Reworked selection of locales and translation dictionaries.

Slicer now tries to heed user's locales, also it tries to switch
to the language recommended by the operating system (Windows & OSX
This commit is contained in:
bubnikv 2019-08-29 14:07:45 +02:00
parent d60480ca7c
commit 468abfefbc
2 changed files with 104 additions and 95 deletions

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <exception>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
@ -229,11 +230,8 @@ bool GUI_App::on_init_inner()
wxString language = wxEmptyString;
if (app_config->has("translation_language"))
language = app_config->get("translation_language");
// If load_language() fails, the application closes.
load_language(wxString(), true);
// Suppress the '- default -' presets.
preset_bundle->set_default_suppressed(app_config->get("no_defaults") == "1");
@ -600,23 +598,49 @@ bool GUI_App::switch_language()
// select language from the list of installed languages
bool GUI_App::select_language()
const std::vector<const wxLanguageInfo*> langs = get_installed_languages();
wxArrayString translations = wxTranslations::Get()->GetAvailableTranslations(SLIC3R_APP_KEY);
std::vector<const wxLanguageInfo*> language_infos;
for (size_t i = 0; i < translations.GetCount(); ++ i) {
const wxLanguageInfo *langinfo = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(translations[i]);
if (langinfo != nullptr)
std::sort(language_infos.begin(), language_infos.end(), [](const wxLanguageInfo* l, const wxLanguageInfo* r) { return l->Description < r->Description; });
wxArrayString names;
// Some valid language should be selected since the application start up.
assert(m_wxLocale != nullptr);
const auto current_language = m_wxLocale->GetLanguage();
int init_selection = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < langs.size(); ++ i) {
if (langs[i]->Language == current_language)
const wxLanguage current_language = wxLanguage(m_wxLocale->GetLanguage());
int init_selection = -1;
int init_selection_alt = -1;
int init_selection_default = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < language_infos.size(); ++ i) {
if (wxLanguage(language_infos[i]->Language) == current_language)
// The dictionary matches the active language and country.
init_selection = i;
else if ((language_infos[i]->CanonicalName.BeforeFirst('_') == m_wxLocale->GetCanonicalName().BeforeFirst('_')) ||
// if the active language is Slovak, mark the Czech language as active.
(language_infos[i]->CanonicalName.BeforeFirst('_') == "cs" && m_wxLocale->GetCanonicalName().BeforeFirst('_') == "sk"))
// The dictionary matches the active language, it does not necessarily match the country.
init_selection_alt = i;
if (language_infos[i]->CanonicalName.BeforeFirst('_') == "en")
// This will be the default selection if the active language does not match any dictionary.
init_selection_default = i;
if (init_selection == -1)
// This is the dictionary matching the active language.
init_selection = init_selection_alt;
if (init_selection != -1)
// This is the language to highlight in the choice dialog initially.
init_selection_default = init_selection;
const long index = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_(L("Select the language")), _(L("Language")), names, init_selection);
const long index = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_(L("Select the language")), _(L("Language")), names, init_selection_default);
// Try to load a new language.
if (index != -1 && langs[index]->Language != current_language && this->load_language(langs[index]->CanonicalName)) {
if (index != -1 && (init_selection == -1 || init_selection != index) && this->load_language(language_infos[index]->CanonicalName, false)) {
// Save language at application config.
app_config->set("translation_language", m_wxLocale->GetCanonicalName().ToUTF8().data());
@ -626,106 +650,92 @@ bool GUI_App::select_language()
return false;
// Get the language code before underscore, if there is underscore.
static wxString language_code_short(const wxString &language_code)
size_t idx_underscore = language_code.find('_');
return (idx_underscore != wxString::npos) ? language_code.substr(0, idx_underscore) : language_code;
// Load gettext translation files and activate them at the start of the application,
// based on the "translation_language" key stored in the application config.
bool GUI_App::load_language(wxString language)
bool GUI_App::load_language(wxString language, bool initial)
if (language.IsEmpty()) {
int lang = wxLocale::GetSystemLanguage();
if (lang != wxLANGUAGE_UNKNOWN) {
const wxLanguageInfo *info = wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(lang);
if (info != nullptr)
language = info->CanonicalName;
if (initial) {
// There is a static list of lookup path prefixes in wxWidgets. Add ours.
// Get the active language from PrusaSlicer.ini, or empty string if the key does not exist.
language = app_config->get("translation_language");
const wxLanguageInfo *language_info = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(language);
if (language_info == nullptr)
if (language.IsEmpty()) {
const wxLanguage lang_system = wxLanguage(wxLocale::GetSystemLanguage());
const wxLanguageInfo *lang_info_system = nullptr;
if (lang_system != wxLANGUAGE_UNKNOWN) {
lang_info_system = wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(lang_system);
if (lang_info_system != nullptr)
language = lang_info_system->CanonicalName;
// Allocating a temporary locale will switch the default wxTranslations to its internal wxTranslations instance.
wxLocale temp_locale;
// Set the current translation's language to default, otherwise GetBestTranslation() may not work (see the wxWidgets source code).
// Let the wxFileTranslationsLoader enumerate all translation dictionaries for PrusaSlicer
// and try to match them with the system specific "preferred languages".
// There seems to be a support for that on Windows and OSX, while on Linuxes the code just returns wxLocale::GetSystemLanguage().
// The last parameter gets added to the list of detected dictionaries. This is a workaround
// for not having the English dictionary. Let's hope wxWidgets of various versions process this call the same way.
wxString best_language = wxTranslations::Get()->GetBestTranslation(SLIC3R_APP_KEY, wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH);
if (! best_language.IsEmpty())
language = best_language;
if (language.IsEmpty())
language = "en_US";
language_info = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(language);
if (language_info == nullptr || language_info->LayoutDirection == wxLayout_RightToLeft) {
// We don't support right-to-left rendering (Hebrew, Arabic ...), therefore we switch to English.
language = "en_US";
language_info = wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US);
// Alternate language code.
wxString language_code_alt = language_code_short(language);
if (language_code_alt == "sk")
wxLanguage language_dict = wxLanguage(language_info->Language);
if (language.BeforeFirst('_') == "sk")
// Slovaks understand Czech well. Give them the Czech translation.
language_code_alt = "cz";
language_dict = wxLANGUAGE_CZECH;
const wxLanguageInfo *info = nullptr;
for (const wxLanguageInfo *this_info : get_installed_languages()) {
if (this_info->CanonicalName == language) {
// The language matches exactly, including the country suffix. Use it.
info = this_info;
if (language_code_short(this_info->CanonicalName) == language_code_alt)
// Alternatively try to match just the language without the country suffix.
info = this_info;
wxString canonical_name;
if (info == nullptr) {
// Fallback for user languages, for which we do not have dictionaries.
canonical_name = "en_EN";
info = wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US);
} else
canonical_name = info->CanonicalName;
wxLocale *new_locale = new wxLocale;
if (info == nullptr || ! new_locale->Init(info->Language)) {
if (! wxLocale::IsAvailable(language_info->Language)) {
// Loading the language dictionary failed.
wxString message = "Switching PrusaSlicer to language " + canonical_name + " failed.";
wxString message = "Switching PrusaSlicer to language " + language_info->CanonicalName + " failed.";
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__)
// likely some linux system
"\nYou may need to reconfigure the missing locales, likely by running the \"locale-gen\" and \"dpkg-reconfigure locales\" commands.\n";
message += "\nYou may need to reconfigure the missing locales, likely by running the \"locale-gen\" and \"dpkg-reconfigure locales\" commands.\n";
delete new_locale;
if (m_wxLocale == nullptr)
if (initial)
message + "\n\nApplication will close.";
wxMessageBox(message, "PrusaSlicer - Switching language failed", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
if (m_wxLocale == nullptr)
if (initial)
return false;
wxLocale *old_locale = m_wxLocale;
m_wxLocale = new_locale;
// Release the old locales, create new locales.
m_wxLocale = std::make_unique<wxLocale>();
// Override language at the active wxTranslations class (which is stored in the active m_wxLocale)
// to load possibly different dictionary, for example, load Czech dictionary for Slovak language.
//FIXME This is a temporary workaround, the correct solution is to switch to "C" locale during file import / export only.
wxSetlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
//FIXME Why the following line crashes?
// delete old_locale;
return true;
// Get a list of installed languages (languages for which we have dictionaries).
std::vector<const wxLanguageInfo*> GUI_App::get_installed_languages()
wxDir dir(from_u8(localization_dir()));
wxString filename;
std::vector<const wxLanguageInfo*> res;
for (bool cont = dir.GetFirst(&filename, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_DIRS); cont; cont = dir.GetNext(&filename)) {
const wxLanguageInfo *langinfo = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(filename);
if (langinfo != nullptr) {
auto full_file_name = dir.GetName() + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() +
filename + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() + SLIC3R_APP_KEY + wxT(".mo");
if (wxFileExists(full_file_name))
// Remove duplicated "en_EN" and possible others.
return res;
Tab* GUI_App::get_tab(Preset::Type type)
for (Tab* tab: tabs_list)
@ -1019,7 +1029,7 @@ wxString GUI_App::current_language_code_safe() const
{ "uk", "uk_UA", },
{ "zh", "zh_CN", },
wxString language_code = language_code_short(this->current_language_code());
wxString language_code = this->current_language_code().BeforeFirst('_');
auto it = mapping.find(language_code);
if (it != mapping.end())
language_code = it->second;

View file

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class GUI_App : public wxApp
size_t m_em_unit; // width of a "m"-symbol in pixels for current system font
// Note: for 100% Scale m_em_unit = 10 -> it's a good enough coefficient for a size setting of controls
wxLocale* m_wxLocale{ nullptr };
std::unique_ptr<wxLocale> m_wxLocale;
std::unique_ptr<ImGuiWrapper> m_imgui;
std::unique_ptr<PrintHostJobQueue> m_printhost_job_queue;
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public:
void update_ui_from_settings();
bool switch_language();
bool load_language(wxString language);
bool load_language(wxString language, bool initial);
Tab* get_tab(Preset::Type type);
ConfigOptionMode get_mode();
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ public:
bool checked_tab(Tab* tab);
void load_current_presets();
wxString current_language_code() const { assert(m_wxLocale != nullptr); return m_wxLocale->GetCanonicalName(); }
wxString current_language_code() const { return m_wxLocale->GetCanonicalName(); }
// Translate the language code to a code, for which Prusa Research maintains translations. Defaults to "en_US".
wxString current_language_code_safe() const;
@ -187,7 +187,6 @@ private:
void window_pos_restore(wxTopLevelWindow* window, const std::string &name, bool default_maximized = false);
void window_pos_sanitize(wxTopLevelWindow* window);
bool select_language();
std::vector<const wxLanguageInfo*> get_installed_languages();
#ifdef __WXMSW__
void associate_3mf_files();
#endif // __WXMSW__