"Machine limits" page is completed
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 120 additions and 74 deletions
@ -856,6 +856,12 @@ PrintConfigDef::PrintConfigDef()
def->min = 0;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(0.3);
def = this->add("silent_mode", coBool);
def->label = L("Support silent mode");
def->tooltip = L("Set silent mode for the G-code flavor");
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(true);
const int machine_linits_opt_width = 70;
struct AxisDefault {
std::string name;
@ -874,65 +880,72 @@ PrintConfigDef::PrintConfigDef()
std::string axis_upper = boost::to_upper_copy<std::string>(axis.name);
// Add the machine feedrate limits for XYZE axes. (M203)
def = this->add("machine_max_feedrate_" + axis.name, coFloats);
def->label = (boost::format(L("Maximum feedrate %1%")) % axis_upper).str();
def->full_label = (boost::format(L("Maximum feedrate %1%")) % axis_upper).str();
def->category = L("Machine limits");
def->tooltip = (boost::format(L("Maximum feedrate of the %1% axis")) % axis_upper).str();
def->sidetext = L("mm/s");
def->min = 0;
def->width = machine_linits_opt_width;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats(axis.max_feedrate);
// Add the machine acceleration limits for XYZE axes (M201)
def = this->add("machine_max_acceleration_" + axis.name, coFloats);
def->label = (boost::format(L("Maximum acceleration %1%")) % axis_upper).str();
def->full_label = (boost::format(L("Maximum acceleration %1%")) % axis_upper).str();
def->category = L("Machine limits");
def->tooltip = (boost::format(L("Maximum acceleration of the %1% axis")) % axis_upper).str();
def->sidetext = L("mm/s²");
def->min = 0;
def->width = machine_linits_opt_width;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats(axis.max_acceleration);
// Add the machine jerk limits for XYZE axes (M205)
def = this->add("machine_max_jerk_" + axis.name, coFloats);
def->label = (boost::format(L("Maximum jerk %1%")) % axis_upper).str();
def->full_label = (boost::format(L("Maximum jerk %1%")) % axis_upper).str();
def->category = L("Machine limits");
def->tooltip = (boost::format(L("Maximum jerk of the %1% axis")) % axis_upper).str();
def->sidetext = L("mm/s");
def->min = 0;
def->width = machine_linits_opt_width;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats(axis.max_jerk);
// M205 S... [mm/sec]
def = this->add("machine_min_extruding_rate", coFloats);
def->label = L("Minimum feedrate when extruding");
def->full_label = L("Minimum feedrate when extruding");
def->category = L("Machine limits");
def->tooltip = L("Minimum feedrate when extruding") + " (M205 S)";
def->sidetext = L("mm/s");
def->min = 0;
def->width = machine_linits_opt_width;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats{ 0., 0. };
// M205 T... [mm/sec]
def = this->add("machine_min_travel_rate", coFloats);
def->label = L("Minimum travel feedrate");
def->full_label = L("Minimum travel feedrate");
def->category = L("Machine limits");
def->tooltip = L("Minimum travel feedrate") + " (M205 T)";
def->sidetext = L("mm/s");
def->min = 0;
def->width = machine_linits_opt_width;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats{ 0., 0. };
// M204 S... [mm/sec^2]
def = this->add("machine_max_acceleration_extruding", coFloats);
def->label = L("Maximum acceleration when extruding");
def->full_label = L("Maximum acceleration when extruding");
def->category = L("Machine limits");
def->tooltip = L("Maximum acceleration when extruding") + " (M204 S)";
def->sidetext = L("mm/s²");
def->min = 0;
def->width = machine_linits_opt_width;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats(1250., 1250.);
// M204 T... [mm/sec^2]
def = this->add("machine_max_acceleration_retracting", coFloats);
def->label = L("Maximum acceleration when retracting");
def->full_label = L("Maximum acceleration when retracting");
def->category = L("Machine limits");
def->tooltip = L("Maximum acceleration when retracting") + " (M204 T)";
def->sidetext = L("mm/s²");
def->min = 0;
def->width = machine_linits_opt_width;
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionFloats(1250., 1250.);
def = this->add("max_fan_speed", coInts);
@ -1565,13 +1578,6 @@ PrintConfigDef::PrintConfigDef()
def->cli = "single-extruder-multi-material!";
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(false);
// -- ! Kinematics options
def = this->add("silent_mode", coBool);
def->label = L("Silent mode");
def->tooltip = L("Set silent mode for the G-code flavor");
def->default_value = new ConfigOptionBool(true);
// -- !
def = this->add("support_material", coBool);
def->label = L("Generate support material");
def->category = L("Support material");
@ -665,6 +665,22 @@ boost::any& PointCtrl::get_value()
return m_value = ret_point;
void StaticText::BUILD()
auto size = wxSize(wxDefaultSize);
if (m_opt.height >= 0) size.SetHeight(m_opt.height);
if (m_opt.width >= 0) size.SetWidth(m_opt.width);
wxString legend(static_cast<ConfigOptionString*>(m_opt.default_value)->value);
auto temp = new wxStaticText(m_parent, wxID_ANY, legend, wxDefaultPosition, size);
// // recast as a wxWindow to fit the calling convention
window = dynamic_cast<wxWindow*>(temp);
} // GUI
} // Slic3r
@ -384,6 +384,34 @@ public:
wxSizer* getSizer() override { return sizer; }
class StaticText : public Field {
using Field::Field;
StaticText(const ConfigOptionDef& opt, const t_config_option_key& id) : Field(opt, id) {}
StaticText(wxWindow* parent, const ConfigOptionDef& opt, const t_config_option_key& id) : Field(parent, opt, id) {}
~StaticText() {}
wxWindow* window{ nullptr };
void BUILD() override;
void set_value(const std::string& value, bool change_event = false) {
m_disable_change_event = !change_event;
m_disable_change_event = false;
void set_value(const boost::any& value, bool change_event = false) {
m_disable_change_event = !change_event;
m_disable_change_event = false;
boost::any& get_value()override { return m_value; }
void enable() override { dynamic_cast<wxColourPickerCtrl*>(window)->Enable(); };
void disable() override{ dynamic_cast<wxColourPickerCtrl*>(window)->Disable(); };
wxWindow* getWindow() override { return window; }
} // GUI
} // Slic3r
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ const t_field& OptionsGroup::build_field(const t_config_option_key& id, const Co
m_fields.emplace(id, STDMOVE(Choice::Create<Choice>(parent(), opt, id)));
} else if (opt.gui_type.compare("slider") == 0) {
} else if (opt.gui_type.compare("i_spin") == 0) { // Spinctrl
} else if (opt.gui_type.compare("legend") == 0) { // StaticText
m_fields.emplace(id, STDMOVE(StaticText::Create<StaticText>(parent(), opt, id)));
} else {
switch (opt.type) {
case coFloatOrPercent:
@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ const t_field& OptionsGroup::build_field(const t_config_option_key& id, const Co
if (!this->m_disabled)
if (!m_is_tab_opt) {
if (!m_show_modified_btns) {
@ -127,8 +127,12 @@ public:
inline void enable() { for (auto& field : m_fields) field.second->enable(); }
inline void disable() { for (auto& field : m_fields) field.second->disable(); }
void set_show_modified_btns_val(bool show) {
m_show_modified_btns = show;
OptionsGroup(wxWindow* _parent, const wxString& title, bool is_tab_opt=false) :
m_parent(_parent), title(title), m_is_tab_opt(is_tab_opt), staticbox(title!="") {
m_parent(_parent), title(title), m_show_modified_btns(is_tab_opt), staticbox(title!="") {
auto stb = new wxStaticBox(_parent, wxID_ANY, title);
sizer = (staticbox ? new wxStaticBoxSizer(stb/*new wxStaticBox(_parent, wxID_ANY, title)*/, wxVERTICAL) : new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL));
@ -158,7 +162,7 @@ protected:
bool m_disabled {false};
wxGridSizer* m_grid_sizer {nullptr};
// "true" if option is created in preset tabs
bool m_is_tab_opt{ false };
bool m_show_modified_btns{ false };
// This panel is needed for correct showing of the ToolTips for Button, StaticText and CheckBox
// Tooltips on GTK doesn't work inside wxStaticBoxSizer unless you insert a panel
@ -1718,73 +1718,63 @@ void TabPrinter::extruders_count_changed(size_t extruders_count){
on_value_change("extruders_count", extruders_count);
void append_option_line(ConfigOptionsGroupShp optgroup, const std::string opt_key)
auto option = optgroup->get_option(opt_key, 0);
auto line = Line{ option.opt.full_label, "" };
line.append_option(optgroup->get_option(opt_key, 1));
PageShp TabPrinter::create_kinematics_page()
auto page = add_options_page(_(L("Machine limits")), "cog.png", true);
auto optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Maximum accelerations")));
auto line = Line{ _(L("Standard/Silent mode")), "" };
line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("machine_max_acceleration_x", 0));
line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("machine_max_acceleration_x", 1));
// Legend for OptionsGroups
auto optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("")));
optgroup->label_width = 230;
auto line = Line{ "", "" };
ConfigOptionDef def;
def.type = coString;
def.width = 150;
def.gui_type = "legend";
def.tooltip = L("Values in this column are for Full Power mode");
def.default_value = new ConfigOptionString{ L("Full Power")};
auto option = Option(def, "full_power_legend");
def.tooltip = L("Values in this column are for Silent mode");
def.default_value = new ConfigOptionString{ L("Silent") };
option = Option(def, "silent_legend");
line = Line{ "", "" };
line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("machine_max_acceleration_y", 0));
line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("machine_max_acceleration_y", 1));
line = Line{ _(L("Standard/Silent mode")), "" };
line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("machine_max_acceleration_z", 0));
line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("machine_max_acceleration_z", 1));
line = Line{ _(L("Standard/Silent mode")), "" };
line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("machine_max_acceleration_e", 0));
line.append_option(optgroup->get_option("machine_max_acceleration_e", 1));
// optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_acceleration_x", 0);
// optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_acceleration_y", 0);
// optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_acceleration_z", 0);
// optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_acceleration_e", 0);
std::vector<std::string> axes{ "x", "y", "z", "e" };
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Maximum accelerations")));
for (const std::string &axis : axes) {
append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_max_acceleration_" + axis);
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Maximum feedrates")));
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_feedrate_x", 0);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_feedrate_y", 0);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_feedrate_z", 0);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_feedrate_e", 0);
for (const std::string &axis : axes) {
append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_max_feedrate_" + axis);
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Starting Acceleration")));
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_acceleration_extruding", 0);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_acceleration_retracting", 0);
append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_max_acceleration_extruding");
append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_max_acceleration_retracting");
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Advanced")));
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_min_extruding_rate", 0);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_min_travel_rate", 0);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_jerk_x", 0);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_jerk_y", 0);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_jerk_z", 0);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_jerk_e", 0);
//for silent mode
// optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Maximum accelerations")));
// optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_acceleration_x", 1);
// optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_acceleration_y", 1);
// optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_acceleration_z", 1);
// optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_acceleration_e", 1);
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Maximum feedrates (Silent mode)")));
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_feedrate_x", 1);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_feedrate_y", 1);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_feedrate_z", 1);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_feedrate_e", 1);
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Starting Acceleration (Silent mode)")));
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_acceleration_extruding", 1);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_acceleration_retracting", 1);
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(_(L("Advanced (Silent mode)")));
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_min_extruding_rate", 1);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_min_travel_rate", 1);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_jerk_x", 1);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_jerk_y", 1);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_jerk_z", 1);
optgroup->append_single_option_line("machine_max_jerk_e", 1);
append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_min_extruding_rate");
append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_min_travel_rate");
for (const std::string &axis : axes) {
append_option_line(optgroup, "machine_max_jerk_" + axis);
return page;
Add table
Reference in a new issue