Measuring: Initial plane detection

This commit is contained in:
Lukas Matena 2022-06-21 12:47:47 +02:00 committed by enricoturri1966
parent bd63320a00
commit 2df9198552
2 changed files with 74 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ void GLGizmoMeasure::on_render()
if (selection.is_single_full_instance()) {
const Transform3d& m = selection.get_volume(*selection.get_volume_idxs().begin())->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix();
@ -227,15 +228,14 @@ void GLGizmoMeasure::update_planes()
// Now we'll go through all the facets and append Points of facets sharing the same normal.
// This part is still performed in mesh coordinate system.
const int num_of_facets = ch.facets_count();
std::vector<size_t> face_to_plane(num_of_facets, 0);
const size_t num_of_facets = ch.facets_count();
std::vector<size_t> face_to_plane(num_of_facets, size_t(-1));
const std::vector<Vec3f> face_normals = its_face_normals(ch.its);
const std::vector<Vec3i> face_neighbors = its_face_neighbors(ch.its);
std::vector<int> facet_queue(num_of_facets, 0);
std::vector<bool> facet_visited(num_of_facets, false);
int facet_queue_cnt = 0;
const stl_normal* normal_ptr = nullptr;
int facet_idx = 0;
size_t seed_facet_idx = 0;
auto is_same_normal = [](const stl_normal& a, const stl_normal& b) -> bool {
return (std::abs(a(0) - b(0)) < 0.001 && std::abs(a(1) - b(1)) < 0.001 && std::abs(a(2) - b(2)) < 0.001);
@ -243,16 +243,15 @@ void GLGizmoMeasure::update_planes()
while (1) {
// Find next unvisited triangle:
for (; facet_idx < num_of_facets; ++ facet_idx)
if (!facet_visited[facet_idx]) {
facet_queue[facet_queue_cnt ++] = facet_idx;
facet_visited[facet_idx] = true;
normal_ptr = &face_normals[facet_idx];
face_to_plane[facet_idx] = m_planes.size();
for (; seed_facet_idx < num_of_facets; ++ seed_facet_idx)
if (face_to_plane[seed_facet_idx] == size_t(-1)) {
facet_queue[facet_queue_cnt ++] = seed_facet_idx;
normal_ptr = &face_normals[seed_facet_idx];
face_to_plane[seed_facet_idx] = m_planes.size();
if (facet_idx == num_of_facets)
if (seed_facet_idx == num_of_facets)
break; // Everything was visited already
while (facet_queue_cnt > 0) {
@ -260,70 +259,69 @@ void GLGizmoMeasure::update_planes()
const stl_normal& this_normal = face_normals[facet_idx];
if (is_same_normal(this_normal, *normal_ptr)) {
const Vec3i& face = ch.its.indices[facet_idx];
for (int j=0; j<3; ++j)
facet_visited[facet_idx] = true;
face_to_plane[facet_idx] = m_planes.size() - 1;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++ j)
if (int neighbor_idx = face_neighbors[facet_idx][j]; neighbor_idx >= 0 && ! facet_visited[neighbor_idx])
if (int neighbor_idx = face_neighbors[facet_idx][j]; neighbor_idx >= 0 && face_to_plane[neighbor_idx] == size_t(-1))
facet_queue[facet_queue_cnt ++] = neighbor_idx;
m_planes.back().normal = normal_ptr->cast<double>();
Pointf3s& verts = m_planes.back().vertices;
// Now we'll transform all the points into world coordinates, so that the areas, angles and distances
// make real sense.
verts = transform(verts, inst_matrix);
m_planes.back().normal = normal_ptr->cast<double>();
assert(std::none_of(face_to_plane.begin(), face_to_plane.end(), [](size_t val) { return val == size_t(-1); }));
SurfaceMesh sm(ch.its);
for (int plane_id=0; plane_id < m_planes.size(); ++plane_id) {
//int plane_id = 5; {
const auto& facets = m_planes[plane_id].facets;
std::vector<stl_vertex> pts;
for (int face_id=0; face_id<facets.size(); ++face_id) {
assert(face_to_plane[facets[face_id]] == plane_id);
int j = 0;
for (j=0; j<3; ++j)
if (face_to_plane[face_neighbors[facets[face_id]][j]] != plane_id)
if (j == 3)
Halfedge_index he = sm.halfedge(Face_index(facets[face_id]));
for (int i=0; i<j; ++i)
he =;
// he is the first halfedge on the border. Now walk around and append the points.
const Halfedge_index he_orig = he;
m_planes[plane_id].borders.emplace_back(std::vector<Vec3d>{ sm.point(sm.source(he)).cast<double>() });
Vertex_index target =;
const Halfedge_index he_start = he;
do {
const Halfedge_index he_orig = he;
he = sm.next_around_target(he);
while ( face_to_plane[sm.face(he)] == plane_id && he != he_orig)
he = sm.next_around_target(he);
he = sm.opposite(he);
} while (he != he_start);
//m_planes.erase(std::remove_if(m_planes.begin(), m_planes.end(), [](const PlaneData& p) { return p.borders.empty(); }), m_planes.end());
// Let's prepare transformation of the normal vector from mesh to instance coordinates.
Geometry::Transformation t(inst_matrix);
Vec3d scaling = t.get_scaling_factor();
t.set_scaling_factor(Vec3d(1./scaling(0), 1./scaling(1), 1./scaling(2)));
// Now we'll go through all the polygons, transform the points into xy plane to process them:
for (unsigned int polygon_id=0; polygon_id < m_planes.size(); ++polygon_id) {
Pointf3s& polygon = m_planes[polygon_id].vertices;
const Vec3d& normal = m_planes[polygon_id].normal;
// transform the normal according to the instance matrix:
Vec3d normal_transformed = t.get_matrix() * normal;
// We are going to rotate about z and y to flatten the plane
Eigen::Quaterniond q;
Transform3d m = Transform3d::Identity();
m.matrix().block(0, 0, 3, 3) = q.setFromTwoVectors(normal_transformed, Vec3d::UnitZ()).toRotationMatrix();
polygon = transform(polygon, m);
// Now to remove the inner points. We'll misuse Geometry::convex_hull for that, but since
// it works in fixed point representation, we will rescale the polygon to avoid overflows.
// And yes, it is a nasty thing to do. Whoever has time is free to refactor.
Vec3d bb_size = BoundingBoxf3(polygon).size();
float sf = std::min(1./bb_size(0), 1./bb_size(1));
Transform3d tr = Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d(sf, sf, 1.f));
polygon = transform(polygon, tr);
polygon = Slic3r::Geometry::convex_hull(polygon);
polygon = transform(polygon, tr.inverse());
// We will shrink the polygon a little bit so it does not touch the object edges:
Vec3d centroid = std::accumulate(polygon.begin(), polygon.end(), Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
centroid /= (double)polygon.size();
for (auto& vertex : polygon)
vertex = 0.95f*vertex + 0.05f*centroid;
// Raise a bit above the object surface to avoid flickering:
for (auto& b : polygon)
b(2) += 0.1f;
// Transform back to 3D (and also back to mesh coordinates)
polygon = transform(polygon, inst_matrix.inverse() * m.inverse());
// We'll sort the planes by area and only keep the 254 largest ones (because of the picking pass limitations):
std::sort(m_planes.rbegin(), m_planes.rend(), [](const PlaneData& a, const PlaneData& b) { return a.area < b.area; });
m_planes.resize(std::min((int)m_planes.size(), 254));
// Planes are finished - let's save what we calculated it from:
@ -339,21 +337,23 @@ void GLGizmoMeasure::update_planes()
// And finally create respective VBOs. The polygon is convex with
// the vertices in order, so triangulation is trivial.
for (auto& plane : m_planes) {
GLModel::Geometry init_data;
init_data.format = { GLModel::Geometry::EPrimitiveType::TriangleFan, GLModel::Geometry::EVertexLayout::P3N3 };
// vertices + indices
for (size_t i = 0; i < plane.vertices.size(); ++i) {
init_data.add_vertex((Vec3f)plane.vertices[i].cast<float>(), (Vec3f)plane.normal.cast<float>());
init_data.add_index((unsigned int)i);
for (auto& vertices : plane.borders) {
GLModel::Geometry init_data;
init_data.format = { GLModel::Geometry::EPrimitiveType::LineStrip, GLModel::Geometry::EVertexLayout::P3N3 };
// vertices + indices
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i) {
init_data.add_vertex((Vec3f)vertices[i].cast<float>(), (Vec3f)plane.normal.cast<float>());
init_data.add_index((unsigned int)i);
// FIXME: vertices should really be local, they need not
// persist now when we use VBOs
m_planes_valid = true;

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@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ class GLGizmoMeasure : public GLGizmoBase
struct PlaneData {
std::vector<Vec3d> vertices; // should be in fact local in update_planes()
std::vector<int> borders_facets;
std::vector<std::vector<Vec3d>> borders; // should be in fact local in update_planes()
std::vector<int> facets;
GLModel vbo;
Vec3d normal;
float area;