Adaptive Cubic infill:
1) Fixed a wrong offset when extracting infill lines from the octree. 2) Added a variant for testing triangle in a bounding sphere when buildind the octree. Currently not used as the box test is more tight. 3) "Bridging infill" regions are now triangulated and used to densify the octree as well to support the bridging infill correctly.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 132 additions and 29 deletions
@ -152,6 +152,67 @@ bool triangle_AABB_intersects(const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c,
return true;
static double dist2_to_triangle(const Vec3d &a, const Vec3d &b, const Vec3d &c, const Vec3d &p)
double out = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
const Vec3d v1 = b - a;
auto l1 = v1.squaredNorm();
const Vec3d v2 = c - b;
auto l2 = v2.squaredNorm();
const Vec3d v3 = a - c;
auto l3 = v3.squaredNorm();
// Is the triangle valid?
if (l1 > 0. && l2 > 0. && l3 > 0.)
// 1) Project point into the plane of the triangle.
const Vec3d n = v1.cross(v2);
double d = (p - a).dot(n);
const Vec3d foot_pt = p - n * d / n.squaredNorm();
// 2) Maximum projection of n.
int proj_axis;
// 3) Test whether the foot_pt is inside the triangle.
auto inside_triangle = [](const Vec2d& v1, const Vec2d& v2, const Vec2d& v3, const Vec2d& pt) {
const double d1 = cross2(v1, pt);
const double d2 = cross2(v2, pt);
const double d3 = cross2(v3, pt);
// Testing both CCW and CW orientations.
return (d1 >= 0. && d2 >= 0. && d3 >= 0.) || (d1 <= 0. && d2 <= 0. && d3 <= 0.);
bool inside;
switch (proj_axis) {
case 0:
inside = inside_triangle({v1.y(), v1.z()}, {v2.y(), v2.z()}, {v3.y(), v3.z()}, {foot_pt.y(), foot_pt.z()}); break;
case 1:
inside = inside_triangle({v1.z(), v1.x()}, {v2.z(), v2.x()}, {v3.z(), v3.x()}, {foot_pt.z(), foot_pt.x()}); break;
assert(proj_axis == 2);
inside = inside_triangle({v1.x(), v1.y()}, {v2.x(), v2.y()}, {v3.x(), v3.y()}, {foot_pt.x(), foot_pt.y()}); break;
if (inside)
return (p - foot_pt).squaredNorm();
// 4) Find minimum distance to triangle vertices and edges.
out = std::min((p - a).squaredNorm(), std::min((p - b).squaredNorm(), (p - c).squaredNorm()));
auto t = (p - a).dot(v1);
if (t > 0. && t < l1)
out = std::min(out, (a + v1 * (t / l1) - p).squaredNorm());
t = (p - b).dot(v2);
if (t > 0. && t < l2)
out = std::min(out, (b + v2 * (t / l2) - p).squaredNorm());
t = (p - c).dot(v3);
if (t > 0. && t < l3)
out = std::min(out, (c + v3 * (t / l3) - p).squaredNorm());
return out;
// Ordering of children cubes.
static const std::array<Vec3d, 8> child_centers {
Vec3d(-1, -1, -1), Vec3d( 1, -1, -1), Vec3d(-1, 1, -1), Vec3d( 1, 1, -1),
@ -295,7 +356,6 @@ struct FillContext
FillContext(const Octree &octree, double z_position, int direction_idx) :
@ -309,8 +369,6 @@ struct FillContext
// Rotate the point, uses the same convention as Point::rotate().
Vec2d rotate(const Vec2d& v) { return Vec2d(this->cos_a * v.x() - this->sin_a * v.y(), this->sin_a * v.x() + this->cos_a * v.y()); }
// Center of the root cube in the Octree coordinate system.
const Vec3d origin_world;
const std::vector<CubeProperties> &cubes_properties;
// Top of the current layer.
const double z_position;
@ -402,7 +460,7 @@ static void generate_infill_lines_recursive(
from = context.rotate(from);
to = context.rotate(to);
// Relative to cube center
Vec2d offset(cube->center.x() - context.origin_world.x(), cube->center.y() - context.origin_world.y());
const Vec2d offset(cube->center.x(), cube->center.y());
from += offset;
to += offset;
// Verify that the traversal order of the octree children matches the line direction,
@ -597,7 +655,14 @@ static void transform_center(Cube *current_cube, const Eigen::Matrix3d &rot)
transform_center(child, rot);
OctreePtr build_octree(const indexed_triangle_set &triangle_mesh, coordf_t line_spacing, bool support_overhangs_only)
OctreePtr build_octree(
// Mesh is rotated to the coordinate system of the octree.
const indexed_triangle_set &triangle_mesh,
// Overhang triangles extracted from fill surfaces with stInternalBridge type,
// rotated to the coordinate system of the octree.
const std::vector<Vec3d> &overhang_triangles,
coordf_t line_spacing,
bool support_overhangs_only)
assert(line_spacing > 0);
assert(! std::isnan(line_spacing));
@ -608,21 +673,27 @@ OctreePtr build_octree(const indexed_triangle_set &triangle_mesh, coordf_t line_
auto octree = OctreePtr(new Octree(cube_center, cubes_properties));
if (cubes_properties.size() > 1) {
Octree *octree_ptr = octree.get();
double edge_length_half = 0.5 * cubes_properties.back().edge_length;
Vec3d diag_half(edge_length_half, edge_length_half, edge_length_half);
int max_depth = int(cubes_properties.size()) - 1;
auto process_triangle = [octree_ptr, max_depth, diag_half](const Vec3d &a, const Vec3d &b, const Vec3d &c) {
a, b, c,
BoundingBoxf3(octree_ptr->root_cube->center - diag_half, octree_ptr->root_cube->center + diag_half),
auto up_vector = support_overhangs_only ? Vec3d(transform_to_octree() * Vec3d(0., 0., 1.)) : Vec3d();
for (auto &tri : triangle_mesh.indices) {
auto a = triangle_mesh.vertices[tri[0]].cast<double>();
auto b = triangle_mesh.vertices[tri[1]].cast<double>();
auto c = triangle_mesh.vertices[tri[2]].cast<double>();
if (support_overhangs_only && ! is_overhang_triangle(a, b, c, up_vector))
double edge_length_half = 0.5 * cubes_properties.back().edge_length;
Vec3d diag_half(edge_length_half, edge_length_half, edge_length_half);
a, b, c,
BoundingBoxf3(octree->root_cube->center - diag_half, octree->root_cube->center + diag_half),
int(cubes_properties.size()) - 1);
if (! support_overhangs_only || is_overhang_triangle(a, b, c, up_vector))
process_triangle(a, b, c);
for (size_t i = 0; i < overhang_triangles.size(); i += 3)
process_triangle(overhang_triangles[i], overhang_triangles[i + 1], overhang_triangles[i + 2]);
// Transform the octree to world coordinates to reduce computation when extracting infill lines.
auto rot = transform_to_world().toRotationMatrix();
@ -639,13 +710,16 @@ void Octree::insert_triangle(const Vec3d &a, const Vec3d &b, const Vec3d &c, Cub
assert(depth > 0);
// Squared radius of a sphere around the child cube.
const double r2_cube = Slic3r::sqr(0.5 * this->cubes_properties[-- depth].height + EPSILON);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++ i) {
const Vec3d &child_center = child_centers[i];
const Vec3d &child_center_dir = child_centers[i];
// Calculate a slightly expanded bounding box of a child cube to cope with triangles touching a cube wall and other numeric errors.
// We will rather densify the octree a bit more than necessary instead of missing a triangle.
BoundingBoxf3 bbox;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++ k) {
if (child_center[k] == -1.) {
if (child_center_dir[k] == -1.) {
bbox.min[k] = current_bbox.min[k];
bbox.max[k] = current_cube->center[k] + EPSILON;
} else {
@ -653,11 +727,13 @@ void Octree::insert_triangle(const Vec3d &a, const Vec3d &b, const Vec3d &c, Cub
bbox.max[k] = current_bbox.max[k];
Vec3d child_center = current_cube->center + (child_center_dir * (this->cubes_properties[depth].edge_length / 2.));
//if (dist2_to_triangle(a, b, c, child_center) < r2_cube) {
if (triangle_AABB_intersects(a, b, c, bbox)) {
if (! current_cube->children[i])
current_cube->children[i] = this->pool.construct(current_cube->center + (child_center * (this->cubes_properties[depth].edge_length / 4)));
if (depth > 1)
this->insert_triangle(a, b, c, current_cube->children[i], bbox, depth - 1);
current_cube->children[i] = this->pool.construct(child_center);
if (depth > 0)
this->insert_triangle(a, b, c, current_cube->children[i], bbox, depth);
@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ Eigen::Quaterniond transform_to_octree();
FillAdaptive::OctreePtr build_octree(
// Mesh is rotated to the coordinate system of the octree.
const indexed_triangle_set &triangle_mesh,
const indexed_triangle_set &triangle_mesh,
// Overhang triangles extracted from fill surfaces with stInternalBridge type,
// rotated to the coordinate system of the octree.
const std::vector<Vec3d> &overhang_triangles,
coordf_t line_spacing,
// If true, octree is densified below internal overhangs only.
bool support_overhangs_only);
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "SupportMaterial.hpp"
#include "Surface.hpp"
#include "Slicing.hpp"
#include "Tesselate.hpp"
#include "Utils.hpp"
#include "AABBTreeIndirect.hpp"
#include "Fill/FillAdaptive.hpp"
@ -439,17 +440,40 @@ std::pair<FillAdaptive::OctreePtr, FillAdaptive::OctreePtr> PrintObject::prepare
using namespace FillAdaptive;
auto [adaptive_line_spacing, support_line_spacing] = adaptive_fill_line_spacing(*this);
if (adaptive_line_spacing == 0. && support_line_spacing == 0.)
if (adaptive_line_spacing == 0. && support_line_spacing == 0. || this->layers().empty())
return std::make_pair(OctreePtr(), OctreePtr());
indexed_triangle_set mesh = this->model_object()->raw_indexed_triangle_set();
// Rotate mesh and build octree on it with axis-aligned (standart base) cubes.
Transform3d m = m_trafo;
m.translate(Vec3d(- unscale<float>(m_center_offset.x()), - unscale<float>(m_center_offset.y()), 0));
its_transform(mesh, transform_to_octree().toRotationMatrix() * m, true);
m.pretranslate(Vec3d(- unscale<float>(m_center_offset.x()), - unscale<float>(m_center_offset.y()), 0));
auto to_octree = transform_to_octree().toRotationMatrix();
its_transform(mesh, to_octree * m, true);
// Triangulate internal bridging surfaces.
std::vector<std::vector<Vec3d>> overhangs(this->layers().size());
tbb::blocked_range<int>(0, int(m_layers.size()) - 1),
[this, &to_octree, &overhangs](const tbb::blocked_range<int> &range) {
std::vector<Vec3d> &out = overhangs[range.begin()];
for (int idx_layer = range.begin(); idx_layer < range.end(); ++ idx_layer) {
const Layer *layer = this->layers()[idx_layer];
for (const LayerRegion *layerm : layer->regions())
for (const Surface &surface : layerm->fill_surfaces.surfaces)
if (surface.surface_type == stInternalBridge)
append(out, triangulate_expolygon_3d(surface.expolygon, layer->bottom_z()));
for (Vec3d &p : out)
p = (to_octree * p).eval();
// and gather them.
for (size_t i = 1; i < overhangs.size(); ++ i)
append(overhangs.front(), std::move(overhangs[i]));
return std::make_pair(
adaptive_line_spacing ? build_octree(mesh, adaptive_line_spacing, false) : OctreePtr(),
support_line_spacing ? build_octree(mesh, support_line_spacing, true) : OctreePtr());
adaptive_line_spacing ? build_octree(mesh, overhangs.front(), adaptive_line_spacing, false) : OctreePtr(),
support_line_spacing ? build_octree(mesh, overhangs.front(), support_line_spacing, true) : OctreePtr());
void PrintObject::clear_layers()
@ -2785,8 +2809,8 @@ void PrintObject::project_and_append_custom_facets(
// Calculate how to move points on triangle sides per unit z increment.
Vec2f ta(trianglef[1] - trianglef[0]);
Vec2f tb(trianglef[2] - trianglef[0]);
ta *= 1./(facet[1].z() - facet[0].z());
tb *= 1./(facet[2].z() - facet[0].z());
ta *= 1.f/(facet[1].z() - facet[0].z());
tb *= 1.f/(facet[2].z() - facet[0].z());
// Projection on current slice will be build directly in place.
LightPolygon* proj = &projections_of_triangles[idx].polygons[0];
@ -2797,7 +2821,7 @@ void PrintObject::project_and_append_custom_facets(
// Project a sub-polygon on all slices intersecting the triangle.
while (it != layers().end()) {
const float z = (*it)->slice_z;
const float z = float((*it)->slice_z);
// Projections of triangle sides intersections with slices.
// a moves along one side, b tracks the other.
@ -2809,7 +2833,7 @@ void PrintObject::project_and_append_custom_facets(
if (z > facet[1].z() && ! passed_first) {
ta = trianglef[2]-trianglef[1];
ta *= 1./(facet[2].z() - facet[1].z());
ta *= 1.f/(facet[2].z() - facet[1].z());
passed_first = true;
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