WIP Organic Supports: New smoothing of organic trees.
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1 changed files with 428 additions and 0 deletions
@ -26,6 +26,434 @@ namespace Slic3r
namespace FFFTreeSupport
// Single slice through a single branch or trough a number of branches.
struct Slice
// All polygons collected for this slice.
Polygons polygons;
// All bottom contacts collected for this slice.
Polygons bottom_contacts;
// How many branches were merged in this slice? Used to decide whether ClipperLib union is needed.
size_t num_branches{ 0 };
struct Element
// Current position of the centerline including the Z coordinate, unscaled.
Vec3f position;
float radius;
// Index of this layer, including the raft layers.
LayerIndex layer_idx;
// Limits where the centerline could be placed at the current layer Z.
Polygons influence_area;
// Locked node should not be moved. Locked nodes are at the top of an object or at the tips of branches.
bool locked;
// Previous position, for Laplacian smoothing, unscaled.
Vec3f prev_position;
// For sphere tracing and other collision detection optimizations.
Vec3f last_collision;
double last_collision_depth;
struct CollisionSphere {
// Minimum Z for which the sphere collision will be evaluated.
// Limited by the minimum sloping angle and by the bottom of the tree.
float min_z{ -std::numeric_limits<float>::max() };
// Maximum Z for which the sphere collision will be evaluated.
// Limited by the minimum sloping angle and by the tip of the current branch.
float max_z{ std::numeric_limits<float>::max() };
// Span of layers to test collision of this sphere against.
uint32_t layer_begin;
uint32_t layer_end;
CollisionSphere collision_sphere;
struct Branch;
struct Bifurcation
Branch *branch;
double area;
// Single branch of a tree.
struct Branch
std::vector<Element> path;
using Bifurcations =
#ifdef NDEBUG
// To reduce memory allocation in release mode.
boost::container::small_vector<Bifurcation, 4>;
#else // NDEBUG
// To ease debugging.
#endif // NDEBUG
Bifurcations up;
Bifurcation down;
// How many of the thick up branches are considered continuation of the trunk?
// These will be smoothed out together.
size_t num_up_trunk;
bool has_root() const { return this->down.branch == nullptr; }
bool has_tip() const { return this->up.empty(); }
struct Tree
// Branches: Store of all branches.
// The first branch is the root of the tree.
Slic3r::deque<Branch> branches;
Branch& root() { return branches.front(); }
const Branch& root() const { return branches.front(); }
// Result of slicing the branches.
std::vector<Slice> slices;
// First layer index of the first slice in the vector above.
LayerIndex first_layer_id{ -1 };
using Forest = std::vector<Tree>;
using Trees = std::vector<Tree>;
Element to_tree_element(const TreeSupportSettings &config, const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, SupportElement &element, bool is_root)
Element out;
out.position = to_3d(unscaled<float>(element.state.result_on_layer), float(layer_z(slicing_params, config, element.state.layer_idx)));
out.radius = support_element_radius(config, element);
out.layer_idx = element.state.layer_idx;
out.influence_area = std::move(element.influence_area);
out.locked = (is_root && element.state.layer_idx > 0) || element.state.locked();
return out;
// Convert move bounds into a forest of trees, each tree made of a graph of branches and bifurcation points.
// Destroys move_bounds.
Forest make_forest(const TreeSupportSettings &config, const SlicingParameters &slicing_params, std::vector<SupportElements> &&move_bounds)
struct TreeVisitor {
void visit_recursive(std::vector<SupportElements> &move_bounds, SupportElement &start_element, Branch *parent_branch, Tree &out) const {
assert(! start_element.state.marked && ! start_element.parents.empty());
// Collect elements up to a bifurcation above.
start_element.state.marked = true;
// For each branch bifurcating from this point:
SupportElements &layer = move_bounds[start_element.state.layer_idx];
SupportElements &layer_above = move_bounds[start_element.state.layer_idx + 1];
for (size_t parent_idx = 0; parent_idx < start_element.parents.size(); ++ parent_idx) {
Branch branch;
if (parent_branch)
// Duplicate the last element of the trunk below.
// If this branch has a smaller diameter than the trunk below, its centerline will not be aligned with the centerline of the trunk.
branch.path.emplace_back(to_tree_element(config, slicing_params, start_element, parent_branch == nullptr));
// Traverse each branch until it branches again.
SupportElement &first_parent = layer_above[start_element.parents[parent_idx]];
assert(! first_parent.state.marked);
assert(branch.path.back().layer_idx + 1 == first_parent.state.layer_idx);
branch.path.emplace_back(to_tree_element(config, slicing_params, first_parent, false));
if (first_parent.parents.size() < 2)
first_parent.state.marked = true;
SupportElement *next_branch = nullptr;
if (first_parent.parents.size() == 1) {
for (SupportElement *parent = &first_parent;;) {
SupportElement &next_parent = move_bounds[parent->state.layer_idx + 1][parent->parents.front()];
assert(! next_parent.state.marked);
assert(branch.path.back().layer_idx + 1 == next_parent.state.layer_idx);
branch.path.emplace_back(to_tree_element(config, slicing_params, next_parent, false));
if (next_parent.parents.size() > 1) {
// Branching point was reached.
next_branch = &next_parent;
next_parent.state.marked = true;
if (next_parent.parents.size() == 0)
// Tip is reached.
parent = &next_parent;
} else if (first_parent.parents.size() > 1)
// Branching point was reached.
next_branch = &first_parent;
assert(branch.path.size() >= 2);
assert(next_branch == nullptr || ! next_branch->state.marked);
Branch *pbranch = &out.branches.back();
if (parent_branch) {
parent_branch->up.push_back({ pbranch });
pbranch->down = { parent_branch };
if (next_branch)
this->visit_recursive(move_bounds, *next_branch, pbranch, out);
if (parent_branch) {
// Update initial radii of thin branches merging with a trunk.
auto it_up_max_r = std::max_element(parent_branch->up.begin(), parent_branch->up.end(),
[](const Bifurcation &l, const Bifurcation &r){ return l.branch->path[1].radius < r.branch->path[1].radius; });
const float r1 = it_up_max_r->branch->path[1].radius;
const float radius_increment = unscaled<float>(config.branch_radius_increase_per_layer);
for (auto it = parent_branch->up.begin(); it != parent_branch->up.end(); ++ it)
if (it != it_up_max_r) {
Element &el = it->branch->path.front();
Element &el2 = it->branch->path[1];
if (! is_approx(r1, el2.radius))
el.radius = std::min(el.radius, el2.radius + radius_increment);
// Sort children of parent_branch by decreasing radius.
std::sort(parent_branch->up.begin(), parent_branch->up.end(),
[](const Bifurcation &l, const Bifurcation &r){ return l.branch->path.front().radius > r.branch->path.front().radius; });
// Update number of branches to be considered a continuation of the trunk during smoothing.
const float r_trunk = 0.75 * it_up_max_r->branch->path.front().radius;
parent_branch->num_up_trunk = 0;
for (const Bifurcation& up : parent_branch->up)
if (up.branch->path.front().radius < r_trunk)
++ parent_branch->num_up_trunk;
const TreeSupportSettings &config;
const SlicingParameters &slicing_params;
TreeVisitor visitor{ config, slicing_params };
for (SupportElements &elements : move_bounds)
for (SupportElement &el : elements)
el.state.marked = false;
Trees trees;
for (LayerIndex layer_idx = 0; layer_idx + 1 < LayerIndex(move_bounds.size()); ++ layer_idx) {
for (SupportElement &start_element : move_bounds[layer_idx]) {
if (! start_element.state.marked && ! start_element.parents.empty()) {
#if 0
// Verify that this node is a root, such that there is no element in the layer below
// that points to it.
int ielement = &start_element - move_bounds.data();
int found = 0;
if (layer_idx > 0) {
for (auto &el : move_bounds[layer_idx - 1]) {
for (auto iparent : el.parents)
if (iparent == ielement)
++ found;
if (found != 0)
printf("Found: %d\n", found);
visitor.visit_recursive(move_bounds, start_element, nullptr, trees.back());
assert(! trees.back().branches.empty());
assert(! trees.back().branches.front().path.empty());
#if 0
// Debugging: Only build trees with specific properties.
if (start_element.state.lost) {
else if (start_element.state.verylost) {
#if 1
for (SupportElements &elements : move_bounds)
for (SupportElement &el : elements)
el.state.marked = false;
return trees;
// Move bounds were propagated top to bottom. At each joint of branches the move bounds were reduced significantly.
// Now reflect the reduction of tree space by propagating the reduction of tree centerline space
// bottom-up starting with the bottom-most joint.
void trim_influence_areas_bottom_up(Forest &forest, const float dxy_dlayer)
struct Trimmer {
static void trim_recursive(Branch &branch, const float delta_r, const float dxy_dlayer) {
assert(delta_r >= 0);
if (delta_r > 0)
branch.path.front().influence_area = offset(branch.path.front().influence_area, delta_r);
for (size_t i = 1; i < branch.path.size(); ++ i)
branch.path[i].influence_area = intersection(branch.path[i].influence_area, offset(branch.path[i - 1].influence_area, dxy_dlayer));
const float r0 = branch.path.back().radius;
for (Bifurcation &up : branch.up) {
up.branch->path.front().influence_area = branch.path.back().influence_area;
trim_recursive(*up.branch, r0 - up.branch->path.front().radius, dxy_dlayer);
for (Tree &tree : forest) {
Branch &root = tree.root();
const float r0 = root.path.back().radius;
for (Bifurcation &up : root.up)
Trimmer::trim_recursive(*up.branch, r0 - up.branch->path.front().radius, dxy_dlayer);
// Straighten up and smooth centerlines inside their influence areas.
void smooth_trees_inside_influence_areas(Branch &root, bool is_root)
// Smooth the subtree:
// Apply laplacian and bilaplacian smoothing inside a branch,
// apply laplacian smoothing only at a bifurcation point.
// Applying a bilaplacian smoothing inside a branch should ensure curvature of the brach to be lower
// than the radius at each particular point of the centerline,
// while omitting bilaplacian smoothing at bifurcation points will create sharp bifurcations.
// Sharp bifurcations have a smaller volume, but just a tiny bit larger surfaces than smooth bifurcations
// where each continuation of the trunk satifies the path radius > centerline element radius.
const size_t num_iterations = 100;
struct StackElement {
Branch &branch;
size_t idx_up;
std::vector<StackElement> stack;
auto adjust_position = [](Element &el, Vec2f new_pos) {
Point new_pos_scaled = scaled<coord_t>(new_pos);
if (! contains(el.influence_area, new_pos_scaled)) {
int64_t min_dist = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
Point min_proj_scaled;
for (const Polygon& polygon : el.influence_area) {
Point proj_scaled = polygon.point_projection(new_pos_scaled);
if (int64_t dist = (proj_scaled - new_pos_scaled).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm(); dist < min_dist) {
min_dist = dist;
min_proj_scaled = proj_scaled;
new_pos = unscaled<float>(min_proj_scaled);
el.position.head<2>() = new_pos;
for (size_t iter = 0; iter < num_iterations; ++ iter) {
// 1) Back-up the current positions.
stack.push_back({ root, 0 });
while (! stack.empty()) {
StackElement &state = stack.back();
if (state.idx_up == state.branch.num_up_trunk) {
// Process this path.
for (auto &el : state.branch.path)
el.prev_position = el.position;
} else {
// Open another up node of this branch.
stack.push_back({ *state.branch.up[state.idx_up].branch, 0 });
++ state.idx_up;
// 2) Calculate new position.
stack.push_back({ root, 0 });
while (! stack.empty()) {
StackElement &state = stack.back();
if (state.idx_up == state.branch.num_up_trunk) {
// Process this path.
for (size_t i = 1; i + 1 < state.branch.path.size(); ++ i)
if (auto &el = state.branch.path[i]; ! el.locked) {
// Laplacian smoothing with 0.5 weight.
const Vec3f &p0 = state.branch.path[i - 1].prev_position;
const Vec3f &p1 = el.prev_position;
const Vec3f &p2 = state.branch.path[i + 1].prev_position;
adjust_position(el, 0.5 * p1.head<2>() + 0.25 * (p0.head<2>() + p2.head<2>()));
#if 0
// Only apply bilaplacian smoothing if the current curvature is smaller than el.radius.
// Interpolate p0, p1, p2 with a circle.
// First project p0, p1, p2 into a common plane.
const Vec3f n = (p1 - p0).cross(p2 - p1);
const Vec3f y = Vec3f(n.y(), n.x(), 0).normalized();
const Vec2f q0{ p0.z(), p0.dot(y) };
const Vec2f q1{ p1.z(), p1.dot(y) };
const Vec2f q2{ p2.z(), p2.dot(y) };
// Interpolate q0, q1, q2 with a circle, calculate its radius.
Vec2f b = q1 - q0;
Vec2f c = q2 - q0;
float lb = b.squaredNorm();
float lc = c.squaredNorm();
if (float d = b.x() * c.y() - b.y() * c.x(); std::abs(d) > EPSILON) {
Vec2f v = lc * b - lb * c;
float r2 = 0.25f * v.squaredNorm() / sqr(d);
if (r2 )
// Laplacian smoothing with 0.5 weight, branching point.
const Vec3f &p0 = state.branch.path[state.branch.path.size() - 2].prev_position;
const Vec3f &p1 = state.branch.path.back().prev_position;
float weight = 0;
Vec2f new_pos = Vec2f::Zero();
for (size_t i = 0; i < state.branch.num_up_trunk; ++i) {
const Element &el = state.branch.up[i].branch->path.front();
new_pos += el.prev_position.head<2>();
weight += el.radius;
const Element &el = state.branch.path[state.branch.path.size() - 2];
new_pos += el.prev_position.head<2>();
weight *= 2.f;
adjust_position(state.branch.path.back(), 0.5f * state.branch.path.back().prev_position.head<2>() + 0.5f * weight * new_pos);
} else {
// Open another up node of this branch.
stack.push_back({ *state.branch.up[state.idx_up].branch, 0 });
++ state.idx_up;
// Also smoothen start of the path.
if (Element &first = root.path.front(); ! first.locked) {
Element &second = root.path[1];
Vec2f new_pos = 0.75f * first.prev_position.head<2>() + 0.25f * second.prev_position.head<2>();
if (is_root)
// Let the root of the tree float inside its influence area.
adjust_position(first, new_pos);
else {
// Keep the start of a thin branch inside the trunk.
const Element &trunk = root.down.branch->path.back();
const float rdif = trunk.radius - root.path.front().radius;
assert(rdif >= 0);
Vec2f vdif = new_pos - trunk.prev_position.head<2>();
float ldif = vdif.squaredNorm();
if (ldif > sqr(rdif))
// Clamp new position.
new_pos = trunk.prev_position.head<2>() + vdif * rdif / sqrt(ldif);
first.position.head<2>() = new_pos;
void smooth_trees_inside_influence_areas(Forest &forest)
// Parallel for!
for (Tree &tree : forest)
smooth_trees_inside_influence_areas(tree.root(), true);
// Test whether two circles, each on its own plane in 3D intersect.
// Circles are considered intersecting, if the lowest point on one circle is below the other circle's plane.
// Assumption: The two planes are oriented the same way.
Reference in a new issue