#7211 - Fixed reset direction of view clipping not aligning cut surface correctly when viewed from Left or Right
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 16 additions and 18 deletions
@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ void MeshClipper::recalculate_triangles()
const Transform3f& instance_matrix_no_translation_no_scaling = m_trafo.get_matrix(true,false,true).cast<float>();
const Vec3f& scaling = m_trafo.get_scaling_factor().cast<float>();
// Calculate clipping plane normal in mesh coordinates.
Vec3f up_noscale = instance_matrix_no_translation_no_scaling.inverse() * m_plane.get_normal().cast<float>();
Vec3d up (up_noscale(0)*scaling(0), up_noscale(1)*scaling(1), up_noscale(2)*scaling(2));
const Vec3f up_noscale = instance_matrix_no_translation_no_scaling.inverse() * m_plane.get_normal().cast<float>();
const Vec3d up (up_noscale(0)*scaling(0), up_noscale(1)*scaling(1), up_noscale(2)*scaling(2));
// Calculate distance from mesh origin to the clipping plane (in mesh coordinates).
float height_mesh = m_plane.distance(m_trafo.get_offset()) * (up_noscale.norm()/up.norm());
const float height_mesh = m_plane.distance(m_trafo.get_offset()) * (up_noscale.norm()/up.norm());
// Now do the cutting
MeshSlicingParams slicing_params;
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void MeshClipper::recalculate_triangles()
ExPolygons expolys = union_ex(slice_mesh(m_mesh->its, height_mesh, slicing_params));
if (m_negative_mesh && !m_negative_mesh->empty()) {
ExPolygons neg_expolys = union_ex(slice_mesh(m_negative_mesh->its, height_mesh, slicing_params));
const ExPolygons neg_expolys = union_ex(slice_mesh(m_negative_mesh->its, height_mesh, slicing_params));
expolys = diff_ex(expolys, neg_expolys);
@ -110,13 +110,13 @@ void MeshClipper::recalculate_triangles()
// Now remove whatever ended up below the limiting plane (e.g. sinking objects).
// First transform the limiting plane from world to mesh coords.
// Note that inverse of tr transforms the plane from world to horizontal.
Vec3d normal_old = m_limiting_plane.get_normal().normalized();
Vec3d normal_new = (tr.matrix().block<3,3>(0,0).transpose() * normal_old).normalized();
const Vec3d normal_old = m_limiting_plane.get_normal().normalized();
const Vec3d normal_new = (tr.matrix().block<3,3>(0,0).transpose() * normal_old).normalized();
// normal_new should now be the plane normal in mesh coords. To find the offset,
// transform a point and set offset so it belongs to the transformed plane.
Vec3d pt = Vec3d::Zero();
double plane_offset = m_limiting_plane.get_data()[3];
const double plane_offset = m_limiting_plane.get_data()[3];
if (std::abs(normal_old.z()) > 0.5) // normal is normalized, at least one of the coords if larger than sqrt(3)/3 = 0.57
pt.z() = - plane_offset / normal_old.z();
else if (std::abs(normal_old.y()) > 0.5)
@ -124,27 +124,25 @@ void MeshClipper::recalculate_triangles()
pt.x() = - plane_offset / normal_old.x();
pt = tr.inverse() * pt;
double offset = -(normal_new.dot(pt));
const double offset = -(normal_new.dot(pt));
if (std::abs(normal_old.dot(m_plane.get_normal().normalized())) > 0.99) {
// The cuts are parallel, show all or nothing.
if (offset < height_mesh)
if (normal_old.dot(m_plane.get_normal().normalized()) < 0.0 && offset < height_mesh)
} else {
// The cut is a horizontal plane defined by z=height_mesh.
// ax+by+e=0 is the line of intersection with the limiting plane.
// Normalized so a^2 + b^2 = 1.
double len = std::hypot(normal_new.x(), normal_new.y());
const double len = std::hypot(normal_new.x(), normal_new.y());
if (len == 0.)
double a = normal_new.x() / len;
double b = normal_new.y() / len;
double e = (normal_new.z() * height_mesh + offset) / len;
if (b == 0.)
const double a = normal_new.x() / len;
const double b = normal_new.y() / len;
const double e = (normal_new.z() * height_mesh + offset) / len;
// We need a half-plane to limit the cut. Get angle of the intersecting line.
double angle = std::atan(-a/b);
double angle = (b != 0.0) ? std::atan(-a / b) : ((a < 0.0) ? -0.5 * M_PI : 0.5 * M_PI);
if (b > 0) // select correct half-plane
angle += M_PI;
@ -152,7 +150,7 @@ void MeshClipper::recalculate_triangles()
// it so it lies on our line. This will be the figure to subtract
// from the cut. The coordinates must not overflow after the transform,
// make the rectangle a bit smaller.
coord_t size = (std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max() - scale_(std::max(std::abs(e*a), std::abs(e*b)))) / 4;
const coord_t size = (std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max() - scale_(std::max(std::abs(e*a), std::abs(e*b)))) / 4;
Polygons ep {Polygon({Point(-size, 0), Point(size, 0), Point(size, 2*size), Point(-size, 2*size)})};
ep.front().translate(scale_(-e * a), scale_(-e * b));
@ -169,7 +167,7 @@ void MeshClipper::recalculate_triangles()
m_vertex_array.push_geometry(tr * Vec3d((*(it+0))(0), (*(it+0))(1), height_mesh), up);
m_vertex_array.push_geometry(tr * Vec3d((*(it+1))(0), (*(it+1))(1), height_mesh), up);
m_vertex_array.push_geometry(tr * Vec3d((*(it+2))(0), (*(it+2))(1), height_mesh), up);
size_t idx = it - m_triangles2d.cbegin();
const size_t idx = it - m_triangles2d.cbegin();
m_vertex_array.push_triangle(idx, idx+1, idx+2);
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