Merge branch 'tm_ui_jobs'

This commit is contained in:
tamasmeszaros 2019-06-18 17:55:56 +02:00
commit 2d1f13620c
8 changed files with 362 additions and 153 deletions

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <mutex> // for std::lock_guard
#include <functional> // for std::function
#include <utility> // for std::forward
#include <algorithm>
namespace Slic3r {
@ -182,6 +183,14 @@ public:
inline bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
template<class C> bool all_of(const C &container) {
return std::all_of(container.begin(),
[](const typename C::value_type &v) {
return static_cast<bool>(v);
#endif // MTUTILS_HPP

View file

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ std::array<double, 3> find_best_rotation(const ModelObject& modelobj,
// call the status callback in each iteration but the actual value may be
// the same for subsequent iterations (status goes from 0 to 100 but
// iterations can be many more)
auto objfunc = [&emesh, &status, &statuscb, max_tries]
auto objfunc = [&emesh, &status, &statuscb, &stopcond, max_tries]
(double rx, double ry, double rz)
EigenMesh3D& m = emesh;
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ std::array<double, 3> find_best_rotation(const ModelObject& modelobj,
// report status
statuscb( unsigned(++status * 100.0/max_tries) );
if(!stopcond()) statuscb( unsigned(++status * 100.0/max_tries) );
return score;

View file

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ DPIFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_S
#endif // _WIN32
// initialize status bar
m_statusbar = new ProgressStatusBar(this);
m_statusbar.reset(new ProgressStatusBar(this));
m_statusbar->set_status_text(_(L("Version")) + " " +
@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ DPIFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_S
if(m_plater) m_plater->stop_jobs();
// Weird things happen as the Paint messages are floating around the windows being destructed.
// Avoid the Paint messages by hiding the main window.
// Also the application closes much faster without these unnecessary screen refreshes.
@ -138,6 +140,8 @@ DPIFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_S
update_ui_from_settings(); // FIXME (?)
MainFrame::~MainFrame() = default;
void MainFrame::update_title()
wxString title = wxEmptyString;

View file

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ protected:
~MainFrame() {}
Plater* plater() { return m_plater; }
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public:
Plater* m_plater { nullptr };
wxNotebook* m_tabpanel { nullptr };
wxProgressDialog* m_progress_dialog { nullptr };
ProgressStatusBar* m_statusbar { nullptr };
std::unique_ptr<ProgressStatusBar> m_statusbar;
} // GUI

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
#include <future>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
@ -1253,8 +1254,220 @@ struct Plater::priv
Preview *preview;
BackgroundSlicingProcess background_process;
bool arranging;
bool rotoptimizing;
// A class to handle UI jobs like arranging and optimizing rotation.
// These are not instant jobs, the user has to be informed about their
// state in the status progress indicator. On the other hand they are
// separated from the background slicing process. Ideally, these jobs should
// run when the background process is not running.
// TODO: A mechanism would be useful for blocking the plater interactions:
// objects would be frozen for the user. In case of arrange, an animation
// could be shown, or with the optimize orientations, partial results
// could be displayed.
class Job: public wxEvtHandler {
int m_range = 100;
std::future<void> m_ftr;
priv *m_plater = nullptr;
std::atomic<bool> m_running {false}, m_canceled {false};
bool m_finalized = false;
void run() {; process();;
// ensure to call the last status to finalize the job
update_status(status_range(), "");
// status range for a particular job
virtual int status_range() const { return 100; }
// status update, to be used from the work thread (process() method)
void update_status(int st, const wxString& msg = "") {
auto evt = new wxThreadEvent(); evt->SetInt(st); evt->SetString(msg);
wxQueueEvent(this, evt);
priv& plater() { return *m_plater; }
bool was_canceled() const { return m_canceled.load(); }
// Launched just before start(), a job can use it to prepare internals
virtual void prepare() {}
// Launched when the job is finished. It refreshes the 3dscene by def.
virtual void finalize() {
// Do a full refresh of scene tree, including regenerating
// all the GLVolumes. FIXME The update function shall just
// reload the modified matrices.
if(! was_canceled())
Job(priv *_plater): m_plater(_plater)
Bind(wxEVT_THREAD, [this](const wxThreadEvent& evt){
auto msg = evt.GetString();
if(! msg.empty()) plater().statusbar()->set_status_text(msg);
if(m_finalized) return;
if(evt.GetInt() == status_range()) {
// set back the original range and cancel callback
// dont do finalization again for the same process
m_finalized = true;
Job(const Job&) = delete;
Job(Job&&) = default;
Job& operator=(const Job&) = delete;
Job& operator=(Job&&) = default;
virtual void process() = 0;
void start() { // Start the job. No effect if the job is already running
if(! m_running.load()) {
// Save the current status indicatior range and push the new one
m_range = plater().statusbar()->get_range();
// init cancellation flag and set the cancel callback;
plater().statusbar()->set_cancel_callback( [this](){;
m_finalized = false;
// Changing cursor to busy
try { // Execute the job
m_ftr = std::async(std::launch::async, &Job::run, this);
} catch(std::exception& ) {
_(L("ERROR: not enough resources to execute a new job.")));
// The state changes will be undone when the process hits the
// last status value, in the status update handler (see ctor)
// To wait for the running job and join the threads. False is returned
// if the timeout has been reached and the job is still running. Call
// cancel() before this fn if you want to explicitly end the job.
bool join(int timeout_ms = 0) const {
if(!m_ftr.valid()) return true;
if(timeout_ms <= 0)
else if(m_ftr.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout_ms)) ==
return false;
return true;
bool is_running() const { return m_running.load(); }
void cancel() {; }
enum class Jobs : size_t {
// Jobs defined inside the group class will be managed so that only one can
// run at a time. Also, the background process will be stopped if a job is
// started.
class ExclusiveJobGroup {
static const int ABORT_WAIT_MAX_MS = 10000;
priv * m_plater;
class ArrangeJob : public Job
int count = 0;
void prepare() override
count = 0;
for (auto obj : plater().model.objects)
count += int(obj->instances.size());
using Job::Job;
int status_range() const override { return count; }
void set_count(int c) { count = c; }
void process() override;
} arrange_job{m_plater};
class RotoptimizeJob : public Job
using Job::Job;
void process() override;
} rotoptimize_job{m_plater};
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Job>> m_jobs{arrange_job,
ExclusiveJobGroup(priv *_plater): m_plater(_plater) {}
void start(Jobs jid) {
void cancel_all() { for (Job& j : m_jobs) j.cancel(); }
void join_all(int wait_ms = 0)
std::vector<bool> aborted(m_jobs.size(), false);
for (size_t jid = 0; jid < m_jobs.size(); ++jid)
aborted[jid] = m_jobs[jid].get().join(wait_ms);
if (!all_of(aborted))
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Could not abort a job!";
void stop_all() { cancel_all(); join_all(ABORT_WAIT_MAX_MS); }
const Job& get(Jobs jobid) const { return m_jobs[size_t(jobid)]; }
bool is_any_running() const
return std::any_of(m_jobs.begin(),
[](const Job &j) { return j.is_running(); });
} m_ui_jobs{this};
bool delayed_scene_refresh;
std::string delayed_error_message;
@ -1429,8 +1642,6 @@ Plater::priv::priv(Plater *q, MainFrame *main_frame)
arranging = false;
rotoptimizing = false;
@ -1605,7 +1816,7 @@ void Plater::priv::update_ui_from_settings()
ProgressStatusBar* Plater::priv::statusbar()
return main_frame->m_statusbar;
return main_frame->m_statusbar.get();
std::string Plater::priv::get_config(const std::string &key) const
@ -2142,59 +2353,45 @@ void Plater::priv::mirror(Axis axis)
void Plater::priv::arrange()
if (arranging) { return; }
arranging = true;
Slic3r::ScopeGuard arranging_guard([this]() { arranging = false; });
wxBusyCursor wait;
// This method will find an optimal orientation for the currently selected item
// Very similar in nature to the arrange method above...
void Plater::priv::sla_optimize_rotation() {
void Plater::priv::ExclusiveJobGroup::ArrangeJob::process() {
// TODO: we should decide whether to allow arrange when the search is
// running we should probably disable explicit slicing and background
// processing
unsigned count = 0;
for(auto obj : model.objects) count += obj->instances.size();
static const auto arrangestr = _(L("Arranging"));
auto prev_range = statusbar()->get_range();
auto statusfn = [this, count] (unsigned st, const std::string& msg) {
/* // In case we would run the arrange asynchronously
wxCommandEvent event(EVT_PROGRESS_BAR);
wxQueueEvent(this->q, event.Clone()); */
statusbar()->set_progress(count - st);
// ok, this is dangerous, but we are protected by the flag
// 'arranging' and the arrange button is also disabled.
// This call is needed for the cancel button to work.
statusbar()->set_cancel_callback([this, statusfn](){
arranging = false;
statusfn(0, L("Arranging canceled"));
static const std::string arrangestr = L("Arranging");
auto &config = plater().config;
auto &view3D = plater().view3D;
auto &model = plater().model;
// FIXME: I don't know how to obtain the minimum distance, it depends
// on printer technology. I guess the following should work but it crashes.
double dist = 6; // PrintConfig::min_object_distance(config);
if(printer_technology == ptFFF) {
if (plater().printer_technology == ptFFF) {
dist = PrintConfig::min_object_distance(config);
auto min_obj_distance = coord_t(dist / SCALING_FACTOR);
const auto *bed_shape_opt = config->opt<ConfigOptionPoints>("bed_shape");
const auto *bed_shape_opt = config->opt<ConfigOptionPoints>(
auto & bedpoints = bed_shape_opt->values;
Polyline bed; bed.points.reserve(bedpoints.size());
Polyline bed;
for (auto &v : bedpoints) bed.append(Point::new_scale(v(0), v(1)));
statusfn(0, arrangestr);
update_status(0, arrangestr);
arr::WipeTowerInfo wti = view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_wipe_tower_info();
@ -2210,81 +2407,60 @@ void Plater::priv::arrange()
false, // create many piles not just one pile
[statusfn](unsigned st) { statusfn(st, arrangestr); },
[this] () { return !arranging; });
[this](unsigned st) {
if (st > 0)
update_status(count - int(st), arrangestr);
[this]() { return was_canceled(); });
} catch (std::exception & /*e*/) {
GUI::show_error(this->q, L("Could not arrange model objects! "
L("Could not arrange model objects! "
"Some geometries may be invalid."));
was_canceled() ? _(L("Arranging canceled."))
: _(L("Arranging done.")));
// it remains to move the wipe tower:
statusfn(0, L("Arranging done."));
statusbar()->set_cancel_callback(); // remove cancel button
// Do a full refresh of scene tree, including regenerating all the GLVolumes.
//FIXME The update function shall just reload the modified matrices.
// This method will find an optimal orientation for the currently selected item
// Very similar in nature to the arrange method above...
void Plater::priv::sla_optimize_rotation() {
// TODO: we should decide whether to allow arrange when the search is
// running we should probably disable explicit slicing and background
// processing
if (rotoptimizing) { return; }
rotoptimizing = true;
Slic3r::ScopeGuard rotoptimizing_guard([this]() { rotoptimizing = false; });
int obj_idx = get_selected_object_idx();
void Plater::priv::ExclusiveJobGroup::RotoptimizeJob::process()
int obj_idx = plater().get_selected_object_idx();
if (obj_idx < 0) { return; }
ModelObject * o = model.objects[size_t(obj_idx)];
auto prev_range = statusbar()->get_range();
auto stfn = [this] (unsigned st, const std::string& msg) {
// could be problematic, but we need the cancel button.
statusbar()->set_cancel_callback([this, stfn](){
rotoptimizing = false;
stfn(0, L("Orientation search canceled"));
ModelObject *o = plater().model.objects[size_t(obj_idx)];
auto r = sla::find_best_rotation(
*o, .005f,
[stfn](unsigned s) { stfn(s, L("Searching for optimal orientation")); },
[this](){ return !rotoptimizing; }
[this](unsigned s) {
if (s < 100)
_(L("Searching for optimal orientation")));
[this]() { return was_canceled(); });
const auto *bed_shape_opt = config->opt<ConfigOptionPoints>("bed_shape");
const auto *bed_shape_opt = plater().config->opt<ConfigOptionPoints>(
auto & bedpoints = bed_shape_opt->values;
Polyline bed; bed.points.reserve(bedpoints.size());
Polyline bed;
for (auto &v : bedpoints) bed.append(Point::new_scale(v(0), v(1)));
double mindist = 6.0; // FIXME
double offs = mindist / 2.0 - EPSILON;
if(rotoptimizing) // wasn't canceled
if (!was_canceled()) // wasn't canceled
for (ModelInstance *oi : o->instances) {
oi->set_rotation({r[X], r[Y], r[Z]});
auto trchull = o->convex_hull_2d(oi->get_transformation().get_matrix());
auto trchull = o->convex_hull_2d(
namespace opt = libnest2d::opt;
opt::StopCriteria stopcr;
@ -2298,7 +2474,8 @@ void Plater::priv::sla_optimize_rotation() {
double binw = bin.size()(X) * SCALING_FACTOR - offs;
double binh = bin.size()(Y) * SCALING_FACTOR - offs;
auto result = solver.optimize_min([&trchull, binw, binh](double rot){
auto result = solver.optimize_min(
[&trchull, binw, binh](double rot) {
auto chull = trchull;
@ -2314,25 +2491,32 @@ void Plater::priv::sla_optimize_rotation() {
if (hdiff > 0) diff += hdiff;
return diff;
}, opt::initvals(0.0), opt::bound(-PI/2, PI/2));
opt::bound(-PI / 2, PI / 2));
double r = std::get<0>(result.optimum);
Vec3d rt = oi->get_rotation(); rt(Z) += r;
Vec3d rt = oi->get_rotation();
rt(Z) += r;
arr::WipeTowerInfo wti; // useless in SLA context
arr::find_new_position(model, o->instances, coord_t(mindist/SCALING_FACTOR), bed, wti);
coord_t(mindist / SCALING_FACTOR),
// Correct the z offset of the object which was corrupted be the rotation
// Correct the z offset of the object which was corrupted be
// the rotation
stfn(0, L("Orientation found."));
update_status(100, _(L("Orientation found.")));
else {
update_status(100, _(L("Orientation search canceled.")));
void Plater::priv::split_object()
@ -2513,7 +2697,7 @@ unsigned int Plater::priv::update_background_process(bool force_validation)
// Restart background processing thread based on a bitmask of UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState.
bool Plater::priv::restart_background_process(unsigned int state)
if (arranging || rotoptimizing) {
if (m_ui_jobs.is_any_running()) {
// Avoid a race condition
return false;
@ -2744,7 +2928,7 @@ void Plater::priv::on_select_preset(wxCommandEvent &evt)
void Plater::priv::on_slicing_update(SlicingStatusEvent &evt)
if (evt.status.percent >= -1) {
if (arranging || rotoptimizing) {
if (m_ui_jobs.is_any_running()) {
// Avoid a race condition
@ -3225,7 +3409,7 @@ bool Plater::priv::can_fix_through_netfabb() const
bool Plater::priv::can_increase_instances() const
if (arranging || rotoptimizing) {
if (m_ui_jobs.is_any_running()) {
return false;
@ -3235,7 +3419,7 @@ bool Plater::priv::can_increase_instances() const
bool Plater::priv::can_decrease_instances() const
if (arranging || rotoptimizing) {
if (m_ui_jobs.is_any_running()) {
return false;
@ -3255,7 +3439,7 @@ bool Plater::priv::can_split_to_volumes() const
bool Plater::priv::can_arrange() const
return !model.objects.empty() && !arranging;
return !model.objects.empty() && !m_ui_jobs.is_any_running();
bool Plater::priv::can_layers_editing() const
@ -3383,6 +3567,8 @@ void Plater::load_files(const std::vector<std::string>& input_files, bool load_m
void Plater::update() { p->update(); }
void Plater::stop_jobs() { p->m_ui_jobs.stop_all(); }
void Plater::update_ui_from_settings() { p->update_ui_from_settings(); }
void Plater::select_view(const std::string& direction) { p->select_view(direction); }
@ -3705,6 +3891,9 @@ void Plater::export_3mf(const boost::filesystem::path& output_path)
void Plater::reslice()
// Stop arrange and (or) optimize rotation tasks.
//FIXME Don't reslice if export of G-code or sending to OctoPrint is running.
// bitmask of UpdateBackgroundProcessReturnState
unsigned int state = this->p->update_background_process(true);

View file

@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ public:
void load_files(const std::vector<std::string>& input_files, bool load_model = true, bool load_config = true);
void update();
void stop_jobs();
void select_view(const std::string& direction);
void select_view_3D(const std::string& name);

View file

@ -168,6 +168,11 @@ void ProgressStatusBar::set_status_text(const char *txt)
wxString ProgressStatusBar::get_status_text() const
return self->GetStatusText();
void ProgressStatusBar::show_cancel_button()
if(m_cancelbutton) m_cancelbutton->Show();

View file

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ public:
void set_status_text(const wxString& txt);
void set_status_text(const std::string& txt);
void set_status_text(const char *txt);
wxString get_status_text() const;
// Temporary methods to satisfy Perl side
void show_cancel_button();