Change the way how cut gizmo detects hits on cut plane:
it did not work well on meshes with overlapping surfaces
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 40 additions and 88 deletions
@ -1144,11 +1144,11 @@ void GLGizmoCut3D::dragging_grabber_xy(const GLGizmoBase::UpdateData &data)
void GLGizmoCut3D::dragging_connector(const GLGizmoBase::UpdateData &data)
CutConnectors& connectors = m_c->selection_info()->model_object()->cut_connectors;
std::pair<Vec3d, Vec3d> pos_and_normal;
Vec3d pos;
Vec3d pos_world;
if (unproject_on_cut_plane(data.mouse_pos.cast<double>(), pos_and_normal, pos_world)) {
connectors[m_hover_id - m_connectors_group_id].pos = pos_and_normal.first;
if (unproject_on_cut_plane(data.mouse_pos.cast<double>(), pos, pos_world)) {
connectors[m_hover_id - m_connectors_group_id].pos = pos;
@ -2006,44 +2006,41 @@ void GLGizmoCut3D::perform_cut(const Selection& selection)
// Unprojects the mouse position on the mesh and saves hit point and normal of the facet into pos_and_normal
// Return false if no intersection was found, true otherwise.
bool GLGizmoCut3D::unproject_on_cut_plane(const Vec2d& mouse_position, std::pair<Vec3d, Vec3d>& pos_and_normal, Vec3d& pos_world)
bool GLGizmoCut3D::unproject_on_cut_plane(const Vec2d& mouse_position, Vec3d& pos, Vec3d& pos_world)
const float sla_shift = m_c->selection_info()->get_sla_shift();
const ModelObject* mo = m_c->selection_info()->model_object();
const ModelInstance* mi = mo->instances[m_c->selection_info()->get_active_instance()];
const Transform3d instance_trafo = sla_shift > 0.f ?
translation_transform(sla_shift * Vec3d::UnitZ()) * mi->get_transformation().get_matrix() : mi->get_transformation().get_matrix();
const Camera& camera = wxGetApp().plater()->get_camera();
int mesh_id = -1;
for (const ModelVolume* mv : mo->volumes) {
if (!mv->is_model_part())
Vec3f normal;
Vec3f hit;
bool clipping_plane_was_hit = false;
// Calculate intersection with the clipping plane.
const ClippingPlane* cp = m_c->object_clipper()->get_clipping_plane(true);
Vec3d point;
Vec3d direction;
Vec3d hit;
MeshRaycaster::line_from_mouse_pos(mouse_position, Transform3d::Identity(), camera, point, direction);
Vec3d normal = -cp->get_normal().cast<double>();
double den =;
if (den != 0.) {
double t = (-cp->get_offset() -;
hit = (point + t * direction);
} else
return false;
if (! m_c->object_clipper()->is_projection_inside_cut(hit))
return false;
// const Transform3d volume_trafo = get_volume_transformation(mv);
const Transform3d volume_trafo = mv->get_transformation().get_matrix();
// recalculate hit to object's local position
Vec3d hit_d = hit;
hit_d -= mi->get_offset();
hit_d[Z] -= sla_shift;
m_c->raycaster()->raycasters()[mesh_id]->unproject_on_mesh(mouse_position, instance_trafo * volume_trafo,
camera, hit, normal, m_c->object_clipper()->get_clipping_plane(true),
nullptr, &clipping_plane_was_hit);
if (clipping_plane_was_hit) {
// recalculate hit to object's local position
Vec3d hit_d = hit.cast<double>();
hit_d -= mi->get_offset();
hit_d[Z] -= sla_shift;
// Return both the point and the facet normal.
pos = hit_d;
pos_world = hit;
// Return both the point and the facet normal.
pos_and_normal = std::make_pair(hit_d, normal.cast<double>());
pos_world = hit.cast<double>();
return true;
return false;
return true;
void GLGizmoCut3D::clear_selection()
@ -2139,17 +2136,13 @@ bool GLGizmoCut3D::add_connector(CutConnectors& connectors, const Vec2d& mouse_p
if (!m_connectors_editing)
return false;
std::pair<Vec3d, Vec3d> pos_and_normal;
Vec3d pos;
Vec3d pos_world;
if (unproject_on_cut_plane(mouse_position.cast<double>(), pos_and_normal, pos_world)) {
// check if pos is out of enabled clipping plane
if (m_c->object_clipper() && !m_c->object_clipper()->is_projection_inside_cut(pos_world))
return true;
if (unproject_on_cut_plane(mouse_position.cast<double>(), pos, pos_world)) {
Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _L("Add connector"), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::GizmoAction);
connectors.emplace_back(pos_and_normal.first, m_rotation_m,
connectors.emplace_back(pos, m_rotation_m,
m_connector_size * 0.5f, m_connector_depth_ratio,
m_connector_size_tolerance, m_connector_depth_ratio_tolerance,
CutConnectorAttributes( CutConnectorType(m_connector_type),
@ -2247,9 +2240,9 @@ bool GLGizmoCut3D::gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mouse_posi
if (!m_connectors_editing) {
if (0 && action == SLAGizmoEventType::LeftDown) {
// disable / enable current contour
std::pair<Vec3d, Vec3d> pos_and_normal;
Vec3d pos;
Vec3d pos_world;
if (unproject_on_cut_plane(mouse_position.cast<double>(), pos_and_normal, pos_world)) {
if (unproject_on_cut_plane(mouse_position.cast<double>(), pos, pos_world)) {
// Following would inform the clipper about the mouse click, so it can
// toggle the respective contour as disabled.
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ public:
GLGizmoCut3D(GLCanvas3D& parent, const std::string& icon_filename, unsigned int sprite_id);
std::string get_tooltip() const override;
bool unproject_on_cut_plane(const Vec2d& mouse_pos, std::pair<Vec3d, Vec3d>& pos_and_normal, Vec3d& pos_world);
bool unproject_on_cut_plane(const Vec2d& mouse_pos, Vec3d& pos, Vec3d& pos_world);
bool gizmo_event(SLAGizmoEventType action, const Vec2d& mouse_position, bool shift_down, bool alt_down, bool control_down);
bool is_in_editing_mode() const override { return m_connectors_editing; }
@ -365,11 +365,8 @@ void MeshRaycaster::line_from_mouse_pos(const Vec2d& mouse_pos, const Transform3
bool MeshRaycaster::unproject_on_mesh(const Vec2d& mouse_pos, const Transform3d& trafo, const Camera& camera,
Vec3f& position, Vec3f& normal, const ClippingPlane* clipping_plane,
size_t* facet_idx, bool* was_clipping_plane_hit) const
size_t* facet_idx) const
if (was_clipping_plane_hit)
*was_clipping_plane_hit = false;
Vec3d point;
Vec3d direction;
line_from_mouse_pos(mouse_pos, trafo, camera, point, direction);
@ -390,26 +387,9 @@ bool MeshRaycaster::unproject_on_mesh(const Vec2d& mouse_pos, const Transform3d&
if (i==hits.size()) {
// All hits are clipped.
return false;
if (clipping_plane && (hits.size()-i) % 2 != 0) {
// There is an odd number of unclipped hits - meaning the nearest must be from inside the mesh.
// In that case, calculate intersection with the clipping place.
if (was_clipping_plane_hit) {
direction = direction + point;
point = trafo * point; // transform to world coords
direction = trafo * direction - point;
Vec3d normal = -clipping_plane->get_normal().cast<double>();
double den =;
if (den != 0.) {
double t = (-clipping_plane->get_offset() -;
position = (point + t * direction).cast<float>();
*was_clipping_plane_hit = true;
if (i==hits.size() || (hits.size()-i) % 2 != 0) {
// All hits are either clipped, or there is an odd number of unclipped
// hits - meaning the nearest must be from inside the mesh.
return false;
@ -423,24 +403,7 @@ bool MeshRaycaster::unproject_on_mesh(const Vec2d& mouse_pos, const Transform3d&
return true;
bool MeshRaycaster::unproject_on_mesh(const Vec2d& mouse_pos, const Transform3d& trafo, const Camera& camera,
Vec3d& position, Vec3d& normal) const
Vec3d point;
Vec3d direction;
line_from_mouse_pos(mouse_pos, trafo, camera, point, direction);
std::vector<AABBMesh::hit_result> hits = m_emesh.query_ray_hits(point, direction);
if (hits.empty())
return false; // no intersection found
// Now stuff the points in the provided vector and calculate normals if asked about them:
position = hits[0].position();
normal = hits[0].normal();
return true;
bool MeshRaycaster::is_valid_intersection(Vec3d point, Vec3d direction, const Transform3d& trafo) const
@ -153,16 +153,12 @@ public:
const Vec2d& mouse_pos,
const Transform3d& trafo, // how to get the mesh into world coords
const Camera& camera, // current camera position
Vec3f& position, // where to save the positibon of the hit (mesh coords if mesh, world coords if clipping plane)
Vec3f& position, // where to save the positibon of the hit (mesh coords)
Vec3f& normal, // normal of the triangle that was hit
const ClippingPlane* clipping_plane = nullptr, // clipping plane (if active)
size_t* facet_idx = nullptr, // index of the facet hit
bool* was_clipping_plane_hit = nullptr // is the hit on the clipping place cross section?
size_t* facet_idx = nullptr // index of the facet hit
) const;
// Given a mouse position, this returns true in case it is on the mesh.
bool unproject_on_mesh(const Vec2d& mouse_pos, const Transform3d& trafo, const Camera& camera, Vec3d& position, Vec3d& normal) const;
bool is_valid_intersection(Vec3d point, Vec3d direction, const Transform3d& trafo) const;
// Given a vector of points in woorld coordinates, this returns vector
Add table
Reference in a new issue