improving dynamic segmentation, simplifications in snapping angle logic

This commit is contained in:
PavelMikus 2022-08-03 14:52:33 +02:00 committed by Lukas Matena
parent 44a388d560
commit 52b9325f7c
2 changed files with 40 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace SeamPlacerImpl {
// ************ FOR BACKPORT COMPATIBILITY ONLY ***************
// Color mapping of a value into RGB false colors.
inline Vec3f value_to_rgbf(float minimum, float maximum, float value)
float ratio = 2.0f * (value - minimum) / (maximum - minimum);
float b = std::max(0.0f, (1.0f - ratio));
float r = std::max(0.0f, (ratio - 1.0f));
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ inline Vec3f value_to_rgbf(float minimum, float maximum, float value)
// Color mapping of a value into RGB false colors.
inline Vec3i value_to_rgbi(float minimum, float maximum, float value)
return (value_to_rgbf(minimum, maximum, value) * 255).cast<int>();
// ***************************
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ struct GlobalModelInfo {
return 1.0f;
auto compute_dist_to_plane = [](const Vec3f& position, const Vec3f& plane_origin, const Vec3f& plane_normal) {
auto compute_dist_to_plane = [](const Vec3f &position, const Vec3f &plane_origin, const Vec3f &plane_normal) {
Vec3f orig_to_point = position - plane_origin;
return std::abs(;
@ -421,9 +421,9 @@ Polygons extract_perimeter_polygons(const Layer *layer, const SeamPosition confi
if (ex_entity->is_collection()) { //collection of inner, outer, and overhang perimeters
for (const ExtrusionEntity *perimeter : static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ex_entity)->entities) {
ExtrusionRole role = perimeter->role();
if (perimeter->is_loop()){
for (const ExtrusionPath& path : static_cast<const ExtrusionLoop*>(perimeter)->paths){
if (path.role() == ExtrusionRole::erExternalPerimeter){
if (perimeter->is_loop()) {
for (const ExtrusionPath &path : static_cast<const ExtrusionLoop*>(perimeter)->paths) {
if (path.role() == ExtrusionRole::erExternalPerimeter) {
role = ExtrusionRole::erExternalPerimeter;
@ -512,11 +512,11 @@ void process_perimeter_polygon(const Polygon &orig_polygon, float z_coord, const
orig_point = true;
if (global_model_info.is_blocked(position, perimeter.flow_width * 0.5f)) {
if (global_model_info.is_blocked(position, perimeter.flow_width)) {
type = EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint::Blocked;
if (global_model_info.is_enforced(position, perimeter.flow_width * 0.5f)) {
if (global_model_info.is_enforced(position, perimeter.flow_width)) {
type = EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint::Enforced;
@ -592,8 +592,8 @@ void process_perimeter_polygon(const Polygon &orig_polygon, float z_coord, const
for (size_t point_idx = longest_patch.first; point_idx != longest_patch.second;
point_idx = next_index(point_idx)) {
if (compute_angle_penalty(result.points[point_idx].local_ccw_angle)
< SeamPlacer::sharp_angle_penalty_snapping_threshold) {
if (std::abs(result.points[point_idx].local_ccw_angle)
> SeamPlacer::sharp_angle_snapping_threshold) {
@ -794,10 +794,10 @@ struct SeamComparator {
// the penalites are kept close to range [0-1.x] however, it should not be relied upon
float penalty_a = a.visibility +
float penalty_a = a.overhang + a.visibility +
angle_importance * compute_angle_penalty(a.local_ccw_angle)
+ distance_penalty_a;
float penalty_b = b.visibility +
float penalty_b = b.overhang + b.visibility +
angle_importance * compute_angle_penalty(b.local_ccw_angle)
+ distance_penalty_b;
@ -848,9 +848,9 @@ struct SeamComparator {
return a.position.y() + SeamPlacer::seam_align_score_tolerance * 5.0f > b.position.y();
float penalty_a = a.visibility
float penalty_a = a.overhang + a.visibility
+ angle_importance * compute_angle_penalty(a.local_ccw_angle);
float penalty_b = b.visibility +
float penalty_b = b.overhang + b.visibility +
angle_importance * compute_angle_penalty(b.local_ccw_angle);
return penalty_a <= penalty_b || penalty_a - penalty_b < SeamPlacer::seam_align_score_tolerance;
@ -859,13 +859,6 @@ struct SeamComparator {
bool are_similar(const SeamCandidate &a, const SeamCandidate &b) const {
return is_first_not_much_worse(a, b) && is_first_not_much_worse(b, a);
float weight(const SeamCandidate &a) const {
if (setup == SeamPosition::spAligned && a.central_enforcer) {
return 10.0f;
return 1.0f / (0.1f + a.visibility + angle_importance * compute_angle_penalty(a.local_ccw_angle) / (1.0f + angle_importance));
@ -1138,10 +1131,11 @@ void SeamPlacer::calculate_overhangs_and_layer_embedding(const PrintObject *po)
for (SeamCandidate &perimeter_point : layers[layer_idx].points) {
Point point = Point::new_scale(Vec2f { perimeter_point.position.head<2>() });
if (prev_layer_distancer.get() != nullptr) {
perimeter_point.overhang = prev_layer_distancer->distance_from_perimeter(point)
perimeter_point.overhang = (prev_layer_distancer->distance_from_perimeter(point)
+ 0.5f * perimeter_point.perimeter.flow_width
- tan(SeamPlacer::overhang_angle_threshold * PI / 180.0f)
* po->layers()[layer_idx]->height;
- tan(SeamPlacer::overhang_angle_threshold)
* po->layers()[layer_idx]->height)
/ (3.0f * perimeter_point.perimeter.flow_width);
if (should_compute_layer_embedding) { // search for embedded perimeter points (points hidden inside the print ,e.g. multimaterial join, best position for seam)
@ -1165,7 +1159,7 @@ void SeamPlacer::calculate_overhangs_and_layer_embedding(const PrintObject *po)
// Used by align_seam_points().
std::optional<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> SeamPlacer::find_next_seam_in_layer(
const std::vector<PrintObjectSeamData::LayerSeams> &layers,
const Vec3f& projected_position,
const Vec3f &projected_position,
const size_t layer_idx, const float max_distance,
const SeamPlacerImpl::SeamComparator &comparator) const {
using namespace SeamPlacerImpl;
@ -1251,7 +1245,8 @@ std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> SeamPlacer::find_seam_string(const PrintO
float max_distance = SeamPlacer::seam_align_tolerable_dist;
float max_distance = SeamPlacer::seam_align_tolerable_dist_factor *
Vec3f prev_position = layers[prev_point_index.first].points[prev_point_index.second].position;
Vec3f projected_position = prev_position;
projected_position.z() = float(po->get_layer(next_layer)->slice_z);
@ -1378,26 +1373,27 @@ void SeamPlacer::align_seam_points(const PrintObject *po, const SeamPlacerImpl::
auto angle_weight = [](float angle){
return 1.0f / (0.1f + compute_angle_penalty(angle));
float sharp_angle_weight = angle_weight(SeamPlacer::sharp_angle_snapping_threshold);
//gather points positions and weights
float sharp_length = 0.0f;
Vec3f last_point_pos = layers[seam_string[0].first].points[seam_string[0].second].position;
size_t segments_count = 0;
for (size_t index = 0; index < seam_string.size(); ++index) {
const SeamCandidate &point = layers[seam_string[index].first].points[seam_string[index].second];
Vec3f pos = point.position;
observations[index] = pos.head<2>();
observation_points[index] = pos.z();
weights[index] = comparator.weight(point);
float angle_penalty = compute_angle_penalty(point.local_ccw_angle);
float dist = (last_point_pos - pos).norm();
sharp_length += dist * 1.0f / (0.1f + 0.7f*angle_penalty);
weights[index] = angle_weight(point.local_ccw_angle);
bool is_enforced = point.type == EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint::Enforced;
if (is_enforced) sharp_length+= dist;
last_point_pos = pos;
if (is_enforced || weights[index] > sharp_angle_weight) {
// Curve Fitting
size_t number_of_segments = std::max(size_t(1),
size_t(sharp_length / SeamPlacer::seam_align_sharp_mm_per_segment));
size_t number_of_segments = std::max(size_t(1), size_t(segments_count / SeamPlacer::seam_align_seams_per_segment));
auto curve = Geometry::fit_cubic_bspline(observations, observation_points, weights, number_of_segments);
// Do alignment - compute fitted point for each point in the string from its Z coord, and store the position into

View file

@ -128,13 +128,10 @@ public:
// arm length used during angles computation
static constexpr float polygon_local_angles_arm_distance = 0.3f;
// value for angles with penalty lower than this threshold - such angles will be snapped to their original position instead of spline interpolated position
static constexpr float sharp_angle_penalty_snapping_threshold = 0.6f;
// max allowed overhang angle for seam placement, in degrees, measured from vertical direction
//TODO There is some problem in layer distance computation, so the current angle is much lower to counter that issue
// However, it should be fixed correctly
static constexpr float overhang_angle_threshold = 50.0f;
// snapping angle - angles larger than this value will be snapped to during seam painting
static constexpr float sharp_angle_snapping_threshold = 55.0f * float(PI) / 180.0f;
// overhang angle for seam placement that still yields good results, in degrees, measured from vertical direction
static constexpr float overhang_angle_threshold = 50.0f * float(PI) / 180.0f;
// determines angle importance compared to visibility ( neutral value is 1.0f. )
static constexpr float angle_importance_aligned = 0.6f;
@ -146,12 +143,12 @@ public:
// When searching for seam clusters for alignment:
// following value describes, how much worse score can point have and still be picked into seam cluster instead of original seam point on the same layer
static constexpr float seam_align_score_tolerance = 0.3f;
// seam_align_tolerable_dist - if next layer closest point is too far away, break aligned string
static constexpr float seam_align_tolerable_dist = 1.0f;
// seam_align_tolerable_dist_factor - how far to search for seam from current position, final dist is seam_align_tolerable_dist_factor * flow_width
static constexpr float seam_align_tolerable_dist_factor = 4.0f;
// minimum number of seams needed in cluster to make alignment happen
static constexpr size_t seam_align_minimum_string_seams = 6;
// millimeters of sharp corners covered by spline; determines number of splines for the given string
static constexpr float seam_align_sharp_mm_per_segment = 4.0f;
// number of seams per bspline segment
static constexpr float seam_align_seams_per_segment = 8.0f;
//The following data structures hold all perimeter points for all PrintObject.
std::unordered_map<const PrintObject*, PrintObjectSeamData> m_seam_per_object;