Fixing the transformation resets.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 24 additions and 35 deletions
@ -723,27 +723,23 @@ void Transformation::reset()
void Transformation::reset_rotation()
const Geometry::TransformationSVD svd(*this);
const Transform3d mirror = is_left_handed() ? Geometry::scale_transform({ -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }) : Transform3d::Identity();
m_matrix = get_offset_matrix() * mirror * Transform3d(svd.v * svd.s * svd.v.transpose());
m_matrix = get_offset_matrix() * Transform3d(svd.v * svd.s * svd.v.transpose()) * svd.mirror_matrix();
void Transformation::reset_scaling_factor()
const Geometry::TransformationSVD svd(*this);
m_matrix = get_offset_matrix() * Transform3d(svd.u) * Transform3d(svd.v.transpose());
m_matrix = get_offset_matrix() * Transform3d(svd.u) * Transform3d(svd.v.transpose()) * svd.mirror_matrix();
void Transformation::reset_skew()
auto new_scale_factor = [](const Matrix3d& s) {
// return s.determinant(); // scale determinant
return (s(0, 0) + s(1, 1) + s(2, 2)) / 3.0; // scale average
// return std::max(s(0, 0), std::max(s(1, 1), s(2, 2))); // max scale
// return std::min(s(0, 0), std::min(s(1, 1), s(2, 2))); // min scale
return pow(s(0, 0) * s(1, 1) * s(2, 2), 1. / 3.); // scale average
const Geometry::TransformationSVD svd(*this);
m_matrix = get_offset_matrix() * Transform3d(svd.u) * scale_transform(new_scale_factor(svd.s)) * Transform3d(svd.v.transpose());
m_matrix = get_offset_matrix() * Transform3d(svd.u) * scale_transform(new_scale_factor(svd.s)) * Transform3d(svd.v.transpose()) * svd.mirror_matrix();
Transform3d Transformation::get_matrix_no_offset() const
@ -843,46 +839,37 @@ Transformation Transformation::volume_to_bed_transformation(const Transformation
TransformationSVD::TransformationSVD(const Transform3d& trafo)
static const Matrix3d mirror_x = Geometry::scale_transform({ -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }).linear();
const auto &m0 = trafo.matrix().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
mirror = m0.determinant() < 0.0;
const Matrix3d m = trafo.matrix().block<3, 3>(0, 0);
Matrix3d m;
if (mirror)
m = m0 * Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<double, 3, 3>(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
m = m0;
const Eigen::JacobiSVD<Matrix3d> svd(m, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
u = svd.matrixU();
v = svd.matrixV();
s = svd.singularValues().asDiagonal();
mirror = m.determinant() < 0.0;
scale = !s.isApprox(Matrix3d::Identity());
anisotropic_scale = std::abs(s(0, 0) - s(1, 1)) > EPSILON || std::abs(s(1, 1) - s(2, 2)) > EPSILON;
rotation = mirror ? !u.isApprox(mirror_x) : !v.isApprox(u.transpose());
anisotropic_scale = ! is_approx(s(0, 0), s(1, 1)) || ! is_approx(s(1, 1), s(2, 2));
rotation = !v.isApprox(u.transpose());
rotation_90_degrees = true;
if (rotation) {
if (anisotropic_scale && rotation) {
rotation_90_degrees = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
const Vec3d row = u.row(i).cwiseAbs();
if ((std::abs(row[0] - 1.0) > EPSILON && row[1] > EPSILON && row[2] > EPSILON) ||
(row[0] > EPSILON && std::abs(row[1] - 1.0) > EPSILON && row[2] > EPSILON) ||
(row[0] > EPSILON && row[1] > EPSILON && std::abs(row[2] - 1.0) > EPSILON)) {
const Vec3d row = v.row(i).cwiseAbs();
size_t num_zeros = is_approx(row[0], 0.) + is_approx(row[1], 0.) + is_approx(row[2], 0.);
size_t num_ones = is_approx(row[0], 1.) + is_approx(row[1], 1.) + is_approx(row[2], 1.);
if (num_zeros != 2 || num_ones != 1) {
rotation_90_degrees = false;
rotation_90_degrees = true;
skew = false;
if (anisotropic_scale) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
const Vec3d row = v.row(i).cwiseAbs();
if ((std::abs(row[0] - 1.0) > EPSILON && row[1] > EPSILON && row[2] > EPSILON) ||
(row[0] > EPSILON && std::abs(row[1] - 1.0) > EPSILON && row[2] > EPSILON) ||
(row[0] > EPSILON && row[1] > EPSILON && std::abs(row[2] - 1.0) > EPSILON)) {
skew = true;
skew = ! rotation_90_degrees;
} else
skew = false;
@ -554,6 +554,8 @@ struct TransformationSVD
explicit TransformationSVD(const Transformation& trafo) : TransformationSVD(trafo.get_matrix()) {}
explicit TransformationSVD(const Transform3d& trafo);
Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<double, 3, 3> mirror_matrix() const { return Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<double, 3, 3>(this->mirror ? -1. : 1., 1., 1.); }
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