Merge branch 'master' of into et_custom_bed

This commit is contained in:
Enrico Turri 2019-07-19 11:36:07 +02:00
commit 37f2362aab
6 changed files with 111 additions and 38 deletions

View file

@ -2784,7 +2784,17 @@ std::string GCode::set_extruder(unsigned int extruder_id, double print_z)
// if we are running a single-extruder setup, just set the extruder and return nothing
if (!m_writer.multiple_extruders) {
m_placeholder_parser.set("current_extruder", extruder_id);
return m_writer.toolchange(extruder_id);
std::string gcode;
// Append the filament start G-code.
const std::string &start_filament_gcode = m_config.start_filament_gcode.get_at(extruder_id);
if (! start_filament_gcode.empty()) {
// Process the start_filament_gcode for the filament.
gcode += this->placeholder_parser_process("start_filament_gcode", start_filament_gcode, extruder_id);
gcode += m_writer.toolchange(extruder_id);
return gcode;
// prepend retraction on the current extruder

View file

@ -1641,17 +1641,7 @@ struct Plater::priv
void split_volume();
void scale_selection_to_fit_print_volume();
void take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name)
if (this->m_prevent_snapshots > 0)
assert(this->m_prevent_snapshots >= 0);
this->undo_redo_stack.take_snapshot(snapshot_name, model, view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(), view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager(), this->printer_technology);
// Save the last active preset name of a particular printer technology.
((this->printer_technology == ptFFF) ? m_last_fff_printer_profile_name : m_last_sla_printer_profile_name) = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset_name();
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Undo / Redo snapshot taken: " << snapshot_name << ", Undo / Redo stack memory: " << Slic3r::format_memsize_MB(this->undo_redo_stack.memsize()) << log_memory_info();
void take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name);
void take_snapshot(const wxString& snapshot_name) { this->take_snapshot(std::string(snapshot_name.ToUTF8().data())); }
int get_active_snapshot_index();
void undo();
@ -3596,6 +3586,21 @@ int Plater::priv::get_active_snapshot_index()
return it - ss_stack.begin();
void Plater::priv::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name)
if (this->m_prevent_snapshots > 0)
assert(this->m_prevent_snapshots >= 0);
unsigned int flags = 0;
if (this->view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled())
flags |= UndoRedo::Snapshot::VARIABLE_LAYER_EDITING_ACTIVE;
this->undo_redo_stack.take_snapshot(snapshot_name, model, view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(), view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager(), this->printer_technology, flags);
// Save the last active preset name of a particular printer technology.
((this->printer_technology == ptFFF) ? m_last_fff_printer_profile_name : m_last_sla_printer_profile_name) = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset_name();
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Undo / Redo snapshot taken: " << snapshot_name << ", Undo / Redo stack memory: " << Slic3r::format_memsize_MB(this->undo_redo_stack.memsize()) << log_memory_info();
void Plater::priv::undo()
const std::vector<UndoRedo::Snapshot> &snapshots = this->undo_redo_stack.snapshots();
@ -3635,9 +3640,18 @@ void Plater::priv::undo_redo_to(std::vector<UndoRedo::Snapshot>::const_iterator
// Save the last active preset name of a particular printer technology.
((this->printer_technology == ptFFF) ? m_last_fff_printer_profile_name : m_last_sla_printer_profile_name) = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset_name();
// Flags made of Snapshot::Flags enum values.
unsigned int new_flags = it_snapshot->flags;
unsigned int top_snapshot_flags = 0;
if (this->view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled())
top_snapshot_flags |= UndoRedo::Snapshot::VARIABLE_LAYER_EDITING_ACTIVE;
bool new_variable_layer_editing_active = (new_flags & UndoRedo::Snapshot::VARIABLE_LAYER_EDITING_ACTIVE) != 0;
// Disable layer editing before the Undo / Redo jump.
if (! new_variable_layer_editing_active && view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled())
// Do the jump in time.
if (it_snapshot->timestamp < this->undo_redo_stack.active_snapshot_time() ?
this->undo_redo_stack.undo(model, this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(), this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager(), this->printer_technology, it_snapshot->timestamp) :
this->undo_redo_stack.undo(model, this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_selection(), this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager(), this->printer_technology, top_snapshot_flags, it_snapshot->timestamp) :
this->undo_redo_stack.redo(model, this->view3D->get_canvas3d()->get_gizmos_manager(), it_snapshot->timestamp)) {
if (printer_technology_changed) {
// Switch to the other printer technology. Switch to the last printer active for that particular technology.
@ -3649,6 +3663,9 @@ void Plater::priv::undo_redo_to(std::vector<UndoRedo::Snapshot>::const_iterator
// Enable layer editing after the Undo / Redo jump.
if (! view3D->is_layers_editing_enabled() && this->layers_height_allowed() && new_variable_layer_editing_active)
@ -4556,15 +4573,9 @@ bool Plater::can_copy_to_clipboard() const
return true;
bool Plater::can_undo() const
return p->undo_redo_stack.has_undo_snapshot();
bool Plater::can_redo() const
return p->undo_redo_stack.has_redo_snapshot();
bool Plater::can_undo() const { return p->undo_redo_stack.has_undo_snapshot(); }
bool Plater::can_redo() const { return p->undo_redo_stack.has_redo_snapshot(); }
const UndoRedo::Stack& Plater::undo_redo_stack() const { return p->undo_redo_stack; }
SuppressBackgroundProcessingUpdate::SuppressBackgroundProcessingUpdate() :

View file

@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ class ModelObject;
class Print;
class SLAPrint;
namespace UndoRedo {
class Stack;
struct Snapshot;
namespace GUI {
class MainFrame;
@ -191,6 +196,7 @@ public:
void undo_to(int selection);
void redo_to(int selection);
bool undo_redo_string_getter(const bool is_undo, int idx, const char** out_text);
const Slic3r::UndoRedo::Stack& undo_redo_stack() const;
void on_extruders_change(int extruders_count);
void on_config_change(const DynamicPrintConfig &config);

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "I18N.hpp"
#include "3DScene.hpp"
#include "GUI.hpp"
#include "../Utils/UndoRedo.hpp"
#include <string>
@ -10,6 +11,14 @@
#include "GUI_App.hpp"
#include "wxExtensions.hpp"
#ifdef _WIN32
// The standard Windows includes.
#define NOMINMAX
#include <Windows.h>
#include <psapi.h>
#endif /* _WIN32 */
namespace Slic3r {
namespace GUI {
@ -36,10 +45,37 @@ std::string get_main_info(bool format_as_html)
"System Version: "
<< b_end << wxPlatformInfo::Get().GetOperatingSystemDescription() << line_end;
out << b_start << "Total RAM size [MB]: " << b_end << Slic3r::format_memsize_MB(Slic3r::total_physical_memory());
return out.str();
std::string get_mem_info(bool format_as_html)
std::stringstream out;
std::string b_start = format_as_html ? "<b>" : "";
std::string b_end = format_as_html ? "</b>" : "";
std::string line_end = format_as_html ? "<br>" : "\n";
const Slic3r::UndoRedo::Stack &stack = wxGetApp().plater()->undo_redo_stack();
out << b_start << "RAM size reserved for the Undo / Redo stack [MB]: " << b_end << Slic3r::format_memsize_MB(stack.get_memory_limit()) << line_end;
out << b_start << "RAM size occupied by the Undo / Redo stack [MB]: " << b_end << Slic3r::format_memsize_MB(stack.memsize()) << line_end << line_end;
#ifdef _WIN32
HANDLE hProcess = ::OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, ::GetCurrentProcessId());
if (hProcess != nullptr) {
if (GetProcessMemoryInfo(hProcess, (PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS*)&pmc, sizeof(pmc)))
out << b_start << "WorkingSet [MB]: " << b_end << format_memsize_MB(pmc.WorkingSetSize) << line_end
<< b_start << "PrivateBytes [MB]: " << b_end << format_memsize_MB(pmc.PrivateUsage) << line_end
<< b_start << "Pagefile(peak) [MB]: " << b_end << format_memsize_MB(pmc.PagefileUsage) << "(" << format_memsize_MB(pmc.PeakPagefileUsage) << ")" << line_end;
return out.str();
: DPIDialog(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxString(SLIC3R_APP_NAME) + " - " + _(L("System Information")), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER)
@ -111,7 +147,7 @@ SysInfoDialog::SysInfoDialog()
"</html>", bgr_clr_str, text_clr_str, text_clr_str,
_3DScene::get_gl_info(true, true));
get_mem_info(true) + "<br>" + _3DScene::get_gl_info(true, true));
main_sizer->Add(m_opengl_info_html, 1, wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM, 15);

View file

@ -486,6 +486,7 @@ public:
StackImpl() : m_memory_limit(std::min(Slic3r::total_physical_memory() / 10, size_t(1 * 16384 * 65536 / UNDO_REDO_DEBUG_LOW_MEM_FACTOR))), m_active_snapshot_time(0), m_current_time(0) {}
void set_memory_limit(size_t memsize) { m_memory_limit = memsize; }
size_t get_memory_limit() const { return m_memory_limit; }
size_t memsize() const {
size_t memsize = 0;
@ -495,12 +496,12 @@ public:
// Store the current application state onto the Undo / Redo stack, remove all snapshots after m_active_snapshot_time.
void take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology);
void take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology, unsigned int flags);
void load_snapshot(size_t timestamp, Slic3r::Model& model, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos);
bool has_undo_snapshot() const;
bool has_redo_snapshot() const;
bool undo(Slic3r::Model &model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection &selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager &gizmos, PrinterTechnology printer_technology, size_t jump_to_time);
bool undo(Slic3r::Model &model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection &selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager &gizmos, PrinterTechnology printer_technology, unsigned int flags, size_t jump_to_time);
bool redo(Slic3r::Model &model, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager &gizmos, size_t jump_to_time);
void release_least_recently_used();
@ -788,7 +789,7 @@ template<typename T, typename T_AS> void StackImpl::load_mutable_object(const Sl
// Store the current application state onto the Undo / Redo stack, remove all snapshots after m_active_snapshot_time.
void StackImpl::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology)
void StackImpl::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology, unsigned int flags)
// Release old snapshot data.
assert(m_active_snapshot_time <= m_current_time);
@ -808,11 +809,11 @@ void StackImpl::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Mo
this->save_mutable_object<Selection, Selection>(m_selection);
this->save_mutable_object<Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager>(gizmos);
// Save the snapshot info.
m_snapshots.emplace_back(snapshot_name, m_current_time ++,, printer_technology);
m_snapshots.emplace_back(snapshot_name, m_current_time ++,, printer_technology, flags);
m_active_snapshot_time = m_current_time;
// Save snapshot info of the last "current" aka "top most" state, that is only being serialized
// if undoing an action. Such a snapshot has an invalid Model ID assigned if it was not taken yet.
m_snapshots.emplace_back(topmost_snapshot_name, m_active_snapshot_time, 0, printer_technology);
m_snapshots.emplace_back(topmost_snapshot_name, m_active_snapshot_time, 0, printer_technology, flags);
// Release empty objects from the history.
@ -858,7 +859,7 @@ bool StackImpl::has_redo_snapshot() const
return ++ it != m_snapshots.end();
bool StackImpl::undo(Slic3r::Model &model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection &selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager &gizmos, PrinterTechnology printer_technology, size_t time_to_load)
bool StackImpl::undo(Slic3r::Model &model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection &selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager &gizmos, PrinterTechnology printer_technology, unsigned int flags, size_t time_to_load)
if (time_to_load == SIZE_MAX) {
@ -872,7 +873,7 @@ bool StackImpl::undo(Slic3r::Model &model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection &selecti
bool new_snapshot_taken = false;
if (m_active_snapshot_time == m_snapshots.back().timestamp && ! m_snapshots.back().is_topmost_captured()) {
// The current state is temporary. The current state needs to be captured to be redoable.
this->take_snapshot(topmost_snapshot_name, model, selection, gizmos, printer_technology);
this->take_snapshot(topmost_snapshot_name, model, selection, gizmos, printer_technology, flags);
// The line above entered another topmost_snapshot_name.
assert(! m_snapshots.back().is_topmost_captured());
@ -1018,14 +1019,15 @@ void StackImpl::release_least_recently_used()
Stack::Stack() : pimpl(new StackImpl()) {}
Stack::~Stack() {}
void Stack::set_memory_limit(size_t memsize) { pimpl->set_memory_limit(memsize); }
size_t Stack::get_memory_limit() const { return pimpl->get_memory_limit(); }
size_t Stack::memsize() const { return pimpl->memsize(); }
void Stack::release_least_recently_used() { pimpl->release_least_recently_used(); }
void Stack::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology)
{ pimpl->take_snapshot(snapshot_name, model, selection, gizmos, printer_technology); }
void Stack::take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology, unsigned int flags)
{ pimpl->take_snapshot(snapshot_name, model, selection, gizmos, printer_technology, flags); }
bool Stack::has_undo_snapshot() const { return pimpl->has_undo_snapshot(); }
bool Stack::has_redo_snapshot() const { return pimpl->has_redo_snapshot(); }
bool Stack::undo(Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, PrinterTechnology printer_technology, size_t time_to_load)
{ return pimpl->undo(model, selection, gizmos, printer_technology, time_to_load); }
bool Stack::undo(Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, PrinterTechnology printer_technology, unsigned int flags, size_t time_to_load)
{ return pimpl->undo(model, selection, gizmos, printer_technology, flags, time_to_load); }
bool Stack::redo(Slic3r::Model& model, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, size_t time_to_load) { return pimpl->redo(model, gizmos, time_to_load); }
const Selection& Stack::selection_deserialized() const { return pimpl->selection_deserialized(); }

View file

@ -24,13 +24,20 @@ namespace UndoRedo {
struct Snapshot
Snapshot(size_t timestamp) : timestamp(timestamp) {}
Snapshot(const std::string &name, size_t timestamp, size_t model_id, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology) :
name(name), timestamp(timestamp), model_id(model_id), printer_technology(printer_technology) {}
Snapshot(const std::string &name, size_t timestamp, size_t model_id, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology, unsigned int flags) :
name(name), timestamp(timestamp), model_id(model_id), printer_technology(printer_technology), flags(flags) {}
// Bitmask of various binary flags to be stored with the snapshot.
enum Flags {
std::string name;
size_t timestamp;
size_t model_id;
PrinterTechnology printer_technology;
// Bitmap of Flags (see the Flags enum).
unsigned int flags;
bool operator< (const Snapshot &rhs) const { return this->timestamp < rhs.timestamp; }
bool operator==(const Snapshot &rhs) const { return this->timestamp == rhs.timestamp; }
@ -61,6 +68,7 @@ public:
// Set maximum memory threshold. If the threshold is exceeded, least recently used snapshots are released.
void set_memory_limit(size_t memsize);
size_t get_memory_limit() const;
// Estimate size of the RAM consumed by the Undo / Redo stack.
size_t memsize() const;
@ -69,7 +77,7 @@ public:
void release_least_recently_used();
// Store the current application state onto the Undo / Redo stack, remove all snapshots after m_active_snapshot_time.
void take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology);
void take_snapshot(const std::string& snapshot_name, const Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, const Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, Slic3r::PrinterTechnology printer_technology, unsigned int flags);
// To be queried to enable / disable the Undo / Redo buttons at the UI.
bool has_undo_snapshot() const;
@ -77,7 +85,7 @@ public:
// Roll back the time. If time_to_load is SIZE_MAX, the previous snapshot is activated.
// Undoing an action may need to take a snapshot of the current application state, so that redo to the current state is possible.
bool undo(Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, PrinterTechnology printer_technology, size_t time_to_load = SIZE_MAX);
bool undo(Slic3r::Model& model, const Slic3r::GUI::Selection& selection, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, PrinterTechnology printer_technology, unsigned int flags, size_t time_to_load = SIZE_MAX);
// Jump forward in time. If time_to_load is SIZE_MAX, the next snapshot is activated.
bool redo(Slic3r::Model& model, Slic3r::GUI::GLGizmosManager& gizmos, size_t time_to_load = SIZE_MAX);