WIP TreeSupports: Taking into account the support angle threshold
and number of enforced layers.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 51 additions and 22 deletions
@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings::TreeSupportMeshGroupSettings(const PrintObject &pr
this->layer_height = scaled<coord_t>(config.layer_height.value);
this->resolution = scaled<coord_t>(print_config.gcode_resolution.value);
this->min_feature_size = scaled<coord_t>(config.min_feature_size.value);
this->support_angle = M_PI / 2. - config.support_material_angle * M_PI / 180.;
// +1 makes the threshold inclusive
this->support_angle = 0.5 * M_PI - std::clamp<double>((config.support_material_threshold + 1) * M_PI / 180., 0., 0.5 * M_PI);
this->support_line_width = support_material_flow(&print_object, config.layer_height).scaled_width();
this->support_roof_line_width = support_material_interface_flow(&print_object, config.layer_height).scaled_width();
//FIXME add it to SlicingParameters and reuse in both tree and normal supports?
@ -278,30 +278,54 @@ static bool layer_has_overhangs(const Layer &layer)
std::vector<Polygons> out(print_object.layer_count(), Polygons{});
const bool support_auto = print_object.config().support_material_auto.value;
std::vector<Polygons> enforcers_layers{ print_object.slice_support_enforcers() };
std::vector<Polygons> blockers_layers{ print_object.slice_support_blockers() };
const PrintObjectConfig &config = print_object.config();
const bool support_auto = config.support_material_auto.value;
const int support_enforce_layers = config.support_material_enforce_layers.value;
std::vector<Polygons> enforcers_layers{ print_object.slice_support_enforcers() };
std::vector<Polygons> blockers_layers{ print_object.slice_support_blockers() };
print_object.project_and_append_custom_facets(false, EnforcerBlockerType::ENFORCER, enforcers_layers);
print_object.project_and_append_custom_facets(false, EnforcerBlockerType::BLOCKER, blockers_layers);
const int support_threshold = config.support_material_threshold.value;
const bool support_threshold_auto = support_threshold == 0;
// +1 makes the threshold inclusive
double tan_threshold = support_threshold_auto ? 0. : tan(M_PI * double(support_threshold + 1) / 180.);
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(1, out.size()),
[&print_object, &enforcers_layers, &blockers_layers, support_auto, &out](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (size_t layer_idx = range.begin(); layer_idx < range.end(); ++ layer_idx)
if (layer_has_overhangs(*print_object.get_layer(layer_idx))) {
Polygons overhangs;
const bool has_enforcers = ! enforcers_layers.empty() && ! enforcers_layers[layer_idx].empty();
if (support_auto) {
overhangs = layer_overhangs(*print_object.get_layer(layer_idx));
if (! blockers_layers.empty() && ! blockers_layers[layer_idx].empty())
// Has some support blockers at this layer, apply them to the overhangs.
// Enforcers have priority over blockers: Clip blockers by enforcers.
overhangs = diff(overhangs, has_enforcers ? diff(blockers_layers[layer_idx], enforcers_layers[layer_idx]) : blockers_layers[layer_idx]);
} else if (has_enforcers) {
// Has some support enforcers at this layer, apply them to the overhangs.
overhangs = intersection(layer_overhangs(*print_object.get_layer(layer_idx)), enforcers_layers[layer_idx]);
} else
out[layer_idx] = std::move(overhangs);
[&print_object, &enforcers_layers, &blockers_layers, support_auto, support_enforce_layers, support_threshold_auto, tan_threshold, &out](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &range) {
for (size_t layer_id = range.begin(); layer_id < range.end(); ++ layer_id)
if (layer_has_overhangs(*print_object.get_layer(layer_id))) {
const Polygons raw_overhangs = layer_overhangs(*print_object.get_layer(layer_id));
Polygons overhangs;
const bool enforced_layer = layer_id < support_enforce_layers;
if (support_auto || enforced_layer) {
const Layer &lower_layer = *print_object.get_layer(layer_id - 1);
const Polygons &clipped_overhangs = enforced_layer || blockers_layers.empty() || blockers_layers[layer_id].empty() ?
raw_overhangs :
diff(raw_overhangs, blockers_layers[layer_id]);
float lower_layer_offset;
if (enforced_layer)
lower_layer_offset = 0;
else if (support_threshold_auto) {
float external_perimeter_width = 0;
for (const LayerRegion *layerm : lower_layer.regions())
external_perimeter_width += layerm->flow(frExternalPerimeter).scaled_width();
external_perimeter_width /= lower_layer.region_count();
lower_layer_offset = float(0.5 * external_perimeter_width);
} else
lower_layer_offset = scaled<float>(lower_layer.height / tan_threshold);
overhangs = lower_layer_offset == 0 ?
diff(clipped_overhangs, lower_layer.lslices) :
diff(clipped_overhangs, offset(lower_layer.lslices, lower_layer_offset));
if (! enforcers_layers.empty() && ! enforcers_layers[layer_id].empty()) {
// Has some support enforcers at this layer, apply them to the overhangs, don't apply the support threshold angle.
if (Polygons enforced_overhangs = intersection(raw_overhangs, enforcers_layers[layer_id]); ! enforced_overhangs.empty())
if (overhangs.empty())
overhangs = std::move(enforced_overhangs);
overhangs = union_(overhangs, enforced_overhangs);
out[layer_id] = std::move(overhangs);
@ -1075,6 +1099,7 @@ void TreeSupport::generateInitialAreas(
const size_t support_roof_layers = mesh_group_settings.support_roof_enable ? (mesh_group_settings.support_roof_height + mesh_config.layer_height / 2) / mesh_config.layer_height : 0;
const bool roof_enabled = support_roof_layers != 0;
const bool force_tip_to_roof = (mesh_config.min_radius * mesh_config.min_radius * M_PI > mesh_group_settings.minimum_roof_area) && roof_enabled;
//FIXME mesh_group_settings.support_angle does not apply to enforcers and also it does not apply to automatic support angle (by half the external perimeter width).
const coord_t max_overhang_speed = (mesh_group_settings.support_angle < 0.5 * M_PI) ? (coord_t)(tan(mesh_group_settings.support_angle) * mesh_config.layer_height) : std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max();
const size_t max_overhang_insert_lag = std::max((size_t)round_up_divide(mesh_config.xy_distance, max_overhang_speed / 2), 2 * mesh_config.z_distance_top_layers); // cap for how much layer below the overhang a new support point may be added, as other than with regular support every new inserted point may cause extra material and time cost. Could also be an user setting or differently calculated. Idea is that if an overhang does not turn valid in double the amount of layers a slope of support angle would take to travel xy_distance, nothing reasonable will come from it. The 2*z_distance_delta is only a catch for when the support angle is very high.
@ -1204,7 +1229,10 @@ void TreeSupport::generateInitialAreas(
const Polygons &overhang_raw = overhangs[layer_idx + z_distance_delta];
Polygons overhang_regular = safeOffsetInc(overhang_raw, mesh_group_settings.support_offset, relevant_forbidden, mesh_config.min_radius * 1.75 + mesh_config.xy_min_distance, 0, 1);
// offset ensures that areas that could be supported by a part of a support line, are not considered unsupported overhang
Polygons remaining_overhang = intersection(diff(offset(union_ex(overhang_raw), mesh_group_settings.support_offset, jtMiter, 1.2), offset(union_ex(overhang_regular), mesh_config.support_line_width * 0.5, jtMiter, 1.2)), relevant_forbidden);
Polygons remaining_overhang = intersection(
diff(offset(union_ex(overhang_raw), mesh_group_settings.support_offset, jtMiter, 1.2),
offset(union_ex(overhang_regular), mesh_config.support_line_width * 0.5, jtMiter, 1.2)),
coord_t extra_total_offset_acc = 0;
// Offset the area to compensate for large tip radiis. Offset happens in multiple steps to ensure the tip is as close to the original overhang as possible.
Reference in a new issue