Updated Clipper to 6.2.8. This fixes several minor issues, including infill paths not being trimmed correctly. #2448
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 266 additions and 148 deletions
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
* *
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Version : 6.2.1 *
* Date : 31 October 2014 *
* Version : 6.2.8 *
* Date : 10 February 2015 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2014 *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2015 *
* *
* License: *
* Use, modification & distribution is subject to Boost Software License Ver 1. *
@ -381,13 +381,6 @@ Int128 Int128Mul (long64 lhs, long64 rhs)
// Miscellaneous global functions
void Swap(cInt& val1, cInt& val2)
cInt tmp = val1;
val1 = val2;
val2 = tmp;
bool Orientation(const Path &poly)
return Area(poly) >= 0;
@ -435,11 +428,11 @@ bool PointIsVertex(const IntPoint &Pt, OutPt *pp)
int PointInPolygon (const IntPoint &pt, const Path &path)
//See "The Point in Polygon Problem for Arbitrary Polygons" by Hormann & Agathos
int PointInPolygon(const IntPoint &pt, const Path &path)
//returns 0 if false, +1 if true, -1 if pt ON polygon boundary
//See "The Point in Polygon Problem for Arbitrary Polygons" by Hormann & Agathos
int result = 0;
size_t cnt = path.size();
if (cnt < 3) return 0;
@ -758,9 +751,9 @@ inline void ReverseHorizontal(TEdge &e)
//swap horizontal edges' Top and Bottom x's so they follow the natural
//progression of the bounds - ie so their xbots will align with the
//adjoining lower edge. [Helpful in the ProcessHorizontal() method.]
Swap(e.Top.X, e.Bot.X);
std::swap(e.Top.X, e.Bot.X);
#ifdef use_xyz
Swap(e.Top.Z, e.Bot.Z);
std::swap(e.Top.Z, e.Bot.Z);
@ -866,8 +859,8 @@ bool Pt2IsBetweenPt1AndPt3(const IntPoint pt1,
bool HorzSegmentsOverlap(cInt seg1a, cInt seg1b, cInt seg2a, cInt seg2b)
if (seg1a > seg1b) Swap(seg1a, seg1b);
if (seg2a > seg2b) Swap(seg2a, seg2b);
if (seg1a > seg1b) std::swap(seg1a, seg1b);
if (seg2a > seg2b) std::swap(seg2a, seg2b);
return (seg1a < seg2b) && (seg2a < seg1b);
@ -1000,11 +993,7 @@ TEdge* ClipperBase::ProcessBound(TEdge* E, bool NextIsForward)
//unless a Skip edge is encountered when that becomes the top divide
Horz = Result;
while (IsHorizontal(*Horz->Prev)) Horz = Horz->Prev;
if (Horz->Prev->Top.X == Result->Next->Top.X)
if (!NextIsForward) Result = Horz->Prev;
else if (Horz->Prev->Top.X > Result->Next->Top.X) Result = Horz->Prev;
if (Horz->Prev->Top.X > Result->Next->Top.X) Result = Horz->Prev;
while (E != Result)
@ -1024,11 +1013,8 @@ TEdge* ClipperBase::ProcessBound(TEdge* E, bool NextIsForward)
Horz = Result;
while (IsHorizontal(*Horz->Next)) Horz = Horz->Next;
if (Horz->Next->Top.X == Result->Prev->Top.X)
if (!NextIsForward) Result = Horz->Next;
else if (Horz->Next->Top.X > Result->Prev->Top.X) Result = Horz->Next;
if (Horz->Next->Top.X == Result->Prev->Top.X ||
Horz->Next->Top.X > Result->Prev->Top.X) Result = Horz->Next;
while (E != Result)
@ -1155,17 +1141,17 @@ bool ClipperBase::AddPath(const Path &pg, PolyType PolyTyp, bool Closed)
return false;
E->Prev->OutIdx = Skip;
if (E->Prev->Bot.X < E->Prev->Top.X) ReverseHorizontal(*E->Prev);
MinimaList::value_type locMin;
locMin.Y = E->Bot.Y;
locMin.LeftBound = 0;
locMin.RightBound = E;
locMin.RightBound->Side = esRight;
locMin.RightBound->WindDelta = 0;
while (E->Next->OutIdx != Skip)
for (;;)
E->NextInLML = E->Next;
if (E->Bot.X != E->Prev->Top.X) ReverseHorizontal(*E);
if (E->Next->OutIdx == Skip) break;
E->NextInLML = E->Next;
E = E->Next;
@ -1371,6 +1357,7 @@ void Clipper::Reset()
m_Scanbeam = ScanbeamList();
m_Maxima = MaximaList();
m_ActiveEdges = 0;
m_SortedEdges = 0;
for (MinimaList::iterator lm = m_MinimaList.begin(); lm != m_MinimaList.end(); ++lm)
@ -1378,12 +1365,24 @@ void Clipper::Reset()
bool Clipper::Execute(ClipType clipType, Paths &solution, PolyFillType fillType)
return Execute(clipType, solution, fillType, fillType);
bool Clipper::Execute(ClipType clipType, PolyTree &polytree, PolyFillType fillType)
return Execute(clipType, polytree, fillType, fillType);
bool Clipper::Execute(ClipType clipType, Paths &solution,
PolyFillType subjFillType, PolyFillType clipFillType)
if( m_ExecuteLocked ) return false;
if (m_HasOpenPaths)
throw clipperException("Error: PolyTree struct is need for open path clipping.");
throw clipperException("Error: PolyTree struct is needed for open path clipping.");
m_ExecuteLocked = true;
m_SubjFillType = subjFillType;
@ -1439,9 +1438,9 @@ bool Clipper::ExecuteInternal()
cInt botY = PopScanbeam();
do {
if (m_Scanbeam.empty()) break;
if (m_Scanbeam.empty()) break;
cInt topY = PopScanbeam();
succeeded = ProcessIntersections(topY);
if (!succeeded) break;
@ -1471,7 +1470,10 @@ bool Clipper::ExecuteInternal()
for (PolyOutList::size_type i = 0; i < m_PolyOuts.size(); ++i)
OutRec *outRec = m_PolyOuts[i];
if (outRec->Pts && !outRec->IsOpen)
if (!outRec->Pts) continue;
if (outRec->IsOpen)
@ -1486,17 +1488,16 @@ bool Clipper::ExecuteInternal()
void Clipper::InsertScanbeam(const cInt Y)
//if (!m_Scanbeam.empty() && Y == m_Scanbeam.top()) return;// avoid duplicates.
cInt Clipper::PopScanbeam()
const cInt Y = m_Scanbeam.top();
while (!m_Scanbeam.empty() && Y == m_Scanbeam.top()) { m_Scanbeam.pop(); } // Pop duplicates.
return Y;
const cInt Y = m_Scanbeam.top();
while (!m_Scanbeam.empty() && Y == m_Scanbeam.top()) { m_Scanbeam.pop(); } // Pop duplicates.
return Y;
@ -2356,7 +2357,6 @@ OutRec* Clipper::CreateOutRec()
OutPt* Clipper::AddOutPt(TEdge *e, const IntPoint &pt)
bool ToFront = (e->Side == esLeft);
if( e->OutIdx < 0 )
OutRec *outRec = CreateOutRec();
@ -2377,7 +2377,8 @@ OutPt* Clipper::AddOutPt(TEdge *e, const IntPoint &pt)
//OutRec.Pts is the 'Left-most' point & OutRec.Pts.Prev is the 'Right-most'
OutPt* op = outRec->Pts;
if (ToFront && (pt == op->Pt)) return op;
bool ToFront = (e->Side == esLeft);
if (ToFront && (pt == op->Pt)) return op;
else if (!ToFront && (pt == op->Prev->Pt)) return op->Prev;
OutPt* newOp = new OutPt;
@ -2393,13 +2394,23 @@ OutPt* Clipper::AddOutPt(TEdge *e, const IntPoint &pt)
void Clipper::ProcessHorizontals(bool IsTopOfScanbeam)
OutPt* Clipper::GetLastOutPt(TEdge *e)
OutRec *outRec = m_PolyOuts[e->OutIdx];
if (e->Side == esLeft)
return outRec->Pts;
return outRec->Pts->Prev;
void Clipper::ProcessHorizontals()
TEdge* horzEdge = m_SortedEdges;
ProcessHorizontal(horzEdge, IsTopOfScanbeam);
horzEdge = m_SortedEdges;
@ -2564,10 +2575,11 @@ void GetHorzDirection(TEdge& HorzEdge, Direction& Dir, cInt& Left, cInt& Right)
* the AEL. These 'promoted' edges may in turn intersect [%] with other HEs. *
void Clipper::ProcessHorizontal(TEdge *horzEdge, bool isTopOfScanbeam)
void Clipper::ProcessHorizontal(TEdge *horzEdge)
Direction dir;
cInt horzLeft, horzRight;
bool IsOpen = (horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0 && m_PolyOuts[horzEdge->OutIdx]->IsOpen);
GetHorzDirection(*horzEdge, dir, horzLeft, horzRight);
@ -2577,50 +2589,100 @@ void Clipper::ProcessHorizontal(TEdge *horzEdge, bool isTopOfScanbeam)
if (!eLastHorz->NextInLML)
eMaxPair = GetMaximaPair(eLastHorz);
for (;;)
MaximaList::const_iterator maxIt;
MaximaList::const_reverse_iterator maxRit;
if (m_Maxima.size() > 0)
//get the first maxima in range (X) ...
if (dir == dLeftToRight)
maxIt = m_Maxima.begin();
while (maxIt != m_Maxima.end() && *maxIt <= horzEdge->Bot.X) maxIt++;
if (maxIt != m_Maxima.end() && *maxIt >= eLastHorz->Top.X)
maxIt = m_Maxima.end();
maxRit = m_Maxima.rbegin();
while (maxRit != m_Maxima.rend() && *maxRit > horzEdge->Bot.X) maxRit++;
if (maxRit != m_Maxima.rend() && *maxRit <= eLastHorz->Top.X)
maxRit = m_Maxima.rend();
OutPt* op1 = 0;
for (;;) //loop through consec. horizontal edges
bool IsLastHorz = (horzEdge == eLastHorz);
TEdge* e = GetNextInAEL(horzEdge, dir);
//Break if we've got to the end of an intermediate horizontal edge ...
//nb: Smaller Dx's are to the right of larger Dx's ABOVE the horizontal.
if (e->Curr.X == horzEdge->Top.X && horzEdge->NextInLML &&
e->Dx < horzEdge->NextInLML->Dx) break;
TEdge* eNext = GetNextInAEL(e, dir); //saves eNext for later
//this code block inserts extra coords into horizontal edges (in output
//polygons) whereever maxima touch these horizontal edges. This helps
//'simplifying' polygons (ie if the Simplify property is set).
if (m_Maxima.size() > 0)
if (dir == dLeftToRight)
while (maxIt != m_Maxima.end() && *maxIt < e->Curr.X)
if (horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0 && !IsOpen)
AddOutPt(horzEdge, IntPoint(*maxIt, horzEdge->Bot.Y));
while (maxRit != m_Maxima.rend() && *maxRit > e->Curr.X)
if (horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0 && !IsOpen)
AddOutPt(horzEdge, IntPoint(*maxRit, horzEdge->Bot.Y));
if ((dir == dLeftToRight && e->Curr.X <= horzRight) ||
(dir == dRightToLeft && e->Curr.X >= horzLeft))
//so far we're still in range of the horizontal Edge but make sure
if ((dir == dLeftToRight && e->Curr.X > horzRight) ||
(dir == dRightToLeft && e->Curr.X < horzLeft)) break;
//Also break if we've got to the end of an intermediate horizontal edge ...
//nb: Smaller Dx's are to the right of larger Dx's ABOVE the horizontal.
if (e->Curr.X == horzEdge->Top.X && horzEdge->NextInLML &&
e->Dx < horzEdge->NextInLML->Dx) break;
if (horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0 && !IsOpen) //note: may be done multiple times
op1 = AddOutPt(horzEdge, e->Curr);
TEdge* eNextHorz = m_SortedEdges;
while (eNextHorz)
if (eNextHorz->OutIdx >= 0 &&
horzEdge->Top.X, eNextHorz->Bot.X, eNextHorz->Top.X))
OutPt* op2 = GetLastOutPt(eNextHorz);
AddJoin(op2, op1, eNextHorz->Top);
eNextHorz = eNextHorz->NextInSEL;
AddGhostJoin(op1, horzEdge->Bot);
//OK, so far we're still in range of the horizontal Edge but make sure
//we're at the last of consec. horizontals when matching with eMaxPair
if(e == eMaxPair && IsLastHorz)
if (horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0)
OutPt* op1 = AddOutPt(horzEdge, horzEdge->Top);
TEdge* eNextHorz = m_SortedEdges;
while (eNextHorz)
if (eNextHorz->OutIdx >= 0 &&
horzEdge->Top.X, eNextHorz->Bot.X, eNextHorz->Top.X))
OutPt* op2 = AddOutPt(eNextHorz, eNextHorz->Bot);
AddJoin(op2, op1, eNextHorz->Top);
eNextHorz = eNextHorz->NextInSEL;
AddGhostJoin(op1, horzEdge->Bot);
AddLocalMaxPoly(horzEdge, eMaxPair, horzEdge->Top);
else if(dir == dLeftToRight)
if(dir == dLeftToRight)
IntPoint Pt = IntPoint(e->Curr.X, horzEdge->Curr.Y);
IntersectEdges(horzEdge, e, Pt);
@ -2630,28 +2692,43 @@ void Clipper::ProcessHorizontal(TEdge *horzEdge, bool isTopOfScanbeam)
IntPoint Pt = IntPoint(e->Curr.X, horzEdge->Curr.Y);
IntersectEdges( e, horzEdge, Pt);
TEdge* eNext = GetNextInAEL(e, dir);
SwapPositionsInAEL( horzEdge, e );
else if( (dir == dLeftToRight && e->Curr.X >= horzRight) ||
(dir == dRightToLeft && e->Curr.X <= horzLeft) ) break;
e = eNext;
} //end while
e = eNext;
} //end while(e)
//Break out of loop if HorzEdge.NextInLML is not also horizontal ...
if (!horzEdge->NextInLML || !IsHorizontal(*horzEdge->NextInLML)) break;
if (horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0) AddOutPt(horzEdge, horzEdge->Bot);
GetHorzDirection(*horzEdge, dir, horzLeft, horzRight);
if (horzEdge->NextInLML && IsHorizontal(*horzEdge->NextInLML))
if (horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0) AddOutPt(horzEdge, horzEdge->Bot);
GetHorzDirection(*horzEdge, dir, horzLeft, horzRight);
} else
} //end for (;;)
if (horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0 && !op1)
op1 = GetLastOutPt(horzEdge);
TEdge* eNextHorz = m_SortedEdges;
while (eNextHorz)
if (eNextHorz->OutIdx >= 0 &&
horzEdge->Top.X, eNextHorz->Bot.X, eNextHorz->Top.X))
OutPt* op2 = GetLastOutPt(eNextHorz);
AddJoin(op2, op1, eNextHorz->Top);
eNextHorz = eNextHorz->NextInSEL;
AddGhostJoin(op1, horzEdge->Top);
if (horzEdge->NextInLML)
if(horzEdge->OutIdx >= 0)
OutPt* op1 = AddOutPt( horzEdge, horzEdge->Top);
if (isTopOfScanbeam) AddGhostJoin(op1, horzEdge->Bot);
op1 = AddOutPt( horzEdge, horzEdge->Top);
if (horzEdge->WindDelta == 0) return;
//nb: HorzEdge is no longer horizontal here
@ -2906,6 +2983,7 @@ void Clipper::ProcessEdgesAtTopOfScanbeam(const cInt topY)
if (m_StrictSimple) m_Maxima.push_back(e->Top.X);
TEdge* ePrev = e->PrevInAEL;
if( !ePrev ) e = m_ActiveEdges;
@ -2927,6 +3005,8 @@ void Clipper::ProcessEdgesAtTopOfScanbeam(const cInt topY)
e->Curr.Y = topY;
//When StrictlySimple and 'e' is being touched by another edge, then
//make sure both edges have a vertex here ...
if (m_StrictSimple)
TEdge* ePrev = e->PrevInAEL;
@ -2948,7 +3028,9 @@ void Clipper::ProcessEdgesAtTopOfScanbeam(const cInt topY)
//3. Process horizontals at the Top of the scanbeam ...
//4. Promote intermediate vertices ...
e = m_ActiveEdges;
@ -2988,44 +3070,71 @@ void Clipper::ProcessEdgesAtTopOfScanbeam(const cInt topY)
void Clipper::FixupOutPolygon(OutRec &outrec)
void Clipper::FixupOutPolyline(OutRec &outrec)
//FixupOutPolygon() - removes duplicate points and simplifies consecutive
//parallel edges by removing the middle vertex.
OutPt *lastOK = 0;
outrec.BottomPt = 0;
OutPt *pp = outrec.Pts;
for (;;)
OutPt *lastPP = pp->Prev;
while (pp != lastPP)
if (pp->Prev == pp || pp->Prev == pp->Next )
pp = pp->Next;
if (pp->Pt == pp->Prev->Pt)
outrec.Pts = 0;
//test for duplicate points and collinear edges ...
if ((pp->Pt == pp->Next->Pt) || (pp->Pt == pp->Prev->Pt) ||
(SlopesEqual(pp->Prev->Pt, pp->Pt, pp->Next->Pt, m_UseFullRange) &&
(!m_PreserveCollinear ||
!Pt2IsBetweenPt1AndPt3(pp->Prev->Pt, pp->Pt, pp->Next->Pt))))
lastOK = 0;
OutPt *tmp = pp;
pp->Prev->Next = pp->Next;
pp->Next->Prev = pp->Prev;
pp = pp->Prev;
delete tmp;
else if (pp == lastOK) break;
if (!lastOK) lastOK = pp;
pp = pp->Next;
if (pp == lastPP) lastPP = pp->Prev;
OutPt *tmpPP = pp->Prev;
tmpPP->Next = pp->Next;
pp->Next->Prev = tmpPP;
delete pp;
pp = tmpPP;
outrec.Pts = pp;
if (pp == pp->Prev)
outrec.Pts = 0;
void Clipper::FixupOutPolygon(OutRec &outrec)
//FixupOutPolygon() - removes duplicate points and simplifies consecutive
//parallel edges by removing the middle vertex.
OutPt *lastOK = 0;
outrec.BottomPt = 0;
OutPt *pp = outrec.Pts;
bool preserveCol = m_PreserveCollinear || m_StrictSimple;
for (;;)
if (pp->Prev == pp || pp->Prev == pp->Next)
outrec.Pts = 0;
//test for duplicate points and collinear edges ...
if ((pp->Pt == pp->Next->Pt) || (pp->Pt == pp->Prev->Pt) ||
(SlopesEqual(pp->Prev->Pt, pp->Pt, pp->Next->Pt, m_UseFullRange) &&
(!preserveCol || !Pt2IsBetweenPt1AndPt3(pp->Prev->Pt, pp->Pt, pp->Next->Pt))))
lastOK = 0;
OutPt *tmp = pp;
pp->Prev->Next = pp->Next;
pp->Next->Prev = pp->Prev;
pp = pp->Prev;
delete tmp;
else if (pp == lastOK) break;
if (!lastOK) lastOK = pp;
pp = pp->Next;
outrec.Pts = pp;
@ -3309,7 +3418,7 @@ bool Clipper::JoinPoints(Join *j, OutRec* outRec1, OutRec* outRec2)
OutPt *op2 = j->OutPt2, *op2b;
//There are 3 kinds of joins for output polygons ...
//1. Horizontal joins where Join.OutPt1 & Join.OutPt2 are a vertices anywhere
//1. Horizontal joins where Join.OutPt1 & Join.OutPt2 are vertices anywhere
//along (horizontal) collinear edges (& Join.OffPt is on the same horizontal).
//2. Non-horizontal joins where Join.OutPt1 & Join.OutPt2 are at the same
//location at the Bottom of the overlapping segment (& Join.OffPt is above).
@ -3508,6 +3617,7 @@ void Clipper::JoinCommonEdges()
OutRec *outRec2 = GetOutRec(join->OutPt2->Idx);
if (!outRec1->Pts || !outRec2->Pts) continue;
if (outRec1->IsOpen || outRec2->IsOpen) continue;
//get the polygon fragment with the correct hole state (FirstLeft)
//before calling JoinPoints() ...
@ -4355,7 +4465,7 @@ void MinkowskiSum(const Path& pattern, const Path& path, Paths& solution, bool p
void TranslatePath(const Path& input, Path& output, IntPoint delta)
void TranslatePath(const Path& input, Path& output, const IntPoint delta)
//precondition: input != output
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
* *
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Version : 6.2.1 *
* Date : 31 October 2014 *
* Version : 6.2.8 *
* Date : 10 February 2015 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2014 *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2015 *
* *
* License: *
* Use, modification & distribution is subject to Boost Software License Ver 1. *
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
#ifndef clipper_hpp
#define clipper_hpp
#define CLIPPER_VERSION "6.2.0"
#define CLIPPER_VERSION "6.2.6"
//use_int32: When enabled 32bit ints are used instead of 64bit ints. This
//improve performance but coordinate values are limited to the range +/- 46340
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
//#define use_deprecated
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cstring>
@ -200,7 +201,6 @@ enum EdgeSide { esLeft = 1, esRight = 2};
struct TEdge;
struct IntersectNode;
struct LocalMinimum;
struct Scanbeam;
struct OutPt;
struct OutRec;
struct Join;
@ -232,7 +232,6 @@ protected:
void PopLocalMinima();
virtual void Reset();
TEdge* ProcessBound(TEdge* E, bool IsClockwise);
void DoMinimaLML(TEdge* E1, TEdge* E2, bool IsClosed);
TEdge* DescendToMin(TEdge *&E);
void AscendToMax(TEdge *&E, bool Appending, bool IsClosed);
@ -253,14 +252,20 @@ public:
Clipper(int initOptions = 0);
bool Execute(ClipType clipType,
Paths &solution,
PolyFillType subjFillType = pftEvenOdd,
PolyFillType clipFillType = pftEvenOdd);
Paths &solution,
PolyFillType fillType = pftEvenOdd);
bool Execute(ClipType clipType,
PolyTree &polytree,
PolyFillType subjFillType = pftEvenOdd,
PolyFillType clipFillType = pftEvenOdd);
bool ReverseSolution() {return m_ReverseOutput;};
Paths &solution,
PolyFillType subjFillType,
PolyFillType clipFillType);
bool Execute(ClipType clipType,
PolyTree &polytree,
PolyFillType fillType = pftEvenOdd);
bool Execute(ClipType clipType,
PolyTree &polytree,
PolyFillType subjFillType,
PolyFillType clipFillType);
bool ReverseSolution() { return m_ReverseOutput; };
void ReverseSolution(bool value) {m_ReverseOutput = value;};
bool StrictlySimple() {return m_StrictSimple;};
void StrictlySimple(bool value) {m_StrictSimple = value;};
@ -272,13 +277,15 @@ protected:
void Reset();
virtual bool ExecuteInternal();
PolyOutList m_PolyOuts;
JoinList m_Joins;
JoinList m_GhostJoins;
IntersectList m_IntersectList;
ClipType m_ClipType;
PolyOutList m_PolyOuts;
JoinList m_Joins;
JoinList m_GhostJoins;
IntersectList m_IntersectList;
ClipType m_ClipType;
typedef std::priority_queue<cInt> ScanbeamList;
ScanbeamList m_Scanbeam;
ScanbeamList m_Scanbeam;
typedef std::list<cInt> MaximaList;
MaximaList m_Maxima;
TEdge *m_ActiveEdges;
TEdge *m_SortedEdges;
bool m_ExecuteLocked;
@ -307,8 +314,8 @@ private:
bool IsTopHorz(const cInt XPos);
void SwapPositionsInAEL(TEdge *edge1, TEdge *edge2);
void DoMaxima(TEdge *e);
void ProcessHorizontals(bool IsTopOfScanbeam);
void ProcessHorizontal(TEdge *horzEdge, bool isTopOfScanbeam);
void ProcessHorizontals();
void ProcessHorizontal(TEdge *horzEdge);
void AddLocalMaxPoly(TEdge *e1, TEdge *e2, const IntPoint &pt);
OutPt* AddLocalMinPoly(TEdge *e1, TEdge *e2, const IntPoint &pt);
OutRec* GetOutRec(int idx);
@ -316,6 +323,7 @@ private:
void IntersectEdges(TEdge *e1, TEdge *e2, IntPoint &pt);
OutRec* CreateOutRec();
OutPt* AddOutPt(TEdge *e, const IntPoint &pt);
OutPt* GetLastOutPt(TEdge *e);
void DisposeAllOutRecs();
void DisposeOutRec(PolyOutList::size_type index);
bool ProcessIntersections(const cInt topY);
@ -328,6 +336,7 @@ private:
void DisposeIntersectNodes();
bool FixupIntersectionOrder();
void FixupOutPolygon(OutRec &outrec);
void FixupOutPolyline(OutRec &outrec);
bool IsHole(TEdge *e);
bool FindOwnerFromSplitRecs(OutRec &outRec, OutRec *&currOrfl);
void FixHoleLinkage(OutRec &outrec);
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use Slic3r::XS;
use Test::More tests => 19;
use Test::More tests => 21;
my $square = Slic3r::Polygon->new( # ccw
[200, 100],
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ if (0) { # Clipper does not preserve polyline orientation
is scalar(@$result), 1, 'intersection_ppl - result is not empty';
if (0) {
# Disabled until Clipper bug #122 is fixed
my $subject = [
@ -188,7 +188,6 @@ if (0) {
my $result = Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper::intersection_pl($subject, $clip);
###use XXX; YYY $subject->[0]->wkt, [map $_->wkt, @$clip], $result->[0]->wkt;
is scalar(@$result), 1, 'intersection_pl - result is not empty';
is scalar(@{$result->[0]}), 5, 'intersection_pl - result is not empty';
Add table
Reference in a new issue