Initial port of Arachne from Cura.
This commit is contained in:
51 changed files with 7833 additions and 5 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <cassert>
#include "BeadingStrategy.hpp"
#include "Point.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
BeadingStrategy::BeadingStrategy(coord_t optimal_width, coord_t default_transition_length, float transitioning_angle)
: optimal_width(optimal_width)
, default_transition_length(default_transition_length)
, transitioning_angle(transitioning_angle)
name = "Unknown";
coord_t BeadingStrategy::getTransitioningLength(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
if (lower_bead_count == 0)
return scaled<coord_t>(0.01);
return default_transition_length;
float BeadingStrategy::getTransitionAnchorPos(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
coord_t lower_optimum = getOptimalThickness(lower_bead_count);
coord_t transition_point = getTransitionThickness(lower_bead_count);
coord_t upper_optimum = getOptimalThickness(lower_bead_count + 1);
return 1.0 - float(transition_point - lower_optimum) / float(upper_optimum - lower_optimum);
std::vector<coord_t> BeadingStrategy::getNonlinearThicknesses(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
return std::vector<coord_t>();
std::string BeadingStrategy::toString() const
return name;
coord_t BeadingStrategy::getDefaultTransitionLength() const
return default_transition_length;
coord_t BeadingStrategy::getOptimalWidth() const
return optimal_width;
double BeadingStrategy::getTransitioningAngle() const
return transitioning_angle;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
// CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <memory>
#include "../../libslic3r.h"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
template<typename T> constexpr T pi_div(const T div) { return static_cast<T>(M_PI) / div; }
* Mostly virtual base class template.
* Strategy for covering a given (constant) horizontal model thickness with a number of beads.
* The beads may have different widths.
* TODO: extend with printing order?
class BeadingStrategy
* The beading for a given horizontal model thickness.
struct Beading
coord_t total_thickness;
std::vector<coord_t> bead_widths; //! The line width of each bead from the outer inset inward
std::vector<coord_t> toolpath_locations; //! The distance of the toolpath location of each bead from the outline
coord_t left_over; //! The distance not covered by any bead; gap area.
BeadingStrategy(coord_t optimal_width, coord_t default_transition_length, float transitioning_angle = pi_div(3));
virtual ~BeadingStrategy() {}
* Retrieve the bead widths with which to cover a given thickness.
* Requirement: Given a constant \p bead_count the output of each bead width must change gradually along with the \p thickness.
* \note The \p bead_count might be different from the \ref BeadingStrategy::optimal_bead_count
virtual Beading compute(coord_t thickness, coord_t bead_count) const = 0;
* The ideal thickness for a given \param bead_count
virtual coord_t getOptimalThickness(coord_t bead_count) const = 0;
* The model thickness at which \ref BeadingStrategy::optimal_bead_count transitions from \p lower_bead_count to \p lower_bead_count + 1
virtual coord_t getTransitionThickness(coord_t lower_bead_count) const = 0;
* The number of beads should we ideally usefor a given model thickness
virtual coord_t getOptimalBeadCount(coord_t thickness) const = 0;
* The length of the transitioning region along the marked / significant regions of the skeleton.
* Transitions are used to smooth out the jumps in integer bead count; the jumps turn into ramps with some incline defined by their length.
virtual coord_t getTransitioningLength(coord_t lower_bead_count) const;
* The fraction of the transition length to put between the lower end of the transition and the point where the unsmoothed bead count jumps.
* Transitions are used to smooth out the jumps in integer bead count; the jumps turn into ramps which could be positioned relative to the jump location.
virtual float getTransitionAnchorPos(coord_t lower_bead_count) const;
* Get the locations in a bead count region where \ref BeadingStrategy::compute exhibits a bend in the widths.
* Ordered from lower thickness to higher.
* This is used to insert extra support bones into the skeleton, so that the resulting beads in long trapezoids don't linearly change between the two ends.
virtual std::vector<coord_t> getNonlinearThicknesses(coord_t lower_bead_count) const;
virtual std::string toString() const;
coord_t getOptimalWidth() const;
coord_t getDefaultTransitionLength() const;
double getTransitioningAngle() const;
std::string name;
coord_t optimal_width; //! Optimal bead width, nominal width off the walls in 'ideal' circumstances.
coord_t default_transition_length; //! The length of the region to smoothly transfer between bead counts
* The maximum angle between outline segments smaller than which we are going to add transitions
* Equals 180 - the "limit bisector angle" from the paper
double transitioning_angle;
using BeadingStrategyPtr = std::unique_ptr<BeadingStrategy>;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
//Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "BeadingStrategyFactory.hpp"
#include "LimitedBeadingStrategy.hpp"
#include "CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy.hpp"
#include "WideningBeadingStrategy.hpp"
#include "DistributedBeadingStrategy.hpp"
#include "RedistributeBeadingStrategy.hpp"
#include "OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy.hpp"
#include <limits>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
coord_t getWeightedAverage(const coord_t preferred_bead_width_outer, const coord_t preferred_bead_width_inner, const coord_t max_bead_count)
if(max_bead_count > preferred_bead_width_outer - preferred_bead_width_inner)
//The difference between outer and inner bead width would be spread out across so many lines that rounding errors would destroy the difference.
//Also catches the case of max_bead_count being "infinite" (max integer).
return (preferred_bead_width_outer + preferred_bead_width_inner) / 2;
if (max_bead_count > 2)
return ((preferred_bead_width_outer * 2) + preferred_bead_width_inner * (max_bead_count - 2)) / max_bead_count;
if (max_bead_count <= 0)
return preferred_bead_width_inner;
return preferred_bead_width_outer;
BeadingStrategyPtr BeadingStrategyFactory::makeStrategy
const BeadingStrategyType type,
const coord_t preferred_bead_width_outer,
const coord_t preferred_bead_width_inner,
const coord_t preferred_transition_length,
const float transitioning_angle,
const bool print_thin_walls,
const coord_t min_bead_width,
const coord_t min_feature_size,
const double wall_split_middle_threshold,
const double wall_add_middle_threshold,
const coord_t max_bead_count,
const coord_t outer_wall_offset,
const int inward_distributed_center_wall_count,
const double minimum_variable_line_width
using std::make_unique;
using std::move;
const coord_t bar_preferred_wall_width = getWeightedAverage(preferred_bead_width_outer, preferred_bead_width_inner, max_bead_count);
BeadingStrategyPtr ret;
switch (type)
case BeadingStrategyType::Center:
ret = make_unique<CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy>(bar_preferred_wall_width, transitioning_angle, wall_split_middle_threshold, wall_add_middle_threshold);
case BeadingStrategyType::Distributed:
ret = make_unique<DistributedBeadingStrategy>(bar_preferred_wall_width, preferred_transition_length, transitioning_angle, wall_split_middle_threshold, wall_add_middle_threshold, std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
case BeadingStrategyType::InwardDistributed:
ret = make_unique<DistributedBeadingStrategy>(bar_preferred_wall_width, preferred_transition_length, transitioning_angle, wall_split_middle_threshold, wall_add_middle_threshold, inward_distributed_center_wall_count);
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Cannot make strategy!";
return nullptr;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Applying the Widening Beading meta-strategy with minimum input width " << min_feature_size << " and minimum output width " << min_bead_width << ".";
ret = make_unique<WideningBeadingStrategy>(move(ret), min_feature_size, min_bead_width);
if (max_bead_count > 0)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Applying the Redistribute meta-strategy with outer-wall width = " << preferred_bead_width_outer << ", inner-wall width = " << preferred_bead_width_inner;
ret = make_unique<RedistributeBeadingStrategy>(preferred_bead_width_outer, preferred_bead_width_inner, minimum_variable_line_width, move(ret));
//Apply the LimitedBeadingStrategy last, since that adds a 0-width marker wall which other beading strategies shouldn't touch.
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Applying the Limited Beading meta-strategy with maximum bead count = " << max_bead_count << ".";
ret = make_unique<LimitedBeadingStrategy>(max_bead_count, move(ret));
if (outer_wall_offset > 0)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Applying the OuterWallOffset meta-strategy with offset = " << outer_wall_offset << ".";
ret = make_unique<OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy>(outer_wall_offset, move(ret));
return ret;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
// CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "BeadingStrategy.hpp"
#include "../../Point.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
class BeadingStrategyFactory
static BeadingStrategyPtr makeStrategy
const BeadingStrategyType type,
const coord_t preferred_bead_width_outer = scaled<coord_t>(0.0005),
const coord_t preferred_bead_width_inner = scaled<coord_t>(0.0005),
const coord_t preferred_transition_length = scaled<coord_t>(0.0004),
const float transitioning_angle = M_PI / 4.0,
const bool print_thin_walls = false,
const coord_t min_bead_width = 0,
const coord_t min_feature_size = 0,
const double wall_split_middle_threshold = 0.5,
const double wall_add_middle_threshold = 0.5,
const coord_t max_bead_count = 0,
const coord_t outer_wall_offset = 0,
const int inward_distributed_center_wall_count = 2,
const double minimum_variable_line_width = 0.5
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
// CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <algorithm>
#include "CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy::CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy(const coord_t pref_bead_width,
const double transitioning_angle,
const double wall_split_middle_threshold,
const double wall_add_middle_threshold)
: BeadingStrategy(pref_bead_width, pref_bead_width / 2, transitioning_angle),
minimum_line_width_split(pref_bead_width * wall_split_middle_threshold),
minimum_line_width_add(pref_bead_width * wall_add_middle_threshold)
name = "CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy";
CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy::Beading CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy::compute(coord_t thickness, coord_t bead_count) const
Beading ret;
ret.total_thickness = thickness;
if (bead_count > 0)
// Set the bead widths
ret.bead_widths = std::vector<coord_t>(static_cast<size_t>(bead_count), optimal_width);
const coord_t optimal_thickness = getOptimalThickness(bead_count);
const coord_t diff_thickness = thickness - optimal_thickness; //Amount of deviation. Either spread out over the middle 2 lines, or concentrated in the center line.
const size_t center_bead_idx = ret.bead_widths.size() / 2;
if (bead_count % 2 == 0) // Even lines
const coord_t inner_bead_widths = optimal_width + diff_thickness / 2;
if (inner_bead_widths < minimum_line_width_add)
return compute(thickness, bead_count - 1);
ret.bead_widths[center_bead_idx - 1] = inner_bead_widths;
ret.bead_widths[center_bead_idx] = inner_bead_widths;
else // Uneven lines
const coord_t inner_bead_widths = optimal_width + diff_thickness;
if (inner_bead_widths < minimum_line_width_split)
return compute(thickness, bead_count - 1);
ret.bead_widths[center_bead_idx] = inner_bead_widths;
// Set the center line location of the bead toolpaths.
ret.toolpath_locations.front() = ret.bead_widths.front() / 2;
for (size_t bead_idx = 1; bead_idx < ret.bead_widths.size(); ++bead_idx)
ret.toolpath_locations[bead_idx] =
ret.toolpath_locations[bead_idx - 1] + (ret.bead_widths[bead_idx] + ret.bead_widths[bead_idx - 1]) / 2;
ret.left_over = 0;
ret.left_over = thickness;
return ret;
coord_t CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy::getOptimalThickness(coord_t bead_count) const
return bead_count * optimal_width;
coord_t CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy::getTransitionThickness(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
return lower_bead_count * optimal_width + (lower_bead_count % 2 == 1 ? minimum_line_width_split : minimum_line_width_add);
coord_t CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy::getOptimalBeadCount(coord_t thickness) const
const coord_t naive_count = thickness / optimal_width; // How many lines we can fit in for sure.
const coord_t remainder = thickness - naive_count * optimal_width; // Space left after fitting that many lines.
const coord_t minimum_line_width = naive_count % 2 == 1 ? minimum_line_width_split : minimum_line_width_add;
return naive_count + (remainder > minimum_line_width); // If there's enough space, fit an extra one.
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
// CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "BeadingStrategy.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
* This beading strategy makes the deviation in the thickness of the part
* entirely compensated by the innermost wall.
* The outermost walls all use the ideal width, as far as possible.
class CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy : public BeadingStrategy
// For uneven numbers of lines: Minimum line width for which the middle line will be split into two lines.
coord_t minimum_line_width_split;
// For even numbers of lines: Minimum line width for which a new middle line will be added between the two innermost lines.
coord_t minimum_line_width_add;
CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy(coord_t pref_bead_width,
double transitioning_angle,
double wall_split_middle_threshold,
double wall_add_middle_threshold);
~CenterDeviationBeadingStrategy() override{};
Beading compute(coord_t thickness, coord_t bead_count) const override;
coord_t getOptimalThickness(coord_t bead_count) const override;
coord_t getTransitionThickness(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
coord_t getOptimalBeadCount(coord_t thickness) const override;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
// CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <numeric>
#include "DistributedBeadingStrategy.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
DistributedBeadingStrategy::DistributedBeadingStrategy(const coord_t optimal_width,
const coord_t default_transition_length,
const double transitioning_angle,
const double wall_split_middle_threshold,
const double wall_add_middle_threshold,
const int distribution_radius)
: BeadingStrategy(optimal_width, default_transition_length, transitioning_angle)
, wall_split_middle_threshold(wall_split_middle_threshold)
, wall_add_middle_threshold(wall_add_middle_threshold)
if(distribution_radius >= 2)
one_over_distribution_radius_squared = 1.0f / (distribution_radius - 1) * 1.0f / (distribution_radius - 1);
one_over_distribution_radius_squared = 1.0f / 1 * 1.0f / 1;
name = "DistributedBeadingStrategy";
DistributedBeadingStrategy::Beading DistributedBeadingStrategy::compute(coord_t thickness, coord_t bead_count) const
Beading ret;
ret.total_thickness = thickness;
if (bead_count > 2)
const coord_t to_be_divided = thickness - bead_count * optimal_width;
const float middle = static_cast<float>(bead_count - 1) / 2;
const auto getWeight = [middle, this](coord_t bead_idx)
const float dev_from_middle = bead_idx - middle;
return std::max(0.0f, 1.0f - one_over_distribution_radius_squared * dev_from_middle * dev_from_middle);
std::vector<float> weights;
for (coord_t bead_idx = 0; bead_idx < bead_count; bead_idx++)
weights[bead_idx] = getWeight(bead_idx);
const float total_weight = std::accumulate(weights.cbegin(), weights.cend(), 0.f);
for (coord_t bead_idx = 0; bead_idx < bead_count; bead_idx++)
const float weight_fraction = weights[bead_idx] / total_weight;
const coord_t splitup_left_over_weight = to_be_divided * weight_fraction;
const coord_t width = optimal_width + splitup_left_over_weight;
if (bead_idx == 0)
ret.toolpath_locations.emplace_back(width / 2);
ret.toolpath_locations.emplace_back(ret.toolpath_locations.back() + (ret.bead_widths.back() + width) / 2);
ret.left_over = 0;
else if (bead_count == 2)
const coord_t outer_width = thickness / 2;
ret.toolpath_locations.emplace_back(outer_width / 2);
ret.toolpath_locations.emplace_back(thickness - outer_width / 2);
ret.left_over = 0;
else if (bead_count == 1)
const coord_t outer_width = thickness;
ret.toolpath_locations.emplace_back(outer_width / 2);
ret.left_over = 0;
ret.left_over = thickness;
return ret;
coord_t DistributedBeadingStrategy::getOptimalThickness(coord_t bead_count) const
return bead_count * optimal_width;
coord_t DistributedBeadingStrategy::getTransitionThickness(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
return lower_bead_count * optimal_width + optimal_width * (lower_bead_count % 2 == 1 ? wall_split_middle_threshold : wall_add_middle_threshold);
coord_t DistributedBeadingStrategy::getOptimalBeadCount(coord_t thickness) const
return (thickness + optimal_width / 2) / optimal_width;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
// CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "BeadingStrategy.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
* This beading strategy chooses a wall count that would make the line width
* deviate the least from the optimal line width, and then distributes the lines
* evenly among the thickness available.
class DistributedBeadingStrategy : public BeadingStrategy
// For uneven numbers of lines: Minimum factor of the optimal width for which the middle line will be split into two lines.
double wall_split_middle_threshold;
// For even numbers of lines: Minimum factor of the optimal width for which a new middle line will be added between the two innermost lines.
double wall_add_middle_threshold;
float one_over_distribution_radius_squared; // (1 / distribution_radius)^2
* \param distribution_radius the radius (in number of beads) over which to distribute the discrepancy between the feature size and the optimal thickness
DistributedBeadingStrategy( const coord_t optimal_width,
const coord_t default_transition_length,
const double transitioning_angle,
const double wall_split_middle_threshold,
const double wall_add_middle_threshold,
const int distribution_radius);
virtual ~DistributedBeadingStrategy() override {}
Beading compute(coord_t thickness, coord_t bead_count) const override;
coord_t getOptimalThickness(coord_t bead_count) const override;
coord_t getTransitionThickness(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
coord_t getOptimalBeadCount(coord_t thickness) const override;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <cassert>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include "LimitedBeadingStrategy.hpp"
#include "Point.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
std::string LimitedBeadingStrategy::toString() const
return std::string("LimitedBeadingStrategy+") + parent->toString();
coord_t LimitedBeadingStrategy::getTransitioningLength(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
return parent->getTransitioningLength(lower_bead_count);
float LimitedBeadingStrategy::getTransitionAnchorPos(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
return parent->getTransitionAnchorPos(lower_bead_count);
LimitedBeadingStrategy::LimitedBeadingStrategy(const coord_t max_bead_count, BeadingStrategyPtr parent)
: BeadingStrategy(parent->getOptimalWidth(), /*default_transition_length=*/-1, parent->getTransitioningAngle())
, max_bead_count(max_bead_count)
, parent(std::move(parent))
if (max_bead_count % 2 == 1)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "LimitedBeadingStrategy with odd bead count is odd indeed!";
LimitedBeadingStrategy::Beading LimitedBeadingStrategy::compute(coord_t thickness, coord_t bead_count) const
if (bead_count <= max_bead_count)
Beading ret = parent->compute(thickness, bead_count);
bead_count = ret.toolpath_locations.size();
if (bead_count % 2 == 0 && bead_count == max_bead_count)
const coord_t innermost_toolpath_location = ret.toolpath_locations[max_bead_count / 2 - 1];
const coord_t innermost_toolpath_width = ret.bead_widths[max_bead_count / 2 - 1];
ret.toolpath_locations.insert(ret.toolpath_locations.begin() + max_bead_count / 2, innermost_toolpath_location + innermost_toolpath_width / 2);
ret.bead_widths.insert(ret.bead_widths.begin() + max_bead_count / 2, 0);
return ret;
assert(bead_count == max_bead_count + 1);
if(bead_count != max_bead_count + 1)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "Too many beads! " << bead_count << " != " << max_bead_count + 1;
coord_t optimal_thickness = parent->getOptimalThickness(max_bead_count);
Beading ret = parent->compute(optimal_thickness, max_bead_count);
bead_count = ret.toolpath_locations.size();
ret.left_over += thickness - ret.total_thickness;
ret.total_thickness = thickness;
// Enforce symmetry
if (bead_count % 2 == 1)
ret.toolpath_locations[bead_count / 2] = thickness / 2;
ret.bead_widths[bead_count / 2] = thickness - optimal_thickness;
for (coord_t bead_idx = 0; bead_idx < (bead_count + 1) / 2; bead_idx++)
ret.toolpath_locations[bead_count - 1 - bead_idx] = thickness - ret.toolpath_locations[bead_idx];
//Create a "fake" inner wall with 0 width to indicate the edge of the walled area.
//This wall can then be used by other structures to e.g. fill the infill area adjacent to the variable-width walls.
coord_t innermost_toolpath_location = ret.toolpath_locations[max_bead_count / 2 - 1];
coord_t innermost_toolpath_width = ret.bead_widths[max_bead_count / 2 - 1];
ret.toolpath_locations.insert(ret.toolpath_locations.begin() + max_bead_count / 2, innermost_toolpath_location + innermost_toolpath_width / 2);
ret.bead_widths.insert(ret.bead_widths.begin() + max_bead_count / 2, 0);
//Symmetry on both sides. Symmetry is guaranteed since this code is stopped early if the bead_count <= max_bead_count, and never reaches this point then.
const size_t opposite_bead = bead_count - (max_bead_count / 2 - 1);
innermost_toolpath_location = ret.toolpath_locations[opposite_bead];
innermost_toolpath_width = ret.bead_widths[opposite_bead];
ret.toolpath_locations.insert(ret.toolpath_locations.begin() + opposite_bead, innermost_toolpath_location - innermost_toolpath_width / 2);
ret.bead_widths.insert(ret.bead_widths.begin() + opposite_bead, 0);
return ret;
coord_t LimitedBeadingStrategy::getOptimalThickness(coord_t bead_count) const
if (bead_count <= max_bead_count)
return parent->getOptimalThickness(bead_count);
return scaled<coord_t>(1000.); // 1 meter (Cura was returning 10 meter)
coord_t LimitedBeadingStrategy::getTransitionThickness(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
if (lower_bead_count < max_bead_count)
return parent->getTransitionThickness(lower_bead_count);
if (lower_bead_count == max_bead_count)
return parent->getOptimalThickness(lower_bead_count + 1) - scaled<coord_t>(0.01);
return scaled<coord_t>(900.); // 0.9 meter;
coord_t LimitedBeadingStrategy::getOptimalBeadCount(coord_t thickness) const
coord_t parent_bead_count = parent->getOptimalBeadCount(thickness);
if (parent_bead_count <= max_bead_count)
return parent->getOptimalBeadCount(thickness);
else if (parent_bead_count == max_bead_count + 1)
if (thickness < parent->getOptimalThickness(max_bead_count + 1) - scaled<coord_t>(0.01))
return max_bead_count;
return max_bead_count + 1;
else return max_bead_count + 1;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "BeadingStrategy.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
* This is a meta-strategy that can be applied on top of any other beading
* strategy, which limits the thickness of the walls to the thickness that the
* lines can reasonably print.
* The width of the wall is limited to the maximum number of contours times the
* maximum width of each of these contours.
* If the width of the wall gets limited, this strategy outputs one additional
* bead with 0 width. This bead is used to denote the limits of the walled area.
* Other structures can then use this border to align their structures to, such
* as to create correctly overlapping infill or skin, or to align the infill
* pattern to any extra infill walls.
class LimitedBeadingStrategy : public BeadingStrategy
LimitedBeadingStrategy(const coord_t max_bead_count, BeadingStrategyPtr parent);
virtual ~LimitedBeadingStrategy() override = default;
Beading compute(coord_t thickness, coord_t bead_count) const override;
coord_t getOptimalThickness(coord_t bead_count) const override;
coord_t getTransitionThickness(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
coord_t getOptimalBeadCount(coord_t thickness) const override;
virtual std::string toString() const override;
coord_t getTransitioningLength(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
float getTransitionAnchorPos(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
const coord_t max_bead_count;
const BeadingStrategyPtr parent;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy::OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy(coord_t outer_wall_offset, BeadingStrategyPtr parent) :
BeadingStrategy(parent->getOptimalWidth(), parent->getDefaultTransitionLength(), parent->getTransitioningAngle()),
name = "OuterWallOfsetBeadingStrategy";
coord_t OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy::getOptimalThickness(coord_t bead_count) const
return parent->getOptimalThickness(bead_count);
coord_t OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy::getTransitionThickness(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
return parent->getTransitionThickness(lower_bead_count);
coord_t OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy::getOptimalBeadCount(coord_t thickness) const
return parent->getOptimalBeadCount(thickness);
coord_t OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy::getTransitioningLength(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
return parent->getTransitioningLength(lower_bead_count);
std::string OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy::toString() const
return std::string("OuterWallOfsetBeadingStrategy+") + parent->toString();
BeadingStrategy::Beading OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy::compute(coord_t thickness, coord_t bead_count) const
Beading ret = parent->compute(thickness, bead_count);
// Actual count and thickness as represented by extant walls. Don't count any potential zero-width 'signaling' walls.
bead_count = std::count_if(ret.bead_widths.begin(), ret.bead_widths.end(), [](const coord_t width) { return width > 0; });
// No need to apply any inset if there is just a single wall.
if (bead_count < 2)
return ret;
// Actually move the outer wall inside. Ensure that the outer wall never goes beyond the middle line.
ret.toolpath_locations[0] = std::min(ret.toolpath_locations[0] + outer_wall_offset, thickness / 2);
return ret;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "BeadingStrategy.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
* This is a meta strategy that allows for the outer wall to be inset towards the inside of the model.
class OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy : public BeadingStrategy
OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy(coord_t outer_wall_offset, BeadingStrategyPtr parent);
virtual ~OuterWallInsetBeadingStrategy() = default;
Beading compute(coord_t thickness, coord_t bead_count) const override;
coord_t getOptimalThickness(coord_t bead_count) const override;
coord_t getTransitionThickness(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
coord_t getOptimalBeadCount(coord_t thickness) const override;
coord_t getTransitioningLength(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
std::string toString() const override;
BeadingStrategyPtr parent;
coord_t outer_wall_offset;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
//Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "RedistributeBeadingStrategy.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
RedistributeBeadingStrategy::RedistributeBeadingStrategy( const coord_t optimal_width_outer,
const coord_t optimal_width_inner,
const double minimum_variable_line_width,
BeadingStrategyPtr parent) :
BeadingStrategy(parent->getOptimalWidth(), parent->getDefaultTransitionLength(), parent->getTransitioningAngle()),
name = "RedistributeBeadingStrategy";
coord_t RedistributeBeadingStrategy::getOptimalThickness(coord_t bead_count) const
const coord_t inner_bead_count = bead_count > 2 ? bead_count - 2 : 0;
const coord_t outer_bead_count = bead_count - inner_bead_count;
return parent->getOptimalThickness(inner_bead_count) + optimal_width_outer * outer_bead_count;
coord_t RedistributeBeadingStrategy::getTransitionThickness(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
return parent->getTransitionThickness(lower_bead_count);
coord_t RedistributeBeadingStrategy::getOptimalBeadCount(coord_t thickness) const
return parent->getOptimalBeadCount(thickness);
coord_t RedistributeBeadingStrategy::getTransitioningLength(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
return parent->getTransitioningLength(lower_bead_count);
float RedistributeBeadingStrategy::getTransitionAnchorPos(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
return parent->getTransitionAnchorPos(lower_bead_count);
std::string RedistributeBeadingStrategy::toString() const
return std::string("RedistributeBeadingStrategy+") + parent->toString();
BeadingStrategy::Beading RedistributeBeadingStrategy::compute(coord_t thickness, coord_t bead_count) const
Beading ret;
if (bead_count > 2)
const coord_t inner_transition_width = optimal_width_inner * minimum_variable_line_width;
const coord_t outer_bead_width =
getOptimalOuterBeadWidth(thickness, optimal_width_outer, inner_transition_width);
// Outer wall is locked in size and position for wall regions of 3 and higher which have at least a
// thickness equal to two times the optimal outer width and the minimal inner wall width.
const coord_t virtual_thickness = thickness - outer_bead_width * 2;
const coord_t virtual_bead_count = bead_count - 2;
// Calculate the beads and widths of the inner walls only
ret = parent->compute(virtual_thickness, virtual_bead_count);
// Insert the outer beads
ret.bead_widths.insert(ret.bead_widths.begin(), outer_bead_width);
ret = parent->compute(thickness, bead_count);
// Filter out beads that violate the minimum inner wall widths and recompute if necessary
const coord_t outer_transition_width = optimal_width_inner * minimum_variable_line_width;
const bool removed_inner_beads = validateInnerBeadWidths(ret, outer_transition_width);
if (removed_inner_beads)
ret = compute(thickness, bead_count - 1);
// Ensure that the positions of the beads are distributed over the thickness
resetToolPathLocations(ret, thickness);
return ret;
coord_t RedistributeBeadingStrategy::getOptimalOuterBeadWidth(const coord_t thickness, const coord_t optimal_width_outer, const coord_t minimum_width_inner)
const coord_t total_outer_optimal_width = optimal_width_outer * 2;
coord_t outer_bead_width = thickness / 2;
if (total_outer_optimal_width < thickness)
if (total_outer_optimal_width + minimum_width_inner > thickness)
outer_bead_width -= minimum_width_inner / 2;
outer_bead_width = optimal_width_outer;
return outer_bead_width;
void RedistributeBeadingStrategy::resetToolPathLocations(BeadingStrategy::Beading& beading, const coord_t thickness)
const size_t bead_count = beading.bead_widths.size();
if (bead_count < 1)
beading.total_thickness = thickness;
beading.left_over = thickness;
// Update the first half of the toolpath-locations with the updated bead-widths (starting from 0, up to half):
coord_t last_coord = 0;
coord_t last_width = 0;
for (size_t i_location = 0; i_location < bead_count / 2; ++i_location)
beading.toolpath_locations[i_location] = last_coord + (last_width + beading.bead_widths[i_location]) / 2;
last_coord = beading.toolpath_locations[i_location];
last_width = beading.bead_widths[i_location];
// Handle the position of any middle wall (note that the width will already have been set correctly):
if (bead_count % 2 == 1)
beading.toolpath_locations[bead_count / 2] = thickness / 2;
// Update the last half of the toolpath-locations with the updated bead-widths (starting from thickness, down to half):
last_coord = thickness;
last_width = 0;
for (size_t i_location = bead_count - 1; i_location >= bead_count - (bead_count / 2); --i_location)
beading.toolpath_locations[i_location] = last_coord - (last_width + beading.bead_widths[i_location]) / 2;
last_coord = beading.toolpath_locations[i_location];
last_width = beading.bead_widths[i_location];
// Ensure correct total and left over thickness
beading.total_thickness = thickness;
beading.left_over = thickness - std::accumulate(beading.bead_widths.cbegin(), beading.bead_widths.cend(), static_cast<coord_t>(0));
bool RedistributeBeadingStrategy::validateInnerBeadWidths(BeadingStrategy::Beading& beading, const coord_t minimum_width_inner)
// Filter out bead_widths that violate the transition width and recalculate if needed
const size_t unfiltered_beads = beading.bead_widths.size();
if(unfiltered_beads <= 2) //Outer walls are exempt. If there are 2 walls the range below will be empty. If there is 1 or 0 walls it would be invalid.
return false;
auto inner_begin = std::next(beading.bead_widths.begin());
auto inner_end = std::prev(beading.bead_widths.end());
std::remove_if(inner_begin, inner_end,
[&minimum_width_inner](const coord_t width)
return width < minimum_width_inner;
return unfiltered_beads != beading.bead_widths.size();
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "BeadingStrategy.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
* A meta-beading-strategy that takes outer and inner wall widths into account.
* The outer wall will try to keep a constant width by only applying the beading strategy on the inner walls. This
* ensures that this outer wall doesn't react to changes happening to inner walls. It will limit print artifacts on
* the surface of the print. Although this strategy technically deviates from the original philosophy of the paper.
* It will generally results in better prints because of a smoother motion and less variation in extrusion width in
* the outer walls.
* If the thickness of the model is less then two times the optimal outer wall width and once the minimum inner wall
* width it will keep the minimum inner wall at a minimum constant and vary the outer wall widths symmetrical. Until
* The thickness of the model is that of at least twice the optimal outer wall width it will then use two
* symmetrical outer walls only. Until it transitions into a single outer wall. These last scenario's are always
* symmetrical in nature, disregarding the user specified strategy.
class RedistributeBeadingStrategy : public BeadingStrategy
* /param optimal_width_outer Outer wall width, guaranteed to be the actual (save rounding errors) at a
* bead count if the parent strategies' optimum bead width is a weighted
* average of the outer and inner walls at that bead count.
* /param optimal_width_outer Inner wall width, guaranteed to be the actual (save rounding errors) at a
* bead count if the parent strategies' optimum bead width is a weighted
* average of the outer and inner walls at that bead count.
* /param minimum_variable_line_width Minimum factor that the variable line might deviate from the optimal width.
RedistributeBeadingStrategy(const coord_t optimal_width_outer,
const coord_t optimal_width_inner,
const double minimum_variable_line_width,
BeadingStrategyPtr parent);
virtual ~RedistributeBeadingStrategy() override = default;
Beading compute(coord_t thickness, coord_t bead_count) const override;
coord_t getOptimalThickness(coord_t bead_count) const override;
coord_t getTransitionThickness(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
coord_t getOptimalBeadCount(coord_t thickness) const override;
coord_t getTransitioningLength(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
float getTransitionAnchorPos(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
std::string toString() const override;
* Determine the outer bead width.
* According to the following logic:
* - If the thickness of the model is more then twice the optimal outer bead width and the minimum inner bead
* width it will return the optimal outer bead width.
* - If the thickness is less then twice the optimal outer bead width and the minimum inner bead width, but
* more them twice the optimal outer bead with it will return the optimal bead width minus half the inner bead
* width.
* - If the thickness is less then twice the optimal outer bead width it will return half the thickness as
* outer bead width
* \param thickness Thickness of the total beads.
* \param optimal_width_outer User specified optimal outer bead width.
* \param minimum_width_inner Inner bead width times the minimum variable line width.
* \return The outer bead width.
static coord_t getOptimalOuterBeadWidth(coord_t thickness, coord_t optimal_width_outer, coord_t minimum_width_inner);
* Moves the beads towards the outer edges of thickness and ensures that the outer walls are locked in location
* \param beading The beading instance.
* \param thickness The thickness of the bead.
static void resetToolPathLocations(Beading& beading, coord_t thickness);
* Filters and validates the beads, to ensure that all inner beads are at least the minimum bead width.
* \param beading The beading instance.
* \param minimum_width_inner Inner bead width times the minimum variable line width.
* \return true if beads are removed.
static bool validateInnerBeadWidths(Beading& beading, coord_t minimum_width_inner);
BeadingStrategyPtr parent;
coord_t optimal_width_outer;
coord_t optimal_width_inner;
double minimum_variable_line_width;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "WideningBeadingStrategy.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
WideningBeadingStrategy::WideningBeadingStrategy(BeadingStrategyPtr parent, const coord_t min_input_width, const coord_t min_output_width)
: BeadingStrategy(parent->getOptimalWidth(), /*default_transition_length=*/-1, parent->getTransitioningAngle())
, parent(std::move(parent))
, min_input_width(min_input_width)
, min_output_width(min_output_width)
std::string WideningBeadingStrategy::toString() const
return std::string("Widening+") + parent->toString();
WideningBeadingStrategy::Beading WideningBeadingStrategy::compute(coord_t thickness, coord_t bead_count) const
if (thickness < optimal_width)
Beading ret;
ret.total_thickness = thickness;
if (thickness >= min_input_width)
ret.bead_widths.emplace_back(std::max(thickness, min_output_width));
ret.toolpath_locations.emplace_back(thickness / 2);
ret.left_over = thickness;
return ret;
return parent->compute(thickness, bead_count);
coord_t WideningBeadingStrategy::getOptimalThickness(coord_t bead_count) const
return parent->getOptimalThickness(bead_count);
coord_t WideningBeadingStrategy::getTransitionThickness(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
if (lower_bead_count == 0)
return min_input_width;
return parent->getTransitionThickness(lower_bead_count);
coord_t WideningBeadingStrategy::getOptimalBeadCount(coord_t thickness) const
if (thickness < min_input_width) return 0;
coord_t ret = parent->getOptimalBeadCount(thickness);
if (thickness >= min_input_width && ret < 1) return 1;
return ret;
coord_t WideningBeadingStrategy::getTransitioningLength(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
return parent->getTransitioningLength(lower_bead_count);
float WideningBeadingStrategy::getTransitionAnchorPos(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
return parent->getTransitionAnchorPos(lower_bead_count);
std::vector<coord_t> WideningBeadingStrategy::getNonlinearThicknesses(coord_t lower_bead_count) const
std::vector<coord_t> ret;
std::vector<coord_t> pret = parent->getNonlinearThicknesses(lower_bead_count);
ret.insert(ret.end(), pret.begin(), pret.end());
return ret;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "BeadingStrategy.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
* This is a meta-strategy that can be applied on any other beading strategy. If
* the part is thinner than a single line, this strategy adjusts the part so
* that it becomes the minimum thickness of one line.
* This way, tiny pieces that are smaller than a single line will still be
* printed.
class WideningBeadingStrategy : public BeadingStrategy
* Takes responsibility for deleting \param parent
WideningBeadingStrategy(BeadingStrategyPtr parent, const coord_t min_input_width, const coord_t min_output_width);
virtual ~WideningBeadingStrategy() override = default;
virtual Beading compute(coord_t thickness, coord_t bead_count) const override;
virtual coord_t getOptimalThickness(coord_t bead_count) const override;
virtual coord_t getTransitionThickness(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
virtual coord_t getOptimalBeadCount(coord_t thickness) const override;
virtual coord_t getTransitioningLength(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
virtual float getTransitionAnchorPos(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
virtual std::vector<coord_t> getNonlinearThicknesses(coord_t lower_bead_count) const override;
virtual std::string toString() const override;
BeadingStrategyPtr parent;
const coord_t min_input_width;
const coord_t min_output_width;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp>
#include <memory> // smart pointers
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility> // pair
#include "utils/HalfEdgeGraph.hpp"
#include "utils/PolygonsSegmentIndex.hpp"
#include "utils/ExtrusionJunction.hpp"
#include "utils/ExtrusionLine.hpp"
#include "SkeletalTrapezoidationEdge.hpp"
#include "SkeletalTrapezoidationJoint.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Arachne/BeadingStrategy/BeadingStrategy.hpp"
#include "SkeletalTrapezoidationGraph.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
* Main class of the dynamic beading strategies.
* The input polygon region is decomposed into trapezoids and represented as a half-edge data-structure.
* We determine which edges are 'central' accordinding to the transitioning_angle of the beading strategy,
* and determine the bead count for these central regions and apply them outward when generating toolpaths. [oversimplified]
* The method can be visually explained as generating the 3D union of cones surface on the outline polygons,
* and changing the heights along central regions of that surface so that they are flat.
* For more info, please consult the paper "A framework for adaptive width control of dense contour-parallel toolpaths in fused
deposition modeling" by Kuipers et al.
* This visual explanation aid explains the use of "upward", "lower" etc,
* i.e. the radial distance and/or the bead count are used as heights of this visualization, there is no coordinate called 'Z'.
* TODO: split this class into two:
* 1. Class for generating the decomposition and aux functions for performing updates
* 2. Class for editing the structure for our purposes.
class SkeletalTrapezoidation
using pos_t = double;
using vd_t = boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<pos_t>;
using graph_t = SkeletalTrapezoidationGraph;
using edge_t = STHalfEdge;
using node_t = STHalfEdgeNode;
using Beading = BeadingStrategy::Beading;
using BeadingPropagation = SkeletalTrapezoidationJoint::BeadingPropagation;
using TransitionMiddle = SkeletalTrapezoidationEdge::TransitionMiddle;
using TransitionEnd = SkeletalTrapezoidationEdge::TransitionEnd;
template<typename T>
using ptr_vector_t = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T>>;
double transitioning_angle; //!< How pointy a region should be before we apply the method. Equals 180* - limit_bisector_angle
coord_t discretization_step_size; //!< approximate size of segments when parabolic VD edges get discretized (and vertex-vertex edges)
coord_t transition_filter_dist; //!< Filter transition mids (i.e. anchors) closer together than this
coord_t beading_propagation_transition_dist; //!< When there are different beadings propagated from below and from above, use this transitioning distance
static constexpr coord_t central_filter_dist = scaled<coord_t>(0.02); //!< Filter areas marked as 'central' smaller than this
static constexpr coord_t snap_dist = scaled<coord_t>(0.02); //!< Generic arithmatic inaccuracy. Only used to determine whether a transition really needs to insert an extra edge.
* The strategy to use to fill a certain shape with lines.
* Various BeadingStrategies are available that differ in which lines get to
* print at their optimal width, where the play is being compensated, and
* how the joints are handled where we transition to different numbers of
* lines.
const BeadingStrategy& beading_strategy;
using Segment = PolygonsSegmentIndex;
* Construct a new trapezoidation problem to solve.
* \param polys The shapes to fill with walls.
* \param beading_strategy The strategy to use to fill these shapes.
* \param transitioning_angle Where we transition to a different number of
* walls, how steep should this transition be? A lower angle means that the
* transition will be longer.
* \param discretization_step_size Since g-code can't represent smooth
* transitions in line width, the line width must change with discretized
* steps. This indicates how long the line segments between those steps will
* be.
* \param transition_filter_dist The minimum length of transitions.
* Transitions shorter than this will be considered for dissolution.
* \param beading_propagation_transition_dist When there are different
* beadings propagated from below and from above, use this transitioning
* distance.
SkeletalTrapezoidation(const Polygons& polys,
const BeadingStrategy& beading_strategy,
double transitioning_angle
, coord_t discretization_step_size = scaled<coord_t>(0.0008)
, coord_t transition_filter_dist = scaled<coord_t>(0.001)
, coord_t beading_propagation_transition_dist = scaled<coord_t>(0.0004));
* A skeletal graph through the polygons that we need to fill with beads.
* The skeletal graph represents the medial axes through each part of the
* polygons, and the lines from these medial axes towards each vertex of the
* polygons. The graph can be used to see what the width is of a polygon in
* each place and where the width transitions.
graph_t graph;
* Generate the paths that the printer must extrude, to print the outlines
* in the input polygons.
* \param filter_outermost_central_edges Some edges are "central" but still
* touch the outside of the polygon. If enabled, don't treat these as
* "central" but as if it's a obtuse corner. As a result, sharp corners will
* no longer end in a single line but will just loop.
void generateToolpaths(VariableWidthPaths& generated_toolpaths, bool filter_outermost_central_edges = false);
* Auxiliary for referencing one transition along an edge which may contain multiple transitions
struct TransitionMidRef
edge_t* edge;
std::list<TransitionMiddle>::iterator transition_it;
TransitionMidRef(edge_t* edge, std::list<TransitionMiddle>::iterator transition_it)
: edge(edge)
, transition_it(transition_it)
* Compute the skeletal trapezoidation decomposition of the input shape.
* Compute the Voronoi Diagram (VD) and transfer all inside edges into our half-edge (HE) datastructure.
* The algorithm is currently a bit overcomplicated, because the discretization of parabolic edges is performed at the same time as all edges are being transfered,
* which means that there is no one-to-one mapping from VD edges to HE edges.
* Instead we map from a VD edge to the last HE edge.
* This could be cimplified by recording the edges which should be discretized and discretizing the mafterwards.
* Another complication arises because the VD uses floating logic, which can result in zero-length segments after rounding to integers.
* We therefore collapse edges and their whole cells afterwards.
void constructFromPolygons(const Polygons& polys);
* mapping each voronoi VD edge to the corresponding halfedge HE edge
* In case the result segment is discretized, we map the VD edge to the *last* HE edge
std::unordered_map<vd_t::edge_type*, edge_t*> vd_edge_to_he_edge;
std::unordered_map<vd_t::vertex_type*, node_t*> vd_node_to_he_node;
node_t& makeNode(vd_t::vertex_type& vd_node, Point p); //!< Get the node which the VD node maps to, or create a new mapping if there wasn't any yet.
* (Eventual) returned 'polylines per index' result (from generateToolpaths):
VariableWidthPaths* p_generated_toolpaths;
* Transfer an edge from the VD to the HE and perform discretization of parabolic edges (and vertex-vertex edges)
* \p prev_edge serves as input and output. May be null as input.
void transferEdge(Point from, Point to, vd_t::edge_type& vd_edge, edge_t*& prev_edge, Point& start_source_point, Point& end_source_point, const std::vector<Segment>& segments);
* Discretize a Voronoi edge that represents the medial axis of a vertex-
* line region or vertex-vertex region into small segments that can be
* considered to have a straight medial axis and a linear line width
* transition.
* The medial axis between a point and a line is a parabola. The rest of the
* algorithm doesn't want to have to deal with parabola, so this discretises
* the parabola into straight line segments. This is necessary if there is a
* sharp inner corner (acts as a point) that comes close to a straight edge.
* The medial axis between a point and a point is a straight line segment.
* However the distance from the medial axis to either of those points draws
* a parabola as you go along the medial axis. That means that the resulting
* line width along the medial axis would not be linearly increasing or
* linearly decreasing, but needs to take the shape of a parabola. Instead,
* we'll break this edge up into tiny line segments that can approximate the
* parabola with tiny linear increases or decreases in line width.
* \param segment The variable-width Voronoi edge to discretize.
* \param points All vertices of the original Polygons to fill with beads.
* \param segments All line segments of the original Polygons to fill with
* beads.
* \return A number of coordinates along the edge where the edge is broken
* up into discrete pieces.
std::vector<Point> discretize(const vd_t::edge_type& segment, const std::vector<Segment>& segments);
* Compute the range of line segments that surround a cell of the skeletal
* graph that belongs to a point on the medial axis.
* This should only be used on cells that belong to a corner in the skeletal
* graph, e.g. triangular cells, not trapezoid cells.
* The resulting line segments is just the first and the last segment. They
* are linked to the neighboring segments, so you can iterate over the
* segments until you reach the last segment.
* \param cell The cell to compute the range of line segments for.
* \param[out] start_source_point The start point of the source segment of
* this cell.
* \param[out] end_source_point The end point of the source segment of this
* cell.
* \param[out] starting_vd_edge The edge of the Voronoi diagram where the
* loop around the cell starts.
* \param[out] ending_vd_edge The edge of the Voronoi diagram where the loop
* around the cell ends.
* \param points All vertices of the input Polygons.
* \param segments All edges of the input Polygons.
* /return Whether the cell is inside of the polygon. If it's outside of the
* polygon we should skip processing it altogether.
bool computePointCellRange(vd_t::cell_type& cell, Point& start_source_point, Point& end_source_point, vd_t::edge_type*& starting_vd_edge, vd_t::edge_type*& ending_vd_edge, const std::vector<Segment>& segments);
* Compute the range of line segments that surround a cell of the skeletal
* graph that belongs to a line segment of the medial axis.
* This should only be used on cells that belong to a central line segment
* of the skeletal graph, e.g. trapezoid cells, not triangular cells.
* The resulting line segments is just the first and the last segment. They
* are linked to the neighboring segments, so you can iterate over the
* segments until you reach the last segment.
* \param cell The cell to compute the range of line segments for.
* \param[out] start_source_point The start point of the source segment of
* this cell.
* \param[out] end_source_point The end point of the source segment of this
* cell.
* \param[out] starting_vd_edge The edge of the Voronoi diagram where the
* loop around the cell starts.
* \param[out] ending_vd_edge The edge of the Voronoi diagram where the loop
* around the cell ends.
* \param points All vertices of the input Polygons.
* \param segments All edges of the input Polygons.
* /return Whether the cell is inside of the polygon. If it's outside of the
* polygon we should skip processing it altogether.
void computeSegmentCellRange(vd_t::cell_type& cell, Point& start_source_point, Point& end_source_point, vd_t::edge_type*& starting_vd_edge, vd_t::edge_type*& ending_vd_edge, const std::vector<Segment>& segments);
* For VD cells associated with an input polygon vertex, we need to separate the node at the end and start of the cell into two
* That way we can reach both the quad_start and the quad_end from the [incident_edge] of the two new nodes
* Otherwise if node.incident_edge = quad_start you couldnt reach quad_end.twin by normal iteration (i.e. it =
void separatePointyQuadEndNodes();
// ^ init | v transitioning
void updateIsCentral(); // Update the "is_central" flag for each edge based on the transitioning_angle
* Filter out small central areas.
* Only used to get rid of small edges which get marked as central because
* of rounding errors because the region is so small.
void filterCentral(coord_t max_length);
* Filter central areas connected to starting_edge recursively.
* \return Whether we should unmark this section marked as central, on the
* way back out of the recursion.
bool filterCentral(edge_t* starting_edge, coord_t traveled_dist, coord_t max_length);
* Unmark the outermost edges directly connected to the outline, as not
* being central.
* Only used to emulate some related literature.
* The paper shows that this function is bad for the stability of the framework.
void filterOuterCentral();
* Set bead count in central regions based on the optimal_bead_count of the
* beading strategy.
void updateBeadCount();
* Add central regions and set bead counts where there is an end of the
* central area and when traveling upward we get to another region with the
* same bead count.
void filterNoncentralRegions();
* Add central regions and set bead counts for a particular edge and all of
* its adjacent edges.
* Recursive subroutine for \ref filterNoncentralRegions().
* \return Whether to set the bead count on the way back
bool filterNoncentralRegions(edge_t* to_edge, coord_t bead_count, coord_t traveled_dist, coord_t max_dist);
* Generate middle points of all transitions on edges.
* The transition middle points are saved in the graph itself. They are also
* returned via the output parameter.
* \param[out] edge_transitions A list of transitions that were generated.
void generateTransitionMids(ptr_vector_t<std::list<TransitionMiddle>>& edge_transitions);
* Removes some transition middle points.
* Transitions can be removed if there are multiple intersecting transitions
* that are too close together. If transitions have opposite effects, both
* are removed.
void filterTransitionMids();
* Merge transitions that are too close together.
* \param edge_to_start Edge pointing to the node from which to start
* traveling in all directions except along \p edge_to_start .
* \param origin_transition The transition for which we are checking nearby
* transitions.
* \param traveled_dist The distance traveled before we came to
* \p .
* \param going_up Whether we are traveling in the upward direction as seen
* from the \p origin_transition. If this doesn't align with the direction
* according to the R diff on a consecutive edge we know there was a local
* optimum.
* \return Whether the origin transition should be dissolved.
std::list<TransitionMidRef> dissolveNearbyTransitions(edge_t* edge_to_start, TransitionMiddle& origin_transition, coord_t traveled_dist, coord_t max_dist, bool going_up);
* Spread a certain bead count over a region in the graph.
* \param edge_to_start One edge of the region to spread the bead count in.
* \param from_bead_count All edges with this bead count will be changed.
* \param to_bead_count The new bead count for those edges.
void dissolveBeadCountRegion(edge_t* edge_to_start, coord_t from_bead_count, coord_t to_bead_count);
* Change the bead count if the given edge is at the end of a central
* region.
* This is necessary to provide a transitioning bead count to the edges of a
* central region to transition more smoothly from a high bead count in the
* central region to a lower bead count at the edge.
* \param edge_to_start One edge from a zone that needs to be filtered.
* \param traveled_dist The distance along the edges we've traveled so far.
* \param max_distance Don't filter beyond this range.
* \param replacing_bead_count The new bead count for this region.
* \return ``true`` if the bead count of this edge was changed.
bool filterEndOfCentralTransition(edge_t* edge_to_start, coord_t traveled_dist, coord_t max_dist, coord_t replacing_bead_count);
* Generate the endpoints of all transitions for all edges in the graph.
* \param[out] edge_transition_ends The resulting transition endpoints.
void generateAllTransitionEnds(ptr_vector_t<std::list<TransitionEnd>>& edge_transition_ends);
* Also set the rest values at nodes in between the transition ends
void applyTransitions(ptr_vector_t<std::list<TransitionEnd>>& edge_transition_ends);
* Create extra edges along all edges, where it needs to transition from one
* bead count to another.
* For example, if an edge of the graph goes from a bead count of 6 to a
* bead count of 1, it needs to generate 5 places where the beads around
* this line transition to a lower bead count. These are the "ribs". They
* reach from the edge to the border of the polygon. Where the beads hit
* those ribs the beads know to make a transition.
void generateTransitioningRibs();
* Generate the endpoints of a specific transition midpoint.
* \param edge The edge to create transitions on.
* \param mid_R The radius of the transition middle point.
* \param transition_lower_bead_count The bead count at the lower end of the
* transition.
* \param[out] edge_transition_ends A list of endpoints to add the new
* endpoints to.
void generateTransitionEnds(edge_t& edge, coord_t mid_R, coord_t transition_lower_bead_count, ptr_vector_t<std::list<TransitionEnd>>& edge_transition_ends);
* Compute a single endpoint of a transition.
* \param edge The edge to generate the endpoint for.
* \param start_pos The position where the transition starts.
* \param end_pos The position where the transition ends on the other side.
* \param transition_half_length The distance to the transition middle
* point.
* \param start_rest The gap between the start of the transition and the
* starting endpoint, as ratio of the inner bead width at the high end of
* the transition.
* \param end_rest The gap between the end of the transition and the ending
* endpoint, as ratio of the inner bead width at the high end of the
* transition.
* \param transition_lower_bead_count The bead count at the lower end of the
* transition.
* \param[out] edge_transition_ends The list to put the resulting endpoints
* in.
* \return Whether the given edge is going downward (i.e. towards a thinner
* region of the polygon).
bool generateTransitionEnd(edge_t& edge, coord_t start_pos, coord_t end_pos, coord_t transition_half_length, double start_rest, double end_rest, coord_t transition_lower_bead_count, ptr_vector_t<std::list<TransitionEnd>>& edge_transition_ends);
* Determines whether an edge is going downwards or upwards in the graph.
* An edge is said to go "downwards" if it's going towards a narrower part
* of the polygon. The notion of "downwards" comes from the conical
* representation of the graph, where the polygon is filled with a cone of
* maximum radius.
* This function works by recursively checking adjacent edges until the edge
* is reached.
* \param outgoing The edge to check.
* \param traveled_dist The distance traversed so far.
* \param transition_half_length The radius of the transition width.
* \param lower_bead_count The bead count at the lower end of the edge.
* \return ``true`` if this edge is going down, or ``false`` if it's going
* up.
bool isGoingDown(edge_t* outgoing, coord_t traveled_dist, coord_t transition_half_length, coord_t lower_bead_count) const;
* Determines whether this edge marks the end of the central region.
* \param edge The edge to check.
* \return ``true`` if this edge goes from a central region to a non-central
* region, or ``false`` in every other case (central to central, non-central
* to non-central, non-central to central, or end-of-the-line).
bool isEndOfCentral(const edge_t& edge) const;
* Create extra ribs in the graph where the graph contains a parabolic arc
* or a straight between two inner corners.
* There might be transitions there as the beads go through a narrow
* bottleneck in the polygon.
void generateExtraRibs();
// ^ transitioning ^
* It's useful to know when the paths get back to the consumer, to (what part of) a polygon the paths 'belong'.
* A single polygon without a hole is one region, a polygon with (a) hole(s) has 2 regions.
void markRegions();
// v toolpath generation v
* \param[out] segments the generated segments
void generateSegments();
* From a quad (a group of linked edges in one cell of the Voronoi), find
* the edge that is furthest away from the border of the polygon.
* \param quad_start_edge The first edge of the quad.
* \return The edge of the quad that is furthest away from the border.
edge_t* getQuadMaxRedgeTo(edge_t* quad_start_edge);
* Propagate beading information from nodes that are closer to the edge
* (low radius R) to nodes that are farther from the edge (high R).
* only propagate from nodes with beading info upward to nodes without beading info
* Edges are sorted by their radius, so that we can do a depth-first walk
* without employing a recursive algorithm.
* In upward propagated beadings we store the distance traveled, so that we can merge these beadings with the downward propagated beadings in \ref propagateBeadingsDownward(.)
* \param upward_quad_mids all upward halfedges of the inner skeletal edges (not directly connected to the outline) sorted on their highest [distance_to_boundary]. Higher dist first.
void propagateBeadingsUpward(std::vector<edge_t*>& upward_quad_mids, ptr_vector_t<BeadingPropagation>& node_beadings);
* propagate beading info from higher R nodes to lower R nodes
* merge with upward propagated beadings if they are encountered
* don't transfer to nodes which lie on the outline polygon
* edges are sorted so that we can do a depth-first walk without employing a recursive algorithm
* \param upward_quad_mids all upward halfedges of the inner skeletal edges (not directly connected to the outline) sorted on their highest [distance_to_boundary]. Higher dist first.
void propagateBeadingsDownward(std::vector<edge_t*>& upward_quad_mids, ptr_vector_t<BeadingPropagation>& node_beadings);
* Subroutine of \ref propagateBeadingsDownward(std::vector<edge_t*>&, ptr_vector_t<BeadingPropagation>&)
void propagateBeadingsDownward(edge_t* edge_to_peak, ptr_vector_t<BeadingPropagation>& node_beadings);
* Find a beading in between two other beadings.
* This creates a new beading. With this we can find the coordinates of the
* endpoints of the actual line segments to draw.
* The parameters \p left and \p right are not actually always left or right
* but just arbitrary directions to visually indicate the difference.
* \param left One of the beadings to interpolate between.
* \param ratio_left_to_whole The position within the two beadings to sample
* an interpolation. Should be a ratio between 0 and 1.
* \param right One of the beadings to interpolate between.
* \param switching_radius The bead radius at which we switch from the left
* beading to the merged beading, if the beadings have a different number of
* beads.
* \return The beading at the interpolated location.
Beading interpolate(const Beading& left, double ratio_left_to_whole, const Beading& right, coord_t switching_radius) const;
* Subroutine of \ref interpolate(const Beading&, Ratio, const Beading&, coord_t)
* This creates a new Beading between two beadings, assuming that both have
* the same number of beads.
* \param left One of the beadings to interpolate between.
* \param ratio_left_to_whole The position within the two beadings to sample
* an interpolation. Should be a ratio between 0 and 1.
* \param right One of the beadings to interpolate between.
* \return The beading at the interpolated location.
Beading interpolate(const Beading& left, double ratio_left_to_whole, const Beading& right) const;
* Get the beading at a certain node of the skeletal graph, or create one if
* it doesn't have one yet.
* This is a lazy get.
* \param node The node to get the beading from.
* \param node_beadings A list of all beadings for nodes.
* \return The beading of that node.
std::shared_ptr<BeadingPropagation> getOrCreateBeading(node_t* node, ptr_vector_t<BeadingPropagation>& node_beadings);
* In case we cannot find the beading of a node, get a beading from the
* nearest node.
* \param node The node to attempt to get a beading from. The actual node
* that the returned beading is from may be a different, nearby node.
* \param max_dist The maximum distance to search for.
* \return A beading for the node, or ``nullptr`` if there is no node nearby
* with a beading.
std::shared_ptr<BeadingPropagation> getNearestBeading(node_t* node, coord_t max_dist);
* generate junctions for each bone
* \param edge_to_junctions junctions ordered high R to low R
void generateJunctions(ptr_vector_t<BeadingPropagation>& node_beadings, ptr_vector_t<LineJunctions>& edge_junctions);
* add a new toolpath segment, defined between two extrusion-juntions
void addToolpathSegment(const ExtrusionJunction& from, const ExtrusionJunction& to, bool is_odd, bool force_new_path);
* connect junctions in each quad
void connectJunctions(ptr_vector_t<LineJunctions>& edge_junctions);
* Genrate small segments for local maxima where the beading would only result in a single bead
void generateLocalMaximaSingleBeads();
* Extract region information from the junctions, for easier access to that info directly from the lines.
void liftRegionInfoToLines();
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
//Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <memory> // smart pointers
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "utils/ExtrusionJunction.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
class SkeletalTrapezoidationEdge
enum class Central { UNKNOWN = -1, NO, YES };
* Representing the location along an edge where the anchor position of a transition should be placed.
struct TransitionMiddle
coord_t pos; // Position along edge as measure from edge.from.p
int lower_bead_count;
TransitionMiddle(coord_t pos, int lower_bead_count)
: pos(pos), lower_bead_count(lower_bead_count)
* Represents the location along an edge where the lower or upper end of a transition should be placed.
struct TransitionEnd
coord_t pos; // Position along edge as measure from edge.from.p, where the edge is always the half edge oriented from lower to higher R
int lower_bead_count;
bool is_lower_end; // Whether this is the ed of the transition with lower bead count
TransitionEnd(coord_t pos, int lower_bead_count, bool is_lower_end)
: pos(pos), lower_bead_count(lower_bead_count), is_lower_end(is_lower_end)
enum class EdgeType
NORMAL = 0, // from voronoi diagram
EXTRA_VD = 1, // introduced to voronoi diagram in order to make the gMAT
TRANSITION_END = 2 // introduced to voronoi diagram in order to make the gMAT
EdgeType type;
: SkeletalTrapezoidationEdge(EdgeType::NORMAL)
SkeletalTrapezoidationEdge(const EdgeType& type)
: type(type)
, is_central(Central::UNKNOWN)
, region(0)
bool isCentral() const
assert(is_central != Central::UNKNOWN);
return is_central == Central::YES;
void setIsCentral(bool b)
is_central = b ? Central::YES : Central::NO;
bool centralIsSet() const
return is_central != Central::UNKNOWN;
size_t getRegion() const
assert(region != 0);
return region;
void setRegion(const size_t& r)
assert(region == 0);
region = r;
bool regionIsSet() const
return region > 0;
bool hasTransitions(bool ignore_empty = false) const
return transitions.use_count() > 0 && (ignore_empty || ! transitions.lock()->empty());
void setTransitions(std::shared_ptr<std::list<TransitionMiddle>> storage)
transitions = storage;
std::shared_ptr<std::list<TransitionMiddle>> getTransitions()
return transitions.lock();
bool hasTransitionEnds(bool ignore_empty = false) const
return transition_ends.use_count() > 0 && (ignore_empty || ! transition_ends.lock()->empty());
void setTransitionEnds(std::shared_ptr<std::list<TransitionEnd>> storage)
transition_ends = storage;
std::shared_ptr<std::list<TransitionEnd>> getTransitionEnds()
return transition_ends.lock();
bool hasExtrusionJunctions(bool ignore_empty = false) const
return extrusion_junctions.use_count() > 0 && (ignore_empty || ! extrusion_junctions.lock()->empty());
void setExtrusionJunctions(std::shared_ptr<LineJunctions> storage)
extrusion_junctions = storage;
std::shared_ptr<LineJunctions> getExtrusionJunctions()
return extrusion_junctions.lock();
Central is_central; //! whether the edge is significant; whether the source segments have a sharp angle; -1 is unknown
size_t region; //! what 'region' this edge is in ... if the originating polygon has no holes, there's one region -- useful for later algorithms that need to know where the paths came from
std::weak_ptr<std::list<TransitionMiddle>> transitions;
std::weak_ptr<std::list<TransitionEnd>> transition_ends;
std::weak_ptr<LineJunctions> extrusion_junctions;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "SkeletalTrapezoidationGraph.hpp"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include "utils/linearAlg2D.hpp"
#include "../Line.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
STHalfEdge::STHalfEdge(SkeletalTrapezoidationEdge data) : HalfEdge(data) {}
bool STHalfEdge::canGoUp(bool strict) const
if (to->data.distance_to_boundary > from->data.distance_to_boundary)
return true;
if (to->data.distance_to_boundary < from->data.distance_to_boundary || strict)
return false;
// Edge is between equidistqant verts; recurse!
for (edge_t* outgoing = next; outgoing != twin; outgoing = outgoing->twin->next)
if (outgoing->canGoUp())
return true;
assert(outgoing->twin); if (!outgoing->twin) return false;
assert(outgoing->twin->next); if (!outgoing->twin->next) return true; // This point is on the boundary?! Should never occur
return false;
bool STHalfEdge::isUpward() const
if (to->data.distance_to_boundary > from->data.distance_to_boundary)
return true;
if (to->data.distance_to_boundary < from->data.distance_to_boundary)
return false;
// Equidistant edge case:
std::optional<coord_t> forward_up_dist = this->distToGoUp();
std::optional<coord_t> backward_up_dist = twin->distToGoUp();
if (forward_up_dist && backward_up_dist)
return forward_up_dist < backward_up_dist;
if (forward_up_dist)
return true;
if (backward_up_dist)
return false;
return to->p < from->p; // Arbitrary ordering, which returns the opposite for the twin edge
std::optional<coord_t> STHalfEdge::distToGoUp() const
if (to->data.distance_to_boundary > from->data.distance_to_boundary)
return 0;
if (to->data.distance_to_boundary < from->data.distance_to_boundary)
return std::optional<coord_t>();
// Edge is between equidistqant verts; recurse!
std::optional<coord_t> ret;
for (edge_t* outgoing = next; outgoing != twin; outgoing = outgoing->twin->next)
std::optional<coord_t> dist_to_up = outgoing->distToGoUp();
if (dist_to_up)
if (ret)
ret = std::min(*ret, *dist_to_up);
ret = dist_to_up;
assert(outgoing->twin); if (!outgoing->twin) return std::optional<coord_t>();
assert(outgoing->twin->next); if (!outgoing->twin->next) return 0; // This point is on the boundary?! Should never occur
if (ret)
ret = *ret + (to->p - from->p).cast<int64_t>().norm();
return ret;
STHalfEdge* STHalfEdge::getNextUnconnected()
edge_t* result = static_cast<STHalfEdge*>(this);
while (result->next)
result = result->next;
if (result == this)
return nullptr;
return result->twin;
STHalfEdgeNode::STHalfEdgeNode(SkeletalTrapezoidationJoint data, Point p) : HalfEdgeNode(data, p) {}
bool STHalfEdgeNode::isMultiIntersection()
int odd_path_count = 0;
edge_t* outgoing = this->incident_edge;
if (outgoing->data.isCentral())
} while (outgoing = outgoing->twin->next, outgoing != this->incident_edge);
return odd_path_count > 2;
bool STHalfEdgeNode::isCentral() const
edge_t* edge = incident_edge;
if (edge->data.isCentral())
return true;
assert(edge->twin); if (!edge->twin) return false;
} while (edge = edge->twin->next, edge != incident_edge);
return false;
bool STHalfEdgeNode::isLocalMaximum(bool strict) const
if (data.distance_to_boundary == 0)
return false;
edge_t* edge = incident_edge;
if (edge->canGoUp(strict))
return false;
assert(edge->twin); if (!edge->twin) return false;
if (!edge->twin->next)
{ // This point is on the boundary
return false;
} while (edge = edge->twin->next, edge != incident_edge);
return true;
void SkeletalTrapezoidationGraph::fixNodeDuplication()
for (auto node_it = nodes.begin(); node_it != nodes.end();)
node_t* replacing_node = nullptr;
for (edge_t* outgoing = node_it->incident_edge; outgoing != node_it->incident_edge; outgoing = outgoing->twin->next)
if (outgoing->from != &*node_it)
replacing_node = outgoing->from;
if (outgoing->twin->to != &*node_it)
replacing_node = outgoing->twin->to;
if (replacing_node)
for (edge_t* outgoing = node_it->incident_edge; outgoing != node_it->incident_edge; outgoing = outgoing->twin->next)
outgoing->twin->to = replacing_node;
outgoing->from = replacing_node;
node_it = nodes.erase(node_it);
void SkeletalTrapezoidationGraph::collapseSmallEdges(coord_t snap_dist)
std::unordered_map<edge_t*, std::list<edge_t>::iterator> edge_locator;
std::unordered_map<node_t*, std::list<node_t>::iterator> node_locator;
for (auto edge_it = edges.begin(); edge_it != edges.end(); ++edge_it)
edge_locator.emplace(&*edge_it, edge_it);
for (auto node_it = nodes.begin(); node_it != nodes.end(); ++node_it)
node_locator.emplace(&*node_it, node_it);
auto safelyRemoveEdge = [this, &edge_locator](edge_t* to_be_removed, std::list<edge_t>::iterator& current_edge_it, bool& edge_it_is_updated)
if (current_edge_it != edges.end()
&& to_be_removed == &*current_edge_it)
current_edge_it = edges.erase(current_edge_it);
edge_it_is_updated = true;
auto should_collapse = [snap_dist](node_t* a, node_t* b)
return shorter_then(a->p - b->p, snap_dist);
for (auto edge_it = edges.begin(); edge_it != edges.end();)
if (edge_it->prev)
edge_t* quad_start = &*edge_it;
edge_t* quad_end = quad_start; while (quad_end->next) quad_end = quad_end->next;
edge_t* quad_mid = (quad_start->next == quad_end)? nullptr : quad_start->next;
bool edge_it_is_updated = false;
if (quad_mid && should_collapse(quad_mid->from, quad_mid->to))
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "Encountered quad edge without a twin.";
continue; //Prevent accessing unallocated memory.
int count = 0;
for (edge_t* edge_from_3 = quad_end; edge_from_3 && edge_from_3 != quad_mid->twin; edge_from_3 = edge_from_3->twin->next)
edge_from_3->from = quad_mid->from;
edge_from_3->twin->to = quad_mid->from;
if (count > 50)
std::cerr << edge_from_3->from->p << " - " << edge_from_3->to->p << '\n';
if (++count > 1000)
// o-o > collapse top
// | |
// | |
// | |
// o o
if (quad_mid->from->incident_edge == quad_mid)
if (quad_mid->twin->next)
quad_mid->from->incident_edge = quad_mid->twin->next;
quad_mid->from->incident_edge = quad_mid->prev->twin;
quad_mid->prev->next = quad_mid->next;
quad_mid->next->prev = quad_mid->prev;
quad_mid->twin->next->prev = quad_mid->twin->prev;
quad_mid->twin->prev->next = quad_mid->twin->next;
safelyRemoveEdge(quad_mid->twin, edge_it, edge_it_is_updated);
safelyRemoveEdge(quad_mid, edge_it, edge_it_is_updated);
// o-o
// | | > collapse sides
// o o
if ( should_collapse(quad_start->from, quad_end->to) && should_collapse(quad_start->to, quad_end->from))
{ // Collapse start and end edges and remove whole cell
quad_start->twin->to = quad_end->to;
quad_end->to->incident_edge = quad_end->twin;
if (quad_end->from->incident_edge == quad_end)
if (quad_end->twin->next)
quad_end->from->incident_edge = quad_end->twin->next;
quad_end->from->incident_edge = quad_end->prev->twin;
quad_start->twin->twin = quad_end->twin;
quad_end->twin->twin = quad_start->twin;
safelyRemoveEdge(quad_start, edge_it, edge_it_is_updated);
safelyRemoveEdge(quad_end, edge_it, edge_it_is_updated);
// If only one side had collapsable length then the cell on the other side of that edge has to collapse
// if we would collapse that one edge then that would change the quad_start and/or quad_end of neighboring cells
// this is to do with the constraint that !prev == !
if (!edge_it_is_updated)
void SkeletalTrapezoidationGraph::makeRib(edge_t*& prev_edge, Point start_source_point, Point end_source_point, bool is_next_to_start_or_end)
Point p;
Line(start_source_point, end_source_point).distance_to_infinite_squared(prev_edge->to->p, &p);
coord_t dist = (prev_edge->to->p - p).cast<int64_t>().norm();
prev_edge->to->data.distance_to_boundary = dist;
assert(dist >= 0);
nodes.emplace_front(SkeletalTrapezoidationJoint(), p);
node_t* node = &nodes.front();
node->data.distance_to_boundary = 0;
edge_t* forth_edge = &edges.front();
edge_t* back_edge = &edges.front();
prev_edge->next = forth_edge;
forth_edge->prev = prev_edge;
forth_edge->from = prev_edge->to;
forth_edge->to = node;
forth_edge->twin = back_edge;
back_edge->twin = forth_edge;
back_edge->from = node;
back_edge->to = prev_edge->to;
node->incident_edge = back_edge;
prev_edge = back_edge;
std::pair<SkeletalTrapezoidationGraph::edge_t*, SkeletalTrapezoidationGraph::edge_t*> SkeletalTrapezoidationGraph::insertRib(edge_t& edge, node_t* mid_node)
edge_t* edge_before = edge.prev;
edge_t* edge_after =;
node_t* node_before = edge.from;
node_t* node_after =;
Point p = mid_node->p;
const Line source_segment = getSource(edge);
Point px;
source_segment.distance_to_squared(p, &px);
coord_t dist = (p - px).cast<int64_t>().norm();
assert(dist > 0);
mid_node->data.distance_to_boundary = dist;
mid_node->data.transition_ratio = 0; // Both transition end should have rest = 0, because at the ends a whole number of beads fits without rest
nodes.emplace_back(SkeletalTrapezoidationJoint(), px);
node_t* source_node = &nodes.back();
source_node->data.distance_to_boundary = 0;
edge_t* first = &edge;
edge_t* second = &edges.back();
edge_t* outward_edge = &edges.back();
edge_t* inward_edge = &edges.back();
if (edge_before)
edge_before->next = first;
first->next = outward_edge;
outward_edge->next = nullptr;
inward_edge->next = second;
second->next = edge_after;
if (edge_after)
edge_after->prev = second;
second->prev = inward_edge;
inward_edge->prev = nullptr;
outward_edge->prev = first;
first->prev = edge_before;
first->to = mid_node;
outward_edge->to = source_node;
inward_edge->to = mid_node;
second->to = node_after;
first->from = node_before;
outward_edge->from = mid_node;
inward_edge->from = source_node;
second->from = mid_node;
node_before->incident_edge = first;
mid_node->incident_edge = outward_edge;
source_node->incident_edge = inward_edge;
if (edge_after)
node_after->incident_edge = edge_after;
outward_edge->data.setIsCentral(false); // TODO verify this is always the case.
outward_edge->twin = inward_edge;
inward_edge->twin = outward_edge;
first->twin = nullptr; // we don't know these yet!
second->twin = nullptr;
assert(second->prev->from->data.distance_to_boundary == 0);
return std::make_pair(first, second);
SkeletalTrapezoidationGraph::edge_t* SkeletalTrapezoidationGraph::insertNode(edge_t* edge, Point mid, coord_t mide_node_bead_count)
edge_t* last_edge_replacing_input = edge;
nodes.emplace_back(SkeletalTrapezoidationJoint(), mid);
node_t* mid_node = &nodes.back();
edge_t* twin = last_edge_replacing_input->twin;
last_edge_replacing_input->twin = nullptr;
twin->twin = nullptr;
std::pair<edge_t*, edge_t*> left_pair = insertRib(*last_edge_replacing_input, mid_node);
std::pair<edge_t*, edge_t*> right_pair = insertRib(*twin, mid_node);
edge_t* first_edge_replacing_input = left_pair.first;
last_edge_replacing_input = left_pair.second;
edge_t* first_edge_replacing_twin = right_pair.first;
edge_t* last_edge_replacing_twin = right_pair.second;
first_edge_replacing_input->twin = last_edge_replacing_twin;
last_edge_replacing_twin->twin = first_edge_replacing_input;
last_edge_replacing_input->twin = first_edge_replacing_twin;
first_edge_replacing_twin->twin = last_edge_replacing_input;
mid_node->data.bead_count = mide_node_bead_count;
return last_edge_replacing_input;
Line SkeletalTrapezoidationGraph::getSource(const edge_t &edge) const
const edge_t *from_edge = &edge;
while (from_edge->prev)
from_edge = from_edge->prev;
const edge_t *to_edge = &edge;
while (to_edge->next)
to_edge = to_edge->next;
return Line(from_edge->from->p, to_edge->to->p);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <optional>
#include "utils/HalfEdgeGraph.hpp"
#include "SkeletalTrapezoidationEdge.hpp"
#include "SkeletalTrapezoidationJoint.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
class STHalfEdgeNode;
class STHalfEdge : public HalfEdge<SkeletalTrapezoidationJoint, SkeletalTrapezoidationEdge, STHalfEdgeNode, STHalfEdge>
using edge_t = STHalfEdge;
using node_t = STHalfEdgeNode;
STHalfEdge(SkeletalTrapezoidationEdge data);
* Check (recursively) whether there is any upward edge from the distance_to_boundary of the from of the \param edge
* \param strict Whether equidistant edges can count as a local maximum
bool canGoUp(bool strict = false) const;
* Check whether the edge goes from a lower to a higher distance_to_boundary.
* Effectively deals with equidistant edges by looking beyond this edge.
bool isUpward() const;
* Calculate the traversed distance until we meet an upward edge.
* Useful for calling on edges between equidistant points.
* If we can go up then the distance includes the length of the \param edge
std::optional<coord_t> distToGoUp() const;
STHalfEdge* getNextUnconnected();
class STHalfEdgeNode : public HalfEdgeNode<SkeletalTrapezoidationJoint, SkeletalTrapezoidationEdge, STHalfEdgeNode, STHalfEdge>
using edge_t = STHalfEdge;
using node_t = STHalfEdgeNode;
STHalfEdgeNode(SkeletalTrapezoidationJoint data, Point p);
bool isMultiIntersection();
bool isCentral() const;
* Check whether this node has a locally maximal distance_to_boundary
* \param strict Whether equidistant edges can count as a local maximum
bool isLocalMaximum(bool strict = false) const;
class SkeletalTrapezoidationGraph: public HalfEdgeGraph<SkeletalTrapezoidationJoint, SkeletalTrapezoidationEdge, STHalfEdgeNode, STHalfEdge>
using edge_t = STHalfEdge;
using node_t = STHalfEdgeNode;
void fixNodeDuplication();
* If an edge is too small, collapse it and its twin and fix the surrounding edges to ensure a consistent graph.
* Don't collapse support edges, unless we can collapse the whole quad.
* o-,
* | "-o
* | | > Don't collapse this edge only.
* o o
void collapseSmallEdges(coord_t snap_dist = 5000);
void makeRib(edge_t*& prev_edge, Point start_source_point, Point end_source_point, bool is_next_to_start_or_end);
* Insert a node into the graph and connect it to the input polygon using ribs
* \return the last edge which replaced [edge], which points to the same [to] node
edge_t* insertNode(edge_t* edge, Point mid, coord_t mide_node_bead_count);
* Return the first and last edge of the edges replacing \p edge pointing to the same node
std::pair<edge_t*, edge_t*> insertRib(edge_t& edge, node_t* mid_node);
Line getSource(const edge_t& edge) const;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <memory> // smart pointers
#include "libslic3r/Arachne/BeadingStrategy/BeadingStrategy.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
class SkeletalTrapezoidationJoint
using Beading = BeadingStrategy::Beading;
struct BeadingPropagation
Beading beading;
coord_t dist_to_bottom_source;
coord_t dist_from_top_source;
bool is_upward_propagated_only;
BeadingPropagation(const Beading& beading)
: beading(beading)
, dist_to_bottom_source(0)
, dist_from_top_source(0)
, is_upward_propagated_only(false)
coord_t distance_to_boundary;
coord_t bead_count;
float transition_ratio; //! The distance near the skeleton to leave free because this joint is in the middle of a transition, as a fraction of the inner bead width of the bead at the higher transition.
: distance_to_boundary(-1)
, bead_count(-1)
, transition_ratio(0)
bool hasBeading() const
return beading.use_count() > 0;
void setBeading(std::shared_ptr<BeadingPropagation> storage)
beading = storage;
std::shared_ptr<BeadingPropagation> getBeading()
return beading.lock();
std::weak_ptr<BeadingPropagation> beading;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,864 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
// CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <algorithm> //For std::partition_copy and std::min_element.
#include <unordered_set>
#include "WallToolPaths.hpp"
#include "SkeletalTrapezoidation.hpp"
#include "../ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "Arachne/utils/linearAlg2D.hpp"
#include "EdgeGrid.hpp"
#include "utils/SparseLineGrid.hpp"
#include "Geometry.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
WallToolPaths::WallToolPaths(const Polygons& outline, const coord_t nominal_bead_width, const size_t inset_count, const coord_t wall_0_inset,
const PrintConfig &print_config)
: outline(outline)
, bead_width_0(nominal_bead_width)
, bead_width_x(nominal_bead_width)
, inset_count(inset_count)
, wall_0_inset(wall_0_inset)
, strategy_type(print_config.beading_strategy_type.value)
, print_thin_walls(Slic3r::Arachne::fill_outline_gaps)
, min_feature_size(scaled<coord_t>(print_config.min_feature_size.value))
, min_bead_width(scaled<coord_t>(print_config.min_bead_width.value))
, small_area_length(static_cast<double>(nominal_bead_width) / 2.)
, toolpaths_generated(false)
, print_config(print_config)
WallToolPaths::WallToolPaths(const Polygons& outline, const coord_t bead_width_0, const coord_t bead_width_x,
const size_t inset_count, const coord_t wall_0_inset, const PrintConfig &print_config)
: outline(outline)
, bead_width_0(bead_width_0)
, bead_width_x(bead_width_x)
, inset_count(inset_count)
, wall_0_inset(wall_0_inset)
, strategy_type(print_config.beading_strategy_type.value)
, print_thin_walls(Slic3r::Arachne::fill_outline_gaps)
, min_feature_size(scaled<coord_t>(print_config.min_feature_size.value))
, min_bead_width(scaled<coord_t>(print_config.min_bead_width.value))
, small_area_length(static_cast<double>(bead_width_0) / 2.)
, toolpaths_generated(false)
, print_config(print_config)
void simplify(Polygon &thiss, const int64_t smallest_line_segment_squared, const int64_t allowed_error_distance_squared)
if (thiss.size() < 3)
if (thiss.size() == 3)
Polygon new_path;
Point previous = thiss.points.back();
Point previous_previous = - 2);
Point current =;
/* When removing a vertex, we check the height of the triangle of the area
being removed from the original polygon by the simplification. However,
when consecutively removing multiple vertices the height of the previously
removed vertices w.r.t. the shortcut path changes.
In order to not recompute the new height value of previously removed
vertices we compute the height of a representative triangle, which covers
the same amount of area as the area being cut off. We use the Shoelace
formula to accumulate the area under the removed segments. This works by
computing the area in a 'fan' where each of the blades of the fan go from
the origin to one of the segments. While removing vertices the area in
this fan accumulates. By subtracting the area of the blade connected to
the short-cutting segment we obtain the total area of the cutoff region.
From this area we compute the height of the representative triangle using
the standard formula for a triangle area: A = .5*b*h
int64_t accumulated_area_removed = int64_t(previous.x()) * int64_t(current.y()) - int64_t(previous.y()) * int64_t(current.x()); // Twice the Shoelace formula for area of polygon per line segment.
for (size_t point_idx = 0; point_idx < thiss.points.size(); point_idx++)
current = % thiss.points.size());
//Check if the accumulated area doesn't exceed the maximum.
Point next;
if (point_idx + 1 < thiss.points.size())
next = + 1);
else if (point_idx + 1 == thiss.points.size() && new_path.size() > 1)
{ // don't spill over if the [next] vertex will then be equal to [previous]
next = new_path[0]; //Spill over to new polygon for checking removed area.
next = + 1) % thiss.points.size());
const int64_t removed_area_next = int64_t(current.x()) * int64_t(next.y()) - int64_t(current.y()) * int64_t(next.x()); // Twice the Shoelace formula for area of polygon per line segment.
const int64_t negative_area_closing = int64_t(next.x()) * int64_t(previous.y()) - int64_t(next.y()) * int64_t(previous.x()); // area between the origin and the short-cutting segment
accumulated_area_removed += removed_area_next;
const int64_t length2 = (current - previous).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm();
if (length2 < scaled<int64_t>(25.))
// We're allowed to always delete segments of less than 5 micron.
const int64_t area_removed_so_far = accumulated_area_removed + negative_area_closing; // close the shortcut area polygon
const int64_t base_length_2 = (next - previous).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm();
if (base_length_2 == 0) //Two line segments form a line back and forth with no area.
continue; //Remove the vertex.
//We want to check if the height of the triangle formed by previous, current and next vertices is less than allowed_error_distance_squared.
//1/2 L = A [actual area is half of the computed shoelace value] // Shoelace formula is .5*(...) , but we simplify the computation and take out the .5
//A = 1/2 * b * h [triangle area formula]
//L = b * h [apply above two and take out the 1/2]
//h = L / b [divide by b]
//h^2 = (L / b)^2 [square it]
//h^2 = L^2 / b^2 [factor the divisor]
const int64_t height_2 = double(area_removed_so_far) * double(area_removed_so_far) / double(base_length_2);
if ((height_2 <= Slic3r::sqr(scaled<coord_t>(0.005)) //Almost exactly colinear (barring rounding errors).
&& Line::distance_to_infinite(current, previous, next) <= scaled<double>(0.005))) // make sure that height_2 is not small because of cancellation of positive and negative areas
if (length2 < smallest_line_segment_squared
&& height_2 <= allowed_error_distance_squared) // removing the vertex doesn't introduce too much error.)
const int64_t next_length2 = (current - next).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm();
if (next_length2 > smallest_line_segment_squared)
// Special case; The next line is long. If we were to remove this, it could happen that we get quite noticeable artifacts.
// We should instead move this point to a location where both edges are kept and then remove the previous point that we wanted to keep.
// By taking the intersection of these two lines, we get a point that preserves the direction (so it makes the corner a bit more pointy).
// We just need to be sure that the intersection point does not introduce an artifact itself.
Point intersection_point;
bool has_intersection = Line(previous_previous, previous).intersection_infinite(Line(current, next), &intersection_point);
if (!has_intersection
|| Line::distance_to_infinite_squared(intersection_point, previous, current) > double(allowed_error_distance_squared)
|| (intersection_point - previous).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm() > smallest_line_segment_squared // The intersection point is way too far from the 'previous'
|| (intersection_point - next).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm() > smallest_line_segment_squared) // and 'next' points, so it shouldn't replace 'current'
// We can't find a better spot for it, but the size of the line is more than 5 micron.
// So the only thing we can do here is leave it in...
// New point seems like a valid one.
current = intersection_point;
// If there was a previous point added, remove it.
previous = previous_previous;
continue; //Remove the vertex.
//Don't remove the vertex.
accumulated_area_removed = removed_area_next; // so that in the next iteration it's the area between the origin, [previous] and [current]
previous_previous = previous;
previous = current; //Note that "previous" is only updated if we don't remove the vertex.
thiss = new_path;
* Removes vertices of the polygons to make sure that they are not too high
* resolution.
* This removes points which are connected to line segments that are shorter
* than the `smallest_line_segment`, unless that would introduce a deviation
* in the contour of more than `allowed_error_distance`.
* Criteria:
* 1. Never remove a vertex if either of the connceted segments is larger than \p smallest_line_segment
* 2. Never remove a vertex if the distance between that vertex and the final resulting polygon would be higher than \p allowed_error_distance
* 3. The direction of segments longer than \p smallest_line_segment always
* remains unaltered (but their end points may change if it is connected to
* a small segment)
* Simplify uses a heuristic and doesn't neccesarily remove all removable
* vertices under the above criteria, but simplify may never violate these
* criteria. Unless the segments or the distance is smaller than the
* rounding error of 5 micron.
* Vertices which introduce an error of less than 5 microns are removed
* anyway, even if the segments are longer than the smallest line segment.
* This makes sure that (practically) colinear line segments are joined into
* a single line segment.
* \param smallest_line_segment Maximal length of removed line segments.
* \param allowed_error_distance If removing a vertex introduces a deviation
* from the original path that is more than this distance, the vertex may
* not be removed.
void simplify(Polygons &thiss, const int64_t smallest_line_segment = scaled<coord_t>(0.01), const int64_t allowed_error_distance = scaled<coord_t>(0.005))
const int64_t allowed_error_distance_squared = int64_t(allowed_error_distance) * int64_t(allowed_error_distance);
const int64_t smallest_line_segment_squared = int64_t(smallest_line_segment) * int64_t(smallest_line_segment);
for (size_t p = 0; p < thiss.size(); p++)
simplify(thiss[p], smallest_line_segment_squared, allowed_error_distance_squared);
if (thiss[p].size() < 3)
thiss.erase(thiss.begin() + p);
* Locator to extract a line segment out of a \ref PolygonsPointIndex
struct PolygonsPointIndexSegmentLocator
std::pair<Point, Point> operator()(const PolygonsPointIndex &val) const
const Polygon &poly = (*val.polygons)[val.poly_idx];
const Point start = poly[val.point_idx];
unsigned int next_point_idx = (val.point_idx + 1) % poly.size();
const Point end = poly[next_point_idx];
return std::pair<Point, Point>(start, end);
typedef SparseLineGrid<PolygonsPointIndex, PolygonsPointIndexSegmentLocator> LocToLineGrid;
std::unique_ptr<LocToLineGrid> createLocToLineGrid(const Polygons &polygons, int square_size)
unsigned int n_points = 0;
for (const auto &poly : polygons)
n_points += poly.size();
auto ret = std::make_unique<LocToLineGrid>(square_size, n_points);
for (unsigned int poly_idx = 0; poly_idx < polygons.size(); poly_idx++)
for (unsigned int point_idx = 0; point_idx < polygons[poly_idx].size(); point_idx++)
ret->insert(PolygonsPointIndex(&polygons, poly_idx, point_idx));
return ret;
/* Note: Also tries to solve for near-self intersections, when epsilon >= 1
void fixSelfIntersections(const coord_t epsilon, Polygons &thiss)
if (epsilon < 1) {
const int64_t half_epsilon = (epsilon + 1) / 2;
// Points too close to line segments should be moved a little away from those line segments, but less than epsilon,
// so at least half-epsilon distance between points can still be guaranteed.
constexpr coord_t grid_size = scaled<coord_t>(2.);
auto query_grid = createLocToLineGrid(thiss, grid_size);
const auto move_dist = std::max<int64_t>(2L, half_epsilon - 2);
const int64_t half_epsilon_sqrd = half_epsilon * half_epsilon;
const size_t n = thiss.size();
for (size_t poly_idx = 0; poly_idx < n; poly_idx++) {
const size_t pathlen = thiss[poly_idx].size();
for (size_t point_idx = 0; point_idx < pathlen; ++point_idx) {
Point &pt = thiss[poly_idx][point_idx];
for (const auto &line : query_grid->getNearby(pt, epsilon)) {
const size_t line_next_idx = (line.point_idx + 1) % thiss[line.poly_idx].size();
if (poly_idx == line.poly_idx && (point_idx == line.point_idx || point_idx == line_next_idx))
const Line segment(thiss[line.poly_idx][line.point_idx], thiss[line.poly_idx][line_next_idx]);
Point segment_closest_point;
segment.distance_to_squared(pt, &segment_closest_point);
if (half_epsilon_sqrd >= (pt - segment_closest_point).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm()) {
const Point &other = thiss[poly_idx][(point_idx + 1) % pathlen];
const Vec2i64 vec = (LinearAlg2D::pointIsLeftOfLine(other, segment.a, segment.b) > 0 ? segment.b - segment.a : segment.a - segment.b).cast<int64_t>();
assert(Slic3r::sqr(double(vec.x())) < double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()));
assert(Slic3r::sqr(double(vec.y())) < double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()));
const int64_t len = vec.norm();
pt.x() += (-vec.y() * move_dist) / len;
pt.y() += (vec.x() * move_dist) / len;
* Removes overlapping consecutive line segments which don't delimit a positive area.
void removeDegenerateVerts(Polygons &thiss)
for (unsigned int poly_idx = 0; poly_idx < thiss.size(); poly_idx++) {
Polygon &poly = thiss[poly_idx];
Polygon result;
auto isDegenerate = [](const Point &last, const Point &now, const Point &next) {
Vec2i64 last_line = (now - last).cast<int64_t>();
Vec2i64 next_line = (next - now).cast<int64_t>();
return == -1 * last_line.norm() * next_line.norm();
bool isChanged = false;
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < poly.size(); idx++) {
const Point &last = (result.size() == 0) ? poly.back() : result.back();
if (idx + 1 == poly.size() && result.size() == 0) { break; }
Point &next = (idx + 1 == poly.size()) ? result[0] : poly[idx + 1];
if (isDegenerate(last, poly[idx], next)) { // lines are in the opposite direction
// don't add vert to the result
isChanged = true;
while (result.size() > 1 && isDegenerate(result[result.size() - 2], result.back(), next)) { result.points.pop_back(); }
} else {
if (isChanged) {
if (result.size() > 2) {
poly = result;
} else {
thiss.erase(thiss.begin() + poly_idx);
poly_idx--; // effectively the next iteration has the same poly_idx (referring to a new poly which is not yet processed)
void removeSmallAreas(Polygons &thiss, const double min_area_size, const bool remove_holes)
auto to_path = [](const Polygon &poly) -> ClipperLib::Path {
ClipperLib::Path out;
for (const Point &pt : poly.points)
out.emplace_back(ClipperLib::cInt(pt.x()), ClipperLib::cInt(pt.y()));
return out;
auto new_end = thiss.end();
for(auto it = thiss.begin(); it < new_end; it++)
// All polygons smaller than target are removed by replacing them with a polygon from the back of the vector
if(fabs(ClipperLib::Area(to_path(*it))) < min_area_size)
*it = std::move(*new_end);
it--; // wind back the iterator such that the polygon just swaped in is checked next
// For each polygon, computes the signed area, move small outlines at the end of the vector and keep pointer on small holes
std::vector<Polygon> small_holes;
for(auto it = thiss.begin(); it < new_end; it++) {
double area = ClipperLib::Area(to_path(*it));
if (fabs(area) < min_area_size)
if(area >= 0)
if(it < new_end) {
std::swap(*new_end, *it);
{ // Don't self-swap the last Path
// Removes small holes that have their first point inside one of the removed outlines
// Iterating in reverse ensures that unprocessed small holes won't be moved
const auto removed_outlines_start = new_end;
for(auto hole_it = small_holes.rbegin(); hole_it < small_holes.rend(); hole_it++)
for(auto outline_it = removed_outlines_start; outline_it < thiss.end() ; outline_it++)
if(Polygon(*outline_it).contains(*hole_it->begin())) {
*hole_it = std::move(*new_end);
void removeColinearEdges(Polygon &poly, const double max_deviation_angle)
// TODO: Can be made more efficient (for example, use pointer-types for process-/skip-indices, so we can swap them without copy).
size_t num_removed_in_iteration = 0;
do {
num_removed_in_iteration = 0;
std::vector<bool> process_indices(poly.points.size(), true);
bool go = true;
while (go) {
go = false;
const auto &rpath = poly;
const size_t pathlen = rpath.size();
if (pathlen <= 3)
std::vector<bool> skip_indices(poly.points.size(), false);
Polygon new_path;
for (size_t point_idx = 0; point_idx < pathlen; ++point_idx) {
// Don't iterate directly over process-indices, but do it this way, because there are points _in_ process-indices that should nonetheless
// be skipped:
if (!process_indices[point_idx]) {
// Should skip the last point for this iteration if the old first was removed (which can be seen from the fact that the new first was skipped):
if (point_idx == (pathlen - 1) && skip_indices[0]) {
skip_indices[new_path.size()] = true;
go = true;
const Point &prev = rpath[(point_idx - 1 + pathlen) % pathlen];
const Point &pt = rpath[point_idx];
const Point &next = rpath[(point_idx + 1) % pathlen];
float angle = LinearAlg2D::getAngleLeft(prev, pt, next); // [0 : 2 * pi]
if (angle >= float(M_PI)) { angle -= float(M_PI); } // map [pi : 2 * pi] to [0 : pi]
// Check if the angle is within limits for the point to 'make sense', given the maximum deviation.
// If the angle indicates near-parallel segments ignore the point 'pt'
if (angle > max_deviation_angle && angle < M_PI - max_deviation_angle) {
} else if (point_idx != (pathlen - 1)) {
// Skip the next point, since the current one was removed:
skip_indices[new_path.size()] = true;
go = true;
poly = new_path;
num_removed_in_iteration += pathlen - poly.points.size();
process_indices.insert(process_indices.end(), skip_indices.begin(), skip_indices.end());
} while (num_removed_in_iteration > 0);
void removeColinearEdges(Polygons &thiss, const double max_deviation_angle = 0.0005)
for (int p = 0; p < int(thiss.size()); p++) {
removeColinearEdges(thiss[p], max_deviation_angle);
if (thiss[p].size() < 3) {
thiss.erase(thiss.begin() + p);
const VariableWidthPaths& WallToolPaths::generate()
const coord_t smallest_segment = Slic3r::Arachne::meshfix_maximum_resolution;
const coord_t allowed_distance = Slic3r::Arachne::meshfix_maximum_deviation;
const coord_t epsilon_offset = (allowed_distance / 2) - 1;
const double transitioning_angle = Geometry::deg2rad(this->print_config.wall_transition_angle.value);
constexpr coord_t discretization_step_size = scaled<coord_t>(0.8);
// Simplify outline for boost::voronoi consumption. Absolutely no self intersections or near-self intersections allowed:
// TODO: Open question: Does this indeed fix all (or all-but-one-in-a-million) cases for manifold but otherwise possibly complex polygons?
Polygons prepared_outline = offset(offset(offset(outline, -epsilon_offset), epsilon_offset * 2), -epsilon_offset);
simplify(prepared_outline, smallest_segment, allowed_distance);
fixSelfIntersections(epsilon_offset, prepared_outline);
removeColinearEdges(prepared_outline, 0.005);
// Removing collinear edges may introduce self intersections, so we need to fix them again
fixSelfIntersections(epsilon_offset, prepared_outline);
removeSmallAreas(prepared_outline, small_area_length * small_area_length, false);
if (area(prepared_outline) > 0)
const coord_t wall_transition_length = scaled<coord_t>(this->print_config.wall_transition_length.value);
const double wall_split_middle_threshold = this->print_config.wall_split_middle_threshold.value / 100.; // For an uneven nr. of lines: When to split the middle wall into two.
const double wall_add_middle_threshold = this->print_config.wall_add_middle_threshold.value / 100.; // For an even nr. of lines: When to add a new middle in between the innermost two walls.
const int wall_distribution_count = this->print_config.wall_distribution_count.value;
const size_t max_bead_count = (inset_count < std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max() / 2) ? 2 * inset_count : std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max();
const auto beading_strat = BeadingStrategyFactory::makeStrategy
const coord_t transition_filter_dist = scaled<coord_t>(this->print_config.wall_transition_filter_distance.value);
SkeletalTrapezoidation wall_maker
assert(std::is_sorted(toolpaths.cbegin(), toolpaths.cend(),
[](const VariableWidthLines& l, const VariableWidthLines& r)
return l.front().inset_idx < r.front().inset_idx;
}) && "WallToolPaths should be sorted from the outer 0th to inner_walls");
toolpaths_generated = true;
return toolpaths;
void WallToolPaths::simplifyToolPaths(VariableWidthPaths& toolpaths/*, const Settings& settings*/)
for (size_t toolpaths_idx = 0; toolpaths_idx < toolpaths.size(); ++toolpaths_idx)
const int64_t maximum_resolution = Slic3r::Arachne::meshfix_maximum_resolution;
const int64_t maximum_deviation = Slic3r::Arachne::meshfix_maximum_deviation;
const int64_t maximum_extrusion_area_deviation = Slic3r::Arachne::meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation; // unit: μm²
for (auto& line : toolpaths[toolpaths_idx])
line.simplify(maximum_resolution * maximum_resolution, maximum_deviation * maximum_deviation, maximum_extrusion_area_deviation);
const VariableWidthPaths& WallToolPaths::getToolPaths()
if (!toolpaths_generated)
return generate();
return toolpaths;
void WallToolPaths::computeInnerContour()
//We'll remove all 0-width paths from the original toolpaths and store them separately as polygons.
VariableWidthPaths actual_toolpaths;
actual_toolpaths.reserve(toolpaths.size()); //A bit too much, but the correct order of magnitude.
VariableWidthPaths contour_paths;
contour_paths.reserve(toolpaths.size() / inset_count);
std::partition_copy(toolpaths.begin(), toolpaths.end(), std::back_inserter(actual_toolpaths), std::back_inserter(contour_paths),
[](const VariableWidthLines& path)
for(const ExtrusionLine& line : path)
for(const ExtrusionJunction& junction : line.junctions)
return junction.w != 0; //On the first actual junction, decide: If it's got 0 width, this is a contour. Otherwise it is an actual toolpath.
return true; //No junctions with any vertices? Classify it as a toolpath then.
if (! actual_toolpaths.empty())
toolpaths = std::move(actual_toolpaths); //Filtered out the 0-width paths.
//Now convert the contour_paths to Polygons to denote the inner contour of the walled areas.
//We're going to have to stitch these paths since not all walls may be closed contours.
//Since these walls have 0 width they should theoretically be closed. But there may be rounding errors.
const coord_t minimum_line_width = bead_width_0 / 2;
stitchContours(contour_paths, minimum_line_width, inner_contour);
//The output walls from the skeletal trapezoidation have no known winding order, especially if they are joined together from polylines.
//They can be in any direction, clockwise or counter-clockwise, regardless of whether the shapes are positive or negative.
//To get a correct shape, we need to make the outside contour positive and any holes inside negative.
//This can be done by applying the even-odd rule to the shape. This rule is not sensitive to the winding order of the polygon.
//The even-odd rule would be incorrect if the polygon self-intersects, but that should never be generated by the skeletal trapezoidation.
inner_contour = union_(inner_contour);
const Polygons& WallToolPaths::getInnerContour()
if (!toolpaths_generated && inset_count > 0)
else if(inset_count == 0)
return outline;
return inner_contour;
bool WallToolPaths::removeEmptyToolPaths(VariableWidthPaths& toolpaths)
toolpaths.erase(std::remove_if(toolpaths.begin(), toolpaths.end(), [](const VariableWidthLines& lines)
return lines.empty();
}), toolpaths.end());
return toolpaths.empty();
void WallToolPaths::stitchContours(const VariableWidthPaths& input, const coord_t stitch_distance, Polygons& output)
// Create a bucket grid to find endpoints that are close together.
struct ExtrusionLineStartLocator
const Point *operator()(const ExtrusionLine *line) { return &line->junctions.front().p; }
struct ExtrusionLineEndLocator
const Point *operator()(const ExtrusionLine *line) { return &line->junctions.back().p; }
// Only find endpoints closer than minimum_line_width, so we can't ever accidentally make crossing contours.
ClosestPointInRadiusLookup<const ExtrusionLine*, ExtrusionLineStartLocator> line_starts(coord_t(stitch_distance * std::sqrt(2.)));
ClosestPointInRadiusLookup<const ExtrusionLine*, ExtrusionLineEndLocator> line_ends(coord_t(stitch_distance * std::sqrt(2.)));
auto get_search_bbox = [](const Point &pt, const coord_t radius) -> BoundingBox {
const Point min_grid((pt - Point(radius, radius)) / radius);
const Point max_grid((pt + Point(radius, radius)) / radius);
return {min_grid * radius, (max_grid + Point(1, 1)) * radius - Point(1, 1)};
for (const VariableWidthLines &path : input) {
for (const ExtrusionLine &line : path) {
//Then go through all lines and construct chains of polylines if the endpoints are nearby.
std::unordered_set<const ExtrusionLine*> processed_lines; //Track which lines were already processed to not process them twice.
for(const VariableWidthLines& path : input)
for(const ExtrusionLine& line : path)
if(processed_lines.find(&line) != processed_lines.end()) //We already added this line before. It got added as a nearby line.
//We'll create a chain of polylines that get joined together. We can add polylines on both ends!
std::deque<const ExtrusionLine*> chain;
std::deque<bool> is_reversed; //Lines could need to be inserted in reverse. Must coincide with the `chain` deque.
const ExtrusionLine* nearest = &line; //At every iteration, add the polyline that joins together most closely.
bool nearest_reverse = false; //Whether the next line to insert must be inserted in reverse.
bool nearest_before = false; //Whether the next line to insert must be inserted in the front of the chain.
if(processed_lines.find(nearest) != processed_lines.end())
break; //Looping. This contour is already processed.
//Find any nearby lines to attach. Look on both ends of our current chain and find both ends of polylines.
const Point chain_start = is_reversed.front() ? chain.front()->junctions.back().p : chain.front()->junctions.front().p;
const Point chain_end = is_reversed.back() ? chain.back()->junctions.front().p : chain.back()->junctions.back().p;
std::vector<std::pair<const ExtrusionLine *const *, double>> starts_near_start = line_starts.find_all(chain_start);
std::vector<std::pair<const ExtrusionLine *const *, double>> ends_near_start = line_ends.find_all(chain_start);
std::vector<std::pair<const ExtrusionLine *const *, double>> starts_near_end = line_starts.find_all(chain_end);
std::vector<std::pair<const ExtrusionLine *const *, double>> ends_near_end = line_ends.find_all(chain_end);
nearest = nullptr;
int64_t nearest_dist2 = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
for (const auto &candidate_ptr : starts_near_start) {
const ExtrusionLine* candidate = *candidate_ptr.first;
if(processed_lines.find(candidate) != processed_lines.end())
continue; //Already processed this line before. It's linked to something else.
if (const int64_t dist2 = (candidate->junctions.front().p - chain_start).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm(); dist2 < nearest_dist2) {
nearest = candidate;
nearest_dist2 = dist2;
nearest_reverse = true;
nearest_before = true;
for (const auto &candidate_ptr : ends_near_start) {
const ExtrusionLine* candidate = *candidate_ptr.first;
if(processed_lines.find(candidate) != processed_lines.end())
if (const int64_t dist2 = (candidate->junctions.back().p - chain_start).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm(); dist2 < nearest_dist2) {
nearest = candidate;
nearest_dist2 = dist2;
nearest_reverse = false;
nearest_before = true;
for (const auto &candidate_ptr : starts_near_end) {
const ExtrusionLine* candidate = *candidate_ptr.first;
if(processed_lines.find(candidate) != processed_lines.end())
continue; //Already processed this line before. It's linked to something else.
if (const int64_t dist2 = (candidate->junctions.front().p - chain_start).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm(); dist2 < nearest_dist2) {
nearest = candidate;
nearest_dist2 = dist2;
nearest_reverse = false;
nearest_before = false;
for (const auto &candidate_ptr : ends_near_end) {
const ExtrusionLine* candidate = *candidate_ptr.first;
if (processed_lines.find(candidate) != processed_lines.end())
if (const int64_t dist2 = (candidate->junctions.back().p - chain_start).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm(); dist2 < nearest_dist2) {
nearest = candidate;
nearest_dist2 = dist2;
nearest_reverse = true;
nearest_before = false;
//Now serialize the entire chain into one polygon.
for (size_t i = 0; i < chain.size(); ++i) {
for (const ExtrusionJunction& junction : chain[i]->junctions)
for (auto junction = chain[i]->junctions.rbegin(); junction != chain[i]->junctions.rend(); ++junction)
size_t getOuterRegionId(const Arachne::VariableWidthPaths& toolpaths, size_t& out_max_region_id)
// Polygons show up here one by one, so there are always only a) the outer lines and b) the lines that are part of the holes.
// Therefore, the outer-regions' lines will always have the region-id that is larger then all of the other ones.
// First, build the bounding boxes:
std::map<size_t, BoundingBox> region_ids_to_bboxes; // Use a sorted map, ordered by region_id, so that we can find the largest region_id quickly.
for (const Arachne::VariableWidthLines &path : toolpaths) {
for (const Arachne::ExtrusionLine &line : path) {
BoundingBox &aabb =
region_ids_to_bboxes[line.region_id]; // Empty AABBs are default initialized when region_ids are encountered for the first time.
for (const auto &junction : line.junctions) aabb.merge(junction.p);
// Then, the largest of these will be the one that's needed for the outer region, the others' all belong to hole regions:
BoundingBox outer_bbox;
size_t outer_region_id = 0; // Region-ID 0 is reserved for 'None'.
for (const auto ®ion_id_bbox_pair : region_ids_to_bboxes) {
if (region_id_bbox_pair.second.contains(outer_bbox)) {
outer_bbox = region_id_bbox_pair.second;
outer_region_id = region_id_bbox_pair.first;
// Maximum Region-ID (using the ordering of the map)
out_max_region_id = region_ids_to_bboxes.empty() ? 0 : region_ids_to_bboxes.rbegin()->first;
return outer_region_id;
Arachne::BinJunctions variableWidthPathToBinJunctions(const Arachne::VariableWidthPaths& toolpaths, const bool pack_regions_by_inset, const bool center_last, std::set<size_t>* p_bins_with_index_zero_insets)
// Find the largest inset-index:
size_t max_inset_index = 0;
for (const Arachne::VariableWidthLines &path : toolpaths)
max_inset_index = std::max(path.front().inset_idx, max_inset_index);
// Find which regions are associated with the outer-outer walls (which region is the one the rest is holes inside of):
size_t max_region_id = 0;
const size_t outer_region_id = getOuterRegionId(toolpaths, max_region_id);
//Since we're (optionally!) splitting off in the outer and inner regions, it may need twice as many bins as inset-indices.
//Add two extra bins for the center-paths, if they need to be stored separately. One bin for inner and one for outer walls.
const size_t max_bin = (pack_regions_by_inset ? (max_region_id * 2) + 2 : (max_inset_index + 1) * 2) + center_last * 2;
Arachne::BinJunctions insets(max_bin + 1);
for (const Arachne::VariableWidthLines &path : toolpaths) {
if (path.empty()) // Don't bother printing these.
const size_t inset_index = path.front().inset_idx;
// Convert list of extrusion lines to vectors of extrusion junctions, and add those to the binned insets.
for (const Arachne::ExtrusionLine &line : path) {
// Sort into the right bin, ...
size_t bin_index;
const bool in_hole_region = line.region_id != outer_region_id && line.region_id != 0;
if (center_last && line.is_odd) {
bin_index = inset_index > 0;
} else if (pack_regions_by_inset) {
bin_index = std::min(inset_index, static_cast<size_t>(1)) + 2 * (in_hole_region ? line.region_id : 0) + center_last * 2;
} else {
bin_index = inset_index + (in_hole_region ? (max_inset_index + 1) : 0) + center_last * 2;
insets[bin_index].emplace_back(line.junctions.begin(), line.junctions.end());
// Collect all bins that have zero-inset indices in them, if needed:
if (inset_index == 0 && p_bins_with_index_zero_insets != nullptr)
return insets;
BinJunctions WallToolPaths::getBinJunctions(std::set<size_t> &bins_with_index_zero_insets)
if (!toolpaths_generated)
return variableWidthPathToBinJunctions(toolpaths, true, true, &bins_with_index_zero_insets);
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
// CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <memory>
#include "BeadingStrategy/BeadingStrategyFactory.hpp"
#include "utils/ExtrusionLine.hpp"
#include "../Polygon.hpp"
#include "../PrintConfig.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
constexpr bool fill_outline_gaps = true;
constexpr coord_t meshfix_maximum_resolution = scaled<coord_t>(0.5);
constexpr coord_t meshfix_maximum_deviation = scaled<coord_t>(0.025);
constexpr coord_t meshfix_maximum_extrusion_area_deviation = scaled<coord_t>(2.);
class WallToolPaths
* A class that creates the toolpaths given an outline, nominal bead width and maximum amount of walls
* \param outline An outline of the area in which the ToolPaths are to be generated
* \param nominal_bead_width The nominal bead width used in the generation of the toolpaths
* \param inset_count The maximum number of parallel extrusion lines that make up the wall
* \param wall_0_inset How far to inset the outer wall, to make it adhere better to other walls.
WallToolPaths(const Polygons& outline, const coord_t nominal_bead_width, const size_t inset_count, const coord_t wall_0_inset, const PrintConfig &print_config);
* A class that creates the toolpaths given an outline, nominal bead width and maximum amount of walls
* \param outline An outline of the area in which the ToolPaths are to be generated
* \param bead_width_0 The bead width of the first wall used in the generation of the toolpaths
* \param bead_width_x The bead width of the inner walls used in the generation of the toolpaths
* \param inset_count The maximum number of parallel extrusion lines that make up the wall
* \param wall_0_inset How far to inset the outer wall, to make it adhere better to other walls.
WallToolPaths(const Polygons& outline, const coord_t bead_width_0, const coord_t bead_width_x, const size_t inset_count, const coord_t wall_0_inset, const PrintConfig &print_config);
* Generates the Toolpaths
* \return A reference to the newly create ToolPaths
const VariableWidthPaths& generate();
* Gets the toolpaths, if this called before \p generate() it will first generate the Toolpaths
* \return a reference to the toolpaths
const VariableWidthPaths& getToolPaths();
BinJunctions getBinJunctions(std::set<size_t> &bins_with_index_zero_insets);
* Compute the inner contour of the walls. This contour indicates where the walled area ends and its infill begins.
* The inside can then be filled, e.g. with skin/infill for the walls of a part, or with a pattern in the case of
* infill with extra infill walls.
void computeInnerContour();
* Gets the inner contour of the area which is inside of the generated tool
* paths.
* If the walls haven't been generated yet, this will lazily call the
* \p generate() function to generate the walls with variable width.
* The resulting polygon will snugly match the inside of the variable-width
* walls where the walls get limited by the LimitedBeadingStrategy to a
* maximum wall count.
* If there are no walls, the outline will be returned.
* \return The inner contour of the generated walls.
const Polygons& getInnerContour();
* Removes empty paths from the toolpaths
* \param toolpaths the VariableWidthPaths generated with \p generate()
* \return true if there are still paths left. If all toolpaths were removed it returns false
static bool removeEmptyToolPaths(VariableWidthPaths& toolpaths);
* Stitches toolpaths together to form contours.
* All toolpaths are used. Paths that are not closed will get closed in the
* output by virtue of becoming polygons. As such, the input is expected to
* consist of almost completely closed contours, which may be split up into
* different polylines.
* This function combines those polylines into the polygons they are
* probably intended to depict.
* \param input The paths to stitch together.
* \param stitch_distance Any endpoints closer than this distance can be
* stitched together. An additional line segment will bridge the gap.
* \param output Where to store the output polygons.
static void stitchContours(const VariableWidthPaths& input, const coord_t stitch_distance, Polygons& output) ;
* Simplifies the variable-width toolpaths by calling the simplify on every line in the toolpath using the provided
* settings.
* \param settings The settings as provided by the user
* \return
static void simplifyToolPaths(VariableWidthPaths& toolpaths/*, const Settings& settings*/);
const Polygons& outline; //<! A reference to the outline polygon that is the designated area
coord_t bead_width_0; //<! The nominal or first extrusion line width with which libArachne generates its walls
coord_t bead_width_x; //<! The subsequently extrusion line width with which libArachne generates its walls if WallToolPaths was called with the nominal_bead_width Constructor this is the same as bead_width_0
size_t inset_count; //<! The maximum number of walls to generate
coord_t wall_0_inset; //<! How far to inset the outer wall. Should only be applied when printing the actual walls, not extra infill/skin/support walls.
BeadingStrategyType strategy_type; //<! The wall generating strategy
bool print_thin_walls; //<! Whether to enable the widening beading meta-strategy for thin features
coord_t min_feature_size; //<! The minimum size of the features that can be widened by the widening beading meta-strategy. Features thinner than that will not be printed
coord_t min_bead_width; //<! The minimum bead size to use when widening thin model features with the widening beading meta-strategy
double small_area_length; //<! The length of the small features which are to be filtered out, this is squared into a surface
bool toolpaths_generated; //<! Are the toolpaths generated
VariableWidthPaths toolpaths; //<! The generated toolpaths
Polygons inner_contour; //<! The inner contour of the generated toolpaths
const PrintConfig &print_config;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "ExtrusionJunction.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
bool ExtrusionJunction::operator ==(const ExtrusionJunction& other) const
return p == other.p
&& w == other.w
&& perimeter_index == other.perimeter_index;
ExtrusionJunction::ExtrusionJunction(const Point p, const coord_t w, const coord_t perimeter_index, const size_t region_id)
: p(p),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "../../Point.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
* This struct represents one vertex in an extruded path.
* It contains information on how wide the extruded path must be at this point,
* and which perimeter it represents.
struct ExtrusionJunction
* The position of the centreline of the path when it reaches this junction.
* This is the position that should end up in the g-code eventually.
Point p;
* The width of the extruded path at this junction.
coord_t w;
* Which perimeter this junction is part of.
* Perimeters are counted from the outside inwards. The outer wall has index
* 0.
size_t perimeter_index;
* Which region this juntion is part of. A solid polygon without holes has only one region.
* A polygon with holes has 2. Disconnected parts of the polygon are also separate regions.
* Will be 0 if no region was given.
size_t region_id;
ExtrusionJunction(const Point p, const coord_t w, const coord_t perimeter_index, const size_t region_id = 0);
bool operator==(const ExtrusionJunction& other) const;
inline Point operator-(const ExtrusionJunction& a, const ExtrusionJunction& b)
return a.p - b.p;
// Identity function, used to be able to make templated algorithms that do their operations on 'point-like' input.
inline const Point& make_point(const ExtrusionJunction& ej)
return ej.p;
using LineJunctions = std::vector<ExtrusionJunction>; //<! Vector of Lines
using PathJunctions = std::vector<LineJunctions>; //<! Vector of paths
using BinJunctions = std::vector<PathJunctions>; //<! Vector of insets (bins)
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <algorithm>
#include "ExtrusionLine.hpp"
#include "linearAlg2D.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
ExtrusionLine::ExtrusionLine(const size_t inset_idx, const bool is_odd, const size_t region_id)
: inset_idx(inset_idx)
, is_odd(is_odd)
, region_id(region_id)
coord_t ExtrusionLine::getLength() const
if (junctions.empty())
return 0;
coord_t len = 0;
ExtrusionJunction prev = junctions.front();
for (const ExtrusionJunction& next : junctions)
len += (next.p - prev.p).cast<int64_t>().norm();
prev = next;
return len;
coord_t ExtrusionLine::getMinimalWidth() const
return std::min_element(junctions.cbegin(), junctions.cend(),
[](const ExtrusionJunction& l, const ExtrusionJunction& r)
return l.w < r.w;
void ExtrusionLine::appendJunctionsTo(LineJunctions& result) const
result.insert(result.end(), junctions.begin(), junctions.end());
void ExtrusionLine::simplify(const int64_t smallest_line_segment_squared, const int64_t allowed_error_distance_squared, const int64_t maximum_extrusion_area_deviation)
if (junctions.size() <= 3)
/* ExtrusionLines are treated as (open) polylines, so in case an ExtrusionLine is actually a closed polygon, its
* starting and ending points will be equal (or almost equal). Therefore, the simplification of the ExtrusionLine
* should not touch the first and last points. As a result, start simplifying from point at index 1.
* */
std::vector<ExtrusionJunction> new_junctions;
// Starting junction should always exist in the simplified path
/* Initially, previous_previous is always the same as previous because, for open ExtrusionLines the last junction
* cannot be taken into consideration when checking the points at index 1. For closed ExtrusionLines, the first and
* last junctions are anyway the same.
* */
ExtrusionJunction previous_previous = junctions.front();
ExtrusionJunction previous = junctions.front();
/* When removing a vertex, we check the height of the triangle of the area
being removed from the original polygon by the simplification. However,
when consecutively removing multiple vertices the height of the previously
removed vertices w.r.t. the shortcut path changes.
In order to not recompute the new height value of previously removed
vertices we compute the height of a representative triangle, which covers
the same amount of area as the area being cut off. We use the Shoelace
formula to accumulate the area under the removed segments. This works by
computing the area in a 'fan' where each of the blades of the fan go from
the origin to one of the segments. While removing vertices the area in
this fan accumulates. By subtracting the area of the blade connected to
the short-cutting segment we obtain the total area of the cutoff region.
From this area we compute the height of the representative triangle using
the standard formula for a triangle area: A = .5*b*h
const ExtrusionJunction& initial =;
int64_t accumulated_area_removed = int64_t(previous.p.x()) * int64_t(initial.p.y()) - int64_t(previous.p.y()) * int64_t(initial.p.x()); // Twice the Shoelace formula for area of polygon per line segment.
for (size_t point_idx = 1; point_idx < junctions.size() - 1; point_idx++)
const ExtrusionJunction& current = junctions[point_idx];
// Spill over in case of overflow, unless the [next] vertex will then be equal to [previous].
const bool spill_over = point_idx + 1 == junctions.size() && new_junctions.size() > 1;
ExtrusionJunction& next = spill_over ? new_junctions[0] : junctions[point_idx + 1];
const int64_t removed_area_next = int64_t(current.p.x()) * int64_t(next.p.y()) - int64_t(current.p.y()) * int64_t(next.p.x()); // Twice the Shoelace formula for area of polygon per line segment.
const int64_t negative_area_closing = int64_t(next.p.x()) * int64_t(previous.p.y()) - int64_t(next.p.y()) * int64_t(previous.p.x()); // Area between the origin and the short-cutting segment
accumulated_area_removed += removed_area_next;
const int64_t length2 = (current - previous).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm();
if (length2 < scaled<coord_t>(0.025))
// We're allowed to always delete segments of less than 5 micron. The width in this case doesn't matter that much.
const int64_t area_removed_so_far = accumulated_area_removed + negative_area_closing; // Close the shortcut area polygon
const int64_t base_length_2 = (next - previous).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm();
if (base_length_2 == 0) // Two line segments form a line back and forth with no area.
continue; // Remove the junction (vertex).
//We want to check if the height of the triangle formed by previous, current and next vertices is less than allowed_error_distance_squared.
//1/2 L = A [actual area is half of the computed shoelace value] // Shoelace formula is .5*(...) , but we simplify the computation and take out the .5
//A = 1/2 * b * h [triangle area formula]
//L = b * h [apply above two and take out the 1/2]
//h = L / b [divide by b]
//h^2 = (L / b)^2 [square it]
//h^2 = L^2 / b^2 [factor the divisor]
const int64_t height_2 = int64_t(double(area_removed_so_far) * double(area_removed_so_far) / double(base_length_2));
coord_t weighted_average_width;
const int64_t extrusion_area_error = calculateExtrusionAreaDeviationError(previous, current, next, weighted_average_width);
if ((height_2 <= 1 //Almost exactly colinear (barring rounding errors).
&& Line::distance_to_infinite(current.p, previous.p, next.p) <= 1.) // Make sure that height_2 is not small because of cancellation of positive and negative areas
// We shouldn't remove middle junctions of colinear segments if the area changed for the C-P segment is exceeding the maximum allowed
&& extrusion_area_error <= maximum_extrusion_area_deviation)
// Adjust the width of the entire P-N line as a weighted average of the widths of the P-C and C-N lines and
// then remove the current junction (vertex).
next.w = weighted_average_width;
if (length2 < smallest_line_segment_squared
&& height_2 <= allowed_error_distance_squared) // Removing the junction (vertex) doesn't introduce too much error.
const int64_t next_length2 = (current - next).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm();
if (next_length2 > smallest_line_segment_squared)
// Special case; The next line is long. If we were to remove this, it could happen that we get quite noticeable artifacts.
// We should instead move this point to a location where both edges are kept and then remove the previous point that we wanted to keep.
// By taking the intersection of these two lines, we get a point that preserves the direction (so it makes the corner a bit more pointy).
// We just need to be sure that the intersection point does not introduce an artifact itself.
Point intersection_point;
bool has_intersection = Line(previous_previous.p, previous.p).intersection_infinite(Line(current.p, next.p), &intersection_point);
if (!has_intersection
|| Line::distance_to_infinite_squared(intersection_point, previous.p, current.p) > double(allowed_error_distance_squared)
|| (intersection_point - previous.p).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm() > smallest_line_segment_squared // The intersection point is way too far from the 'previous'
|| (intersection_point - next.p).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm() > smallest_line_segment_squared) // and 'next' points, so it shouldn't replace 'current'
// We can't find a better spot for it, but the size of the line is more than 5 micron.
// So the only thing we can do here is leave it in...
// New point seems like a valid one.
const ExtrusionJunction new_to_add = ExtrusionJunction(intersection_point, current.w, current.perimeter_index, current.region_id);
// If there was a previous point added, remove it.
previous = previous_previous;
// The junction (vertex) is replaced by the new one.
accumulated_area_removed = removed_area_next; // So that in the next iteration it's the area between the origin, [previous] and [current]
previous_previous = previous;
previous = new_to_add; // Note that "previous" is only updated if we don't remove the junction (vertex).
continue; // Remove the junction (vertex).
// The junction (vertex) isn't removed.
accumulated_area_removed = removed_area_next; // So that in the next iteration it's the area between the origin, [previous] and [current]
previous_previous = previous;
previous = current; // Note that "previous" is only updated if we don't remove the junction (vertex).
// Ending junction (vertex) should always exist in the simplified path
/* In case this is a closed polygon (instead of a poly-line-segments), the invariant that the first and last points are the same should be enforced.
* Since one of them didn't move, and the other can't have been moved further than the constraints, if originally equal, they can simply be equated.
if ((junctions.front().p - junctions.back().p).cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm() == 0)
new_junctions.back().p = junctions.front().p;
junctions = new_junctions;
int64_t ExtrusionLine::calculateExtrusionAreaDeviationError(ExtrusionJunction A, ExtrusionJunction B, ExtrusionJunction C, coord_t& weighted_average_width)
* A B C A C
* --------------- **************
* | | ------------------------------------------
* | |--------------------------| B removed | |***************************|
* | | | ---------> | | |
* | |--------------------------| | |***************************|
* | | ------------------------------------------
* --------------- ^ **************
* ^ C.w ^
* B.w new_width = weighted_average_width
* ******** denote the total extrusion area deviation error in the consecutive segments as a result of using the
* weighted-average width for the entire extrusion line.
* */
const int64_t ab_length = (B - A).cast<int64_t>().norm();
const int64_t bc_length = (C - B).cast<int64_t>().norm();
const int64_t width_diff = llabs(B.w - C.w);
if (width_diff > 1)
// Adjust the width only if there is a difference, or else the rounding errors may produce the wrong
// weighted average value.
assert(((int64_t(ab_length) * int64_t(B.w) + int64_t(bc_length) * int64_t(C.w)) / (C - A).cast<int64_t>().norm()) <= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max());
weighted_average_width = (ab_length * int64_t(B.w) + bc_length * int64_t(C.w)) / (C - A).cast<int64_t>().norm();
assert((double(llabs(B.w - weighted_average_width)) * double(ab_length) + double(llabs(C.w - weighted_average_width)) * double(bc_length)) <= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()));
return int64_t(llabs(B.w - weighted_average_width)) * ab_length + int64_t(llabs(C.w - weighted_average_width)) * bc_length;
// If the width difference is very small, then select the width of the segment that is longer
weighted_average_width = ab_length > bc_length ? B.w : C.w;
assert((int64_t(width_diff) * int64_t(bc_length)) <= std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max());
assert((int64_t(width_diff) * int64_t(ab_length)) <= std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max());
return ab_length > bc_length ? width_diff * bc_length : width_diff * ab_length;
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "ExtrusionJunction.hpp"
#include "../../Polyline.hpp"
#include "../../Polygon.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
class ThickPolyline;
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
* Represents a polyline (not just a line) that is to be extruded with variable
* line width.
* This polyline is a sequence of \ref ExtrusionJunction, with a bit of metadata
* about which inset it represents.
struct ExtrusionLine
* Which inset this path represents, counted from the outside inwards.
* The outer wall has index 0.
size_t inset_idx;
* If a thin piece needs to be printed with an odd number of walls (e.g. 5
* walls) then there will be one wall in the middle that is not a loop. This
* field indicates whether this path is such a line through the middle, that
* has no companion line going back on the other side and is not a closed
* loop.
bool is_odd;
* Which region this line is part of. A solid polygon without holes has only one region.
* A polygon with holes has 2. Disconnected parts of the polygon are also separate regions.
* Will be 0 if no region was given.
size_t region_id;
* The list of vertices along which this path runs.
* Each junction has a width, making this path a variable-width path.
std::vector<ExtrusionJunction> junctions;
ExtrusionLine(const size_t inset_idx, const bool is_odd, const size_t region_id = 0);
* Sum the total length of this path.
coord_t getLength() const;
* Get the minimal width of this path
coord_t getMinimalWidth() const;
* Export the included junctions as vector.
void appendJunctionsTo(LineJunctions& result) const;
* Removes vertices of the ExtrusionLines to make sure that they are not too high
* resolution.
* This removes junctions which are connected to line segments that are shorter
* than the `smallest_line_segment`, unless that would introduce a deviation
* in the contour of more than `allowed_error_distance`.
* Criteria:
* 1. Never remove a junction if either of the connected segments is larger than \p smallest_line_segment
* 2. Never remove a junction if the distance between that junction and the final resulting polygon would be higher
* than \p allowed_error_distance
* 3. The direction of segments longer than \p smallest_line_segment always
* remains unaltered (but their end points may change if it is connected to
* a small segment)
* 4. Never remove a junction if it has a distinctively different width than the next junction, as this can
* introduce unwanted irregularities on the wall widths.
* Simplify uses a heuristic and doesn't necessarily remove all removable
* vertices under the above criteria, but simplify may never violate these
* criteria. Unless the segments or the distance is smaller than the
* rounding error of 5 micron.
* Vertices which introduce an error of less than 5 microns are removed
* anyway, even if the segments are longer than the smallest line segment.
* This makes sure that (practically) co-linear line segments are joined into
* a single line segment.
* \param smallest_line_segment Maximal length of removed line segments.
* \param allowed_error_distance If removing a vertex introduces a deviation
* from the original path that is more than this distance, the vertex may
* not be removed.
* \param maximum_extrusion_area_deviation The maximum extrusion area deviation allowed when removing intermediate
* junctions from a straight ExtrusionLine
void simplify(int64_t smallest_line_segment_squared, int64_t allowed_error_distance_squared, int64_t maximum_extrusion_area_deviation);
* Computes and returns the total area error (in μm²) of the AB and BC segments of an ABC straight ExtrusionLine
* when the junction B with a width B.w is removed from the ExtrusionLine. The area changes due to the fact that the
* new simplified line AC has a uniform width which equals to the weighted average of the width of the subsegments
* (based on their length).
* \param A Start point of the 3-point-straight line
* \param B Intermediate point of the 3-point-straight line
* \param C End point of the 3-point-straight line
* \param weighted_average_width The weighted average of the widths of the two colinear extrusion segments
* */
static int64_t calculateExtrusionAreaDeviationError(ExtrusionJunction A, ExtrusionJunction B, ExtrusionJunction C, coord_t& weighted_average_width);
using VariableWidthLines = std::vector<ExtrusionLine>; //<! The ExtrusionLines generated by libArachne for each Path
using VariableWidthPaths = std::vector<VariableWidthLines>; //<! The toolpaths generated by libArachne
static inline Slic3r::ThickPolyline to_thick_polyline(const Arachne::LineJunctions &line_junctions)
assert(line_junctions.size() >= 2);
Slic3r::ThickPolyline out;
auto it_prev = line_junctions.begin() + 1;
for (auto it = line_junctions.begin() + 2; it != line_junctions.end(); ++it) {
it_prev = it;
return out;
static inline Polygon to_polygon(const ExtrusionLine& line) {
Polygon out;
assert(line.junctions.size() >= 3);
assert(line.junctions.front().p == line.junctions.back().p);
out.points.reserve(line.junctions.size() - 1);
for (auto it = line.junctions.begin(); it != line.junctions.end() - 1; ++it)
return out;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <forward_list>
#include <optional>
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
template<typename node_data_t, typename edge_data_t, typename derived_node_t, typename derived_edge_t>
class HalfEdgeNode;
template<typename node_data_t, typename edge_data_t, typename derived_node_t, typename derived_edge_t>
class HalfEdge
using edge_t = derived_edge_t;
using node_t = derived_node_t;
edge_data_t data;
edge_t* twin = nullptr;
edge_t* next = nullptr;
edge_t* prev = nullptr;
node_t* from = nullptr;
node_t* to = nullptr;
HalfEdge(edge_data_t data)
: data(data)
bool operator==(const edge_t& other)
return this == &other;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <list>
#include <cassert>
#include "HalfEdge.hpp"
#include "HalfEdgeNode.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
template<class node_data_t, class edge_data_t, class derived_node_t, class derived_edge_t> // types of data contained in nodes and edges
class HalfEdgeGraph
using edge_t = derived_edge_t;
using node_t = derived_node_t;
std::list<edge_t> edges;
std::list<node_t> nodes;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <list>
#include "../../Point.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
template<typename node_data_t, typename edge_data_t, typename derived_node_t, typename derived_edge_t>
class HalfEdge;
template<typename node_data_t, typename edge_data_t, typename derived_node_t, typename derived_edge_t>
class HalfEdgeNode
using edge_t = derived_edge_t;
using node_t = derived_node_t;
node_data_t data;
Point p;
edge_t* incident_edge = nullptr;
HalfEdgeNode(node_data_t data, Point p)
: data(data)
, p(p)
bool operator==(const node_t& other)
return this == &other;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
//Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <vector>
#include "../../Point.hpp"
#include "../../Polygon.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
* A class for iterating over the points in one of the polygons in a \ref Polygons object
class PolygonsPointIndex
* The polygons into which this index is indexing.
const Polygons* polygons; // (pointer to const polygons)
unsigned int poly_idx; //!< The index of the polygon in \ref PolygonsPointIndex::polygons
unsigned int point_idx; //!< The index of the point in the polygon in \ref PolygonsPointIndex::polygons
* Constructs an empty point index to no polygon.
* This is used as a placeholder for when there is a zero-construction
* needed. Since the `polygons` field is const you can't ever make this
* initialisation useful.
PolygonsPointIndex() : polygons(nullptr), poly_idx(0), point_idx(0) {}
* Constructs a new point index to a vertex of a polygon.
* \param polygons The Polygons instance to which this index points.
* \param poly_idx The index of the sub-polygon to point to.
* \param point_idx The index of the vertex in the sub-polygon.
PolygonsPointIndex(const Polygons *polygons, unsigned int poly_idx, unsigned int point_idx)
: polygons(polygons), poly_idx(poly_idx), point_idx(point_idx) {}
* Copy constructor to copy these indices.
PolygonsPointIndex(const PolygonsPointIndex& original) = default;
Point p() const
if (!polygons)
return {0, 0};
return (*polygons)[poly_idx][point_idx];
* Test whether two iterators refer to the same polygon in the same polygon list.
* \param other The PolygonsPointIndex to test for equality
* \return Wether the right argument refers to the same polygon in the same ListPolygon as the left argument.
bool operator==(const PolygonsPointIndex &other) const
return polygons == other.polygons && poly_idx == other.poly_idx && point_idx == other.point_idx;
bool operator!=(const PolygonsPointIndex &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool operator<(const PolygonsPointIndex &other) const { return this->p() < other.p(); }
PolygonsPointIndex &operator=(const PolygonsPointIndex &other)
polygons = other.polygons;
poly_idx = other.poly_idx;
point_idx = other.point_idx;
return *this;
//! move the iterator forward (and wrap around at the end)
PolygonsPointIndex &operator++()
point_idx = (point_idx + 1) % (*polygons)[poly_idx].size();
return *this;
//! move the iterator backward (and wrap around at the beginning)
PolygonsPointIndex &operator--()
if (point_idx == 0)
point_idx = (*polygons)[poly_idx].size();
return *this;
//! move the iterator forward (and wrap around at the end)
PolygonsPointIndex next() const
PolygonsPointIndex ret(*this);
return ret;
//! move the iterator backward (and wrap around at the beginning)
PolygonsPointIndex prev() const
PolygonsPointIndex ret(*this);
return ret;
}//namespace Slic3r::Arachne
namespace std
* Hash function for \ref PolygonsPointIndex
template <>
struct hash<Slic3r::Arachne::PolygonsPointIndex>
size_t operator()(const Slic3r::Arachne::PolygonsPointIndex& lpi) const
return Slic3r::PointHash{}(lpi.p());
}//namespace std
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <vector>
#include "PolygonsPointIndex.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
* A class for iterating over the points in one of the polygons in a \ref Polygons object
class PolygonsSegmentIndex : public PolygonsPointIndex
PolygonsSegmentIndex() : PolygonsPointIndex(){};
PolygonsSegmentIndex(const Polygons *polygons, unsigned int poly_idx, unsigned int point_idx) : PolygonsPointIndex(polygons, poly_idx, point_idx){};
Point from() const { return PolygonsPointIndex::p(); }
Point to() const { return PolygonsSegmentIndex::next().p(); }
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
//Copyright (c) 2016 Scott Lenser
//Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <cassert>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include "../../Point.hpp"
#include "SquareGrid.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne {
/*! \brief Sparse grid which can locate spatially nearby elements efficiently.
* \note This is an abstract template class which doesn't have any functions to insert elements.
* \see SparsePointGrid
* \tparam ElemT The element type to store.
template<class ElemT> class SparseGrid : public SquareGrid
using Elem = ElemT;
using GridPoint = SquareGrid::GridPoint;
using grid_coord_t = SquareGrid::grid_coord_t;
using GridMap = std::unordered_multimap<GridPoint, Elem, PointHash>;
using iterator = typename GridMap::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename GridMap::const_iterator;
/*! \brief Constructs a sparse grid with the specified cell size.
* \param[in] cell_size The size to use for a cell (square) in the grid.
* Typical values would be around 0.5-2x of expected query radius.
* \param[in] elem_reserve Number of elements to research space for.
* \param[in] max_load_factor Maximum average load factor before rehashing.
SparseGrid(coord_t cell_size, size_t elem_reserve=0U, float max_load_factor=1.0f);
iterator begin() { return m_grid.begin(); }
iterator end() { return m_grid.end(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return m_grid.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return m_grid.end(); }
/*! \brief Returns all data within radius of query_pt.
* Finds all elements with location within radius of \p query_pt. May
* return additional elements that are beyond radius.
* Average running time is a*(1 + 2 * radius / cell_size)**2 +
* b*cnt where a and b are proportionality constance and cnt is
* the number of returned items. The search will return items in
* an area of (2*radius + cell_size)**2 on average. The max range
* of an item from the query_point is radius + cell_size.
* \param[in] query_pt The point to search around.
* \param[in] radius The search radius.
* \return Vector of elements found
std::vector<Elem> getNearby(const Point &query_pt, coord_t radius) const;
/*! \brief Process elements from cells that might contain sought after points.
* Processes elements from cell that might have elements within \p
* radius of \p query_pt. Processes all elements that are within
* radius of query_pt. May process elements that are up to radius +
* cell_size from query_pt.
* \param[in] query_pt The point to search around.
* \param[in] radius The search radius.
* \param[in] process_func Processes each element. process_func(elem) is
* called for each element in the cell. Processing stops if function returns false.
* \return Whether we need to continue processing after this function
bool processNearby(const Point &query_pt, coord_t radius, const std::function<bool(const ElemT &)> &process_func) const;
/*! \brief Process elements from the cell indicated by \p grid_pt.
* \param[in] grid_pt The grid coordinates of the cell.
* \param[in] process_func Processes each element. process_func(elem) is
* called for each element in the cell. Processing stops if function returns false.
* \return Whether we need to continue processing a next cell.
bool processFromCell(const GridPoint &grid_pt, const std::function<bool(const Elem &)> &process_func) const;
/*! \brief Map from grid locations (GridPoint) to elements (Elem). */
GridMap m_grid;
template<class ElemT> SparseGrid<ElemT>::SparseGrid(coord_t cell_size, size_t elem_reserve, float max_load_factor) : SquareGrid(cell_size)
// Must be before the reserve call.
if (elem_reserve != 0U)
template<class ElemT> bool SparseGrid<ElemT>::processFromCell(const GridPoint &grid_pt, const std::function<bool(const Elem &)> &process_func) const
auto grid_range = m_grid.equal_range(grid_pt);
for (auto iter = grid_range.first; iter != grid_range.second; ++iter)
if (!process_func(iter->second))
return false;
return true;
template<class ElemT>
bool SparseGrid<ElemT>::processNearby(const Point &query_pt, coord_t radius, const std::function<bool(const Elem &)> &process_func) const
return SquareGrid::processNearby(query_pt, radius, [&process_func, this](const GridPoint &grid_pt) { return processFromCell(grid_pt, process_func); });
template<class ElemT> std::vector<typename SparseGrid<ElemT>::Elem> SparseGrid<ElemT>::getNearby(const Point &query_pt, coord_t radius) const
std::vector<Elem> ret;
const std::function<bool(const Elem &)> process_func = [&ret](const Elem &elem) {
return true;
processNearby(query_pt, radius, process_func);
return ret;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
//Copyright (c) 2018 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <cassert>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include "SparseGrid.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne {
/*! \brief Sparse grid which can locate spatially nearby elements efficiently.
* \tparam ElemT The element type to store.
* \tparam Locator The functor to get the start and end locations from ElemT.
* must have: std::pair<Point, Point> operator()(const ElemT &elem) const
* which returns the location associated with val.
template<class ElemT, class Locator> class SparseLineGrid : public SparseGrid<ElemT>
using Elem = ElemT;
/*! \brief Constructs a sparse grid with the specified cell size.
* \param[in] cell_size The size to use for a cell (square) in the grid.
* Typical values would be around 0.5-2x of expected query radius.
* \param[in] elem_reserve Number of elements to research space for.
* \param[in] max_load_factor Maximum average load factor before rehashing.
SparseLineGrid(coord_t cell_size, size_t elem_reserve = 0U, float max_load_factor = 1.0f);
/*! \brief Inserts elem into the sparse grid.
* \param[in] elem The element to be inserted.
void insert(const Elem &elem);
using GridPoint = typename SparseGrid<ElemT>::GridPoint;
/*! \brief Accessor for getting locations from elements. */
Locator m_locator;
template<class ElemT, class Locator>
SparseLineGrid<ElemT, Locator>::SparseLineGrid(coord_t cell_size, size_t elem_reserve, float max_load_factor)
: SparseGrid<ElemT>(cell_size, elem_reserve, max_load_factor) {}
template<class ElemT, class Locator> void SparseLineGrid<ElemT, Locator>::insert(const Elem &elem)
const std::pair<Point, Point> line = m_locator(elem);
using GridMap = std::unordered_multimap<GridPoint, Elem, PointHash>;
// below is a workaround for the fact that lambda functions cannot access private or protected members
// first we define a lambda which works on any GridMap and then we bind it to the actual protected GridMap of the parent class
std::function<bool(GridMap *, const GridPoint)> process_cell_func_ = [&elem](GridMap *m_grid, const GridPoint grid_loc) {
m_grid->emplace(grid_loc, elem);
return true;
using namespace std::placeholders; // for _1, _2, _3...
GridMap *m_grid = &(this->m_grid);
std::function<bool(const GridPoint)> process_cell_func(std::bind(process_cell_func_, m_grid, _1));
SparseGrid<ElemT>::processLineCells(line, process_cell_func);
#undef SGI_THIS
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
//Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "SquareGrid.hpp"
#include "../../Point.hpp"
using namespace Slic3r::Arachne;
SquareGrid::SquareGrid(coord_t cell_size) : cell_size(cell_size)
assert(cell_size > 0U);
SquareGrid::GridPoint SquareGrid::toGridPoint(const Vec2i64 &point) const
return Point(toGridCoord(point.x()), toGridCoord(point.y()));
SquareGrid::grid_coord_t SquareGrid::toGridCoord(const int64_t &coord) const
// This mapping via truncation results in the cells with
// GridPoint.x==0 being twice as large and similarly for
// GridPoint.y==0. This doesn't cause any incorrect behavior,
// just changes the running time slightly. The change in running
// time from this is probably not worth doing a proper floor
// operation.
return coord / cell_size;
coord_t SquareGrid::toLowerCoord(const grid_coord_t& grid_coord) const
// This mapping via truncation results in the cells with
// GridPoint.x==0 being twice as large and similarly for
// GridPoint.y==0. This doesn't cause any incorrect behavior,
// just changes the running time slightly. The change in running
// time from this is probably not worth doing a proper floor
// operation.
return grid_coord * cell_size;
bool SquareGrid::processLineCells(const std::pair<Point, Point> line, const std::function<bool (GridPoint)>& process_cell_func)
return static_cast<const SquareGrid*>(this)->processLineCells(line, process_cell_func);
bool SquareGrid::processLineCells(const std::pair<Point, Point> line, const std::function<bool (GridPoint)>& process_cell_func) const
Point start = line.first;
Point end = line.second;
if (end.x() < start.x())
{ // make sure X increases between start and end
std::swap(start, end);
const GridPoint start_cell = toGridPoint(start.cast<int64_t>());
const GridPoint end_cell = toGridPoint(end.cast<int64_t>());
const int64_t y_diff = int64_t(end.y() - start.y());
const grid_coord_t y_dir = nonzeroSign(y_diff);
/* This line drawing algorithm iterates over the range of Y coordinates, and
for each Y coordinate computes the range of X coordinates crossed in one
unit of Y. These ranges are rounded to be inclusive, so effectively this
creates a "fat" line, marking more cells than a strict one-cell-wide path.*/
grid_coord_t x_cell_start = start_cell.x();
for (grid_coord_t cell_y = start_cell.y(); cell_y * y_dir <= end_cell.y() * y_dir; cell_y += y_dir)
{ // for all Y from start to end
// nearest y coordinate of the cells in the next row
const coord_t nearest_next_y = toLowerCoord(cell_y + ((nonzeroSign(cell_y) == y_dir || cell_y == 0) ? y_dir : coord_t(0)));
grid_coord_t x_cell_end; // the X coord of the last cell to include from this row
if (y_diff == 0)
x_cell_end = end_cell.x();
const int64_t area = int64_t(end.x() - start.x()) * int64_t(nearest_next_y - start.y());
// corresponding_x: the x coordinate corresponding to nearest_next_y
int64_t corresponding_x = int64_t(start.x()) + area / y_diff;
x_cell_end = toGridCoord(corresponding_x + ((corresponding_x < 0) && ((area % y_diff) != 0)));
if (x_cell_end < start_cell.x())
{ // process at least one cell!
x_cell_end = x_cell_start;
for (grid_coord_t cell_x = x_cell_start; cell_x <= x_cell_end; ++cell_x)
GridPoint grid_loc(cell_x, cell_y);
if (! process_cell_func(grid_loc))
return false;
if (grid_loc == end_cell)
return true;
// TODO: this causes at least a one cell overlap for each row, which
// includes extra cells when crossing precisely on the corners
// where positive slope where x > 0 and negative slope where x < 0
x_cell_start = x_cell_end;
assert(false && "We should have returned already before here!");
return false;
bool SquareGrid::processNearby
const Point &query_pt,
coord_t radius,
const std::function<bool (const GridPoint&)>& process_func
) const
const Point min_loc(query_pt.x() - radius, query_pt.y() - radius);
const Point max_loc(query_pt.x() + radius, query_pt.y() + radius);
GridPoint min_grid = toGridPoint(min_loc.cast<int64_t>());
GridPoint max_grid = toGridPoint(max_loc.cast<int64_t>());
for (coord_t grid_y = min_grid.y(); grid_y <= max_grid.y(); ++grid_y)
for (coord_t grid_x = min_grid.x(); grid_x <= max_grid.x(); ++grid_x)
GridPoint grid_pt(grid_x,grid_y);
if (!process_func(grid_pt))
return false;
return true;
SquareGrid::grid_coord_t SquareGrid::nonzeroSign(const grid_coord_t z) const
return (z >= 0) - (z < 0);
coord_t SquareGrid::getCellSize() const
return cell_size;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
//Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "../../Point.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
namespace Slic3r::Arachne {
* Helper class to calculate coordinates on a square grid, and providing some
* utility functions to process grids.
* Doesn't contain any data, except cell size. The purpose is only to
* automatically generate coordinates on a grid, and automatically feed them to
* functions.
* The grid is theoretically infinite (bar integer limits).
class SquareGrid
/*! \brief Constructs a grid with the specified cell size.
* \param[in] cell_size The size to use for a cell (square) in the grid.
SquareGrid(const coord_t cell_size);
* Get the cell size this grid was created for.
coord_t getCellSize() const;
using GridPoint = Point;
using grid_coord_t = coord_t;
/*! \brief Process cells along a line indicated by \p line.
* \param line The line along which to process cells.
* \param process_func Processes each cell. ``process_func(elem)`` is called
* for each cell. Processing stops if function returns false.
* \return Whether we need to continue processing after this function.
bool processLineCells(const std::pair<Point, Point> line, const std::function<bool (GridPoint)>& process_cell_func);
/*! \brief Process cells along a line indicated by \p line.
* \param line The line along which to process cells
* \param process_func Processes each cell. ``process_func(elem)`` is called
* for each cell. Processing stops if function returns false.
* \return Whether we need to continue processing after this function.
bool processLineCells(const std::pair<Point, Point> line, const std::function<bool (GridPoint)>& process_cell_func) const;
/*! \brief Process cells that might contain sought after points.
* Processes cells that might be within a square with twice \p radius as
* width, centered around \p query_pt.
* May process elements that are up to radius + cell_size from query_pt.
* \param query_pt The point to search around.
* \param radius The search radius.
* \param process_func Processes each cell. ``process_func(loc)`` is called
* for each cell coord within range. Processing stops if function returns
* ``false``.
* \return Whether we need to continue processing after this function.
bool processNearby(const Point &query_pt, coord_t radius, const std::function<bool(const GridPoint &)> &process_func) const;
/*! \brief Compute the grid coordinates of a point.
* \param point The actual location.
* \return The grid coordinates that correspond to \p point.
GridPoint toGridPoint(const Vec2i64 &point) const;
/*! \brief Compute the grid coordinate of a real space coordinate.
* \param coord The actual location.
* \return The grid coordinate that corresponds to \p coord.
grid_coord_t toGridCoord(const int64_t &coord) const;
/*! \brief Compute the lowest coord in a grid cell.
* The lowest point is the point in the grid cell closest to the origin.
* \param grid_coord The grid coordinate.
* \return The print space coordinate that corresponds to \p grid_coord.
coord_t toLowerCoord(const grid_coord_t &grid_coord) const;
/*! \brief The cell (square) size. */
coord_t cell_size;
* Compute the sign of a number.
* The number 0 will result in a positive sign (1).
* \param z The number to find the sign of.
* \return 1 if the number is positive or 0, or -1 if the number is
* negative.
grid_coord_t nonzeroSign(grid_coord_t z) const;
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
//Copyright (c) 2021 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <stack>
#include <optional>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include "linearAlg2D.hpp"
#include "VoronoiUtils.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Vec2i64 VoronoiUtils::p(const vd_t::vertex_type *node)
const double x = node->x();
const double y = node->y();
assert(x <= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) && x >= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::lowest());
assert(y <= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) && y >= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::lowest());
return Vec2i64(int64_t(x + 0.5 - (x < 0)), int64_t(y + 0.5 - (y < 0))); // Round to the nearest integer coordinates.
Point VoronoiUtils::getSourcePoint(const vd_t::cell_type& cell, const std::vector<Segment>& segments)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Voronoi cell doesn't contain a source point!";
switch (cell.source_category()) {
case boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT:
assert(false && "Voronoi diagram is always constructed using segments, so cell.source_category() shouldn't be SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT!\n");
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Voronoi diagram is always constructed using segments, so cell.source_category() shouldn't be SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT!";
assert(cell.source_index() < segments.size());
return segments[cell.source_index()].to();
assert(cell.source_index() < segments.size());
return segments[cell.source_index()].from();
assert(false && "getSourcePoint should only be called on point cells!\n");
assert(false && "cell.source_category() is equal to an invalid value!\n");
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "cell.source_category() is equal to an invalid value!";
return {};
PolygonsPointIndex VoronoiUtils::getSourcePointIndex(const vd_t::cell_type& cell, const std::vector<Segment>& segments)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Voronoi cell doesn't contain a source point!";
assert(cell.source_category() != boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT);
switch (cell.source_category()) {
assert(cell.source_index() < segments.size());
PolygonsPointIndex ret = segments[cell.source_index()];
return ret;
assert(cell.source_index() < segments.size());
return segments[cell.source_index()];
assert(false && "getSourcePoint should only be called on point cells!\n");
PolygonsPointIndex ret = segments[cell.source_index()];
return ++ret;
const VoronoiUtils::Segment &VoronoiUtils::getSourceSegment(const vd_t::cell_type &cell, const std::vector<Segment> &segments)
if (!cell.contains_segment())
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Voronoi cell doesn't contain a source segment!";
return segments[cell.source_index()];
class PointMatrix
double matrix[4];
matrix[0] = 1;
matrix[1] = 0;
matrix[2] = 0;
matrix[3] = 1;
PointMatrix(double rotation)
rotation = rotation / 180 * M_PI;
matrix[0] = cos(rotation);
matrix[1] = -sin(rotation);
matrix[2] = -matrix[1];
matrix[3] = matrix[0];
PointMatrix(const Point p)
matrix[0] = p.x();
matrix[1] = p.y();
double f = sqrt((matrix[0] * matrix[0]) + (matrix[1] * matrix[1]));
matrix[0] /= f;
matrix[1] /= f;
matrix[2] = -matrix[1];
matrix[3] = matrix[0];
static PointMatrix scale(double s)
PointMatrix ret;
ret.matrix[0] = s;
ret.matrix[3] = s;
return ret;
Point apply(const Point p) const
return Point(coord_t(p.x() * matrix[0] + p.y() * matrix[1]), coord_t(p.x() * matrix[2] + p.y() * matrix[3]));
Point unapply(const Point p) const
return Point(coord_t(p.x() * matrix[0] + p.y() * matrix[2]), coord_t(p.x() * matrix[1] + p.y() * matrix[3]));
std::vector<Point> VoronoiUtils::discretizeParabola(const Point& p, const Segment& segment, Point s, Point e, coord_t approximate_step_size, float transitioning_angle)
std::vector<Point> discretized;
// x is distance of point projected on the segment ab
// xx is point projected on the segment ab
const Point a = segment.from();
const Point b =;
const Point ab = b - a;
const Point as = s - a;
const Point ae = e - a;
const coord_t ab_size = ab.cast<int64_t>().norm();
const coord_t sx = as.cast<int64_t>().dot(ab.cast<int64_t>()) / ab_size;
const coord_t ex = ae.cast<int64_t>().dot(ab.cast<int64_t>()) / ab_size;
const coord_t sxex = ex - sx;
assert((as.cast<int64_t>().dot(ab.cast<int64_t>()) / int64_t(ab_size)) <= std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max());
assert((ae.cast<int64_t>().dot(ab.cast<int64_t>()) / int64_t(ab_size)) <= std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max());
const Point ap = p - a;
const coord_t px = ap.cast<int64_t>().dot(ab.cast<int64_t>()) / ab_size;
assert((ap.cast<int64_t>().dot(ab.cast<int64_t>()) / int64_t(ab_size)) <= std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max());
Point pxx;
Line(a, b).distance_to_infinite_squared(p, &pxx);
const Point ppxx = pxx - p;
const coord_t d = ppxx.cast<int64_t>().norm();
const PointMatrix rot = PointMatrix(ppxx.rotate_90_degree_ccw());
if (d == 0)
return discretized;
const float marking_bound = atan(transitioning_angle * 0.5);
int64_t msx = - marking_bound * int64_t(d); // projected marking_start
int64_t mex = marking_bound * int64_t(d); // projected marking_end
assert(msx <= std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max());
assert(double(msx) * double(msx) <= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()));
assert(mex <= std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max());
assert(double(msx) * double(msx) / double(2 * d) + double(d / 2) <= std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max());
const coord_t marking_start_end_h = msx * msx / (2 * d) + d / 2;
Point marking_start = rot.unapply(Point(coord_t(msx), marking_start_end_h)) + pxx;
Point marking_end = rot.unapply(Point(coord_t(mex), marking_start_end_h)) + pxx;
const int dir = (sx > ex) ? -1 : 1;
if (dir < 0)
std::swap(marking_start, marking_end);
std::swap(msx, mex);
bool add_marking_start = msx * int64_t(dir) > int64_t(sx - px) * int64_t(dir) && msx * int64_t(dir) < int64_t(ex - px) * int64_t(dir);
bool add_marking_end = mex * int64_t(dir) > int64_t(sx - px) * int64_t(dir) && mex * int64_t(dir) < int64_t(ex - px) * int64_t(dir);
const Point apex = rot.unapply(Point(0, d / 2)) + pxx;
bool add_apex = int64_t(sx - px) * int64_t(dir) < 0 && int64_t(ex - px) * int64_t(dir) > 0;
assert(!(add_marking_start && add_marking_end) || add_apex);
if(add_marking_start && add_marking_end && !add_apex)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "Failing to discretize parabola! Must add an apex or one of the endpoints.";
const coord_t step_count = static_cast<coord_t>(static_cast<float>(std::abs(ex - sx)) / approximate_step_size + 0.5);
for (coord_t step = 1; step < step_count; step++)
assert(double(sxex) * double(step) <= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()));
const int64_t x = int64_t(sx) + int64_t(sxex) * int64_t(step) / int64_t(step_count) - int64_t(px);
assert(double(x) * double(x) <= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()));
assert(double(x) * double(x) / double(2 * d) + double(d / 2) <= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()));
const int64_t y = int64_t(x) * int64_t(x) / int64_t(2 * d) + int64_t(d / 2);
if (add_marking_start && msx * int64_t(dir) < int64_t(x) * int64_t(dir))
add_marking_start = false;
if (add_apex && int64_t(x) * int64_t(dir) > 0)
add_apex = false; // only add the apex just before the
if (add_marking_end && mex * int64_t(dir) < int64_t(x) * int64_t(dir))
add_marking_end = false;
assert(x <= std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max() && x >= std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::lowest());
assert(y <= std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max() && y >= std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::lowest());
const Point result = rot.unapply(Point(x, y)) + pxx;
if (add_apex)
if (add_marking_end)
return discretized;
}//namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include <vector>
#include <boost/polygon/voronoi.hpp>
#include "PolygonsSegmentIndex.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne
class VoronoiUtils
using Segment = PolygonsSegmentIndex;
using voronoi_data_t = double;
using vd_t = boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram<voronoi_data_t>;
static Point getSourcePoint(const vd_t::cell_type &cell, const std::vector<Segment> &segments);
static const Segment &getSourceSegment(const vd_t::cell_type &cell, const std::vector<Segment> &segments);
static PolygonsPointIndex getSourcePointIndex(const vd_t::cell_type &cell, const std::vector<Segment> &segments);
static Vec2i64 p(const vd_t::vertex_type *node);
* Discretize a parabola based on (approximate) step size.
* The \p approximate_step_size is measured parallel to the \p source_segment, not along the parabola.
static std::vector<Point> discretizeParabola(const Point &source_point, const Segment &source_segment, Point start, Point end, coord_t approximate_step_size, float transitioning_angle);
} // namespace Slic3r::Arachne
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
//Copyright (c) 2020 Ultimaker B.V.
//CuraEngine is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher.
#include "../../Point.hpp"
namespace Slic3r::Arachne::LinearAlg2D
* Test whether a point is inside a corner.
* Whether point \p query_point is left of the corner abc.
* Whether the \p query_point is in the circle half left of ab and left of bc, rather than to the right.
* Test whether the \p query_point is inside of a polygon w.r.t a single corner.
inline static bool isInsideCorner(const Point a, const Point b, const Point c, const Vec2i64 query_point) {
// Visualisation for the algorithm below:
// query
// |
// |
// |
// perp-----------b
// / \ (note that the lines
// / \ AB and AC are normalized
// / \ to 10000 units length)
// a c
auto normal = [](const Point& p0, coord_t len) -> Point
int64_t _len = p0.cast<int64_t>().norm();
if (_len < 1)
return Point(len, 0);
return (p0.cast<int64_t>() * int64_t(len) / _len).cast<coord_t>();
auto rotate_90_degree_ccw = [](const Vec2i64 &p) -> Vec2i64 {
return Vec2i64(-p.y(), p.x());
constexpr coord_t normal_length = 10000; //Create a normal vector of reasonable length in order to reduce rounding error.
const Point ba = normal(a - b, normal_length);
const Point bc = normal(c - b, normal_length);
const Vec2i64 bq = query_point - b.cast<int64_t>();
const Vec2i64 perpendicular = rotate_90_degree_ccw(bq); //The query projects to this perpendicular to coordinate 0.
assert(ba.cast<double>().dot(perpendicular.cast<double>()) <= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) && ba.cast<double>().dot(perpendicular.cast<double>()) >= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::lowest()));
assert(bc.cast<double>().dot(perpendicular.cast<double>()) <= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) && bc.cast<double>().dot(perpendicular.cast<double>()) >= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::lowest()));
const int64_t project_a_perpendicular = ba.cast<int64_t>().dot(perpendicular); //Project vertex A on the perpendicular line.
const int64_t project_c_perpendicular = bc.cast<int64_t>().dot(perpendicular); //Project vertex C on the perpendicular line.
if ((project_a_perpendicular > 0) != (project_c_perpendicular > 0)) //Query is between A and C on the projection.
return project_a_perpendicular > 0; //Due to the winding order of corner ABC, this means that the query is inside.
else //Beyond either A or C, but it could still be inside of the polygon.
assert(ba.cast<double>().dot(bq.cast<double>()) <= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) && ba.cast<double>().dot(bq.cast<double>()) >= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::lowest()));
assert(bc.cast<double>().dot(bq.cast<double>()) <= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) && bc.cast<double>().dot(bq.cast<double>()) >= double(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::lowest()));
const int64_t project_a_parallel = ba.cast<int64_t>().dot(bq); //Project not on the perpendicular, but on the original.
const int64_t project_c_parallel = bc.cast<int64_t>().dot(bq);
// * A is to the right of B (project_a_perpendicular > 0) and C is below A (project_c_parallel < project_a_parallel), or
// * A is to the left of B (project_a_perpendicular < 0) and C is above A (project_c_parallel > project_a_parallel).
return (project_c_parallel < project_a_parallel) == (project_a_perpendicular > 0);
* Returns the determinant of the 2D matrix defined by the the vectors ab and ap as rows.
* The returned value is zero for \p p lying (approximately) on the line going through \p a and \p b
* The value is positive for values lying to the left and negative for values lying to the right when looking from \p a to \p b.
* \param p the point to check
* \param a the from point of the line
* \param b the to point of the line
* \return a positive value when \p p lies to the left of the line from \p a to \p b
static inline int64_t pointIsLeftOfLine(const Point& p, const Point& a, const Point& b)
return int64_t(b.x() - a.x()) * int64_t(p.y() - a.y()) - int64_t(b.y() - a.y()) * int64_t(p.x() - a.x());
* Compute the angle between two consecutive line segments.
* The angle is computed from the left side of b when looking from a.
* c
* \ .
* \ b
* angle|
* |
* a
* \param a start of first line segment
* \param b end of first segment and start of second line segment
* \param c end of second line segment
* \return the angle in radians between 0 and 2 * pi of the corner in \p b
static inline float getAngleLeft(const Point& a, const Point& b, const Point& c)
const Vec2i64 ba = (a - b).cast<int64_t>();
const Vec2i64 bc = (c - b).cast<int64_t>();
const int64_t dott =; // dot product
const int64_t det = cross2(ba, bc); // determinant
if (det == 0) {
if ((ba.x() != 0 && (ba.x() > 0) == (bc.x() > 0)) || (ba.x() == 0 && (ba.y() > 0) == (bc.y() > 0)))
return 0; // pointy bit
return float(M_PI); // straight bit
const float angle = -atan2(double(det), double(dott)); // from -pi to pi
if (angle >= 0)
return angle;
return M_PI * 2 + angle;
}//namespace Slic3r::Arachne
@ -291,6 +291,45 @@ add_library(libslic3r STATIC
@ -101,7 +101,10 @@ void LayerRegion::make_perimeters(const SurfaceCollection &slices, SurfaceCollec
g.overhang_flow = this->bridging_flow(frPerimeter);
g.overhang_flow = this->bridging_flow(frPerimeter);
g.solid_infill_flow = this->flow(frSolidInfill);
g.solid_infill_flow = this->flow(frSolidInfill);
if (print_config.slicing_engine.value == SlicingEngine::Arachne)
@ -82,6 +82,44 @@ double distance_to(const L &line, const Vec<Dim<L>, Scalar<L>> &point)
return std::sqrt(distance_to_squared(line, point));
return std::sqrt(distance_to_squared(line, point));
// Returns a squared distance to the closest point on the infinite.
// Returned nearest_point (and returned squared distance to this point) could be beyond the 'a' and 'b' ends of the segment.
template<class L>
double distance_to_infinite_squared(const L &line, const Vec<Dim<L>, Scalar<L>> &point, Vec<Dim<L>, Scalar<L>> *closest_point)
const Vec<Dim<L>, double> v = (get_b(line) - get_a(line)).template cast<double>();
const Vec<Dim<L>, double> va = (point - get_a(line)).template cast<double>();
const double l2 = v.squaredNorm(); // avoid a sqrt
if (l2 == 0.) {
// a == b case
*closest_point = get_a(line);
return va.squaredNorm();
// Consider the line extending the segment, parameterized as a + t (b - a).
// We find projection of this point onto the line.
// It falls where t = [(this-a) . (b-a)] / |b-a|^2
const double t = / l2;
*closest_point = (get_a(line).template cast<double>() + t * v).template cast<Scalar<L>>();
return (t * v - va).squaredNorm();
// Returns a squared distance to the closest point on the infinite.
// Closest point (and returned squared distance to this point) could be beyond the 'a' and 'b' ends of the segment.
template<class L>
double distance_to_infinite_squared(const L &line, const Vec<Dim<L>, Scalar<L>> &point)
Vec<Dim<L>, Scalar<L>> nearest_point;
return distance_to_infinite_squared<L>(line, point, &nearest_point);
// Returns a distance to the closest point on the infinite.
// Closest point (and returned squared distance to this point) could be beyond the 'a' and 'b' ends of the segment.
template<class L>
double distance_to_infinite(const L &line, const Vec<Dim<L>, Scalar<L>> &point)
return std::sqrt(distance_to_infinite_squared(line, point));
} // namespace line_alg
} // namespace line_alg
class Line
class Line
@ -102,6 +140,7 @@ public:
double distance_to_squared(const Point &point) const { return distance_to_squared(point, this->a, this->b); }
double distance_to_squared(const Point &point) const { return distance_to_squared(point, this->a, this->b); }
double distance_to_squared(const Point &point, Point *closest_point) const { return line_alg::distance_to_squared(*this, point, closest_point); }
double distance_to_squared(const Point &point, Point *closest_point) const { return line_alg::distance_to_squared(*this, point, closest_point); }
double distance_to(const Point &point) const { return distance_to(point, this->a, this->b); }
double distance_to(const Point &point) const { return distance_to(point, this->a, this->b); }
double distance_to_infinite_squared(const Point &point, Point *closest_point) const { return line_alg::distance_to_infinite_squared(*this, point, closest_point); }
double perp_distance_to(const Point &point) const;
double perp_distance_to(const Point &point) const;
bool parallel_to(double angle) const;
bool parallel_to(double angle) const;
bool parallel_to(const Line& line) const;
bool parallel_to(const Line& line) const;
@ -122,6 +161,11 @@ public:
static inline double distance_to_squared(const Point &point, const Point &a, const Point &b) { return line_alg::distance_to_squared(Line{a, b}, Vec<2, coord_t>{point}); }
static inline double distance_to_squared(const Point &point, const Point &a, const Point &b) { return line_alg::distance_to_squared(Line{a, b}, Vec<2, coord_t>{point}); }
static double distance_to(const Point &point, const Point &a, const Point &b) { return sqrt(distance_to_squared(point, a, b)); }
static double distance_to(const Point &point, const Point &a, const Point &b) { return sqrt(distance_to_squared(point, a, b)); }
// Returns a distance to the closest point on the infinite.
// Closest point (and returned squared distance to this point) could be beyond the 'a' and 'b' ends of the segment.
static inline double distance_to_infinite_squared(const Point &point, const Point &a, const Point &b) { return line_alg::distance_to_infinite_squared(Line{a, b}, Vec<2, coord_t>{point}); }
static double distance_to_infinite(const Point &point, const Point &a, const Point &b) { return sqrt(distance_to_infinite_squared(point, a, b)); }
Point a;
Point a;
Point b;
Point b;
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "ExtrusionEntityCollection.hpp"
#include "ExtrusionEntityCollection.hpp"
#include "ShortestPath.hpp"
#include "ShortestPath.hpp"
#include "Arachne/WallToolPaths.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include <cassert>
@ -275,7 +276,106 @@ static ExtrusionEntityCollection traverse_loops(const PerimeterGenerator &perime
return out;
return out;
void PerimeterGenerator::process()
// Thanks, Cura developers, for implementing an algorithm for generating perimeters with variable width (Arachne) that is based on the paper
// "A framework for adaptive width control of dense contour-parallel toolpaths in fused deposition modeling"
void PerimeterGenerator::process_arachne()
// other perimeters
m_mm3_per_mm = this->perimeter_flow.mm3_per_mm();
coord_t perimeter_width = this->perimeter_flow.scaled_width();
// external perimeters
m_ext_mm3_per_mm = this->ext_perimeter_flow.mm3_per_mm();
coord_t ext_perimeter_width = this->ext_perimeter_flow.scaled_width();
// overhang perimeters
m_mm3_per_mm_overhang = this->overhang_flow.mm3_per_mm();
// solid infill
coord_t solid_infill_spacing = this->solid_infill_flow.scaled_spacing();
// prepare grown lower layer slices for overhang detection
if (this->lower_slices != NULL && this->config->overhangs) {
// We consider overhang any part where the entire nozzle diameter is not supported by the
// lower layer, so we take lower slices and offset them by half the nozzle diameter used
// in the current layer
double nozzle_diameter = this->print_config->nozzle_diameter.get_at(this->config->perimeter_extruder-1);
m_lower_slices_polygons = offset(*this->lower_slices, float(scale_(+nozzle_diameter/2)));
// we need to process each island separately because we might have different
// extra perimeters for each one
for (const Surface &surface : this->slices->surfaces) {
// detect how many perimeters must be generated for this island
int loop_number = this->config->perimeters + surface.extra_perimeters - 1; // 0-indexed loops
ExPolygons last = union_ex(surface.expolygon.simplify_p(m_scaled_resolution));
Polygons last_p = to_polygons(last);
coord_t bead_width_0 = ext_perimeter_width;
coord_t bead_width_x = perimeter_width;
coord_t wall_0_inset = 0;
Arachne::WallToolPaths wallToolPaths(last_p, bead_width_0, bead_width_x, coord_t(loop_number + 1), wall_0_inset, *this->print_config);
std::set<size_t> bins_with_index_zero_perimeters;
Arachne::BinJunctions perimeters = wallToolPaths.getBinJunctions(bins_with_index_zero_perimeters);
int start_perimeter = int(perimeters.size()) - 1;
int end_perimeter = -1;
int direction = -1;
if (this->config->external_perimeters_first) {
start_perimeter = 0;
end_perimeter = int(perimeters.size());
direction = 1;
for (int perimeter_idx = start_perimeter; perimeter_idx != end_perimeter; perimeter_idx += direction) {
if (perimeters[perimeter_idx].empty())
ThickPolylines thick_polylines;
for (const Arachne::LineJunctions &ej : perimeters[perimeter_idx])
ExtrusionEntityCollection entities_coll;
if (bins_with_index_zero_perimeters.count(perimeter_idx) > 0) // Print using outer wall config.
variable_width(thick_polylines, erExternalPerimeter, this->ext_perimeter_flow, entities_coll.entities);
variable_width(thick_polylines, erPerimeter, this->perimeter_flow, entities_coll.entities);
ExPolygons infill_contour = union_ex(wallToolPaths.getInnerContour());
// create one more offset to be used as boundary for fill
// we offset by half the perimeter spacing (to get to the actual infill boundary)
// and then we offset back and forth by half the infill spacing to only consider the
// non-collapsing regions
coord_t inset =
(loop_number < 0) ? 0 :
(loop_number == 0) ?
// one loop
// two or more loops?
inset = coord_t(scale_(this->config->get_abs_value("infill_overlap", unscale<double>(inset))));
Polygons pp;
for (ExPolygon &ex : infill_contour)
ex.simplify_p(m_scaled_resolution, &pp);
// collapse too narrow infill areas
coord_t min_perimeter_infill_spacing = coord_t(solid_infill_spacing * (1. - INSET_OVERLAP_TOLERANCE));
// append infill areas to fill_surfaces
float(-min_perimeter_infill_spacing / 2.),
float(min_perimeter_infill_spacing / 2.)), inset),
void PerimeterGenerator::process_classic()
// other perimeters
// other perimeters
m_mm3_per_mm = this->perimeter_flow.mm3_per_mm();
m_mm3_per_mm = this->perimeter_flow.mm3_per_mm();
@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ public:
m_ext_mm3_per_mm(-1), m_mm3_per_mm(-1), m_mm3_per_mm_overhang(-1)
m_ext_mm3_per_mm(-1), m_mm3_per_mm(-1), m_mm3_per_mm_overhang(-1)
void process();
void process_classic();
void process_arachne();
double ext_mm3_per_mm() const { return m_ext_mm3_per_mm; }
double ext_mm3_per_mm() const { return m_ext_mm3_per_mm; }
double mm3_per_mm() const { return m_mm3_per_mm; }
double mm3_per_mm() const { return m_mm3_per_mm; }
@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ public:
Point rotated(double angle) const { Point res(*this); res.rotate(angle); return res; }
Point rotated(double angle) const { Point res(*this); res.rotate(angle); return res; }
Point rotated(double cos_a, double sin_a) const { Point res(*this); res.rotate(cos_a, sin_a); return res; }
Point rotated(double cos_a, double sin_a) const { Point res(*this); res.rotate(cos_a, sin_a); return res; }
Point rotated(double angle, const Point ¢er) const { Point res(*this); res.rotate(angle, center); return res; }
Point rotated(double angle, const Point ¢er) const { Point res(*this); res.rotate(angle, center); return res; }
Point rotate_90_degree_ccw() const { return Point(-this->y(), this->x()); }
int nearest_point_index(const Points &points) const;
int nearest_point_index(const Points &points) const;
int nearest_point_index(const PointConstPtrs &points) const;
int nearest_point_index(const PointConstPtrs &points) const;
int nearest_point_index(const PointPtrs &points) const;
int nearest_point_index(const PointPtrs &points) const;
@ -248,6 +249,15 @@ inline bool has_duplicate_successive_points_closed(const std::vector<Point> &pts
return has_duplicate_successive_points(pts) || (pts.size() >= 2 && pts.front() == pts.back());
return has_duplicate_successive_points(pts) || (pts.size() >= 2 && pts.front() == pts.back());
inline bool shorter_then(const Point& p0, const coord_t len)
if (p0.x() > len || p0.x() < -len)
return false;
if (p0.y() > len || p0.y() < -len)
return false;
return p0.cast<int64_t>().squaredNorm() <= Slic3r::sqr(int64_t(len));
namespace int128 {
namespace int128 {
// Exact orientation predicate,
// Exact orientation predicate,
// returns +1: CCW, 0: collinear, -1: CW.
// returns +1: CCW, 0: collinear, -1: CW.
@ -448,7 +448,9 @@ static std::vector<std::string> s_Preset_print_options {
"top_infill_extrusion_width", "support_material_extrusion_width", "infill_overlap", "infill_anchor", "infill_anchor_max", "bridge_flow_ratio", "clip_multipart_objects",
"top_infill_extrusion_width", "support_material_extrusion_width", "infill_overlap", "infill_anchor", "infill_anchor_max", "bridge_flow_ratio", "clip_multipart_objects",
"elefant_foot_compensation", "xy_size_compensation", "threads", "resolution", "gcode_resolution", "wipe_tower", "wipe_tower_x", "wipe_tower_y",
"elefant_foot_compensation", "xy_size_compensation", "threads", "resolution", "gcode_resolution", "wipe_tower", "wipe_tower_x", "wipe_tower_y",
"wipe_tower_width", "wipe_tower_rotation_angle", "wipe_tower_brim_width", "wipe_tower_bridging", "single_extruder_multi_material_priming", "mmu_segmented_region_max_width",
"wipe_tower_width", "wipe_tower_rotation_angle", "wipe_tower_brim_width", "wipe_tower_bridging", "single_extruder_multi_material_priming", "mmu_segmented_region_max_width",
"wipe_tower_no_sparse_layers", "compatible_printers", "compatible_printers_condition", "inherits"
"wipe_tower_no_sparse_layers", "compatible_printers", "compatible_printers_condition", "inherits",
"slicing_engine", "beading_strategy_type", "wall_transition_length", "wall_transition_filter_distance", "wall_transition_angle",
"wall_distribution_count", "wall_split_middle_threshold", "wall_add_middle_threshold", "min_feature_size", "min_bead_width"
static std::vector<std::string> s_Preset_filament_options {
static std::vector<std::string> s_Preset_filament_options {
@ -222,6 +222,18 @@ bool Print::invalidate_state_by_config_options(const ConfigOptionResolver & /* n
} else if (
opt_key == "slicing_engine"
|| opt_key == "beading_strategy_type"
|| opt_key == "wall_transition_length"
|| opt_key == "wall_transition_filter_distance"
|| opt_key == "wall_transition_angle"
|| opt_key == "wall_distribution_count"
|| opt_key == "wall_split_middle_threshold"
|| opt_key == "wall_add_middle_threshold"
|| opt_key == "min_feature_size"
|| opt_key == "min_bead_width") {
} else {
} else {
// for legacy, if we can't handle this option let's invalidate all steps
// for legacy, if we can't handle this option let's invalidate all steps
//FIXME invalidate all steps of all objects as well?
//FIXME invalidate all steps of all objects as well?
@ -195,6 +195,19 @@ static const t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRul
static t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_SlicingEngine {
{ "classic", int(SlicingEngine::Classic) },
{ "arachne", int(SlicingEngine::Arachne) }
static t_config_enum_values s_keys_map_BeadingStrategyType {
{ "center_deviation", int(BeadingStrategyType::Center) },
{ "distributed", int(BeadingStrategyType::Distributed) },
{ "inward_distributed", int(BeadingStrategyType::InwardDistributed) }
static void assign_printer_technology_to_unknown(t_optiondef_map &options, PrinterTechnology printer_technology)
static void assign_printer_technology_to_unknown(t_optiondef_map &options, PrinterTechnology printer_technology)
for (std::pair<const t_config_option_key, ConfigOptionDef> &kvp : options)
for (std::pair<const t_config_option_key, ConfigOptionDef> &kvp : options)
@ -3037,6 +3050,136 @@ void PrintConfigDef::init_fff_params()
def->mode = comAdvanced;
def->mode = comAdvanced;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0));
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0));
def = this->add("slicing_engine", coEnum);
def->label = L("Slicing engine");
def->category = L("Advanced");
def->tooltip = L("Classic slicing engine produces perimeters with constant extrusion width and for"
" very thing areas is used gap-fill."
"Arachne produces perimeters with variable extrusion width.");
def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum<SlicingEngine>::get_enum_values();
def->mode = comExpert;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum<SlicingEngine>(SlicingEngine::Classic));
def = this->add("beading_strategy_type", coEnum);
def->label = L("Variable Line Strategy");
def->category = L("Advanced");
def->tooltip = L("Strategy to use to print the width of a part with a number of walls. This determines "
"how many walls it will use for a certain total width, and how wide each of"
" these lines are. \"Center Deviation\" will print all walls at the nominal"
" line width except the central one(s), causing big variations in the center"
" but very consistent outsides. \"Distributed\" distributes the width equally"
" over all walls. \"Inward Distributed\" is a balance between the other two, "
"distributing the changes in width over all walls but keeping the walls on the"
" outside slightly more consistent.");
def->enum_keys_map = &ConfigOptionEnum<BeadingStrategyType>::get_enum_values();
def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Center Deviation"));
def->enum_labels.push_back(L("Inward Distributed"));
def->mode = comExpert;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionEnum<BeadingStrategyType>(BeadingStrategyType::InwardDistributed));
def = this->add("wall_transition_length", coFloat);
def->label = L("Wall Transition Length");
def->category = L("Advanced");
def->tooltip = L("When transitioning between different numbers of walls as the part becomes"
"thinner, a certain amount of space is allotted to split or join the wall lines.");
def->sidetext = L("mm");
def->mode = comExpert;
def->min = 0;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.4));
def = this->add("wall_transition_filter_distance", coFloat);
def->label = L("Wall Transition Distance Filter");
def->category = L("Advanced");
def->tooltip = L("If it would be transitioning back and forth between different numbers of walls in "
"quick succession, don't transition at all. Remove transitions if they are closer "
"together than this distance.");
def->sidetext = L("mm");
def->mode = comExpert;
def->min = 0;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(1.4));
def = this->add("wall_transition_angle", coFloat);
def->label = L("Wall Transition Angle");
def->category = L("Advanced");
def->tooltip = L("When transitioning between different numbers of walls as the part becomes thinner, "
"two adjacent walls will join together at this angle. This can make the walls come "
"together faster than what the Wall Transition Length indicates, filling the space "
def->sidetext = L("°");
def->mode = comExpert;
def->min = 1.;
def->max = 59.;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(10.));
def = this->add("wall_distribution_count", coInt);
def->label = L("Wall Distribution Count");
def->category = L("Advanced");
def->tooltip = L("The number of walls, counted from the center, over which the variation needs to be "
"spread. Lower values mean that the outer walls don't change in width.");
def->mode = comExpert;
def->min = 1;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionInt(1));
def = this->add("wall_split_middle_threshold", coPercent);
def->label = L("Split Middle Line Threshold");
def->category = L("Advanced");
def->tooltip = L("The smallest line width, as a factor of the normal line width, above which the middle "
"line (if there is one) will be split into two. Reduce this setting to use more, thinner "
"lines. Increase to use fewer, wider lines. Note that this applies -as if- the entire "
"shape should be filled with wall, so the middle here refers to the middle of the object "
"between two outer edges of the shape, even if there actually is fill or (other) skin in "
"the print instead of wall.");
def->sidetext = L("%");
def->mode = comExpert;
def->min = 1;
def->max = 99;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(90));
def = this->add("wall_add_middle_threshold", coPercent);
def->label = L("Add Middle Line Threshold");
def->category = L("Advanced");
def->tooltip = L("The smallest line width, as a factor of the normal line width, above which a middle "
"line (if there wasn't one already) will be added. Reduce this setting to use more, "
"thinner lines. Increase to use fewer, wider lines. Note that this applies -as if- the "
"entire shape should be filled with wall, so the middle here refers to the middle of the "
"object between two outer edges of the shape, even if there actually is fill or (other) "
"skin in the print instead of wall.");
def->sidetext = L("%");
def->mode = comExpert;
def->min = 1;
def->max = 99;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionPercent(80));
def = this->add("min_feature_size", coFloat);
def->label = L("Minimum Feature Size");
def->category = L("Advanced");
def->tooltip = L("Minimum thickness of thin features. Model features that are thinner than this value will "
"not be printed, while features thicker than the Minimum Feature Size will be widened to "
"the Minimum Wall Line Width.");
def->sidetext = L("mm");
def->mode = comExpert;
def->min = 0;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.1));
def = this->add("min_bead_width", coFloat);
def->label = L("Minimum Wall Line Width");
def->category = L("Advanced");
def->tooltip = L("Width of the wall that will replace thin features (according to the Minimum Feature Size) "
"of the model. If the Minimum Wall Line Width is thinner than the thickness of the feature,"
" the wall will become as thick as the feature itself.");
def->sidetext = L("mm");
def->mode = comExpert;
def->min = 0;
def->set_default_value(new ConfigOptionFloat(0.2));
// Declare retract values for filament profile, overriding the printer's extruder profile.
// Declare retract values for filament profile, overriding the printer's extruder profile.
for (const char *opt_key : {
for (const char *opt_key : {
// floats
// floats
@ -3968,6 +4111,13 @@ void DynamicPrintConfig::normalize_fdm()
if (auto *opt_gcode_resolution = this->opt<ConfigOptionFloat>("gcode_resolution", false); opt_gcode_resolution)
if (auto *opt_gcode_resolution = this->opt<ConfigOptionFloat>("gcode_resolution", false); opt_gcode_resolution)
// Resolution will be above 1um.
// Resolution will be above 1um.
opt_gcode_resolution->value = std::max(opt_gcode_resolution->value, 0.001);
opt_gcode_resolution->value = std::max(opt_gcode_resolution->value, 0.001);
if (auto *opt_min_bead_width = this->opt<ConfigOptionFloat>("min_bead_width", false); opt_min_bead_width)
opt_min_bead_width->value = std::max(opt_min_bead_width->value, 0.001);
if (auto *opt_wall_transition_length = this->opt<ConfigOptionFloat>("wall_transition_length", false); opt_wall_transition_length)
opt_wall_transition_length->value = std::max(opt_wall_transition_length->value, 0.001);
if (auto *opt_wall_transition_filter_distance = this->opt<ConfigOptionFloat>("wall_transition_filter_distance", false); opt_wall_transition_filter_distance)
opt_wall_transition_filter_distance->value = std::max(opt_wall_transition_filter_distance->value, 0.001);
void handle_legacy_sla(DynamicPrintConfig &config)
void handle_legacy_sla(DynamicPrintConfig &config)
@ -127,6 +127,24 @@ enum DraftShield {
dsDisabled, dsLimited, dsEnabled
dsDisabled, dsLimited, dsEnabled
enum class SlicingEngine
// Classic perimeter generator using Clipper offsets with constant extrusion width.
// Perimeter generator with variable extrusion width based on the paper
// "A framework for adaptive width control of dense contour-parallel toolpaths in fused deposition modeling" ported from Cura.
enum class BeadingStrategyType
template<> const t_config_enum_names& ConfigOptionEnum<NAME>::get_enum_names(); \
template<> const t_config_enum_names& ConfigOptionEnum<NAME>::get_enum_names(); \
template<> const t_config_enum_values& ConfigOptionEnum<NAME>::get_enum_values();
template<> const t_config_enum_values& ConfigOptionEnum<NAME>::get_enum_values();
@ -149,6 +167,8 @@ CONFIG_OPTION_ENUM_DECLARE_STATIC_MAPS(SLAPillarConnectionMode)
((ConfigOptionFloat, skirt_distance))
((ConfigOptionFloat, skirt_distance))
((ConfigOptionInt, skirt_height))
((ConfigOptionInt, skirt_height))
((ConfigOptionInt, skirts))
((ConfigOptionInt, skirts))
((ConfigOptionEnum<SlicingEngine>, slicing_engine))
((ConfigOptionEnum<BeadingStrategyType>, beading_strategy_type))
((ConfigOptionFloat, wall_transition_length))
((ConfigOptionFloat, wall_transition_filter_distance))
((ConfigOptionFloat, wall_transition_angle))
((ConfigOptionInt, wall_distribution_count))
((ConfigOptionPercent, wall_split_middle_threshold))
((ConfigOptionPercent, wall_add_middle_threshold))
((ConfigOptionFloat, min_feature_size))
((ConfigOptionFloat, min_bead_width))
((ConfigOptionInts, slowdown_below_layer_time))
((ConfigOptionInts, slowdown_below_layer_time))
((ConfigOptionBool, spiral_vase))
((ConfigOptionBool, spiral_vase))
((ConfigOptionInt, standby_temperature_delta))
((ConfigOptionInt, standby_temperature_delta))
@ -1670,6 +1670,18 @@ void TabPrint::build()
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(L("Other"));
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(L("Other"));
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(L("Experimental"));
page = add_options_page(L("Output options"), "output+page_white");
page = add_options_page(L("Output options"), "output+page_white");
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(L("Sequential printing"));
optgroup = page->new_optgroup(L("Sequential printing"));
optgroup->append_single_option_line("complete_objects", "sequential-printing_124589");
optgroup->append_single_option_line("complete_objects", "sequential-printing_124589");
Add table
Reference in a new issue