Merge branch 'master' of into et_preview_layout
This commit is contained in:
46 changed files with 583 additions and 204 deletions
@ -126,6 +126,45 @@ ExPolygons ClipperPaths_to_Slic3rExPolygons(const ClipperLib::Paths &input)
return PolyTreeToExPolygons(std::move(polytree));
#if 0
// Global test.
bool has_duplicate_points(const ClipperLib::PolyTree &polytree)
struct Helper {
static void collect_points_recursive(const ClipperLib::PolyNode &polynode, ClipperLib::Path &out) {
// For each hole of the current expolygon:
out.insert(out.end(), polynode.Contour.begin(), polynode.Contour.end());
for (int i = 0; i < polynode.ChildCount(); ++ i)
collect_points_recursive(*polynode.Childs[i], out);
ClipperLib::Path pts;
for (int i = 0; i < polytree.ChildCount(); ++ i)
Helper::collect_points_recursive(*polytree.Childs[i], pts);
return has_duplicate_points(std::move(pts));
// Local test inside each of the contours.
bool has_duplicate_points(const ClipperLib::PolyTree &polytree)
struct Helper {
static bool has_duplicate_points_recursive(const ClipperLib::PolyNode &polynode) {
if (has_duplicate_points(polynode.Contour))
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < polynode.ChildCount(); ++ i)
if (has_duplicate_points_recursive(*polynode.Childs[i]))
return true;
return false;
ClipperLib::Path pts;
for (int i = 0; i < polytree.ChildCount(); ++ i)
if (Helper::has_duplicate_points_recursive(*polytree.Childs[i]))
return true;
return false;
// Offset outside by 10um, one by one.
template<typename PathsProvider>
static ClipperLib::Paths safety_offset(PathsProvider &&paths)
@ -740,7 +740,11 @@ ConfigSubstitutions ConfigBase::load(const boost::property_tree::ptree &tree, Fo
// Load the config keys from the given string.
static inline size_t load_from_gcode_string_legacy(ConfigBase &config, const char *str, ConfigSubstitutionContext &substitutions)
size_t ConfigBase::load_from_gcode_string_legacy(ConfigBase& config, const char* str, ConfigSubstitutionContext& substitutions)
static inline size_t load_from_gcode_string_legacy(ConfigBase& config, const char* str, ConfigSubstitutionContext& substitutions)
if (str == nullptr)
return 0;
@ -2015,6 +2015,10 @@ public:
// Set all the nullable values to nils.
void null_nullables();
static size_t load_from_gcode_string_legacy(ConfigBase& config, const char* str, ConfigSubstitutionContext& substitutions);
// Set a configuration value from a string.
bool set_deserialize_raw(const t_config_option_key& opt_key_src, const std::string& value, ConfigSubstitutionContext& substitutions, bool append);
@ -114,10 +114,11 @@ bool ExPolygon::contains(const Polylines &polylines) const
bool ExPolygon::contains(const Point &point) const
if (!this->contour.contains(point)) return false;
for (Polygons::const_iterator it = this->holes.begin(); it != this->holes.end(); ++it) {
if (it->contains(point)) return false;
if (! this->contour.contains(point))
return false;
for (const Polygon &hole : this->holes)
if (hole.contains(point))
return false;
return true;
@ -367,6 +368,57 @@ extern std::vector<BoundingBox> get_extents_vector(const ExPolygons &polygons)
return out;
bool has_duplicate_points(const ExPolygon &expoly)
#if 1
// Check globally.
size_t cnt = expoly.contour.points.size();
for (const Polygon &hole : expoly.holes)
cnt += hole.points.size();
std::vector<Point> allpts;
allpts.insert(allpts.begin(), expoly.contour.points.begin(), expoly.contour.points.end());
for (const Polygon &hole : expoly.holes)
allpts.insert(allpts.end(), hole.points.begin(), hole.points.end());
return has_duplicate_points(std::move(allpts));
// Check per contour.
if (has_duplicate_points(expoly.contour))
return true;
for (const Polygon &hole : expoly.holes)
if (has_duplicate_points(hole))
return true;
return false;
bool has_duplicate_points(const ExPolygons &expolys)
#if 1
// Check globally.
size_t cnt = 0;
for (const ExPolygon &expoly : expolys) {
cnt += expoly.contour.points.size();
for (const Polygon &hole : expoly.holes)
cnt += hole.points.size();
std::vector<Point> allpts;
for (const ExPolygon &expoly : expolys) {
allpts.insert(allpts.begin(), expoly.contour.points.begin(), expoly.contour.points.end());
for (const Polygon &hole : expoly.holes)
allpts.insert(allpts.end(), hole.points.begin(), hole.points.end());
return has_duplicate_points(std::move(allpts));
// Check per contour.
for (const ExPolygon &expoly : expolys)
if (has_duplicate_points(expoly))
return true;
return false;
bool remove_sticks(ExPolygon &poly)
return remove_sticks(poly.contour) || remove_sticks(poly.holes);
@ -351,20 +351,24 @@ inline ExPolygons expolygons_simplify(const ExPolygons &expolys, double toleranc
return out;
extern BoundingBox get_extents(const ExPolygon &expolygon);
extern BoundingBox get_extents(const ExPolygons &expolygons);
extern BoundingBox get_extents_rotated(const ExPolygon &poly, double angle);
extern BoundingBox get_extents_rotated(const ExPolygons &polygons, double angle);
extern std::vector<BoundingBox> get_extents_vector(const ExPolygons &polygons);
BoundingBox get_extents(const ExPolygon &expolygon);
BoundingBox get_extents(const ExPolygons &expolygons);
BoundingBox get_extents_rotated(const ExPolygon &poly, double angle);
BoundingBox get_extents_rotated(const ExPolygons &polygons, double angle);
std::vector<BoundingBox> get_extents_vector(const ExPolygons &polygons);
extern bool remove_sticks(ExPolygon &poly);
extern void keep_largest_contour_only(ExPolygons &polygons);
// Test for duplicate points. The points are copied, sorted and checked for duplicates globally.
bool has_duplicate_points(const ExPolygon &expoly);
bool has_duplicate_points(const ExPolygons &expolys);
bool remove_sticks(ExPolygon &poly);
void keep_largest_contour_only(ExPolygons &polygons);
inline double area(const ExPolygon &poly) { return poly.area(); }
inline double area(const ExPolygons &polys) { double s = 0.; for (auto &p : polys) s += p.area(); return s; }
// Removes all expolygons smaller than min_area and also removes all holes smaller than min_area
extern bool remove_small_and_small_holes(ExPolygons &expolygons, double min_area);
bool remove_small_and_small_holes(ExPolygons &expolygons, double min_area);
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -1890,6 +1890,7 @@ namespace Slic3r {
unsigned int geo_tri_count = (unsigned int)geometry.triangles.size();
unsigned int renamed_volumes_count = 0;
int processed_vertices_max_id = 0;
for (const ObjectMetadata::VolumeMetadata& volume_data : volumes) {
if (geo_tri_count <= volume_data.first_triangle_id || geo_tri_count <= volume_data.last_triangle_id || volume_data.last_triangle_id < volume_data.first_triangle_id) {
@ -1911,13 +1912,31 @@ namespace Slic3r {
// splits volume out of imported geometry
std::vector<Vec3i> faces(geometry.triangles.begin() + volume_data.first_triangle_id, geometry.triangles.begin() + volume_data.last_triangle_id + 1);
const size_t triangles_count = faces.size();
for (Vec3i face : faces)
for (unsigned int tri_id : face)
int min_id = faces.front()[0];
int max_id = faces.front()[0];
for (const Vec3i& face : faces) {
for (const int tri_id : face) {
if (tri_id < 0 || tri_id >= geometry.vertices.size()) {
add_error("Found invalid vertex id");
return false;
TriangleMesh triangle_mesh(std::move(geometry.vertices), std::move(faces));
min_id = std::min(min_id, tri_id);
max_id = std::max(max_id, tri_id);
// rebase indices to the current vertices list
for (Vec3i& face : faces) {
for (int& tri_id : face) {
tri_id -= min_id;
processed_vertices_max_id = 1 + std::max(processed_vertices_max_id, max_id);
std::vector<Vec3f> vertices(geometry.vertices.begin() + min_id, geometry.vertices.begin() + max_id + 1);
TriangleMesh triangle_mesh(std::move(vertices), std::move(faces));
if (m_version == 0) {
// if the 3mf was not produced by PrusaSlicer and there is only one instance,
@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ void AMFParserContext::endElement(const char * /* name */)
// Parse the vertex data
m_object_vertices.emplace_back(float(atof(m_value[0].c_str())), float(atof(m_value[1].c_str())), float(atof(m_value[1].c_str())));
m_object_vertices.emplace_back(float(atof(m_value[0].c_str())), float(atof(m_value[1].c_str())), float(atof(m_value[2].c_str())));
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ RasterParams get_raster_params(const DynamicPrintConfig &cfg)
if (!opt_disp_cols || !opt_disp_rows || !opt_disp_w || !opt_disp_h ||
!opt_mirror_x || !opt_mirror_y || !opt_orient)
throw Slic3r::FileIOError("Invalid SL1 / SL1S file");
throw MissingProfileError("Invalid SL1 / SL1S file");
RasterParams rstp;
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ SliceParams get_slice_params(const DynamicPrintConfig &cfg)
auto *opt_init_layerh = cfg.option<ConfigOptionFloat>("initial_layer_height");
if (!opt_layerh || !opt_init_layerh)
throw Slic3r::FileIOError("Invalid SL1 / SL1S file");
throw MissingProfileError("Invalid SL1 / SL1S file");
return SliceParams{opt_layerh->getFloat(), opt_init_layerh->getFloat()};
@ -293,24 +293,34 @@ ConfigSubstitutions import_sla_archive(const std::string &zipfname, DynamicPrint
return out.load(arch.profile, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Enable);
// If the profile is missing from the archive (older PS versions did not have
// it), profile_out's initial value will be used as fallback. profile_out will be empty on
// function return if the archive did not contain any profile.
ConfigSubstitutions import_sla_archive(
const std::string & zipfname,
Vec2i windowsize,
indexed_triangle_set & out,
DynamicPrintConfig & profile,
DynamicPrintConfig & profile_out,
std::function<bool(int)> progr)
// Ensure minimum window size for marching squares
windowsize.x() = std::max(2, windowsize.x());
windowsize.y() = std::max(2, windowsize.y());
ArchiveData arch = extract_sla_archive(zipfname, "thumbnail");
ConfigSubstitutions config_substitutions = profile.load(arch.profile, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Enable);
std::string exclude_entries{"thumbnail"};
ArchiveData arch = extract_sla_archive(zipfname, exclude_entries);
DynamicPrintConfig profile_in, profile_use;
ConfigSubstitutions config_substitutions = profile_in.load(arch.profile, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Enable);
RasterParams rstp = get_raster_params(profile);
// If the archive contains an empty profile, use the one that was passed as output argument
// then replace it with the readed profile to report that it was empty.
profile_use = profile_in.empty() ? profile_out : profile_in;
profile_out = profile_in;
RasterParams rstp = get_raster_params(profile_use);
|||| = {windowsize.y(), windowsize.x()};
SliceParams slicp = get_slice_params(profile);
SliceParams slicp = get_slice_params(profile_use);
std::vector<ExPolygons> slices =
extract_slices_from_sla_archive(arch, rstp, progr);
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
namespace Slic3r {
class SL1Archive: public SLAPrinter {
class SL1Archive: public SLAArchive {
SLAPrinterConfig m_cfg;
@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ inline ConfigSubstitutions import_sla_archive(
return import_sla_archive(zipfname, windowsize, out, profile, progr);
class MissingProfileError : public RuntimeError { using RuntimeError::RuntimeError; };
} // namespace Slic3r::sla
@ -784,7 +784,8 @@ void GCode::do_export(Print* print, const char* path, GCodeProcessor::Result* re
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Start processing gcode, " << log_memory_info();
// Post-process the G-code to update time stamps.
// DoExport::update_print_estimated_times_stats(m_processor, print->m_print_statistics);
DoExport::update_print_estimated_stats(m_processor, m_writer.extruders(), print->m_print_statistics);
if (result != nullptr) {
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Print.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/LocalesUtils.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/format.hpp"
#include "GCodeProcessor.hpp"
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
@ -746,6 +747,9 @@ const std::vector<std::pair<GCodeProcessor::EProducer, std::string>> GCodeProces
{ EProducer::PrusaSlicer, "generated by PrusaSlicer" },
{ EProducer::Slic3rPE, "generated by Slic3r Prusa Edition" },
{ EProducer::Slic3r, "generated by Slic3r" },
{ EProducer::SuperSlicer, "generated by SuperSlicer" },
{ EProducer::Cura, "Cura_SteamEngine" },
{ EProducer::Simplify3D, "G-Code generated by Simplify3D(R)" },
{ EProducer::CraftWare, "CraftWare" },
@ -1189,6 +1193,8 @@ static inline const char* remove_eols(const char *begin, const char *end) {
return end;
// Load a G-code into a stand-alone G-code viewer.
// throws CanceledException through print->throw_if_canceled() (sent by the caller as callback).
void GCodeProcessor::process_file(const std::string& filename, std::function<void()> cancel_callback)
CNumericLocalesSetter locales_setter;
@ -1225,6 +1231,10 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_file(const std::string& filename, std::function<voi
else if (m_producer == EProducer::Simplify3D)
else if (m_producer == EProducer::SuperSlicer)
// process gcode
@ -1243,7 +1253,8 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_file(const std::string& filename, std::function<voi
this->process_gcode_line(line, true);
// Don't post-process the G-code to update time stamps.
void GCodeProcessor::initialize(const std::string& filename)
@ -1269,7 +1280,7 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_buffer(const std::string &buffer)
void GCodeProcessor::finalize()
void GCodeProcessor::finalize(bool post_process)
// update width/height of wipe moves
for (MoveVertex& move : m_result.moves) {
@ -1299,7 +1310,8 @@ void GCodeProcessor::finalize()
m_time_processor.post_process(m_result.filename, m_result.moves, m_result.lines_ends);
if (post_process)
m_time_processor.post_process(m_result.filename, m_result.moves, m_result.lines_ends);
m_result.time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - m_start_time).count();
@ -1356,6 +1368,41 @@ std::vector<std::pair<ExtrusionRole, float>> GCodeProcessor::get_roles_time(Prin
return ret;
ConfigSubstitutions load_from_superslicer_gcode_file(const std::string& filename, DynamicPrintConfig& config, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule compatibility_rule)
// for reference, see: ConfigBase::load_from_gcode_file()
boost::nowide::ifstream ifs(filename);
auto header_end_pos = ifs.tellg();
ConfigSubstitutionContext substitutions_ctxt(compatibility_rule);
size_t key_value_pairs = 0;
ifs.seekg(0, ifs.end);
auto file_length = ifs.tellg();
auto data_length = std::min<std::fstream::pos_type>(65535, file_length - header_end_pos);
ifs.seekg(file_length - data_length, ifs.beg);
std::vector<char> data(size_t(data_length) + 1, 0);
||||, data_length);
key_value_pairs = ConfigBase::load_from_gcode_string_legacy(config,, substitutions_ctxt);
if (key_value_pairs < 80)
throw Slic3r::RuntimeError(format("Suspiciously low number of configuration values extracted from %1%: %2%", filename, key_value_pairs));
return std::move(substitutions_ctxt.substitutions);
void GCodeProcessor::apply_config_superslicer(const std::string& filename)
DynamicPrintConfig config;
load_from_superslicer_gcode_file(filename, config, ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::EnableSilent);
std::vector<float> GCodeProcessor::get_layers_time(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode) const
return (mode < PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode::Count) ?
@ -1845,6 +1892,9 @@ bool GCodeProcessor::process_producers_tags(const std::string_view comment)
case EProducer::Slic3rPE:
case EProducer::Slic3r:
case EProducer::SuperSlicer:
case EProducer::PrusaSlicer: { return process_prusaslicer_tags(comment); }
case EProducer::Cura: { return process_cura_tags(comment); }
case EProducer::Simplify3D: { return process_simplify3d_tags(comment); }
@ -2674,15 +2724,15 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_G28(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
std::string_view cmd = line.cmd();
std::string new_line_raw = {, cmd.size() };
bool found = false;
if (line.has_x()) {
if (line.has('X')) {
new_line_raw += " X0";
found = true;
if (line.has_y()) {
if (line.has('Y')) {
new_line_raw += " Y0";
found = true;
if (line.has_z()) {
if (line.has('Z')) {
new_line_raw += " Z0";
found = true;
@ -2818,16 +2868,16 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_M132(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
// see:
// Using this command to reset the axis origin to zero helps in fixing:
if (line.has_x())
if (line.has('X'))
m_origin[X] = 0.0f;
if (line.has_y())
if (line.has('Y'))
m_origin[Y] = 0.0f;
if (line.has_z())
if (line.has('Z'))
m_origin[Z] = 0.0f;
if (line.has_e())
if (line.has('E'))
m_origin[E] = 0.0f;
@ -2988,7 +3038,7 @@ void GCodeProcessor::process_M402(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line)
// void Printer::GoToMemoryPosition(bool x, bool y, bool z, bool e, float feed)
bool has_xyz = !(line.has_x() || line.has_y() || line.has_z());
bool has_xyz = !(line.has('X') || line.has('Y') || line.has('Z'));
float p = FLT_MAX;
for (unsigned char a = X; a <= Z; ++a) {
@ -543,6 +543,9 @@ namespace Slic3r {
@ -579,14 +582,14 @@ namespace Slic3r {
const Result& get_result() const { return m_result; }
Result&& extract_result() { return std::move(m_result); }
// Process the gcode contained in the file with the given filename
// Load a G-code into a stand-alone G-code viewer.
// throws CanceledException through print->throw_if_canceled() (sent by the caller as callback).
void process_file(const std::string& filename, std::function<void()> cancel_callback = nullptr);
// Streaming interface, for processing G-codes just generated by PrusaSlicer in a pipelined fashion.
void initialize(const std::string& filename);
void process_buffer(const std::string& buffer);
void finalize();
void finalize(bool post_process);
float get_time(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode) const;
std::string get_time_dhm(PrintEstimatedStatistics::ETimeMode mode) const;
@ -599,6 +602,9 @@ namespace Slic3r {
void apply_config(const DynamicPrintConfig& config);
void apply_config_simplify3d(const std::string& filename);
void apply_config_superslicer(const std::string& filename);
void process_gcode_line(const GCodeReader::GCodeLine& line, bool producers_enabled);
// Process tags embedded into comments
@ -179,6 +179,15 @@ Point Point::projection_onto(const Line &line) const
return ((line.a - *this).cast<double>().squaredNorm() < (line.b - *this).cast<double>().squaredNorm()) ? line.a : line.b;
bool has_duplicate_points(std::vector<Point> &&pts)
std::sort(pts.begin(), pts.end());
for (size_t i = 1; i < pts.size(); ++ i)
if (pts[i - 1] == pts[i])
return true;
return false;
BoundingBox get_extents(const Points &pts)
return BoundingBox(pts);
@ -211,8 +211,34 @@ inline Point lerp(const Point &a, const Point &b, double t)
return ((1. - t) * a.cast<double>() + t * b.cast<double>()).cast<coord_t>();
extern BoundingBox get_extents(const Points &pts);
extern BoundingBox get_extents(const std::vector<Points> &pts);
BoundingBox get_extents(const Points &pts);
BoundingBox get_extents(const std::vector<Points> &pts);
// Test for duplicate points in a vector of points.
// The points are copied, sorted and checked for duplicates globally.
bool has_duplicate_points(std::vector<Point> &&pts);
inline bool has_duplicate_points(const std::vector<Point> &pts)
std::vector<Point> cpy = pts;
return has_duplicate_points(std::move(cpy));
// Test for duplicate points in a vector of points.
// Only successive points are checked for equality.
inline bool has_duplicate_successive_points(const std::vector<Point> &pts)
for (size_t i = 1; i < pts.size(); ++ i)
if (pts[i - 1] == pts[i])
return true;
return false;
// Test for duplicate points in a vector of points.
// Only successive points are checked for equality. Additionally, first and last points are compared for equality.
inline bool has_duplicate_successive_points_closed(const std::vector<Point> &pts)
return has_duplicate_successive_points(pts) || (pts.size() >= 2 && pts.front() == pts.back());
namespace int128 {
// Exact orientation predicate,
@ -334,6 +334,27 @@ extern std::vector<BoundingBox> get_extents_vector(const Polygons &polygons)
return out;
bool has_duplicate_points(const Polygons &polys)
#if 1
// Check globally.
size_t cnt = 0;
for (const Polygon &poly : polys)
cnt += poly.points.size();
std::vector<Point> allpts;
for (const Polygon &poly : polys)
allpts.insert(allpts.end(), poly.points.begin(), poly.points.end());
return has_duplicate_points(std::move(allpts));
// Check per contour.
for (const Polygon &poly : polys)
if (has_duplicate_points(poly))
return true;
return false;
static inline bool is_stick(const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const Point &p3)
Point v1 = p2 - p1;
@ -78,11 +78,16 @@ public:
inline bool operator==(const Polygon &lhs, const Polygon &rhs) { return lhs.points == rhs.points; }
inline bool operator!=(const Polygon &lhs, const Polygon &rhs) { return lhs.points != rhs.points; }
extern BoundingBox get_extents(const Polygon &poly);
extern BoundingBox get_extents(const Polygons &polygons);
extern BoundingBox get_extents_rotated(const Polygon &poly, double angle);
extern BoundingBox get_extents_rotated(const Polygons &polygons, double angle);
extern std::vector<BoundingBox> get_extents_vector(const Polygons &polygons);
BoundingBox get_extents(const Polygon &poly);
BoundingBox get_extents(const Polygons &polygons);
BoundingBox get_extents_rotated(const Polygon &poly, double angle);
BoundingBox get_extents_rotated(const Polygons &polygons, double angle);
std::vector<BoundingBox> get_extents_vector(const Polygons &polygons);
// Test for duplicate points. The points are copied, sorted and checked for duplicates globally.
inline bool has_duplicate_points(Polygon &&poly) { return has_duplicate_points(std::move(poly.points)); }
inline bool has_duplicate_points(const Polygon &poly) { return has_duplicate_points(poly.points); }
bool has_duplicate_points(const Polygons &polys);
inline double total_length(const Polygons &polylines) {
double total = 0;
@ -102,19 +107,19 @@ inline double area(const Polygons &polys)
// Remove sticks (tentacles with zero area) from the polygon.
extern bool remove_sticks(Polygon &poly);
extern bool remove_sticks(Polygons &polys);
bool remove_sticks(Polygon &poly);
bool remove_sticks(Polygons &polys);
// Remove polygons with less than 3 edges.
extern bool remove_degenerate(Polygons &polys);
extern bool remove_small(Polygons &polys, double min_area);
extern void remove_collinear(Polygon &poly);
extern void remove_collinear(Polygons &polys);
bool remove_degenerate(Polygons &polys);
bool remove_small(Polygons &polys, double min_area);
void remove_collinear(Polygon &poly);
void remove_collinear(Polygons &polys);
// Append a vector of polygons at the end of another vector of polygons.
inline void polygons_append(Polygons &dst, const Polygons &src) { dst.insert(dst.end(), src.begin(), src.end()); }
inline void polygons_append(Polygons &dst, const Polygons &src) { dst.insert(dst.end(), src.begin(), src.end()); }
inline void polygons_append(Polygons &dst, Polygons &&src)
inline void polygons_append(Polygons &dst, Polygons &&src)
if (dst.empty()) {
dst = std::move(src);
@ -1097,14 +1097,6 @@ size_t PresetCollection::update_compatible_internal(const PresetWithVendorProfil
return m_idx_selected;
// Save the preset under a new name. If the name is different from the old one,
// a new preset is stored into the list of presets.
// All presets are marked as not modified and the new preset is activated.
//void PresetCollection::save_current_preset(const std::string &new_name);
// Delete the current preset, activate the first visible preset.
//void PresetCollection::delete_current_preset();
// Update a dirty flag of the current preset
// Return true if the dirty flag changed.
bool PresetCollection::update_dirty()
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public:
const std::string& get_preset_name_by_alias(const Preset::Type& preset_type, const std::string& alias) const;
// Save current preset of a required type under a new name. If the name is different from the old one,
// Save current preset of a provided type under a new name. If the name is different from the old one,
// Unselected option would be reverted to the beginning values
void save_changes_for_preset(const std::string& new_name, Preset::Type type, const std::vector<std::string>& unselected_options);
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ std::string PrintBase::output_filename(const std::string &format, const std::str
DynamicConfig cfg;
if (config_override != nullptr)
cfg = *config_override;
cfg.set_key_value("version", new ConfigOptionString(std::string(SLIC3R_VERSION)));
this->update_object_placeholders(cfg, default_ext);
if (! filename_base.empty()) {
@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ std::string SLAPrint::validate(std::string*) const
return "";
void SLAPrint::set_printer(SLAPrinter *arch)
void SLAPrint::set_printer(SLAArchive *arch)
m_printer = arch;
@ -1047,15 +1047,15 @@ Vec3d SLAPrint::relative_correction() const
Vec3d corr(1., 1., 1.);
if(printer_config().relative_correction.values.size() >= 2) {
corr(X) = printer_config().relative_correction.values[0];
corr(Y) = printer_config().relative_correction.values[0];
corr(Z) = printer_config().relative_correction.values.back();
corr.x() = printer_config().relative_correction.values[0];
corr.y() = corr.x();
corr.z() = printer_config().relative_correction.values[1];
if(material_config().material_correction.values.size() >= 2) {
corr(X) *= material_config().material_correction.values[0];
corr(Y) *= material_config().material_correction.values[0];
corr(Z) *= material_config().material_correction.values.back();
corr.x() *= material_config().material_correction.values[0];
corr.y() = corr.x();
corr.z() *= material_config().material_correction.values[1];
return corr;
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ struct SLAPrintStatistics
class SLAPrinter {
class SLAArchive {
std::vector<sla::EncodedRaster> m_layers;
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ protected:
virtual sla::RasterEncoder get_encoder() const = 0;
virtual ~SLAPrinter() = default;
virtual ~SLAArchive() = default;
virtual void apply(const SLAPrinterConfig &cfg) = 0;
@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ public:
// TODO: use this structure for the preview in the future.
const std::vector<PrintLayer>& print_layers() const { return m_printer_input; }
void set_printer(SLAPrinter *archiver);
void set_printer(SLAArchive *archiver);
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ private:
std::vector<PrintLayer> m_printer_input;
// The archive object which collects the raster images after slicing
SLAPrinter *m_printer = nullptr;
SLAArchive *m_printer = nullptr;
// Estimated print time, material consumed.
SLAPrintStatistics m_print_statistics;
@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@ static inline std::pair<PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer*, PrintObjectSupport
// Don't want to print a layer below the first layer height as it may not stick well.
//FIXME there may be a need for a single layer support, then one may decide to print it either as a bottom contact or a top contact
// and it may actually make sense to do it with a thinner layer than the first layer height.
const coordf_t min_print_z = slicing_params.has_raft() ? slicing_params.raft_interface_top_z + support_layer_height_min + EPSILON : slicing_params.first_print_layer_height - EPSILON;
const coordf_t min_print_z = slicing_params.raft_layers() > 1 ? slicing_params.raft_interface_top_z + support_layer_height_min + EPSILON : slicing_params.first_print_layer_height - EPSILON;
if (print_z < min_print_z) {
// This contact layer is below the first layer height, therefore not printable. Don't support this surface.
return std::pair<PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer*, PrintObjectSupportMaterial::MyLayer*>(nullptr, nullptr);
@ -66,4 +66,13 @@
// 2.4.0.alpha3 techs
#define ENABLE_2_4_0_ALPHA3 1
// Enable fixing loading of gcode files generated with SuperSlicer in GCodeViewer
#endif // _prusaslicer_technologies_h_
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <boost/nowide/cstdio.hpp>
#include <boost/predef/other/endian.h>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
VALUE "ProductName", "@SLIC3R_APP_NAME@ G-code Viewer"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "@SLIC3R_BUILD_ID@"
VALUE "InternalName", "@SLIC3R_APP_NAME@ G-code Viewer"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright \251 2016-2020 Prusa Research, \251 2011-2018 Alessandro Ranellucci"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright \251 2016-2021 Prusa Research, \251 2011-2018 Alessandro Ranellucci"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "prusa-gcodeviewer.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "@SLIC3R_APP_NAME@"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "@SLIC3R_BUILD_ID@"
VALUE "InternalName", "@SLIC3R_APP_NAME@"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright \251 2016-2020 Prusa Research, \251 2011-2018 Alessandro Ranellucci"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright \251 2016-2021 Prusa Research, \251 2011-2018 Alessandro Ranellucci"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "prusa-slicer.exe"
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<string>@SLIC3R_APP_NAME@ Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Alessandro Ranellucci, (C) 2016-2020 Prusa Reseach</string>
<string>@SLIC3R_APP_NAME@ Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Alessandro Ranellucci, (C) 2016-2021 Prusa Reseach</string>
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ AboutDialog::AboutDialog()
"<body bgcolor= %1% link= %2%>"
"<font color=%3%>"
"%4% © 2016-2020 Prusa Research. <br />"
"%4% © 2016-2021 Prusa Research. <br />"
"%5% © 2011-2018 Alessandro Ranellucci. <br />"
"<a href=\"\">Slic3r</a> %6% "
"<a href=\"\">%7%</a>."
@ -573,6 +573,89 @@ GCodeViewer::GCodeViewer()
// m_sequential_view.skip_invisible_moves = true;
void GCodeViewer::init()
if (m_gl_data_initialized)
// initializes opengl data of TBuffers
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_buffers.size(); ++i) {
TBuffer& buffer = m_buffers[i];
EMoveType type = buffer_type(i);
switch (type)
default: { break; }
case EMoveType::Tool_change:
case EMoveType::Color_change:
case EMoveType::Pause_Print:
case EMoveType::Custom_GCode:
case EMoveType::Retract:
case EMoveType::Unretract:
case EMoveType::Seam: {
if (wxGetApp().is_gl_version_greater_or_equal_to(3, 3)) {
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::InstancedModel;
buffer.shader = "gouraud_light_instanced";
buffer.model.color = option_color(type);
buffer.model.instances.format = InstanceVBuffer::EFormat::InstancedModel;
else {
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::BatchedModel;
buffer.vertices.format = VBuffer::EFormat::PositionNormal3;
buffer.shader = "gouraud_light";
|||| = diamond(16);
buffer.model.color = option_color(type);
buffer.model.instances.format = InstanceVBuffer::EFormat::BatchedModel;
if (wxGetApp().is_gl_version_greater_or_equal_to(3, 3)) {
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Model;
buffer.shader = "gouraud_light_instanced";
buffer.model.color = option_color(type);
else {
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Point;
buffer.vertices.format = VBuffer::EFormat::Position;
buffer.shader = wxGetApp().is_glsl_version_greater_or_equal_to(1, 20) ? "options_120" : "options_110";
case EMoveType::Wipe:
case EMoveType::Extrude: {
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Triangle;
buffer.vertices.format = VBuffer::EFormat::PositionNormal3;
buffer.shader = "gouraud_light";
case EMoveType::Travel: {
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Line;
buffer.vertices.format = VBuffer::EFormat::PositionNormal1;
buffer.shader = "toolpaths_lines";
set_toolpath_move_type_visible(EMoveType::Extrude, true);
// initializes tool marker
// initializes point sizes
std::array<int, 2> point_sizes;
m_detected_point_sizes = { static_cast<float>(point_sizes[0]), static_cast<float>(point_sizes[1]) };
m_gl_data_initialized = true;
void GCodeViewer::load(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result, const Print& print, bool initialized)
// avoid processing if called with the same gcode_result
@ -765,6 +848,7 @@ void GCodeViewer::reset()
void GCodeViewer::render()
auto init_gl_data = [this]() {
// initializes opengl data of TBuffers
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_buffers.size(); ++i) {
@ -780,26 +864,6 @@ void GCodeViewer::render()
case EMoveType::Retract:
case EMoveType::Unretract:
case EMoveType::Seam: {
if (wxGetApp().is_gl_version_greater_or_equal_to(3, 3)) {
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::InstancedModel;
buffer.shader = "gouraud_light_instanced";
buffer.model.color = option_color(type);
buffer.model.instances.format = InstanceVBuffer::EFormat::InstancedModel;
else {
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::BatchedModel;
buffer.vertices.format = VBuffer::EFormat::PositionNormal3;
buffer.shader = "gouraud_light";
|||| = diamond(16);
buffer.model.color = option_color(type);
buffer.model.instances.format = InstanceVBuffer::EFormat::BatchedModel;
if (wxGetApp().is_gl_version_greater_or_equal_to(3, 3)) {
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Model;
buffer.shader = "gouraud_light_instanced";
@ -812,36 +876,17 @@ void GCodeViewer::render()
buffer.shader = wxGetApp().is_glsl_version_greater_or_equal_to(1, 20) ? "options_120" : "options_110";
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Point;
buffer.vertices.format = VBuffer::EFormat::Position;
buffer.shader = wxGetApp().is_glsl_version_greater_or_equal_to(1, 20) ? "options_120" : "options_110";
case EMoveType::Wipe:
case EMoveType::Extrude: {
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Triangle;
buffer.vertices.format = VBuffer::EFormat::PositionNormal3;
buffer.shader = "gouraud_light";
case EMoveType::Travel: {
buffer.render_primitive_type = TBuffer::ERenderPrimitiveType::Line;
buffer.vertices.format = VBuffer::EFormat::PositionNormal1;
buffer.shader = "toolpaths_lines";
set_toolpath_move_type_visible(EMoveType::Extrude, true);
// initializes tool marker
@ -853,6 +898,7 @@ void GCodeViewer::render()
m_detected_point_sizes = { static_cast<float>(point_sizes[0]), static_cast<float>(point_sizes[1]) };
m_gl_data_initialized = true;
@ -861,10 +907,12 @@ void GCodeViewer::render()
// OpenGL data must be initialized after the glContext has been created.
// This is ensured when this method is called by GLCanvas3D::_render_gcode().
if (!m_gl_data_initialized)
if (m_roles.empty())
@ -821,6 +821,10 @@ public:
~GCodeViewer() { reset(); }
void init();
// extract rendering data from the given parameters
void load(const GCodeProcessor::Result& gcode_result, const Print& print, bool initialized);
// recalculate ranges in dependence of what is visible and sets tool/print colors
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "slic3r/GUI/3DBed.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/Plater.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.hpp"
#include "slic3r/Utils/UndoRedo.hpp"
#include "GUI_App.hpp"
#include "GUI_ObjectList.hpp"
@ -1399,6 +1400,11 @@ void GLCanvas3D::render()
if (!is_initialized() && !init())
if (!m_main_toolbar.is_enabled())
if (wxGetApp().plater()->get_bed().get_shape().empty()) {
// this happens at startup when no data is still saved under <>\AppData\Roaming\Slic3rPE
@ -6441,7 +6447,7 @@ void GLCanvas3D::_update_selection_from_hover()
// the selection is going to be modified (Add)
if (!contains_all) {
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Add from rectangle")));
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Add from rectangle")), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection);
selection_changed = true;
@ -6456,7 +6462,7 @@ void GLCanvas3D::_update_selection_from_hover()
// the selection is going to be modified (Remove)
if (contains_any) {
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Remove from rectangle")));
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Remove from rectangle")), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection);
selection_changed = true;
@ -617,6 +617,9 @@ public:
void reset_volumes();
ModelInstanceEPrintVolumeState check_volumes_outside_state() const;
void init_gcode_viewer() { m_gcode_viewer.init(); }
void reset_gcode_toolpaths() { m_gcode_viewer.reset(); }
const GCodeViewer::SequentialView& get_gcode_sequential_view() const { return m_gcode_viewer.get_sequential_view(); }
void update_gcode_sequential_view_current(unsigned int first, unsigned int last) { m_gcode_viewer.update_sequential_view_current(first, last); }
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "BitmapComboBox.hpp"
#include "GalleryDialog.hpp"
#include "MainFrame.hpp"
#include "slic3r/Utils/UndoRedo.hpp"
#include "OptionsGroup.hpp"
#include "Tab.hpp"
@ -3469,7 +3470,7 @@ void ObjectList::update_selections_on_canvas()
volume_idxs = selection.get_missing_volume_idxs_from(volume_idxs);
if (volume_idxs.size() > 0)
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _(L("Selection-Remove from list")));
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _(L("Selection-Remove from list")), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection);
selection.remove_volumes(mode, volume_idxs);
@ -3481,7 +3482,7 @@ void ObjectList::update_selections_on_canvas()
// OR there is no single selection
if (selection.get_mode() == mode || !single_selection)
volume_idxs = selection.get_unselected_volume_idxs_from(volume_idxs);
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _(L("Selection-Add from list")));
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _(L("Selection-Add from list")), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection);
selection.add_volumes(mode, volume_idxs, single_selection);
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_App.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/Camera.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/Plater.hpp"
#include "slic3r/Utils/UndoRedo.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Model.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp"
@ -42,14 +43,14 @@ void GLGizmoPainterBase::activate_internal_undo_redo_stack(bool activate)
if (activate && !m_internal_stack_active) {
if (std::string str = this->get_gizmo_entering_text(); last_snapshot_name != str)
Plater::TakeSnapshot(plater, str);
Plater::TakeSnapshot(plater, str, UndoRedo::SnapshotType::EnteringGizmo);
m_internal_stack_active = true;
if (!activate && m_internal_stack_active) {
if (std::string str = this->get_gizmo_leaving_text(); last_snapshot_name != str)
Plater::TakeSnapshot(plater, str);
Plater::TakeSnapshot(plater, str, UndoRedo::SnapshotType::LeavingGizmoWithAction);
m_internal_stack_active = false;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "slic3r/GUI/Camera.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmosCommon.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/MainFrame.hpp"
#include "slic3r/Utils/UndoRedo.hpp"
#include <GL/glew.h>
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_App.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/Plater.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectList.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/NotificationManager.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Model.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp"
@ -144,16 +145,16 @@ void SLAImportJob::process()
try {
switch (p->sel) {
case Sel::modelAndProfile:
p->config_substitutions = import_sla_archive(path, p->win, p->mesh, p->profile, progr);
case Sel::modelOnly:
p->config_substitutions = import_sla_archive(path, p->win, p->mesh, progr);
p->config_substitutions = import_sla_archive(path, p->win, p->mesh, p->profile, progr);
case Sel::profileOnly:
p->config_substitutions = import_sla_archive(path, p->profile);
} catch (MissingProfileError &) {
p->err = _L("The archive doesn't contain any profile data. Try to import after switching "
"to an SLA profile that can be used as fallback.").ToStdString();
} catch (std::exception &ex) {
p->err = ex.what();
@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ void SLAImportJob::reset()
p->sel = Sel::modelAndProfile;
p->mesh = {};
p->profile = {};
p->profile = m_plater->sla_print().full_print_config();
p->win = {2, 2};
@ -202,7 +203,18 @@ void SLAImportJob::finalize()
std::string name = wxFileName(p->path).GetName().ToUTF8().data();
if (!p->profile.empty()) {
if (p->profile.empty()) {
_L("Loaded archive did not contain any profile data. "
"The current SLA profile was used as fallback.").ToStdString());
if (p->sel != Sel::modelOnly) {
if (p->profile.empty())
p->profile = m_plater->sla_print().full_print_config();
const ModelObjectPtrs& objects = p->plater->model().objects;
for (auto object : objects)
if (object->volumes.size() > 1)
@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ void NotificationManager::SlicingProgressNotification::set_status_text(const std
NotificationData data{ NotificationType::SlicingProgress, NotificationLevel::ProgressBarNotificationLevel, 0, _u8L("Slicing finished."), m_is_fff ? _u8L("Export G-Code.") : _u8L("Export.") };
m_state = EState::NotFading;
m_state = EState::Shown;
@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ void NotificationManager::SlicingProgressNotification::set_print_info(const std:
void NotificationManager::SlicingProgressNotification::set_sidebar_collapsed(bool collapsed)
m_sidebar_collapsed = collapsed;
if (m_sp_state == SlicingProgressState::SP_COMPLETED)
if (m_sp_state == SlicingProgressState::SP_COMPLETED && collapsed)
m_state = EState::NotFading;
@ -1208,7 +1208,7 @@ int NotificationManager::SlicingProgressNotification::get_duration()
if (m_sp_state == SlicingProgressState::SP_CANCELLED)
return 2;
else if (m_sp_state == SlicingProgressState::SP_COMPLETED && !m_sidebar_collapsed)
return 0;
return 2;
return 0;
@ -1530,25 +1530,25 @@ struct Plater::priv
void arrange()
void fill_bed()
m->take_snapshot(_(L("Fill bed")));
m->take_snapshot(_L("Fill bed"));
void optimize_rotation()
m->take_snapshot(_(L("Optimize Rotation")));
m->take_snapshot(_L("Optimize Rotation"));
void import_sla_arch()
m->take_snapshot(_(L("Import SLA archive")));
m->take_snapshot(_L("Import SLA archive"));
@ -1679,8 +1679,9 @@ struct Plater::priv
void enter_gizmos_stack();
void leave_gizmos_stack();
void take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name);
void take_snapshot(const wxString& snapshot_name) { this->take_snapshot(std::string(snapshot_name.ToUTF8().data())); }
void take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, UndoRedo::SnapshotType snapshot_type = UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Action);
void take_snapshot(const wxString& snapshot_name, UndoRedo::SnapshotType snapshot_type = UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Action)
{ this->take_snapshot(std::string(snapshot_name.ToUTF8().data()), snapshot_type); }
int get_active_snapshot_index();
void undo();
@ -2064,7 +2065,7 @@ Plater::priv::priv(Plater *q, MainFrame *main_frame)
// Initialize the Undo / Redo stack with a first snapshot.
this->take_snapshot(_L("New Project"));
this->take_snapshot(_L("New Project"), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::ProjectSeparator);
this->q->Bind(EVT_LOAD_MODEL_OTHER_INSTANCE, [this](LoadFromOtherInstanceEvent& evt) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Received load from other instance event.";
@ -2440,7 +2441,7 @@ std::vector<size_t> Plater::priv::load_files(const std::vector<fs::path>& input_
for (ModelObject* model_object : model.objects) {
if (!type_3mf && !type_zip_amf)
model_object->ensure_on_bed(is_project_file || type_3mf || type_zip_amf);
// check multi-part object adding for the SLA-printing
@ -2457,7 +2458,7 @@ std::vector<size_t> Plater::priv::load_files(const std::vector<fs::path>& input_
if (one_by_one) {
if (type_3mf && !is_project_file)
auto loaded_idxs = load_model_objects(model.objects, is_project_file);
auto loaded_idxs = load_model_objects(model.objects, is_project_file || type_3mf || type_zip_amf);
obj_idxs.insert(obj_idxs.end(), loaded_idxs.begin(), loaded_idxs.end());
} else {
// This must be an .stl or .obj file, which may contain a maximum of one volume.
@ -2820,7 +2821,7 @@ void Plater::priv::delete_all_objects_from_model()
void Plater::priv::reset()
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(q, _L("Reset Project"));
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(q, _L("Reset Project"), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::ProjectSeparator);
@ -3802,9 +3803,7 @@ void Plater::priv::set_current_panel(wxPanel* panel)
bool model_fits = view3D->get_canvas3d()->check_volumes_outside_state() != ModelInstancePVS_Partly_Outside;
if (!model.objects.empty() && !export_in_progress && model_fits) {
// the following call is needed to ensure that GCodeViewer buffers are initialized
// before calling reslice() when background processing is active
@ -4664,12 +4663,13 @@ int Plater::priv::get_active_snapshot_index()
return it - ss_stack.begin();
void Plater::priv::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name)
void Plater::priv::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const UndoRedo::SnapshotType snapshot_type)
if (m_prevent_snapshots > 0)
assert(m_prevent_snapshots >= 0);
UndoRedo::SnapshotData snapshot_data;
snapshot_data.snapshot_type = snapshot_type;
snapshot_data.printer_technology = this->printer_technology;
if (this->view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled())
snapshot_data.flags |= UndoRedo::SnapshotData::VARIABLE_LAYER_EDITING_ACTIVE;
@ -4955,7 +4955,7 @@ void Plater::new_project()
take_snapshot(_L("New Project"));
take_snapshot(_L("New Project"), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::ProjectSeparator);
Plater::SuppressSnapshots suppress(this);
@ -4980,7 +4980,7 @@ void Plater::load_project(const wxString& filename)
// Take the Undo / Redo snapshot.
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(this, _L("Load Project") + ": " + wxString::FromUTF8(into_path(filename).stem().string().c_str()));
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(this, _L("Load Project") + ": " + wxString::FromUTF8(into_path(filename).stem().string().c_str()), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::ProjectSeparator);
@ -5996,6 +5996,8 @@ void Plater::eject_drive()
void Plater::take_snapshot(const std::string &snapshot_name) { p->take_snapshot(snapshot_name); }
void Plater::take_snapshot(const wxString &snapshot_name) { p->take_snapshot(snapshot_name); }
void Plater::take_snapshot(const std::string &snapshot_name, UndoRedo::SnapshotType snapshot_type) { p->take_snapshot(snapshot_name, snapshot_type); }
void Plater::take_snapshot(const wxString &snapshot_name, UndoRedo::SnapshotType snapshot_type) { p->take_snapshot(snapshot_name, snapshot_type); }
void Plater::suppress_snapshots() { p->suppress_snapshots(); }
void Plater::allow_snapshots() { p->allow_snapshots(); }
void Plater::undo() { p->undo(); }
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ using ModelInstancePtrs = std::vector<ModelInstance*>;
namespace UndoRedo {
class Stack;
enum class SnapshotType : unsigned char;
struct Snapshot;
@ -240,6 +241,9 @@ public:
void take_snapshot(const std::string &snapshot_name);
void take_snapshot(const wxString &snapshot_name);
void take_snapshot(const std::string &snapshot_name, UndoRedo::SnapshotType snapshot_type);
void take_snapshot(const wxString &snapshot_name, UndoRedo::SnapshotType snapshot_type);
void undo();
void redo();
void undo_to(int selection);
@ -393,6 +397,12 @@ public:
TakeSnapshot(Plater *plater, const wxString &snapshot_name, UndoRedo::SnapshotType snapshot_type) : m_plater(plater)
m_plater->take_snapshot(snapshot_name, snapshot_type);
@ -195,8 +195,10 @@ void ProjectDirtyStateManager::update_from_undo_redo_stack(UpdateType type)
void ProjectDirtyStateManager::update_from_presets()
m_state.presets = false;
for (const auto& [type, name] : wxGetApp().get_selected_presets()) {
m_state.presets |= !m_initial_presets[type].empty() && m_initial_presets[type] != name;
// check switching of the presets only for exist/loaded project, but not for new
if (!wxGetApp().plater()->get_project_filename().IsEmpty()) {
for (const auto& [type, name] : wxGetApp().get_selected_presets())
m_state.presets |= !m_initial_presets[type].empty() && m_initial_presets[type] != name;
m_state.presets |= wxGetApp().has_unsaved_preset_changes();
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "Gizmos/GLGizmoBase.hpp"
#include "Camera.hpp"
#include "Plater.hpp"
#include "slic3r/Utils/UndoRedo.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/LocalesUtils.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Model.hpp"
@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ void Selection::add(unsigned int volume_idx, bool as_single_selection, bool chec
needs_reset |= is_any_modifier() && !volume->is_modifier;
if (!already_contained || needs_reset) {
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Add"), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection);
if (needs_reset)
@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ void Selection::remove(unsigned int volume_idx)
if (!contains_volume(volume_idx))
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Remove"), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection);
GLVolume* volume = (*m_volumes)[volume_idx];
@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ void Selection::add_object(unsigned int object_idx, bool as_single_selection)
(as_single_selection && matches(volume_idxs)))
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Add Object"));
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Add Object"), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection);
// resets the current list if needed
if (as_single_selection)
@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ void Selection::remove_object(unsigned int object_idx)
if (!m_valid)
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Remove Object"));
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Remove Object"), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection);
@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ void Selection::add_instance(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx,
(as_single_selection && matches(volume_idxs)))
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Add Instance"));
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Add Instance"), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection);
// resets the current list if needed
if (as_single_selection)
@ -291,7 +292,7 @@ void Selection::remove_instance(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_i
if (!m_valid)
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Remove Instance"));
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Remove Instance"), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection);
do_remove_instance(object_idx, instance_idx);
@ -388,7 +389,7 @@ void Selection::add_all()
if ((unsigned int)m_list.size() == count)
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Add All")));
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Add All")), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection);
m_mode = Instance;
@ -413,7 +414,7 @@ void Selection::remove_all()
// Not taking the snapshot with non-empty Redo stack will likely be more confusing than losing the Redo stack.
// Let's wait for user feedback.
// if (!wxGetApp().plater()->can_redo())
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Remove All"));
wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_L("Selection-Remove All"), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection);
m_mode = Instance;
@ -1188,11 +1188,21 @@ void Tab::activate_option(const std::string& opt_key, const wxString& category)
auto set_focus = [](wxWindow* win) {
#ifdef WIN32
if (wxTextCtrl* text = dynamic_cast<wxTextCtrl*>(win))
text->SetSelection(-1, -1);
else if (wxSpinCtrl* spin = dynamic_cast<wxSpinCtrl*>(win))
spin->SetSelection(-1, -1);
#endif // WIN32
Field* field = get_field(opt_key);
// focused selected field
if (field)
else if (category == "Single extruder MM setup") {
// When we show and hide "Single extruder MM setup" page,
// related options are still in the search list
@ -1200,7 +1210,7 @@ void Tab::activate_option(const std::string& opt_key, const wxString& category)
// as a "way" to show hidden page again
field = get_field("single_extruder_multi_material");
if (field)
@ -556,6 +556,12 @@ public:
// Snapshot history (names with timestamps).
const std::vector<Snapshot>& snapshots() const { return m_snapshots; }
const Snapshot& snapshot(size_t time) const {
const auto it = std::lower_bound(m_snapshots.cbegin(), m_snapshots.cend(), UndoRedo::Snapshot(time));
assert(it != m_snapshots.end() && it->timestamp == time);
return *it;
// Timestamp of the active snapshot.
size_t active_snapshot_time() const { return m_active_snapshot_time; }
bool temp_snapshot_active() const { return m_snapshots.back().timestamp == m_active_snapshot_time && ! m_snapshots.back().is_topmost_captured(); }
@ -1097,48 +1103,9 @@ bool Stack::redo(Slic3r::Model& model, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, siz
const Selection& Stack::selection_deserialized() const { return pimpl->selection_deserialized(); }
const std::vector<Snapshot>& Stack::snapshots() const { return pimpl->snapshots(); }
const Snapshot& Stack::snapshot(size_t time) const { return pimpl->snapshot(time); }
size_t Stack::active_snapshot_time() const { return pimpl->active_snapshot_time(); }
bool Stack::temp_snapshot_active() const { return pimpl->temp_snapshot_active(); }
} // namespace UndoRedo
} // namespace Slic3r
//FIXME we should have unit tests for testing serialization of basic types as DynamicPrintConfig.
#if 0
#include "libslic3r/Config.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
bool test_dynamic_print_config_serialization() {
FullPrintConfig full_print_config;
DynamicPrintConfig cfg;
cfg.apply(full_print_config, false);
std::string serialized;
try {
std::ostringstream ss;
cereal::BinaryOutputArchive oarchive(ss);
serialized = ss.str();
} catch (std::runtime_error e) {
DynamicPrintConfig cfg2;
try {
std::stringstream ss(serialized);
cereal::BinaryInputArchive iarchive(ss);
} catch (std::runtime_error e) {
if (cfg == cfg2) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace Slic3r
@ -24,6 +24,23 @@ namespace GUI {
namespace UndoRedo {
enum class SnapshotType : unsigned char {
// Some action modifying project state.
// Selection change at the Plater.
// New project, Reset project, Load project ...
// Entering a Gizmo, which opens a secondary Undo / Redo stack.
// Leaving a Gizmo, which closes a secondary Undo / Redo stack.
// No action modifying a project state was done between EnteringGizmo / LeavingGizmo.
// Leaving a Gizmo, which closes a secondary Undo / Redo stack.
// Some action modifying a project state was done between EnteringGizmo / LeavingGizmo.
// Data structure to be stored with each snapshot.
// Storing short data (bit masks, ints) with each snapshot instead of being serialized into the Undo / Redo stack
// is likely cheaper in term of both the runtime and memory allocation.
@ -34,6 +51,7 @@ struct SnapshotData
// Constructor is defined in .cpp due to the forward declaration of enum PrinterTechnology.
SnapshotType snapshot_type;
PrinterTechnology printer_technology;
// Bitmap of Flags (see the Flags enum).
unsigned int flags;
@ -122,10 +140,13 @@ public:
// There is one additional snapshot taken at the very end, which indicates the current unnamed state.
const std::vector<Snapshot>& snapshots() const;
const Snapshot& snapshot(size_t time) const;
// Timestamp of the active snapshot. One of the snapshots of this->snapshots() shall have Snapshot::timestamp equal to this->active_snapshot_time().
// The snapshot time indicates start of an operation, which is finished at the time of the following snapshot, therefore
// the active snapshot is the successive snapshot. The same logic applies to the time_to_load parameter of undo() and redo() operations.
// The active snapshot may be a special placeholder "@@@ Topmost @@@" indicating an uncaptured current state,
// or the active snapshot may be an active state to which the application state was undoed or redoed.
size_t active_snapshot_time() const;
const Snapshot& active_snapshot() const { return this->snapshot(this->active_snapshot_time()); }
// Temporary snapshot is active if the topmost snapshot is active and it has not been captured yet.
// In that case the Undo action will capture the last snapshot.
bool temp_snapshot_active() const;
@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
#include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/LocalesUtils.hpp"
#include <cereal/types/polymorphic.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/string.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>
#include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
using namespace Slic3r;
SCENARIO("Generic config validation performs as expected.", "[Config]") {
@ -202,3 +207,33 @@ SCENARIO("Config ini load/save interface", "[Config]") {
SCENARIO("DynamicPrintConfig serialization", "[Config]") {
WHEN("DynamicPrintConfig is serialized and deserialized") {
FullPrintConfig full_print_config;
DynamicPrintConfig cfg;
cfg.apply(full_print_config, false);
std::string serialized;
try {
std::ostringstream ss;
cereal::BinaryOutputArchive oarchive(ss);
serialized = ss.str();
} catch (std::runtime_error e) {
THEN("Config object contains ini file options.") {
DynamicPrintConfig cfg2;
try {
std::stringstream ss(serialized);
cereal::BinaryInputArchive iarchive(ss);
} catch (std::runtime_error e) {
REQUIRE(cfg == cfg2);
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
set(SLIC3R_APP_NAME "PrusaSlicer")
set(SLIC3R_APP_KEY "PrusaSlicer")
set(SLIC3R_VERSION "2.4.0-alpha1")
set(SLIC3R_VERSION "2.4.0-alpha2")
set(SLIC3R_RC_VERSION "2,4,0,0")
Add table
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