Change 3mf XML store/load text - NOT back compatible

This commit is contained in:
Filip Sykala 2021-10-21 15:33:51 +02:00
parent 6482775f0d
commit 323b12fbee
5 changed files with 170 additions and 92 deletions

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <optional>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ namespace pt = boost::property_tree;
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "miniz_extension.hpp"
#include "TextConfigurationSerialization.hpp"
#include "TextConfiguration.hpp"
#include <fast_float/fast_float.h>
@ -125,7 +126,6 @@ static constexpr const char* VOLUME_TYPE = "volume";
static constexpr const char* NAME_KEY = "name";
static constexpr const char* MODIFIER_KEY = "modifier";
static constexpr const char* TEXT_CONFIGURATION_KEY = "text_configuration";
static constexpr const char* VOLUME_TYPE_KEY = "volume_type";
static constexpr const char* MATRIX_KEY = "matrix";
static constexpr const char* SOURCE_FILE_KEY = "source_file";
@ -143,6 +143,18 @@ static constexpr const char* MESH_STAT_FACETS_REMOVED = "facets_removed";
static constexpr const char* MESH_STAT_FACETS_RESERVED = "facets_reversed";
static constexpr const char* MESH_STAT_BACKWARDS_EDGES = "backwards_edges";
// Store / load of TextConfiguration
static constexpr const char *TEXT_TAG = "emboss";
static constexpr const char *TEXT_DATA_ATTR = "text";
// TextConfiguration::FontItem
static constexpr const char *FONT_DESCRIPTOR_ATTR = "font_descriptor";
// TextConfiguration::FontProperty
static constexpr const char *CHAR_GAP_ATTR = "char_gap";
static constexpr const char *LINE_GAP_ATTR = "line_gap";
static constexpr const char *FLATNESS_ATTR = "flatness";
static constexpr const char *LINE_HEIGHT_ATTR = "line_height";
static constexpr const char *DEPTH_ATTR = "depth";
const unsigned int VALID_OBJECT_TYPES_COUNT = 1;
const char* VALID_OBJECT_TYPES[] =
@ -394,6 +406,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
unsigned int last_triangle_id;
MetadataList metadata;
RepairedMeshErrors mesh_stats;
std::optional<TextConfiguration> text_configuration;
VolumeMetadata(unsigned int first_triangle_id, unsigned int last_triangle_id)
: first_triangle_id(first_triangle_id)
@ -531,6 +544,9 @@ namespace Slic3r {
bool _handle_start_metadata(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_metadata();
bool _handle_start_text_configuration(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_text_configuration();
bool _create_object_instance(int object_id, const Transform3d& transform, const bool printable, unsigned int recur_counter);
void _apply_transform(ModelInstance& instance, const Transform3d& transform);
@ -1408,6 +1424,8 @@ namespace Slic3r {
res = _handle_start_config_volume_mesh(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(METADATA_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_config_metadata(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(TEXT_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_text_configuration(attributes, num_attributes);
if (!res)
@ -1430,6 +1448,8 @@ namespace Slic3r {
res = _handle_end_config_volume_mesh();
else if (::strcmp(METADATA_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_config_metadata();
else if (::strcmp(TEXT_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_text_configuration();
if (!res)
@ -1754,6 +1774,40 @@ namespace Slic3r {
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_text_configuration(const char **attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
IdToMetadataMap::iterator object = m_objects_metadata.find(m_curr_config.object_id);
if (object == m_objects_metadata.end()) {
add_error("Cannot assign volume mesh to a valid object");
return false;
if (object->second.volumes.empty()) {
add_error("Cannot assign mesh to a valid volume");
return false;
ObjectMetadata::VolumeMetadata& volume = object->second.volumes.back();
std::string text = get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, TEXT_DATA_ATTR);
std::string font_name = "";
std::string font_descriptor = get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, FONT_DESCRIPTOR_ATTR);
FontItem::Type font_type = FontItem::Type::loaded_from_3mf; // default font type
FontItem fi(font_name, font_descriptor, font_type);
FontProp fp;
fp.char_gap = get_attribute_value_int(attributes, num_attributes, CHAR_GAP_ATTR);
fp.line_gap = get_attribute_value_int(attributes, num_attributes, LINE_GAP_ATTR);
fp.flatness = get_attribute_value_float(attributes, num_attributes, FLATNESS_ATTR);
fp.size_in_mm = get_attribute_value_float(attributes, num_attributes, LINE_HEIGHT_ATTR);
fp.emboss = get_attribute_value_float(attributes, num_attributes, DEPTH_ATTR);
volume.text_configuration = TextConfiguration(fi, fp, text);
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_text_configuration() {
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_create_object_instance(int object_id, const Transform3d& transform, const bool printable, unsigned int recur_counter)
static const unsigned int MAX_RECURSIONS = 10;
@ -1870,7 +1924,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
return false;
if (object->second.volumes.empty()) {
add_error("Cannot assign mesh to a valid olume");
add_error("Cannot assign mesh to a valid volume");
return false;
@ -2034,6 +2088,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
volume->text_configuration = volume_data.text_configuration;
// apply the remaining volume's metadata
for (const Metadata& metadata : volume_data.metadata) {
@ -2043,8 +2098,6 @@ namespace Slic3r {
else if (metadata.key == VOLUME_TYPE_KEY)
else if (metadata.key == TEXT_CONFIGURATION_KEY)
volume->text_configuration = TextConfigurationSerialization::deserialize(metadata.value);
else if (metadata.key == SOURCE_FILE_KEY)
volume->source.input_file = metadata.value;
else if (metadata.key == SOURCE_OBJECT_ID_KEY)
@ -2969,7 +3022,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
for (const IdToObjectDataMap::value_type& obj_metadata : objects_data) {
const ModelObject* obj = obj_metadata.second.object;
if (obj != nullptr) {
if (obj == nullptr) continue;
// Output of instances count added because of github #3435, currently not used by PrusaSlicer
stream << " <" << OBJECT_TAG << " " << ID_ATTR << "=\"" << obj_metadata.first << "\" " << INSTANCESCOUNT_ATTR << "=\"" << obj->instances.size() << "\">\n";
@ -2981,7 +3034,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
add_metadata(stream, 2, MetadataType::object, key, obj->config.opt_serialize(key));
for (const ModelVolume* volume : obj_metadata.second.object->volumes) {
if (volume != nullptr) {
if (volume == nullptr) continue;
const VolumeToOffsetsMap& offsets = obj_metadata.second.volumes_offsets;
VolumeToOffsetsMap::const_iterator it = offsets.find(volume);
if (it != offsets.end()) {
@ -3000,11 +3053,6 @@ namespace Slic3r {
// stores volume's type (overrides the modifier field above)
add_metadata(stream, 3, MetadataType::volume, VOLUME_TYPE_KEY, ModelVolume::type_to_string(volume->type()));
// stores volume's text data
if (volume->text_configuration.has_value())
add_metadata(stream, 3, MetadataType::volume, TEXT_CONFIGURATION_KEY,
// stores volume's local matrix
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << MATRIX_KEY << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"";
Transform3d matrix = volume->get_matrix() * volume->source.transform.get_matrix();
@ -3041,14 +3089,40 @@ namespace Slic3r {
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << key << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << volume->config.opt_serialize(key) << "\"/>\n";
// stores volume's text data
if (volume->text_configuration.has_value()) {
const TextConfiguration& tc = *volume->text_configuration;
stream << " <" << TEXT_TAG << " ";
stream << TEXT_DATA_ATTR << "=\"" << xml_escape(tc.text) << "\" ";
// font item
const auto &fi = tc.font_item;
stream << FONT_DESCRIPTOR_ATTR << "=\"" << fi.path << "\" ";
// font property
const auto &fp = tc.font_prop;
stream << CHAR_GAP_ATTR << "=\"" << fp.char_gap << "\" ";
stream << LINE_GAP_ATTR << "=\"" << fp.line_gap << "\" ";
stream << FLATNESS_ATTR << "=\"" << fp.flatness << "\" ";
stream << LINE_HEIGHT_ATTR << "=\"" << fp.size_in_mm << "\" ";
stream << DEPTH_ATTR << "=\"" << fp.emboss << "\" ";
stream << "/>\n"; // end TEXT_TAG
// stores mesh's statistics
const RepairedMeshErrors& stats = volume->mesh().stats().repaired_errors;
stream << " <" << MESH_TAG << " ";
stream << MESH_STAT_EDGES_FIXED << "=\"" << stats.edges_fixed << "\" ";
stream << MESH_STAT_DEGENERATED_FACETS << "=\"" << stats.degenerate_facets << "\" ";
stream << MESH_STAT_FACETS_REMOVED << "=\"" << stats.facets_removed << "\" ";
stream << MESH_STAT_FACETS_RESERVED << "=\"" << stats.facets_reversed << "\" ";
stream << MESH_STAT_BACKWARDS_EDGES << "=\"" << stats.backwards_edges << "\"/>\n";
stream << " </" << VOLUME_TAG << ">\n";
stream << " </" << OBJECT_TAG << ">\n";
stream << "</" << CONFIG_TAG << ">\n";

View file

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ struct FontItem
undefined = 0,
file_path, // path is file loacation on computer - no move between computers
wx_font_descr, // path is font descriptor generated by wxWidgets - limits for os/language move
using FontList = std::vector<FontItem>;

View file

@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ wxMenu* MenuFactory::append_submenu_add_generic(wxMenu* menu, ModelVolumeType ty
if (mng.get_current_type() == GLGizmosManager::Emboss ||
mng.open_gizmo(GLGizmosManager::Emboss)) {
GLGizmoEmboss *emboss = dynamic_cast<GLGizmoEmboss *>(mng.get_current());
if (emboss != nullptr) emboss->set_volume_type(type);

View file

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public:
// os specific load of wxFont
static std::optional<Slic3r::Emboss::Font> load_font(const wxFont &font);
// Must be in gui because of wxWidget
static std::optional<Slic3r::Emboss::Font> load_font(const FontItem &fi);
static std::optional<Slic3r::Emboss::Font> load_font(FontItem &fi);
static FontItem get_font_item(const wxFont &font);
@ -921,26 +921,24 @@ bool GLGizmoEmboss::load_configuration(ModelVolume *volume)
if (volume == nullptr) return false;
if (!volume->text_configuration.has_value()) return false;
const TextConfiguration &configuration = *volume->text_configuration;
const FontItem & c_font_item = configuration.font_item;
TextConfiguration &configuration = *volume->text_configuration;
FontItem & c_font_item = configuration.font_item;
if (!notify_unknown_font_type(volume))
// try to find font in local font list
size_t index = m_font_list.size();
for (const FontItem &font_item : m_font_list) {
if (font_item.type == c_font_item.type &&
font_item.path == c_font_item.path) {
index = &font_item - &m_font_list.front();
auto is_config = [&c_font_item](const FontItem &font_item)->bool {
return font_item.path == c_font_item.path;
auto it = std::find_if(m_font_list.begin(), m_font_list.end(), is_config);
size_t prev_font_selected = m_font_selected;
// when not in font list add to list
if (index >= m_font_list.size()) {
if (it == m_font_list.end()) {
// add font to list
m_font_selected = m_font_list.size();
} else {
m_font_selected = index;
m_font_selected = it - m_font_list.begin();
// When can't load font
@ -1126,13 +1124,20 @@ bool GLGizmoEmboss::draw_button(IconType icon, bool disable)
return false;
std::optional<Emboss::Font> WxFontUtils::load_font(const FontItem &fi)
std::optional<Emboss::Font> WxFontUtils::load_font(FontItem &fi)
switch (fi.type) {
case FontItem::Type::file_path:
return Emboss::load_font(fi.path.c_str());
case FontItem::Type::wx_font_descr:
return WxFontUtils::load_font(WxFontUtils::load_wxFont(fi.path));
case FontItem::Type::loaded_from_3mf: {
wxFont font = WxFontUtils::load_wxFont(fi.path);
// fix name = get_human_readable_name(font);
fi.type = FontItem::Type::wx_font_descr;
return WxFontUtils::load_font(font);
case FontItem::Type::undefined:
return {};

View file

@ -169,8 +169,6 @@ TEST_CASE("ray segment intersection", "[MeshBoolean]")
CHECK(abs(*t1 - *t2) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
TEST_CASE("triangle intersection", "[]")
Vec2d point(1, 1);