Implementation for FR #7851 - "Rename" or "EDIT" Print / Filament Settings is missing
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 148 additions and 27 deletions
@ -1876,13 +1876,23 @@ bool PhysicalPrinterCollection::delete_preset_from_printers( const std::string&
return true;
void PhysicalPrinterCollection::rename_preset_in_printers(const std::string& old_preset_name, const std::string& new_preset_name)
for (PhysicalPrinter& printer : m_printers)
if (printer.delete_preset(old_preset_name)) {
// Get list of printers which have more than one preset and "preset_names" preset is one of them
std::vector<std::string> PhysicalPrinterCollection::get_printers_with_preset(const std::string& preset_name)
std::vector<std::string> PhysicalPrinterCollection::get_printers_with_preset(const std::string& preset_name, bool respect_only_preset /*= true*/)
std::vector<std::string> printers;
for (auto printer : m_printers) {
if (printer.preset_names.size() == 1)
if (!respect_only_preset && printer.preset_names.size() == 1)
if (printer.preset_names.find(preset_name) != printer.preset_names.end())
@ -734,9 +734,9 @@ public:
// If there is last preset for the printer and first_check== false, then delete this printer
// returns true if all presets were deleted successfully.
bool delete_preset_from_printers(const std::string& preset_name);
void rename_preset_in_printers(const std::string& old_name, const std::string& new_name);
// Get list of printers which have more than one preset and "preset_names" preset is one of them
std::vector<std::string> get_printers_with_preset( const std::string &preset_name);
std::vector<std::string> get_printers_with_preset( const std::string &preset_name, bool respect_only_preset = true);
// Get list of printers which has only "preset_names" preset
std::vector<std::string> get_printers_with_only_preset( const std::string &preset_name);
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/stattext.h>
#include <wx/textctrl.h>
#include <wx/wupdlock.h>
#include "libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp"
@ -54,27 +55,42 @@ SavePresetDialog::Item::Item(Preset::Type type, const std::string& suffix, wxBox
wxStaticText* label_top = new wxStaticText(m_parent, wxID_ANY, from_u8((boost::format(_utf8(L("Save %s as:"))) % into_u8(tab->title())).str()));
std::string label_str = m_parent->is_for_rename() ?_utf8(L("Rename %s to:")) : _utf8(L("Save %s as:"));
wxStaticText* label_top = new wxStaticText(m_parent, wxID_ANY, from_u8((boost::format(label_str) % into_u8(tab->title())).str()));
m_valid_bmp = new wxStaticBitmap(m_parent, wxID_ANY, *get_bmp_bundle("tick_mark"));
m_combo = new wxComboBox(m_parent, wxID_ANY, from_u8(preset_name), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(35 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1));
for (const std::string& value : values)
if (m_parent->is_for_rename()) {
#ifdef _WIN32
long style = wxBORDER_SIMPLE;
long style = 0L;
m_text_ctrl = new wxTextCtrl(m_parent, wxID_ANY, from_u8(preset_name), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(35 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1), style);
m_text_ctrl->Bind(wxEVT_TEXT, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { update(); });
else {
m_combo = new wxComboBox(m_parent, wxID_ANY, from_u8(preset_name), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(35 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1));
for (const std::string& value : values)
m_combo->Bind(wxEVT_TEXT, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { update(); });
m_combo->Bind(wxEVT_TEXT, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { update(); });
#ifdef __WXOSX__
// Under OSX wxEVT_TEXT wasn't invoked after change selection in combobox,
// So process wxEVT_COMBOBOX too
m_combo->Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { update(); });
// Under OSX wxEVT_TEXT wasn't invoked after change selection in combobox,
// So process wxEVT_COMBOBOX too
m_combo->Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { update(); });
#endif //__WXOSX__
m_valid_label = new wxStaticText(m_parent, wxID_ANY, "");
wxBoxSizer* combo_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
combo_sizer->Add(m_valid_bmp, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxRIGHT, BORDER_W);
combo_sizer->Add(m_combo, 1, wxEXPAND, BORDER_W);
combo_sizer->Add(m_valid_bmp, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxRIGHT, BORDER_W);
if (m_parent->is_for_rename())
combo_sizer->Add(m_text_ctrl,1, wxEXPAND, BORDER_W);
combo_sizer->Add(m_combo, 1, wxEXPAND, BORDER_W);
sizer->Add(label_top, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP| wxBOTTOM, BORDER_W);
sizer->Add(combo_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM, BORDER_W);
@ -88,7 +104,8 @@ SavePresetDialog::Item::Item(Preset::Type type, const std::string& suffix, wxBox
void SavePresetDialog::Item::update()
m_preset_name = into_u8(m_combo->GetValue());
bool rename = m_parent->is_for_rename();
m_preset_name = into_u8(rename ? m_text_ctrl->GetValue() : m_combo->GetValue());
m_valid_type = Valid;
wxString info_line;
@ -119,23 +136,34 @@ void SavePresetDialog::Item::update()
const Preset* existing = m_presets->find_preset(m_preset_name, false);
if (m_valid_type == Valid && existing && (existing->is_default || existing->is_system)) {
info_line = _L("Cannot overwrite a system profile.");
info_line = rename ? _L("The supplied name is used for a system profile.") :
_L("Cannot overwrite a system profile.");
m_valid_type = NoValid;
if (m_valid_type == Valid && existing && (existing->is_external)) {
info_line = _L("Cannot overwrite an external profile.");
info_line = rename ? _L("The supplied name is used for a external profile.") :
_L("Cannot overwrite an external profile.");
m_valid_type = NoValid;
if (m_valid_type == Valid && existing && m_preset_name != m_presets->get_selected_preset_name())
if (m_valid_type == Valid && existing)
if (existing->is_compatible)
info_line = from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("Preset with name \"%1%\" already exists.")) % m_preset_name).str());
info_line = from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("Preset with name \"%1%\" already exists and is incompatible with selected printer.")) % m_preset_name).str());
info_line += "\n" + _L("Note: This preset will be replaced after saving");
m_valid_type = Warning;
if (m_preset_name == m_presets->get_selected_preset_name()) {
if (!rename && m_presets->get_edited_preset().is_dirty)
info_line = _L("Just save preset modifications");
info_line = _L("Nothing changed");
m_valid_type = Valid;
else {
if (existing->is_compatible)
info_line = from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("Preset with name \"%1%\" already exists.")) % m_preset_name).str());
info_line = from_u8((boost::format(_u8L("Preset with name \"%1%\" already exists and is incompatible with selected printer.")) % m_preset_name).str());
info_line += "\n" + _L("Note: This preset will be replaced after saving");
m_valid_type = Warning;
if (m_valid_type == Valid && m_preset_name.empty()) {
@ -158,6 +186,9 @@ void SavePresetDialog::Item::update()
m_valid_type = NoValid;
if (!m_parent->get_info_line_extention().IsEmpty() && m_valid_type != NoValid)
info_line += "\n\n" + m_parent->get_info_line_extention();
@ -194,11 +225,18 @@ SavePresetDialog::SavePresetDialog(wxWindow* parent, Preset::Type type, std::str
SavePresetDialog::SavePresetDialog(wxWindow* parent, std::vector<Preset::Type> types, std::string suffix)
: DPIDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, _L("Save preset"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(45 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), 5 * wxGetApp().em_unit()), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxICON_WARNING | wxRESIZE_BORDER)
: DPIDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, _L("Save presets"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(45 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), 5 * wxGetApp().em_unit()), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxICON_WARNING | wxRESIZE_BORDER)
build(types, suffix);
SavePresetDialog::SavePresetDialog(wxWindow* parent, Preset::Type type, bool rename, const wxString& info_line_extention)
: DPIDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, _L("Rename preset"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(45 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), 5 * wxGetApp().em_unit()), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxICON_WARNING | wxRESIZE_BORDER),
for (auto item : m_items) {
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
class wxString;
class wxStaticText;
class wxComboBox;
class wxTextCtrl;
class wxStaticBitmap;
namespace Slic3r {
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ class SavePresetDialog : public DPIDialog
SavePresetDialog* m_parent {nullptr};
wxStaticBitmap* m_valid_bmp {nullptr};
wxComboBox* m_combo {nullptr};
wxTextCtrl* m_text_ctrl {nullptr};
wxStaticText* m_valid_label {nullptr};
PresetCollection* m_presets {nullptr};
@ -68,11 +70,16 @@ class SavePresetDialog : public DPIDialog
std::string m_ph_printer_name;
std::string m_old_preset_name;
bool m_use_for_rename{false};
wxString m_info_line_extention{wxEmptyString};
const wxString& get_info_line_extention() { return m_info_line_extention; }
SavePresetDialog(wxWindow* parent, Preset::Type type, std::string suffix = "");
SavePresetDialog(wxWindow* parent, std::vector<Preset::Type> types, std::string suffix = "");
SavePresetDialog(wxWindow* parent, Preset::Type type, bool rename, const wxString& info_line_extention);
void AddItem(Preset::Type type, const std::string& suffix);
@ -84,6 +91,7 @@ public:
void add_info_for_edit_ph_printer(wxBoxSizer *sizer);
void update_info_for_edit_ph_printer(const std::string &preset_name);
void layout();
bool is_for_rename() { return m_use_for_rename; }
void on_dpi_changed(const wxRect& suggested_rect) override;
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "wxExtensions.hpp"
#include "PresetComboBoxes.hpp"
#include <wx/wupdlock.h>
@ -150,6 +151,7 @@ void Tab::create_preset_tab()
add_scaled_button(panel, &m_btn_compare_preset, "compare");
add_scaled_button(panel, &m_btn_save_preset, "save");
add_scaled_button(panel, &m_btn_rename_preset, "edit");
add_scaled_button(panel, &m_btn_delete_preset, "cross");
if (m_type == Preset::Type::TYPE_PRINTER)
add_scaled_button(panel, &m_btn_edit_ph_printer, "cog");
@ -161,6 +163,8 @@ void Tab::create_preset_tab()
m_btn_compare_preset->SetToolTip(_L("Compare this preset with some another"));
// TRN "Save current Settings"
m_btn_save_preset->SetToolTip(from_u8((boost::format(_utf8(L("Save current %s"))) % m_title).str()));
m_btn_rename_preset->SetToolTip(from_u8((boost::format(_utf8(L("Rename current %s"))) % m_title).str()));
m_btn_delete_preset->SetToolTip(_(L("Delete this preset")));
@ -211,6 +215,8 @@ void Tab::create_preset_tab()
m_hsizer->Add(m_presets_choice, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 3);
m_hsizer->Add(m_btn_save_preset, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
m_hsizer->Add(m_btn_rename_preset, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
m_hsizer->AddSpacer(int(4 * scale_factor));
m_hsizer->Add(m_btn_delete_preset, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
if (m_btn_edit_ph_printer) {
@ -300,6 +306,7 @@ void Tab::create_preset_tab()
m_btn_compare_preset->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent e) { compare_preset(); }));
m_btn_save_preset->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent e) { save_preset(); }));
m_btn_rename_preset->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent e) { rename_preset(); }));
m_btn_delete_preset->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent e) { delete_preset(); }));
m_btn_hide_incompatible_presets->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent e) {
@ -3183,6 +3190,7 @@ void Tab::update_btns_enabling()
const Preset& preset = m_presets->get_edited_preset();
m_btn_delete_preset->Show((m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER && m_preset_bundle->physical_printers.has_selection())
|| (!preset.is_default && !preset.is_system));
m_btn_rename_preset->Show(!preset.is_default && !preset.is_system && !m_presets_choice->is_selected_physical_printer());
if (m_btn_edit_ph_printer)
m_btn_edit_ph_printer->SetToolTip( m_preset_bundle->physical_printers.has_selection() ?
@ -3615,8 +3623,9 @@ void Tab::save_preset(std::string name /*= ""*/, bool detach)
// Update the selection boxes at the plater.
// If current profile is saved, "delete preset" button have to be enabled
// If current profile is saved, "delete/rename preset" buttons have to be shown
if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER)
@ -3665,6 +3674,60 @@ void Tab::save_preset(std::string name /*= ""*/, bool detach)
void Tab::rename_preset()
if (m_presets_choice->is_selected_physical_printer())
Preset& selected_preset = m_presets->get_selected_preset();
wxString msg;
if (m_type == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER && !m_preset_bundle->physical_printers.empty()) {
// Check preset for rename in physical printers
std::vector<std::string> ph_printers = m_preset_bundle->physical_printers.get_printers_with_preset(;
if (!ph_printers.empty()) {
msg += _L_PLURAL("The physical printer below is based on the preset, you are going to rename.",
"The physical printers below are based on the preset, you are going to rename.", ph_printers.size());
for (const std::string& printer : ph_printers)
msg += "\n \"" + from_u8(printer) + "\",";
msg += "\n" + _L_PLURAL("Note, that the selected preset will be renamed in this printer too.",
"Note, that the selected preset will be renamed in these printers too.", ph_printers.size()) + "\n\n";
// get new name
SavePresetDialog dlg(m_parent, m_type, true, msg);
if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK)
std::string new_name = into_u8(dlg.get_name());
if (new_name.empty() || new_name == m_presets->get_selected_preset().name)
// rename selected and edited presets
std::string old_name =;
std::string old_file_name = selected_preset.file;
|||| = new_name;
boost::replace_last(selected_preset.file, old_name, new_name);
Preset& edited_preset = m_presets->get_edited_preset();
|||| = new_name;
boost::replace_last(edited_preset.file, old_name, new_name);
// rename file with renamed preset configuration
boost::filesystem::rename(old_file_name, selected_preset.file);
// rename selected preset in printers, if it's needed
if (!msg.IsEmpty())
m_preset_bundle->physical_printers.rename_preset_in_printers(old_name, new_name);
// Called for a currently selected preset.
void Tab::delete_preset()
@ -3692,7 +3755,7 @@ void Tab::delete_preset()
// Check preset for delete in physical printers
// Ask a customer about next action, if there is a printer with just one preset and this preset is equal to delete
std::vector<std::string> ph_printers = physical_printers.get_printers_with_preset(;
std::vector<std::string> ph_printers = physical_printers.get_printers_with_preset(, false);
std::vector<std::string> ph_printers_only = physical_printers.get_printers_with_only_preset(;
if (!ph_printers.empty()) {
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ protected:
ScalableButton* m_search_btn;
ScalableButton* m_btn_compare_preset;
ScalableButton* m_btn_save_preset;
ScalableButton* m_btn_rename_preset;
ScalableButton* m_btn_delete_preset;
ScalableButton* m_btn_edit_ph_printer {nullptr};
ScalableButton* m_btn_hide_incompatible_presets;
@ -322,6 +323,7 @@ public:
void compare_preset();
void save_preset(std::string name = std::string(), bool detach = false);
void rename_preset();
void delete_preset();
void toggle_show_hide_incompatible();
void update_show_hide_incompatible_button();
Add table
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