Work with multiple patches from one CutAOI - only area without outlines and selection of correct projection distance
NOTE: One clip can create multiple patches - divide by connected triangles
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 251 additions and 82 deletions
@ -640,19 +640,38 @@ SurfaceCut::CutContour create_cut(const std::vector<HI> &outlines,
/// <returns>Merged all surface cuts into one</returns>
SurfaceCut merge_intersections(SurfaceCuts &cuts, const CutAOIs& cutAOIs, const std::vector<bool>& use_cut);
// To track what was cutted of
struct SurfacePatch
// converted cut to CGAL mesh
CutMesh mesh;
// converted source.second to mesh half edges
std::vector<HI> outline;
BoundingBoxf3 bb;
/// used during process
// flag that part will be deleted
bool full_inside = false;
// flag that Patch could contain more than one part
bool just_cliped = false;
using SurfacePatches = std::vector<SurfacePatch>;
/// <summary>
/// Differenciate other models
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cuts">Patches from meshes</param>
/// <param name="use_cut">Define wanted cuts (addressing by m2i)</param>
/// <param name="m2i">Convert model_index and cut_index into one index</param>
/// <param name="cut_models">Source points for Cutted AOIs</param>
/// <param name="models">Original models without cut modifications used for differenciate</param>
void diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
const std::vector<bool> &use_cut,
const ModelCut2index &m2i,
const CutMeshes &cut_models,
/*const*/ CutMeshes &models);
/// <param name="projection">Define projection direction</param>
/// <returns>Cuts differenciate by models - Patch</returns>
SurfacePatches diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
const ModelCut2index &m2i,
const CutMeshes &cut_models,
/*const*/ CutMeshes &models,
const Emboss::IProject3f &projection);
// keep CGAL Mesh for next processing
struct SurfaceCutWithMesh : public SurfaceCut{
@ -682,6 +701,7 @@ indexed_triangle_set create_indexed_triangle_set(const std::vector<FI> &faces,
void store(CutMesh &mesh, const FaceTypeMap &face_type_map, const std::string &file);
void store(CutMesh &mesh, const ReductionMap &reduction_map, const std::string &file);
void store(const CutAOIs &aois, const CutMesh &mesh, const std::string &dir);
void store(const SurfacePatches &patches, const std::string &dir);
void store(const Vec3f &vertex, const Vec3f &normal, const std::string &file, float size = 2.f);
void store(const ProjectionDistances &pds, const VCutAOIs &aois, const CutMeshes &meshes, const std::string &file, float width = 0.2f/* [in mm] */);
void store(const SurfaceCuts &cut, const std::string &dir);
@ -758,6 +778,12 @@ SurfaceCut Slic3r::cut_surface(const ExPolygons &shapes,
priv::ModelCut2index m2i(model_cuts);
priv::SurfacePatches patches = priv::diff_models(model_cuts, m2i, cgal_models, cgal_neg_models, projection);
priv::store(patches, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "patches/");
// calc distance to projection for all outline points of cutAOI(shape)
// it is used for distiguish the top one
uint32_t shapes_points = s2i.get_count();
@ -773,14 +799,12 @@ SurfaceCut Slic3r::cut_surface(const ExPolygons &shapes,
store(best_projection, model_cuts, cgal_models, DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR + "best_projection.obj"); // only debug
priv::ModelCut2index m2i(model_cuts);
// Create mask for wanted AOIs
std::vector<bool> is_best_cut(m2i.get_count(), {false});
for (const priv::ProjectionDistance& d : best_projection)
if (d.model_index != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
is_best_cut[m2i.calc_index({d.model_index, d.aoi_index})] = true;
priv::diff_models(model_cuts, is_best_cut, m2i, cgal_models, cgal_neg_models);
// IMPROVE: create reduce map on demand - may be model do not need it (when it is not used for result)
// Reduction prepare
@ -2632,27 +2656,20 @@ void create_face_types(FaceTypeMap &map,
const EcmType &ecm,
const VertexSourceMap &sources);
// To track what was cutted of
struct ExtendAOI
// source for extend
const CutAOI *source;
// converted cut to CGAL mesh
CutMesh mesh;
/// <summary>
/// Implement 'cut' Minus 'clipper', where clipper is reverse input Volume
/// NOTE: clipper will be modified (corefined by cut) !!!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cut">differ from</param>
/// <param name="clipper">differ what</param>
void clip_cut(ExtendAOI &cut, CutMesh clipper);
/// <returns>True on succes, otherwise FALSE</returns>
bool clip_cut(SurfacePatch &cut, CutMesh clipper);
BoundingBoxf3 bounding_box(const CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh);
BoundingBoxf3 bounding_box(const ExtendAOI &ecut);
BoundingBoxf3 bounding_box(const CutMesh &mesh);
BoundingBoxf3 bounding_box(const SurfacePatch &ecut);
ExtendAOI create_extend_aoi(CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh);
SurfacePatch create_surface_patch(CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh);
} // namespace priv
@ -2760,10 +2777,11 @@ void priv::create_face_types(FaceTypeMap &map,
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/clip.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/corefinement.h>
void priv::clip_cut(ExtendAOI &cut, CutMesh clipper)
bool priv::clip_cut(SurfacePatch &cut, CutMesh clipper)
CutMesh& tm = cut.mesh;
// create backup for case that there is no intersection
CutMesh backup_copy = cut.mesh;
CutMesh backup_copy = tm;
class ExistIntersectionClipVisitor: public CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::Corefinement::Default_visitor<CutMesh>
@ -2774,24 +2792,30 @@ void priv::clip_cut(ExtendAOI &cut, CutMesh clipper)
{ *exist_intersection = true;}
bool exist_intersection = false;
ExistIntersectionClipVisitor visitor{&exist_intersection};
ExistIntersectionClipVisitor visitor{&exist_intersection};
// bool map for affected edge
EcmType ecm = get(DynamicEdgeProperty(), tm);
// namep parameters for model tm and function clip
const auto &np_tm = CGAL::parameters::visitor(visitor)
// name parameters for model clipper and function clip
// Can't use 'do_not_modify' need clipper to be closed
//const auto &np_c = CGAL::parameters::do_not_modify(true);
const auto &np_c = CGAL::parameters::throw_on_self_intersection(false);
// Can't use 'do_not_modify', when Ture than clipper has to be closed !!
// .do_not_modify(true);
// .throw_on_self_intersection(false); is set automaticaly by param 'do_not_modify'
// .clip_volume(false); is set automaticaly by param 'do_not_modify'
std::string dir = "C:/data/temp/out/";
static int i = 0;
CGAL::IO::write_OFF(dir + "in_patch"+std::to_string(i)+".off", cut.mesh);
CGAL::IO::write_OFF(dir + "in_patch"+std::to_string(i)+".off", tm);
CGAL::IO::write_OFF(dir + "in_model"+std::to_string(i)+".off", clipper);
bool suc = CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::clip(cut.mesh, clipper, np_tm);
CGAL::IO::write_OFF(dir + "out_patch"+std::to_string(i)+".off", cut.mesh);
bool suc = CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::clip(tm, clipper, np_tm, np_c);
CGAL::IO::write_OFF(dir + "out_patch"+std::to_string(i)+".off", tm);
CGAL::IO::write_OFF(dir + "out_model"+std::to_string(i++)+".off", clipper);
// true if the output surface mesh is manifold.
@ -2801,12 +2825,13 @@ void priv::clip_cut(ExtendAOI &cut, CutMesh clipper)
if (!exist_intersection || !suc) {
// TODO: test if cut is fully in or fully out!!
cut.mesh = backup_copy;
return false;
// TODO: fix outlines list
// Need to trace clip (corefine line)
return true;
//Store_VI_pairs::Pairs intersections;
//std::string vertex_source_map_name = "v:source_intersections";
//VertexSourceMap vmap = tm1.add_property_map<VI, Source>(vertex_source_map_name).first;
@ -2869,14 +2894,14 @@ BoundingBoxf3 priv::bounding_box(const CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh) {
return BoundingBoxf3(min, max);
BoundingBoxf3 priv::bounding_box(const ExtendAOI &ecut) {
const CutMesh& mesh = ecut.mesh;
BoundingBoxf3 priv::bounding_box(const CutMesh &mesh)
const P3 &p_from_cut = *mesh.points().begin();
Vec3d min(p_from_cut.x(), p_from_cut.y(), p_from_cut.z());
Vec3d max = min;
for (VI vi: mesh.vertices()) {
const P3& p = mesh.point(vi);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
Vec3d min(p_from_cut.x(), p_from_cut.y(), p_from_cut.z());
Vec3d max = min;
for (VI vi : mesh.vertices()) {
const P3 &p = mesh.point(vi);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (min[i] > p[i]) min[i] = p[i];
if (max[i] < p[i]) max[i] = p[i];
@ -2884,7 +2909,11 @@ BoundingBoxf3 priv::bounding_box(const ExtendAOI &ecut) {
return BoundingBoxf3(min, max);
priv::ExtendAOI priv::create_extend_aoi(CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh)
BoundingBoxf3 priv::bounding_box(const SurfacePatch &ecut) {
return bounding_box(ecut.mesh);
priv::SurfacePatch priv::create_surface_patch(CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh)
std::vector<bool> is_counted(mesh.vertices().size(), {false});
uint32_t count_vertices = 0;
@ -2920,14 +2949,29 @@ priv::ExtendAOI priv::create_extend_aoi(CutAOI &cut, const CutMesh &mesh)
cm.add_face(t[0], t[1], t[2]);
return {&cut, cm};
// converted source.second to mesh half edges
std::vector<HI> outline;
for (HI hi : cut.second) {
VI vi_s = mesh.source(hi);
VI vi_t =;
VI vi_s2(v_cvt[vi_s.idx()]);
VI vi_t2(v_cvt[vi_t.idx()]);
// converted half edge
HI hi_cvt = cm.halfedge(vi_s2, vi_t2);
return {std::move(cm), std::move(outline)};
void priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
const std::vector<bool> &use_cut,
const ModelCut2index &m2i,
const CutMeshes &cut_models,
/*const*/ CutMeshes &models)
priv::SurfacePatches priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
const ModelCut2index &m2i,
const CutMeshes &cut_models,
/*const*/ CutMeshes &models,
const Emboss::IProject3f &projection)
// create bounding boxes for cuts
std::vector<BoundingBoxf3> bbs;
@ -2941,53 +2985,170 @@ void priv::diff_models(VCutAOIs &cuts,
// keep converted AOI to extend from
std::vector<std::optional<ExtendAOI>> ecuts(m2i.get_count());
// check whether cut has intersection with model
auto has_bb_intersection = [&bbs, &m2i, &cuts]
(const BoundingBoxf3 &bb, size_t model_index) -> bool {
// for cut index with model_index2
size_t start = m2i.calc_index({uint32_t(model_index), 0});
size_t end = start + cuts[model_index].size();
for (size_t bb_index = start; bb_index < end; bb_index++)
if (bb.intersects(bbs[bb_index])) return true;
return false;
// NOTE: bad model could have self intersection but this can't solve it
// find intersection of cuts by Bounding boxes intersection
// Do not make Tree twice, when exist out of cut function
using Primitive = CGAL::AABB_face_graph_triangle_primitive<CutMesh>;
using Traits = CGAL::AABB_traits<EpicKernel, Primitive>;
using Ray = EpicKernel::Ray_3;
using Tree = CGAL::AABB_tree<Traits>;
using Trees = std::vector<Tree>;
Trees trees;
for (CutMesh &model: models) {
Tree tree;
tree.insert(faces(model).first, faces(model).second, model);
// only for model without intersection
// use ray from any point in projection direction
auto is_patch_inside_of_model = [&trees, &projection]
(SurfacePatch &patch, size_t model_index) {
// TODO: Solve model with hole in projection direction !!!
const P3 &a = patch.mesh.point(VI(0));
Vec3f a_(a.x(), a.y(), a.z());
Vec3f b_ = projection.project(a_);
P3 b(b_.x(), b_.y(), b_.z());
Tree &tree = trees[model_index];
Ray ray_query(a, b);
size_t count = tree.number_of_intersected_primitives(ray_query);
bool is_in = (count % 2) == 1;
// try opposit direction result should be same, otherwise open model is used
//Vec3f c_ = a_ - (b_ - a_); // opposit direction
//P3 c(c_.x(), c_.y(), c_.z());
//Ray ray_query2(a, b);
//size_t count2 = tree.number_of_intersected_primitives(ray_query2);
//bool is_in2 = (count2 % 2) == 1;
Ray(a, P3(2 * a.x() - b.x(),
2 * a.y() - b.y(),
2 * a.z() - b.z()))) %
2) == 1) == is_in);
return is_in;
// separate connected triangles into it's own patches
// new patches are added to back of input patches
auto divide_patch = [](size_t i, SurfacePatches &patches) {
SurfacePatch &patch = patches[i];
patch.just_cliped = false;
constexpr size_t def_value = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
CutMesh& cm = patch.mesh;
std::string patch_number_name = "f:patch_number";
auto patch_number = cm.add_property_map<FI, size_t>(patch_number_name, {def_value}).first;
size_t number = 0;
std::vector<FI> queue;
// IMPROVE: create groups around triangles and than connect groups
for (FI fi_cm : cm.faces()) {
if (patch_number[fi_cm] != def_value) continue;
// flood fill from triangle fi_cm to surrounding
do {
FI fi_q = queue.back();
if (patch_number[fi_q] != def_value) {
assert(patch_number[fi_q] == number);
patch_number[fi_q] = number;
HI hi = cm.halfedge(fi_q);
for (FI fi : cm.faces_around_face(hi)) {
// by documentation The face descriptor may be the null face, and it may be several times the same face descriptor.
if (!fi.is_valid()) continue;
if (patch_number[fi] == def_value) queue.push_back(fi);
} while (!queue.empty());
// speed up for only one patch - no dividing (the most common)
if (number == 1) {
|||| = bounding_box(cm);
auto separate_patch = [&patch_number, &cm](size_t n) -> SurfacePatch {
CutAOI cut;
for (FI fi_cm : cm.faces())
if (patch_number[fi_cm] == n) cut.first.push_back(fi_cm);
SurfacePatch patch = create_surface_patch(cut, cm);
|||| = bounding_box(patch.mesh);
return patch;
for (size_t n = 1; n < number; n++)
patch = separate_patch(0);
std::vector<bool> removed(m2i.get_count(), {false});
SurfacePatches patches;
// queue of patches for one AOI (permanent with respect to for loop)
SurfacePatches aoi_patches;
patches.reserve(m2i.get_count()); // only approximation of count
size_t index = 0;
for (size_t model_index = 0; model_index < models.size(); ++model_index) {
CutAOIs &model_cuts = cuts[model_index];
for (size_t cut_index = 0; cut_index < model_cuts.size(); ++cut_index, ++index)
if (!use_cut[index]) continue;
BoundingBoxf3 &result_bb = bbs[index];
std::optional<ExtendAOI> &ecut = ecuts[index];
if (!ecut.has_value()) {
CutAOI &cut = model_cuts[cut_index];
const CutMesh &cut_model = cut_models[model_index];
ecut = create_extend_aoi(cut, cut_model);
// all differenced models from this model
std::vector<bool> differenced(models.size(), {false});
// do not merge itself
differenced[model_index] = true;
// check when exist intersection with result_bb
size_t index2 = 0;
const CutMesh &cut_model = cut_models[model_index];
for (size_t cut_index = 0; cut_index < model_cuts.size(); ++cut_index, ++index) {
CutAOI &cut = model_cuts[cut_index];
SurfacePatch patch = create_surface_patch(cut, cut_model);
|||| = bbs[index];
for (size_t model_index2 = 0; model_index2 < models.size(); ++model_index2) {
if (differenced[model_index2]) {
if ((model_index2+1) < models.size())
index2 = m2i.calc_index({uint32_t(model_index2 + 1), 0});
// do not clip source model itself
if (model_index == model_index2) continue;
for (SurfacePatch &patch : aoi_patches) {
if (has_bb_intersection(, model_index2) &&
clip_cut(patch, models[model_index2])){
patch.just_cliped = true;
} else if (is_patch_inside_of_model(patch, model_index2))
patch.full_inside = true;
size_t count_cuts = cuts[model_index2].size();
for (size_t cut_index2 = 0; cut_index2 < count_cuts; ++cut_index2, ++index2){
const BoundingBoxf3 &bb = bbs[index2];
if (!bb.intersects(result_bb)) continue;
priv::clip_cut(*ecut, models[model_index2]);
differenced[model_index2] = true;
if ((model_index2+1) < models.size())
index2 = m2i.calc_index({uint32_t(model_index2 + 1), 0});
// erase full inside
for (size_t i = aoi_patches.size(); i != 0; --i) {
auto it = aoi_patches.begin() + (i - 1);
if (it->full_inside) aoi_patches.erase(it);
if (aoi_patches.empty()) {
removed[index] = true;
// divide cliped into parts
size_t end = aoi_patches.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < end; ++i)
if (aoi_patches[i].just_cliped)
divide_patch(i, aoi_patches);
// TODO: convert ecuts to CutSurface
if (!removed[index])
return patches;
// TODO: reduce outlines
// TODO: add cutting edge
// TODO: merge AOIs without intersection - only append
@ -3286,6 +3447,14 @@ void priv::store(const CutAOIs &aois, const CutMesh &mesh, const std::string &di
void priv::store(const SurfacePatches &patches, const std::string &dir) {
for (const priv::SurfacePatch &patch : patches) {
size_t index = &patch - &patches.front();
if (patch.mesh.faces().empty()) continue;
CGAL::IO::write_OFF(dir + "patch" + std::to_string(index) + ".off", patch.mesh);
void priv::store(const ProjectionDistances &pds,
const VCutAOIs &aois,
const CutMeshes &meshes,
Add table
Reference in a new issue