implemented graph traversal, keeping the segments and the location of the weakest point for each island

This commit is contained in:
PavelMikus 2022-07-20 16:23:03 +02:00
parent 9afb350cdd
commit 3d1f2f0cb6
4 changed files with 708 additions and 1531 deletions

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@ -245,8 +245,7 @@ set(SLIC3R_SOURCES
# SupportSpotsGenerator.cpp

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,972 +0,0 @@
#include "SupportSpotsGenerator.hpp"
#include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
#include "tbb/blocked_range.h"
#include "tbb/blocked_range2d.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_reduce.h"
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <stack>
#include "AABBTreeLines.hpp"
#include "KDTreeIndirect.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Layer.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "Geometry/ConvexHull.hpp"
#include <boost/nowide/cstdio.hpp>
#include "libslic3r/Color.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
class ExtrusionLine
ExtrusionLine() :
a(Vec2f::Zero()), b(Vec2f::Zero()), len(0.0f), origin_entity(nullptr) {
ExtrusionLine(const Vec2f &_a, const Vec2f &_b, const ExtrusionEntity *origin_entity) :
a(_a), b(_b), len((_a - _b).norm()), origin_entity(origin_entity) {
float length() {
return (a - b).norm();
bool is_external_perimeter() const {
assert(origin_entity != nullptr);
return origin_entity->role() == erExternalPerimeter;
Vec2f a;
Vec2f b;
float len;
const ExtrusionEntity *origin_entity;
bool support_point_generated = false;
float malformation = 0.0f;
static const constexpr int Dim = 2;
using Scalar = Vec2f::Scalar;
auto get_a(ExtrusionLine &&l) {
return l.a;
auto get_b(ExtrusionLine &&l) {
return l.b;
namespace SupportSpotsGenerator {
SupportPoint::SupportPoint(const Vec3f &position, float force, const Vec3f &direction) :
position(position), force(force), direction(direction) {
class LinesDistancer {
std::vector<ExtrusionLine> lines;
AABBTreeIndirect::Tree<2, float> tree;
explicit LinesDistancer(std::vector<ExtrusionLine> &lines) :
lines(lines) {
tree = AABBTreeLines::build_aabb_tree_over_indexed_lines(this->lines);
// negative sign means inside
float signed_distance_from_lines(const Vec2f &point, size_t &nearest_line_index_out,
Vec2f &nearest_point_out) const {
auto distance = AABBTreeLines::squared_distance_to_indexed_lines(lines, tree, point, nearest_line_index_out,
if (distance < 0)
return std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
distance = sqrt(distance);
const ExtrusionLine &line = lines[nearest_line_index_out];
Vec2f v1 = line.b - line.a;
Vec2f v2 = point - line.a;
if ((v1.x() * v2.y()) - (v1.y() * v2.x()) > 0.0) {
distance *= -1;
return distance;
const ExtrusionLine& get_line(size_t line_idx) const {
return lines[line_idx];
const std::vector<ExtrusionLine>& get_lines() const {
return lines;
static const size_t NULL_ISLAND = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
class PixelGrid {
Vec2f pixel_size;
Vec2f origin;
Vec2f size;
Vec2i pixel_count;
std::vector<size_t> pixels { };
PixelGrid(const PrintObject *po, float resolution) {
pixel_size = Vec2f(resolution, resolution);
Vec2crd size_half = po->size().head<2>().cwiseQuotient(Vec2crd(2, 2)) + Vec2crd::Ones();
Vec2f min = unscale(Vec2crd(-size_half.x(), -size_half.y())).cast<float>();
Vec2f max = unscale(Vec2crd(size_half.x(), size_half.y())).cast<float>();
origin = min;
size = max - min;
pixel_count = size.cwiseQuotient(pixel_size).cast<int>() + Vec2i::Ones();
pixels.resize(pixel_count.y() * pixel_count.x());
void distribute_edge(const Vec2f &p1, const Vec2f &p2, size_t value) {
Vec2f dir = (p2 - p1);
float length = dir.norm();
if (length < 0.1) {
float step_size = this->pixel_size.x() / 2.0;
float distributed_length = 0;
while (distributed_length < length) {
float next_len = std::min(length, distributed_length + step_size);
Vec2f location = p1 + ((next_len / length) * dir);
this->access_pixel(location) = value;
distributed_length = next_len;
void clear() {
for (size_t &val : pixels) {
float pixel_area() const {
return this->pixel_size.x() * this->pixel_size.y();
size_t get_pixel(const Vec2i &coords) const {
return pixels[this->to_pixel_index(coords)];
Vec2i get_pixel_count() {
return pixel_count;
Vec2f get_pixel_center(const Vec2i &coords) const {
return origin + coords.cast<float>().cwiseProduct(this->pixel_size)
+ this->pixel_size.cwiseQuotient(Vec2f(2.0f, 2.0f));
Vec2i to_pixel_coords(const Vec2f &position) const {
Vec2i pixel_coords = (position - this->origin).cwiseQuotient(this->pixel_size).cast<int>();
return pixel_coords;
size_t to_pixel_index(const Vec2i &pixel_coords) const {
assert(pixel_coords.x() >= 0);
assert(pixel_coords.x() < pixel_count.x());
assert(pixel_coords.y() >= 0);
assert(pixel_coords.y() < pixel_count.y());
return pixel_coords.y() * pixel_count.x() + pixel_coords.x();
size_t& access_pixel(const Vec2f &position) {
return pixels[this->to_pixel_index(this->to_pixel_coords(position))];
struct SupportGridFilter {
Vec3f cell_size;
Vec3f origin;
Vec3f size;
Vec3i cell_count;
std::unordered_set<size_t> taken_cells { };
SupportGridFilter(const PrintObject *po, float voxel_size) {
cell_size = Vec3f(voxel_size, voxel_size, voxel_size);
Vec2crd size_half = po->size().head<2>().cwiseQuotient(Vec2crd(2, 2)) + Vec2crd::Ones();
Vec3f min = unscale(Vec3crd(-size_half.x(), -size_half.y(), 0)).cast<float>() - cell_size;
Vec3f max = unscale(Vec3crd(size_half.x(), size_half.y(), po->height())).cast<float>() + cell_size;
origin = min;
size = max - min;
cell_count = size.cwiseQuotient(cell_size).cast<int>() + Vec3i::Ones();
Vec3i to_cell_coords(const Vec3f &position) const {
Vec3i cell_coords = (position - this->origin).cwiseQuotient(this->cell_size).cast<int>();
return cell_coords;
size_t to_cell_index(const Vec3i &cell_coords) const {
assert(cell_coords.x() >= 0);
assert(cell_coords.x() < cell_count.x());
assert(cell_coords.y() >= 0);
assert(cell_coords.y() < cell_count.y());
assert(cell_coords.z() >= 0);
assert(cell_coords.z() < cell_count.z());
return cell_coords.z() * cell_count.x() * cell_count.y()
+ cell_coords.y() * cell_count.x()
+ cell_coords.x();
Vec3f get_cell_center(const Vec3i &cell_coords) const {
return origin + cell_coords.cast<float>().cwiseProduct(this->cell_size)
+ this->cell_size.cwiseQuotient(Vec3f(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0));
void take_position(const Vec3f &position) {
bool position_taken(const Vec3f &position) const {
return taken_cells.find(to_cell_index(to_cell_coords(position))) != taken_cells.end();
struct Island {
std::unordered_map<size_t, float> islands_under_with_connection_area;
std::vector<Vec3f> pivot_points;
float volume;
Vec3f volume_centroid_accumulator;
float sticking_force; // for support points present on this layer (or bed extrusions)
Vec3f sticking_centroid_accumulator;
struct LayerIslands {
std::vector<Island> islands;
float get_flow_width(const LayerRegion *region, ExtrusionRole role) {
switch (role) {
case ExtrusionRole::erBridgeInfill:
return region->flow(FlowRole::frExternalPerimeter).width();
case ExtrusionRole::erExternalPerimeter:
return region->flow(FlowRole::frExternalPerimeter).width();
case ExtrusionRole::erGapFill:
return region->flow(FlowRole::frInfill).width();
case ExtrusionRole::erPerimeter:
return region->flow(FlowRole::frPerimeter).width();
case ExtrusionRole::erSolidInfill:
return region->flow(FlowRole::frSolidInfill).width();
case ExtrusionRole::erInternalInfill:
return region->flow(FlowRole::frInfill).width();
case ExtrusionRole::erTopSolidInfill:
return region->flow(FlowRole::frTopSolidInfill).width();
return region->flow(FlowRole::frPerimeter).width();
// Accumulator of current extruion path properties
// It remembers unsuported distance and maximum accumulated curvature over that distance.
// Used to determine local stability issues (too long bridges, extrusion curves into air)
struct ExtrusionPropertiesAccumulator {
float distance = 0; //accumulated distance
float curvature = 0; //accumulated signed ccw angles
float max_curvature = 0; //max absolute accumulated value
void add_distance(float dist) {
distance += dist;
void add_angle(float ccw_angle) {
curvature += ccw_angle;
max_curvature = std::max(max_curvature, std::abs(curvature));
void reset() {
distance = 0;
curvature = 0;
max_curvature = 0;
void check_extrusion_entity_stability(const ExtrusionEntity *entity,
std::vector<ExtrusionLine> &checked_lines_out,
float print_z,
const LayerRegion *layer_region,
const LinesDistancer &prev_layer_lines,
Issues &issues,
const Params &params) {
if (entity->is_collection()) {
for (const auto *e : static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(entity)->entities) {
check_extrusion_entity_stability(e, checked_lines_out, print_z, layer_region, prev_layer_lines,
issues, params);
} else { //single extrusion path, with possible varying parameters
const auto to_vec3f = [print_z](const Vec2f &point) {
return Vec3f(point.x(), point.y(), print_z);
Points points { };
std::vector<ExtrusionLine> lines;
lines.reserve(points.size() * 1.5);
lines.emplace_back(unscaled(points[0]).cast<float>(), unscaled(points[0]).cast<float>(), entity);
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < int(points.size() - 1); ++point_idx) {
Vec2f start = unscaled(points[point_idx]).cast<float>();
Vec2f next = unscaled(points[point_idx + 1]).cast<float>();
Vec2f v = next - start; // vector from next to current
float dist_to_next = v.norm();
int lines_count = int(std::ceil(dist_to_next / params.bridge_distance));
float step_size = dist_to_next / lines_count;
for (int i = 0; i < lines_count; ++i) {
Vec2f a(start + v * (i * step_size));
Vec2f b(start + v * ((i + 1) * step_size));
lines.emplace_back(a, b, entity);
ExtrusionPropertiesAccumulator bridging_acc { };
ExtrusionPropertiesAccumulator malformation_acc { };
bridging_acc.add_distance(params.bridge_distance + 1.0f); // Initialise unsupported distance with larger than tolerable distance ->
// -> it prevents extruding perimeter starts and short loops into air.
const float flow_width = get_flow_width(layer_region, entity->role());
for (size_t line_idx = 0; line_idx < lines.size(); ++line_idx) {
ExtrusionLine &current_line = lines[line_idx];
float curr_angle = 0;
if (line_idx + 1 < lines.size()) {
const Vec2f v1 = current_line.b - current_line.a;
const Vec2f v2 = lines[line_idx + 1].b - lines[line_idx + 1].a;
curr_angle = angle(v1, v2);
malformation_acc.add_angle(std::max(0.0f, curr_angle));
size_t nearest_line_idx;
Vec2f nearest_point;
float dist_from_prev_layer = prev_layer_lines.signed_distance_from_lines(current_line.b, nearest_line_idx,
if (fabs(dist_from_prev_layer) < flow_width) {
} else {
if (bridging_acc.distance // if unsupported distance is larger than bridge distance linearly decreased by curvature, enforce supports.
> params.bridge_distance
/ (1.0f + (bridging_acc.max_curvature
* params.bridge_distance_decrease_by_curvature_factor / PI))) {
issues.support_points.emplace_back(to_vec3f(current_line.b), 0.0f, Vec3f(0.f, 0.0f, -1.0f));
current_line.support_point_generated = true;
if (fabs(dist_from_prev_layer) < flow_width * 2.0f) {
const ExtrusionLine &nearest_line = prev_layer_lines.get_line(nearest_line_idx);
current_line.malformation += 0.9 * nearest_line.malformation;
if (dist_from_prev_layer > flow_width * 0.3) {
current_line.malformation += 0.15
* (0.8 + 0.2 * malformation_acc.max_curvature / (1.0f + 0.5f * malformation_acc.distance));
} else {
checked_lines_out.insert(checked_lines_out.end(), lines.begin(), lines.end());
std::tuple<LayerIslands, PixelGrid, std::vector<size_t>> reckon_islands(
const Layer *layer, bool first_layer,
size_t prev_layer_islands_count,
const PixelGrid &prev_layer_grid,
const std::vector<ExtrusionLine> &layer_lines,
const Params &params) {
//extract extrusions (connected paths from multiple lines) from the layer_lines. belonging to single polyline is determined by origin_entity ptr.
// result is a vector of [start, end) index pairs into the layer_lines vector
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> extrusions; //start and end idx (one beyond last extrusion) [start,end)
const ExtrusionEntity *current_ex = nullptr;
for (size_t lidx = 0; lidx < layer_lines.size(); ++lidx) {
const ExtrusionLine &line = layer_lines[lidx];
if (line.origin_entity == current_ex) {
extrusions.back().second = lidx + 1;
} else {
extrusions.emplace_back(lidx, lidx + 1);
current_ex = line.origin_entity;
std::vector<LinesDistancer> islands; // these search trees will be used to determine to which island does the extrusion begin
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> island_extrusions; //final assigment of each extrusion to an island
// initliaze the search from external perimeters - at the beginning, there is island candidate for each external perimeter.
// some of them will disappear (e.g. holes)
for (size_t e = 0; e < extrusions.size(); ++e) {
if (layer_lines[extrusions[e].first].is_external_perimeter()) {
std::vector<ExtrusionLine> copy(extrusions[e].second - extrusions[e].first);
for (size_t ex_line_idx = extrusions[e].first; ex_line_idx < extrusions[e].second; ++ex_line_idx) {
copy[ex_line_idx - extrusions[e].first] = layer_lines[ex_line_idx];
island_extrusions.push_back( { e });
// backup code if islands not found - this can currently happen, as external perimeters may be also pure overhang perimeters, and there is no
// way to distinguish external extrusions with total certainty.
// If that happens, just make the first extrusion into island - it may be wrong, but it won't crash.
if (islands.empty() && !extrusions.empty()) {
std::vector<ExtrusionLine> copy(extrusions[0].second - extrusions[0].first);
for (size_t ex_line_idx = extrusions[0].first; ex_line_idx < extrusions[0].second; ++ex_line_idx) {
copy[ex_line_idx - extrusions[0].first] = layer_lines[ex_line_idx];
island_extrusions.push_back( { 0 });
// assign non external extrusions to islands
for (size_t e = 0; e < extrusions.size(); ++e) {
if (!layer_lines[extrusions[e].first].is_external_perimeter()) {
bool island_assigned = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < islands.size(); ++i) {
size_t _idx;
Vec2f _pt;
if (islands[i].signed_distance_from_lines(layer_lines[extrusions[e].first].a, _idx, _pt) < 0) {
island_assigned = true;
if (!island_assigned) { // If extrusion is not assigned for some reason, push it into the first island. As with the previous backup code,
// it may be wrong, but it won't crash
// merge islands which are embedded within each other (mainly holes)
for (size_t i = 0; i < islands.size(); ++i) {
if (islands[i].get_lines().empty()) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < islands.size(); ++j) {
if (islands[j].get_lines().empty() || i == j) {
size_t _idx;
Vec2f _pt;
if (islands[i].signed_distance_from_lines(islands[j].get_line(0).a, _idx, _pt) < 0) {
island_extrusions[i].insert(island_extrusions[i].end(), island_extrusions[j].begin(),
float flow_width = get_flow_width(layer->regions()[0], erExternalPerimeter);
// after filtering the layer lines into islands, build the result LayerIslands structure.
LayerIslands result { };
std::vector<size_t> line_to_island_mapping(layer_lines.size(), NULL_ISLAND);
for (const std::vector<size_t> &island_ex : island_extrusions) {
if (island_ex.empty()) {
Island island { };
for (size_t extrusion_idx : island_ex) {
for (size_t lidx = extrusions[extrusion_idx].first; lidx < extrusions[extrusion_idx].second; ++lidx) {
line_to_island_mapping[lidx] = result.islands.size();
const ExtrusionLine &line = layer_lines[lidx];
float volume = line.origin_entity->min_mm3_per_mm() * line.len;
island.volume += volume;
island.volume_centroid_accumulator += to_3d(Vec2f((line.a + line.b) / 2.0f), float(layer->print_z))
* volume;
if (first_layer) {
float sticking_force = line.len * flow_width * params.base_adhesion;
island.sticking_force += sticking_force;
island.sticking_centroid_accumulator += sticking_force
* to_3d(Vec2f((line.a + line.b) / 2.0f), float(layer->print_z));
if (line.is_external_perimeter()) {
island.pivot_points.push_back(to_3d(Vec2f(line.b), float(layer->print_z)));
} else if (layer_lines[lidx].support_point_generated) {
float support_interface_area = params.support_points_interface_radius
* params.support_points_interface_radius
* float(PI);
float sticking_force = support_interface_area * params.support_adhesion;
island.sticking_force += sticking_force;
island.sticking_centroid_accumulator += sticking_force
* to_3d(Vec2f(line.b), float(layer->print_z));
island.pivot_points.push_back(to_3d(Vec2f(line.b), float(layer->print_z)));
//LayerIslands structure built. Now determine connections and their areas to the previous layer using raterization.
PixelGrid current_layer_grid = prev_layer_grid;
// build index image of current layer
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, layer_lines.size()),
[&layer_lines, &current_layer_grid, &line_to_island_mapping](
tbb::blocked_range<size_t> r) {
for (size_t i = r.begin(); i < r.end(); ++i) {
size_t island = line_to_island_mapping[i];
const ExtrusionLine &line = layer_lines[i];
current_layer_grid.distribute_edge(line.a, line.b, island);
//compare the image of previous layer with the current layer. For each pair of overlapping valid pixels, add pixel area to the respecitve island connection
for (size_t x = 0; x < size_t(current_layer_grid.get_pixel_count().x()); ++x) {
for (size_t y = 0; y < size_t(current_layer_grid.get_pixel_count().y()); ++y) {
Vec2i coords = Vec2i(x, y);
if (current_layer_grid.get_pixel(coords) != NULL_ISLAND
&& prev_layer_grid.get_pixel(coords) != NULL_ISLAND) {
coords)] +=
return {result, current_layer_grid, line_to_island_mapping};
void check_global_stability(
float print_z,
std::vector<LayerIslands> &islands_graph,
SupportGridFilter &supports_presence_grid,
const std::vector<ExtrusionLine> &layer_lines,
const std::vector<size_t> &line_to_island_mapping,
Issues &issues,
const Params &params
) {
// vector of islands, where each contains vector of line indices (to layer_lines vector)
// basically reverse of line_to_island_mapping
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> islands_lines(islands_graph.back().islands.size());
for (size_t lidx = 0; lidx < layer_lines.size(); ++lidx) {
if (layer_lines[lidx].origin_entity->role() == erExternalPerimeter) {
using Accumulator = Island;
// islands_graph.back() refers to the top most (current) layer
for (size_t island_idx = 0; island_idx < islands_graph.back().islands.size(); ++island_idx) {
Island &island = islands_graph.back().islands[island_idx];
std::vector<ExtrusionLine> island_external_lines;
for (size_t lidx : islands_lines[island_idx]) {
LinesDistancer island_lines_dist(island_external_lines);
Accumulator acc = island; // in acc, we accumulate the mass and other properties of the object part as we traverse the islands down to bed
// There is one object part for each island at the top most layer, and each one is computed individually -
// Some of the calculations will be done multiple times
int layer_idx = islands_graph.size() - 1;
// traverse the islands graph down, and for each connection area, calculate if it holds or breaks
while (acc.islands_under_with_connection_area.size() > 0) {
//test for break between layer_idx and layer_idx -1;
LayerIslands below = islands_graph[layer_idx - 1]; // must exist, see while condition
// initialize variables that we will accumulate over all islands, which are connected to the current object part
std::vector<Vec2f> pivot_points;
Vec2f sticking_centroid;
float connection_area = 0;
for (const auto &pair : acc.islands_under_with_connection_area) {
const Island &below_i = below.islands[pair.first];
Vec2f centroid = (below_i.volume_centroid_accumulator / below_i.volume).head<2>(); // centroid of the island 'below_i'; TODO it should be centroid of the connection area
pivot_points.push_back(centroid); // for object parts, we also consider breaking pivots in the centroids of the islands
sticking_centroid += centroid * pair.second; // pair.second is connection area in mm^2
connection_area += pair.second;
sticking_centroid /= connection_area; //normalize to get final sticking centroid
for (const Vec3f &p_point : acc.pivot_points) {
// Now we have accumulated pivot points, connection area and sticking centroid of the whole layer to the current object part
// create KD tree over current pivot points
auto coord_fn = [&pivot_points](size_t idx, size_t dim) {
return pivot_points[idx][dim];
KDTreeIndirect<2, float, decltype(coord_fn)> pivot_points_tree(coord_fn, pivot_points.size());
// iterate over extrusions at top layer island, check each for stability
for (const ExtrusionLine &line : island_external_lines) {
Vec2f line_dir = (line.b - line.a).normalized();
Vec2f pivot_site_search_point = line.b + line_dir * 300.0f;
size_t pivot_idx = find_closest_point(pivot_points_tree, pivot_site_search_point);
const Vec2f &pivot = pivot_points[pivot_idx];
float sticking_arm = (pivot - sticking_centroid).norm();
float sticking_torque = sticking_arm * connection_area * params.tensile_strength; // For breakage in between layers, we compute with tensile strength, not bed adhesion
float mass = acc.volume * params.filament_density;
const Vec3f &mass_centorid = acc.volume_centroid_accumulator / acc.volume;
float weight = mass * params.gravity_constant;
float weight_arm = (pivot - mass_centorid.head<2>()).norm();
float weight_torque = weight_arm * weight;
float bed_movement_arm = mass_centorid.z();
float bed_movement_force = params.max_acceleration * mass;
float bed_movement_torque = bed_movement_force * bed_movement_arm;
Vec3f extruder_pressure_direction = to_3d(line_dir, 0.0f);
extruder_pressure_direction.z() = -0.2 - line.malformation * 0.5;
float conflict_torque_arm = (to_3d(Vec2f(pivot - line.b), print_z).cross(
float extruder_conflict_force = params.tolerable_extruder_conflict_force +
std::min(line.malformation, 1.0f) * params.malformations_additive_conflict_extruder_force;
float extruder_conflict_torque = extruder_conflict_force * conflict_torque_arm;
float total_torque = bed_movement_torque + extruder_conflict_torque - weight_torque - sticking_torque;
if (total_torque > 0) {
Vec2f target_point { };
size_t _idx { };
island_lines_dist.signed_distance_from_lines(pivot_site_search_point, _idx, target_point);
if (!supports_presence_grid.position_taken(to_3d(target_point, print_z))) {
float area = params.support_points_interface_radius * params.support_points_interface_radius
* float(PI);
float sticking_force = area * params.support_adhesion;
Vec3f support_point = to_3d(target_point, print_z);
island.sticking_force += sticking_force;
island.sticking_centroid_accumulator += sticking_force * support_point;
extruder_conflict_torque - sticking_torque, extruder_pressure_direction);
supports_presence_grid.take_position(to_3d(target_point, print_z));
#if 0
<< "SSG: sticking_arm: " << sticking_arm;
<< "SSG: sticking_torque: " << sticking_torque;
<< "SSG: weight_arm: " << sticking_arm;
<< "SSG: weight_torque: " << weight_torque;
<< "SSG: bed_movement_arm: " << bed_movement_arm;
<< "SSG: bed_movement_torque: " << bed_movement_torque;
<< "SSG: conflict_torque_arm: " << conflict_torque_arm;
<< "SSG: extruder_conflict_torque: " << extruder_conflict_torque;
<< "SSG: total_torque: " << total_torque << " printz: " << print_z;
std::unordered_map<size_t, float> tmp = acc.islands_under_with_connection_area;
// finally, add gathered islands to accumulator, and continue down to next layer
for (const auto &pair : tmp) {
const Island &below_i = below.islands[pair.first];
for (const auto &below_islands : below_i.islands_under_with_connection_area) {
acc.islands_under_with_connection_area[below_islands.first] += below_islands.second;
for (const Vec3f &pivot_p : below_i.pivot_points) {
acc.sticking_centroid_accumulator += below_i.sticking_centroid_accumulator;
acc.sticking_force += below_i.sticking_force;
acc.volume += below_i.volume;
acc.volume_centroid_accumulator += below_i.volume_centroid_accumulator;
// We have arrived to the bed level, now check for stability of the object part on the bed
std::vector<Vec2f> pivot_points;
for (const Vec3f &p_point : acc.pivot_points) {
auto coord_fn = [&pivot_points](size_t idx, size_t dim) {
return pivot_points[idx][dim];
KDTreeIndirect<2, float, decltype(coord_fn)> pivot_points_tree(coord_fn, pivot_points.size());
for (const ExtrusionLine &line : island_external_lines) {
Vec2f line_dir = (line.b - line.a).normalized();
Vec2f pivot_site_search_point = line.b + line_dir * 300.0f;
size_t pivot_idx = find_closest_point(pivot_points_tree, pivot_site_search_point);
const Vec2f &pivot = pivot_points[pivot_idx];
const Vec2f &sticking_centroid = acc.sticking_centroid_accumulator.head<2>() / acc.sticking_force;
float sticking_arm = (pivot - sticking_centroid).norm();
float sticking_torque = sticking_arm * acc.sticking_force;
float mass = acc.volume * params.filament_density;
const Vec3f &mass_centorid = acc.volume_centroid_accumulator / acc.volume;
float weight = mass * params.gravity_constant;
float weight_arm = (pivot - mass_centorid.head<2>()).norm();
float weight_torque = weight_arm * weight;
float bed_movement_arm = mass_centorid.z();
float bed_movement_force = params.max_acceleration * mass;
float bed_movement_torque = bed_movement_force * bed_movement_arm;
Vec3f extruder_pressure_direction = to_3d(line_dir, 0.0f);
extruder_pressure_direction.z() = -0.2 - line.malformation * 0.5;
float conflict_torque_arm = (to_3d(Vec2f(pivot - line.b), print_z).cross(
float extruder_conflict_force = params.tolerable_extruder_conflict_force +
std::min(line.malformation, 1.0f) * params.malformations_additive_conflict_extruder_force;
float extruder_conflict_torque = extruder_conflict_force * conflict_torque_arm;
float total_torque = bed_movement_torque + extruder_conflict_torque - weight_torque - sticking_torque;
if (total_torque > 0) {
Vec2f target_point;
size_t _idx;
island_lines_dist.signed_distance_from_lines(pivot_site_search_point, _idx, target_point);
if (!supports_presence_grid.position_taken(to_3d(target_point, print_z))) {
float area = params.support_points_interface_radius * params.support_points_interface_radius
* float(PI);
float sticking_force = area * params.support_adhesion;
Vec3f support_point = to_3d(target_point, print_z);
island.sticking_force += sticking_force;
island.sticking_centroid_accumulator += sticking_force * support_point;
extruder_conflict_torque - sticking_torque, extruder_pressure_direction);
supports_presence_grid.take_position(to_3d(target_point, print_z));
#if 0
<< "SSG: sticking_arm: " << sticking_arm;
<< "SSG: sticking_torque: " << sticking_torque;
<< "SSG: weight_arm: " << sticking_arm;
<< "SSG: weight_torque: " << weight_torque;
<< "SSG: bed_movement_arm: " << bed_movement_arm;
<< "SSG: bed_movement_torque: " << bed_movement_torque;
<< "SSG: conflict_torque_arm: " << conflict_torque_arm;
<< "SSG: extruder_conflict_torque: " << extruder_conflict_torque;
<< "SSG: total_torque: " << total_torque << " printz: " << print_z;
Issues check_object_stability(const PrintObject *po, const Params &params) {
FILE *segmentation_f = boost::nowide::fopen(debug_out_path("segmentation.obj").c_str(), "w");
FILE *malform_f = boost::nowide::fopen(debug_out_path("malformations.obj").c_str(), "w");
Issues issues { };
std::vector<LayerIslands> islands_graph;
std::vector<ExtrusionLine> layer_lines;
float flow_width = get_flow_width(po->layers()[po->layer_count() - 1]->regions()[0], erExternalPerimeter);
PixelGrid prev_layer_grid(po, flow_width);
SupportGridFilter supports_presence_grid { po, params.min_distance_between_support_points };
const Layer *layer = po->layers()[0];
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer->regions()) {
for (const ExtrusionEntity *ex_entity : layer_region->perimeters.entities) {
for (const ExtrusionEntity *perimeter : static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ex_entity)->entities) {
Points points { };
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < int(points.size() - 1); ++point_idx) {
Vec2f start = unscaled(points[point_idx]).cast<float>();
Vec2f next = unscaled(points[point_idx + 1]).cast<float>();
ExtrusionLine line { start, next, perimeter };
if (perimeter->is_loop()) {
Vec2f start = unscaled(points[points.size() - 1]).cast<float>();
Vec2f next = unscaled(points[0]).cast<float>();
ExtrusionLine line { start, next, perimeter };
} // perimeter
} // ex_entity
for (const ExtrusionEntity *ex_entity : layer_region->fills.entities) {
for (const ExtrusionEntity *fill : static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ex_entity)->entities) {
Points points { };
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < int(points.size() - 1); ++point_idx) {
Vec2f start = unscaled(points[point_idx]).cast<float>();
Vec2f next = unscaled(points[point_idx + 1]).cast<float>();
ExtrusionLine line { start, next, fill };
} // fill
} // ex_entity
} // region
auto [layer_islands, layer_grid, line_to_island_mapping] = reckon_islands(layer, true, 0, prev_layer_grid,
layer_lines, params);
for (size_t x = 0; x < size_t(layer_grid.get_pixel_count().x()); ++x) {
for (size_t y = 0; y < size_t(layer_grid.get_pixel_count().y()); ++y) {
Vec2i coords = Vec2i(x, y);
size_t island_idx = layer_grid.get_pixel(coords);
if (layer_grid.get_pixel(coords) != NULL_ISLAND) {
Vec2f pos = layer_grid.get_pixel_center(coords);
size_t pseudornd = ((island_idx + 127) * 33331 + 6907) % 23;
Vec3f color = value_to_rgbf(0.0f, float(23), float(pseudornd));
fprintf(segmentation_f, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", pos[0],
pos[1], layer->print_z, color[0], color[1], color[2]);
for (const auto &line : layer_lines) {
if (line.malformation > 0.0f) {
Vec3f color = value_to_rgbf(0, 1.0f, line.malformation);
fprintf(malform_f, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", line.b[0],
line.b[1], layer->print_z, color[0], color[1], color[2]);
LinesDistancer external_lines(layer_lines);
prev_layer_grid = layer_grid;
for (size_t layer_idx = 1; layer_idx < po->layer_count(); ++layer_idx) {
const Layer *layer = po->layers()[layer_idx];
for (const LayerRegion *layer_region : layer->regions()) {
for (const ExtrusionEntity *ex_entity : layer_region->perimeters.entities) {
for (const ExtrusionEntity *perimeter : static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ex_entity)->entities) {
check_extrusion_entity_stability(perimeter, layer_lines, layer->print_z, layer_region,
external_lines, issues, params);
} // perimeter
} // ex_entity
for (const ExtrusionEntity *ex_entity : layer_region->fills.entities) {
for (const ExtrusionEntity *fill : static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ex_entity)->entities) {
if (fill->role() == ExtrusionRole::erGapFill
|| fill->role() == ExtrusionRole::erBridgeInfill) {
check_extrusion_entity_stability(fill, layer_lines, layer->print_z, layer_region,
external_lines, issues, params);
} else {
Points points { };
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < int(points.size() - 1); ++point_idx) {
Vec2f start = unscaled(points[point_idx]).cast<float>();
Vec2f next = unscaled(points[point_idx + 1]).cast<float>();
ExtrusionLine line { start, next, fill };
} // fill
} // ex_entity
} // region
auto [layer_islands, layer_grid, line_to_island_mapping] = reckon_islands(layer, true, 0, prev_layer_grid,
layer_lines, params);
check_global_stability(layer->print_z, islands_graph, supports_presence_grid, layer_lines,
line_to_island_mapping, issues, params);
for (size_t x = 0; x < size_t(layer_grid.get_pixel_count().x()); ++x) {
for (size_t y = 0; y < size_t(layer_grid.get_pixel_count().y()); ++y) {
Vec2i coords = Vec2i(x, y);
size_t island_idx = layer_grid.get_pixel(coords);
if (layer_grid.get_pixel(coords) != NULL_ISLAND) {
Vec2f pos = layer_grid.get_pixel_center(coords);
size_t pseudornd = ((island_idx + 127) * 33331 + 6907) % 23;
Vec3f color = value_to_rgbf(0.0f, float(23), float(pseudornd));
fprintf(segmentation_f, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", pos[0],
pos[1], layer->print_z, color[0], color[1], color[2]);
for (const auto &line : layer_lines) {
if (line.malformation > 0.0f) {
Vec3f color = value_to_rgbf(0, 1.0f, line.malformation);
fprintf(malform_f, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", line.b[0],
line.b[1], layer->print_z, color[0], color[1], color[2]);
external_lines = LinesDistancer(layer_lines);
prev_layer_grid = layer_grid;
return issues;
void debug_export(Issues issues, std::string file_name) {
Slic3r::CNumericLocalesSetter locales_setter;
FILE *fp = boost::nowide::fopen(debug_out_path((file_name + "_supports.obj").c_str()).c_str(), "w");
if (fp == nullptr) {
<< "Debug files: Couldn't open " << file_name << " for writing";
for (size_t i = 0; i < issues.support_points.size(); ++i) {
fprintf(fp, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", issues.support_points[i].position(0),
issues.support_points[i].position(2), 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
std::vector<size_t> quick_search(const PrintObject *po, const Params &params) {
check_object_stability(po, params);
return {};
full_search(const PrintObject *po, const Params &params) {
auto issues = check_object_stability(po, params);
debug_export(issues, "issues");
return issues;
} //SupportableIssues End

View file

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
#include <wx/dialog.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/nowide/convert.hpp>
#include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp"