// Initialize bit fields. Default member initializers are not supported by C++17.
// Initialize bit fields. Default member initializers are not supported by C++17.
m_selected_by_seed_fill = false;
m_selected_by_seed_fill = false;
m_valid = true;
m_valid = true;
old_number_of_splits = 0;
// Indices into m_vertices.
// Indices into m_vertices.
std::array<int, 3> verts_idxs;
std::array<int, 3> verts_idxs;
@ -96,7 +94,7 @@ protected:
std::array<int, 4> children;
std::array<int, 4> children;
// Set the division type.
// Set the division type.
void set_division(int sides_to_split, int special_side_idx = -1);
void set_division(int sides_to_split, int special_side_idx);
// Get/set current state.
// Get/set current state.
void set_state(EnforcerBlockerType type) { assert(! is_split()); state = type; }
void set_state(EnforcerBlockerType type) { assert(! is_split()); state = type; }
@ -114,8 +112,6 @@ protected:
bool is_split() const throw() { return number_of_split_sides() != 0; }
bool is_split() const throw() { return number_of_split_sides() != 0; }
int number_of_split_sides() const throw() { return number_of_splits; }
int number_of_split_sides() const throw() { return number_of_splits; }
int special_side() const throw() { assert(is_split()); return special_side_idx; }
int special_side() const throw() { assert(is_split()); return special_side_idx; }
bool was_split_before() const throw() { return old_number_of_splits != 0; }
void forget_history() { old_number_of_splits = 0; }
friend TriangleSelector;
friend TriangleSelector;
@ -130,12 +126,6 @@ protected:
bool m_selected_by_seed_fill : 1;
bool m_selected_by_seed_fill : 1;
// Is this triangle valid or marked to be removed?
// Is this triangle valid or marked to be removed?
bool m_valid : 1;
bool m_valid : 1;
// How many children were spawned during last split?
// Is not reset on remerging the triangle.
int old_number_of_splits : 3;
// there are still 3 bits available at the last byte :-)
struct Vertex {
struct Vertex {
@ -185,16 +175,37 @@ protected:
// Private functions:
// Private functions:
bool select_triangle(int facet_idx, EnforcerBlockerType type, bool recursive_call = false, bool triangle_splitting = true);
bool select_triangle(int facet_idx, EnforcerBlockerType type, bool triangle_splitting);
bool select_triangle_recursive(int facet_idx, const Vec3i &neighbors, EnforcerBlockerType type, bool triangle_splitting);
int vertices_inside(int facet_idx) const;
int vertices_inside(int facet_idx) const;
bool faces_camera(int facet) const;
bool faces_camera(int facet) const;
void undivide_triangle(int facet_idx);
void undivide_triangle(int facet_idx);
void split_triangle(int facet_idx);
void split_triangle(int facet_idx, const Vec3i &neighbors);
void remove_useless_children(int facet_idx); // No hidden meaning. Triangles are meant.
void remove_useless_children(int facet_idx); // No hidden meaning. Triangles are meant.
bool is_pointer_in_triangle(int facet_idx) const;
bool is_pointer_in_triangle(int facet_idx) const;
bool is_edge_inside_cursor(int facet_idx) const;
bool is_edge_inside_cursor(int facet_idx) const;
void push_triangle(int a, int b, int c, int source_triangle, const EnforcerBlockerType state = EnforcerBlockerType{0});
int push_triangle(int a, int b, int c, int source_triangle, const EnforcerBlockerType state = EnforcerBlockerType{0});
void perform_split(int facet_idx, EnforcerBlockerType old_state);
void perform_split(int facet_idx, const Vec3i &neighbors, EnforcerBlockerType old_state);
Vec3i child_neighbors(const Triangle &tr, const Vec3i &neighbors, int child_idx) const;
// Return child of itriangle at a CCW oriented side (vertexi, vertexj), either first or 2nd part.
// If itriangle == -1 or if the side sharing (vertexi, vertexj) is not split, return -1.
enum class Partition {
int neighbor_child(const Triangle& tr, int vertexi, int vertexj, Partition partition) const;
int neighbor_child(int itriangle, int vertexi, int vertexj, Partition partition) const;
int triangle_midpoint(const Triangle& tr, int vertexi, int vertexj) const;
int triangle_midpoint(int itriangle, int vertexi, int vertexj) const;
int triangle_midpoint_or_allocate(int itriangle, int vertexi, int vertexj);
#ifndef _NDEBUG
bool verify_triangle_neighbors(const Triangle& tr, const Vec3i& neighbors) const;
bool verify_triangle_midpoints(const Triangle& tr) const;
#endif // _NDEBUG
int m_free_triangles_head { -1 };
int m_free_vertices_head { -1 };
Add table
Reference in a new issue