Fix bad actualization without mesh source sorting

This commit is contained in:
Filip Sykala - NTB T15p 2023-03-20 13:45:41 +01:00
parent 19d02e6d74
commit 5ab9532e39

View file

@ -1,25 +1,31 @@
#include "RaycastManager.hpp"
#include <utility>
#include "slic3r/GUI/GLCanvas3D.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/Camera.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/CameraUtils.hpp"
using namespace Slic3r::GUI;
namespace priv {
using namespace Slic3r;
static void actualize(RaycastManager::Meshes &meshes, const ModelVolumePtrs &volumes, const RaycastManager::ISkip *skip, RaycastManager::Meshes *input = nullptr);
static const AABBMesh * get_mesh(const RaycastManager::Meshes &meshes, size_t volume_id);
static RaycastManager::TrKey create_key(const ModelVolume& volume, const ModelInstance& instance){
void actualize(RaycastManager::Meshes &meshes, const ModelVolumePtrs &volumes, const RaycastManager::ISkip *skip, RaycastManager::Meshes *input = nullptr);
const AABBMesh * get_mesh(const RaycastManager::Meshes &meshes, size_t volume_id);
RaycastManager::TrKey create_key(const ModelVolume& volume, const ModelInstance& instance){
return std::make_pair(,; }
static RaycastManager::TrItems::iterator find(RaycastManager::TrItems &items, const RaycastManager::TrKey &key);
static bool is_lower_key(const RaycastManager::TrKey &k1, const RaycastManager::TrKey &k2) {
RaycastManager::TrItems::iterator find(RaycastManager::TrItems &items, const RaycastManager::TrKey &key);
RaycastManager::TrItems::const_iterator find(const RaycastManager::TrItems &items, const RaycastManager::TrKey &key);
bool is_lower_key(const RaycastManager::TrKey &k1, const RaycastManager::TrKey &k2) {
return k1.first < k2.first || (k1.first == k2.first && k1.second < k2.second); }
static bool is_lower(const RaycastManager::TrItem &i1, const RaycastManager::TrItem &i2) {
bool is_lower(const RaycastManager::TrItem &i1, const RaycastManager::TrItem &i2) {
return is_lower_key(i1.first, i2.first); };
template<typename VecType> inline void erase(std::vector<VecType> &vec, const std::vector<bool> &flags);
void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelObject &object, const ISkip *skip, Meshes *meshes)
// actualize MeshRaycaster
priv::actualize(m_meshes, object.volumes, skip, meshes);
::actualize(m_meshes, object.volumes, skip, meshes);
// check if inscance was removed
std::vector<bool> removed_transf(m_transformations.size(), {true});
@ -32,8 +38,8 @@ void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelObject &object, const ISkip *skip, Mes
for (const ModelInstance *instance : object.instances) {
const Transform3d &instrance_tr = instance->get_matrix();
Transform3d transformation = instrance_tr * volume_tr;
TrKey key = priv::create_key(*volume, *instance);
auto item = priv::find(m_transformations, key);
TrKey key = ::create_key(*volume, *instance);
auto item = ::find(m_transformations, key);
if (item != m_transformations.end()) {
// actualize transformation all the time
item->second = transformation;
@ -41,19 +47,17 @@ void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelObject &object, const ISkip *skip, Mes
removed_transf[index] = false;
} else {
// add new transformation
m_transformations.emplace_back(std::make_pair(key, transformation));
m_transformations.emplace_back(key, transformation);
need_sort = true;
// clean other transformation
for (int i = removed_transf.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (removed_transf[i])
m_transformations.erase(m_transformations.begin() + i);
::erase(m_transformations, removed_transf);
if (need_sort)
std::sort(m_transformations.begin(), m_transformations.end(), priv::is_lower);
std::sort(m_transformations.begin(), m_transformations.end(), ::is_lower);
void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelInstance &instance, const ISkip *skip, Meshes *meshes)
@ -61,7 +65,7 @@ void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelInstance &instance, const ISkip *skip,
const ModelVolumePtrs &volumes = instance.get_object()->volumes;
// actualize MeshRaycaster
priv::actualize(m_meshes, volumes, skip, meshes);
::actualize(m_meshes, volumes, skip, meshes);
// check if inscance was removed
std::vector<bool> removed_transf(m_transformations.size(), {true});
@ -74,8 +78,8 @@ void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelInstance &instance, const ISkip *skip,
const Transform3d &volume_tr = volume->get_matrix();
const Transform3d &instrance_tr = instance.get_matrix();
Transform3d transformation = instrance_tr * volume_tr;
TrKey key = priv::create_key(*volume, instance);
auto item = priv::find(m_transformations, key);
TrKey key = ::create_key(*volume, instance);
auto item = ::find(m_transformations, key);
if (item != m_transformations.end()) {
// actualize transformation all the time
item->second = transformation;
@ -83,40 +87,35 @@ void RaycastManager::actualize(const ModelInstance &instance, const ISkip *skip,
removed_transf[index] = false;
} else {
// add new transformation
m_transformations.emplace_back(std::make_pair(key, transformation));
m_transformations.emplace_back(key, transformation);
need_sort = true;
// clean other transformation
for (int i = removed_transf.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (removed_transf[i])
m_transformations.erase(m_transformations.begin() + i);
::erase(m_transformations, removed_transf);
if (need_sort)
std::sort(m_transformations.begin(), m_transformations.end(), priv::is_lower);
std::sort(m_transformations.begin(), m_transformations.end(), ::is_lower);
std::optional<RaycastManager::Hit> RaycastManager::first_hit(const Vec3d& point, const Vec3d& direction, const ISkip *skip) const
// Improve: it is not neccessaru to use AABBMesh and calc normal for every hit
struct Result
const AABBMesh *mesh = nullptr;
double squared_distance;
int face;
Vec3d hit_world;
const Transform3d *tramsformation;
const TrKey *key;
for (const auto &item : m_transformations) {
const TrKey &key = item.first;
// Results
const AABBMesh *hit_mesh = nullptr;
double hit_squared_distance = 0.;
int hit_face = -1;
Vec3d hit_world;
const Transform3d *hit_tramsformation = nullptr;
const TrKey *hit_key = nullptr;
for (const auto &[key, transformation]: m_transformations) {
size_t volume_id = key.second;
if (skip != nullptr && skip->skip(volume_id)) continue;
const AABBMesh *mesh = priv::get_mesh(m_meshes, volume_id);
const AABBMesh *mesh = ::get_mesh(m_meshes, volume_id);
if (mesh == nullptr) continue;
const Transform3d &transformation = item.second;
Transform3d inv = transformation.inverse();
// transform input into mesh world
@ -129,46 +128,44 @@ std::optional<RaycastManager::Hit> RaycastManager::first_hit(const Vec3d& point,
const AABBMesh::hit_result &hit = hits.front();
// convert to world
Vec3d hit_world = transformation * hit.position();
double squared_distance = (point - hit_world).squaredNorm();
if (result.mesh != nullptr &&
result.squared_distance < squared_distance)
Vec3d world = transformation * hit.position();
double squared_distance = (point - world).squaredNorm();
if (hit_mesh != nullptr &&
hit_squared_distance < squared_distance)
continue; // exist closer one
result.mesh = mesh;
result.squared_distance = squared_distance;
result.face = hit.face();
result.hit_world = hit_world;
result.tramsformation = &transformation;
result.key = &key;
hit_mesh = mesh;
hit_squared_distance = squared_distance;
hit_face = hit.face();
hit_world = world;
hit_tramsformation = &transformation;
hit_key = &key;
if (result.mesh == nullptr)
if (hit_mesh == nullptr)
return {};
// Calculate normal from transformed triangle
// NOTE: Anisotropic transformation of normal is not perpendiculat to triangle
const Vec3i tri = result.mesh->indices(result.face);
Vec3d pts[3];
auto tr = result.tramsformation->linear();
const Vec3i tri = hit_mesh->indices(hit_face);
std::array<Vec3d,3> pts;
auto tr = hit_tramsformation->linear();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
pts[i] = tr * result.mesh->vertices(tri[i]).cast<double>();
pts[i] = tr * hit_mesh->vertices(tri[i]).cast<double>();
Vec3d normal_world = (pts[1] - pts[0]).cross(pts[2] - pts[1]);
SurfacePoint<double> point_world{result.hit_world, normal_world};
return RaycastManager::Hit{point_world, *result.key, result.squared_distance};
SurfacePoint<double> point_world{hit_world, normal_world};
return RaycastManager::Hit{point_world, *hit_key, hit_squared_distance};
std::optional<RaycastManager::Hit> RaycastManager::closest_hit(const Vec3d &point, const Vec3d &direction, const ISkip *skip) const
std::optional<Hit> closest;
for (const auto &item : m_transformations) {
const TrKey &key = item.first;
for (const auto &[key, transformation] : m_transformations) {
size_t volume_id = key.second;
if (skip != nullptr && skip->skip(volume_id)) continue;
const Transform3d &transformation = item.second;
const AABBMesh *mesh = priv::get_mesh(m_meshes, volume_id);
const AABBMesh *mesh = ::get_mesh(m_meshes, volume_id);
if (mesh == nullptr) continue;
Transform3d tr_inv = transformation.inverse();
Vec3d mesh_point = tr_inv * point;
@ -196,14 +193,12 @@ std::optional<RaycastManager::Hit> RaycastManager::closest_hit(const Vec3d &poin
std::optional<RaycastManager::ClosePoint> RaycastManager::closest(const Vec3d &point, const ISkip *skip) const
std::optional<ClosePoint> closest;
for (const auto &item : m_transformations) {
const TrKey &key = item.first;
for (const auto &[key, transformation] : m_transformations) {
size_t volume_id = key.second;
if (skip != nullptr && skip->skip(volume_id))
const AABBMesh *mesh = priv::get_mesh(m_meshes, volume_id);
const AABBMesh *mesh = ::get_mesh(m_meshes, volume_id);
if (mesh == nullptr) continue;
const Transform3d &transformation = item.second;
Transform3d tr_inv = transformation.inverse();
Vec3d mesh_point = tr_inv * point;
@ -222,17 +217,15 @@ std::optional<RaycastManager::ClosePoint> RaycastManager::closest(const Vec3d &p
Slic3r::Transform3d RaycastManager::get_transformation(const TrKey &tr_key) const {
// TODO: transformations are sorted use lower bound
auto item = std::find_if(m_transformations.begin(),
[&tr_key](const TrItem &it) -> bool {
return it.first == tr_key;
if (item == m_transformations.end()) return Transform3d::Identity();
return item->second;
auto tr = ::find(m_transformations, tr_key);
if (tr == m_transformations.end())
return Transform3d::Identity();
return tr->second;
void priv::actualize(RaycastManager::Meshes &meshes, const ModelVolumePtrs &volumes, const RaycastManager::ISkip *skip, RaycastManager::Meshes* inputs)
namespace {
void actualize(RaycastManager::Meshes &meshes, const ModelVolumePtrs &volumes, const RaycastManager::ISkip *skip, RaycastManager::Meshes* inputs)
// check if volume was removed
std::vector<bool> removed_meshes(meshes.size(), {true});
@ -242,14 +235,20 @@ void priv::actualize(RaycastManager::Meshes &meshes, const ModelVolumePtrs &volu
size_t oid = volume->id().id;
if (skip != nullptr && skip->skip(oid))
auto item = std::find_if(meshes.begin(), meshes.end(), [oid](const RaycastManager::Mesh &it) -> bool { return oid == it.first; });
if (item == meshes.end()) {
auto is_oid = [oid](const RaycastManager::Mesh &it) { return oid == it.first; };
if (auto item = std::find_if(meshes.begin(), meshes.end(), is_oid);
item != meshes.end()) {
size_t index = item - meshes.begin();
removed_meshes[index] = false;
// exist AABB in inputs ?
if (inputs != nullptr) {
auto input = std::find_if(inputs->begin(), inputs->end(),
[oid](const RaycastManager::Mesh &it) -> bool { return oid == it.first; });
auto input = std::find_if(inputs->begin(), inputs->end(), is_oid);
if (input != inputs->end()) {
need_sort = true;
@ -259,16 +258,10 @@ void priv::actualize(RaycastManager::Meshes &meshes, const ModelVolumePtrs &volu
auto mesh = std::make_unique<AABBMesh>(volume->mesh(), calculate_epsilon);
meshes.emplace_back(std::make_pair(oid, std::move(mesh)));
need_sort = true;
} else {
size_t index = item - meshes.begin();
removed_meshes[index] = false;
// clean other raycasters
for (int i = removed_meshes.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (removed_meshes[i])
meshes.erase(meshes.begin() + i);
erase(meshes, removed_meshes);
// All the time meshes must be sorted by volume id - for faster search
if (need_sort) {
@ -277,28 +270,44 @@ void priv::actualize(RaycastManager::Meshes &meshes, const ModelVolumePtrs &volu
const Slic3r::AABBMesh *priv::get_mesh(const RaycastManager::Meshes &meshes, size_t volume_id)
const Slic3r::AABBMesh *get_mesh(const RaycastManager::Meshes &meshes, size_t volume_id)
auto is_lower_index = [](const RaycastManager::Mesh &m, size_t i) -> bool { return m.first < i; };
auto is_lower_index = [](const RaycastManager::Mesh &m, size_t i) { return m.first < i; };
auto it = std::lower_bound(meshes.begin(), meshes.end(), volume_id, is_lower_index);
if (it == meshes.end() || it->first != volume_id)
return nullptr;
return &(*(it->second));
RaycastManager::TrItems::iterator priv::find(RaycastManager::TrItems &items, const RaycastManager::TrKey &key) {
auto fnc = [](const RaycastManager::TrItem &it, const RaycastManager::TrKey &key)->bool {
return priv::is_lower_key(it.first, key);
RaycastManager::TrItems::iterator find(RaycastManager::TrItems &items, const RaycastManager::TrKey &key) {
auto fnc = [](const RaycastManager::TrItem &it, const RaycastManager::TrKey &l_key) { return is_lower_key(it.first, l_key); };
auto it = std::lower_bound(items.begin(), items.end(), key, fnc);
if (it == items.end() || it->first != key)
if (it != items.end() && it->first != key)
return items.end();
return it;
#include "slic3r/GUI/GLCanvas3D.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/Camera.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/CameraUtils.hpp"
RaycastManager::TrItems::const_iterator find(const RaycastManager::TrItems &items, const RaycastManager::TrKey &key)
auto fnc = [](const RaycastManager::TrItem &it, const RaycastManager::TrKey &l_key) { return is_lower_key(it.first, l_key); };
auto it = std::lower_bound(items.begin(), items.end(), key, fnc);
if (it != items.end() && it->first != key)
return items.end();
return it;
template<typename VecType> inline void erase(std::vector<VecType> &vec, const std::vector<bool> &flags)
assert(vec.size() == flags.size());
if (flags.empty()) return;
// reverse iteration over flags to erase indices from back to front.
for (int i = static_cast<int>(flags.size()) - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (flags[i])
vec.erase(vec.begin() + i);
} // namespace
namespace Slic3r::GUI{