Fixed Polygon::centroid()

Ported Polygon unit tests from Perl to C++.
This commit is contained in:
Vojtech Bubnik 2021-05-07 11:42:01 +02:00
parent 48cc1e6e34
commit 52b3c655ff
4 changed files with 122 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -155,17 +155,19 @@ void Polygon::triangulate_convex(Polygons* polygons) const
// center of mass
Point Polygon::centroid() const
double area_temp = this->area();
double x_temp = 0;
double y_temp = 0;
Polyline polyline = this->split_at_first_point();
for (Points::const_iterator point = polyline.points.begin(); point != polyline.points.end() - 1; ++point) {
x_temp += (double)( point->x() + (point+1)->x() ) * ( (double)point->x()*(point+1)->y() - (double)(point+1)->x()*point->y() );
y_temp += (double)( point->y() + (point+1)->y() ) * ( (double)point->x()*(point+1)->y() - (double)(point+1)->x()*point->y() );
double area_sum = 0.;
Vec2d c(0., 0.);
if (points.size() >= 3) {
Vec2d p1 = points.back().cast<double>();
for (const Point &p : points) {
Vec2d p2 = p.cast<double>();
double a = cross2(p1, p2);
area_sum += a;
c += (p1 + p2) * a;
p1 = p2;
return Point(x_temp/(6*area_temp), y_temp/(6*area_temp));
return Point(Vec2d(c / (3. * area_sum)));
// find all concave vertices (i.e. having an internal angle greater than the supplied angle)

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@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ public:
bool is_closed() const { return this->points.front() == this->points.back(); }
inline bool operator==(const Polyline &lhs, const Polyline &rhs) { return lhs.points == rhs.points; }
inline bool operator!=(const Polyline &lhs, const Polyline &rhs) { return lhs.points != rhs.points; }
// Don't use this class in production code, it is used exclusively by the Perl binding for unit tests!
class PolylineCollection

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@ -5,6 +5,112 @@
using namespace Slic3r;
SCENARIO("Converted Perl tests", "[Polygon]") {
GIVEN("ccw_square") {
Polygon ccw_square{ { 100, 100 }, { 200, 100 }, { 200, 200 }, { 100, 200 } };
Polygon cw_square(ccw_square);
THEN("ccw_square is valid") {
THEN("cw_square is valid") {
THEN("ccw_square.area") {
REQUIRE(ccw_square.area() == 100 * 100);
THEN("cw_square.area") {
REQUIRE(cw_square.area() == - 100 * 100);
THEN("ccw_square.centroid") {
REQUIRE(ccw_square.centroid() == Point { 150, 150 });
THEN("cw_square.centroid") {
REQUIRE(cw_square.centroid() == Point { 150, 150 });
THEN("ccw_square.contains_point(150, 150)") {
REQUIRE(ccw_square.contains({ 150, 150 }));
THEN("cw_square.contains_point(150, 150)") {
REQUIRE(cw_square.contains({ 150, 150 }));
THEN("conversion to lines") {
REQUIRE(ccw_square.lines() == Lines{
{ { 100, 100 }, { 200, 100 } },
{ { 200, 100 }, { 200, 200 } },
{ { 200, 200 }, { 100, 200 } },
{ { 100, 200 }, { 100, 100 } } });
THEN("split_at_first_point") {
REQUIRE(ccw_square.split_at_first_point() == Polyline { ccw_square[0], ccw_square[1], ccw_square[2], ccw_square[3], ccw_square[0] });
THEN("split_at_index(2)") {
REQUIRE(ccw_square.split_at_index(2) == Polyline { ccw_square[2], ccw_square[3], ccw_square[0], ccw_square[1], ccw_square[2] });
THEN("split_at_vertex(ccw_square[2])") {
REQUIRE(ccw_square.split_at_vertex(ccw_square[2]) == Polyline { ccw_square[2], ccw_square[3], ccw_square[0], ccw_square[1], ccw_square[2] });
THEN("is_counter_clockwise") {
THEN("! is_counter_clockwise") {
REQUIRE(! cw_square.is_counter_clockwise());
THEN("make_counter_clockwise") {
THEN("make_counter_clockwise^2") {
THEN("first_point") {
REQUIRE(&ccw_square.first_point() == &ccw_square.points.front());
GIVEN("Triangulating hexagon") {
Polygon hexagon{ { 100, 0 } };
for (size_t i = 1; i < 6; ++ i) {
Point p = hexagon.points.front();
p.rotate(PI / 3 * i);
Polygons triangles;
THEN("right number of triangles") {
REQUIRE(triangles.size() == 4);
THEN("all triangles are ccw") {
auto it = std::find_if(triangles.begin(), triangles.end(), [](const Polygon &tri) { return tri.is_clockwise(); });
REQUIRE(it == triangles.end());
GIVEN("General triangle") {
Polygon polygon { { 50000000, 100000000 }, { 300000000, 102000000 }, { 50000000, 104000000 } };
Line line { { 175992032, 102000000 }, { 47983964, 102000000 } };
Point intersection;
bool has_intersection = polygon.intersection(line, &intersection);
THEN("Intersection with line") {
REQUIRE(intersection == Point { 50000000, 102000000 });
TEST_CASE("Centroid of Trapezoid must be inside", "[Polygon][Utils]")
Slic3r::Polygon trapezoid {
{ 4702134, 1124765853 },
{ -4702134, 1124765853 },
{ -9404268, 1049531706 },
{ 9404268, 1049531706 },
Point centroid = trapezoid.centroid();
// This test currently only covers remove_collinear_points.
// All remaining tests are to be ported from xs/t/06_polygon.t

View file

@ -3,11 +3,8 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(first);
use Slic3r::XS;
use Test::More tests => 21;
use constant PI => 4 * atan2(1, 1);
use Test::More tests => 3;
my $square = [ # ccw
[100, 100],
@ -17,81 +14,8 @@ my $square = [ # ccw
my $polygon = Slic3r::Polygon->new(@$square);
my $cw_polygon = $polygon->clone;
ok $polygon->is_valid, 'is_valid';
is_deeply $polygon->pp, $square, 'polygon roundtrip';
is ref($polygon->arrayref), 'ARRAY', 'polygon arrayref is unblessed';
isa_ok $polygon->[0], 'Slic3r::Point::Ref', 'polygon point is blessed';
my $lines = $polygon->lines;
is_deeply [ map $_->pp, @$lines ], [
[ [100, 100], [200, 100] ],
[ [200, 100], [200, 200] ],
[ [200, 200], [100, 200] ],
[ [100, 200], [100, 100] ],
], 'polygon lines';
is_deeply $polygon->split_at_first_point->pp, [ @$square[0,1,2,3,0] ], 'split_at_first_point';
is_deeply $polygon->split_at_index(2)->pp, [ @$square[2,3,0,1,2] ], 'split_at_index';
is_deeply $polygon->split_at_vertex(Slic3r::Point->new(@{$square->[2]}))->pp, [ @$square[2,3,0,1,2] ], 'split_at';
is $polygon->area, 100*100, 'area';
ok $polygon->is_counter_clockwise, 'is_counter_clockwise';
ok !$cw_polygon->is_counter_clockwise, 'is_counter_clockwise';
my $clone = $polygon->clone;
ok !$clone->is_counter_clockwise, 'is_counter_clockwise';
ok $clone->is_counter_clockwise, 'make_counter_clockwise';
ok $clone->is_counter_clockwise, 'make_counter_clockwise';
ok ref($polygon->first_point) eq 'Slic3r::Point', 'first_point';
ok $polygon->contains_point(Slic3r::Point->new(150,150)), 'ccw contains_point';
ok $cw_polygon->contains_point(Slic3r::Point->new(150,150)), 'cw contains_point';
my @points = (Slic3r::Point->new(100,0));
foreach my $i (1..5) {
my $point = $points[0]->clone;
$point->rotate(PI/3*$i, [0,0]);
push @points, $point;
my $hexagon = Slic3r::Polygon->new(@points);
my $triangles = $hexagon->triangulate_convex;
is scalar(@$triangles), 4, 'right number of triangles';
ok !(defined first { $_->is_clockwise } @$triangles), 'all triangles are ccw';
is_deeply $polygon->centroid->pp, [150,150], 'centroid';
my $polygon = Slic3r::Polygon->new(
[50000000, 100000000],
[300000000, 102000000],
[50000000, 104000000],
my $line = Slic3r::Line->new([175992032,102000000], [47983964,102000000]);
my $intersection = $polygon->intersection($line);
is_deeply $intersection->pp, [50000000, 102000000], 'polygon-line intersection';
# this is not a test: this just demonstrates bad usage, where $polygon->clone gets
# DESTROY'ed before the derived object ($point), causing bad memory access
if (0) {
my $point;
$point = $polygon->clone->[0];